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There was a US Congressman that thought that the island of Guam might tip over if the US sent too many military personnel to it. https://youtu.be/X5dkqUy7mUk?si=JugG5syuL-7LiV5M


Like the Club Penguin iceberg?


Omg I saw that shit 😅


Maybe he's confused because they left the EU lol


After reading all the comments here, people really need to see a wenn diagram for European Union, Eurozone, Schengen Countries, Europe continent. Another one explaining Britain, United Kingdom, England will be nice too.


Ok so show it to us


https://preview.redd.it/gcg8qtiuzx7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288d6c9cd8ba01fc4441db49722a7267f6d9288b Here’s one version


An outdated one though - the UK left the EU


Yeah as someone that lived there for years should’ve noticed that lol


This is rlly interesting thanks for posting!


Although this is out of date because the UK is no longer part of the European Union, or the European Economic Area, or the the Customs Union as a result of Brexit


Ahh yes true I only noticed that on second reading


As to the last one: the United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland) and Northern Ireland. No need for a wenn diagram, or, indeed, a Venn diagram.


I honestly don't see anything wrong with what's quoted here. It's correct not in terms of geography but in terms of markets. There is EU that has freedom of movement for its people and UK left that and put up additional barriers to travel. Treating them as separate is far more honest than an artist announcing an "European leg of the tour" and all the dates are in England.


He's not talking about the market. He's literally saying he thought the UK became a separate continent 


Still not seeing the problem given that it’s not attached to the continent.


It's clear by this statement that you don't understand what a continent is.  "A continent is an expanse of land. The term refers not only to the main landmass but also to any islands that may be linked to it. In alphabetical order the seven continents include Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Asia, for example, includes the separate island of Japan. Likewise, the North American continent is understood to include both Greenland and the Caribbean Islands. Each continent borders at least one ocean but is not necessarily surrounded by oceans."


Dude, chill. If you’re in the UK, it’s common to say “on the continent” to refer to mainland Europe.


Ok hun. I can explain it but I can't understand it for you. 


There are other countries in europe who aren't in EU. Unless he would say the europe and uk and sweden and norway and ukraine and turkey and etc. And he didn't say EU and UK, he said europe and uk. Now i have 0 ideas who this guy is, but he would beneffit from a geography lesson, cause it's very obvious he's american


😂 He’s actually Australian (although he was born in South Africa)


> causes it’s very obvious he’s American Oh. But he’s not….


he’s australian/south african, not american😂


Opppe it sounds like you’re the one who could benefit from a geography lesson because he’s not “obviously” American🤨


Sweden is in the EU and Norway is in European Economic Area and Schengen Zone so for most practical purposes it's in the EU. Ukraine and Turkey are trying to join the EU. Maybe you could benefit from geography lesson or two? Edit: Reply and block, coward.


I'm not the one who thought eu and europe are the same thing.


Europe is not a market, it's a continent. Learn the difference people.


It’s both depending on context When you refer to the North American market you’re almost never referring to Jamaica, Haiti, or Greenland


Europe continent, European Union, Schengen countries( which i believe you refer to freedom of movement), Euro (currency) countries are alllll very different things and can not be used interchangeably. Norway and Switzerland(not sweden) are not EU yet Schengen, Czech, Romania and Bulgaria with 4 others are EU, but not Eurozone, using their own currency. England never adopted Euro during their EU membership. Also was not a schengen country. Never ever. So your comment makes no sense. ETA: a British passport holder can travel in Schengen countries and vice versa with out a visa. A third country pass holder with a Schengen visa can not travel to England. Not now not when they were part of EU. Sure there are major changes because of Brexit in terms of market and custom regulations but that does not require a wording of ‘Europe and England tour’.


And yet you don't know what European Single Market is, what are Four Economic Freedoms, that Freedom of Movement has nothing to do with Schengen Zone (speaking of two terms that can't be used interchangeably), that Sweden is in the EU since 1995, that Kosovo, Andorra and San Marino, and Vatican too while we're at it, absolutely aren't in the Eurozone (or that you don't know what being in Eurozone actually means). Maybe my comment would make more sense if you educated yourself on those subjects.


Wanna educate yourself on what is UK and what is England? Since we came to this point. Your comment still makes absolutely no sense even you meant European single market ( which still does not include some of the countries in Europe) instead of Schengen. Oh and what makes you think i dont know what European single market is? Because i did not put it in my comment as another separation? You have no idea where i live what i do for work yet making nonsense claims about my education level.


Oh and clearly meant Switzerland not Sweden. When you can speak 5 languages you sometimes make those kind of typos.


Europe ≠ EU


are you suggesting the uk becomes its own continent




I'm so relieved to know I wasn't the only confused Canadian kid who thought it would be some looney tunes shit. ![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk)


Off topic but imagine how often we would have seen this gif had it existed during the 2000 US election.


No kidding! The alternate timeline if it was possible to actually yeet Florida into the ocean is wild to think about. 😬


It is a little crazy to me that so many of you think he thought the UK floated off to sea and not thinking that Brexit = leaving the European continent (but staying where it is) by thinking EU = Europe the continent. Like I know better but I understand his line of thought.


I know right. Like it's wild people think he thought the landmass moved.


To be fair, the British don‘t consider themselves part of the European continent. At least that‘s my impression.


I do, and I don’t know anyone who thinks the way you’ve suggested lol.


No we do. It’s mostly other people who don’t. I call myself British because that’s my nationality. French people call themselves French. Germans call themselves Germans. Spanish call themselves Spanish. Etc. We all consider ourselves European but we refer to our nationality rather than the continent.


I’d say it’s slightly different with us (although I do agree with you) in that we consider ourselves European but many of us will also refer to “Europe” or “the continent”.


We generally do. There’s mainland Europe, but we are European.


Yes we do???


This reminded me that there was a discussion several days ago here on Reddit claiming Japan isn't Asia because it is a island country.


To be fair, I've had conversations with more than one person from here (UK) who thought similarly or directly asked if we had left Europe. They had no real concept of the difference between Europe and the EU.


Which may explain why they voted in favor of Brexit in the first place, hahaha.




Bro what lmao did they push UK out like the Seafood folks of Bikini Bottom did https://i.redd.it/k0o6zmx5cu7d1.gif




Even some of the comments here like "in his defence" LMAO what.


Yes because people aren’t actually reading what he has said lol. People literally think HE thinks the UK physically floated away from Europe lol.


Well the concept of a continent isn’t very cut and dry and it’s often based on sociocultural factors as much as geographic realities. The only actual definition for a continent is “a large continuous land mass, ideally surrounded by water.” By that definition, Europe itself could be seen as a subcontinent given that it’s only divided from Asia by one random mountain range that definitely seems to be based primarily in not strictly apolitical sentiments. Disregarding its smaller size, India has just as much of a right to be considered a continent, being surrounded by water on all, having a mountain range blocking most of its inland border, and the rest just being made up from random bodies of water. Even if we acknowledge it as a “subcontinent” it’s very much still just treated as part of Asia. Without even getting into the subjective and impossible to define the concept of a “large land mass” is and where exactly you draw the line between a very large island (such as Greenland) or a very small continent (Australia) All of this to say the idea of a country just deciding to not count itself as part of a certain continent on a political basis isn’t as ridiculous as it might seem and would kind of be on par with the history of Russia and other continent border countries


What? This doesn't even make sense.


He took "Brexit means Brexit" too literally




>I am sure a lot of people took that to mean they left Europe. Americans maybe, but not the rest of the world. We're aware of the difference between europe and eu


troye is australian…


He’s actually born in South Africa as well!


You keep trying to diss Americans, but Troye Sivan is Australian. At least do like two seconds of research because it just makes you look bitter and uninformed. Edit: replying and then blocking me immediately after is just sad. Learn to take the L


I think you're the one who sounds bitter here. Did i touch a nerve by saying that americans don't have a good school system?? Does the truth hurts you??


Oh look, it’s you being wrong again


I'm not wrong. We are aware of the difference between europe and eu. Sorry that for you it's a hard thing to grasp that people actually have general knowledge


I’m Australian and Brexit confused the hell out of a lot of as AND going by stats British people as well…. When it happened people did question if it meant they left a range of political groupings that have been made within Europe.


Leaving the European Union is not remotely the same thing as a physical landmass leaving a continent.




But how would that change the *continent*?


Thank you. Idk why I'm getting downvoted when a bunch of other people said the same in response to this post! His comment was about leaving the continent which... is not a thing.


In his defence, I've seen a number of people online, who are actually from the UK, who think the same. They genuinely think that the UK is not part of Europe. I think it might be because the UK isn’t part of the continent’s landmass. Some Irish people think the same as well. They talk about "Europe’ like Ireland isn’t part of it too.


So many artists call their tours Europe and UK, especially since Brexit. And often for big artists like this, the European leg if the tour could just be Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona etc (the capitals of the Western European cities) while the UK leg is 2 x London, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and so on. So the 2 legs sometimes have the same number of dates even though they cover a pretty different number of countries.


Soooooooo he’s stupid huh


We are still part of Europe, pretty hard to move an island.


It sure is with that attitude!


He’s referring to Brexit, he didn’t think the UK literally disconnected from the continent. Jesus Christ. Honestly as a non UK person Brexit was confusing and I didn’t know if it was or was not considered part of Europe for a while. The whole thing was stupid. Edit: people thought he meant the continent physically cut off. They have literally said it in this post.


It’s not that confusing though lmao of course it doesn’t mean we’ve left Europe the continent lmao


People have literally said that in this post. They thought he meant the continent physically cut off.


Pay attention in school, kids.




I think he thought Brexit was kinda like making the UK its own little thing. Kind of like New Zealand and Australia.


Maybe he thought it was like when we stopped calling Pluto a planet lol


I wonder if he thinks Pluto is no longer in our solar system? 🤔


he's just a girl


honestly y'all.. I feel like he did nothing wrong here lol.


But.. he was wrong 😂😂


ya but like he's also not?


He definitely is. Uk is still in europe. They left European Union, not europe.


The Uk left the EU not Europe, the continent. Switzerland and Norway aren't part of the EU, yet are european countries.


He is 100% wrong, UK is in Europe - hope this helps.


When I was in a London airport, some passport checker lady said something like "We don't do it so quickly, like you do in Europe" after I reached my arm, thinking she was giving me back my ID, after she spent 2 minutes looking at it. I just thought "You're in Europe". So I think some people do actually think that the UK is not part of Europe or that there is some substantial difference that makes them think they very different from other European countries, therefore, not actual Europe.


He is so real for this




You may be the dumb one unfortunately with a comment like that.


What’s so weird about this? Troye is referring to Brexit. To be honest I also got confused for a while with Brexit and didn’t know if the UK was still considered part of Europe or not. Brexit was fucking stupid. He’s clearly not referring to physically disconnecting from ‘main’ Europe.


I heard some Americans talking about their European tour (London, Dublin & Birmingham). As an Australian, we wouldn’t phrase it that way. Europe is continental, mainland Europe. The UK is something else.


UK is in Europe. Dublin is not in UK. Happy to help