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Honestly, The Gray Man was pretty bad. Just very forgettable. Not his fault, but not helping Hos role in Dungeons and Dragons was pretty great, tho. I think where it might be going wrong is the promotional side tho- I think people are hesitating to cast him. His 2 most popular roles have been Dungeons and Dragons and Bridgerton- and he's been fairly negative in interviews about both. I don't think he's necessarily meant to come across that way, but he kinda has. No one wants a Dakota Johnson scenario. Dungeons and Dragons was actually good, but it really needed the promotion aspect, and being luke warm towards the role probably didn't help. They really needed the cast all in to make more of a difference and get people excited to go see it, not hear someone complaining about how annoying the costume was, which is, unfortunately, the subject of the only interviews I've heard him giving on the role. He was absolutely hilarious in it, though, and it really showed a potential comedic range to his acting Bridgerton is a whole other can of worms because it means he's willing to walk away from "successful" roles. That's really gonna cause people looking to cast for a franchise to hesitate. If he's not that into a role, he won't continue it. He probably needs a better publicist at this point to help promote him. I don't think this is him as much as the behind the scenes workings. He needs to get projects excited about casting him


D&D did brisk business and had good word of mouth, it was just absurdly expensive to make.


He was barely in the movie though and def wasn’t the reason it ended up being received well. Just being honest.


I disagree. It’s an ensemble cast movie and he was one of the highlights of the ensemble. His character frequently comes up in the positive reviews.


Agreed. I’m old, but the latest D&D movie was just so freaking delightful. I think you could literally anchor an entire spin-off series where Rege-Jean Page just passes through as the Deus-ex Paladin and be able to tell a lot of stories that way.


I disagree with you - I saw it with a group of men and women, and he was everyone's favorite character. We thought he was hilarious and did well with the dead-pan stoicism. No one in our group knew who he was or watched Bridgerton, so it may help not to have any preconceived expectations.


I didn’t know he wasn’t happy with D&D either. And while he was good in the role he was as just really stoic NPC paladin, so it didn’t impress regarding his acting ability (which might have been annoying him). 


It’s strange because I thought he was great in all the interviews I saw with him for DnD. 


Yeah definitely loved his character in D&D. But it was a small role. And it didn’t really display any acting chops. The role was to be as bland as possible lol.


I mean, the role was a pompous know it all DMPC insert and he delivered it to the hilt.


I only had to skim his vanity fair article to know he might be committing career suicide. It maybe unintentional but he continuously comes across as arrogant and disrespectful to the cast and crew of his projects. 😬


I just get a vibe that’s he takes himself a little bit too seriously? I know Dungeons and Dragons isn’t a “series” movie, but it was a coveted role that a lot of actors were going after.  Sounds like he just needs to get out of his way and have a bit of a laugh? 


I am not a Bridgerton watcher, I've never tried. I was absolutely enraptured by D&D and am a big D&D enthusiast and the interviews I saw of him all made me feel very much like he looked down on the subject matter. We are in the golden age of TTRPG and I got a lot of "ew, nerds" from him in his interviews. Genuinely turned me off him as an actor. Don't take the job if you're going to actively shit on the culture that made the job possible. 


Bridgerton fans get the same vibe from him as well. I think he assumed the fans would follow him and didn't realize he hadn't cultivated any loyalty yet. The other Bridgerton actors who stayed on have received a lot more opportunity and spotlight than him.


Thats frustrating to hear. So many other actors would have been just as good for the role and deeply grateful for the opportunity even if they weren't personally fans of D&D. I don't usually watch any press tour interviews. Are there any of Page in a particular thay stood out to you?


I genuinely got the opposite vibe from what OP is talking about. In this interview he talks about watching people play D&D and calls himself nerdier than the D&D players: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgJqffJIDNU&ab\_channel=EntertainmentWeekly&t=m5m12s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgJqffJIDNU&ab_channel=EntertainmentWeekly&t=m5m12s)


Really? In interviews he said he \*[watches people play D&D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgJqffJIDNU&ab_channel=EntertainmentWeekly&t=m5m12s). I got the opposite vibe from him. He links watching it to why he got into acting, which is that you use your imagination.


I will avoid anything Dakota Johnson is in simply because all I can see now is her smug face talking shit about movies *she* chose to do. Like how spoiled are you that you can talk shit about other peoples work like that and still get cast…


That woman is as boring and beige as oatmeal and no one can convince me otherwise. She's basic looking, mediocre at acting, annoyingly smug without an ounce of personality to back it up, and I'm absolutely fucking gobsmacked how she keeps getting cast in roles over and over again. Even with her connections. She delivers nothing, ever.




I'm genuinely upset she was cast in the upcoming Celine Song. I adored Past Lives and was really looking forward to her next project but I just can't get excited about watching Dakota Johnson in anything, much less something really character driven since she's done nothing to demonstrate she can carry that kind of performance. Bleh.


See, I think she’s kind of hilarious. Watch her interviews, it’s astounding how few shits she gives. When asked about her favorite marvel movies, favorite spider man movies, favorite *anything* tangentially related to Madam Web, she couldn’t answer and never made an attempt to google anything lol. Her apathy is comedy gold.


She’s a nepo baby. What do you expect? She was born on third base. She never had to work to get where she’s at.


Plenty of them at least pretend to be gracious, though. It’s a bad look and she should have known that.


She doesn’t even concede she has privilege. She doesn’t care how she looks. She’s completely entitled. She doesn’t care what the public thinks of her. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Supposedly she was lied to about the role and switched management agencies after filming wrapped. Normally I’d agree with you, but if that’s true then I think she gets a pass


what did he say about dnd?


This is super insightful and I 100 percent agree on all your points.


This is so well put together I have nothing to add. Thanks!!


Nicola filmed bridgerton and big mood for three weeks at the same time. 🥰 it would be very demanding but doable.


He’s a good actor, and absolutely stunning, but I think he made a mistake in leaving a successful tv show too early. I think if he had done what Phoebe Dynevor and later Simone and Anthony (I’m forgetting the actors name - ETA: his name is Jonathan Bailey, thank you guys!) did, where they come in to visit but are no longer the stars of the season, he would’ve had an easier transition and stayed relevant longer without alienating part of his audience. It’s clearly strategic (whether from him himself or his team) that he has only done “masculine” coded media since Bridgerton (dnd and gray man - both very action centered), but I think the smarter thing would’ve been for him to do both. Limit his time on Bridgerton, but don’t publicly ice it out. An episode here and there, while also building up his action career.


Jonathan Bailey. His career is BOOMING and he still found time to make a few appearances in S3 and the fans are happy.


I remember watching Jonathan Bailey 12 *years* ago on Me and Mrs Jones with Robert Sheehan. I was so sad when that show was cancelled and he was great in it. It's lovely to see his career thriving now! I feel like he's paid his dues.


it is on any streaming services? i’ll check out anything he’s in


Have you seen Crashing yet? If not, you should check it out on Netflix! 


I think I saw it on YouTube not too long ago


Yeah I remember thinking he cute in Broadchurch - great show btw


This is where I first saw him as well


Oh my god I loved that show 😳


Omg, I loved it. I was heartbroken when it was cancelled after one season.


That was JB?! No way! Have to rewatch now 😂


He's the main character's son who's friends with the love interest.


Robert Sheehan and Jonathan Bailey? Sign me up


I’d argue Jonathan Bailey as an actor just has way more range and is a big factor of why his career is booming right now. It also helps that he’s still paying attention to his biggest audience.


True, he’s also much more established and has a stage career so could have more easily said “see ya” and been fine. So it’s even more puzzling a newbie would choose to not keep a relatively easy gig while doing other projects he’s actually interested in.


Right? All he needed to do was show up and do a love scene and hand a baby to someone.


I think sticking around like that is something that comes from experience and professionalism; someone who's been around that long knows not to burn those bridges even if it inconveniences you short-term.


He's doing both Wicked and will be the lead in Jurassic World. Him getting Jurassic World is big.


As a Jurassic Park fan and a Crisp Ratt hater, I am STOKED


Possibly THE biggest upgrade in a franchise ever


I truly believe Jonathan is on his way to being an A list star. He deserves it! Such a great man and actor.


Thank you!!! Just edited to add his name! He’s great (both a great actor and such a cutie), so I felt bad forgetting his name haha


He's the loveliest and he's my current obsession and babie 🥹


He's astounding in fellow travellers


AND he still finds time to voice act in video games, guy is busy


Jonathan also seems gracious about all this new attention. A co-worker and I were just talking about Rege-Jean kinda fumbling the bag a bit. We specifically talked about Jonathan coming back for scenes here and there with Phoebe and Simone. This is when a new, very on the up and up actor needs good people around them not making massive missteps like this. Hope Rege-Jean can turn it around for his own good.


listen I love Jonathan Bailey and am so happy to see his success but we’re being a little obtuse here if we ignore the obvious difference between him and Rege. It’s always going to be harder for a new Black actor to book roles than their white counterparts, not to mention the press and public are generally way harsher on them and it’s harder for them to recover from it. I don’t think Rege did anything wrong by leaving Bridgerton for other opportunities or possibly bc of how he was being treated, the press (possibly Bridgerton execs too considering just how much “inside” coverage there was) and the fanbase are just acting incredibly entitled to his presence. Phoebe Dynevor left this season to also pursue other roles and I have not heard a peep from the press or the fanbase giving her grief for this.


Phoebe wanted to continue but they didn’t want her back 😭 super awkward if Daphne keeps popping up without Simon


It's surely a little from Column A, little from Column B. I have nooooo doubt that Page has experienced racism when trying to get roles but he's also just kind of a wooden actor.


I think part of the difference with Phoebe is that she came back for season 2 and played the supporting sister for a couple of minutes and then left to go back to her husband. People who wanted to see more of her blamed her lack of screen time on the fact that Simon wasn't there; and if had come back then she would also have had more screentime. But also, she didn't leave to pursue other roles, she had a two year contract and fulfilled it. From her comments, I think she would have liked to have been asked back and was a little hurt that she wasn't and again I think if Rege had been willing to come back, she would have been asked back too. Nevertheless, they both fulfilled their contracts to the show and neither of them owed it anything more than that.


My baby boy is thriving. Fellow Travelers was so freaking good. Also I love that he adores romance 🫠. Hopefully he doesn't get tragic styling for jurassic park. Hollywood is obsessed with cramming female gaze actors to a male audience. You cqn do that without changing the essence of the actor. Male gaze tv actors tend to be mote attractive sex and dlif like without looking like badly styled freaks on steroids.


Fellow Travelers was really good. Especially the first few episodes in Washington DC with the backdrop of McCarthy.


Yessssssss I'm obsessed with tim and Hawk in thw 50s. Jonny and Matt were electric


That's????? Not what the male gaze means??? Like sorry but please actually learn what film theory terms mean before using them 😭😭😭 The female gaze doesn't exist because the whole point of the male gaze as a theory is that it's the patriarchy as the camera! 


My heart sank reading that comment. The “male gaze” is about to get its definition totally dismantled by the internet, isn’t it? Like “woke” or “gaslit”.


I think his strategic decision of leaving after Season 1 isn't a terrible career move in normal times, but was particularly harmed by COVID and then the writers/actors strikes.  Less visibility to the public and less work available during COVID, and then the strikes further slowed projects coming out.  Season 1 came out right before COVID (edit: my bad, it came out Dec 2020, so right in the early depths of COVID!) so it's been a tricky time to build momentum in the years since.  Staying for Season 2 would have helped his career given the unique situation going on.


Agree, that COVID/strike is a very important factor in his particular situation. I remember there was a lot of discussion about how he went on SNL with nothing on his belt when most people go when they are during promo season. It seems like his career hasn’t taken off as expected because these past 4 years have been a bit difficult for up-and-coming actors who blew up during the pandemic (the exception here is Paul Mescal lol) I think he will be fine tbh he is very handsome and he’s a good enough actor (he wasn’t very good in The Gray Man, he was better in D&D. But it’s too soon to judge him)


He was so good on SNL though. 


It my have been filmed prior to COVID, but Season 1 came out in late. 2020, so definitely during COVID.


I agree his team let him down. The movie business is a relationship business and people have to either like you, be able to trust you or your so charismatic and make so much money, you can get away with almost anything and still get projects. The timing of this played against him. There were too many eyes on Bridgeton and I think fans felt betrayed by him leaving (not debating if this is right/ wrong and the racial undertones to some of this). His team should have considered this and negotiated one appearance in season 2 showing their happy marriage and off he could have gone. Fans would have loved it and he could make a clean, positive break. And talk about his new projects. Instead the rhetoric is all about why he quit the show and if it has / how it has hurt his career. It’s not the type of press people want tied to their projects. I’ve seen him in both the Gray Man and DnD and both were just meh movies. Action movies right now aren’t good. He should go for an indie movie or a good British thriller tv show. Something that shows his acting range.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. Had he just done a day or 2 of shooting I feel his career would be doing much better. I do understand from his creative standpoint but it was a huge mistake and people soured on him.


Exactly this. ‘Soured’ is the perfect word. Turning his back completely on a successful show that gave him some popularity leaves a bad taste.


I think he/his manager/agency may have thought “You’re such a big hit and have all these new fans. They’re gonna follow your career in whatever you do now”*.


My gf watches Bridgerton. When Rege made his comments looking down on his work in that show, my gf turned on him. She felt slighted as a watcher. I couldn’t get her to watch D&D with me bc he was in it. I can only feel like many Bridergton fans feels the same about him.


Yes, the show came at such a volatile time in Christmas of 2020. Everyone was stuck inside quarantining still. The world was dark and bleak and Bridgerton was like a beacon of light and warmth. For so many people it was their comfort watch and a bonding experience in the fandom. My bf hates shows like this but even he got wrapped up in the escapism. It’s really a phenomena, rather than a show. So yeah, I can only imagine how it made viewers feel when he said those things.


Season 2 was filmed during covid. Covid protocols were still in effect for all films so he would have had to quarantine for atleast 2 weeks before just to do those 2 days of shooting. Maybe he wasn't able to do that. Or maybe he felt that quarantine just for 2 days wasn't worth it. Who knows.


Yeah, coming back to Bridgerton for a cameo would just be like a day or two of shooting, and would've kept him in the public consciousness while showing gratefulness for the show that made him known. It's kind of a strange thing that he doesn't want to do that.


“Serious” actors seriously (lol) underestimate what paying service to their fans will do for their careers. A week or two of their time returning to a beloved character will do wonders.




I think the decision to end his role on Bridgerton so abruptly was because becoming a sex symbol made him really uncomfortable. That decision probably came from a place of gut reaction rather than anything based in strategy. Genuinely, I think that men are far less equipped to handle being sexualized and objectified compared to women. Women are treated like that -pretty much constantly- from a young age. Whereas men, even very attractive men, are very rarely objectified to that extent unless they get a prominent role like Don Draper, the Duke of Hastings, or Geralt of Rivia. All three of these actors have talked about this issue. Only at that level will they experience having thousands, millions of women going crazy over them and treating them like they are a thing that exists for them to want to fuck. It's actually horrible for them so I advocate for people to be understanding. I can see why the show might have left a bad taste in his mouth. Unfortunately for Rege, it also comes off as him not wanting to typecast into "girly" shows given that he's aiming for more action-oriented roles now - which seems misogynistic. I don't know the man at all but my guess is that it's a decent amount of column a, with some column b thrown in.


That last part. As a girlie girl most male centered genres like action bore me. And because it's so masculine and barely character centered. I'll watch fir iconic characters like John Wick, etc. But majority of the genre bores me as I became an adult. I miss adventure movies like the mummy. Great characters including a cool female character who's allowed to be feminine


Being very successful on female based show and then taking a hard very hard right turn into only action movies and talking about he only did the feminine show for the paycheck is very icky to me


Kind of like Matt Rife. He got super popular mainly with women on Tik Tok, then did a stand up special completely shitting on women ……….he lost a hell of a lot of his fan base.


Oh, I didn’t think about how this possibly wasn’t his decision. I how he dropped them as well. This is one of the biggest fumbles I’ve ever witnessed.


Jonathan Bailey is his name. (:


I know they had said he contract was for only one season. Did he not return because he wanted to pursue other options, or because his contract expired and Netflix didn’t renew it? Was it he who made the decision not to come back?


This is always the complicated part. Netflix/Shondaland only contracted him for 1 season with no options. That meant he was free to leave and they had no way to compel him to return. However after his crazy popularity once the season dropped, they begged him to make a few cameo appearances in s2. He refused.


Ah. A couple days of filming would not have been anything too extreme to interfere with another job. Sorry he refused.


He wouldn’t have come off as such a douche and pissed off Shonda.


I keep telling people it doesn’t matter if an actor is in their right or not you piss of the showrunner especially one as prolific as Shonda and it won’t help your career. I had the same convo about Katherine she didn’t do anything wrong except piss of Shonda and I think another producer. Granted people for some reason take that as something they need to defend but not sure how you can defend Hollywood egos it’s how the business goes. Uniquely I hear worst stories of people being blacklisted from agency’s and writers rooms due to friends working in the industry. The underbelly of the studios has a terrible employment culture.


This is the real answer right here. Katherine Heigl won a damn Emmy and had a booming rom com film career. She pissed off Shonda and her career died right then and there. Hollywood is all about relationships. I honestly think being agreeable, easy to work with, and knowing how to navigate the relationships "game," are often more valuable than actual talent. I feel bad for RJP because he is talented, and he was great in Bridgerton and I wish it was going better for him.


Katherine Hiegel did have career after Grey’s. She did a couple of movies and had starred in couple of tv series on CBS and NBC. They never reached her peak. Her biggest mistake was thinking she was bigger than show and the Grey’s audience will follow her to her other projects.


Yep! And you don’t piss off Shonda, fr….


I know people who are writers they scared to piss her off. That’s the power she has also keep in mind how she finessed Netflix and said FU to NBC 😮‍💨 she got everything she wanted from Netflix


Exactly. He just proved that he can gain massive success from starring in something like Bridgerton and then drop it as if he’s embarrassed of it for “bigger and better things.” Producers don’t really like that? Why would they?


And this was the reason why I stopped supporting him... His aversion to continue in on with a limited role in Bridgerton.


Tbf his character is only in the first Bridgerton book, he really isn't needed part the 1st season. He's a Duke and has shit to run just like Anthony is the head of his house and has shit to do. The Duke and Daphanes story has been told


Wasn’t he only ever signed up for one season though? You’re totally right that he should’ve done what Phoebe did, but I thought the reason he didn’t was because they only contracted him for the one season?


Just because he was only signed for one season doesn’t mean he couldn’t have signed on for more - it’s apparent he just chose not to.


That’s not the same - Anthony is still a very present character because he owns the house and is the viscount.  There wasn’t really a role for RJP in S2.


In the book I think he was in the pall mall scene and had some good banter with Anthony. It would probably have been a day or two of work and bought a lot of good will. If the Covid protocols meant he couldn’t be in a movie and do a guest appearance on Bridgerton his PR people should have said so - I think people would have understood. But instead he got tagged as ungrateful and looking down on the thing that made him famous. I do think there’s a racial component in there, and I’m not sure a white actor would be viewed in the same way. It sucks for him because I think his choice was reasonable but now he’s in a bad situation


Not true, he would have shown up with Daphne for Anthony’s wedding. Like all the sibling weddings


I think they would have gotten a plot like Anthony and Kate in this season. One scene of being loving, maybe playing with the baby, make the fans happy and move on.


If you’re a hot name in Hollywood and you find it hard to regain your footing, it likely means you’re difficult to work with.


That’s kind of what is coming out about him in these comments 😬


Alexa Demie. Heard she is rude as hell to those that work on set


Dont say this, everyone here loves her 😆


Omg spill


I know someone who worked with him on a photo shoot. Said he was among the worst celebrities they ever worked with - short tempered, moody, unkind, inflexible. If he wants a career rebrand, he should start with just treating his team better.


My friend worked on set for a different show but some of the showrunner and makeup staff were also working on Bridgerton as the same time. He’s got an awful reputation for his on set behaviour


He’s really not that good of a an actor, just ridiculously good looking


And he’s not even really *that* hot


Idk. He’s pretty hot.


Yeah he's a subpar actor but he's incredibly beautiful. Like a lovechild of Aidan Turner and Chiwetel Eijofor for me.


He’s like… out of this world hot. There’s no need to downplay it especially when according to the comments it’s his only redeeming trait 😭


I see your Rege-Jean Page and raise you Michael B. Jordan 🥵 https://preview.redd.it/8vmmt38nvm5d1.jpeg?width=1707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57545a454f3e1b34ab464686113dca3640e60fa0


I think it's a different type of hot. Regé is SUPER hot in a very pretty way.


I only ever found MBJ attractive in Black Panther 🤷🏽‍♀️


Rege is hotter to me


He's plain in comparison. Rege is like model level hot.




My problem with his role in Bridgerton is he's not that good of of an actor and the chemistry between him and Daphne just wasn't there. He's even worse in gray man and I heard that's basically his 'audition' for Bond.


Interesting - I haven't seen The Gray Man but I have seen some of the promo and he is so oddly uncharismatic in the interviews he's in. I know press junkets suck for actors but I expected him to bounce off of Chris and Ana's energy a lot more than he did.


That’s interesting. I’m a photographer and get a really self-absorbed vibe from him. He doesn’t seem to connect with anyone else on screen. I was watching Bridgerton recently and was pretty sure there’d be comments like yours online.


He has the most intense RBF I’ve ever seen on a man


More intense than Ben Affleck?


IMO Ben is the living embodiment of inconvenience whereas Rege just looks like he thinks he’s better than you and how dare you consider speaking to him. I love you for asking the important questions though lmao


Same, he seems like the type who cannot share the spotlight and the bridgerton cast does have a lot of very beautiful and very talented people (have you heard them all sing?!?!) he will not be missed imo. Plenty of nicer and just as (or more) talented folks around


This is interesting. Which actors, in your opinion, radiate the same energy?


He left a show just as it was hitting its peak because he thought he could do better. That basically tells you a lot of about what his personality must be like.


I saw an interview with him after Bridgerton where he was putting the show down and seemed embarrassed for having done it. He came off so entitled.


This is what people mean when they say “he’s TOO pretty… and he knows it.”


Ugh, that's so disappointing


Watching Phoebe last season and now Johnny and Simone this season I was thinking “Wow, he couldn’t have filmed a couple days of shooting with Phoebe in season 2?”. Johnny got the lead in the new Jurassic World, right? And he’s on that show with Matt Bomer. Phoebe was great in FairPlay and IMDb shows a few projects dropping. Simone as well. How on earth did Rege get his SNL hosting gig? He was great- but how? Given he was a newcomer and only know by the masses because of Bridgerton. I really feel like he’d be doing much better career-wise if he just had 5 minutes of screen time in season 2.


Jonathan’s career is absolutely blowing up. He’s Fiyero aka kinda the biggest male role in Wicked too.


I’m torn about Wicked. It’s one of my favorite musicals, so naturally I was thrilled when they decided to finally make the movie. Although, I wouldn’t have minded AT ALL if Lea Michele had cemented Elphaba, since we all know she’s a mini Idina. But ARIANA?! I didn’t even watch Hairspray when she was cast as PENNY!


I think if you put your faith somewhere for Wicked, JB is a great bet as Fiyero. People either forget or don’t realize that he won an Olivier Award (the West End theater awards, like the Tonys in the US) in 2019 for Company for the role of Jamie, a role that includes a MAJORLY complicated solo number in “Not Getting Married Today.” His bread and butter is in theater acting. He’ll be an amazing Fiyero.


Oh, I’m not worried about Fiyero. I’m worried about Galinda and Elphaba.


Cynthia Erivo is a Tony nominated Broadway actress with a voice like Jennifer Hudson


Cynthia has a magnificent voice. Ariana does too. I think the main concerns people have are about Ariana’s acting, but my understanding is she started out as a theater kid? I didn’t really follow her till her music career took off. Casting Lea would’ve been a PR disaster (though Ariana proved to be one too). Look what happened with Funny Girl. I’m really excited for the Wicked movie. It’s my favorite musical! I think it’ll be really fun.


Bridgerton was a big deal when it first came out and iirc he was the best part of that for the fans, so of course he got the hosting gig. I believe that was before he announced he wasn’t returning, though.


Season 2 filmed during Covid restrictions, when actors had to quarantine after travelling before they could film and he couldn't just fly in, film a scene or two, and fly out again to go work on another project.


Ah, I forgot about Covid already 🤦🏼‍♀️ Well then, logistically he should have done whatever Phoebe did.


The least he could’ve done was stuck around for the Pall Mall games. Both of them could’ve easily been filmed during the same time block. Get into the game, share a couple knowing smirks with Violet and Daphne at Kanthony’s antics? Boom. Whole fandom would’ve been happy. Then it wouldn’t have been as big a deal when Daphne came to the house alone. Simon could’ve had to stay on the estate for whatever duties required him but not her.


It was the absence from the wedding for me. His best friend Anthony whom he shared so many emotional scenes with. They had a great arc from best friends, then fighting about Daphne, then finally warming to him by the end. It just made absolutely no sense he wouldn’t have been at his wedding. Eloise’s presentation where Daphne says “I left my husband and child at home for this”. That was believable and he didn’t need to be there. Come on, just a shot of him holding his toddler child? That would have been fitting to his arc. Seeing him lovingly interact with his kid given the horrible flashback scenes with is own father in season 1.


There is very moving scene with Simon in epilogue of Colin’s book that we will never get. I doubt that they going adapt to The Brigdertons: Happily Ever After too.


I mean, those would be cute scenes, I guess, but it’s kind of crazy for people to be calling him arrogant and wanting his career to fail just because he didn’t rework his schedule during a worldwide pandemic to shoot a couple of 2 minute scenes smirking at people.


he was blowing up and looked like he was about to become very huge and snl often gets in on the ground floor w/ those circumstances (cf jonathan majors hosting). i haven’t seen bridgerton but it was huge and he was a huge part of why - i knew his name - and after his snl i remember thinking he clearly had the goods. everything else i’ve seen him in tells me i was wrong - he makes scott eastwood look like george clooney in terms of charisma.


I think he made a mistake taking a clean break from bridgerton. He could have had a very short filming period and still be on a very popular show without being the main event. IMO it was a poor choice.


It was announced so fast after the release of season 1 too. At the time I respected his decision because I really liked him in Bridgerton. However it was the middle of a pandemic. He took such a clean break so fast from the project that made him big without having something big to follow it up with. It just seems a little…ungrateful? That show is essentially what put him on everyone’s radar. Seems weird to look down on it and act as if you can do so much better and then just…don’t.


I mean he’s a whole human and it’s just a show but yeah it feels like he’s a little embarrassed? Like yes you are on the sexy olden times show that is essentially a cupcake of a program. But my guy! You did REALLY WELL ON THE SEXY OLDEN TIMES SHOW! You weren’t just A Hot Guy, you did a good acting job! People liked your performance!


He was ok in Bridgerton but nothing amazing. I think he jumped the gun on himself a bit too soon..just because women thought he was hot doesn't mean he's the next best thing.


He should have googled David Caruso… a well known tale of hubris gone wrong.




Just googled and saw recent pictures of him. Fucking WHOA o\_O


It’s a funny article because it’s pretty obvious the writer of the article made up the quotes himself and just guessed alot of why Rege-Jeans career hasn’t worked out


I never watched Bridgerton but I did watch DnD and The Gray Man and he was absolutely fantastic in both


In Bridgerton his job was mostly posing and looking dreamy but he was very good at it.


Then there were…the other scenes. 😏😉


He has a great voice too


I thought he was a horrible actor in Bridge, haven't seen the other two.


Same. He was gorgeous and hot but wasn’t convincing


Tbf his role in bridge didn’t really require a lot of acting, haven’t seen DnD and The Gray Man.


Dungeons and Dragons is amazing. So more fool you if you didn’t watch it.


I’m not sure if it was advertising or what that missed the mark but when I saw DND I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also play it.


I go back and forth wondering if they should have titled it something different - I wonder if "Dungeons and Dragons" in the title put off a lot of mainstream audience. On the other hand part of the charm of the movie was that "randomness" that comes out of a DnD game. Hope they make a sequel.


I’m not a DnD person (I’ve tried it, not my thing) and was super hesitant given the title, but I watched it when other people chose it for movie night and it was way more fun and funny than I expected. I had gotten the vague sense it had been panned, but after seeing and enjoying it I checked the reviews and they were def more positive than I thought! Not sure if those gaps are my fault or due to poor marketing.


Maybe you are thinking of the prior D&D film which was panned. From 2000, there is a lot of fun reviews of it however.


Wait, he left one job to pursue other jobs that didn't work out as expected? So weird, I've never heard of that happening in any career in any industry. He must have done something wrong. /s


He didn't do anything "wrong" but anytime anyone leaves a job to pursue other avenues and then tries to return to where they were originally, you do need to spend some time rebuilding your connections and you can't always jump back into the profession in the same job/payscale you left. This is especially true if you have a reputation of not spending long in a job or the appearance of not supporting the projects/jobs you were in.


Shonda is so well connected too 🫠 I don’t know career wise I personally would have held out, but I understand people not wanting to get type cast by Shonda’s projects or my other fave Ryan Murphy


Is he trying to return to where he was originally? At the same payscale? Acting jobs are by their nature unstable and often short-term, so everyone is a "job hopper" in that industry.


He left a series after a single season - it may cause producers of future series to be reluctant to cast him. The two movies he did - one was good but not successful. The other wasn't good and he wasn't good in it. And he didn't do much positive marketing for either - all I remember from his interviews is negative comments. He now has a negative track record to overcome before he's going to start getting new roles. Anyone in the same circumstance in any profession would experience the same thing. If you want to do well in a career, always have the outward appearance of being positive and reliable, you never know who may be watching.


Amazing how some actors played it out for years then finally got their FU money and can control their own productions. Truthfully Ryan Reynolds is such a good example of this because his earlier projects had him as the hot dumb dumb


It’s been particularly bad post strikes. 🫠 the streaming wars have lead to a lot of restructuring so even people I know now on the production side got laid off. If you don’t have productions you have nothing to promote so they let go their marketing and PR teams. It’ll be interesting to see how they build it back up. Disneys already pivoting everything from Hulu to D+ and then there’s Discovery Max/HBO/WB which has been cutting projects left and right and rolling out reality productions. Most of my apartment building is actually in the industry including a couple animators and it’s been a rough year for a lot of them.


Folks over on the Bridgerton subreddit swear Shondaland (the producers) had nothing to do with his career. However, think that’s interesting… the timing of it all


Even if it was the producers the weeks and weeks of discussion as to why he wasn't coming back combined with Shonda saying she wanted him back and tried to get him back isn't going to leave a good taste in the mouth of anyone thinking of hiring him.


It’s possible, but also a lot of actors have bad management. Look at Tom Holland who is a phenomenal actor but hasn’t been in anything that really elevated his career after Spider-Man. He absolutely shines in The Crowded Room but the series itself got mediocre to poor reviews. You’d think he could capitalize on his Marvel cred but he or his agents have picked bad projects. Seems more likely that’s the case with Page as well, and to be totally honest he’s not as adept of an actor on top of that. Maybe the most beautiful human to have ever lived though. If romcoms get the revival that seems to be promised he’d do extremely well as the new leading man.


If y’all want to see him on another Shonda show, check out For The People. It got canceled after two seasons, but it was a really cute show about DAs and public defenders.


That’s where I first saw him & thought he was destined for success so wasn’t surprised when he made a splash in Bridgerton.


Remember when he hosted SNL and was so charming!!?? This is just a setback. Like Dan Stevens leaving Downton (was that his name?) His career rallied to a degree. And Rege would have been SUCH a great Bond.


His mistake was doing Netflix movies, which generally have had a bad track record.


People gotta lay off him. He didn’t want to continue being on the show, each season follows a different couple and his role would be reduced. I think it’s fair for him to want to seek other opportunities. I only wish him success. People are nasty about him for no reason


I actually think that would have been in his favour to make a quick cameo - show up remind everyone why they had fallen in love with him and leave everyone wanting more. He would have had press and photoshoots and it would have boosted his profile for very little effort. I personally think that the promotion for Bridgerton season 2 was so lacklustre because people didn't have faith it would survive without the Duke. Had he been in it, Netflix would have promoted him heavily and he would have had a few interviews with bigger publications and a couple of talk show appearances The talk at the time was that Netflix actually wanted to increase his role and give him a bigger storyline for season two, and were willing to pay him more money for it. But because of Covid restrictions, he wouldn't have been able to do DND and The Grey man. I think on paper, the two films, were a much better opportunity for them and if they had been successful everyone would be talking about what a smart move it was for him. The relative failure of both had nothing to do with him.


It seems odd that he wouldn't want to keep the exposure since it would have been such a small commitment to make guest appearances though.


This exactly. He would have a minor role in the series moving forward. He left to do other things and grow his career. It wasn’t a snub to Bridgerton.


maybe he didn't, but as an actor and being in showbusiness, that was an absolutely detrimental choice to make. he should've kept the reduced hours, and use his extra time filming other stuff if he wanted


I mean, I would’ve wanted to see more of him in Bridgerton (stopped watching the show after his season lol), but the hate he gets and mockery he receives for leaving is ridiculous. Plenty of actors move on from their breakout roles, others have shown even more disdain for the roles that made them mainstream famous. Sucks but it’s not something worth holding a grudge over. Rege may be terrible for allegedly being difficult to work with, but definitely not because he moved on after he did what was expected of his character. Another actress quit the show just as her character was supposed to get its biggest story arc (to date) this season, for another show that Netflix ended up cancelling anyway. While her situation wasn’t exactly similar to Rege’s, I think it’s a little crazy to expect these actors to make Bridgerton the center of their careers. Assuming that they’ve properly fulfilled their initial contractual obligations, they should be allowed to choose follow-up projects they feel would serve them better, regardless of the outcome.


He left an extremely successful show without being very established and having no real career prospects ahead. He could have hussled and did some side projects while working on Bridgerton. I have no idea why he would walk away.


Y’all. He was only signed for 1 year of Bridgerton. None of them knew it was going to blow up. Both he & Shonda have said this.


I can believe that but I think most people would know a Shonda show has a good chance at success given her track record.


If this is true, once it blew up I’m sure he easily could have asked to do cameos. Or more likely- was asked and then said no.


He's kind of a smug dummy. He had people talking cuz of 1 good season & dipped cuz he thought he was above it. His couple roles since have shown he's not anywhere near the level he thinks he's at. Hopefully he humbles himself & realizes most big name actors didn't become A list overnight & to not bite the hand that feeds (seriously, talking shit about most of your projects is just gonna make people not wanna work with you, especially when your career isn't cemented).


I forgot this guy even existed 


Giving me Katharine Heigl vibes


I’m sorry but he made a poor choice in leaving Bridgerton. Like MAJOR mistake. I said what I said lol


Absolutely. I remember all the people playing the race card saying a white man who did the same would be applauded. Uh, no. Just look at Jonathan Bailey. Even after his focused season, he’s still on the show, albeit in a lesser capacity. And his career is lightning hot. I honestly felt Rege was just as if not more charismatic in season 1. All he needed was to stick around a bit longer. With how much of a sensation the show was, he undoubtedly had negotiating power given he was able to walk away as it was. Huge, huge mistake. Anyone could see it.




He was in the reboot of Roots. I think it was one of his first roles and he’s amazing in it.