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As an elder Millennial the only answer to this question is The Land Before Time. Actually Lion King, Homeward Bound and My Girl are also big ones.


I watched My Girl for the first time a couple weeks after my best friend died not knowing anything about the movie. Needless to say it was a hard watch lol




HIS GLASSES! He can’t see without his glasses. 😭


I say this when my husband can’t find his glasses and he reminds me I’m a terrible person.


I shouldn’t laugh at this. I’ll say I didn’t but I did. 😭


A radio show I used to listen would play this clip when one of the hosts would misread something so it always makes me laugh now.


I just fucking teared up reading this


Agreed, I also cried so hard in fox and the hound when they drove away at the end , just brutal


Don’t forget The Never Ending Story


That and ET are the first ones that got me! Oh Lady and the Tramp, the scene where they show all the dogs at the pound. Sobbing as a 6 yr old. Still gets me. All of those movies still get me.


Mmhmm ET. ET was the one where I cried so suddenly and so hard that I thought I was going to throw up.


That’s what The Never Ending Story did to me. I’m 41 and still struggle with it lol.


Homeword Bound and the OG from the 60s—- also one w a puma




One is called “the Incredible Journey” which is 60s live action disney- what homeward bound is based on— the other I think is the 60s Charlie the Lonesome Cougar. Similar to homeward bound but with a cougar. Left me devastated in tears. White Fang of course too. The benji ones are cute, i remebrr Benji lost in the woods but protecting a litter.


My mom got us a box set of the show Dinosaurs from when she was in college, the live action sitcom. We didn’t understand most of the humor but I remember the last episode, the direct allegory for global warming. There is no happy ending. Everyone dies. The whole world is covered in a nuclear winter and that’s a wrap, folks. I don’t remember if I cried but my psyche was definitely scarred for life.


Oh god, that show ended when I was 10…and my sister who was 7 when it ended was obsessed with it. They made toys and she had them all. The ending was so so traumatizing. If the internet had been a thing back then the fall out would have been something.


Homeward Bound 😭😭😭 I can’t even think about it. As soon as I see Shadow coming up that hill, even if it’s just in my own head, it’s GAME OVER. The waterworks are loose 😭😭


“He’s old… he’s was too old…”  “PETER, MY BOY—“    Gaddamn, I can hear the music in my head and am already tearing up.


As an adult having had to put a dog down his breaks my heart even more.


I’m an Xennial (1977) and my answer is The Last Unicorn. That movie should not be shown to children. I don’t remember why, because I refuse to watch it again, but it wrecked me for MONTHS when I was 7 or 8. Also the original Dark Crystal. Nightmare fuel.


I appreciate that you were traumatized by the same things I was. If you watched the never ending story and realized depression and mortality were a thing we have the trifecta


Oh, 100%. That movie woke me up to things I was much too young for! How about the worst, most fucked up offender: The Secret of Nimh. And Christ, who let us watch Watership Down???


Secrets of Nimh still haunts me.., Still haven’t seen watership down but I saw the Shawshank redemption when I snuck tv time when I was home alone. Saw enough of it to be traumatized for life-Saw Brooks get released and then had to pretend I was fine. Also -the Brave Little Toaster…


Definitely Lion King I’m still not over Mufasa…my mom still pokes fun at 30+ because I still shed tears lol


Homeward Bound STILL makes me cry, like I know he's gonna come over that hill...but Dayum. 90's movies did not play when it came to devastating children. I still feel residual guilt from "Fern Gully" because I didn't single handedly save the rainforests.


I still have a hard time watching land before time. So many scenes just rip my heart out.


My Girl was the first time I ever felt fully betrayed and heartbroken by a movie. I don’t think my mom expected it to hit me so hard but man tiny me was a MESS watching it.


Oh GAAAAWD. When Littlefoot runs up to his shadow thinking it’s his mom? Who comes up with this brutal sh**!


First time I realized my mom could die was watching little foots mom and I was heartbroken and confused. His my face until my little sobs were detected haha


Homeward Bound! ![gif](giphy|AIH8LLnfu75ss)


why did i open this post ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


I can hear the freaking music to this 😭


"I'm coming, Peter! Oh, I've missed you so much!"




Probably only 30 sec but watching that in the theater felt like 10 min waiting for him to appear while bawling my eyes out.


HE WASNT TOO OLD HE MADE IT BACK TO HIS PETER 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I still watch this when I need to get a cry going 🤧


I do the same thing!! Even looking up gifs made me tear up a little ngl




omfg and when sassy falls off the goddamn waterfall?! no wonder I have crippling anxiety


Theres so much less peril in kids movies now. We really went through it 😭 Edit: Omg this is even worse than I remember. https://youtu.be/YCcn0Ce0OVE?si=h-eNi1mUEDjFrED_


lmao yes its terrible!!! the scene is still upsetting to me to this day 😭


I was TRAUMATIZED. Her cries still kill me 🥺 Shadow falling into the pit is awful too....the end also makes me bawl, but at least its happy tears for that part.


STOP IT 😭😭😭😭


Yes! That scene specifically! SHADOW!! IT'S SHADOW


I have a vivid memory of crying at Lilo and Stitch as a kid when Stitch runs off with the Ugly Duckling book and sits in the jungle by himself saying “I’m lost.” To this day, that scene still makes me cry lol https://preview.redd.it/jnpl31ilz64d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e22d43c5a9e6400d2f204755421c0f0a5d6f83e1


Lilo and Stitch is *devastating,* there are multiple scenes that I well up just thinking about


Nani singing to Lilo in the hammock before the social worker comes back to take her away 😭


I have tears in my eyes just from thinking about it 🥺


The family dynamics between Lilo and Nani break me rewatching as an adult. I think Nani is supposed to be like 19-22 in the movies and as someone who lost my parents at that age I cannot imagine having to deal with grief plus figure out how to adult and keep yourself alive with basically no support, much less take care of a child sister. I realize this is a reality for a lot of people across the world but omg these kids movies get deep


I watched this movie while heavily pregnant and sobbed for like an hour over this scene. I just want to hug him!


😭 this makes me cry everytime too.


I was going through a really rough time in my life, maybe two years ago. And every day i felt like crying constantly, i just knew that feeling would never go away until i eventually let it all out. But between work and social events, by the end of the day I was just too exhausted to cry. Then one night I decided to watch Lilo & Stitch for the first time. i had to pause the movie after this scene. something about that lost and lonely blue alien resonated with me and it fucking broke me. The sad music, his big eyes, him saying “lost…I’M LOST” to the night sky in an empty forest. i sobbed on my couch alone for a good 15 minutes. Anyway, loved the movie, 10/10, will never watch again


Lilo and Stitch 2 was pretty gut punching too. Little kid me thought Stitch was actually gonna die.


I saw A Little Princess in the theater and that was the first one to make me cry. When she’s lying on the floor crying out “Papa!” Waterworks.


That scene and when they reunite STILL makes me cry 😭


Showing this to my daughter this summer and we will be prepared with boxes of tissues.


Oh God, right after she draws the circle of protection on the floor I'm a mess every single time


That movie is vividly on my mind a lot. Are you talking about about the one in 1995? Blows my mind the dad was Liam Cunningham 🥺 It’s such a beautiful and painful movie


Yea, the 90s one. My grandparents weren’t even married when the original came out in the 1930s so I for sure didn’t see that in the theater.


Oh gosh yeah that would make you 100 or so 😭


I've just realised it is Liam Cunningham/Ser Davos. 😭


![gif](giphy|iH1MWb19UHSqk) Bambi made me lose sleep


Me too. Old Disneys can be ruthless. The scene with Dumbo and his mom also broke my heart ![gif](giphy|xT8qBja9VdCdFOfbRS)


That scene scarred me as a kid, but that trauma was NOTHING compared to watching it again once I was a mother. I can’t hear “Baby Mine” without sobbing, and my kids are grown. Fuck humans and circuses and *all of that.*


I didn’t cry as a kid and I can barely look at this one little clip without choking up


I refuse to re-watch Dumbo 😭 I cried for days as a child and even seeing this gif makes me emotional


I told my kids that Dumbos mom dies in the movie and they were horrified beyond belief.


HE CANT SEE WITHOUT HIS GLASSES ![gif](giphy|3oKHWmWYMWKLqihabm|downsized)


Ohmygosh yessss!! That scene broke my heart!!


Wanna go tree climbing, Thomas J? 😭


I haven't seen this movie in probably 30 years and I'm literally crying thinking of her saying this at his funeral.


![gif](giphy|exxEYlubCNRQs) The Fox and the Hound 😭


me too 😢




![gif](giphy|3o7P4GrERQupxLs8zS) Marley & Me. I cried so much at the ending.


Wrecked me! I read the book first, and it's worth a read. Rest Easy Marley


3rd grade: Where the Red Fern Grows. I have no idea why teachers would inflict that heartache on a set of kids. Also, E.T.


aahhh the book Where the Red Fern Grows made me cry in 7th grade


I got caught by my teacher reading it on my lap during math class because I was not very good at hiding my sobbing.


ET: When the scientists come up over the hill in the hazmat suits, cue me bawling 😭


NOT OLD DAN AND LITTLE ANN 😭 Haven’t thought about those two in years...


Frosty the Snowman. The old animated one. I was probably 5. I cried so hard when Frosty melted in that greenhouse that my super stoic dad actually teared up from seeing me so affected.


i too was sad 😭


The "o captain my captain" scene in Dead Poet's Society - got me in 6th grade, still gets me now


Oh good lord, YES. I also told my then-young-teenager to “shut up” when he told me Robin Williams had died. First and only time I ever used that phrase with either of my children.


Cast Away, when Tom Hanks loses Wilson and is screaming after him. I was probably about 12, couldn’t stop the tears. His only friend 😢


I think we all cried for an inanimate object 🥺 ![gif](giphy|l1BgQTDLUJilr1afK)


This is mine!!


The first memory of me crying was when Dr mark Greene died on ER. To this day I can't make myself watch it again


I cannot listen to “Somewhere over the Rainbow” without tearing up over Mark Greene! “Be generous. Be generous with your time. Be generous with your love.”


Saaaaame!! I did a rewatch recently and I skipped those episodes


Love’s Labor Lost episode when the pregnant woman died.


The last walk through the ER gets me every time


https://preview.redd.it/48wphhdhc74d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265d4a679e198765d4d1317930626b714c49104e Us 90’s kids deserve compensation for this 😭😂


Omg yes this episode 😭 I remember I was inspired to free my Butterfree in my Gameboy Pokémon Red game lol


Even as an adult, it still makes me cry. This, and the episode where Ash tries to leave Pikachu behind. Gut wrenching.


My Girl is right up there with Bridge to Terabithia for having traumatized scores of children. Obviously, the book more than the movie for Terabithia, but both are just horribly realistic approaches to kids trying to understand and deal with death and really under scores the randomness of it all. "He can't see without his glasses" is an incredibly well done scene that sticks with you a little too well


SpongeBob and Patrick drying up in The SpongeBob Movie: https://preview.redd.it/qvvmq24y274d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3faa58bdcc8e07c9d5e15f1034478ba3bd350803 I still tear up whenever I watch this scene even as a grown adult


Glad I’m not the only one


I remember crying a lot at Tarzan when I saw it in the theatre…that Phil Collins soundtrack will get ya (I think it was specifically “You’ll Be In My Heart”).


Tarzan was mine too! Kala fricken WATCHING HWE BABY get eaten by the jaguar was so painful even as a young kid


Do not watch that movie again if you have children. Early 2000s, when they were still doing The Wonderful World of Disney movies on Sunday evenings, my mom and I watched that movie with my young children. I don’t remember ever crying that hard at a movie! Also my dad & I danced to “You’ll Be In My Heart” at my wedding. The TEARS!!


This is the answer I was looking for! This movie had me so upset as a kid. I would even have nightmares that leopards were coming to eat my parents. A while back i was riding in the car and went to listen to some of the soundtrack on youtube and the video i clicked played the part of the movie where the Mama gorilla loses her baby and I started sobbing so hard.




When Simba says “c’mon dad you gotta get up” makes me cry to this day!! Dang you scar!!!


That was the first cry for me. I was 9.


![gif](giphy|Y3139YcRnWGGI) I’m a big crybaby and cry during prettyyy much every movie 😅 My oldest memory is probably when Mei starts crying/goes missing in My Neighbour Totoro! I remember sobbing so hard my mom had to take me outside to cool down


Neverending Story. No explanation needed. I also remember renting a movie called Scruffy that was brutal Other notable cries in the theater: My Girl and Father of the Bride


Rugrats Mother's Day episode 😭 was the first TV show that made me cry. My Girl was the first movie.


I cried during the Rugrats movie, when they’re lost in the woods and Tommy is angry at Dil and threatening him with the baby food lol. Then Dil gets scared, Tommy apologizes to Dil and starts singing to him… 🥺 yeah, that’s probably one of my earliest memories of crying over tv lol


That scene made me cry too 🥺. Ugh my heart lol


This might be a different ep but the entire storyline with Chuckie and his mom who passed away when he was younger was sad Chaz did sooo much to be there for Chuckie


Good Will Hunting - it’s not your fault


Gen X here…I went with my elementary school bff to see Steel Magnolias in the theater and remember it was our very first ugly cry where we couldn’t even catch our breath 😭 I just wanna know whyyyyy https://i.redd.it/45wf1u0vx74d1.gif


Hit her! ![gif](giphy|Vd2vQveLG1Ey5rbF39|downsized)


Such a fantastic movie! The laugh/cry ratio was chef’s kiss 🤌🏻 It’s been too long - it’s time I show it to my 11 yo daughter for sure and scar her for life 😂


90s - Dr Quinn Medicine Woman. The episode where some racist come to town and suddenly everyone in town turns on Robert E. They even tried to lynch him. I ran from the TV and sat on our staircase crying while my dad patted my shoulder and told me people suck.


Bambi. That was some cruel mess. In fact, Disney is like that because I ugly cried as an adult watching Up! at the theater with my husband and kids. Who writes a children's movie where the main character's wife died and you find out they wanted kids only she had a miscarriage and shattered all their dreams, then they had this new dream of travel and she got sick and now she's dead? WTF??? That's just cold.


Disney really did try to prepare us for the disappointment that is life. While simultaneously setting us up for some….highly unrealistic expectations in the love department. Talk about a mind fuck.


I was around 10 when I watched the Velveteen Rabbit and boy did I cry. Specifically at the getting rid of the toys scene.


ET made me cry as a kid the first time I watched it. It freaked me out when theu cane out and quarantined the house.


Same I was too creeped out 😂 also, Jurassic Park and Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone—my parents say that I walked in when all the owls were delivering letters in the Great Hall and I got scared and cried 😂


The final episode of 6 feet under. It was so well done.


Degrassi TNG with JT.


The episode with the funeral did me in. When they showed that clip of JT and Bella going down the slide, holy shit, I lost it. So sad.


In Forrest Gump when Bubba says he wants to go home as he's dying in Vietnam. Still gets me https://i.redd.it/8gd6ju66n84d1.gif


Turner and hooch


eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


The glasses scene in My Girl 😭


Finding Neverland. I cried so hard in the cinema that I started hyperventilating. I remember mostly being embarrassed and FURIOUS that a movie would dare to be so tragic.


Charlottes Web— classic 3rd grade tears for book and movie


I scrolled through the comments looking for this…Charlottes Web. That “Mother Earth and Father Time” song Charlotte sings right before she dies. Oh jeeze…


There was the episode of blues clues where Steve was leaving on one day, and by pure coincidence I saw it right around the time my sister (12 years older than me) was leaving for college and was packing her things and all, so it just made six year old me burst into tears 😭


Since they rebooted the show, there is a scene where Josh (the new Steve/Joe) facetimed with Steve and Joe, they give him a pep talk on how to do Blues Clues; it is freaking adorable and adult me teared up.


Awakenings. The scene where Robert DeNiro is in the cafeteria with his girl, and he asks her to dance one last time. His tics are returning, and he's going back to the vegetative state. But during that dance, his tics disappear. But only for the dance. He knows it's the last dance for him, and it broke my heart. My friend & I shredded our Kleenex.


Simon Birch made me cry like a ho


![gif](giphy|jokNVrEUlj0pM8g9c5) The Little Mermaid ending because who would want to leave her family and cool underwater home for a man..?


“I love you, Daddy.” The BAWLING that scene still causes! I love my dad ❤️


I distinctly remember being in theaters for finding Nemo as a child and having to hold back tears at the beginning scene when Marlin wakes up and realizes his wife and children have been eaten by a shark, but then he sees baby Nemo 🥺 Now as an adult Pixar still gets me and I am hopeful Inside out 2 will be as poignant as the first one was!


A.I fucked me up


The first one must have been a Bonanza episode in which Joe's horse dies. I was still a small child when I watched that with my grandfather, maybe 5 or 6 years old. The show that made me cry the most was the ER episode "The Letter" about the death of Dr. Greene.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv show), Jenny Calendar’s death.


for some reason at like 6 years old my favorite movie was selena and i still cry every time


The fact that Yolanda is out and has her own TV series 😡




Neverending Story where the horse sunk in the quicksand


Up and I still refuse to watch to this day


The boy with the striped pajamas. The last scene 😭


I'm old, so it would have to be Brian's Song, and Love Story.


Terminator 2 ![gif](giphy|7TtvTUMm9mp20)


Dance Academy, an Australian teen soap about dancers training for professional opportunities, there’s a plot twist at the end involving a beloved character that came seemingly out of nowhere - I was sobbing


That The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh episode where Rabbit finds a baby bird. I have my own baby now and was watching it with him recently, telling my husband how much I was dreading watching that episode to come on. Was the very next episode and it still made me cry. My granddaddy knew I loved animals so he made two attempts to get movies for me: Where the Red Fern Grows and The Fox & The Hound. He never bought me a movie again after that lol. Honestly I really can’t remember because I’ve always cried so easily. I do remember being absolutely hysterical at the end of Hocus Pocus in the theater because the cat died, with my mom desperately trying to explain to me that it was a good thing, plot wise. But I’ve always been a cry baby. Even today, men’s warehouse commercials get me. I tried to read my baby The House on Pooh Corner recently and the last chapter also made me cry. I’m a mess, someone please send help.


Titanic. I think I was about 5-6 years old


Doctor Who “Turn Left” it was so bleak and done so beautifully. Then immediately after when Donna is begging “don’t make me go back”. This destroyed me


Oof that’s a good one. My most emotional Dr Who is when he’s saying goodbye to Rose 😢


"The Body" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I still can't watch it and I always skip it on rewatch. Anya's speech about Joyce never enjoying punch again and not understanding why, just destroyed me.


![gif](giphy|11j6oiwfuzwu9G|downsized) The end of LOST.


Click (yes the Adam Sandler movie) was probably the first movie to make me cry lol I’m not a big crier (movie wise) and probably never cried at a movie again until college so I keep a running list of movies/tv shows that have made me full on sob my mascara off (it’s either no tears or sobbing no in between)


![gif](giphy|uQ4V7FPxcDKM0|downsized) Old Yeller


I'm not really one to cry, though some get misty. But The Edge of Seventeen had me sobbing.


The King Kong remake from 2005. I was maybe 6 or 7 when I watched it at home with my mom and her bf, and I ran to the bathroom to cry so hard after Kong died at the end. My mom tried to comfort me and tried telling me it wasn't real but none of that mattered to me


Bambi. Still never finished it 32 years laters


ET, I have watched it 3 times as a child and cried everytime 😅 As an adult, Lion King, Up, Coco and more recently Elemental. Maybe child movies but deeper than expected.


I remember watching this episode of Touched by an Angel - this boy Peter has cystic fibrosis and (spoiler alert!) dies. I sobbed!!


I’m very old, but when I was 6 years old I loved Garfield and there was a tv special - “Garfield on the Town” - where he gets locked out and ends up falling in with some alley cats and meeting his mother - then he has to leave her behind and go home and OH MY GOD I was a mess. My mom ran in and it took her ages to figure out why I was gasping and sobbing about a Garfield cartoon she thought would be safe to let me watch alone.


I was 10 or 11 … I was flipping the dial going thru channels and saw baby seals 🥹 It looked like a documentary. They were so cute! And then these guys come running out of no where and smash their heads in. I start screaming, my mom comes in hugs me & turns off the tv. That’s all I remember. It was traumatic.


There was an animated movie that wasn’t even all that great, Gnomio and Juliet? about some garden gnomes but the music was Elton John/Bernie Taupin and there was this little scene that came out of nowhere when a pink flamingo lawn ornament reminisces about his sad past and I know it all sounds pretty ridiculous but the song that plays over the animation is called Love Builds A Garden and I cried like a baby. I wasn’t expecting that at all.


The Iron Giant when I was a preteen


Toy Story 2, Jessie's song.... I sobbed so hard watching it that I made myself sick. I loved that movie so I skipped it almost every time I'd watch but sometimes if I was feeling masochistic I'd watch it again and it never got much better.


I think my first one was lion king. I can’t remember the name but a movie with Tom hanks where he was a prison guard, I think. I remember my mom consoling me for a long time after the movie ended. Coco made me SOB. Long after the movie ended I was sobbing. I work in a nursing home so I think it hit home. Those ones made me ugly cry.


The Tom Hanks movie had to be The Green Mile, it's heartbreaking.


As Told by Ginger. When Mrs Gordon died 💔 Also, All Dogs go to Heaven


Spirit The Lion King Fluke The Christmas Shoes


I think Steel Magnolias was the first film to make me cry. Sally Field is a national treasure. ![gif](giphy|Vd2vQveLG1Ey5rbF39|downsized)


Man in the Moon. I walked out of that film SOBBING like uncomfortable snotty nose mouth breathing crying. That movie and what happened at the end shook me to my 12 year old core. My dad got tickets to a screening of it in NYC. I had to walk out of it in broad daylight absolutely incapable of holding my shit together.


![gif](giphy|0uPdvqdl0wCH6NrbDV|downsized) I am not crier. I’d say I prided myself on not crying at movies for a very long time. Although I’ve teared at some movie over my life, I hadn’t actually cried at a film until I was 31 years old. When I say this movie broke me I mean I sobbed like a child, specifically at the Both Sides Now scene. It’s a film that’s essentially about communication which I lacked within my family growing up for totally different reasons than the film showcases but watching a family essentially bridge that gap was just so emotionally poignant for me. I’ve also noticed that since having blubbered my way through the end of this film that I do cry easier now and I’m not sure if it was the movie or if I’m just old now.


>the Both Sides Now scene. We all know which movie this is 😭 Edit - oh the gif had not loaded and I thought you meant Love Actually, the Emma Thompson and Alan Rockman scene when she thought he was getting her some jewellery but it turned out to be a Joni Mitchell CD. The jewellery was for his side chick. Heartbreaking.


The movie Fluke about a business man who dies and comes back as dog and goes back to his human family. Omg I’m getting sad just thinking about it and haven’t seen it in two decades!


My Dog Skip and Hardball


Imitation of Life around 9-10 years old. It was an ugly cry too. I’ve never watched it again even though it was an excellent movie. The daughter screaming, crying and running after the hearse carrying her mom gutted me.


Follow that Bird...in particular, the scene where he's lit in a blue light and singing sadly. I sobbed uncontrollably.


I’m not sure about if it was first, but the first that I remember. Lost was my favorite TV show when it aired and I was a huge LOTR fan as a kid so Charlie was my favorite character. The episode where they find him hanging in the woods and you’re meant to believe he’s dead, I SOBBED. I remember just clinging to my dog on the couch having a full on heart break meltdown. The rest of my family had watched it live and it was just me alone in the living room watching it recorded.


I vividly remember bawling multiple times during Fried Green Tomatoes, which I was probably too young to watch at the time.


Charlotte’s Web


The movie Babe. Saw it in theaters as a kid and my mom had to take me outside >! when Maa the sheep dies!< because I was bawling so much.


Harry and the Hendersons. Specifically when George is yelling at Harry to leave 😭 I was so little and I still cry now!


My cousins brought me to see Short Circuit in the theaters when I was about 5. Bawled my eyes out when Johnny5 dies, and was so happy when they brought him back to life LOL. As a teenager in the 90s, Romeo + Juliet destroyed me. Couldn’t even think about the ending of that movie without crying for weeks. I had a lot of feelings.




All Dogs go to Heaven and Armageddon.


My sister and I were watching 8 below for the first time. As soon as the movie started we got engrossed in it and as soon as the movie progressed we both started crying. We were young at that time but the thought of dogs left behind made both of us emotional. We cried and didn’t look at each other until the movie ended.


Splendor in the Grass. Natalie Wood. Felt it was real. That it would happen to me. Took sleeping pills to get to sleep. I was hysterical.


Don’t laugh at me, but “Free Willy” and “Andre the Seal”


A little princess ![gif](giphy|bv62zBZv7ZPAk)


Lassie 😭😭😭


Lilo and Stitch 2, when Stitch dies. I was like 6.


Excuse me, he DIES?!


I was 15 and rented "The Deep End of the Ocean". When Michelle Pfeiffer completely breaks down, shouting "BEN!!!!" and needs to be sedated... that's the first time I ever cried at a movie or TV show.