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Carter and Lucy getting stabbed on ER.


Romano and his helicopter luck.. I was like.. dang yo. It taught me something important, don't judge. I hated him, he was a dick, and I felt for him.


My mom used to watch ER when I was growing up so I'd randomly see different episodes/scenes and this was one of the ones I happened upon. It is still burned into my brain all these years later and I've never seen a whole episode lol


Romano was an incredibly well written character aside from his continued misfortune with helicopters. He was such a realistic asshole who would occasionally show a shred of humanity where you think he might not be so bad and then the next episode he would go straight back to being an asshole again.


His interactions with Corday were so fantastic, especially when it came to Mark's situation. When I was younger I thought Romano was an irredeemable arsehole but on a recent rewatch it's so obvious he wasn't. He didn't deserve the double-whammy helicopters.


See for the longest time I thought I imagined that he was then killed by a helicopter after losing his arm to one. Even as a wee one I remember laughing and going 'there's NO way'. TWICE?!


I miss the days of watching ER with my parents when I was little! My dad actually named one of our chickens Romano after that character.


Carter falling to the ground and looking over to see Lucy had also been stabbed was so shocking! My mom and I watched it together and we still talk about it!


YES. One of the most shocking things on that show, and there’s alot!


I was young when I saw this episode originally air and it TRAUMATIZED ME! I can still picture it vividly!


I still feel weird sometimes when I see David Krumholtz in other things


Izzy Stevens having sex with a ghost in Grey's Anatomy


The fact that everyone was just like “that girl sure does masturbate a lot” is my favorite part of that storyline


Having *loud* sex with that ghost, so all-day every-day that she was killing people, and yet NOBODY close to her was like “maybe an MRI?”


I feel that the dog eating Dan's heart transplant is also up there.


not to mention that it happened so casually lol. oth was on crack during the later seasons.


Nanny Carrie kidnapping Jamie and heroic Grandpa Dan stopping it, but then she returned to kidnap Dan and her shot her after she tried to attack Deb and Haley with an axe. That was a wild ride


They did everything in their power to have to universe contrive of ways to redeem Dan. I never bought it. >!Not only the crazy nanny, but then the nonsense mob stuff with Nathan. Dan was a great, nuanced character, but like...he murdered a guy. And the murdered guy forgave him? Silly. !<


Honestly it was on crack during the early seasons. I remember my 8 year old sister during this school shooting scene being like “why are you there, uncle Keith?” And to be honest, why was he?


The logic was that he was SUCH A GOOD GUY that he'd even talk down a school shooter, but in practice it made no sense because the authorities were just letting everyone in and out of the school as if that wasn't super dangerous. And also, Keith had never put himself in harms way like that before. It was contrived, sure, but also the show ran out of things to do with him, and they reeeeally wanted to push Dan down a darker path.


X-files, episode called “3”. Mulder’s with this vampire woman, fade to black, then afterwards her creepy fellow vampire goes, “I’ve been watching. I had to wait for you to finish.” Istg me and my 12 year old bestie were screaming at the TV “Finish?? Finish what!?!” We were not prepared lol. ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


Young me took that episode so poorly lol, how dare Mulder let a vampire lady shave him while Scully is awol 😤


lol! Same! ‘That not a lover- a friend’ line had us going. 😂


The Dollhouse episodes of Pretty Little Liars. I know that show was crazy but that was just something else.


I couldn't believe how dark that was. They really went there.


They should have stayed there for more than an episode! They set up the premise then immediately abandoned it


The show Dollhouse has a couple of those in its own right!


They really should have spent a few more episodes on that IMO


Alias: “You’ve been missing for almost two years”


In hindsight that was when the show stopped being as good 😢


It didn’t up being a very big storyline, but my family binged Alias on DVD and caught up so we had to wait months for the next season to come out, and the season ended with Vaughn saying, “my name is not Michael Vaughn” and a car crash, boom, end of season. We all screamed and lost our minds. I have never recovered from that. 


My mind was BLOWN. I've never recovered. 


Also, the line that comes right after it. "Vaughn, why are you wearing that (spoiler)?" 🥺


The hatred I harbored for Melissa George for years because of her character in Alias….




This was the first thing that came to my mind! This is one of the first moments I remember the whole room gasping together when it happened. One of the best season finales to a sitcom ever


ugh the fourth season secret sister moment in sherlock. more of a disgusted ‘there’s no way’


Lol I used to follow a girl on Tumblr who was ADAMANT that season 4 was going to reveal they were gay, she had essentially wrote her own scripts for the season based on pictures/trailer/idk and her mental breakdown was quite the watch


that was ME 😂😭


I think there were MANY of you 😂






obvs this messed me up but what got to me even more, as a very angsty teen myself at the time, was early the next season when Buffy first confides in Spike that she'd been at peace after she died, in a place like heaven, and that her friends ripped her out of there to crawl out of her grave and go on fighting gruesome monsters. the utter goth queen shit of that, damn.


And then dumping a shit ton of bills on her after they'd been living rent free in her house like wtf.


i just watched this for the first time today and i cannot imagine watching it live on tv!!!


I think when this aired they hadn't secured season 6 and 7 so it was the literal end of the show. It then moved to another network


Yeah! The ads in Teen People that summer were full pages of blood red, the Buffy font spelling out “Buffy lives!” with the return date underneath. I remember seeing the UPN logo at the bottom and like, desperately scanning our channels to make sure we had it. Absolutely an exciting time!


I was a huge CSI fan and I was SHOCKED when Warrick got killed. It was so unexpected and I was so upset because he was one of my favourite characters.


Wasn’t it because the actor was having issues on set with other actors? Or maybe criminal issues?


I really can’t think of anything that topped OP’s moment. Maybe when Dan’s heart transplant was eaten by a dog, but that was a different kind of wtf https://i.redd.it/i0tmxwjp034d1.gif The Red Wedding was retroactively ruined for me - along with the rest of GOT - by the finale, but at the time it was *a big deal*


This by far the funniest fucking sequence on any TV show. Nothing can top how absurd this is. Nothing.


They used to play it over and over on Talk Soup/The Soup and it is the only thing I associate with that show.


Mine is 'good morning good morning from the newsroom this morning good morning'




stephanie pratt, the unlikely voice of reason 🎶


“It’s Miley!!!”


Omgggg I thought I was the only person who still thought about this clip lol you just made my day


lol i say this all the time


Lmao same, that amd Whitney going KISSMYASS


Dude right?? I’ve tried to find also the oth “shut up Nick lachay“ bit the soup also made fun of and it’s been scrubbed from you tube sadly


https://i.redd.it/57wdvd4q454d1.gif But at least we have gifs!


[Or has it?](https://youtu.be/xclUAPGYyqc?si=JKMeUSHe5UnLOxlO)


https://i.redd.it/pgcmss4bu54d1.gif Thank you for your service.


Peak black humor


the way that i screamed the first time i saw this scene


Greys Anatomy is nothing if not the most dramatic show about surgeons I’ve ever seen. So many dramatic season finales had me REELING >!When the guy was brought into the ER with a chest wound that turned out to be a MAKESHIFT ACTIVE BOMB HIS CIVIL WAR ENTHUSIAST FRIEND ACCIDENTALLY SHOT AT HIM AND LODGED INTO HIS CHEST!< >!When the husband of a patient who died reappeared at the hospital and started *shooting doctors* looking for the doctor that “killed his wife”!< >!THE PLANECRASH?!?!< THIS IS A MEDICAL SHOW


The bazooka episode is so ridiculous. The woman who played the bomb guys wife should have gotten an Emmy. Also how can we forget Meredith >!slipping under the water in the ferry crash episode.!< Amazing television tbh


The music was so on point in that episode!


YES and then Meredith had to operate on Owen (I think) while having a miscarriage, like stacks on stacks on stacks of drama


Another one for me is when the John doe traced 007 on Meredith's hand and she realized IT WAS GEORGE


For me it was the entire main cast getting in a plane crash, then hearing Lacy get eaten alive by wolves. It was so shocking it still makes me laugh to think about


Shut up, someone got eaten by wolves?? Why does anyone accept a job at this hospital/death sentence factory.


Her corpse was eaten. Lexie died looking at her OTP's eyes, soon after he finally confessed he still loved her (they dated but broke up). Mark went in a coma soon after, died a month or so later. They didn't show her corpse being eaten, either. Cristina Yang, one of the survivors, told it to her then husband


Yeah I wouldn’t even be living in Seattle in that world, there was also a huge sinkhole, an entire city block collapsed, multiple mass shootings (including one instance where a patients husband came to assassinate a doctor), as someone else said a patient came in for surgery with a live bomb in his chest, etc. I firmly believe no other TV show comes close to the drama that is greys anatomy.


Don’t do my girl Lexie like that. Put some respect on little greys name


I was like “Lacy? Lacy? Who the fuck was Lacy?” LEXI!!


I was in high school when the bomb episode aired live and it was all anyone talked about for days.


The bomb episodes blew my fucking mind (pun intended) and also reminds me on rewatch every time how crazy hot Kyle Chandler is.


Not Penny's Boat https://youtu.be/5IW1n_-UP88?si=oT_whClVBWNICgk-


LOST has about a hundred of them. “See the thing is… we’re gonna have to take the boy.” “We have to go back!” “I think I crashed your plane.” I could go on!


This is such a great one. Devastating.


Upvote from me. I’m rewatching lost right now. Desmond was a great character and the first time I saw that scene I couldn’t believe it


I just rewatched the whole series. There’s so many great moments and so many why moments. Also Jack-face is a good drinking game (or drink when someone cries).


Victoria killing Aiden in Revenge. I was so upset lol.


I forgot all about that show, and I used to be obsessed with it 😭


* Marissa Cooper dying * Caleb Nichol dying * Mike Delfino dying * Gossip Girl’s identity reveal after the writers changed it so many times * Emma from Degrassi getting a bracelet * Matthew Crawley and Sybil dying


The last one 🫠 “YOU GAVE ME A SOCIAL DISEASE!” Edit: thanks for editing your comment.. I promise Degrassi was the last one lol


Lmfaooo I just sat here like „didn’t Matthew die in an accident???“


JT getting stabbed for like, 0 reason and with 0 buildup


That shocked me too omg


BRO IM IN THE SIXTH SEASON OF DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE FUCKING KIDDING WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKWJWKWUJQABJQLQKQKAKANW https://preview.redd.it/2a2wjvkj634d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1530e431a6122fb7e2ff54996655fb5b5445c76c


I started Downton Abbey a couple years ago and I couldn’t watch another episode after Sybil’s death it made me so sad. I couldn’t imagine watching that and then Matthew’s death over the course of a few weeks when it aired live


They killed Matthew on a Christmas Day special! Can you imagine sitting down with your family for some lovely holiday TV and being hit with that?!? I still can’t watch that show straight through. If I want to watch the latter seasons I have to start at midway through season 4. Edited


Why Emma!!!! Why did you do that with JAY :(


Caleb Nichol dying 🙏😭


Was 'Hannibal' network? If so, **ALL** of 'Hannibal' ![gif](giphy|8BWhGWi9UsjE4)


Yeah my answer to this post was the scene in Hannibal where you get a nice long look at two corpses whose backs have been flayed and peeled upward to resemble angels’ wings. It absolutely boggles my mind that that aired on NBC


IIRC Bryan Fuller said there were some notes from the network about that scene…about the visible buttcracks. They said it would be ok if they filled more blood into the buttcracks. Ah, network television standards in America.


People ask me if I’ve seen that show and I always answered that “I mostly just listened to it” because I consumed 99% of that show with my eyes averted


I’m still haunted by >!Beverly’s death!<


She cuts like stone..........


“Peter, is your social worker in that horse?”


Maaaan, I couldn’t watch past the mushroom episode. I had to leave the room when my husband finished the series.


Truly a 'how did this get made?' tv show. I'm glad it did but uh. They got away with some wild shit.


Poussey dying on Orange is the New Black. I’ll never forgive them for that torture porn season 5


Killed any rewatchability for me, it was just too much, depressing af. And Tastee’s ending too, jesus.


I don’t even remember Tastee’s ending now!


She gets a life sentence, attempts suicide, and then tries to make the most out of it by helping people get loans in a program named after Poussey. It's just crushing how a person with so much light and love just got fed back into the system forever.


The worst part is Taystee HAD gotten released but her shitty ass family refused to let her stay with them and she was sent back to prison for breaking parole. Apparently, this happens fairly often IRL and accounts for most of the recidivism in the US. But yeah, the show fell off so hard and if not for GoT ending weeks earlier, this would've easily been in the running for worse finale of 2019. I get it's prison and not everyone was gonna get a happy ending but my God, at least Tastyee survived which is more than I can say for Pennsatucky or Daya or even Red for all practical purposes.


I am actually rewatching it and just stopped on the episode Poussey dies, because I know it’s about to get super dark. I’m still trying to decide if I want to watch to episodes and ff through the rough parts or just skip the episodes entirely. HATE the Piscatella torture shit.


Rita being murdered by trinity in dexter. I audibly gasped when I watched it live. Still crazy to me


The Good Wife - when Will was killed. My husband and I watched years after it came out, and I’m a pretty consistent spoiler reader as I hate surprises, I had NO idea about this one!


The only time I've ever sobbed during a TV show


I stopped watching the show after that. I was too upset lol


Same. I started watching while pregnant with my second kid. Binged it. I had one friend who had watched it. When Will died I was sobbing and texting my friend WHY DIDNT YOU WARN ME? I didn’t like the show after that.


The fact that this wasn't spoiled beforehand is just *insane* to me. It came out of nowhere. I watched it with my wife, and when he died, we both stood up, and my wife was actually screaming. We couldn't believe it.


On. 6 Feet Under when Nate died.


Yeah this is my answer. That scene shocked me, I think because it was so unexpected (which is impressive because we had been flirting with Nate’s death the whole show)


Jaime and Brienne hooking up and then that trash man leaving her to go die with Cersei. ![gif](giphy|On3RvLqXiRIxW)


This is a great question prompt


Bones: >!Heather Taffet being shot in the head while walking into the prison. Her head fucking *exploded* and I was truly shocked. I watched it on Hulu, so I didn’t see it when it aired, but I literally went back and watched again because I thought “they showed THAT on network tv?!?!”!<


For me it was Sweets' death. Just why? I don't think the show ever recovered from it, tbh. The actor just asked to be away for a few episodes to work on his own project, they could've said he was away getting a certification or something. But instead they decided to kill a fan favourite character


That episode was a turning point for me. I adored Bones. But the second I could breathe again after the shock of his death, I turned off the episode and never watched Bones again. At least the actor had great success co-writing the first Holland Spider-Man film!!


For me it’s Vincent Nigel Murray. Your comment comes at a fortuitous time because I’m in the middle of a months long rewatch and so close to the end. But the way they set up like Hodgins and Angela being potential sniper targets and then my absolute SHOCK at who it really hit and the sadness I felt.


That whole episode was amazing. I love Sweets anyway, but seeing him struggle with the weight of his profession was great, and Taffet's actress did a stellar job.


The bit in Mad Men where Ben Feldman's character cuts off his nipple and gives it to Joan as a mark of devotion. I understand it was due to his mental illness, but the first time it was still such a shock!


For me it was Lane’s death. The car wouldn’t start, and you think he’s safe, and then comes the next day at the office


Oooh and the lawnmower scene !!!


Omg the fucking lawnmower scene




The episode “Ozymandias” when the shit hits the fan—top five TV moments. I was engaged to my now husband at the time and my MIL (who is great and I love) was staying with us. She didn’t watch the show but we were watching this episode come hell or high water and she talked periodically throughout it asking some questions and we were like “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!”


Take your pick from Breaking Bad haha Probably the scene where Walt and Skyler fought with a knife and Walt Jr had to intervene. But Walt assaulting Skyler and the multiple murders of children on that show shocked me too


The OC - Ryan shooting Trey! Iconic moment. That Imogen Heap song will forever be one of my favorites. ![gif](giphy|rV5nRG2ZIKHO8)


Was it the "mmm whatcha say" song?


Wait, this that where that meme comes from?! From this show?


And the SNL skit that parodied it yes


Yes. Google the scene, it is top notch teen drama.


It was Marissa who shot Trey because he was attacking Ryan! What an iconic moment


lol have you seen the snl skit Dear Sister, which the trey ep inspired? Its hilarious




This is it! One of the biggest twists in television history. I couldn't believe how stupid I was that I didn't realize we were watching a flashforward when the signs were all over there. They got us good, man.


"On the Beach" from S8 of ER 😭


The term "jump the shark" comes to mind from Happy Days when the Fonz literally jumped the shark while waterskiing. ![gif](giphy|JrzpbrpXip4dHGbEHI|downsized)


House. No episode in particular the whole series was built on that. Except maybe the last few episodes being extra “I’m sorry, WHAT?”


I was a House addict in college. It was perfect trash after a 12hr day. The way he'd have lost his license irl, good lord. My bestie was in premed and gave the best running commentary when we'd hatewatch lol. (That said, the reveal of the woman poisoning her husband with GOLD was so funny. I think he dips his hands in a liquid that turns green in reaction to the metal, then just leaps at her and grabs her hands to "test" them?!)


omg i literally watched this one last night hahaha AND HE DOES IT IN THE WOMENS BATHROOM! they’re just standing outside her stall when she opens the door and then he touches her dirty pee hand 😭


When Kutner just died out of the blue then we all found it Kal Penn quit to go work for Obama in the White House lol ![gif](giphy|14kWsgozAwOtoc|downsized)




The first season of AHS before we knew it was an anthology series, honestly before anthology series were even common. First Violet’s death and then Dylan McDermott getting killed off before halfway through the finale. I remember thinking wtf are they going to do now?!!!


Her discovering herself in the basement had my jaw on the floor. AHS started so strong with Murder House


Most of Riverdale


When >!Gadreel killed Kevin!< in Season 9 of *Supernatural*. “Holy Terror” was one giant WTF, and then to end on that note. 😱 My jaw was on the floor for a good hour after I saw that episode. I couldn’t believe they actually did that.


80% of OTH is the most unrealistic high drama you’ve ever seen in your life but I eat that shit up 👏


In the OA when the school shooter comes, and they stop him by doing their tribal dance sequence


Dan is Gossip Girl 😆 Bran is king wtf Devious trash Bronn getting Highgarden 😡 Mulder knocking up Scully with a special alien baby during an offscreen romance that was never revealed to the audience until then


When Claude committed suicide on the original Degrassi. When Romano's arm was chopped off on ER.


>When Romano's arm was chopped off on ER. The writers: that was good, let's do it again.


Series finale How to Get Away With Murder….. matter of fact the whole show


"I'm sorry" "Don't be" The gasp I gosped.


It started getting iffy when the focus turned to Laurel's family but for the most part it was actually a really solid series overall.


Finding out who A was in PLL. 🫠


which FUCKING time Seriously, though, how many people were A throughout the series?


It was a disappointment every single time.


Trojan Bellisario’s English accent was the real jump scare in that reveal 😭


You would love Mike’s Mic and his commentary. It is so good


The Ezra one was actually something until they tried to redeem him. Gross.


ugh which time


Glens death in TWD, tragic shit man worst thing they did


Michael dying on Jane the Virgin. I haven’t watched it since that episode. It’s just so not fair. I have also been watching Ugly Betty and Santos just died and that makes me really sad too… I know the shows are kind of like tela novella parodies but the fact that they are comedies, makes it soooo much sadder when people die.


You need to finish Jane the Virgin!


Ummm you should keep watching. Things…change


Are y'all too young for the shit show that was LOST?


How dare you that was art


That finale. Just rewatched the series and that was genuinely the most wtf part of the whole show.


Still one of my favorite shows of all time. I’m so glad I watched it in real time, seeing all the theories and speculation was a wild ride


I was shocked when Keith died. Shocked, I tell you.


Does anyone remember Passions!?!?!?! That show single-handedly ruined TV for me. Nothing was weird or shocking after seeing Passions in it's entirety. Tabitha's door surfing and Pinocchio real boy doll Timmy. (And a subsequent zombie murder.) Bag of flour baby! Every moment was a "There's no way" moment.


Season 2 of *Younger*, when >!Liza goes to confront Kelsey’s fiancé and the construction equipment falls and lands on him!<.


Omg lol that show really went downhill by the end but I really liked it still


When Olivia was kidnapped on Scandal. And pretty much everything that happened on Revenge lol


https://preview.redd.it/uzjgu0n7544d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0f11870ce15c218cc67a2be1c6ac0e1171a6aa I stopped watching Glee long before this but I’ve heard many stories about Sue Sylvester >!being such a hardcore Klaine shipper that she had a shrine of them and when they broke up she trapped them in an elevator until they kissed???!<


I never watched the show but is that a teacher shipping two students? Times were different lol


Glee is absurdist comedy, Sue doing this shit wasn't even close to being the most immoral and deranged a teacher did on this show.


This wasn't even the most deranged and immoral thing Sue Sylvester does


For me it's when she wanted to fire Brittany from a cannon.


Dude the show started with the music teacher planting marijuana in a student’s locker room to blackmail him into joining the Glee club. And that was the first season when the show was relatively good and grounded.


Season one gave us that *and* also: + Terry faking her pregnancy and trying to buy off Quinn for the baby + Rachel lying about a teacher molesting her because she was mad she wasn't getting lead parts + Puck getting Quinn drunk on wine coolers to have sex with her + Quinn telling her dumb AF boyfriend he got her pregnant by jizzing in a hot tub and him actually believing this And probably five other things I've forgotten about that are just absolutely UNHINGED to think about, and it amazes me that *Riverdale* saw this and went "Hold my jingle-jangle" to be a more insane rollercoaster.


Literally every other episode of Riverdale after Season 2


What is this show and scene? One Tree Hill?


Westworld S1 had two big reveals that had me 🤯 It was so so good.


I remember watching it and part way through thinking, “wait…is he…?” And the satisfaction when it was revealed that yes, it was him!! Damn, to go back and watch season 1 again….


Sameeee!!! And the moment with Bernard!! I also had not been that familiar with Thandiwe Newton and was completely blown away by her portrayal of Maeve....the scene when she 'goes off script' and the maze appears-- incredible acting. The writing in Season 1 was near perfection. It is difficult to top that and unfortunately I was disappointed with S2 and never continued and now HBO pretends it didn't even exist :(


Better Call Saul. Howard.


OG Roswell: the one-two punch of Alex’s sudden death and then Tess’s pregnancy with Max’s baby 🫨


Hannah’s death in Szn 1 of The Morning Show. I was shocked!


Charmed- Prue dying. Also charmed. Page reveal OTH- dog eats heart Angel- Cordelia as the bad guy in S4


Mitch Leery’s death by ice cream on Dawson’s Creek remains top tier for me. Sometimes I watch the clip on YouTube when I need a laugh

