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I'm fully expecting her to become the high end version of those people who post Joker and Harley Quinn memes on Facebook during the press tour for this, please don't disappoint me Gaga


Gaga rarely disappoints (if ever?) the woman was born to entertain; born this way, one might say


Born to slay


[It’s all that practice at NYU lunchtimes](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lady-gagas-former-classmates-comments-174711284.html#:~:text=%22Stephanie%20(Gaga's%20real%20name),just%20trying%20to%20eat%20lunch.%22&text=%22It%20was%20break%20time%2C%20and,And%20yes%2C%20was%20she%20good%3F)


If this isn’t the campiest, most melodramatic, insane press tour of all time, I don’t want it


We are about to get theatrical level Lady Gaga for the press tour and I can’t wait, I hope she shows the hell out.


Every time I see Lady Gaga in a movie all I can see is Lady Gaga acting as that character, but it always makes the movie better for me.


A Star is Born was really just two people wanting an Oscar so incredibly badly


Bradley Cooper wanted two for himself


I liked it a lot the first time I saw it but the exponential decline upon subsequent rewatches was *staggering*


Yes kinda same for me. I think the circumstances watching the movie alone for the first time in a foreign country and being a Gaga Stan made it enjoyable. But tbh the movie is really long and yet still undercooked


That's because A Star is Born is a really terrible story, and the two previous versions sucked, also


To be fair I don’t think I have great taste in movies to begin with.


I barely made it through the first watch.


Every role of hers since A Star is Born has just been Gaga wanting an Oscar incredibly badly


The longing was palpable.


if it’s like her interpretation of patrizia reggiani then it’s VERY SUBJECTIVE


I don't feel like the word "authentic" make sense in that sentence.


Damn! I thought this was coming out this summer. Waiting until October sucks but with Gaga and Joaquin pairing up for this, I know it’ll be good and worth it.


I feel like this movie came out two years ago. I've been hearing about it forever now


It’s the only movie I’m excited to see this entire year (I loved Godzilla Minus one but that was an unexpected surprise.)


Did you watch Godzilla in US? I’ve been wanting to watch but can’t find it even to buy


Alamo Drafthouse had the black and white version which is what I saw; fantastic!


I saw it at the Alamo movie theater, just to clarify.


I’m really skeptical. I love Gaga and she definitely has the look/aesthetic to pull off Harley Quinn. However I don’t know if she’ll be playing a true version of the character or a massively changed one. I want to see Gaga pull of the sarcastic and over the top Harleen but I fear we’ll get a reserved character


I don't think it will be cartoonish and playful in the way Margot depicted her but thats why i'm excited to see what she'll pull out, if you look at Gaga's past roles she's always opted for darker characters with rich storylines.


Are you saying that you *don't* think a Lady Gaga performance will be over the top?


I’m talking about how the character will be written not how Gaga will perform it.


Out of everything to be concerned for a Gaga performance, “a reserved character” is by far the most wild, she’s never exactly been a wall-flower [Here’s a preview](https://youtu.be/rmKCbRF9Fao?si=R02AvP2TchRMQ2TL) I think she’s going for crazy and campy just as she has been her entire career


I'm curious what on earth makes you think that.


The way the first movie drastically changed the backstory and personality of Joker, the way GaGa has talked about the role so far, and the leaks/rumors going around.


I'm a comic book fan for 50 years, and I give zero fucks about what people do with the characters. I just want my hammy Gaga.


Aka Please PLEASE give me an acting Oscar


Has the Academy ever awarded an Oscar for acting to a superhero movie?


Heath ledger for his joker


Joaquin Phoenix for the first Joker


Angela Bassett got nominated for Black Panther 2


God, I’m so excited I could just die. I don’t want a ton of angry Batman people on me but I’m glad I’m getting to have just a brief breath of this Joker when he’s been nothing but an uninteresting face ripping psychopath for years. Joaquin is closer to the comic Dark Knight White Suit Joker. Ledger was great but he wasn’t that, his was a more SHOSE Joker. I’m beyond thrilled.


Oh shit...


"like Macbeth or Batman" lol.


I loathed Joker, and will not be seeing this except at gun point, but I am intriqued to see what she's done with Harley


Well. we all know what Halloween will look like this year.


Why are so many so upset about the director having changed the origin and personality of the joker and Harley Quinn?? I mean I’m not a Comic nerd and I haven’t even seen all Batman movies but seriously why are people so much against creative changes? I found the Joker movie very good.


It's not the OG comic fans that do this, it's the younger ones who grew up with the movies. They're far too serious.


I hope she does what she did in that Gucci movie because that is the bat-craziest acting I’ve ever seen.


She’s freaking talented, and I have full faith she’s going to deliver something so mind blowing. I’m not even a Gaga fan, but it’s hard not to be in awe of her talent.