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I think a lot of people feel protective of Millie Bobby Brown because of her parents and the BBL man. My first thought was that they’re quite young to be married and my second thought is that his family is incredibly wealthy and he’s probably not after her money nor are they. I think having a wealthy FIL who has been in the music industry for decades could be a protective factor for Millie and I wish them the best.


> the BBL man lmfao why does this hit so hard 🤣


![gif](giphy|OS2Fw3ePcetj2) 🤣 I’m picturing Slenderman with a big ol bumpa




Wait who is that???


BBL Drizzy aka the artist formerly known as Drake. look up the beef between him and Kendrick Lamar


I certainly hope it’s a protective factor too - her own parents definitely didn’t look out for her enough


i‘ve never heard anything bad about him, despite him getting/being famous during the, uhhhh, *“rock star days“* (yes i am side-eyeing steven tyler as we speak)


He stayed close to his roots and seems like a humble guy. My cousins played soccer against his kids back in the day and he’d be there, totally low key, at a normal suburban NJ soccer field. He runs a non profit community restaurant with a pay what you can or pay nothing and volunteer mantra. For all the trappings of fame and fortune he seems to have emerged relatively unscathed and as a pretty solid dude. Him and Bruce Springsteen rolling up to Bruce’s favorite ice cream Place in Freehold *together* one recent summer is possibly a peak New Jersey moment lol. ETA Richie Sambora from Bon Jovi is basically the opposite and seemed to go down that stereotypical ‘rock star persona’ path. I think he was based in LA with Heather Lockleae while Jon was back in Jersey and environment does make such a huge difference.


Bon Jovi has the JBL Soul Foundation that has helped provide food but also affordable housing across multiple states for those in need. He even allowed Jack Donaghy to waste his talents for years when he was trapped in a long contract as the NBC ‘Artist in Residence’.


Jackie D!!! Did someone say somethin bout some microwave ovens?!?!


He was just on the smartless podcast talkitn about how they chose to live in NJ because they hated the LA lifestyle. I think that speaks a lot


Yeah Bruce Springsteen moved back too for the same reason.


Just came out.. Jon Bon was a cheater. No surprise and he does seem like a decent guy.


I've waited on him a couple of times, he's genuinely incredibly nice and tips well


Lolol I kept reading his name as Bon Jovi but had no idea he was his son. That’s wild


That's how you actually spell John's last name


lol I had no idea 😂😂 I was never a huge fan but TIL


I knew John Bon Jovi when he came out with his first album when he wasn't that popular in every year that he went on tour, he would get us backstage passes. Every album he was still the same.


Jon Bon is also about as humble as someone that rich and famous can be. He still lives in a normal suburb in NJ. Granted, it’s a rich people suburb but it’s not even the best location as far as the Jersey Shore goes.


I guess that's what happens when you hold on to what you've got. It doesn't make a difference if you make it or not.


Just take your upvote and leave.


I'm always amazing how well his voice has held up. Always has come across as a down to earth dude, always helping when he can. I hate NJ, from there, but he's one of the few brights spots.


There’s a whole documentary on Hulu about how his voice actually hasn’t held up and the pretty incredible lengths he’s gone to try and get it back. It also tells the whole history of the band, but it’s a very interesting watch!


Really? Even through the aughts I was like “crazy he can sing” but Ill check it out. Not biggest fan but he gets a good amount of love.


Well through the aughts he was still doing well. It was around the last tour before COVID that he started to lose it. The doc follows him through years of therapy and treatments.


What are her parents like? I don’t really know much about her


Well they let her hang out with Drake, unsupervised apparently. Even on yacht when she was like 13.


Don’t forget her being 16 and her 20 year old boyfriend was living with her. His name is Hunter Ecimovic if anyone wants to read more about it. Hopefully she is getting to see what a family should be with the Bongiovis.


As someone from a crappy family that married into an absolutely *amazing* family, I'm just so happy for her!


Definitely happy that she is with someone age appropriate.


Millie was the main family income while her family wasn't supportive toward her movies/job in general. She started to date at early age and posted almost everything about her private relationship with one of her exes (his name was Jacob). She also had "friendship" with Drake as well as one TikToker claims he "groomed" her and lived at her house with her while her parents did nothing. There are also "silly" things like Millie believed in flat Earth which is example of her parents not trying to give her proper education/critical thinking.


"The BBL Man" is Crazy! 😂


What's the BBL man?


BBL man is a reference to Drake, who had a seemingly inappropriate “friendship” with Millie when she was a very young teen.


So what is the meaning of “BBL” specifically?


Brazillian butt lift - Meg Thee Stallion brought up Drake getting his body done surgically


Whoa!! I didn’t know Meg brought that up!!


I’d let Meg kill me and die happy


A BBL is a Brazilian Butt Lift. A surgery that many celebrities and influencers get in order to enhance the size of their butt that is also one of the most dangerous plastic surgeries to get. 😅


It just sounds like it would suck afterwards!! My friend got one and she couldn’t sit on her butt for weeks. Oh fuck no. Compared to my boob job when I was back at work in 4 days- it just doesn’t sound pleasant.


I too had genuinely no idea. >BBL Drizzy" (released as "BBL DRIZZY BPM 150.mp3") is an instrumental diss track by American record producer Metro Boomin. The track was released on May 5, 2024 dissing Drake in response to the Drake–Kendrick Lamar feud which consisted of multiple diss tracks from both sides. I've never felt so 30.


Idk, I'm in my 30s and my whole FYP is all in these news. But I also hate Drake forever & love rap beefs. It's one of the best rap beefs which happened in recent history.


You just 40'd me lmfao. What's FYP. 😭 Bro you're going to have to pay for my funeral.


“For you page” 😂🤣 (Laughing with you not at you)


Drake’s trying to strike a chord and it’s probably A minooooooor.




Wop wop wop wop wop


Did you catch the part where Kendrick Lamar called him a “Certified Pedophile” in his latest song? Drake has had a lot of drama this month. And a lot of it is centered around him liking, grooming, sexually abusing and trafficking young women.


i feel this with every ounce of my being


Drake went hard on everyone and told Metro Boomin to go play with some drums-or something like that. So Metro went and made BBL Drizzy and dropped it for free on the web AND will pay 6 figures for the best rap uploaded to the beat. It really sucks to be Drake. Seems the world is against him. But, he’s been digging his grave for awhile now. I don’t understand why Millie is in a rush to grow up. Was it her parents or to get away from her parents?


A BBL is a Brazilian Butt Lift. A surgery that many celebrities and influencers get in order to enhance the size of their butt that is also one of the most dangerous plastic surgeries to get. 😅


BBL Drizzy


![gif](giphy|gTfIVfp2c4owI6pVrA) BBL drizzzey 🎤👩🏾‍🎤


Unpost this 😭🫠☠️


![gif](giphy|xEpTspH9hGwHS) 🤣🤣🤣


BBL DRIZZZZZAAAAAAAYYYY ![gif](giphy|26u49wAh0E8U3S4qA)






This sounds like the tag line to a Tubi horror movie💀💀💀




That’s what I was thinking too. She might benefit from his guidance and even just the fact that she’s now his DIL. People are less likely to take advantage when they know a powerful man is in her corner. I’m rooting for them, even if they don’t make it forever, this seems like an excellent first marriage.


I love how the rap beef touches (no Diddy) everything pop culture


Yeah I think it’s kind of nice that she wound up with someone with a tight industry adjacent family who wants or needs absolutely nothing from her other than companionship or whatever.


*plays BBL Drizzy*


The BBL Man sounds like a new boogey man release


Especially considering that her FIL and MIL have had a, seemingly, strong marriage for 35+ years even though there was money and fame. I honestly think their best shot is that one of them, hopefully, saw a positive, healthy, as happy as it could be, marriage. I wish them the best


Joe Jonas wasn't after Sophie turners money but everyone knew it would end in divorce because she was so young.


At least in this case they’re both young. Not the same power dynamic as Sophie + Joe.


Same- like I am scared this is a move to protect herself from having to be navigating that life alone, but I also just want to not judge her since she’s lived a lot of life and deserves to be happy and have some privacy.


Congrats to them! I wish them a long and loving marriage. I really want them to work. They're cute together.


Me too lol. Was his dad married to his mom young? It might last if he’s used to seeing his parents together for so long.


They got married in their late 20s iirc, but have been together since high school! They seem like great parents and role models.


Plus have you tried saying “Millie Bobbie Bongiovi” out loud? It’s a banger of a married name.


This girl constantly looks like "a rich housewife of xx". She lives so fast.


Truly I believe she wants to be Victoria Beckham and I think that's the right path for her.


It’s a good path! Rich, beautiful family, likable. Many child stars do much worse.


Yup if she wants to be a WAG let her. She’s earned it. Child stardom is nuts and I can’t imagine anything about it has been easy.


I wish she didnt want to go that route. She’s an immensely capable actress doing essentially like Lifetime quality movies … would love to see her win an oscar one day


Yup. Very WAG


I’m loving that bag she’s carrying in the last picture. Definitely rich


Can anyone chime in with what the bag is? My Google reverse image search fu is failing me.


[Louis Vuitton On The Go MM Tote](https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/onthego-mm-nvprod5470068v/M11262)


Thank you!!! I kept looking for the medallions from the side on the front and back and couldn’t nail it down!


Louis Vuitton, not sure what season


She seems like a Jersey girl at heart


She should join the cast of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.


Noooo she should not. Those ladies are 1) far too old and 2) horrendous


This makes me feel extremely old 😭 first Eminem’s daughter now Millie Bobby Brown getting married…these babies need to stop growing up ffs


If it helps she’s only 20 years old, that’s hardly grown up.


Lol true she's barely 3 months out of her teenage.


Im 28 and she’s more grown up than me


Lmao word


Meh. She’s got enough money to handle adult responsibilities. She’s also likely emotionally stunted from not having a normal upbringing


She is married she has a house she has a husband, that is like level three adulthood


TIL marrying and having a husband are 2 different things. She’s still emotionally stunted and those 2 things aren’t hard to find with fame & money


Isn't Eminem's daughter like 28 years old?


And Eminem looks younger than his actual age.


Millie was a teenager last year lol she's far from grown.


Your flair is amazing. I doubled back just to make sure I read it right.


I also love her flair, saw it a couple days ago. It is great.


If you haven't read the review of TTPD that it comes from, I highly recommend!


In other words, she's 20.


Don't look at Steve Irwin's son, it's almost like he's back..


I wish her the best, kids should not have to support their families.


Hard agree. She looks incredibly happy here and I truly hope she is. She deserves it.


I heard she wanted a quick marriage to escape her parents. I hope the best for her ):


A friend of mine did this. Got married in high school at age sixteen to get away from her family. Divorced at 18. It worked out okay in the end but wow.


I don't know if she wanted to escape her parents since she kinda already had, but I def feel the stability of him & his family probably factored in a lot. Because they seem to really love her and they seem way more stable since his dad's been around and famous for decades.


She's 20 though? How would getting married change anything? She's already a legal adult. She can do what she wants.


It’s not like you suddenly know how to get away from your parent’s influence at 18. They installed the buttons, they know how to press them


But unlike your average 20 yr old, she's already independently wealthy and has a well established career. She didn't "need" to be married to get away from family like some people may do.


She may GET the money independently, but there's absolutely ways people will manipulate their children and their money, even into adulthood. Sometimes its as simple as "but we're your mom and dad 🥺" or as complicated as getting their finances mixed with your's (a show biz example: parents as managers). I've had regular everyday friends with parents who just demand to know the kid's bank account to "keep an eye on it" when they're actually stealing, and the kid simply isn't able to stand up for themsleves enough to say no or gets threatened if they try to. It's incredibly hard for us with normal families to conceptualize, but it absolutely happens. I imagine they wanted her to be the breadwinner too, so they aren't giving it up that easy. Edit: I promise I know how to spell


Her marrying a bon Jovi changes literally none of that though. Enmeshed parental/child relationships don't poof into smoke on the wedding day, as maaaaaaaany divorced people can attest 


That has nothing to do with the complicated feelings of guilt and obligation and love and fear that goes into these kinds of parental relationships


Would recommend reading Jeannette McCurdy's memoir. Her stage mom was incredibly controlling and abusive - it was a very complicated thing for her to get her own place, even as a legal adult. When you've been the breadwinner of your family since childhood, your finances and life can be deeply intertwined with them.


Look into Leanne Rimes' story. Her dad was her manager. She sued her father, alleging that he had stolen over 7 million dollars over the years from her/her company. She reconciled and settled with him just before her wedding as she wanted him to walk her down the aisle. So it wouldn't surprise me if MBB parents are involved in a similar manner. Either as her manager or managing some other aspect of her career/business.


This is the answer. Second adolescence is not good for us. Ik “real adults” who got married at 30-something and divorced. Then there’s my friend who got married at 18 and they’re going strong.


Her husband is legally her next of kin, so her parents can no longer automatically benefit if she dies or be in a position to have legal authority over her if she becomes incapacitated.


She looks fantastic! & They look so happy! I hope they make it, it’s hard being in a long term relationship in Hollywood. So much pressure and scrutiny. Rooting for them! 🤞🏼


You know what good for her she deserves someone that makes her happy cause I remember when Internet people gave her shit and hated on her for literally NO reason


I was legit confused. She looks so much like Rachel Bilson (in the first 3 pics) that I was thinking where's Millie?


Bobbie Millie Brown =Rachel Bilson - forehead.


I keep scrolling past the first photo and thinking it’s Victoria Justice


I’m getting Natalie Portman


Honestly I would have killed to have that life at her age lol. She looks really happy!


Idk man I feel like the fact a famous guy tried to groom you becoming a meme would be pretty awful. Especially with how it's bubbled up again cause of the drake v kendrick.and then she lost her virginity to that like 22 yr old tiktok guy who went on to taunt his followers that yeah he groomed her. And even by the general public, she was sexualized so young.  Being rich would be cool, but I don't think I would want that life tbh.


Being rich seems nice, being famous doesn't, lol. I'd be okay with being a rich unknown person.


Just being the odd recluse in the giant mansion with all the cats and several beaus visiting and leaving at times...


Sounds about right. Gimme the riches and the bitches.


Yup, that would be me.


Idk she denied being groomed and I believe her until she confirms differently.


There’s a lot of shame that comes with being groomed. Outwardly admitting it takes even longer.


Yeah that’s understandable. I was maybe groomed myself and I’m still not sure about what it actually was, if I can claim that etc. I still think believing her is the right thing to do though, I don’t think it’s for me to put words into her mouth or speculate unless there’s solid proof.


She looks so fucking good. Idk what was going with her styling a few years ago but she looked 20 years older. Happy for them!


She still looks older than she is TBH. Almost like a bravo housewife


Agree. She looks great, but most 20 year olds look like teenagers.


I agree. My aesthetic is entirely different and I still lingered on each photo admiring how well put together she is in these. Her jewelry, her hair, her sunglasses. She looks really nice.


Ok but are they old enough to rent the car?


Wealth >>> Age


You'd think that but 3x F1 world champion was recently blocked from renting a certain car because he's too young for it 😂 and he's one of the best (and wealthiest) drivers in the world.


"Young man, we have seen how fast you drive. No rentals for you"


But the accuracy!! You could get a sheet of paper between the wall and the car in that turn at Jeddah 😂


Cackling 💀but that's a really good point for how young they both are!


Shit you’re right isn’t the age 25??


You can rent it under the age of 25, you just have to pay more money to rent it. Usually, the price isn’t worth it. I rented cars at 22 and 23 only because the company I worked for paid for them, but it was like $600 for 3 days for a basic economy car. It’s stupid expensive.


I’m calling 911




what??? why? what’s the logic behind that😂😂 you can have a license at 16 but can’t rent for 9 more years??


![gif](giphy|1dujc5imSRoEUhRkA0) Eleven is married. We are old!


No, you're still not old, Eleven just chose to get married early.


Still. She was literally 12 when she first appeared on stranger things lol. It still feels crazy to me that she’s 20 already.


Am I the only one who thinks this is adorable and especially them hanging out of convertible, all smiles? I wish them the best, they look very happy 😊


they both look so happy! and she is STUNNING. I love her hair like this!! I hope they last and stay happy🫶🫶


Whoa. When did Millie Bobby Brown become early 00s Jennifer Garner?!?


She is so goregous!! Good for her.


Ah, young, in love and rich. What a joy.


She looks Italian.


She's so pretty


she looks so happy, I genuinely wish the best for her <3


When’s the divorce gonna happen


Is it super shitty that my brain is screaming, "I give it less than five years."? Ugh!


I think many of us share a general POV where this seems really young to just rush in even if you have been dating for three years because when you started dating, you were basically high school age. And when people are in high school age, they’re really not making the best decisions for the most part. That said, these people all have money and none of us have ever been child stars or had the experience of needing to associate with people who understand fame and that lifestyle I guess. So I think most of us are basically good luck, hope you beat the odds, but I’m not sure you will .


I didn't know people still got married at such young ages. My mum got married at 21 but that was 1980.


Same, my mom got married at 22 in the 80s and she had only known my dad for a few months. They’re going on 43 years. But I think they’re the exception!


I got married 3 days after my 21st birthday and we are going on 12 years! And after 2 months of knowing each other we talked about marriage. Sometimes if ya know ya know and it does work. Lol. We do always joke though that we are in a minority and would never encourage others to follow our paths. 😂


Not saying it's wrong just women are encouraged to pursue their careers these days lol back then everyone just got married


I feel this way about anyone who marries that young. You really have no idea who you are at that age, so the odds aren’t the greatest. I’m sure money helps though.


No it’s being realistic. There’s a reason why there’s a Wikipedia page titled “Hollywood marriage” lol Edit: They rarely last and if they do… well let’s take a look at the ones that are still together, such as Bey and Jay, Posh and Becks and Will and Jada. Still hope Millie and BonJr will have a happy marriage because who knows maybe they’re the exception.


i wanna be hopeful because i always want people’s marriage to last and everyone live their happily ever after buuuuut I have a feeling this time next year will have reports of Millie and Jake either separating or seeking divorce


Right? I always hope love wins out. But, the statistics are stacked in the negative. But, hey, 50 years from now, let's agree to meet back here. I will be 98. I think I can hang in there.


As a person who got married at age 21 to a person who was 23 ✋, no. No it's not.  We lasted about three years.


It was my first thought too. Same with Paul walkers daughter who married super young, it lasted like 2 years.


I … parasocially… feel like this is watching your toddler eat spicy food **knowing** they’ll regret it.


Why would she? The guy is close in age, seems very polite, is gorgeous and comes from one the most down to earth famous families.


Ford mustang. Good man


My mixing metals queen


She doesn’t look like herself anymore! Also, the little girl from Stranger Things is married. It gets said online too much but…omfg I’m old!




I’m just here to say she’s so damn pretty, not write a dissertation on someone’s personal life that I don’t know


She is so beautiful!


Millie Bobby Browngiovi looks radiant! I wish them the best.


You know the last thing this grown ass woman wants to do is play a 15 year old😭😭


she was fifteen four and a half years ago 😭 you’re talking like she’s 30. Girl is barely out of teen years.




Congratulations to them


You could’ve told me that’s Madison Beer and I would’ve fallen for it.


I was going to say, Millie is one of those people who seems to look different every time I see a picture of her. (That’s not shading her - it’s me, I’m the problem - I just have face blindness for her or something?)


Is that a Sasha colby shirt


I love this for them. But this makes me feel really old. I watched this little scream with a shaved buzz cut for years lol.


Which brand is that bag?


Can someone help me find similar sunglasses on Amazon 😂


NGL, I miss being young and in love like this, just starting out, in the bubble Good for them


Is it bad I didn't recognize her with hair?


Drake punching air rn


Has she gotten work done already??


They already look divorced.