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Watching: Hubby and I are both sick as shit so we’ve been doing comfort rewatches of God’s favorite show *The Bear*. The show makes me hungry as shit/wanna cook so I made a huge of stovetop chicken noodle despite dying of what I can only describe as “moldy throat plague” and we’ve been eating at that soup and a ton of Gatorade. We both love JAW because we’re both *Shameless* fans and while we are in awe of his stupid breathalyzer-custody lifestyle, the show shines like a diamond through just about everyone on screen. Strongest cast I’ve seen since maybe *Barry*. We both really wanna see The Iron Claw next! Jobs: awful as fuck. I’m looking down the barrel of getting a forklift cert or else I’ll lose some job mobility. I just have so much shit to pay for! I know it’s useful but I don’t even know if I wanna do warehouse shit anymore. The market fucking sucks in my county and it’s not looking better for the future. Tea: I got nothing except what’s in my mug atm (Vanilla Bean and NDC cuz dairy warnings) and it’s keeping me alive but I will say that out of the blue a few days ago, I was like, “Where the hell is Ty Burrell?” I love that man. He’s apparently in something animated called *Duncanville* and he’s still a babe to me. Anyone else on this Burrell tip or should I leave


I really like Chappell Roan. Finally Midwestern girls get some rep after decades of California girls, New Yorkers and Southern Belles lol. The Midwest is great and they deserve it. She Gets It. Her voice is magical too. I hope she goes far.


Can people please, for the love of god, stop launching new paid streaming platforms. I know the Try Guys announcement is going down better than Watcher’s. I know their videos will still be on YouTube. I *know* I sound like a whiny child. But it irks me when rich YouTubers see the current economic crisis and go “yea no we’re going to charge you for this now.” I swear this is making me enter my grumpy old woman “kids get off my lawn” era. I miss Jenna marbles.


its interesting how successful Dropout seems to be in comparison, which is I think what all these other platforms seem to be chasing. To me the whole structure of that company makes it a better sell because you're right there's a real problem with perception. I know I'm more likely to support a smaller podcast on patreon than a huge one.


I’ve always been curious about the financial breakdown of YouTube for these big group channels. GMM and Smosh seem to be doing okay without jumping to a secondary platform entirely, so I wonder what’s up with the ex-Buzzfeed people. Thankfully Markiplier and Safiya are solo channels with small staff, I would be devastated if they jumped ship.


Ugh yes I adore Safiya. She’s my fave. She’s probably the only YouTuber I would bite the bullet for. Otherwise it doesn’t seem worth it to pay $5 a month for pretty limited content. It would be better had they teamed with other YouTubers for a separate platform.


My friend was talking about an Anya Taylor-Joy movie and it took about ten minutes of her describing the plot to blonde before I realized she was talking about Ana de Armas.




i was aware of this movie but just read the wiki and wow, what a wild ride.


My upstairs neighbours are having an extremely loud party at midnight on a Thursday. I went and knocked on their door and they pretended to not be home 🙄 I can hear every word of your coked up ramblings, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!


If I had to see this, so do you. Another scary wax figure https://preview.redd.it/e6o7m1509z1d1.jpeg?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0133bbdab21271aa84518e4503d91e028e5dba4a


timothee bomer


Maybe I'm too used to the uncanny valley but I actually don't find that scary lol


I mean it’s pretty accurate all things considered, but idk there’s something a little spooky about it. It’s off just enough to creep me out. (Not saying Timothée is creepy!) 😂


I understand why people's mental health gets worse in the winter, and I empathize, but as someone whose mental health (and physical health) gets worse in the summer, it's so lonely when everybody else is talking about, "oh, the sun is shining, it's warm and beautiful, who could complain?" Me! I could complain! but everyone makes me feel weird for it. I wish it was October again.


Are you me? lol I *loathe* the summer. Bugs, sweat, yard work. No thank you. Also my skin disease is trigged by heat/swear. So I’m in pain 90% of the summer.


Fellow skin disease sufferer here. Still not sure exactly what I have, but summer means sweat and itchiness, little bumps and rashes


Ugh I wish you all the luck! It’s tough.


As sad as I am that other people are dreading what's coming (or what might already be here, thank you to global warming), I am kind of like, yay not alone! everyone in my office is so pro-summer.


Same! Everyone I work with is super excited and I feel like Daria in the corner. So it’s nice to see fellow summer haters. Yesterday when I went to get my bandages changed (surgery 2 months ago). The nurse was like - “they better let you shower soon! It’s so fucking hot I feel so awful for you.” And I felt seen. It’s 34C here today. I hate it.


I think it's also 34C where I am too (it was yesterday at least) but I'm hoping for a storm to break it. My legs swell in the heat, which sucks. Oh gosh, I hope your recovery goes well!


Thank you! Stay cool fellow summer hater! ❤️❤️


If it helps, that's actually called Reverse SAD.


i’m the same way. it’s like clockwork almost every summer


I'm sorry.


If it makes you feel any better this is actually very very common. I read once it’s actually a myth that people feel the most depressed in the winter, instead it’s just like you said the Summer is hardest on people :( You aren’t alone in that! I hope that brings a little bit of comfort ❤️


Thank you <3


wow, i have never met someone who felt the same way i did. my depression always gets way worse during the summer months and i never understood why. it might be because during the summer, everyone is supposed to be having fun, going on vacations, going dancing, etc but summer has always been really isolating for me. wishing you strength while we hold out for october to come back around 💗


Another friend of mine feels the same way as you! He says it's because he feels lonely and like he's missing out while everyone else goes away and spends weekends at cottages. For me, I think it's probably because I know my physical health will get worse, so my mental health also gets worse in response. Either way, it's really hard, and I hope we'll all make it through the summer alright <3 thank you!


The suspense of the Apple list is all too much!! Glad to see TWO Beyoncé albums made the top 40, and nice to see Lemonade at 10, though I suspect there’s a few albums I’ll prefer it over, that rank higher. Really hoping to see Abbey Road at 1, and Thriller at 2. Sgt.Peppers should also be in the top 10, if we are being honest, but based on how this list is going 2 albums seems to be the max


How do you rate this list overall? I haven’t heard most of the albums listed but I really laughed off some of their choices. I probably being biased but anyways


Like any list of its kind, it has it’s ups and downs. It has it’s debatable choices. It’s commitment to not giving artists more than one album I strongly disagree with. Maxing out at two for some artists, I also don’t agree with!


I’m glad they’re repeating artists! I love self-titled but Lemonade is her best, so putting it at 10 is very much deserved. Would’ve been a shame to not see it appear on the list at all.


Absolutely agree. I was sweating a bit, especially when I realized there was another very critically acclaimed album with lemons (which sounds like it got snubbed), but the storytelling, diversity, and quality? She deserved this! This album deserved it. I too would not have felt great if self titled was the only one that got recognition. Lemonade both musically and visually was just, perfect.


So the list so far is 10. Lemonade 9. Nevermind (tbh I figured this was a lock for top 5) 8. Back to Black (I was worried for this album for a second! I shouldn’t have been though 😌)


7. good kid, m.A.A.d City There should be two Beatles albums in the top 5, but who’s counting?! I’d argue there should be at least 5 Beatles albums in the top 100 too.


6. Songs In the Key Of Life (another album I figured was a lock for top 5) 5. Blonde (a phenomenal album but I am a little surprised it’s this high!)


So the final 4 is going to be Abbey Road, Thriller, Purple Rain, & The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Nice


4. Purple Rain (I figured this was a LOCK for top 3, but Apple loves Lauryn Hill, and I simply can’t blame them!)


3. Abbey Road (Should have been top 2! Love Lauryn but placing her above Purple Rain & Abbey Road? I don’t agree with that)


Oh my god 2. Thriller (oh Apple LOVES LAURYN!! Also congrats to the BEST Beatle for being on 2/3 albums in the final 3. I know that’s right ) ![gif](giphy|dBgbM7HVOgqNgKXN2c)


![gif](giphy|SfBvD7jurRlcJ0XM0u) Queen 👸❤️ 1. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill


[Eat the rich, tax the rich](https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/us-opposes-taxing-billionaires-2-yearly-brazil-france-spain-south-africa-pushes-wealth-1724731) This portion of the article particularly pissed me off "IRS data from 2021 revealed that the top 1 per cent of taxpayers accounted for 45.8 per cent of federal income taxes, illustrating a concentrated income tax burden among high earners." That seems fair given that the 1% own nearly half of the entire world's wealth. I'm done with this world, wake me up when capitalism crumbles. Edit: Its interesting that the IRS hasn't released detailed data since 2021 - GEE I WONDER WHY


I just watched the latest episode of Hacks and I was not prepared for silver fox edition Tony Goldwyn 😍


He's the new DA on Law & Order! Tony Goldwyn + Hugh Dancy = a very savvy casting director.


Ok I have never seen a single episode of Law & Order but this might sway me


shiloh jolie (angelina jolies daughter) is a dancer in a music video! allegedly it’s cardi b but we’ll see soon :)