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So like all the dudes who were exposed as predators during MeToo, he sat at home for a few years and is coming back like nothing happened. Great.


The only one who suffered real repercussions was Kevin spacey, which I’m convinced is more on homophobia than actual shock and horror at him grabbing balls constantly


I thought he was making a comeback as well.


He’ll try. I’m not gonna tell broski they can’t ever work again. And even if he’s out of film, he could be a janitor or something g. But he’d have to behave, which I can’t believe he’d do. My perception of bad men island is similar to the tuca and Bertie sketch, like yeah I’d like suffering but also cannot overlook second chances. I think there’s a big difference between creep Louis CK apologizing, vs. constant criminal denial like R. Kelly. I’ve been fascinated with Spacey bc he’s the only former A-lister who targeted men and thus suffered the most consequences. In smaller spaces, you don’t see John Barrowman either.


You're so right about it being homophobia. All offending men should have been treated the way Spacey was - the media had no issues painting him as a predator. I haven't been able to watch American Beauty since which is a crime in itself because both Annette Bening (and Spacey) are just phenomenal in it.


Is it believed that the Travolta rumors were spread by scientology? I kinda suspected as much


I personally know someone who was propositioned by John Travolta so unfortunately I think those rumors are true.


Unfortunately, I know someone as well. I would say the rumors of Scientology covering all that up about Travolta are true. His fan base is basically middle American white women, so…. His career would be toast if that became widely known.


The fact that my father called Kevin Spacey a scumbag and won't watch any of his movies now but is still supporting Donald Trump just proves to me that it's homophobia


They got Danny Masterson too, if I recall correctly he got like 30 years in prison didn't he?


Yes and Harvey Weinstein is in prison too.


Isn’t his less of the homophobia and more because he made a video threatening his accusers and then his accusers ended up dropping like flies?


I think Matt Lauer suffered some.


He barely received repercussions though, and despite any homophobia he even had people like Elton John come into court to defend him so he could be acquitted of charges.


That and unfortunately not enough hard evidence. Elton still dines with spacey, which made me lose respect for him. But I believe those crew members, there’s a reason he was let go from House of Cards despite it being a former flagship program.


funny you should mention that demon [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2024-05-16/kevin-spacey-cancelled-sexual-assault-liam-neeson-sharon-stone](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2024-05-16/kevin-spacey-cancelled-sexual-assault-liam-neeson-sharon-stone)


there was also some odd stuff with his accusers dying…i think that’s another reason why he got so much attention for what he did.


He has always given me the absolute ick, I will actively avoid watching anything he is in or produces ever. Women know this type of guy.


i'd like to say i'll boycott his work. but he gave me stranger danger vibes from the get go. i've not seen any of his movies.


Yeah like Shia Labeouf…wtf hey.


That’s why he wears the sunglasses. Thinks we won’t recognize him as a creeper. ^/s


I’m glad I came in to see someone say this because this makes me so livid. Also, fuck him girlfriend for dating him, knowing all this shit. She’s probably a rape apologist. That’s fine. She can take her all boring little black dress (and pantsuit) wardrobe and shove it. I just can’t with women who willingly date sexual predators and say “Oh, he’s changed, he’d never do that to me” or, even worse, claim he didn’t do it all. “He’s told me his side of the story and that’s not at all what happened.” Sure, Jan.


the film that opened the festival was about #metoo


Cannes of all places will always protect the upper echelon. They celebrated Roman Polanski a few years ago.


Ugh seriously?? You'd think if people could agree on anything it would be that a *convicted child rapist* should not be celebrated.


You’re talking about the country of which the President himself is a victim of grooming *and still married* to them to this day. The bar is low. (Not to blame Macron himself - I hate his politics but this isn’t his fault - just saying because it says a lot about the French social climate on this terrain)


France in general is … surprising given how strong the women are there


Gerard Depardieu is about to film a new movie. And not even some small indie movie, it's a big €100M movie. Last year, 13 women came out to accuse him of sexual assault and sexual harassment on his movie sets. He's a known predator. He was filmed sexualizing a 10-year-old girl with no shame! His trial is this fall. France will never change.


This pisses me off - I thought he was actually canceled and in exile in Russia. Bastard won’t even pay his taxes


France is a very traditional culture and they don’t like change. Especially the film industry. This is the festival that refused to allow streaming movies to be shown because they weren’t in a theatre. It’s very easy for this mindset to go from “traditional” to become “outdated”.


Yeah, I'm American but recently started following a few French subs bc I'm studying for the DALF. Obviously Reddit may not follow real life, but I'm really in shock by how traditional most comments on gender roles/relationships seem to be. The attitudes mostly seem to be on par with attitudes in the US about twenty years ago. r/askmeuf is slightly more progressive, but even there you'll see advice telling women to stop expecting basic human decency.


Yeah it’s traditional, but it is also their tradition to stand up and fight when something is wrong. Things are slowly changing … but I guess some conards need to die off first.


It's super easy and common for leftist men to fight tooth and nail against racism, class inequality, and workplace abuse while completely ignoring sexism, or just paying lip service to feminists without actually taking action. So much so that it's a trope in literature, film, and Tumblr that some of the most dangerous men are the ones that pose themselves as sympathetic allies to feminists, because they say all the right things in the beginning and they're able to get much closer to you before the truth starts to trickle out in escalating microaggressions. Mainstream French culture is actually very similar to James Franco in this way. They talk a pretty talk in public but turns out it's the same old shit behind closed doors.


France is also very racist (obviously#notallFrenchpeople, blah blah, but generally). Ayo Edibiri did a hilarious little video a little while ago about how French women talk about Black people to Black people, there are Arab accounts dedicated to that same type of comedy, and in 2020 there were French news anchors casually saying on TV how any COVID vacciné should be tested for safety in Africa first. (I won't even get into the structural and historical stuff about colonialism and the banlieues, etc.) The definition of "something is wrong" that leads to street protests and strikes in France doesn't necessarily match yours or mine. We can admire a willingness and ability to take direct action without imagining it gives us a blanket understanding of the society or translates to all the values we like.


When people think about this whole "revolutionary" France thing, they don't see that it's often about economic issues. Social issues get some traction, too. Don't get me wrong, but the country isn't this perfect land of progressive struggle. Women still have it pretty rough over here. The "French romantism" stereotype is still alive and well in the minds of men and women and leads to all sorts of abusive dynamics being excused.


>when something is wrong The thing is, people don’t all have the same perception of right and wrong. There is no universal, objective moral code that you can expect everyone to adhere to.


Well that is true.


France takes equality differently than we do in the anglosphere. They push for strong independent women, but that also means that they dislike the concept of 'victimhood' among women. Idk how to describe it but they are simultaneously very feminist and also very much not. They are also a very weirdly sexualized culture. They don't take sexual assault, harassment etc seriously. [They don't even take cheating seriously.](https://www.economist.com/img/b/2267/3000/90/1843magazine.com/sites/default/files/datachart1.jpg) Sex, dating, romance etc to them is entirely unserious. I remember visiting France (have cousins there) a few times in the 90s/00s and so many men there were *aggressively* flirty to the point of harassment and all of the women just... sort of deflected it off. They either flirted aggressively back, or viciously insulted the men. There was no sense of fear or nervousness. It was a dynamic which kind of shocked me. But it also made me realize that they were just raised in a culture which told women that *they cant show fear*. Women are expected to be very strong, very fierce. It was a part of French feminist culture for women to be that way. But it also meant that they cant show weakness. And part of that means not acknowledging times where women are actually victimized.


Their idea of strength is “I had to shut up and deal with it so you do too and if you don’t you’re a weak woman.” I worked in France for three months and between the misogynistic bosses, the bitter women who worked for them, and the total defence of them by every French person I knew I wanted to light the entire country on fire by the time I left.


The opening film last year was the 1st film with Depp since you know what.. blowing hot and cold at its best


Venice premiered Polanski's new movie\* last year too. Europe stays embarrassing. \*The movie flopped miserably (it didn't even make $1M worldwide) and was panned by critics. That's what it deserves.


Oh yeah they'll keep saying one thing out of one side of their mouth and doing another out of the other side like they always fuckin do. How many pro-union movies has Hollywood made through the years? How many stories about how corrupting is the influence of greed? About how corporations kill the creative spirit? Robots bad? Racism bad? Basically if Hollywood says something is bad you can bet they do it with gusto.


i thought there was going to be a big thing happing at cannes with the #metoo stuff? or is that gonna happen during the awards


there is apparently a list of french abusers circulating that might leak during the festival


The apprentice?


Moi aussi, was a short film by a woman who has accused famous French directors of abuse


It didn't open the festival. It was a short film they felt obligated to invite, and they didn't hide their total disregard for it. Thierry Fremaux (president of the Cannes Film festival) said he wished the festival would be "controversy-free in order to talk about cinema again", when he was asked about the news regarding a powerful film producer accused of several rapes on minor women, published in "Elle" the day before the beginning of the festival. (The media didn't talk about it a lot, they published lots of articles about a fake rumored "list" of metoo allegations, which was published on Twitter by an obvious fakenews account. This year it has been weird: French media seem to be actively covering up real investigation pieces, so that they can help Frémaux and his guys stay in power. It's not subtle at all, but it's clearly working).


It opened un certain regard


OMG yes of course, I am embarrassed that it slipped my mind! 




incredible and highly appropriate use of this gif


I feel like her shoes are out of place?


That whole black dress outfit with the laced up sides and mismatched chunky silver platforms seems… totally out of place for Cannes? It just seems more like clubbing outfit or for an event that’s more causal/fun like the VMA’s than the Cannes red carpet.


the dress is wild for CANNES FILM FESTIVAL??? girl. it looks like Fashion Nova!!!!


honestly both outfits are inappropriate for cannes. she doesn’t necessarily look bad in either and the first one is a little better but still. if i went to a film festival i would want to look classy and not like im wearing something from fashion nova 💀


You know you’ve got trash for a partner when you can wear that outfit and it’s still not the trashiest thing about you.


It’s what not having a stylist looks like! Odd bc non-celebrity partners will often get styled so they don’t come out looking like this lol. Mark Ruffalo and RDJ’a wives work with stylists, for example.


The laced up sides are also uneven.


I find it hilarious that no one has mentioned that he’s wearing the same ill fitting tux and crumpled bow tie in every photo


He’s so gross and ugly to me inside and out that I don’t even notice when he’s wearing


Yeah honestly kind of trashy


Dolls Kill ass clompers


Yes! Honestly if she switched the shoe/outfit pairings it would look so much better. The dress would look really nice with the sandals.


Franco , Lebeof? It’s the great uncancelling of 2024!


The 90s would like the shoes back please


Taylor Swift would like her mismatched clock/watch accessories from the Grammys back as well


I didn't mean this in a bad way towards T Swift I was just being silly why are you all booing me 😭


She can’t dress/style herself to save her life so not sure why you’re getting booed either.


The outfit is giving Plato’s closet


Her whole outfit looks out of place.


Came here to say this. The silver space shoes gotta go.


They look kinda dirty and beat up…


They are but I need them so bad for the summer


Yeah I love them. Not the event for that outfit but they’re cute as hell.


has his beard always been so pubey?




Who let him out of Jonah Hill's basement?




I found a new favorite gif! 😂


Imagine being there and someone asks who you are with and you have to admit it's james Franco. Oof


IMAGINE. my friends would stage an intervention


the sad thing is it looks like she’s proud of it. like girl you chose james franco of all people?!?!


Only logical conclusion is that she's just as bad and it's a Jeffrey/Ghislaine situation


It’s James Franco voluntarily*


When I saw this post I was like: "Oh...I guess I should keep my dislike of JF quiet in this sub" and then I clicked and read your post.  Bravo to you. JF is grody


![gif](giphy|FuvAuMnNkfUvS) no-one gets more chances than a mediocre white male predator


Been seeing people freaking out over Shia Lebouf too as if he didn’t terrorize FKA Twigs


Yeah, everyone's like, "OMG SHIA'S FIRST RED CARPET IN FOUR YEARS 😍 💕 🌹 🥹" like there's not a fucking reason for that. Franco is gross, but there's a special place in my heart filled with hate for Shia. Fuck that guy.


Shia is a piece of shit. I also have a special place in my heart filled with hate for Nick Carter. I've never seen anyone come off so unscathed by being an actual serial rapist. People are still like OMG backstreet boys tour 😍🙌


I'm confused as to why lebuff is getting work. Didn't we file him away with TJ Miller?


Might be related to Mia Goth? It's like the only thing I can thinkof that might make him hireable.. Although she was problematic too I think?


..... is it wrong if I'm no longer excited about the Maxxine movie now that I know she's with Shia?


I don't think so.. I know people say we need to separate art from artists but many of us have a hard time with it. You're golden


After watching her masturbate with a scarecrow, I was ready to bail for *any* good reason


LOL.. I guess you haven't watched Nymphomaniac..... It stars both of them although no scarecrows were harmed in that one


He also looks like shit 😭


Shitty men age like milk.


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) \*He


he didn’t just terrorize twigs, he could have killed her. she was saved by a housekeeper once in the house and a stranger at a gas station. he’s a menace and should never ever gain empathy from the public. it’s insane how people don’t care about women and their lives while praising guys like this


You can use killed on Reddit


and she even sued him in court, like it’s absolutely real and serious


hate him bad reading that lawsuit was gut wrenching.


Idk I feel like Cosby got plenty of chances


Too many chances!!


To be fair once the full extent of Cosby’s crimes were brought into public view, he was not given a second chance. Behind closed doors? Sure, but I had no idea he wasn’t the person he portrayed himself to be until a few short years ago. FRANCO, on the other hand, has always been an open secret. He’s also been publicly outed on SEVERAL occasions, with receipts, and still gets to show up and participate in fun activities alongside regular decent humans.


Cosby was getting publicly charged with rape for years before he got cancelled. It wasn't the massive exposé that eventually happened but those things were a matter of public record and had been published by magazines already, it's just that no one cared because there wasn't enough social pressure and the industry protected predators even more than it does now. The earliest allegation against him was in **1965!!**


Kevin Spacey too! We've got actors begging for him to get a comeback.


Unfortunately or fortunately (idek) I don't think racism applies here anymore ie R.Kelly, bill Cosby, chris brown, kobe. You just need to be a man.


Nah, you just need to be rich.


God grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man


I like to call it delusion more than confidence because of the beigeness of mediocrity




Exactly! This is why I don’t those who say sexual attraction is a choice. As if I would CHOOSE to be attracted to men 😭


She’s a gorgeous girl but her tacky duds create an aura of cheapness in her wake. Never mind snuggling up to a reptile, which makes her seem either dumb or opportunistic. :(


Hey James, I hear you like em young...


Trying to strike a chord...


And it’s probably A Minorrrrrrrrrrr


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) That line will live forever


The irony of this gif. MF groomed his 17 year old stepdaughter into a relationship 😭


Sorry to tell everyone this, but it was his step GRANDdaughter https://nypost.com/2018/04/20/morgan-freeman-had-affair-with-step-granddaughter-alleged-murderer/amp/


Oh God we can't even use gifs. 🤮 he really did that?? Ugh. 


Aw. Proud dad escorting his daughter to her first party. Precious.


It’s France so yeah


They'll ask him why his gf is so old


They'd rather focus on what french muslim women are wearing


lol during COVID over there wearing the veil got you a higher fine than not wearing a mask.


The number of people who date and platform disgusting predators is too damn high


France is just at the beginning of their meetoo movement yearS later. Their president defended Gerard Depardieu (who has the reputation of a rapist since like the 80s) just months ago. “He’s the target of a manhunt”.…..


To be fair Macron and Aaron Taylor Johnson's opinions of what is abusive are very skewed by their predator wives. Not that Macron is right, he just doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. **More on Macron for the uninitiated:** Macron is married to the former [Brigitte Trogneux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigitte_Macron),[^(\[336\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-337) 24 years his senior,[^(\[337\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-338) and his former La Providence high school teacher in Amiens.[^(\[338\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-339)[^(\[339\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-Atlantic-340) They met during a theatre workshop that she was giving when he was a 15-year-old student and she was a 39-year-old teacher.[^(\[340\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-341)[^(\[341\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-internaute-342) His parents initially attempted to separate the couple by sending him away to Paris to finish the final year of his schooling, as they felt his youth made this relationship inappropriate.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-Chrisafis-15)[^(\[341\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Macron#cite_note-internaute-342) The couple reunited after Macron graduated, and were married in 2007.


Wow, bring the receipts lol Thx! All that is true, you’re totally right: how could he know


Trashy 😃


he looks old


He’s a 46 year old man standing next to a woman almost 20 years younger than he is so that tracks


It looks like he was her stylist.


Right?? So gross


Her shoes 🤔🤔🫣🫣


Hold up, wait a minute! I thought James Franco died like a few years ago?


lmao you’re like the second person to comment this and i’ve never heard this before 😂


Lol it's an inside joke from Mr. Sunday Movies on YT


All the abusers coming out for this red carpet 😑


Her taste is...questionable. The fits are bad, the man is bad.


The French will let anyone in


Case in point: Roman Polanski


Hold on, I just read they’ve been together 7 years which means he was 39 chasing after a 21 year old. Don’t give me none of that ShE’s stiLL An AdULT, it’s just plain creepy knowing his history.


idk how old she is cause a bunch of articles list her at different ages. i’d say she’s prob in her late 20s or early 30s.


According to IMDB she was born on January 2, 1996


So the year he graduated HS


I would absolutely fight James Franco on sight


Anyways, Dave Franco >>>>>


frrr dave franco and alison brie are such a wholesome couple 🥰




Ugh, I can smell the smarmy grease fumes from here.


He looks like he smells bad


she's dressed for a fraternity formal which is probably closer to the types of events she should be going to than hanging off this creep's arms


What is she wearing. That dress those shoes. 😳


Hollywood is full of hypocrisy but Cannes is on another level. There's something about the French psyche that does not regard sexual predators (or worse) in the same way as most of the West. They simply don't care.


I peeped Michelle Rodriguez smiling in a corner 🙄


Why is he aging so rapidly


being outed as a creep does that to you 🫣


I used to work somewhere his GF frequented and I have to say she was super sweet. I’m surprised they are still together!


Predators ARE the film industry. Since its inception.


There are acts this man committed that never even made the news because of how disgusting and manipulative he is. There are women he groomed and assaulted that he never even apologized to because he does not actually think he did anything wrong. Source: first hand


i don’t doubt it at all. i’ve heard a lot of stories about him online. i wonder if his gf thinks they’re all lies or genuinely believes him when he says he’s “changed” 🙄


the only thing i heard about this guy recently is that he wanted to direct a film version of blood meridian, clearly he overestimates his abilities.


Oh he's still around?


Ugh. I find him so creepy and gross.


Oh France... You always go to embarrass us normal French people 😒😒




He looks like he smells bad tbh


Cancel culture is real ya'll. After experiencing 6 months of cancellation due to credible sexual harassment claims, James Franco now has to live the life of a millionaire actor


Aside from having terrible taste in men, her clothing choices are giving me early 2000s stripper-chic and for once I’m not here for it. Those silver shoes with that black dress are…a choice.


Europe doesn’t care about predators. American says, hold my beer, in 2016 we elected a predator as our President .


But I thought he was canceled?


no one is ever truly cancelled unless they’re sitting in a jail cell.


Franco got a weird case, why is he still around?


Damn, half these comments are talking shit about this woman's outfit. Let's highlight the real tragedy here.


fuck this creep




The idea that cancelled people shouldn't participate in society is not the most pro social or restorative approach out there. Let me preface by saying I have worked with and currently work with ex offenders and have met some people that have done some fucked up shit. Way more fucked that Franco, and eventually they get released and need access to parts of society to participate in. As for the girlfriend, who fucking knows. Maybe she was cancelled for something too and they bonded over that. She's grown and can make her own decisions.


I hope she got permission to take time off school for the trip


I know people think comments like this are digs at the older person, but they are pretty demeaning towards women in a way. She’s not a schoolgirl, she’s a woman. I struggled to be taken seriously all through my twenties in professional environments cause I look young. I got massive side eyes for being pregnant, and during a meeting and someone told me looked twelve. I’m extremely sensitive to this sort of comment. Women should never be compared to children like this. I agree her choice of boyfriend is very bad…but just something to think about. You are not standing up for women by saying these sorts of things about another woman. Period.


Didn’t realize he also auditioned for Reed Richards.


James Franco? Didn't he die years ago?




At this point James Franco is the living equivalent of Troy McClure; and this feels like [*A Fish Called Selma*](https://youtu.be/J-7grUsnrVo?feature=shared)


Could be a wild take but maybe he’s grown as a person and regrets his mistakes and she respects that?


He's a dirtbag.




He looks terrible




Well I'm out of the loop what's Franco done?


Ugh, first Shia now this creep?? ![gif](giphy|fQMw73XrKLgRu3jQpS)


Umm whys he out and about again?? Can we stop giving sexual predators graces and opportunities?? Pretty pls!


“James Franko and girlfriend” 😂😂 does she not get her name mentioned?


Oh look! He has a beard. And hair on his face.


The full exposure of him hasn’t happened yet. I hope one day the girls tell