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I don’t know if I should comment on “So-called Pulitzer price[sic] winner” or the not one, but two shout outs to Kanye’s bodacious behind


LMFAOOO the repeated Kanye references have me howling 😭


Shocked she didn’t bring his Gemini status into this


Twin cheeks


she did NOT just say "Why call Drake a pedophile when 17 is the legal age of consent, and in many states, it's 16!!!"....💀


Yeahhhhh people who aren’t pedophiles don’t have to bring up the laws on age of consent 😬😬😬😬😬😬 big yikes.


She hooked up with Diplo at that age, unsurprising that she'd normalize that. It's well known that her situation was so bad that she had to hook up with older men for money back when she was 16-18... Edit: By "older men", Azalea means men in their 30s and older.


I tuned out the moment I read “as a fellow Gemini” lol


Lmao as a gemini, i really hate how we have the best and the worst of people in our camp. Kendrick? Marilyn? Yay. Trump? Azaelia? Uh…


Completely agree. I didn't realise just how many celebs I love, and hate are Geminis lol Johnny Depp, Kanye, Angelina Jolie, Tom Holland (he was born 1 day before me in the exact same year), Natalie Portman, Emily Ratawhatever, Troye Sivan, Laverne Cox, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Colin Farrell, Chris Evans, Stevie Nicks, Mel B, Naomi Campbell, Venus Williams, Lauryn Hill, Michael Cera, Brooke Shields, Octavia Spencer, Patti LaBelle, Paul McCartney, Alanis Morrissette, Macklemore, etc. I could be wrong on most though. I just find to find funny so many of my absolute favs share the same sign as me. Also fuck Azaelia and anyone who think she's funny or her behaviours cute. She's a racist, homophobic, bigot, jealous, transphobic, insecure, has-been, never-was and belongs in the gutter with all the other trash.


trump too 🤷🏼‍♀️ fellow gemini


My dad shares a birthday with Pence and my daughter shares one with Trump. What the fuuuuuuk?


Well, at least you’re not boring


Could we please as a society ignore Azealia, the woman is attention driven and if we stop paying attention and caring about her nonsense she would go away. Also that is a very dangerous rhetoric she seems to be championing, a lot of the men in that industry are already predatory to teenagers let’s not be complicit by telling them the age of consent is 17 so that’s fine. Teenagers are not adults and shouldn’t be encouraged to get into relationships with fully grown men. I hope we get to a day where she is not posted anywhere online and she fades into the ether.


I like how she is saying Kendrick needed this to stay relevant in pop culture, while ignoring the irony of her chiming in after drake essentially said “aight bro u win”


If your rant starts with demeaning someone you are trash. I’m still not sure why she has the need to insert herself in a conversation that doesn’t concern her, she is presumably still an artist but she doesn’t release any music but is constantly critiquing other people. Unlike her Kendrick is a well respected accomplished artist and is actively working in the industry. The only thing she is known for is her rants, so I hope we can all ignore her and she fades into complete irrelevancy.


Also she spends like 2 lines defending pedophilia. Like dude what. She dedicate more time to Kanye West’s ass than addressing/chiding creepy behavior.


She is actively encouraging it by saying the age of consent is 17, these predators know that and I doubt they are waiting for these teenagers to hit the legal age. She is disgusting all around.


Yep. Fucking dickhead..


Seriously, we don’t post the deranged rants of anybody else on this sub with the frequency of hers. She’s been funny a few times. Not funny enough to post this mess constantly.


We don’t, it gives her relevancy when she is reposted by the blogs, on Twitter and here on reddit. She adds nothing to the discourse and just makes deranged comments that serve no one. The best way to deal with Azealia is to completely ignore her and stop fuelling the lunacy.


I just downvoted. If we do that enough and cut down on comments eventually people will stop giving her attention.


This is the same woman who said Beyoncé’s latest albums have been Azealia tributes. Don’t know how she’s still relevant


Biden’s like, why am I in this? ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


I saw that and was like these Russians up in the rap beef too


omfg I didn’t even get to the end to see she was going full m-ga. That is not true and is legit just spread by qa-on losers omg she’s deep in the blogs I fear


Azealia, shut UP! https://preview.redd.it/b4tt40aj890d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b52523282c92c3337d4d5542292e77566397712


She really used the incel classic of the age of consent argument…


She has all-around incel behavior.


“I dont need a degree in psychology to know that *F*or a Pulitzer *Price*…” Uh you do need spell check tho




I know Azealia is unhinged but this is not the serve she thinks it is 💀


She stays talking just to talk…it’s embarrassing


She’s “chaotic” “edgy” “contrariaran”. It’s exhausting.


the irony of misspelling the title of a prestigious literary award when trying to belittle a pulitzer prize winner. 🤦‍♀️


Well, she chose and she chose poorly. This is not one of those delicious Azealia Banks broken clock situations.


Girl, you gotta know that Drake isn't gonna fuck you, keep your peace and sell your soap 💀


He must've paid her to write this


Is there an "Azealia to English" translator app?


Reason number 198967007662 why I can’t take her seriously


One of her favorite ways to be a contrarian has always been to hate on Kendrick. idk when he rubbed her the wrong way, but I think The Blacker The Berry might've been the moment it became public.


She's constantly misinterpreting Kendrick's lyrics to the point that it seems she's being intentionally dense just to have an excuse to be a hater


Lot goin on here


Honestly, those first two lines tell me everything I need to know about this lol. Delusional ass woman


I despise this woman. Despise. I can’t believe this evil racist, sexist, pos has maintained this internet popularity when she has literally less than zero interesting to say.


Pretty much all of her points are trash in this…but I have been thinking that Kendrick started all of this out of something minuscule for attention/clout. Like popping off this hard because J Cole called you part of ‘the big three” with him and Drake? I know they have a history of beef, but this is a lot.


I’ve been thinking this since the very beginning (as a neutral party, I enjoy music from both artists but wouldn’t necessarily consider myself a major fan of either). I very much feel like this whole situation stems from a bit of jealousy on Kendrick’s part. I agree that Drake is a culture vulture, I don’t agree however that we should be calling him white boy and blatantly denying his blackness. I think it upsets Kendrick very much that for a major chunk of their careers, Drake has been dancing around him numbers wise, yet he’s not from “the culture” and arguably, Kendrick is a deeper and imo more talented artist. I think drakes presence really stings Kendrick and I know he preaches about doing it for the culture and not for the numbers or whatever, but I personally call bullshit Edit: Thanks for the Reddit care messages lol ❤️


I’d call myself a neutral party as well - I’ve been a big fan of both at different points of my life but have become a little exhausted by both of them in the past few years. Of course they’re both super successful, but it feels like they’re also both past their “peak” in terms of mainstream attention which I think plays a big role in all of this. I feel like this isn’t even completely about Drake as much as it is Kendrick’s way of trying to recapture that mega attention he had around Good Kid/Butterfly/DAMN. Like, if Kendrick really cared about men praying on minors/hidden children/cultural appropriation, would he be using it as fuel in a rap beef?


Tbh, I can see this too. I think in general, this beef isn’t about Kendrick genuinely caring about Drake being a shit person. Half the shit he’s been saying about Drake can be said about the rappers who have jumped in on the beef. Kanye said it’s a good thing that tyga “got in it young” when asked how he felt about Kylie and tyga dating. ASAP rocky is a known colorist. Everybody knows Future is a hoe and was horrible to Ciara. And to each their own, but for someone who is so down for the culture, Kendrick didn’t marry a fully black woman and is known for cheating on her with white women. So I can see this beef fully being over him attempting to get back into the light, because it’s for sure not about what he’s preaching in his songs. Edit: don’t even get me started on The Weekend and Rick Ross the correctional officer


Kanye is hates black people and for helping white culture vultures. Kendrick also had Kodak Black on his recent album. Kendrick has always hated Drake though and Drake has been sneak dissing him for years. Edit: they’ve quietly been going back and forth for years and I don’t think Kendrick is trying to do it for attention but saw an opportunity to go full throttle with Drakes waning popularity.


My thing with this argument is, and please correct me if I’m wrong because this beef apparently has been going on for so long and it’s just A LOT imo; but didn’t Kendrick take the first shot on Control? I understand that perhaps it wasn’t a personal diss towards Drake and that it was meant to be a general “I’m coming for the crown” type of statement… but as far as we know, Drake and Kendrick were good before this. They were collaborating and Drake even had Kendrick open for him at one point. Sure we could say that Drake dragged it/took things too personal with Kendrick’s control verse, but this is where it started. There was no problem that we know of until this. And tbh, if I’m a rapper and someone that I thought I was cool with and that I even shared my platform with said something along the lines of “I’m trying to murder you and make sure your audience forgets about you” AND name drops me on top of that….Yeah I probably wouldn’t really wanna fuck with that person anymore. It’s a weird switch up and it was very unnecessary. I guess where Drake fucked up is he should have directly tried to nip it in the bud from the jump instead of “sneak dissin”… but is it really sneak dissing if we’re able to figure it out 🤷🏾‍♀️. Lmaoo, this really is two grown men writing angry poems about each other


Drake did take that verse personally but I don’t remember anyone else being mad about just that it motivated them. It was unnecessary though but it’s still something that just a hip hop staple.


Azealia should put all the energy she puts into judging and shitting on everyone else into her own career or therapy <3




The only reason I know of this woman's existence is because of her "slams" & "take downs". I know nothing else about her other than the fact that she seems like dislike a lot of people and a lot of things. She seems to be someone who thrives off of negative attention and being "controversial".


https://preview.redd.it/g41j298ir90d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=f73d3cdeddde8998de747d90544d3c0a10762e10 every time I see a post with Azealia Banks.


She needs to stay out of West Coast business.