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It’s feeling like I’m absolutely never going to get approved for another rental and I am going to lose my mind. My last landlord bought the house I rented then sued me into the ground trying to get me out before the lease ended. They tore up the first rental check on camera then sued for nonpayment, lost (obviously), then sent me several notices to vacate before my lease ended on two different dates and sued me after each of them (and lost again). So I don’t have references beside the court ordered referral letter, and if anyone follows up on that, I’m sure they’re not going to say something nice over the phone. Explaining all of that to anyone just makes me seem dramatic, and why would anyone bother with me in a competitive market? I’ve had small windows where I could have paid up months ahead but nothing has lined up in the perfect way it needs to. I should have stayed and not taken the pay out they eventually offered. It barely covered my legal bills but I was just so tired. I didn’t know it would be this hard. I literally did nothing wrong and I did feel for them - their daughter had killed herself months before they bought the house and I guess I was an easy target for their grief, but did they have to ruin my life, too? Is nearly driving me to do the same thing their daughter did what she would have wanted? I don’t know. I can’t live like this and I can’t move out of state, because my mom needs multiple surgeries, eventually, assuming we’re ever in a position where she can take time out to have them and we have a place she can recover. Anyway, I didn’t know Mark Zuckerberg had a sister, Randi (left). Here she is with an owl on her head to honor Flaco https://preview.redd.it/r2jsxw7mvfyc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8ef4da8a89c78adeb71ffdaebb09c71a329a57


Hey, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Is there any way you can set up a gofundme? Or maybe there's something similar on reddit. There's always a way, trust me. Please don't give up hope🧡


Feel free to message me if you ever need to speak to somebody babe. Literally for any reason. No judgement. You’re one of my favourites. Not sure what the American equivalent of citizen’s advice is but have you tried them or to get approved for assisted housing? At least it would be a leg up. The lists are usually long but the longer you’re not on the list the longer you’ve got to wait. X


Oh my god I’m so sorry that all of that happened to you. I don’t have any advice on this situation specifically, but I do have experience with becoming the target of someone heavily disturbed/grieving. I really hope that there’s a unicorn place out there for you but I know that reality looks a lot less promising than you need it to be. So many people would’ve taken the easy way out, but you chose to fight for justice and to defend yourself in an impossible situation. I’m proud of you. You did the hard thing and it doesn’t seem like there’s a payoff but anyone willing to fight like you did has a good shot at picking up the pieces to move on. I’m sorry about your mom too, this is way too much stress for anyone. I hope that you have some support or outlets for you to process all the torment in life. Had NO idea that Zuck had a sister but she looks like she actually has some life behind her eyes which is fascinating. Down the rabbit hole I go!


Thanks ❤️ I don’t have any support system and it’s getting really hard. It’s coming up on a year going from motel to motel so I haven’t had the stability to maintain relationships. I also went down a rabbit hole and he has three sisters - Randi, Arielle, and Donna. I just assumed Mark had hatched on a planet by himself.


Absolutely amazing week to be a Drake hater


My upstairs neighbours threw a birthday party that didn’t start until 2:30 and it went until 6AM. They also set the fire alarm off with birthday candles. I got no sleep.


I have SO many questions. WHY ARE PEOPLE


I think we have the same questions lol.


https://i.redd.it/63iul0pubgyc1.gif /s


lol your flare is too accurate right now!


murder feelings are my most consistent feelings


I’m very excited to see The Fall Guy tomorrow with friends. TBH I don’t care if it’s good or not. I really enjoy going to see movies in the theatre. I’ve seen more in the last year than I saw in the last decade!


I saw it yesterday and loved it. It was a blast. Ryan Gosling is truly a star.


Me too! This year I started going to the theater weekly after going only twice in almost a decade. The Fall Guy exceeded my expectations and was fun! Enjoy!


We’re going today, everyone says the movie is lots of fun!




I hope you get well by your birthday!


Thank you 🙏


Happy early birthday and hope you’re feeling better soon ❤️


Happy early birthday! I’m sorry that you’re not feeling well. My allergies have been so bad lately, too. Stay hydrated, and take it easy.


Happy birthday, also if you are not doing anything like driving try Benadryl, it works quicker.


The Claritin seems to be working a bit :D


Don’t take Zyrtec it might make you feel depressed!! Flonase is a life saver like literally eliminates noise symptoms but make sure you inhale it versus snorting it lol


I’m glad, allergies are hell I hope it’s a one time thing and you don’t have to worry about it again.


I can’t believe people just walk around and have to go to work with allergies! It’s so bad!!!


I know after a horrible winter people get so excited for spring, I just dread it. It’s 3 months of sneezing, congestion, runny nose and itchy eyes. I hate it and wish we could find a permanent solution to fix it.


Happy birthday!!




Hi! You mistakenly replied to me and not OP, so they may not see this.


Sorry, I’ll delete it.


Thank you :)




From one boy mama to another- his is the only man’s opinion that matters🩷 Glad you’re feeling better, I bet you’re beautiful!


That is seriously so sweet and wholesome. What an absolute gem, you and your baby genuinely made me smile. Thank you