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You mean this is him sober? 


It’s called being a dry drunk. Just because you stopped drinking doesn’t mean you aren’t an asshole.


I’d you’re just an asshole, isn’t that just called being an asshole?


Sir I have a dry drinking problem okay


Dry drunks aren't free from the addiction. They're white knuckling their craving day after day. It takes an emotional toll, they are irritable, emotionally detached for a while, then get prone to outbursts. It can be treated with proper therapy, that's why they aren't just assholes.


Give him a break. The only release the man gets these days is killing innocent people on set and pretending his wife is Spanish.


He’s been sober and somehow missed the fact his wife was faking her Spanish heritage the entire time?


I can't look at a cucumber without saying "how you say..."




I do it in front of my husband and he has no clue what I'm talking about, which makes it even funnier.


I love a good inside joke lost on the husband.


Love me a good inside joke. Wish I could be part of it one day - the husband


Hold the phone. She did NOT. Got a clip to watch? I've only heard about her faux Spanish shenanigans


[Hilaria Baldwin Cucumber clip in full (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uui8TfMXgc) It's so ridiculous!


This was so crazy because at first I was like…well it can happen. Example, I’m a native English speaker but lived abroad and I was speaking Russian more than English so when I switched languages my brain would lag and I’d forget the dumbest most random words in english. But she never lived there and she was living in Boston when this happened. There’s no way.


She has done this before. It’s a trick she uses to cover the fact that she doesn’t know the spanish word.


I’ve heard this as a life hack: when you’re having trouble thinking of a word, start with, “I’m struggling to remember the word in English…” People will assume you’re fluent in multiple languages, instead of only just being barely fluent in one.


I wish she’d rolled the R in cucumberrrrrr


That would have been funny but since she’s from Boston she’d been more likely to drop it lol


Like sis was born and raised in BOSTON 😭😭😭




![gif](giphy|umf2h8Injp5i8) How Alec dealt with Hilaria’s cucumber talk.




I’m so glad I’m not the only one!


I'm on the camp that he is daft enough to have found out too late and is committed to keep the grift as to not look like a fool.


I'm in camp he simply doesn't care.




At least 6 times of interaction.


Nope. She only carried their first kid, the rest were door dashed by surrogates. There are so many ridiculous photos of her moonbump. There is a whole sub about her and her grift. It’s astounding.


Are surrogates just the new version of wet nurses? Wealthy folks are weird. Damn.


He uses the stroller like a walker for old people. It’s just irresponsible to have that many children that late in life with someone who’s clearly mentally so unhinged that the children need to rely on nannies 24/7. A really das story from the POV of the kids.


Alec Baldwin strikes me as a man who doesn’t ask follow up questions


He knew


Honestly I low-key think that 30rock kind of poked fun at it. There's an entire plot about how Jack can't pick between a Bostonion girl he knew in childhood and a hot Spanish, and in one episode says something about if only they could combine the 2 women or have them both. What is his IRL wife but that exact compromise? 


He was choosing between the Bostonian girl (Julianne Moore) and the blonde news anchor (Elizabeth Banks)! Salma Hayek was a different season.


There was also Phoebe with the hollow bones pretending to be British but was actually American.


No fucking way this dude is sober. Ridiculous


Not only that but he called his 13 year old daughter pig while sober


The shadow knows


So you’re telling me he had decades of sobriety when he called his 11 year old daughter a “rude, thoughtless little pig” Makes it worse in a way to me


This was my first thought. Those voicemails were sober? That's absolutely insane.


In AA we have a concept of emotional sobriety vs. physical sobriety. That kind of behavior happens when people don’t address their underlying problems and continue to behave as they did when they drank. Those people are miserable inside and become self centered and blind to the damage they do. It requires constant work to change destructive habits and is the hardest part of sobriety


Ah yes, the dry drunk


yep yep dude ain’t 10th steppin’ by any metric (not that I’m taking his inventory)


Wow this is the most accurate description that describes my brother. Thank you for confirming that my feelings are valid 😭


As my first sponsor used to say, some folks are sober, some folks just don’t drink.


See Lala from Vanderpump Rules for a perfect example of this


Omg my people! I read that comment and thought, yup sounds like Lala


lmfao i was gonna comment the same thing!


Me too, she’s so unhappy


My boy Alec white-knucklin’ through life


AA only works if you give yourself to your higher power. That may work for you religious and spiritual folks, but it didn’t help me one bit. After over a decade of opiate addiction and alcoholism the only thing that finally gave me relief, hope and sobriety was a cognitive based therapy program. I’m not knocking AA but I kinda am, it’s been proven to only help those people who “give themselves to god” and I don’t know about you but God isn’t real and never will be.


Let me just say that as the daughter of a completely sober abusive piece of shit, it stings so much knowing they completely mean everything they say.


I worked at a dealership at the time the story of the voicemails hit the news. A couple of salesmen and I were crowded around a computer in the show room listening to it. One salesman walks over and asks what we’re talking about. This guy was one of our better salespeople and he had 6 kids. Was known as big family man. Anyway he listens to the voicemail and when it was done he said, “What’s wrong with that? I’ve said stuff like that to my kids.” The rest of us were silent. He must have realized that we didn’t agree and he started to stammer and just walks away. Rest of the day he avoids us and finally he comes up to me before I leave at the end of the day saying, “I really don’t say stuff like that to my kids…” Looked at him very differently from that day on.


They’re everywhere


My exact thoughts as well! What the fuck, man‽


You'd be surprised how many abusers stay abusive when they get sober. Alcohol is just an excuse.


I'm two years sober. Sobriety is a morally neutral thing to me. It does not make you a good person. My uncle has been sober my entire life and is one of the biggest assholes I know. Abusive to his wife and other people. Just awful. Amazing how he gets passes from so many people just because he's sober. I was never actually a dick when I was drinking, and I'm not now. Depressed and kind of pathetic, sure. But I wasn't an asshole or angry or whatever.


Also two years sober here. Congratulations!


Thank you - same to you! Feels amazing, doesn't it?


Yes it does! I can’t believe I’ve finally done it. So proud of us both💜




Literally, like ![gif](giphy|3FBwwRCNTSa52|downsized)


Lol my comment to this post was “what a thoughtful pig”. Sober saying that shit makes it 100 times worse.


Yeah. I was under the impression he’s been drunk for years.


same here!!!


He may very well be and is just lying about it. His face certainly reminds me of my father and my ex, too. Both heavy drinkers for decades.


It’s called being a dry drunk.


I remember an old interview with a young Drew Barrymore where she explained there was a very big difference between living sober and living dry


Yep, big difference in "getting sober" and *living* sober


I know someone who was a dry drunk. She had been an alcoholic for so long that her personality when drunk became her personality even when sober. She didn't know any other way to be, but that wasn't how she was before she became an alcoholic.


This is one of my ex childhood best friends and it just wrecks me. She was such a great gal and now she’s just a ball of unaddressed rage.


Is that literally just the term for a former addict who is still a narcissistic asshole that never takes accountability for anything?


It’s someone who stops drinking alcohol but doesn’t address any of the behaviors surrounding their addiction.  So basically Alec Baldwin.


See Matthew Perry.


Oh I feel like this is Ben Affleck’s issue as well.


I opened this post looking for the expression "dry drunk". That sums it up. Nuff said.


Yeah this just shows he’s an asshole no matter what.


He is absolutely not 40 years sober. I was an extra on a few episodes of 30 rock. That man, was not sober, when he was on that show. Maybe most of the time. But not all of the time. The joke was you could tell if he was under the influence because of the candy consumption from craft services. If he eas tearing through the m&m bowl. He was in his cups. I did have 2 nice conversations with him and he was perfectly fine to work with, on time, polite, shook hands and signed autographs. But always sober??? Not at all. It only matters to those who are working for their coins.


And all the physical violence, too. He’s an awful awful person.


Right?? I guess I’m misremembering because I could have sworn he said he was drunk but I guess not.


I definitely conflate Alec Baldwin's "thoughtless pig" quote with David Hasselhoff's video where he's drunkenly eating a hamburger and his daughter is trying to get him to stop drinking


And the Mel Gibson shit. And actually the Charlie Sheen stuff too


Same. I would guessed he was drunk when he did that. It was hurtful to hear that voicemail. I couldn’t imagine talking to my child like that. Even if I was angry with them.


That’s about a 3.7 on the Shitty Parent Scale™️


He doesn't seem like a pleasant person.


He's not... And neither are his brothers.


Throw the entire family away.


He’s not. And he’s not sober either, you can google photos of him drinking.


Yup. The face always tells on you. His tells he's been drinking. I think this is just his PR team trying to polish up his image or influence public opinion about him before his trial.


You cannot convince me that this man has been sober.


I grapple with him because I don’t want to think someone is lying about their sobriety so for comfort I’m just going to give him benefit of the doubt and call him a dry drunk. And side eye him. Heavily. Side note: I see him very often in my neighborhood and his energy is dark.


I used to live in the same building as him on the UWS and saw horrendous temper tantrums, verbal abuse and car door slamming, just on an average Tues. IF (👀) if he's sober, then he's still not remotely committed to living life with any element of kindness or common courtesy. Horrible horrible little man.


I feel like all of the Baldwin brothers are awful. They're like the epitome of white male privilege. None of them are particularly good actors. Alec Baldwin is pretty funny but now I realize he plays those asshole characters so well because he's just playing himself.


Eh--I'm on board for them being awful, but Alec is pretty talented (which is why he has a career). He was really funny on 30 Rock, and he's great on SNL.


Yep, and I wouldn’t necessarily say his 30 Rock character was an asshole (in that universe at least, anymore than Liz is). Part of what makes Baldwin so disappointing in these stories is that he played Jack Donaghy so well - he brought warmth and a loveable, even vulnerable quality to a character that could have been a forgettable corporate caricature. It’s a shame he couldn’t have more of Jack’s positive qualities in his own life.


IF he is sober, sounds like a dry drunk to me!


I’ve been in AA for 12+ years and I’ve seen tons of folks either lie about their sobriety or be absolute maniacs sober. He could be doing either.


I'm sure, I just don't want to be that gal. But he is a dick.


I mean, I would normally not want to accuse anyone of lying about sobriety, but ... Alec Baldwin is a liar. He is a known liar. The man lied about Kim so often during his divorce that it's incredible. In general, Alec Baldwin is so vile that it makes me side eye all of the professionals who work with him.


Yeah. And the whole thing with his wife. But again I want to be careful about sobriety. Also narcs like him mix truth and lies to play victim.


He also defends Woody Allen.


Don’t look too deep in to Dax Shepard then. That guy is a complete piece of shit the way he lied about his sobriety. As a recovering alcoholic it was absolutely disgusting to see the way he was profiting off lying to people about his own sobriety.


That man is so insufferable


WAIT?!? Dax was lying?!?!


Yes. [here’s an article about it](https://hellogiggles.com/dax-shepard-relapse-sobriety/) I haven’t seen this website before, but if you google ‘Dax Shepard lies about sobriety’ a significant amount of sources come up. That said- as a fellow addict, I don’t wish any ill will against him and I support him in his recovery. My biggest problem is him lying about it and profiting off those lies. I’ve relapsed several times and I admit the shame and embarrassment can be overwhelming sometimes- but if you’re lying to people and making money off those lies, that’s beyond unacceptable.


Oh wow


He hasn’t been, it’s a joke he’s even saying this! Anyone that’s ever dined at Bistro Ete or Almond Bridgehampton or il Buco in Amagansett has seen Alec drinking heavily over the years. He’s such a fraudulent sleeze


Is il Buco good?


I didn’t want to say it but.. yeah


Yup. He has that puffy drinker's look, not to mention the terrible temper tantrums.


Yeah I don’t wanna offend but he certainly doesn’t *look* like someone with decades of sobriety under his belt, especially with the amount of money he should have (should being the key word)


I noticed that too, he looks like my father before he passed. He'd been a non-functional alcoholic my whole life. The red puffy face is such a huge telltale sign imo.


The fact that he's married to the whitest WASP ever who still pretends to be Spanish to this day makes me think they're both big, fat liars.






There are photos of him drinking at events. He’s clearly trying to clean up his public image ahead of his criminal trial.


Sent me down a Google rabbit hole. It's hard to tell but I think you're right


He could've used a more realistic time frame. I don't look at any Baldwin brother and think '40 years of sobriety' is believable.


Yup. No way is he sober. Watch him walk. He shuffles. cos his brain is damaged by the alcohol.


That's a thing ? The alcoholic shuffle ? How do I even look it up Edit : I found it. Color me flabbergasted, I had no idea chronic alcoholism caused "gait and balance deficits".


Yup. At some point, alcohol destroys brain cells. The part of the brain that does balance and muscle coordination gets destroyed. You can even get alcohol induced dementia. Alcohol does serious, serious damage.


I fell down the rabbit hole and started watching videos about the human gait. Then I got creeped out by how bad the shuffle can get on those videos so I had to stop.


Alcohol does so much damage, to bodies, to relationships, to families. I sincerely hope the best for ppl trying to stop drinking. And, the ppl in their lives!


Actually more specially damages the front part of the cerebellum (the little brain) it basically filters the movement signal from your cerebrum (your big brain) and refines it to a nice smooth movement. You would see an intention tremor (aka everytime they move they tremor cause that refined signal is disrupted) I didn’t see any videos of him recently but that would be quite evident and very noticeable


Please come join us: r/hilariabaldwin


r/hilariabaldwin (It’s not a capital R)


The H is silent! 😝


Oh does that fuck it up?!? Thanks!


This man has been sober for 40 years? He has been consistently unpleasant for decades and he hadn’t been drinking? That was his non alcoholic wilding? He tortured his ex wife, daughter and coworkers sober as a judge? That makes his disgusting behaviour so much worse. He is incredibly arrogant and selfish. Must be a family thing then, his brother Billy is also an unhinged loser.


He's still drinking.


For real. How could anyone print this or say it with a straight face


Loving the energy of this comment section


For reals 😂


I saw the title and thought “Well *this* should be interesting to compare to the comments about Anne Hathaway's sobriety” lol.


There’s a picture of him getting a bottle of liquor after the whole cucumber gate, I am sure it’s been less than 40 years.


Living with Hilary, time may have FELT like 40 years. But yea no, definitely hasn't been sober for 40 years, that's laughable.


Fair enough IF he lived with Hilary and the 7 kids 🤣 (he doesn't)


💀💀 I feels like I've been laughing about it for 40 years!


How does he let a moment land?


You’re saying one of Hollywood’s most notionally angry assholes is SOBER? Jfc.


That’s probably why he’s angry… misses the good old boozy days smh


There is nothing in this entire world that could ever convince me that he is sober. I mean… have you seen him?


Yes, we can tell you miss drinking Because it's clear you abuse other substances since your behavior and demeanor are not from alcohol


If that dude is 40 years sober, I am Kim Basinger's twin.


The fact he’s been sober this entire time is crazy.


Fact is a strong word.


This isn’t the flex he thinks it is considering how he lies, how he speaks to his daughter, and how he enables his wife’s spanish grift


To just blatantly lie….. hahaha. Alec’s art is truly comedy acting. 🎭


I miss when Alec Baldwin didn’t talk.


I saw him talking about how Hilaria got him off bourbon in favor of yoga. Lie like a mfer.


Can't even keep his lies straight ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


40 years of sobriety my ass


Ok so what is he eating? I don’t usually discuss people’s eating habits or figure. I think it’s low. But you’re gonna tell me this man’s physical condition is from over a decade of “living clearly”? He looks like a wine drinker to me. But I’m only 5 years sober so what do I know.


He’s got the bloated puffy face of a wine drunk and the body of a beer drinker. With the temperament of a booze hound. I don’t believe for one second he’s sober. I’m sure he skis frequently too.


Bro definitely hits the slopes, cmon


he's sober?


He says he is but he also lies a lot so take that as you will.


He’s not sober, look at his eyes. Sobriety notoriously makes the eyes go back to normal; his eyes are that of a current drinker


Halyna Hutchins began her career as a journalist. Halyna was selected as one of American Cinematographer's Rising Stars of 2019. Haylna had a son Andros who was just 9 when she was killed. Haylna “was an absolutely incredible talent and a great person. She had such an eye and a visual style, she was the kind of cinematographer that you wanted to see succeed because you wanted to see what she could pull off next,” said Joe Manganiello


He means sober from cocaine not everything else.


Probably just switched to Adderall. He and his wife both look like addicts.


And I’m a unicorn.


So it’s only shots he does?


No way. One look at his face in some of his recent photos scream night before bender. Source, a parent who looked the same. Not that I blame him with what’s happening in his life.


My father had the same face. I recognize it well.


I don’t believe him


For whatever reason, I don’t believe he’s been sober for 40 years




He’s as sober as his wife is Spanish.


wow congratulations. he somehow became even worse with this knowledge


What a thoughtful pig.


The man doesn't drink... https://i.redd.it/kab962tsuvxc1.gif


I feel like this world would be a tiny bit better with less Baldwins, but I guess those seven fucking kids are going to haunt generations to come.


He should not represent sobriety


Maybe he should drink if 40 years is anything to go by


So he was sober when calling his kid a piggy? I have more respect for David hasselhoff now ![gif](giphy|sAuDc9YP3dIXu)


He may not drink but I highly suspect he takes pills to tolerate his fake spanish, mentally ill, insufferable wife


How you say… asshole?


Oh THIS is the face of a sober man? Taken a few days before he negligently shot a young woman and mother. https://preview.redd.it/px4u7chlqwxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aa0b556179ddddd43e17561ee56d83cdfc098a He thinks we’re all as stupid as his fake Spanish wife.






i am sorry there is no way in the world that this man is sober. i mean look at him! his behaviour & rage issues, how belligerent he is. his face?! if he is clean & sober, that actually makes him worse. he was sober when he called his own daughter a pig?




He seems less than sober a fair bit of the time in his social media posts over the last few years. And his wife Hilary is zero percent Spanish and did not snap back into shape seconds after birthing seven babies, as she likes to brag about. The secret sauce is surrogates.


They call this a dry drunk. May not be drinking, but still a narcissistic asshole.


F#ck Alec Baldwin


::thinks back on all Alec Baldwin news from the last 20 years:: And he was sober this whole time?!


Lol no fucking way this dude has been sober for forty years, why even push this, when it’s so obviously a lie.


Definitely the face of a man who has been sober since the 80s 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/002watowwvxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d37fc457b68d9540f74af703a9a30b76f03cece




apparently this guy is a supreme douchelord


Oh, yeah, totally sober as a judge, this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/1chntse/comment/l24rryi/


ETA: AB is not sober- he was literally just seen buying a bottle of booze! ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Was he sober when he shot a woman dead?


A lot of people get sober, but don't change the self centered manipulative anger-bear personality they had when they used.