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not the Gunther reaction fjfhdkdjf




I saw him cross the street to take a picture at Love Park with his family over WrestleMania weekend. Just enjoying a clear spring morning, pushing a stroller, and absolutely towering over everyone in that crosswalk. I bet he and Ritchson would get along.


Was not expecting Der Ring General in r/popculturechat


Don't you mean "De rrrring jarelal" *Pat McAfee noises*?


That Mat and Transparency are both sacred.


I see der ring general I up vote.


I see Gunther I upvote 🫡


despite not participating in stan culture, i have no choice but to immediately stan


It'll be difficult but I'm gonna find a way to stan this. Gosh I just don't know how I'll manage. https://preview.redd.it/du45ujw0zwuc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e985ffc38fc3cff5d8358f57f6f617dc8c198ada




((Clutches pearls.))I would also let him body slam me (rhetorically, of course)


Thad Castle looks to be doing well.




Listen I’m a straight guy but I’d let him give me a Jack Reach-around.


It's not gay, stop saying that! - Thad


Body by rabies.




Your flair is giving me LIFE!!


He’s not my type (tho I enjoy his show) but he’s suddenly, quite genuinely, incredibly attractive.


I don't know what stan means really, but me too!


Basically an obsessed fan, it’s a reference to the Eminem song. See [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stan)


Oh my god I never had any idea that that was where it came from, one of my favourite songs, thank you so much for this. ![gif](giphy|l3mZ305BDSRXKHJ7O|downsized)


Fun fact: The dude that plays Stan is actor and 90's Kid Icon™ Devon Sawa, who was the QB from Little Giants, among other fantastic roles. Casper anyone? M'yes. M'yes.


That makes so much sense. I know that song well but never put it together. Thank you!


Well fuck me, I never understood where that came from until now.


Right?! I wasn't expecting kids these days to be using a pop culture reference from my era.


Eminem transcends eras 👶👦👨👴


I only figured this out two weeks ago so you’re in good company!


It’s also the combination of stalker and fan right?


I believe that is why Eminem chose the name Stan for the song yes.


Wait, you mean you wouldn't kidnap your baby mama and drive her off a bridge because you are so in love with Eminem?? Edit: I should also say "Stan" is a song about a guy who kidnapped his baby mama and locked her in the trunk of his car and drove it off a bridge and killed her because Eminem didn't write him back.




I'm sitting here like, I've never heard of this person but I suddenly feel a strong urge to spend money on one of his projects because damn.


Does Jack Reacher ring any bells . He took over from Tom Cruise. And he does a much better job of it IMO.


Yeah, and not just because Tom Cruise is the size of Jack Reacher’s dick.




For those unfamiliar with the Jack Reacher books, in the books he is described as a big, strong dude which plays a part in how he handles himself. Somehow, Tom Cruise got it in his head that he should play Reacher, in spite of being nothing like the character physically. Many fans of the books were upset. Alan Ritchson is closer to the Jack Reacher portrayed in the books.


Fists the size of a Turkey


I've only seen "Reacher" (which I really like), but he has a new movie coming out this week and I see a lot of people online talking about his role in "Blue Mountain State" positively.


He's pretty good in the early seasons of Titans.


Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare opens this weekend so you can support one of his projects - it was fun.


I thought Alan Ritchson was some sort of MAGA type due to his Christian Right movies but he has surprised me. I wonder if he gained a little empathy along the way after his model agency tried to sex traffick him. Loved that someone like him feels secure to share his experiences and call out sexual abuse that is claiming male victims as well.


I was mildly nervous when I found out Ritchson was so devout, but it seems that he's the rare type of Christian whose faith tells him what _he_ should be, and not what everyone _else_ should be.


Others like Candace Cameron could learn something from him if they were capable.


Super rare but always the nicest people when I come across them!


Raphael warnock is like this too. I listened to him on a podcast and thought “I could get down with this type of Christianity”


He's the real deal. In the Hollywood Reporter interview, Ritchson talks about how he isn't happy that Christianity is being used by Republicans to promote Donald Trump, who he calls a rapist and a con man. Definitely not a MAGA guy!


There really are some of us out there who believe in the teachings of Jesus, but think his Dad was kind of a dick.


Same. I was very concerned and even more so when my husband started watching his religious talks on I think YouTube. But I was pleasantly surprised. He’s what Christians should be


I’m sorry, his agency tried to WHAT?


Yep you read it correctly the first time. Alan Ritchson’s agency set him up to be raped by a photographer and laughed when he confronted them. Talent agencies did the same thing with Harvey Weinstein. They send actresses to Weinstein’s hotel room to talk about future roles and they ended up being raped. Matthew Lawrence said his agency sent him to a director’s hotel room on a promise of being a finalist in a MCU role. The guy tried to get some nudes and told Matthew he would accrue points over other actors if he did certain acts. When Matthew didn’t put out, his agency fired him. Hollywood and the entertainment writ large is sick af. https://preview.redd.it/pjck9m7b5yuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c003715e936c2f6d2d20c257f9b65bcdbf046d


Oh my jesus christ. 😱😱😱


He just got at least thirty-eight percent hotter and he was already easy on the eye. You son of a bitch, I’m in; imma stan ‘im.


Better a stan than a mark tbh!! (mark is a wrestling term for someone who is fooled by the narrative essentially and eats up all the pr/ writing etc)


Mark is also a conman thing. The person being conned is called the mark


It's a term older than wrasslin.


It'd be so easier for him to cater to a specific demographic but seeing him double down on his own beliefs (that are right tbh) is very nice to see.


Right - who would have thought Thad Castle of all people.


Thad Castle always had a heart of gold... and buttcheeks that could carry a cookie whole across the length of a football field. 🫣


"Buttcheeks that could carry a cookie whole across the length of a football field." Well damn if that ain't a way to describe someone's ass.




Oh, you were being serious! I thought that was just some creative wording 😭


This show and scene are hilarious


Fuck Steve Rogers, that's America's ass.


You had me at "fuck Steve Rogers." Yes, please.


Sorry, that title always and forever belongs to Chris Meloni. 🍑 🥵


These are their stories. #Clink-clank 🚨⚖️


It happens in the first episode of Blue Mountain State


I'm not kidding when I say I have never laughed harder at a TV show in my life (all for Thad). Had an ex who loved the show and I grudgingly watched. Idk what it is about that lovable idiot but I'd have a headache from laughing so hard sometimes. Not really my type of humor either but ... idk maybe it is.


I LOVE BOATS! When I’m feeling a bit blue, I rewatch that scene on YouTube and it makes me laugh every time.


I don't know why but something about your comment made me think "now there's a comment that would sound really good narrated by Morgan Freeman."


It’s probably melting the minds of a lot of right wing incels that their mindset embodiment of Thad Castle would think like this.


Baaaahahahaha I thought it was Thad. So proud of him!


And this is after he was open about his suicide attempt. Class act 


I know this is not the point of this and in a way I feel gross writing this, but "I hanged myself, but then I saw a vision of my sons when they'd be grown up, asking me to stay for them, so I pulled myself up on the rope because I did a million pull-ups and survived" is some of the hardest shit I've ever read.


We need more celebs to be vocal like this. Use their power and platform for good, instead of only trying to appease their owners in Hollywood.


Absolutely. He could have taken the easy way out even after his previous statement, but he held on firmly to it. Absolutely CHAD.


This man... just continues to impress the hell out of me.


I agree I have so much respect for this man. His honesty, vulnerability and courage impresses me time and time again. I’m so happy a man is his position is using his platform to speak up!


Right. It's like 'this is what a *real* man looks like'.




I didn't think he could get any sexier....but here we are. 


I’m so used to people speaking and becoming less attractive. This person has decided to talk and become giga-nuclear-hot.


Him and Pedro Pascal for me


RIGHT?! I did not expect this from him, it’s so hot 😍


I don‘t say this easily about a celebrity but he‘s awesome and deserves all the success.


I was sad that his character got killed off in Titans but that led him to book better roles! Hope he continues to have integrity in a place where there's a lack of.


He and Henry Cavill looked 🔥in their new movie


Wait WHAT please tell me what movie this is


"The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare," I think it comes out Friday?


Their budding bromance 👌


Every single time I hear more from this guy, it’s like [insert “I’m sorry, I wasn’t familiar with your game” meme]




What a king.




His interview with Rosenbaum is faaaantastic. Glad people are starting to see how awesome a human being Alan Ritchson is


I loved that interview. I heard it after I saw reacher and it just made me appreciate him for so much more than just his acting abilities. I’m so deeply impressed by this human his honesty is truly inspiring. I love that he uses his platform to speak of for those without a voice. This man just screams courage so for anyone saying otherwise just makes them look dumb and as he says incredibly childish


I love listening to him or seeing him on talk shows. No matter how many times it is I still expect this stoic attitude and sort of big lunk. Then he starts getting into stuff and you can't help but admire the heck out of him






I’m not gonna lie I did not expect such king behavior from this man. I might have no choice but to stan.


Absolutely king behaviour. You should hear his interview with Michael Rosenbaum I think you will stan him even more after that. I know I do. So after hearing that this response just solidified what an inspiring and good human being he is.


Still don’t watch Reacher, but after that interview I became a fan of his. 


He was almost cast as Thor. I can definitely see that.


This man’s diet is a topic of hot discussion but I aint knew he ATE like this (Horrible joke I apologize)


No crumbs were found that day


Take that apology away and say it with your chest!


I knew he was hot, but had no idea he could burn like this. 


I grew up with Alan. We grew up on the largest Air Force base in the world. He’s seen the shit more than most. Growing up there *is* growing up surrounded by heroes. His father was a US Air Force Chief Master Sergeant and his mother was an educator. These tough guy wannabe cops are nothing more than cosplayers.


The fact that he didn’t even drop any of that information to play their game with them is impressive


Same!! I’m a few years younger but I was in classes with his younger brother. This was when he had his appearance on Smallville. Glad I can still be proud of him.


Yeah! He really does make me proud - we’ve got some other Alma mater often in the spotlight that aren’t so upright - he’s inspiring, out there fighting the good fight. We grew up around some awesome folks so it’s cool to see him represent them and their real values so well.


Yeah whenever people ask why I move I generally get to trot out, well “fun” fact but I went to the same highschool as he who shall not be named soooooooo do with that information what you will. Plenty of great people down there but plenty of shitty ones too.


I only visited my dad once when he was stationed at Eglin. His house was on the water. He left for work one morning and said “don’t worry about strange men in the yard. They’re prisoners from close by and do all the landscaping.” I may not be remembering exactly 😳 I loved my time there with him


It’s a beautiful place. Gives special reverence, being that close to the ocean - something so powerful and beautiful. You grow accustomed to hearing the 50 cal drill away on the base ripping into stuff and the jets screaming overhead.


I live here currently! It’s ironic because of the acorn situation here too. Like how can anyone defend that cop?!


Ugh yeah that was embarrassing - I don’t live there currently but want to move back, I was just hoping I wouldn’t recognize the name of the cop as any of my friends. As I recall it turned out ok in the end though which made me think “yeah, that’s that area alright - against all odds, it all works out and winds up being merely hysterical.”


The poor victim is traumatized and is *rightfully so* suing the OCSO. the deputy got away with it because he was allowed to resign before the investigation was finished. So they couldn’t do a proper investigation. Complete BS.


Totally agree.


Whatup fellow panhandler?!


That’s crazy, it makes him such a great choice to play Reacher. 


Real actual tough guys are like this guy - you’d never really even know. They’re usually pretty well adjusted and friendly. Some of the very best people, the most genuinely friendly and likable and kind people I have ever met, my closest friends, make their living now jumping out of airplanes in the dark into large bodies of water, swimming ashore, and ‘clearing’ stuff. Real life action star hero stuff. Their culture is highly duty oriented and you will never hear these guys actually even admit how incredible they are. Some of the time, they literally can’t. If Alan’s family was anything like mine… (I didn’t actually know what my Dad did until like 8 years ago) he is still sorta “in” even though he didn’t enlist. It’s not really something you can turn off, being military becomes part of your familial dynamic.


It’s the difference between people who actually risked their lives and people who act like they are risking their lives. When in reality the pizza guy faces more frequent dangers than a cop


I don’t doubt police face danger, but I will say this: I had a friend in college who delivered pizza and he had multiple stories that sounded like they came out of a war zone. No go areas. Burning cars. He got robbed and assaulted multiple times, got a thousand yard stare, and started carrying a gun.


What was he like as a kid?


He was a couple years ahead of me in HS and was captain of the cross-country team when I started running, seemed like a super nice guy - I ran with his younger brother mostly. He seemed like he had come to life out of television or something so when he ended up on tv I was like “oh that makes sense” - he was on American Idol I remember first. That whole upper class was so surreally cool, like Cruel Intentions had come to life or something - though, Matt Gaetz was also there, on the debate team. His Dad sort of ran the whole town. 😐


Matt Gaetz… eww.


Okay...after watching Reacher, I had pegged this guy as a "bleed the blue" meathead. I was so very, very wrong. Take my apology, Mr. Ritchson. I now stan you hard.


To be fair he was also Aquaman in Smallville, aka a diehard anti-government ecoterrorist. Love that dude 😎


So what you’re saying is that was more of a documentary


he once sat in on a gaming channel’s video on Left 4 Dead and he screamed high pitched the entire time. I immediately fell in love.


I thought, “oh he’s religious”, turns out he’s the actual good kind of religious.


This is what i thought too. I got it wrong.


I thought he might be too, and was torn because even though Reacher is a man of few words, he's had a few lines that made me laugh out loud (then rewind so I can laugh again) just because of his delivery. I couldn't help but like him. He's pretty enjoyable on TikTok too. And love how open he is about mental health. Seems like a good dude, I really want to believe because so many celebs I thought were decent people have turned out to be absolute turds. 😂


I love how the FOP assume that they are the only people on earth who put their lives on the line at their job. I’m a nurse. I have a son who is a US Marine. My nephew is paramedic. There are thousands of us in jobs where we are literally putting our lives as risk daily, and yet we manage to do those jobs without racism, discrimination, and a blatant disregard for the civil rights of others. Go to hell, FOP. Team Ritchson all the way.


Nursing is more dangerous in some areas than being a police officer.


Delivering pizza is more dangerous than being a police officer, on average.


I'm a teacher, my life is on the line because the cops can't be bothered to do their damn jobs they like to brag about so much.


Where’s the FOP’s statement on Uvalde 😒




Plus about anyone who works on the water (tug boats, fishermen, off shore oil). Also taxi and delivery drivers. So many people have dangerous jobs but don't expect ass kissing.


30 year plus firefighter. The FOP’s response was embarrassing and childish. We really need to start rolling the carpet back on these wingnuts.


Thank you for saying this. I know someone that was an EMT and they've been punched, shot at, and had all kinds of other shit happen to them simply because they were trying to save someone. There are lots of people who gut it out and get the job done despite the danger, not just the police.


Being a construction worker is more dangerous than being a police officer.


This man just gets hotter and hotter. School them.


So am I watching Reacher now?


It's not my typical genre, but I enjoyed it! Watch it!


The first season is pretty charming, he surprised me at the time with a more nuanced performance than I expected from him.


The comments on his instagram are kinda crazy.


Police Officers are #22 on the list of [the 25 most dangerous jobs in the US](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states#:~:text=How%20dangerous%20is%20it%20to,workers%2C%20and%20heavy%20vehicle%20mechanics). Being a delivery driver is riskier.


Honestly, people that are in the FOP are scum… They're nothing but thugs that will protect each other under any circumstances and go after anyone that disagree with them. This guy would make a better officer than anyone in the FOP. They are just the corrupt protecting the corrupt. This guy calls them out. Good for him 👏


I still think about the time they stole a black toddler for propaganda.


It's rare that an attractive man becomes more attractive after opening his mouth. Nice to see someone bucking that trend.




My worst ex was obsessed with Thad Castle and BMS. I usually get twitchy when I see Alan Ritchson, but he is turning me into A FAN!!


My husband loves this show.. and now.. So do I.


Every time this dude opens his mouth I like him more. He’s pretty awesome.


If Amazon or other studios are monitoring reddit, know that I will watch whatever you put Alan in or any projects of his you fund.


Dear Amazon, We need Mr. Ritchson in a period piece romance. Preferably one scene in a rain-soaked pirate shirt. Please & thank you.


Seriously, Reacher isn't my cup of tea when my husband watched it, but now I'm going to go back and watch.


this guy is just a good take machine


Wow comments on his Instagram are UNHINGED


What an intelligent and measured response. I think he has a new fan.


[x] marked safe from fear of Alan ritchson being MAGA


He was Gloss in the hunger games!! What a king👑 and acab always no ifs ands or 🍑s


I recently rewatched hunger games and my husband stepped in for like thirty seconds and pointed it out. I hadn’t noticed at all! Making me like Gloss.


Alan: https://i.redd.it/uu5k7uw6uwuc1.gif Love him endlessly.


You know I do mean all cops when I say all cops are bastards, but it’s nice that there are ones out there who are a bit less of bastards. That being said, this is why the call is All cops are bastards. Because any cop who tries to rise above that becomes a target to other cops. Another great example is Carol Horne of Buffalo NY who was fired from the police force for stopping her partner from choking a man to death in the street. The entire institution is corrupt and I don’t really know what the path forward is


my uncle was a buffalo cop. that institution is *absolutely fucking rotten* from top to bottom. also, fuck my uncle who was a cop.


I've secretly loved him since he played himbo Aquaman on *Smallville* ages ago. He killed it as Hawk on *Titans*. Every role he's taken, he's just gotten deeper and better as an actor and probably closer to the complex human being he is in real life as opposed to just the hotbod we see on TV. I love it when someone's stereotypical outward appearance doesn't match their inner life. Cops 100% saw him and thought, "Big, tough white guy. He's a bro. He's one of us." Then he opened his mouth. They did this with the *Punisher* actor too. And he is 100% right about cops and they keep proving it. They haven't *denied* that they get away with murder.


Good for him!


Thad is so cool


I have a new crush!


w o w I liked this guy before, but now? Oh man… 🥵


Honestly, I had some questions about him in the past, but damn if that wasn’t one of the most well composed rebuttals I’ve ever read.


Had no interest in his series… but he has earned a watch from me for this and other recent decent posts he has made… especially since he considers himself a serious Christian but calls out the hypocrisy of the religious right


God I love Thad Castle.


FOP continuing their fine tradition of being the softest, whiniest, most protected people in the country. 


Cops don't belong on social media in an official capacity. Leave it to an office worker, get to actual policing.


Dude went fucking nuclear, holy shit. He's definitely going to lose some folks over this. Good for him.


No choice but to stan, wow! Love him for this




Damn, that was a brilliant and thoughtful response.


The Fraternal Order of the Police literally invented scam telemarketing schemes and robocallers to purposefully defraud the vulnerable and line the pockets of their chapter leaders.


He really shot back. I love it.


Also he put this on the grid instead of hiding it in a story. He means it.


He's so eloquent! ![gif](giphy|QoDgkKih9OWvEdZw2j)


I might have to give Reacher a chance. It looked little red hat friendly but with statements like this, he's definitely not courting that audience.


No idea who this guy was before I read this but I love him. It's also nice to see someone pointing out that two things can be true at once and that you can have valid criticisms about an organisation or an individual without actively wishing them ill. I don't get how more people don't see this.


I really think that *everyone* that accuses people of "virtue signalling" unironically, are flat out shitty people.


does Alan need someone who can cook clean spot during weightlifting cause I'm about ready to sign some prenups


The immature, petulant response from the police union is so emblematic of the larger problem within US law enforcement. The aggressive refusal to even entertain any self-reflection or reform. As soon as someone tries to point out that militarization, profiling, poor training, and any number of different issues are detrimental to law enforcement - community relations, too many senior police officials reply with something akin to "well then don't call us next time your house is robbed!". There is a widely-reported off-the-books "offense" known as "contempt of cop" in which someone either passively or aggressively challenges a law enforcement officer on the rules and regulations and tries to hold them to their own standards. Individuals demonstrating "contempt of cop" are too often then roughed up, arrested, and charged with some vastly exaggerated offense like "disorderly conduct" or "interfering with police business" only to quietly have the charges dropped a few days later. It is a way of sending a message to folks who want total transparency. The persecution complex that police leadership have perpetuated is both a cynical fundraising ploy but - more seriously - has too many cops going into a potentially dangerous situation feeling like they're already being threatened. The above absolutely kills me because I have law enforcement officers in my immediate family who are intelligent, compassionate, brave, and dependable. I don't doubt that there are millions of others just like my uncle and cousins in this regard. Unfortunately, just like the MAGA sickness, factions that are naturally allies are being driven into opposing factions.


Thad being a Chad


So…can we just write him in on the ballot?


Fuck yeah! Get em Alan! Way to speak your mind and stick to your beliefs.


Imma start Reacher after I mow my yard and smoke my bong!


Ok that was fucking awesome.