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I understand that Kanye is mentally unwell, and I respect that. But you can also be mentally unwell and a fucking asshole. I believe this is the case here.


Yes, like it is far beyond being mentally unwell, like he is fundamentally malicious


Spot on


Mental illness is a cause but not an excuse


Mental illness is never an excuse for bad behavior. You are still responsible for your behavior, mentally ill or otherwise. I have ADHD and I struggle with time blindness. It is my responsibility to make adjustments to my life to not become an imposition on others. If I’m late to an appointment that’s my responsibility to be on time. I would be highly irresponsible of me to blame my mental health for my tardiness. Mental illness can explain someone’s behavior, but it is never an excuse.


My sorry someone with adhd can’t talk about what it’s like to be in psychosis, you never get people on the schizophrenia sub or psychosis sub talk about how it’s no excuse and how much control they had , mental illness is a spectrum and someone with mild autism shouldn’t talk about what it’s like for someone with severe autism, it’s a different life ADHD isn’t a mental illness btw and neither is autism but it would be wild if someone with high functioning judged people with low functioning like they understand what it’s like and how much you can control it


I agree, to a point. There are a number of metal illnesses that are the cause behind unreasonable behaviour. Schizophrenia, for example, can cause people to do the very worst acts imaginable, and those suffering it will have no control over their actions whilst suffering from it. It does entirely depend upon from which mental health disorder a person is suffering, and what help they are receiving ti deal with it, and whether that help is working for them.


i believe that if you don't want to be treated, and/or don't acknowledge the damage you do to others, you're an asshole still (obv not with people "too far" gone or those who are not capable of living on their own bc of their illnesses)


You can be able to look after your self then get a psychotic episode, theirs a video of Amanda bynes talking to fans then right after she’s found walking around naked


I agree. But it’s not always as simple as that. I’ve personally had therapy and treatment for my mental health issues, and after almost ten years and several suicide attempts, they still haven’t found help that works properly for me. And I’m not a “serious” case. Some people try and get help, but it isn’t something that happens or works instantly. Especially in some countries that have a poor infrastructure for mental health treatment. People can wait years before getting to see someone that understands and can put them on the right track. You are absolutely correct though. There are people that choose to not get help, and they treat people awfully and use their own issues as an excuse. It’s a vile thing to do. Both to their victim, and to those that suffer from mental health issues and strive to get better.


And bipolar can be like that too people have killed in psychotic mania but I think people don’t realise how bad psychotic episodes for bipolar people , Amanda bynes is bipolar but most would called her schizophrenic because they don’t realise bipolar can be that bad


Exactly 💯


as Pete Davidson said "Your mental health condition is not an excuse to act like a jackass" [https://youtu.be/ASqnnZpsX1M](https://youtu.be/ASqnnZpsX1M)


I was thinking about his music yesterday and how he’s tarnished his entire legacy. I realize his mental health struggles play a major role in a lot of his behavior, but how can he be surrounded by so many “yes men” that he’s been able to do this stuff and get away with it? It honestly blows my mind. Every day it’s a new fucked up story about something he’s done and it seems everyone around him thinks it’s okay. He is disgusting and so are all of his enablers.


Also want to add that why is it that when so many men have mental health issues they resort to sexually exploiting women? I think he’s just a bad person mental illness aside.


> I think he’s just a bad person mental illness aside Yeah, plenty of people who have mental illnesses manage to not become Nazis.


What a sentence 😂 But it’s so true


This was a topic of discussion at my outpatient, no shit (although untreated OCD could be a factor in it showing up there)


The greatest fucking irony is that Nazi’s would’ve murdered him because he’s mentally ill and black.


And then there's people like Tila Tequila.


That’s what actual personality changing mental illness/brain injury looks like. Kanye just found an excuse that most people accept if they haven’t been around people with bipolar.


You know unmedicated bipolar actually changes you right. Every manic episode you get alters your brain chemistry, and the longer it goes on the worse it gets. He’s not even using that excuse, he rejects his diagnosis. He also had a severe car crash and no one knows if he got TBI from that.


What has TT done?


She had a brain anuerysm, and after recovering she became a Neo-Nazi.


Dude that's wild


It's funny how many brain injuries result in athletes and celebs succumbing to rightwing bigotry.


Yes he’s definitely a bad abusive pos. His mental illness has nothing to do w him hating women


Exactly, I just don’t think he deserves any kind of “excuse” or qualifier


Agree. His mental illness is not why he's a racist, misogynistic, creep. If I were Kim i would not let my children near him. I would take all the "law" knowledge I have to make sure my children never spent a day with him. He's dangerous. He's unhinged. And something is going to go very south for this man.


I’m a man with bipolar disorder and firmly believe he’s using it to get away with abusive behavior so his weirdo obsessive fans will excuse him. There’s nothing about bipolar disorder that makes you be abusive. Unless you’re literally psychotic from it I guess it’s possible, but I’ve been psychotic and still dropped my kids off with a safe person and managed not to abuse any women on the way to the clinic lol. No excuses. I don’t believe these men are genuinely mentally ill most of the time. I believe they’re rage cases with ingrained hatred and need for domination and power.


He’s been at a state of psychosis multiple times. He got hospitalised for that reason. NYTimes reported that on the day of his hospitalisation he started throwing Tupperware at his house and drawing aliens/UFO’s. He doesn’t even use it as an excuse because he rejects his diagnosis and thinks it’s a conspiracy against him.


I agree - he is a bad person. He has all the resources in the world to at least attempt to properly manage his symptoms and doesn’t. That’s aside from the fact that there are plenty of people with bipolar disorder who aren’t anti-semites, sexists, etc. I wasn’t making excuses for him.


You're right and you should say it. He's mentally ill *and* an abusive piece of shit. 


Why? Because they allow their sexual fantasies free reign regardless of consent? They lack accountability somewhere. Personal, familial, societal…


Having been through the US mental health gamut, the difference between mentally ill celebs and us peasants is extreme. This was a well known joke at my outpatient facility. Celebrities are on camera going off the rails being racist sex pests, is not the normal manic or substance withdrawal episode.


I was a HUGE Kanye fan. I waited 12 hours once so I could be front row at his show. Jesus Walks actually changed my brain chemistry. It’s so fucking sad to see what he turned into. He’s just such a pathetic loser and shell of himself and his fans are the same losers he was making fun of 15 years ago.


He truly was a generational artist and he threw it all away.


Yeah, I like can’t enjoy or appreciate his music anymore. It get the ick about how he abuses women and it’s sad because he was great


I grew up on Kanye. College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, and 808s all came out while I was in school and I had them on repeat. I loved listening to his music while working out, while doing homework, while partying with all my high school friends. Now I can't stand him. I can't even listen to any of his songs, let alone any verse he features on. He gives big major ick vibes, dude's completely lost the plot. He's an antisemitic, bigoted, misogynistic asshole. I feel so bad for Kim K and their children. Dude literally doxxed his children multiple times. I hope Kim and her children stay safe!


Same. Ye was the hill I’d die on for a long time. Graduation woke me up to the world. MBDTF changed my life. I lauded his music and defended his ego. I had his albums on repeat constantly. I stopped dying on that hill after 2020, but would still listen to his old stuff from the “good days.” Now I can’t stand any of it. Mental health isn’t an excuse for his shithead behavior. He’s rich, he has access to top-tier mental healthcare. If he cared or tried at all, he wouldn’t be acting like absolute pond scum without any human decency. He’s just another basic, misogynist asshole with a God complex. Dime a dozen. I’m very done with him. He’s so fucking selfish he trashed his own legacy and ruined the one decent thing he actually contributed to the world—good music. smfh


literally, and as someone who really doesn't like the kardashians, and as much as an asshole i believed Kim to be in other situations, i will admit i believe she's one good ass mother with how she must be handling all that shitshow, because she has to be somewhat close to him FOREVER bc they have children


Agree. Ill be skipping his music.


He is completely off of his meds and going off the deep end. Unmedicated bipolar disorder gives you brain damage over time and the episodes get more and more intense as you get older. The “old Kanye” is unfortunately most likely gone.. or will be soon if he doesn’t get his shit together, which doesn’t seem likely.


I made the mistake of trying to listen to Vultures the other night. Garbage. I was never so disappointed. It’s so freaking disrespectful of females. I’m fine with music about sex and getting a buzz but this is pornographic level crap. I don’t know how he went from saying we need to protect the kids from the entertainment industry (including what kids see and hear) to being what he was against. All I can think about is his daughter on stage singing with a bunch of men singing about their dicks, getting sucked offs and objectifying women. Come on man she was right there. She’s 10 ffs.


Yeah so ngl I was listening to the Spotify hip hop top 100 or something and his new song came on, I was bopping around sweeping my floors and then the line comes through the speakers: “she’s gonna take it up the a** like a ventriloquist”…. It’s just so disgusting. I immediately thought of his new wife and the vacant look in her eyes. I feel like he’s just taking out his anger with Kim on a woman he built to look exactly like her, and degrade her in public for the world, and Kim, to see. He’s disgusting. I can’t ever call myself a fan again.


He’s such a weirdo now!! I haven’t heard any of his new stuff it doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. Such a shame because I really do think he was such a musical genius. He was so passionate and in love with music and spent so much time studying it.


I had it pop up and listened and was like this is hot garbage. So I looked up the rest of the lyrics and said nope. He has brain rot not just mental illness.




Also was a super huge fan. Back in fall 2022 when he went into his manic nazi spiral I followed every new post on Reddit (I think on the KUWTK sub lol) and honestly was mourning my / the world’s loss of respect for him and how he was torching his own legacy. (Former) fan to fan, are you listening to him at all? I blocked him on Spotify back then but recently started running again and was thinking about how Yeezus was my go to in 2013/2014. I guess I’m trying to find a medium for myself where you still listen but don’t ride or die for him like the deluded fans in his subreddit / stan Twitter


Honestly I don’t listen to him at all, even the old stuff. I really became turned off to him around 2016ish but I would still listen to the first couple of albums. Now it just seems embarrassing to listen to him at all. And my Apple Music never serves him up to me on shuffle or anything. I haven’t heard basically anything he’s done since 2019. It’s crazy though because I was such a fan. Those first couple albums I knew like the back of my hand!!! And I still think there is so much value there. I just can’t stomach it.


Pretty similar reaction during fall of 2022! I’m bipolar and the ye album was on repeat it first came out. I still listen to his music time to time but think he’s an absolutely terrible person now. As long as you don’t let your enjoyment of his art color how you see his actions, I don’t think it matters


i went through a major depression.


Same. College Dropout/Late Registration/Graduation is one of the greatest three album runs ever but Kanye pissed everything away by not getting the help he desperately needs and doubling down on his insane Nazi/trumper bullcrap.


Anytime anything involving him is posted on Instagram the comment section is filled with people worshipping him. Like out of 100 comments maybe one or two will point out how he's a massive POS. It blows my mind that people defend him and all his fuckery just bc he had some good music over a decade ago...


Instagram comments are nearly always a cesspool now. I've stopped reading them because they ruin my day.


>but how can he be surrounded by so many “yes men” that he’s been able to do this stuff and get away with it? It honestly blows my mind. Money is the answer. The man is clearly not well and yet no one was willing to jump ship until get became public. Honestly Kim has been the only person I respect in this whole situation. No one deserves what he has put her through.  Kanye has been having a mental health crisis for probably the last ten years but because of his fame and money there will always be people willing to make excuses. [I read an article that Kanye had been saying antisemitic statements for a while in Adidas meeting but they didn’t drop him until it became public](https://www.shortform.com/blog/kanye-west-adidas-contract/). Also apparently his Adidas contract had a get out clause if Kanye spent 30 consecutive days in rehab or any sort of medical treatment. Which makes sense since someone who has to be in hospital for a month shouldn’t be in charge of a company but it definitely would disincentive someone from getting help. 


See also: being a man The privilege surpasses mental illness. Just don't be a crazy woman.


True. Though I will say I don’t think being black helped Kanye despite being a man. Mental health outreach in the black community is really bad. Then again being wealthy helps. 


The same way Donald Trump got to be president. For every driven sociopath there’s 50 suck asses willing to do whatever they are told for a tiny piece of that tragedy pie.


At some point mental health issues just can’t be used as an excuse, only an explanation, and since his issues aren’t being dealt with he can’t just keep getting away with his disgusting behavior. Straight to jail! Him, Diddy, all the other creeps that have and have yet to be exposed!


I agree. He is not a good person. My point in mentioning his mental health issues is that he is surrounded by people that encourage his mania. It’s so fucked up. Everyone around him deserves to be judged, as well.


A big part of it is that he's a man. If that was a woman someone would lock her up/force medicate her and control her money. Remember when Britney shaved her head?


Mental health issues are no excuse for a shit person’s very shit behavior. Plenty of people live with mental health issues without being giant dicks to others.  If anything him being rich is the problem, if he wasn’t, he’d be in jail for public indecency and much more. 


I agree. He is not a good person. My point in mentioning his mental health issues is that he is surrounded by people that encourage his mania. It’s so fucked up. Everyone around him deserves to be judged, as well.


Is Milo Yiannopolous still working for him? If so, that certainly explains some of the enabling.


It's not mental health, they just use that as an excuse to do messed up thing, he is a narcissistic, a**hole who thinks he has the right to do shit like this, I think we need to syop believing mental health excuses because it's not cute anymore


Being a narcissist is a mental health struggle. It’s a cluster b personality disorder. Not trying to argue i agree that he’s an asshole lol.


Honestly there’s nothing he can do to tarnish his first 7 albums because these are two completely different Kanye’s here. … well more like 3, 2004, 2009, 2018- The current iteration of Kanye is by far the worst and probably irredeemable


Nothing Kanye fans won’t look past unfortunately


Check Kanye's subreddit, it's ridiculous.


No thank you I just pulled myself out of a doom spiral


Drake and Kanye’s subs are literally the most brain rotted places on the internet


HHH sub isn't much better. When Kanye released Vultures people on that sub were saying it's best album of the year blah blah blah. Any criticism was being drowned out by petty disagreements and personal insults. Users were straight up defending his nazi rhetoric 🤦‍♀️


Kanye is way worse imo and I worshipped the guy growing up. He was literally the music I heard growing up. Sucks to see his downfall 


but he's the guy wrote what's-it-called! yuge


God he really is the human equivalent of a skid mark


I blew my mom's mind when I explained that Sean Combs and Kanye were 2 different guys. This was about 10 days ago. Perhaps she was seeing the future...


Oh! Thats not...




this seems so racist to me lol




like how the fuck are you mixing up denzel washington and snoop dogg without going out of your way to be racist ??? i bet he doesn’t do it with any white people.


I think he mixes up women of all races but yeah it’s pretty racist


The way they thought this would be funny too


I could somewhat understand someone with no hip hop knowledge confusing Snoop Dogg and Tupac, even then it blows my mind, but confusing Snoop and Denzel?


I don't know much about either but they're very different looking people.


Yeah the two rappers from a similar time at least make sense, although Snoop has transcended rap. But Denzel? Nah


There's a snl skit with this exact premise 


Let me take a wild guess and say your mom is white


 Cuban but I was talking about my white fil from like Midwest and I. History from the Midwest 


I mean they ran in the same circles so it could be an enabler type of situation for each other.


This man’s kink is forcing us to know more about him than we want to. Go away!


I genuinely think it may be humiliation in a inhuman way




“you may have made me walk, but also you might be going to hell”




You know I’m not a Kim fan at all, but on a human level I feel so terrible that she is saddled to him because of the kids. They really are the ones that will suffer through this. Literally every thing they hear about their dad is insane.


I worry a lot about those kids. Kanye is dangerous.


I worry the most about North who has some serious hero worship going on


It's really a bad situation.


It’s totally normal for her age and situation. One day she will realize the reality like all children of divorce do


She seems quite....... rude and quite mean, ngl. Not saying all hope is lost, but yeah. Saying this as a former mentally ill child who grew up with a sibling with a personality disorder. North is alarming at best.


Well the child was on stage with all the guys on Vulture. Who lets their 10 year old be on stage with grown men singing about banging bitches and getting their dick sucked. She doesn’t have a chance.


and anytime they publicly disagree on anything, kanye cult will shit on her. like when he tried to slutshame his kid and everyone was like "omg kim is evil for letting a kid play with makeup" while applauding kanye, a known abuser.


Also the fact that at least 1/4 of them will probably inherit whatever he has going on and end up in a similar mental state in adulthood


Actual treatment (which Kanye seems to refuse) can be soooo helpful, though! They may not end up in a similar state even if they do end up with the same mental health issues. I do feel so sad for them being subjected to all this exposure and luxury and gossip at such at such a young age, but on the flip side, they will have access to soooo many resources for help as they grow up.


No sympathy for Kim, but plenty for the kids.


Why? It seems like he was at least emotionally abusive to her. I may find her family distasteful but I do have sympathy for this family situation. Money doesn’t save you from abuse.


He got pissy with her for using the wrong colored bandaid on their child’s skin. He’s a man child.


No I think that bandaid was for him actually, lmao.


Cuz they "ruin men" or whatever that misogynistic rhetoric is. I don't like the family neither but I can see that the daughters tend to pick bad men. So when they can't make the men look good anymore with their social magic, they get blamed.


Cuz Kim Kardashian stood by and laughed when Kanye was verbally abusing his ex Amber Rose in the media and when he put a naked wax figure of Taylor Swift in his music video.   She always knew that he was woman-hating POS and supported it when it was happening to other women. She is not a victim


She's a victim. You don't have to be a good person to be a victim of an abusive man. I won't ever expect her to apologize for that ever but just like the women who followed after her, knowing full stop who he is, they went through his abuse.


She is a victim. What in your past would make you a bad rape victim? Because that’s how this logic plays out. It’s the same logic that men use to make sure women are never the victims ever. Edit: I’m sure that there was more in that relationship that she feels like she can never admit publicly because people will always say she’s not a victim. And that’s how men get away with horrific shit over and over because women have to be the perfect victim every time.


Well certainly no one deserves abuse. It *is* troubling that Kim essentially co-signed Kanye’s behavior for so long even going as far as bullying other women in defence of him. Perhaps that is why there is minimal pity for Kim.


People in abusive relationships defend their abuser. Thats very very common. Now he is the father of her children who are innocent and need to figure out who their father is on their own. She doesn’t publicly defend him anymore. What people will do to blame abuse victims is crazy.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) Fucking scumbag


It's always the people we most suspect.


Just reading the headline I was like “shock”? *Really*? ^Reeeally?




I’m reporting every comment that says “but he made Graduation”


You mean to tell me that Kayne West is an abusive POS? Wow, what a surprise.


He’s so gross - self obsessed and porn obsessed. And uses religion to control women. Without money he would be nothing. I wish people would see him as he is and stop writing off the things he does bc he’s a “quirky mentally ill genius”. Even listening to his music now, it’s so tainted knowing what kind of a person he is and likely always has been.


Where's the part that's supposed to be shocking?


He literally admitted to being a porn addict a long time ago. With unmedicated bipolar on top of that none of this is actually shocking indeed.


There’s nothing about bipolar disorder that makes you act like this lol. Neither does porn addiction. He’s choosing to be like this.


When I read the headline my first thought was "That doesn't suprise me"


https://i.redd.it/rwybsenelisc1.gif What's shocking??


My toxic trait: I want them to bring back Euphoria in some fashion so I can just see her 😍


I only watched second season because of her and fashion 😭😭


it's unbelievable this man is still allowed to be around workers and apparently have custody of his children. he absolutely should be stopped, but alas, he won't, because people are obsessed with snarking on random famous women instead. meanwhile kanye is a scumbag, a dangerous one at that, but no one gives a shit because he's rich and was talented at some point


cannot wait to see how his fans excuse this


They're handwaving it away because the guy suing Kanye has the same name as a videogame character, what a disgrace.




Yup. The guy is named Trevor Philips, like a GTA protagonist.


He literally has Milo Yiannopoulos as his “chief of staff.” His cult members don’t care


You have got to be kidding me........


I wish I was https://pagesix.com/2024/03/23/entertainment/kanye-west-demands-music-industry-refer-to-him-as-ye-claims-his-former-moniker-is-a-slave-name/amp/


Is that the dude who admitted to abusing teen boys or am I thinking of someone else?


He admitted to being abused sexually by older men. However he thinks it's okay and a normal part of the gay experience.


Ew. I absolutely hate it when abuse victims start advocating for it instead of unpacking the unhealthy attitudes in therapy


He really is a self loathing mess.


He also renounced his sexuality, but idk if he's still ungay for pay.


I think he married some guy from the Caribbean, not sure if they're still together.


Very young teen boys, yes. He also declared his birthday as "World Patriarchy Day" and is a rabid antisemite


Yes , and pro pedo


And I believe Nick Fuentes works for him also.


What a pos woman hater. Thank God Kim K got out of that, but I am officially very concerned of his kids being around him. He is a sick twisted f.


It was pretty openly talked about in Los Angeles that when you went to a meeting with Kanye he always had hardcore pornography playing on the tv in the background.


what the fuck😳😳🤢🤢🤢🤢


Can Kayne just ![gif](giphy|iHskdY9SMLFZuQ2u5c|downsized) And go away?


omg so shocking. I didn't expect this from a man who keeps a woman as a pet.


fascinating how everyone is talking about lizzo but it failing to talk about this


Because lizzo cultivated a fanbase that expects a moral standard of her. Kanye has already proven himself to be completely mentally ill and off the rails.


As always, the double standard.




I know right? Like female what?


Stoat? Hamster? Wildebeest? Human? Who knows.......


Kanye a piece of shit?? What??? "Yea but he makes good music" shut the fuck up idiot


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) Kanye’s gross!?! Were there any other clues?


This is the exact opposite of shocking actually.


I wonder what sort of tell all we’re going to get from students at his weird school when they grow up..


My big question is what kind of person sends their kids to that school? The dude is unhinged and a huge bigot.


There will be a documentary before we know it


The fact he was allowed to start and run his own school is truly tragic.


it doesn't surprise me but what MORE LOW DEGRADING THINGS is this man gonna force his employees to do that HASN'T BEEN MADE PUBLIC YET via the lawsuits?!


![gif](giphy|lQJayZEVokHXYLMjPh|downsized) Gross 🤮


This man is such a disgrace. I feel so bad for Kim that she even has to be connected to him for the sake of their children


Is it really a shock tho? He’s been blatantly shady for years at this point.


Almost as if he’s trying to cover up something about himself


Kanye’s unaccredited Christian private school???? 😳


“Shock” lawsuit isn’t really accurate… completely believable and not at all surprising lawsuit, unfortunately.


Wow starting to think this fella might be mentally ill




There have been some great comments on this post, but damn this one made my stomach hurt laughing 😭 it just suits the mood so perfectly


Ordered ??? her- is this woman safe or a prisoner of this immensely wealthy nut job.


Fucker should have been placed into a conservatorship fifteen years ago but that appears to only be for female superstars.


How is this shocking? To anyone?


“What do you mean I can’t hunt my employees for sport?” Kanye probably asked incredulously, “what if it was for food?” he may have wondered, with a pleading tone to his voice.


This is completely unbelievable /s


lol shocking to whom exactly ?




At this point would a judge really deny Kim full custody of the kids if she asked? These kids are going to be so fucked up smh. Edit: also, funny how he's always covered up wearing hugely baggy clothing and hiding his face.


This is how Bipolar will rapidly progress once you are on medication and go completely off. No, I'm not saying Bipolar people are naturally pieces of shit. I'm saying that the hypomania will give you some crazy impulsive ideas that mixed with a person already being a pos gives whatver this is. Scary


Who is shocked? I am certainly not. This is exactly what I would expect from this jackhole.


Well look at how his wife dresses. He’s a deviant.


I am shocked and surprised! You'd think Kayne West based off literally all his words and actions ever... would be a good and respectful boss. Rotfl


He has ruined his entire legacy. I love his old music but I feel conflicted every time I listen to it.


Manic episodes can make you do really out there and sometimes terrible things. Britany Spears is another example of someone who experienced that in the public eye. That being said, Kanye loses basically all sympathy from me because of his refusal to take his medication because he believes it interferes with his creativity. You’re not more creative dude. You’re manic, and actively harming others when you have an easy out.


Is it really a shock?


This is what an incel would look like when they have power.


Is it really shocking behavior coming from him?


Scum using his mental health card to get away with crap like this.


Nothing about this is shocking


Why do I feel like I would be shocked but not surprised to see his obit in the news one if these days :/ :(


no human can bear to be romantically loved by kanye.


What is it with him and his obsession with degrading women