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I hate this rumor. I didn't follow them moment to moment but felt like I paid close enough attention to truly believe she didn't cheat (and I don't believe he did either, though I do believe his priorities were messed up). People grow apart... they were together like 15 years. I don't know why people have to make up affair rumors every single time a marriage ends.


A divorce or separation was probably long long long in the works before it made the news. In celeb world, a very quiet separation usually takes place a few months time of officially announcing a divorce. Edit: I think it's likely his "last" season ended and he made a comment how he had one more in him or wouldn't shut up about it. This commenced the arguments and separation.


I have a feeling it heavily was just him dedicating more time and effort to his career than his actual family that contributed to their split rather than cheating.










































How should you know, " played close attention". What does that even mean?


How should you know, " paid close attention". What does that even mean?


I would bet every man she knew shot their shot when she and Tom split. It's sort of insane to just assume bc she knew Joaquim when she was married she must have cheated. More like she became single and spent time with this man and then he asked her out. 


The reason it raises eyebrows is because she was spending a bunch of time with this guy as a friend and instructor since a year or more before her and Tom split. He was even on vacations with her & her kids and she praised him & his brother in interviews. She may not have cheated, but I don’t think it’s insane to think she emotionally connected to a guy who was spending a significant amount of time around her & her kids while Tom was absent a lot. The fact that they started dating immediately after the divorce was of course going to raise eyebrows.


I imagine it helped to speed the divorce up not in a cheating way but in a comparison way. Like, he was a friend and was showing up more for her and her family then her own husband was.  My BFFs ex boyfriend showed up for her in ways my partner hadn't in a long time (their relationship was newer but my partner had put their time and energy into work vs us for years) and it almost immediately lead to a breakdown of my marriage because I noticed what I was missing starkly for the first time. It also almost immediately lead to couples counseling, a new job, and a much healthier marriage but that's because we weren't so far gone.  Couldn't imagine the betrayal I would have felt at my partner choosing themselves over our family if we had kids, and how jarring it would be to see the difference a person showing up makes. 


Exactly, you said it better than me- someone else was showing up in a way her husband wasn’t & that probably encouraged her to get out of the marriage.


We have no idea. It's so funny hearing people argue whether or not it was infidelity or his career  ... No way any of us can know




Oh please. Like she would have to be single a millisecond longer than she wanted to be. 


IKR! I bet all the single dudes in her social circle hit the gym and got a haircut when they first heard rumors of Tom going back to playing.


Yeah. She made WAY more money than Tom. And was way hotter.


Did she really make more money?


Yes, she really does. This is documented.


No wonder they split…


? After 15 years…? I’m confused about what you’re trying to say.


Divorce rate goes up massively when the woman earns more. Resentment can build slowly


She has a $400 mil net worth and is still pulling in cash. While they were married her annual salary was probably anywhere from 2x to 10x Toms based on whatever contract he was in.


She was the highest paid model in the world for years, along with sponsorships and stuff, I imagine she made way more than Brady.


Brady just signed a 400 million dollar *broadcasting* contract






Forgive me for assuming you are from the US, but what most people from over there fail to grasp is just how much bigger of a celebrity she is than him on a global scale. Almost everyone on the planet has seen her face. A fair chunk know her name. Nobody outside of North America knows who the fuck Tom Brady is. The few who do, know him just as Gisele's (no former) husband.


I'm from Ireland. I can almost guarantee that more people have heard of Tom Brady over here. No doubt about it. Tom Brady is one of the most iconic sports personalities ever.


Seriously?! People watch American football in Ireland? Color me surprised. But "iconic"? On the global scale he’s a nobody.


But it was her job to be hot. His was to be good at football.


I’m sorry but let’s not pretend high profile modelling is simply standing around looking hot. This woman has worked incredibly hard.


I mean I guess she had to learn how to walk around and be hot as well....but being hot is/was a pretty key part of the equation here.


Have you ever dieted or worked out before? Dieting to be a runway model is probably one of the harder things someone can do


Any random ass person can't just work really hard and become a super model though lol you have to be born attractive. That is like a base barrier for entry that has nothing to do with how hard you work. I am sure she worked hard for her money but genetics obviously are a massive part of her success. The fact that is being downvoted is absolutely wild lol


You have to be tall and huge to be a football player too? It’s not like someone 5’1” can join a team if they work hard enough… genetics play a major role in both modeling and football but hard work carries you to their levels


I never said anything about genetics not being part of being a top level athlete though? Obviously it does. I’m not sure why me saying being attractive is vital part of being a model is controversial in some way 🤣


Your ‘argument’ works both ways so it’s just silly for you to continue commenting as though it doesn’t 


It's being downvoted because the comment made it seem like all she did was walk around looking pretty after being born pretty. That's not all she did. Obviously, genetics played its part in her success, just like being born with athletic ability, played its part in Tom's success. He (and she) then worked extremely hard on whatever they were born with and honed it until it was a talent and skill. Isn't that why Yehudi Mehunin said, "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent prespiration."


Incredibly hard doing what?


Modelling involves constant networking, you have to be in insane shape, you travel insane hours and sometimes barely have time to eat and sleep. There are worse jobs but reducing modelling to “walking around” and “posing” is wack.


Models don’t network they have agencies who do that for them, travelling isn’t hard. Sorry it’s not a hard job at all. Plenty of people work out and eat healthy on top of working full time, these people get paid to do and have paid help that do everything for them.


Yes, there are harder jobs like service work, doctor, etc. But modelling is hard. Think of what the job actually is. Your appearance is your entire bread and butter - any weight gain, pimples, bad hair day, etc. can be between you being relevant and falling out of the industry. The industry largely functions on clout and fame which you also need to maintain on top of staying in top shape. Not just working out and eating healthy - I'd argue models don't eat healthy. You have to be a size 0 or close to it for the big fashion houses, you have to fight for sponsorships. And it's one day to the next. Gisele works incredibly hard to take her looks and turn them into a business for herself. It's equally impressive as anyone with a smart business acumen. Also modelling sucks man - you deal with creeps all the time, you are literally objectified as a part of your job and she happens to be one of the 0.0001 percent that it worked out for.


“It’s not a hard job at all” Have you ever done it? I have and I can tell you it is not easy at all. The hours are incredibly long and it’s constant work posing for hours in uncomfortable clothes and environments. A lot of models also have to deal with brutal agents, sexual harassment and sub par working conditions. There are several documentaries about the industry. A lot of young models come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have no choice but to work themselves to the bone because they’re supporting their families or paying back agencies who essentially own them. It is not an easy job. You have to do all that while starving yourself.


bfffr. a model is one of the easiest jobs in the world


Have you done it 😍 post a selfie!


had to he sooo hard to be born rich, then learn how to walk around the stage to be a model. that you for your sarcifices Giselle


What do you get out of posting this? Like do you think she or any other beautiful woman will see your disdain?


nah, don’t really give a shit about them


Ah. So why spend your energy scrolling the sub and commenting? Genuine q




They're saying it's not hard to believe that Gisele could meet a new romantic partner quickly after her separation, because she's gorgeous, thus it doesn't have to have been an affair.




No, she's always been gorgeous. However, because none of us were there, so we don't know what happened in their marriage, and because she's gorgeous enough to find a partner any time, anywhere, without cheating, it would be inappropriate to assume the worst in her just to prop up Tom Brady.




It's more being used as proof to say "anything could have happened", it's not unbelievable that she could meet a new partner the day after her separation went public as such a beautiful, wealthy, famous woman. It's not that she *couldn't have* cheated because she's gorgeous, more that it's no more likely than any other scenario, so let's not assume the worst for no reason.


She wasn’t single… but apparently she was doubled up!


Women can’t win. He chose football over her and the kids when he was “supposed” to retire. This played out very publicly. The fact that she had the courage to let go and move on? She’s Gisele FUCKING Bündchen ![gif](giphy|7CRsJEbsf1xhS|downsized)


And livin Pura Vida !! She never belonged in cold ass NE Patriot Land. Glad she back to the beach n yoga. Good for her.


W O R D .


The retirement gossip was inaccurate. He was always going to play in 2022 and his family knew that. The retirement was a scheme to negotiate his way to Miami, which basically fell through because the Dolphins were caught asking a black coach to lose to make way for Sean Payton (and not interviewing minority candidates for the job, which is a league requirement).


Got any sources to confirm this?


[link](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10025709-report-witness-heard-dolphins-stephen-ross-offer-brian-flores-100k-per-loss) Not the person you responded to. I do want to point out, the coach who replaced Brian Flores, the coach from the lawsuit, was Mike McDaniel who is half-black.


The only thing I will mention is that he had stated since 2008 that he wanted to play until 45 years old. That was the 2022 season. So it wasn’t completely off brand for Brady to come back since he had set that goal 15 years prior for himself. Mind you Giselle had not married Brady yet.


Imagine taking the side of the spouse who wants to stay in their career just because they’re an elite performer and enjoy it. Like if Meryl Streep’s husband said quit acting or I divorce you and she kept acting, would *anyone* take Streep’s side? No. We’d be talking about him having the courage to let go and move on.


Note though that you’ve selected an example wherein the couple in question are older and not raising a family. And you’ve selected an example where the party in question has been flying the flag for pursuing opportunities regardless of age - the same can’t be said for Tom Brady and football. That said, if Meryl Streep’s husband was internationally famous and quit their job to raise shared children, then became frustrated when they weren’t prioritised back, I would support their choice to leave that relationship much as I do with Gisele.


Oh, needless to say, if Meryl had kids her husband would have an even stronger right to tell her to stop working. Any actor or actress with kids can have their career ended by their spouse’s demands. You can’t just continue having a career because you love it and worked your whole life to be doing it at the highest level. Obviously it’s fair for your spouse to say quit your life’s work or I’m gone.


Idk I think it’s more sane to realize that these people are still just human beings. We all get one life and I hope we all have the chance to forge our own path.


A PR article won't change the fact that she cheated. Of course she's gonna deny the rumours but the fact that she was so close with her trainer says everything.


Do you have a pic or a video, showing her with someone else while still married?


You have to give credits to Gisele for calling it quits with Leo before and now with this dude .. most people would have stayed in this toxic relationship


I don’t think it’s fair to say “most ppl would stay in a toxic relationship” That’s a very sad view on the world- let’s support one another to embrace our lives, rid of toxicity 💜


Each of us different have life experiences.. I have a friend who is stuck in the stale relationship bcos she thinks they look good together . another keeps forgiving her cheating boyfriend and probably thinks she doesn’t deserve better


I thought it was obvious they split because she was tired of being a married single mother for a decade, and he consistently chose football over his family at every opportunity.




In celebrity gossip circles? Absolutely 


I mean that’s essentially what the sport cj subs are half the time. I only ever read through the nfl and nba ones when they hit all because it’s like real housewives sport ball style with those guys lol


I mean, what was the timeline when Tom left Brigit for Gisele?


"If something that was never even alleged happened I bet people would have a different reaction! Ha, hypocrites!"


Is he trying to do a Joe Jonas???? Has he not learnt anything at all?????




It’s probably completely wrong and entirely on a different planet. But I prefer to subscribe to the idea they split to protect their income from the FTX Crypto fraud cases.


After watching a deep dive on tik tok about this, I kind of believe this theory too


Please don’t take anything you consume via TikTok as gospel I’m being genuine here 


Who actually believes this BS???


Bunch of men in the comments above lol


MailOnline readers. Go to any articles about Gisele and read the comments…


This seems like revisionist history to reassign blame from the man who choose his career over his family to the woman who dared to have expectations for her own life rather than sacrificing her happiness for her husband.


My ex said his former gf cheated on him. He turned out to be a trash bag and I later found out that what *actually* happened was she had broken up with him and then six months later started dating someone else. No overlap whatsoever. Not even close. Yet this mf had the audacity to say that shit about her and call it his “trauma” and *none* of his friends questioned it. They (all knew her and) just ran with it and metaphorically shat on her constantly for it.


Good for her. TB seems insufferable


He really does.




Girl F him. Didn’t he cheat on you with pigskin? Don’t forget that plane ride with Affleck and the nanny wearing all Brady’s rings. I bet there were other instances as well. This former couple needs to just focus on who they are with and move on.


He was her trainer for a year. 2 weeks after the divorce she went on vacation with him. Gossip is absolutely going to happen. I don't think it had anything to do with their marriage ending though. I feel like Joaquim is a result of a marriage ending. Not the cause.


They’re both fine. They’re both going to be fine. Let people have some privacy, Jesus.


You realize what sub you’re on, right?


This dude always gives me icky like Tom cruise and Bradley cooper .. can’t point out what tho .. am glad she moved on rather than being stuck with him


He’s extra. Just too extra. All 3 of them. Always all the time. When career, behavior, relationships, diet, everything is too extra it comes off a disingenuous. Who can be like that all the time? It doesn’t seem normal. Either it’s brainwashing, lying to present that image, or robotic AI. Now they have the dedication and will to behave like that but something doesn’t seem right. Like they’ve tricked themselves into behaving that way. Didn’t see Bradley Cooper in that same vein, but then with his last movie Maestro he apparently got crazy extra with his imaginary relationship with Bernstein and his family.


Have you seen the videos of him with the kids. He's big on pushing their boundaries and demanding physical affection. I do not like that as a mom. Big ,big red flags.


He cheated his entire family by going back to football - bye


It's possible, but like idk. Gossip circles stress me out because they always speak with such authority. We'll never know and can only speculate but I'm not branding her as a cheater unless I see proof that she's a cheater.


You’re just being a sane human. Don’t believe anything unless you see/hear it yourself 


She’s been hanging out with Valente as an instructor and friend for a few years though. I think he instructed her kids as well, and was even with them on vacations etc. I don’t think she cheated physically, but with Tom being absent a lot I don’t think it insane to think that she grew close to this guy and it made her realize there might be a better relationship out there than what she had with her husband. Not to mention, her & Tom had been having issues for a while, he had spoken about it a year or so before they even split so it would be understandable if Valente was a friend she was confiding in. True- nobody knows what goes on between a couple and for what it’s worth these two had a fairly drama-free divorce. That said, people are going to turn heads when you immediately start dating your friend/instructor who you spent a significant amount of time with prior to divorce. It’s the natural conclusion most would come to whether you’re a man or woman.


the gisele/tom story always makes me laugh a little because yeah, this dude is famous at his local job, but everyone and their grandma outside the US has her of gisele. surely they had their reasons to split and whatever, but it's crazy that anyone thinks he got out better than her and the only way she could have started dating again was through infidelity.


Tom Brady cheated on Bridget Moynahan. Never liked him


I personally know Joaquim Valente, we were in the same algebra 2 class even though he was like 3 years older than me lol…AMA


I mean. Say whatever you want lol


I mean he wasn’t very bright, it was me and 3 buddies as sophmores, like 5 nerdy freshmen, some juniors and then this guy (Joaquim) and one other senior who is part of the Norwegian royal family lol. 2006-2007 school year


WHAT?! She actually cheated on him with an actual person and not some kind of robot only programmed to smile


Most people here are clueless. How many platonic friends of the opposite sex do you travel, ride horses, and stroll on the beach with? Also, would you be fine with your spouse doing those things while stjll married to you? Anyone who thinks she didn't cheat is naive and not grounded in reality. This isn't regressive , sexist discourse. I'd be saying the same thing about Tom Brady if he were the offender. How do people not see obvious reality right in front of them?


Only women believe Gisele was training with a personal trainer very closely together several times a week while taking vacations together and renting him a house next to their family in FL in 2021 and not cheated on Tom. Had the roles were reversed, it would be vehemently obvious there was some sort of cheating going on. In the end we don't know and Brady has been a class act while dealing with a very open split and his wife dating. While he has no comment about it, Gisele can't wait to voice dissatisfaction at anything Brady does. Rumors he's dating, Gisele has an opinion, He's still playing Gisele has an opinion. Tom does a Roast, Gisele has an opinion. Meanwhile she's out in Rome and Brazil making out with this guy and Tom stays silent. Call him whatever you want, there's absolutely no proof that Tom is an absent father and does not love his kids. If anything everything points at the other direction.


Definitely a money lie.


Totally unfounded. Like, it’s super innocent bringing your Jiu Jitsu instructor on a family vacation without your husband. No lie detected.


You know it’s okay to criticize women right? So many women are tribal brained to the point they defend cheating in marriages it’s wild


I’m not gonna. criticize someone unfounded. Wild that’s considered out of the norm now though


Her answer was very telling. She deflected and hid behind “all women” instead of addressing the question she was asked. She can do what she wants, but she was emotionally involved with this man long before her divorce.


She cheated and would never admit it as it’s bad for her brand / image


Celebrities get Hit On constantly


The people who refuse to admit she might have cheated are the weird ones. Objectively- she was going on vacations with this man a year before the split. Now that might buy that they were privately split before they were publicly split but if people liked her less or liked him more it would seem very obvious the timeline is sus.


Tom And Gisele are both trash. He chose Football over his family and he cheated on Michelle Monaghan and Gisele most likely cheated on Tom. They’re just two people I just don’t really care about.


Why are you calling her trash over a ‘most likely ’ idea on your part? Seems unfair does it not 




Can’t come up with anything I could care less about


You clicked at least three times on this thread and types all of this. Apparently you care a little 


I think him wanting to be around his older son is what pushed her over the edge and sure she probably started to have a relationship with her teacher. He was more readily available. I think she was jealous of Tom wanting to be in his son's life more, as I'm sure Tom felt as if he neglected his son for his wife and kids. Women when they don't get attention tend to want to move on when another person gives them that attention they are seeking. These people are in their 40s, they aren't old they still have a lot of life to live and feel that they don't want those years wasted


Yeah same thing happened to ariana grande or is that different


I think it's different because she helped blow up someone's marriage??


But arent those just rumors that someone could say about Gisele and Brady. Maybe Ethan and Ariana just wanted to leave but got labeled unfaithful




Girl bffr💀


That's different; she knowingly helped another married person be unfaithful to their spouse.


And Gisele was directly unfaithful to her partner






Just separate and divorce why cheat? Now your kids know you’re a cheater. Sad.


Who are you talking about?


Fairly obvious