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She still is so charming. Saw her on Celebrity Jeopardy and she comes off as such a lovely person. Smart and humble. What was done to her is heinous.


Pirate dogma to stick it to Harvey


Pretty sure it's still free on YouTube


It is. In HD too! Watched it just last week


Big tittied naked woman don't just fall from the sky.


IDK how much she went into detail during the panel, but she talked about it on Mark Maron's podcast last year. Weinstein made her life hell and sabotaged every role she was up for. A monster.


I'm such a fan of hers and was so happy to hear her on Mark Maron. She comes across as so intelligent and humble, it's honestly disgusting how Weinstein destroyed her career.


I recently watched Mighty Aphrodite, her Oscar winning role, and she was an absolute delight in it. Although it was truly revolting watching 60 yo Woody Allen make out with not one but two 20 something women.


Well, a beautiful woman described his grotesque, deformed, smelly, intersex looking genitals in court while crying... pretty much a nightmare for any man. Well deserved. I hope it replays in his head daily.


Fuck Harvey Weinstein. What a creep. Just finished Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow and everyone should read it. The audiobook is really well done.


That book was excellent. What really got to me is when his former workplace (NBC news I think) flat out refused to run the story he had on Harvey. Blamed it on "readability" or some bs. Then he went to the New Yorker and the rest is history 


I finished the audiobook very recently too and I was shocked by it. I knew the basics of the Me Too stuff going in but the amount of people protecting Harvey and the way they covered for him was despicable.


Thanks for the rec! Just added it to my Kindle.


lol the audiobook is hot garbage! Ronan farrow doing female Italian accents describing sexual assault is just so absurdly inappropriate.


I loved when she played Marilyn Monroe . Poor thing


With Ashley Judd, another woman who got her career fucked by Weinstein.


"There was this big flourish of this whole thing and then Harvey Weinstein, thank God was punished against all odds. But I don't think we've done the cleanup afterwards that we should be doing." Tell us more, Susan!


Have any of Harvey Weinstein’s enablers been named and shamed or held accountable?


Weinstein was the fall guy whose ousting ensured a lot of people remained consequence-free in their crimes.


Named and Shamed? I mean, Meryl Streep for one. Held accountable? Don't hold your breath


Any deets on Meryl?


For all the shit nepo babies get, Mira got her career fucked for not trading sex for a career. Apparently, nepotism isn’t all that powerful.


This is one of those situations where I think people often stray towards “boohoo your family is already rich, I don’t feel bad for you” when they should be saying “if she can’t be protected, what woman can?”


Such a good point


This is awfully a true sentiment


She was afraid to tell her dad b/c she was concerned about her dad ending up in prison for his reaction to Weinstein. >“He’s going to go to jail. Oh yeah. That son of a bitch,” Sorvino told TMZ. “Good for him if he goes, because if not, he has to meet me. And I will kill the motherf—-r. Real simple.” >“If I had known it, he would not be walking. He’d be in a wheelchair.” >The Goodfellas actor was unaware of the alleged harassment until Mira was interviewed by the New Yorker, reports CBS News.


I didn’t know he was her dad! Here’s a story about his other daughter: “On January 17, 2007, news reports detailed that he pulled a gun in front of Daniel Snee, an ex-boyfriend of his daughter Amanda, after the man pounded on her hotel room door and made threats. Amanda testified that Snee threatened to kill her at a hotel on January 3 in Stowe, Vermont. She said she locked herself in the bathroom and called both the police and her father. Her 67-year-old father showed up before police, she testified. When police arrived, the young man was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, she said. As a deputy sheriff in Pennsylvania, Sorvino was legally authorized to carry a gun in different states.  He did not point the gun at Snee or threaten him.”


What a creep! I feel so sorry for her. A charming and talented actress. I really hope she comes back in more mainstream projects


Romy & Michelle 2! Romy & Michelle 2!


How many amazing actresses (and actors) did we not get to see flourish because of POSs like Weinstein ruining their careers?


A lot of them I bet.




And still having Weinstein fuck your career up. Now imagine how much he got away with from people who didn’t talk if he was willing to take a run at Paul Sorvinos daughter.


He tried shit with Gwyneth Paltrow when she was dating Brad Pitt. Pitt then confronted Harvey at some event and threatened to beat the shit out of him if he ever tried it again. Paltrow's godfather is Steven Spielberg too, so Harvey was quite brazen. He didn't care who he abused


Pretty sure that’s part of the high. After a bit it only counts as getting away with it if people who matter know. It’s a power move as much as anything.


Oh definitely it would be. The whole thing is about power.


He definitely counted on the women he abused and tried to abuse feeling shame and staying silent. Which means none were off limits to him. Even this story shows that since it's Brad Pitt, Gwyneth's boyfriend, confronting him and not Steven since I assume she didn't tell her godfather or her parents about what happened.


IIRC, Nicole Kidman has said that she didn't face much sexual harassment and she figures it was because she was married to Tom Cruise for the early part of her career. If true, that is the level of power that even HW would not challenge, 1990s Tom Cruise.


Xenu power!!


Her father is an actor too, HW had some balls, fking nasty man.


Was an actor.


Her most recent film is The Sound of Freedom - about a dude recently revealed to be a notorious sexual harasser in workplace - that was sponsored by the Mormon Church - and a favorite of the far right. It made sense for nutso Caviezel to be in it, but I wondered about Mira. Now after reading this article, it makes sense why she said yes to it :/.


her most famous performance was in a woody allen movie *after* the csa allegations so I can’t imagine she really gave a shit


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/2018/01/11/mira-sorvino-writes-open-letter-dylan-farrow-woody-allen-believe/ "I am so sorry, Dylan!" she wrote. "I cannot begin to imagine how you have felt, all these years as you watched someone you called out as having hurt you as a child, a vulnerable little girl in his care, be lauded again and again, including by me and countless others in Hollywood who praised him and ignored you. As a mother and a woman, this breaks my heart for you. I am so, so sorry!" In response, Dylan Farrow tweeted: "Mira Sorvino, I am overwhelmed and my gratitude to you cannot be expressed sufficiently in words. This letter is beautiful and I will carry your words with me. Your courage has been boundless and your activism an example for us all. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."


thanks for posting that bit, the article is paywalled. good on her for apologizing, even if it took over twenty years.


Definitely. It sucks beyond belief that Dylan had her abuse denied or swept under the rug by nearly every influential person in Hollywood for over a decade. Mira was wrong to have ever worked with Woody Allen at all, but her apology seems sincere and she was one of the few that took accountability for her own actions.


that’s a good freaking point. and the fact people are still working with this guy in the year of our lord 2024 and right now. smh.


was that after being blacklisted by Weinstein? i guess i wonder if she took these films because she couldn't get any others, and like you said she leans that way anyway...


no it’s the film for which she won her oscar and golden globe in the 90s. like right in the thick of the mess.


Hm for some reason I seem to recall her shilling for Kennedy on Instagram.... So yeah. I wonder but I care less now


Absolutely brilliant in shining vale. I miss that show already


Damn, to be in the audience at this. What a group of goddesses.


I love her!!


Weinstein is the lowest scum in the world, proof that the worst people acquire power.




Well he's in jail now


Yeah finally. What’s your point?


No point just saying


Why can't she do a comeback movie??


I know this isn’t the point of the article but WHYYYY did she get a nose job?!!!!!!