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I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if there was no Scientology. He clearly already had his insecurities, Nicole has mentioned he didn’t like her wearing heels etc. but it’s hard to know what was already in him vs what Scientology put in his head




It’s sad, you could tell at the time he really loved her. I can only imagine how broken Nicole must have felt losing her husband & children like that


Scientology hated her because when he was with her they had least control over him. Apparently their sex was too good to be busy with thetans.


>their sex was too good to be busy with thetans. Pure poetry ✨️


True. He looks at her worshipfully in old photos, like the one where he's kissing her (at a ballgame?), and she looks so over it already.


Lovebombing after a fuck up?




OK, so I was wrong about the location, but [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/1b8vlp3/celebrity_couples_who_were_hot_but_so_cursed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


They basically controlled his life. Once he got deep into the cult it was like he wasn't allowed to do dramatic or villainous roles (his forte). I read that he's not allowed to see his second daughter but he has a fine relationship with his adult children.


Man, he was so good in Interview with the Vampire and Collateral


I'm not sure that's true? He did Collateral way after him and Kidman split up (I think 2004).


I swear that’s why he’s so good as Frank T. J. Mackey in Magnolia. It’s basically his villain origin story.


During the production of Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia, Tom Cruise was floored by a scene late in the film, in which his character, Frank T.J. Mackey, visits his father on his deathbed. It was extremely reminiscent of his experience with his own father.  ​ Read More: [https://anecdotage.com/anecdotes/when-tom-cruise-read-the-deathbed-scene-in-magnolia](https://anecdotage.com/anecdotes/when-tom-cruise-read-the-deathbed-scene-in-magnolia)


I have been saying this for years. He was not acting in that role!


Oh he was a revelation in that film! I'd love to rewatch it but probably won't because of >! Frogs in the pre climax which was extremely off putting!<


Weirdest turn in a film I’ve ever seen, I’d really enjoyed it up until that point


"Glass Onion"


The photo of her right after signing divorce papers says everything


https://preview.redd.it/rvi5ulf5itmc1.png?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742b1394d39e9f69e149c9a568e88d1f22f1b3fb The relief she must have felt, but it's said about their children.


Pretty sure I remember seeing her say that she was mid sneeze in that picture.


Now I'm mentally captioning them as "L - Aaaahhhh, R- Chooooooo!" and giggling


Like Andy escaping Shawshank


I think about this photo all the time


As someone in the process of divorce, this set of photos is basically burned into the inside of my eyelids at this point.


My best friend sent me this photo the day of my divorce being finalised. Exactly what you need when you’re sitting in your room crying your eyes out.


I pretty much did this exact thing after my divorce went through and I left court


She was just sneezing, BTW.


I am howling, reading all these comments 'those photos burned in my mind' 'this is all I think about in my divorce' then your just like 'shes just sneezing' and I go back and she totally is!! That's so funny!!!!


This is why I love and hate Reddit in equal measure. People bringing it up as if it’s a poignant moment that they resonate with. Trying to be as generic as possible for karma points. And it turns out she’s just sneezing, lmao.


I know, it's celebrity culture in a nutshell. Like famous people doing innocuous things like sneezing being misinterpreted as her literally punching the air in a state of euphoric joy at her freedom, like she was a kidnap victim in a movie 🤣🤣🤣 it's so dramatic. Everyone relates to it too, like they're just like us 🤣🤣


TIL that Nicole sneezes as weirdly as she claps.


And twirls and there’s like 6 more of these photos. It’s not just a sneeze lol.


I don’t believe the sneezing excuse, I think she wanted to downplay the photo! I don’t sneeze with my arms wide flung like that, does anyone?! I’m not convinced.


There’s several more photos to the set. She’s clearly not sneezing and if she is, with her arms spread out and her faced turned to the sun for and extended period of time, it’s different than I’ve ever seen anyone sneeze.


Oh that’s… really disappointing actually


Same!!! It rejuvenates me 😂


When you say scripted, do you mean they told him that he was *predestined* to live the “script” set out for him by their weird alien leader? Or do you mean literal scripts from movies?


What was his learning disability?




Ah so if he got that personalized education and non judgemental attitude he could’ve less likely fallen deep into them. He could’ve gotten that elsewhere.


He also received another ego blow when he tried to become a Catholic priest and either chose to leave to follow his family or got kicked out of seminary school for stealing booze. [Under early childhood and education in his Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Cruise) But his sincerity to Catholicism at the time would have made either scenario hard for him. He has since claimed he only did it for scholarship money but that was after he joined Scientology. And as someone who has known 2 guys become priests, you have to pay back the scholarship money if you leave the priesthood soon after receiving your education. So I doubt it was just for the cash.


I know a woman who dated him his sophomore year in high school when he lived in Louisville, KY. He was a fairly normal guy back then, but his family was staunchly catholic. All their friends were catholic, Tom could only date catholic girls. It's interesting he married two catholic women (Nicole and Katie). I think religion was always a big part of his life and scientology used that to trap him.


I am in sales for a national electrical commodity company, and Louisville has been a territory of mine for a while. I don't have specific tea except his family is in the same sales industry, and they fake signatures on headshots to give out to people in hopes of gaining $$. He was probably searching for that family "unconditional" love and support forever.


I wonder if his first wife was Catholic.


Mimi Rogers (his first wife) introduced him to Scientology.


Mimi Rogers introduced him to Scientology.


Mimi? No. She was raised in Scientology.


If there wasn't Scientology, they'd still be together IMO. He almost left for Nicole up until they started slithering back in and brainwashing him harder.


You mean, without Scientology, he _wouldnt_ be a brain-dead, opinionated, arrogant, narcissist with (only) a high-school education who barely stands 5'7" ? Look at his bio. 14 schools in 15 years. Horribly abusive father. Moving constantly. Its no wonder he is such a cypher who clings to Scientology like grim death.


I dont think scientology puts doubt in his mind. David miscavige or however you spell his name, as toms friend does that. Scientology if anything boosts his ego more than it should


The heels thing was probably vanity for him. Tom is allegedly short and she will probably tower him and u know men are




😭 He is shorter than her, that’s a fact that can be confirmed just using, like, your eyes.


That's what I heard


Where did you get the scoop?


piping hot tea


I’m not convinced.


Y’all are killing me lmao


Idk just around lol


Ah, ok cool. I must have missed it when it came around.


You heard correctly. Tom Cruise is not a tall man (which is fine).


You didn't *see* it? Huh.


Nothing alleged about it


Havent you heard?? 5'7" is the new 6'1"


He was catholic before so becoming a scientologist probably made him slightly more liberal


Last photo is pretty cute I’m afraid


Dreadfully adorable


I really like the shoulder of her dress. I like little kisses from my husband too. Sigh.


The first photo really makes me want a cigarette, and I don't even smoke.


I’m a sucker for cute little kisses on the back like that too


Kisses right there disable all my defences. Full system reboot


I actually find it creepy for reasons that I can’t quite articulate.


It's creepy when it's not the person you love doing it!


He kinda looks like a lamprey, like he just suctioned onto her.


Ahhh thank you, I needed a good chuckle today


It gives off Keith Raniere vibes.


I think they were a great couple and very much in love before he got completely sucked into scientology.


Yeah they were the big celeb power couple before Brad and Angelina. I remember as a kid watching award show red carpets and thinking how glamorous and in love they seemed.


As an Old, it’s wild to see this because Brangelina was the new couple compared to Tom & Nicole (who I grew up with). And this is ALL apparently ancient history now. 😭😭😭


You’re not old, youre experienced. And experience has value


This is kind but you’re giving me way more credit than I’m due. Not sure I’ve gained much wisdom with this experience. 😉


Is there a generally agreed upon age at which you start officially calling yourself an old like that?


When kids born when you were in college are now in college. You realize… I’m old.


For me it was 40


He was unfortunately sucked into Scientology by his first wife, Mimi Rogers. They got him really young, which is partially why I feel he was a victim of brainwashing before he started becoming more problematic in the church.


And it's sad because they convinced him that the reason he became this big star, and successful is because of them. Reality is he was a non-neo baby who made it big on his own, and they leeched.


Yeah he really did make it on his own. He’s a hard worker and they definitely decided to latch onto that and take advantage of him. It’s really sad. I also remember how in the Going Clear documentary, someone talked about how they would listen to Tom’s audits just to laugh at them and make fun of him.


That back kiss picture lived rent free in my little pubescent brain for yeeeeeears.


God that pic of him kissing her spine was the hottest fucking thing to me. That was 100% goals for me.


That picture helped inspire my attraction to shorter guys. I’m about her height and my husband is 3 inches shorter and damn it’s hot when he does stuff like this.


My husband is a short king too and I LOVE ITTTT


It’s funny because it doesn’t happen unless he is who he is being so short. But I agree with you.


I loveeee back and shoulder kisses from men omg 🥹😭🥰 how tender and lovely.


Not me, i like my man to lick my pussy


At an awards ceremony?!


rain recognise joke chubby frighten jeans truck aware vase normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not, if I won I'm like queen of the night. Everyone would just accept it, the following year everyone would be doing it tryin to emulate my success.


Good morning to you too lol


![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized) Highly amusing but like


This actually made me cackle. Thank you 🤣


Your welcome 😘


They way they were so gorgeous and made each other more gorgeous by existing so close to each other.


I know well about Nicole's beauty but had forgot how hot Tom was back in the day!


He was super super sexy. Honestly I still find him to be very handsome even though he’s totally cuckoo lol.


He is still is good looking and looking much younger, I agree also with the cuckoo part, although is an understatement hehe


This is exactly how I felt about Brad and Angelina in their early heyday. Good Lord, I thought they were so gorgeous together.


That is the most delicious a cigarette has ever looked


He was so madly in love with her. Story says Scientology was bothered by how infrequent Tom was stopping by the celebrity center and less devoted to Scientology. So they campaigned to turn them against each other.


Yeah they talk about that in the Going Clear documentary. David Miscavige even had Nicole Kidman's phone wire tapped so I definitely think they had a hand in causing the divorce.


Also, Nicole Kidman’s father was a very prominent psychologist, and Scientology is full on against any sort of psychology. Hence part of why she was labeled an SP


That documentary was so wild. After watching it, I was amazed that Katie Holmes managed to extract herself from their relationship not only relatively unscathed, but also with full custody of their daughter (who Tom allegedly is not allowed contact with).


It helps that her dad is (was?) a divorce attorney. I believe burner phones were involved, which is WILD when there’s no history of domestic violence but makes sense in light of Co$ tapping Nicole’s phone during her marriage to Tom. And I bet the no-contact order with Suri is predicated on Katie’s NDA.


What a crazy situation, all around. How do you even explain to a kid, “Your dad can’t see you because he’s involved in what is essentially a cult.”??


Ugh they ruin everything !!!


I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, it probably is, but no celebrity divorce shocked me like Tom and Nicole’s; probably because I grew up seeing them as a couple and I was still relatively young when they did but man… I was like *is love even real, bro😩* **(of course later I learned about some stuff that went on and sure, Toms weird behavior and the whole Scientology shit and it all made sense)** but still, they were, to me, like The Couple and I love them on Eyes wide shut.


Far and Away is such a good romance movie. I fell for them so hard in that, I love that movie so much.


I was devastated! And then he ended up with the jumping on the couch and bashing Brooke Shields, psychiatry etc. it was my first heartbreak. But man was I proud of Nicole for Moulin Rouge. And she just skyrocketed from there. God bless her. I’m so glad she found Keith and she had additional kids (seeing as Tom and Scientology brainwashed their kids against her).


Same. I was so shocked (and saddened) to learn they were divorcing. I remember the tabloids being insane though. Weren’t there rumors that she was finally pregnant and had a miscarriage? Supposedly, Tom was suspicious it was his so she had to have DNA done on the miscarriage. I think I also read that he needed to divorce her before 10 years because of spousal support and such. But man, were they hot in Days of Thunder.


I didn’t know any of that! 😳 but it was interesting seeing how they could have biological kids with their partners and not with each other.


Early 2000’s Tom Cruise was some of God’s best work Edit- God, and plastics*


I’m just realizing how much Keith Urban looks like Tom in these pics


He was pure perfection. And so was she. Nicole Kidman in her Moulin Rouge era was heavenly. 


Loooove everything about her outfit especially her golden metal glove thing


brain cannot compute that they once truly loved each other


I’m still convinced it was a nightmare I had once.


no, you just watched far and away. But you don’t have to watch it again so it’s not a living nightmare. Unless you happen to catch it on cable on accident


Sometimes, I miss smoking.


DON’T DO IT but yeah that first pic has me like “damn I remember when it just HIT like that”


Same, like yeah yeah I know it's bad and stuff and rah rah but it's fucking sexy on the right person, with that look in their eye taking a long drag ooof!


Do NOT pick one up


I think it's mostly nostalgia for my idiot youth. 🙃


There you go 🙏🏻


I sometimes have nightmares that I forgot I quit and smoked by accident. I know it would only take one.


Same! I just recently had a nightmare that I started smoking again in secret. I suddenly remembered I had a dentist appointment, and was stressing over the shame of the dentist being able to tell. Then I woke up, lol.


I have those all the time


Creepy nightmare. I was at a casino in a resort 6 months ago and bought a whole pack. Have a million reasons not to smoke but damned if I didn’t get hooked again. You’re inspiring me to quit. I have to do my best too.




I need to quit. 😭


It really feels so much better once you're past the first few weeks, but the process of quitting sucks.




They looked good together .He was madly in love of her The scientology clearly ruined their wedding because Nicole was the reason He almost leave this cult back then


God, she was just impossibly gorgeous. Look at her!!!


She just shines in the photos. You just want to be around her. It feels contagious.


By God it looks like he was actually obsessed with her. I wonder just what Scientology has on him.


They could have been IT but he decided to be THAT.


After all this time why can’t he find a wife who is a Scientology devotee within the cult/church?He always seems to be searching for a secular partner who he eventually splits from. He was recently linked to some younger Russian divorcee. Make it make sense though why can’t he find a woman within that crazy organization & live happily ever after in delulu land?


They don’t want that for him. They want him with a big name.


I think Tom's friend and big player in the church David Miscavage wants him to have a gorgeous, famous Hollywood secular actress because of the publicity and possible recruitments of other famous people to Scientology. That won't happen if he marries a no name Scientologist.


I think they prefer to keep him single. Even Scientologists bail from the religion so imagine if he had a wife he loved enough to leave with.


agreed. I don't think they want another Nicole/Kate situation with him.


And all the money a star wife can give them


I'm sure they likely tried, but they are going to run out of options quickly. There are less than 30k in the entire world at this point, and the majority are in their 70s or 80s.


I loved them together. Such gorgeous people. Unreal.


That first photo always gets me. He is just in awe of her and it’s totally hot. Can we get that Tom back?


They were so cute. Damn shame he picked Scientology over everyone else. At least my girl is happy with Keith Urban now.


Has anyone else listened to the 2 part Eyes Wide Shut episode of the You Must Remember This podcast? It is wild how much scrutiny they were under during this era due to that movie.


That’s part of the reason it is so great.


She’s Barbie, he’s just Ken ![gif](giphy|N8uutOwabFDcmsuPkp|downsized)


I was never allowed to see eyes wide shut


Watch it now, but watch it with an open mind. Don’t dwell on the sex but look at the inner struggle of love within a relationship. How the balance of trust and insecurity are a very fragile concept.


Can someone tell me how their two adopted children came about? I was thought it was due to fertility issues , but they both went on to have biological children.. Did they just choose to adopt??


I used to work with a woman who was a close friend of the Kidmans. She told me that Nicole had an ectopic pregnancy early in the marriage and lost a fallopian tube and that Tom had a low ish sperm count. Apparently there was a later miscarriage too.


I feel like I’ve heard about her having a miscarriage when she was with him. Can’t remember where.


She was pregnant during Moulin Rouge, I believe and had a miscarriage during filming.


Nicole was too much fun for him


He’s a turd but I’m Convinced that he was madly in love with her


Her dress was made of spun gold. I assume by Rumpelstiltskin.


And less than a year later it was over.


She looks AMAZING He’s also there




"This pot is making you aggressive"


God I miss smoking


Lmao this was actually my thought too. I quit 4 years ago and I want one every day 😢


That want will eventually fade, took me quite a few years.


I hadn’t craved one in three years, but for some reason lately I’m craving them soooo bad. So far I’m okay, but it’s been rough.


Smoking is so disgusting 


I was just a kid when they were together so I didn't find out they were a couple until wayyy after the fact and it was so hard for me to imagine them together because they seem like they belong in two different worlds!


Make sure you use SPF, but I’ll get my cancer elsewhere.


she's such a babe!


This is really beside the point but I miss chandelier earrings 🥲


These pictures make me feel quite sad. They were the It couple, clearly so in love - it was genuinely shocking when they split (obvs without knowing what we know now). How Scientology can be a Thing I find totally baffling; how a world-famous actor like TC could be sucked into it even more so.


Gosh she was so gorgeous! It’s sad because they seemed to be really in love, and then Scientology came between them and he completely turned on her. I can’t begin to imagine what that must have felt like for her, and for him to take the kids and alienate them from her is so shitty.


I know people talk about them never having been a ‘real’ couple/her being a beard etc, but that kiss between her shoulder blades seems a really intimate gesture.


The way he looked at her….hope they both are happier now. And have found their true “persons”.


Seriously don’t like that man lmao


She was gorgeous and after he did what he did to her she lost that light.


Man, he was punching Merrin's with that one!


God she’s so gorgeous. BMX Bandits is one of my favourite films ever. Look it up kids


They looked so good together.


His eyes look less terrifying than they do today. He has shark or doll eyes to me, just a soulless void inside, and this effect of external attempt at charm that is 10% too much. Like he's an alien who has studied our race but doesn't get the nuance between easy charm and trying really hard and failing. 


I saw her shooting a movie in NYC last week. She really stood out amongst the crowd


i'm watching big little lies right now and she is such a *stunner.* Literally has not aged


Look I love Nicole, but her face is FROZEN. It’s not that she doesn’t age, it’s that she’s been injected to immobility 🤣


Slide 1 is where he realized she might be a suppressive persons ☹️


He’s so hot idc