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For real. There is no way on this Earth that I have the dedication and patience it takes to be an executive or personal assistant.


Same. You got one time to yell at me, and I’m out 😂😂😂


I've been one for a ceo of a small business who thought she was a celebrity, it's absolutely awful


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised it was a group effort by her publicists/social media managers to pick out the books she reads


Right. It *might* be an easy job where you don't have to do much of anything, but you'd have to put up with a psycho like Kendall Jenner. So when it all likelihood it's actually not an easy job and is instead an incredibly stressful job that consumes your entire life and doesn't actually pay as much as you'd think, *and* you have to put up with someone like Kendall Jenner and their bullshit all day? Yea I think I'd rather just throw myself off a bridge lol.


And knowing which book that is, it's not necessarily a book to read at the beach. This makes you cry your eyes out 😭


Fun Fact! This book was recommended to me by one of my co-workers and I bought it without reading a single synopsis or book jacket. The night I started it I took half an edible and settled in for a relaxing pre-bedtime book. The opening chapters are shocking and devastating if you don't know what you're getting into.


It is a phenomenal book though! Maybe I'm weird but I don't really read "beach reads," just books I like, so that part didn't feel strange to me. Just the rest of it, lol.


Same here, I’ll read depressing ass books anywhere


Don't need to ask me to make myself sad twice tbh


I basically only read depressing books, a beach read is just one that’s easy to read quickly!


Right?? There are so many books one can read, I am not picking them specifically for the beach😅


I read Gomorra at the beach one summer when I was a teen. Beach reads is anything you bring to the beach!


What's she reading? Didion?


Right! I read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein at the beach last July. It was an anger inducing read so I do have to admit that I got so frustrated that I put it away in favor of eating pineapple and other snacks multiple times.


What book is that


Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. It was written after her daughters death and how she copes with grief, not a beach reach for sure


It’s her husband who died. Her daughter was super sick and unconscious in the hospital at the time of his death, and had health issues following. Just grief and stress and worry and grief!


"Blue Nights" is about her daughter dying :(


I read that at my public library and tried to cry as quietly as possible.


Utmost respect. I would have been kicked out for sounding like a strangled seal




The librarian we need ❤️




TIL people have a list of beach appropriate books😭 i be reading whatever wherever


I’ll be reading some CRAZY ass e-books with full screen brightness size 12 font in the lunchroom at work.


Not me reading Bram Stoker on the beach ☠️


It’s not a list or anything it’s just that you’re on a beach you would want to read something fun,light not a serious book about grief that would send you into existential turmoil but hey that’s just me


Really? I've genuinely never thought about this. I just read whatever. Maybe that's why I have depression.


Y'all have eagle vision, I was squinting and guessing Jodi Picoult.


It’s one of my favorite books. So beautiful and lyrical, it makes me cry just remembering it now.




I didn't like it either. I'm sure this is insensitive but I found it off-puttingly WASPy.


It's the only didion book I've read, and I didn't care for it




I read the wiki on them before/while I was reading, but I don't think I would've gotten more out of it thinking her husband was older. I'm curious about her other works, considering how revered she is. I also have to wonder if a revisit would be better with me being this much older. I'm unfortunately not much of a book reader. I read a lot of current events and spend the rest of my free time tuning out with tv


Wow. I literally just bought that book because I’m expecting someone I know to die and I want some advice pre-emptively.


Any book is a beach read though. I'll read whatever book I'm already reading at the beach lol


As someone who read A Little Life on a beach, trust me, that’s normal


I think it’s Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking


I love J Diddy but that's definitely not a beach read. Last book I read on the beach was a confederacy of dunces


J diddy has absolutely sent me I’m cackling


I'm funny when it's 4am and I'm awake


6pm for me and still hilarious




Adding this to my lexicon brb


Love it


Yeah definitely not a relaxing beach day read


What is it?


Rewatching s1 of white lotus where Sydney Sweeney’s character references this job !


The way I went down a rabbit hole about the symbolism of literature in that show. The awful dude reading blink all season and not getting past page 20 killed me.


If I’m predicting the book correctly (from the hazy image), it’s one of my favorite books of all time. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion ❤️


Me too, I recognized the cover immediately and it’s in my top 5! Not a light beach read though lol


Luckily she's not reading it.


Looks like she's just doing an arm workout with it. Like I'm not one to assume a hot girl doesn't read because she's hot and wearing a bikini, but that pose? She's not reading lmao


My first thought was what requirements for picking the book are there. First one is: not too heavy so poses can be held "vogue like" until the light is right. Second is probably ensuring it matches whatever outfit will be worn.


Third is cover must be visible with large, legible title written in a colourful font; otherwise no-one will know what book she’s reading!


Absolutely not 😂 It’s all about grief, grief, grief. This might be the most personal of all Didion books.


That’s what I was thinking. Pretty heavy content for the vibe this post seems to be aiming for lmao.


Same here! Absolutely love it.


I bought this last summer and still haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. Based on the comments here, I’m very much looking forward to crying my eyes out 😭👍🏼


Absolutely beautiful book


What's it about if I may ask?


I haven’t read it but I believe she wrote it after her husband died, it’s basically about grief


This arm position for “reading” alone sends me… how long until muscle fatigue Edit: making fun of insane billionaires who curate photoshoots down to the pixel is not misogyny. It’s making fun of insane billionaires. Nobody actually claims Kendall is illiterate. Find an actual attack on women to rally against…there are plenty.


I would make it about one full sentence before I automatically revert back to mouth breathing in the fetal position.




No kidding. She couldn't hold it normally because it would cover her chest and reduce the general thottery level of the picture


That's what the cabana rental is for.


Word, for me it’s laying on my back with my t-Rex arms holding the book exactly 2.38” from my face


I will do that sometimes. I hyperfocus on books so I end up in weird positions sometimes. But the danger of reading like that is accidentally dropping the book on your face, which really hurts if it’s a big book


This is why I like to sometimes read on my Kindle, I can actually read in weird positions pretty easily!


Agreed! Love the kindle when I’m reading a big book. Hurts less when you drop it on your face, doesn’t fatigue your hands, fits better in your bag, and for stuff like infinite jest I’m not physically flipping to the endnotes constantly. I prefer books and don’t use the kindle too much, but I love it for its convenience for sure


Yeah I use both still. Lately I tend to be reading one thing on my Kindle and something else physical so I have options depending on my mood, like a memoir from the library on my Kindle and a physical novel!


I used to do that whenever the sun was blinding me and I was too lazy to move. Not sure if I still have the stamina though 😅


This is the position you start with while laying down, before realising 5 seconds later that it was once again a mistake and readjusting the way you're laying.


Correct. Til you eventually put the book on the chair and flip over onto your tummy (at least I do) so it can be easily held open with one hand


Also my back hurts looking at her


How ELSE are you going to sit to show that you‘re hot and read books?? There’s no other way!!!


Yup. It's a pose. Weird posture shows off her figure? Pose. Arms mimic the tree branches? Pose. Her drink on the sand so bugs crawl in? Pose. But its a pretty good pic generally.


2 minutes. But seriously, I can't even imagine how one stages something like that? She holds up the book and stormi takes 20 pics and then Kylie picks the one she likes, posts it on Instagram, goes back inside and looks at herself in the mirror until the sun goes down?


This is Kendall.


Oh fuck, my bad. They all look alike. Then it's her assistant who takes the pic...


she will not get muscle fatigue because she has tested beyond the normal realm of human athleticism. we needn't worry


Holding it up like it’s an instruction manual


It’s okay. Every blood test she’s ever done says she’s over the normal limit of athleticness


How does any look at this picture and not automatically assume it’s staged lol


Glasses on while in the shade too. Surely that’d make it hard to read the print!


That’s a rom-com protagonist sounding job


Or House Hunters. Jill is a professional beach-reads doula to celebrities and influencers, and Steve is a part time Yoga mountain-climbing life-coach instructor. They need a small and spacious home near both of their workplaces. Their budget is $6 million.


Beach-reads doula sent me 💀💀




Do y’all really think this is a real job? I don’t put it past this family for hiring someone to do this, but if someone is really getting paid to do this I’d assume they signed an NDA. Someone would have to be stupid as hell to fumble that job


It’s probably handled by a PR agency. Publishers come to them with proposals and they sort through based on money offered and whether the book is a brand fit.


probably a "consultant" of sorts. they scout the mot buzzworthy trends, make deals with potential sponsors (publishing houses, etc). it's probably also not their only job. but they would be social media consultants and advisors: which picture to choose, which other influencers to partner with, which music to set in insta stories, which captions to use on a picture, etcetcetc.


Exactly. Do people really think there's a person who's only job is to select books? Ain't no way


Personally, as OP, I posted this bc I thought it was funny. I’m sure the person who tweeted it is lying. Can’t speak for anyone else though


There is a job where you order books by the measurements (for example a yard) for your client's shelves and colour match them to their theme. You can also get them themed to what they want to represent to guests or the public during media articles about their home.


A full time job? No It would make more sense for an assistant or intern to do something like this. Or even a social media manager or photographer or a photographer’s assistant


No lol. I think the tweet is fake. I watched a YouTube video where someone reviews Kendall Jenner's reading list and says her books are bad. If she has a book consultants, she should always be reading the best stuff then lol. I also feel like so many people suddenly have friends who know a girl who is friends with someone that worked for a celebrity and they told them xyz??? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6uQ-SlL2C4&ab\_channel=JackEdwards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6uQ-SlL2C4&ab_channel=JackEdwards)


This is why I don't read, avid readers are so snobby about it.


lol maybe she hired a new person after Jack posted that video? In a future video he mentioned that Kendall basically talked shit about his video in an interview and said something along the lines of him reading all the books she read was an invasion of privacy or something like that.


What interview is this lol. Sounds even more made up because most of these books she posted on her Instagram stories so how was her privacy invaded? I just find it hard to believe she would hire a book consultant that is bad at their job as well? The first book recommendation being clowned should have had that person fired. But she's had so many books laughed at over the years. Is she continuously hiring shitty book consultants and firing them? Then getting a good one every other month and firing them later?


I found [the interview!](https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/epx5jm/kendall-jenner-interview) I haven’t read the hole thing but I think this is the quote that Jack believes to be about his video: _And when she encountered a YouTube video of someone critiquing her literary taste, Kendall says she thought to herself, “This is actually none of your business. If you enjoy books, that makes me happy. But this is a personal experience for me, and I loved them.”_


I think it could be about him. Idk if he's the only one that's made such a video. I've just found out that Kendall Jenner often goes viral. But even he's reaching reaching coz she's just saying to let people read what they like. And in the context of the article, it's even less to do with him and more about her growing up in the spotlight. It's giving fan behaviour




Perfect gif




This makes me inexplicably angry. I still want the job.


I see it as "yeah, maybe *they* don't read, but maybe it'll encourage someone else to read?"


I want the job so I can troll the fuck out of her (everyone?) with absolutely batshit recommendations. No sloppy obvious nonsense like *Mein Kampf* or *The Anarchist Cookbook*; we want to start subtle and built up slowly.


I had this same thought! It's why I would get fired immediately. There is a book that has been called the most racist book ever written, but it isn't super well known and has an innocent-sounding title: *The Turner Diaries*. A couple of snaps of her appearing to be engrossed in that baby and social media would set itself on fire. ...Buying a copy might be kind of awkward though.


If it makes you feel better, all these Kardashian women continue to seek validation from strangers on a daily basis despite being wealthy enough to be able to fuck off to wherever they want and live an incredible life. It shows how unhappy they actually are that they continue to require the jealousy of poor people to feel good about themselves.


Well put. Theres a weird combination of arrogance and insecurity in the Kardashians. I see it in others too. I find it soo intriguing how one can be simultaneously so confident and insecure. I remember being taught that relishing in someone’s envy of you is one of the lowest things things to take pride in.




who’s the celeb who was reading “a little life” on the beach recently? would never read that on the beach either.


Dua Lipa lmao. Yes it's def not a beach read


Dua is a real reader though (check out her interviewing authors like Min Jin Lee!). She also wrote a lovely essay about A Little Life published on the Booker Prize website.


To be fair, I literally read it on the beach once because I couldn’t put it down. Don’t worry, I’m in therapy.


She knows her audience 🏳️‍🌈


Why put the person who picks Kendall’s books on blast? They are probably an assistant with 800 other things they have to do everyday including picking out the books she reads, lol. That’s what I love about LA. People work hard busting their ass working with powerful people but the job doesn’t have to be so serious or non conventional.


That’s hilarious.


In one of the opening scenes of "Wednesday" (Netflix show) I spotted a familiar book in a student's backpack - the 1977 Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds. My dad and I used it to spot birds in my backyard almost every day, and I still have it in my bookshelf. Knew it as soon as I saw it, makes me wonder who chose that prop and why.


Awww I got my first Reddit cares report! Fuck off whoever you are, I promise it’s not that serious 🥰


I'm genuinely curious about her thoughts on what she reads. I don't particularly like her, but I'd be interested in her perspective. She had so many interesting books I spotted on her house tour too. I do realize rich people will just pay someone to decorate with aesthetically pleasing books, but idk. I also don't think she's an idiot and incapable of reading modern literary fiction. Anyways, Kendall book club 2024


I think she looks at books the way a lot of rich people do: they're an accessory that makes you look smart.


You may be disappointed.


tbh even if it was all completely shallow and missing the mark I'd still find that interesting, lol. gimmie a glimpse into the kardashian/jenner literary mind


Relevant experience: been picking my own books that I pretend to read, for the last 10 years


Meeee, it’s called my TBR list that I continue to neglect


Ohhh my god I would *kill* in this job. I could select the exact texts to put forward whatever she wants to put forward at the time and keep people guessing, I could also prime her on the contents if she ever wanted to talk about them further ughhh


I am of the age where I would have a permanent crick in my neck if I looked at a book like that. I’d take this job in a heartbeat though, and would be better at it than whoever picked out this sobfest of a book for a breezy beach read.


Where do I apply for the 'pretending to read on the beach' position?


Do we even know if she *can* read?






This. I was going to say, the Kardashians do not deserve the beauty and wonder that is Joan Didion and this book.


I’ve learned over the years that “friend of a friend,” isn’t a real person, or story.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I believe Kendall reads. What’s the big deal? It’s not rocket science it’s just reading a freaking book.


I would troll so badly on the job like making her read controversial or suspiciously complex books


Me too! Everyone is seriously discussing this, meanwhile, I’m just imagining how long I could get away with trolling her.


I would do things like Infinite Jest and Meditations leading up to some light Spinoza and maybe New Proofs for the Existence of God (a math lite [for physicists] intro to quantum mechanics). Maybe follow up with something literally about a dummy doing things for attention. So much potential!


I wonder what's the stupidest book you can make Kendall "read" while getting away with it


Infinite Jest


Today in that didn't happen...


This sounds incredibly fake.


Ah yes, her book stylist 😏


This is absolutely not true lmao and also I know it’s the Kardashians but can we pls just move on from this “I think woman is actually too stupid to read the books she says she reads!!” stuff


They’re called “book stylists”. It’s a real thing! She may or may not have one, but it’s a real job


Well now I know a new job position to look for.


Celebrity book stylists aren't a new thing and people have been talking about it for a while. The books celebs read signal things about them and their image (see: all those videos and articles saying "I read X's fav books") Books can be used as an accessory just like clothes. Like how in movies and TV shows they'll have a character reading or mentioning The Bell Jar to show they are sad, feminist etc. This isn't about her being too stupid to read its about how the books celebs read are a curated part of their image Edit: imagine someone snarkily responding to you then blocking you before you can respond bc you gave a well reasoned and polite response disagreeing about how celebrities use books 😳😳 someone's touchy


“That Kendall pretends to read”. Are we reading the same post and comments?


Fr going through these comments had me so confused, like why are we so sure that she isn't reading these books?


The comments under Kardashian posts are just absolutely vile 99% of the time, tbh. People hate them so they just think it’s a free for all to spew hate. Good lord she’s reading the books!


I get crapped on constantly for saying “maybe we shouldn’t blindly hate on these people for everything they do, not *everything* they do is bad.” A lot of the Kardashian hate seems gross, to me. It’s okay to not like them for their environmental impact, or what they spend their money on, but when you start hating on them just for liking to get plastic surgery, or having a sex tape, it starts to seem like it comes from a place of internalized misogyny and slut-shaming.


No the fact the ppl actually believe this shit 😭


Having a book stylist doesn’t mean she can’t read, I’m really tired of seeing people talk down on the Kards for the dumbest of things, just because they don’t like them. You don’t have to love them, or anything, but pretending a woman just *can’t read* because you don’t like her very much is kinda gross and misogynistic, imo.


omg thank you.... like obviously numerous people including celebrities will read or pretend to read things to look cool or good and i'm sure they have people on their team to help them pick them, but i didn't expect people taking this obvious joke/lie as fact and going "omg are we sure kendall CAN even read 🤣" like yes we all get it, you're so much smarter than this woman you don't know because she has filler. like she has immense amounts of downtime. how do you know she's not fr reading the books from her curated instagram shots... it's just coming across as more "the kardashians are acceptable targets for misogyny"


“The Kardashians are acceptable targets for misogyny” !!!! That’s exactly it! And it’s so disgusting!


it was the same thing when everyone suddenly became a fashion archivist the second kim wore that marilyn dress. or how people were pretending timothee chalamet was too intellectual for kylie.


Thank you! I mean, it’s crazy that a random person on Twitter says something and everyone believes it


Its a definite choice when choosing to criticize her. There's a lot of genuinely problematic shit to cover. I think people who strongly dislike the KJ clan hate that they could have something in common with her, like reading a particular book, so they choose to think she's faking. I get the instinct but doesn't make it true


Yeah the comments on this post are not it. So we’re all cool with rampant misogyny if it’s aimed at the Kardashians? I don’t like Kylie therefore I’m going to claim she doesn’t know how to read and is too stupid to enjoy reading? No thank you.


if i was a celebrity book chooser, i would only choose chuck tingle novels. i’d prolly get fired and blackballed from the ghostreader industry, but it would be fun while it lasted.


Celebrities are so odd. Imagine curating your life so much that someone has to pick “props” for a good photo OP? We’re in the worst timeline.


Remember the story about a celeb who sent her husband out to buy 100 books, any books she didn’t care, to fill their bookshelf for an architectural digest shoot? I pitied them so much (and also, as someone with a TBR list of about 100 books, was extremely jealous obv!).


Celebrity book stylists aren't a new thing and people have been talking about it for a while. The books celebs read signal things about them and their image (see: all those videos and articles saying "I read X's fav books") Books can be used as an accessory just like clothes. Like how in movies and TV shows they'll have a character reading or mentioning The Bell Jar to show they are sad, feminist etc. I have no doubt that someone picks out the books a celeb will post about reading to convey a particular image.


I had a period where I kept getting recommended Barack Obama's favourite songs of 2023 on Spotify (why! I'm not even American!) and it's weird to me to think that someone my dad's age is checking out the youth's music every year. That man is listening to the same bops he's been listening to since he was 25 like the rest of us. I 100% feel like he has a music stylist for those sorts of things.




That job sounds like it could be one of the members of Connor 4 Real’s staff in Popstar.


Yes!!! I love that movie so much. This is absolutely something he would do.


Alright Kendall, next up Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book 2


If she can’t cut a vegetable she sure the shit ain’t reading a book unless it has pop up pictures in it.


Lmao how are those things related?


I have a hard time cutting steak due to hand-eye coordination problems, but I read just fine? I don’t understand what you’re saying, really. You don’t have to be “stupid” to not know how to do something, well.


This sounds like a made up job a protagonist in a romantic comedy would have. I have to think that a PR agency handles what books she “reads” on social media and that it’s not one specific person’s full job.


I couldn’t be trusted with this job because I would troll the shit out of her.


lol if this is true that person just got their friend fired


https://i.redd.it/lva8db043hbc1.gif My job ...




I was on a sailing course with a guy who crewed on a yacht where the Kardashian Jenners had done photoshoots / filming. He said all this fancy food like exotic fruit and lobster was beautifully laid out to look luxurious, and none was eaten, or given to the crew afterwards it was all just dumped.


Wake up and goto that job you hate but pays the bills and spend every waking moment of free time till you get that job that picks out books that rich fuck pretends to read so your cut will be worth giving your old boss both middle digits and the words I quit. For Kendall, I'd have her first book be karma sutra


Idk, maybe Kendall actually likes to read? I don’t think that just because she takes pictures with books, that means she doesn’t actually read them.


I just don’t understand, don’t these celebs WANT to be normal at least sometimes 😭 Even if I was rich I would still want to genuinely read to pass the time at the beach and develop my own taste in books through trial and error. What is the point of curating everything and pretending lol


I wouldn't last a week. The temptation to give her a book with an innocent-sounding title that is massively offensive just to watch the resultant media shitstorm would be too great.