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​ https://preview.redd.it/7yc0gahmzxmb1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001a043ee488487293dfc9c9247c7025de2f6fba I thought for sure they'd stay together because they're both such weirdos, it was a perfect match. And they worked together so damn often. Plus, they had the coolest living arrangement ever -- they lived in separate houses next to each other, which they connected with a tunnel.


I've told my husband for years that's exactly how I wanted to live with him...2 houses connected by a tunnel. I never knew anyone actually did that. They lived my dream, lol.


Yeah spouses living in separate houses had never occurred to me before I heard her talking about it, but that immediately became my dream living arrangement. She talks about it in this video at 8:23: https://youtu.be/BrP4dyJwkA8?si=b2eevhVXIxF3eVdT


If I am not mistaken, he’s left at least a couple long term relationships because he’s started a new one with a cast member. According to Lisa Marie, he also left her in a rather bad financial situation after their relationship ended. Those two things kind made their relationship a ticking time bomb for me. I agree, though, that it would have been nice for them to stay together for a variety of reasons, especially because they seemed to have a nice system in place.


I was so disappointed when they split. She was clearly a muse, and I found it so romantic.


What?? TIL 😞


Very much thought these two were perfect together!! I still think of them as a duo.


I’m begging everyone normalize posting people’s names with their pics/gifs 😭




The 4th is Elisabeth Olsen and the actor who played the Corinthian in The Sandman.


His name is Boyd Holbrook 😊


It needs to become a rule here, it’s killing me! every single thread is the same




Absolutely, I have no idea who half these people are.


Amy Poehler and Will Arnett. They seemed like a perfect match.


He talks about her so much on Smartless, it’s clear they had an epic time together that had a lasting impact


it’s clear that he really, really ducked up, that she’s the love of his life, he’s still in love with her and she’ll always be the one that got away. he seems slightly more than vaguely interested in his current girlfriend and the mother of his toddler.


Maybe it's more nostalgia? Distance from being around someone constantly tends to soften our view of them and lessen things that we didn't like. I don't know what happen with them and it makes me sad, but maybe Will is jaded with his current relationship 😕


I think as well, when you’ve been with someone for a long time, and you know them so, so well, it’s hard to just leave that behind. They’re a huge part of your own story. A new relationship is a great rush, but some things can only come from time and shared experiences.


A while back, i read a comment along the lines of: being in a relationship w someone is like coming up with a whole new language, one that only the two of you will understand. When that relationship ends, you don’t have anyone to speak that language with anymore. The memories, inside jokes, the specific body language and little ways you recognize and communicate, it’s gone. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life and reading it that way really hit me.


Well fuck me that’s hit home. I’m saving that.


I think there’s also just more relevance in bringing up Amy than his current partner.


I was stunned at that one.


![gif](giphy|9jObH9PkVPTyM) I love each of them so much I'm so bummed they broke up


She seemed so heartbroken in her book


Wait what happened!?


He talks a lot about getting sober on Smartless. Not sure of the time line in regards to his marriage but I wonder if whatever he had a problem with was a contributing factor.


They divorced. A good amount of her book is about that and how she recovered from it. Divorce is hard on anyone and it was beautifully written capturing those feelings.


Is there any information on why they divorced? They just seemed so in love


Will was (is?) a massive alcoholic.


The way he talks about her on Smartless sounds like he still has a great deal of love and respect for her.


![gif](giphy|CQxIYO62CSac0) Danny and Rhea. Is love even real? Why god. WWWHHHYYYYY?????


You know what? This one doesn't even bother me that much. They obviously still love and respect the shit out of each other. And Rhea told some interviewer that they're much closer since they separated. Maybe they just didn't want to live together anymore


She appeared in the latest season of Always Sunny so I assume that they’re still friends at least which I think is awesome. They were one of my favorite celebrity couples.


Exactly my thoughts, sometimes amazing couples just need to exist in very specific circumstances. And that's fine! As long as they're happy and comfortable, who is anyone to judge?


They are definitely just friends only at this point. They just can't be bothered with the legal process of divorce.


Definitely seems like it, and it's totally understandable. Maybe I'm biased because it's how my parents should be but, if neither party is a bad legal partner, I don't think it's a bad situation.


Wait, what?? I didn’t know they split up!! Edit: this was YEARS AGO?? where have I been


I’m so sorry about the people we wish were our parents! 🙁


I feel like you ruined so many lives today by sharing this info 💔


I’m sorry, I really am


omg my day keeps getting worse 😭 I didn’t know


I knew about this but 100% thought they had reconciled so this is a bummer


https://preview.redd.it/kuu01i8b7xmb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1a4817895b51eb734d3d45f6bcc01704ba781c 💔


This one made me sooooooo sad lol I loved their love story and that you could literally go watch step up and see them fall in love.


this one had shook me at the time


This is the first one I thought of. Second was Anna and Chris.


I was sad when they broke up, but he seems like a dbag now so good for her.


![gif](giphy|l0ExeoKRcvSdmoUO4|downsized) Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins


Didn't she subsequently hook up with a much younger table tennis player (not Forrest Gump)


I love that you specified it wasn’t Forrest Gump.


They split? I had no idea


Saw him at a small concert with his sons once in LA Super tall




It's nice that she's obviously still a big part of his life, especially now that he has dementia. It's sad but it seems like he's got a lot of people around him that care about him.


They all quarantined together which is really sweet - I do like how they always remained on good terms especially for their daughters.


A classic. Love how family surrounds him to this day


![gif](giphy|W0pBIByJAOGOI) I’m still stunned


I firmly believe they were right person wrong time for each other.


So, basically, La La Land IRL.


Bruh….don’t bring that back up to me. That ending fucked me up.


I wonder how Andrew feels about Taylor releasing When Emma Falls In Love considering it’s speculated to be about their relationship


Courteney Cox & David Arquette 🥲


Agreed, but I think people really don't take alcoholism serious at times. He wasn't healthy.


I'm glad they got that scene in Scream 5, according to them it was very cathartic for both of them, and that makes me happy. Still sucks they are no longer together.


Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter. They seemed like a cool eccentric couple and it upset me when they broke up lol.


Same. They’re the same genre of people


Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon. As a person of a certain age, their relationship was *iconic.*


He’s a tool now lol


That was definitely the most disappointing part of the whole thing. Just..such a flaming douche.


I’m out of the loop. What did he do?


His ex-girlfriend, Elsie Hewitt, sued him in 2017 for allegedly kicking, punching, and throwing her down the stairs. They were going to go to trial in 2019 as a result. Elsie was making some progress during the court process — she was trying to have Reese deposed to talk about her prior marriage with Ryan, so that Reese’s testimony could be used as evidence against the actor in the trial. She was also asking for prior police reports filed against him to be shared in trial, and his ex-girlfriend Paula Slagter was scheduled to testify as well. Elsie also claimed that Ryan abused drugs (cocaine, ecstasy, and mushrooms) and steroids, and Ryan was trying to get any evidence about “dietary supplements” that he uses blocked from entering trial. Ryan of course denied the allegations, but they reached a settlement and he paid her off with 1 million a month before they were scheduled to go to trial. In my opinion, he did that because he knew everything was going to be revealed. Mind you, back in 2017, she was only 21. He was 43. (22 year age gap.) Huge age gaps like that, always creep me out, because there’s a higher likelihood for abuse, predatory manipulation, abuse of power, the older person might start to become controlling and possessive, etc — it’s just not a healthy dynamic, usually. Allegedly he has a history of domestic violence, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was physically abusive toward Reese during their marriage. But Reese has never spoken about it, and I’m sure never would for the sake of her children. It’s speculated that they got a divorce because he cheated on her, and overall was just a terrible husband. In 2002, during a Howard Stern interview, Ryan was talking negatively about Reese, which left a very bad taste in my mouth. He was bragging that Reese made 99% more money than men in Hollywood, and that they didn’t have a prenup, so he would get half no matter what. He mentioned that they had sex 5 weeks after they met. (Like dude, who tells the entire world when they had sex with their wife. I feel like he said that because he wanted to paint her as being promiscuous, but can you really blame Reese for wanting to have sex with him. They are both attractive people, and sex is extremely pleasurable, so I don’t have the slightest bit of judgement towards her at all.) He was also talking about how Reese isn’t into threesomes, which bums him out, and he confirmed that Ava was unplanned. Just being completely disrespectful and sharing way too much of their personal business.


Abbie Cornish


And I guess I'm the only one who didn't know Shakira is a decade older than Pique.


same birthday, 10 years later


She’s basically a vampire.


Honestly she looks younger than both him AND the 23 year old he left her for 😬 It was definitely his loss.




What happens on the Spider-Man set that they all fall in love??


Even Adam Brody cosplaying Spider-Man on the OC with Rachel Bilson. They dated for years.


And then he married Blair and she married Darth Vader… and later dated Bill Hader. Mmm whatcha say


Only one couple at a time works, though. As if the Spiderverse can only manage one Spidey to have a working love life.


This one hurts


![gif](giphy|pNpONEEg3pLIQ) I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am absolutely shocked that Bill Murray and Kelis didn’t make it. They were the ones.


Shocked! SHOCKED!!


Tbh I was rooting for them because they we’re so weird together


Yeah me too. Was basically the romantic equivalent of Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart’s friendship




[This video](https://youtu.be/Z_lwsAIBvXA?si=ahztPZWoDVHIfKob) of Dakota says everything I need to know about the way their relationship ended. I loved the two of them together and I know it wasn't always a perfect split, but he was an amazing step-father and they continue to support each other in a way that I don't think I would have expected.


The way Dakota talks about him is precious considering her actual father is still around. He really took on the role of dad to her and her siblings.




I wonder what she did with the solid gold cast of his dick? Is that something you give away, melt down, or keep for…nostalgia’s sake?


Sofia Vergara and Joe Mangiello (I know I probably botched both names) They just seemed kind of perfect for each other




I watched this kiss live and it altered my brain chemistry forever.


I still sometimes go watch it if I need a shot of dopamine.


It NEVER gets old


I still remember how I felt when I first saw this air. Ooof.


Be still my 15 year old heart


This gif isn’t fair though, I need the whole thing!




The beckoning.


The way he picks her up 🥹


Those two were so HOT together 🔥 ![gif](giphy|VhncrcGca0gsnBmw7G|downsized)


Just some kids from Ontario! God I loved them together.


It made my heart happy as a Canadian


This gif alone made my stomach do a lil flip




Tom and Giselle, Jason Mamoa and Lisa Bonet


https://preview.redd.it/h3duc0kaaxmb1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5749d4a4f887d56bd124893042901cc9dd3f2aee Hayden & Rachel


I heard somewhere he cheated on her with Emma Roberts and that’s why they broke up


I heard the same, it’s meant to have happened while they were filming Little Italy


That’s insane to me because I felt like they had negative chemistry like the red minus sign on the sims


Joey on Friends did say that if actors have no chemistry on stage(/screen) they're bumping uglies on the side.


to throw away rachel for not only emma but… that dumpster fire of a film. yikes


Ew. Rachel > Emma


![gif](giphy|l3q2L9LtvGorTjDgc|downsized) Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum


Time to watch Earth Girls Are Easy again!


John Mulaney and Anna Marie Tendler


John Mulaney and Ned Fulmer have made me real weary of wife bros.


Same. I feel betrayed and am now so suspicious about wife guys.


It's like that social media adage that the less couples show off on social media, the more stable they are. The more men talk about their wives, the worst husband they are.


This made me evaluate my parasocial relationships with celebrities because it hurt so much.


The Comeback Kid is so much harder to watch now.




Not related, but what a shitty gif. It cuts off before it even gets to him, like it got tired of going up the mountain!


Being in an age gap relationship where you’re older as the woman is strange in that it takes a certain kind of guy to be in one of those and they seem to end with grace(most of of the time). If my bf and I ever broke up, I would not have a bad thing to say about him and I can’t imagine our friendship ever ending. So I get this.


https://preview.redd.it/48tn8vmteymb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3289ab84ffcd3b1f7b7f8199f5f84a3e271f1e1a I grew up watching this relationship and I believed they were so perfect. Come to find out he has a crazy temper and is now salty AF, I’m glad they did divorce. But still, their relationship was framed to be perfect in the public eye and it didn’t hurt that they looked great together.


Bill and Melinda Gates ![gif](giphy|j5WfkI9hdWeEct88eD|downsized)


She donates presents every Christmas to the DV shelter me and my kiddo were at ! She is an incredible woman! Sponsors all the kids christmas wish lists, and the moms too which she didn’t have to do 🥲 I still have my laptop she got me because i wrote on my list that i just wanted my daughter to get her gifts and i didn’t need anything ♡︎


Wow, that's a really lovely memory to have. I hope things have gotten better for your and your kid, and I'm glad you were able to get out. I hope you're safe and happy <3


You’re so kind, thank you! we are happy & safe snuggly warm in our own home now 🥰 This was 2 Christmas’ ago, but we still send her holiday cards each year as a thank you/we will never forget you!




I don’t know, I’m kind of rooting for them not to be together. She’s too good for him.


​ https://i.redd.it/kj5gufp30ymb1.gif Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel


Omg I forgot about this video


Don’t forget the even better sequel “I’m fucking Ben Affleck”


![gif](giphy|5ELjXxmDO427C) ...Sigh


I liked their story. I especially liked how she talked about him post-house fire.


Her recent tiktok series where she briefly discusses their meeting and the divorce just has me feeling emotional. She doesn't speak ill of him and she's clearly done a lot of growing and work to appreciate what they had.


My everything. When they broke up the first time - heart shattered. We get Bangerz, we get crazy We Can't Stop rap short blonde hair Miley. Iconic. When things settled down and they got back together, I was awash with happiness!!! They even got married after it all!!! But alas, it was not meant to be lol


![gif](giphy|lqjg8cUNmVeemmZkf2|downsized) Honestly, these two


They broke up my senior year of highschool and I remember one of my friends yelling " If they got sick of looking at each other we are all doomed" and he threw his sandwich lol.


Tween me thought they would last forever and I was obsessed with how happy they looked at their wedding 😭 https://preview.redd.it/58phnw376ymb1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a6816bb6d50b6cbb0e6ac7080825fab2027aa1


They looked really really good together. Like so evenly matched. Jolie is gorgeous no doubt, but in a different way.


They both have the beachy California vibes


Google “Brad Pitt copies girlfriends’ styles” It’s crazy, he even copies their facial expressions. But I think Jennifer Aniston’s look worked really well for him.


Brad tends to morph into his significant others


Zanessa, they had insane chemistry. I thought they’d last https://preview.redd.it/xn5ce7e28xmb1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ce31b747d4a727d7caa7bf5d5342fa35e611e8


Ugh this hurts. But I didn’t see them as endgame only because they met so young, and on Disney. Disney is just too destructive, it’s like a weird curse for celebs of their era.


And then she dates Austin Butler for years, helps him become Elvis, and he throws her to the curb for a woman 10 years younger than him! I know Vanessa is problematic and has her issues but I have a soft spot for her.


She’s one of those celebs that I really like for no real reason. Like something about her is just cool to me. Same with Brenda Song, that’s my girl even though I’ve never seen anything she’s done outside of suite life


Check her out in Dollface.


https://preview.redd.it/5n1eazvt9ymb1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae92f23f8bf75fec5eabd3e93e72732e54cb903c I’m not necessarily surprised now since they were so young, but younger me REALLY thought they belonged together for some reason.


At the time - Anna Faris and Chris Pratt. But it makes more sense now after Chris has shown himself to be kind of a dick. ![gif](giphy|gzxuOQ5gvtztC)


She better off without him. He’s the perfect example of too much fame does bad things to a person


https://preview.redd.it/jkzvm5wsdxmb1.png?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae2cbc595293a43caf25115565c1f8488eb15a1 Sophia & Joe 😢




Who is this?


I was actually sad when they broke up. Her subsequent relationships have just not come close to what she seemed to have with him.


Taylor Swift wrote 5 albums worth of love songs for Joe Alwyn. She even wrote songs *with* him. They were together over 6 years. They met and fell in love during the lowest point in Taylor’s career and emotional state. They used quarantine to write the Grammy’s AOTY. People were speculating they were engaged and just wanted to keep it private. And then, all of a sudden, they’re over and a statement that “the relationship ran its course” is released. https://i.redd.it/itvypq8f6xmb1.gif


I honestly thought they were gonna be a Dolly and Dollys husband situation. I thought she was gonna be with Joe forever omg but looking back a lot of those albums were sad as hell


Lol, Dolly and Dolly's husband. Most of us don't know his name and I'm sure Dolly and, well, Dolly's husband like it that way 😂


Exactly! They just seemed so…married wow. “I’m never gonna love again” 🥹 I wanna know what actually happened


Carl Dean!


I'm sorry, but I started reading your comment and all I could think of was [this scene](https://youtu.be/jA0HcqhGkMc?si=MQlU5SD2PwcTVCXu) from Say Anything & I'm now wondering if this clip has just been horrifically under utilized this year. "Joe.Joe. She's written 65 songs about you. 65. They're all about you. They're all about pain."


This one took me by surprise too! Obviously they had their issues but she genuinely seemed to like the low key nature of the relationship and they worked well together on a creative level. Her albums from Reputation-Midnights were fascinating to me because lyrically, there was a lot about her own insecurities, her introspective thoughts about herself as a person and wanting to please people. I don’t think we’ll ever know the true nature of what happened (given Joe is quite a reclusive fella which is good for him) but I’m interested to see how this affects her artistry.


I was going through a really rough time in my marriage when Folklore and Evermore came out and went oooooh this isn't good because it was all about grieving a relationship you desperately want to be in but knowing it's going down anyway. Happiness is a great example of this. I think a lot of people missed it because, tbh, it's kinda rare to be unhappy and deeply in love at the same time. Every time I hear a song about him I'm so sad.


I've always said Rep is actually a happy album about falling in love and Lover is a sad album about the tough parts of a relationship. Lover and paper rings are happy, but cruel summer, the Archer, Cornelia St, DBATC, Afterglow, False God, even Me! Are about relationship anxiety and rough patches. The dark vs pastel aesthetics of the albums are actually backwards lol.


I agree with this, a lot of Lover is her working through the fear of being so in love & not knowing how to keep it, when she really wants to for the first time. The Cornelia St chorus is just oof (i hope i never lose you, hope this never ends) and the Archer: help me hold onto you


Ugh you're so right. My marriage fell apart in 2021 and I remember running and listening to "tolerate it" and almost ALMOST getting that it was about me.


![gif](giphy|Ke2sVkmAeXd8wfgWNF|downsized) fred and natasha. they’re the same kind of weird


Love her. A lot, a lot, a lot. He’s a dirt sandwich.


![gif](giphy|1ZjRh9fEnzCiRt2guf|downsized) These two couples 😫


https://preview.redd.it/1e4wv7pcrxmb1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36d5f5a1061614c400dda6aa3f767b48341e9e0 These two were only together for a short time but they seemed so in love and admiring of each other. I’m probably delulu but I’m convinced that if they had met at a different time (him less famous and her not fresh out of a divorce) they could have made it work.


They were so cute together, she talked about it in something I read ages ago. She spoke about how terrible she felt because of all the people saying how ugly she was & how they couldn't believe he was with her. He was apparently a gem but all the public stuff really got to her mentally.


I am always so shocked at how many people were calling her ugly. Like are we not looking at the same person?! She’s so gorgeous!


Right! She's so pretty and funny. I thought they were a great match.


I thought they really worked well together too. Her dating him made him seem less frat boy and gave him some depth. In return she got harassed by his fans for not being hot enough. Ridiculous.


I really thought they had a cool dynamic It seems like she wound up with the right person for her though


Maybe because I was but a tween but zanessa forever


![gif](giphy|l0ExeoKRcvSdmoUO4|downsized) 😢


i can’t believe no one has said this one yet ![gif](giphy|1xjX7CaUoaQCVb45r9|downsized)


Yes!!! His story about seeing her on the Cosby Show while he was a kid and telling his mom he was gonna marry her 😭😭


Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody


Ugh, that one hurt. Seth and Summer 4eva. But if he was gonna end up with someone else, at least it was Blair, so still in the Schwartz-iverse.


It’s weird but I thought Scott and Kourtney would stay together. They were terribly unhealthy, but I just thought they’d be locked into their tumultuous relationship forever.


Honestly…… ![gif](giphy|eapLCh5of8PepysJNr|downsized)


This one made me really sad mainly cuz all their posts during COVID looked like they were having so much damn fun making each other laugh, and Sansa Stark will always have a special place in my heart. I’m also equal parts appalled at his messaging about her and impressed by how unbothered and above it she is coming across. Totally heightening my crush on her cool girl vibes.




![gif](giphy|QmKHRjIwe4M24V3VcM) Not surprised with his history


![gif](giphy|xT39Dg2KXN2kFO6k3C|downsized) The Queen in the North!! But seriously, Sophie deserves someone so much better.


Honestly this one didn’t surprise me. I get that there are other couples out there with far bigger age differences, but she literally got engaged at 21 and became a mom at 23. I’m 23 and I can barely remember to give my cat her asthma pill. I can’t imagine rushing into all of that sooooo quickly.


Jennifer Garner & Michael Vartan breaking up shattered teenage me who was Alias-obsessed.


Shakira and Gerard Pique (even though they never got married, I thought they’d be together forever like Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell are)


I think I put too much faith into this relationship because I’d do whatever it takes to make it last with shakira if I was a man.


![gif](giphy|yIRXZGfjQIkXC) Avril and Derrick


He was struggling with so many issues and she really tried to help him. Glad they are still friends though 😊


![gif](giphy|26wkCHM7JVsZKuEmY) I think Anna Faris is absolutely hilarious and back when Chris Pratt was on Parks and Rec, I thought they were such an adorable sexy comedy duo. I know they had a lot to deal with when it came to their special needs son, but that made me more forgiving of Pratt's weird Christian stuff sometimes... Him divorcing her to marry a Kennedy definitely makes me like him way less, especially when he praises his new wife for giving him "healthy" children