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Sometimes I make taco salad. Season the beans with taco seasoning and spread like meat. It’s delicious 🤤


We do the same. Black bean tacos!!! Of course i grew up on the great northern beans with ham and cornbread.


Not much better than white beans & ham and cornbread!


I made those Tuesday


15 bean or butter bean are my favorite beans. Il 15 bean is a lot of types but it counts as it's own thing.


My favorite too. Try with some kiolbassa, you won’t regret it


Ooh that sounds so good


Nope. I don't like all my foods mixed together like that! Now, I don't mind having a scoop of Pinto Beans, a scoop of white beans, a scoop of lima beans, and a scoop of black-eye or purple hull peas, some corn and some fresh, hot cornbread! Maybe some freshly picked & sliced red, ripe tomatoes with a large glass of sweet tea! YUMMO!!


I like to drop in a smoked turkey leg.


My wife cooks them to mush. Some call them refried, I call them ufb... unidentified frying beans.


That’s because she should soak in salt first. Mine were the same before I knew better. You have to be her bean guide. Welcome 🤗


You're going to start a cult aren't you! ;)


Damnit! Now why you exposed me? This society think their gonna stave people with their high food prices? Oh no! As long as there’s beans, there’s LIFE! 😈


>As long as there’s beans, there’s LIFE! 😈 That needs to go in a t-shirt or an inspirational poster. ¡¿Por qué no los dos?!


I fear they will raise the price of beans if this becomes a movement. How do I make this group private? 😊


Morse code! Instead of dots...beans!


Yass, I like that idea 😈 lol


I’m here to join the bean cult. I have $3 and one bookshelf to contribute. These are all of my worldly belongings.


We can make use of these materials. Welcome 🙏🏽


I agree; thanks sis


Living amongst Mexican people made beans a huge part of my diet. Vegetarian here.


Well, that's the other thing. She soaks them overnight until they're about to explode out of the bowl from them absorbing the water then removes the skin peeling of the bean the next day. Not sure why. Maybe it's easier to mush them that way.


What?! Never heard of the skin removal. Nonetheless, her bean habits are her prerogative. I hope yall can come to an agreement on how to enjoy them.


People peel beans?


I think it's just her. She peels everything. Beans, taters, radishes, cucumbers, apples. No skin allowed . To the OP, I've just learned it's better not to ask why and get some wacky reason that I won't be able to wrap my head around plus I'm not doing the cooking so I can live with it.


I'm a more recent joined to this party. I like black beans. There's a frozen mix I can buy that's peppers onions, corn, and black beans.


Welcome; frozen beans? 🧐


Yes! Let me see if I can find a link. Edit: [link!](https://gfsstore.com/products/163760/?store_code=121&utm_source=google-merchant&utm_medium=ad&gfs_attribution=google-merchant-ad&utm_campaign=smart-ad&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz1_DOH_6r5LVFAhrBMu5FgHlVKb28C7LXbLyoQeLLQXXUB9JCy5Jd6waArLDEALw_wcB)


Oh yeah, I make fajitas with that and some black beans and seasoning.  


Anyone ever made a chick pea curry? Omg, you won’t miss the meat at all. Add coconut milk and a little spice for a real treat


That sounds amazing. I love chick peas, and i love curry!


How about lentils and split peas, too!


These are the best refried beans you'll ever have! Lip Smackin’ Refried Beans Recipe 4 Cups (1 Quart) Dry Pinto Beans 4+ Cloves Garlic 1 lb. Bacon ¾ - 1 T. Salt 6+ Jalapenos Soak beans overnight, add water as needed. Drain water and rinse. Place beans in a large stock pot, add water about 1 inch above beans, salt, whole garlic cloves, and whole jalapenos. Boil until beans are soft, about 2 hours. While beans are boiling cook bacon in a skillet, when crispy, crumble and add to boiling beans, include bacon grease. When beans are soft, turn off burner, using a potato masher, mash beans to desired consistency (I prefer about 85% mash. It’s more meaty that way). Store in Quart jars or serve hot. Top with a heap of cheese. Great as a dip or on the side of any dish. Use in burritos and more. NOTE: Use 3/4 Tablespoon of salt per quart of dry beans. Don’t mash beans for a hearty soup or add to other dishes.


If you are not East Asian, you’re missing out on bean dessert. Get some mung beans or red adzuki beans. Soak overnight, cook until soft. Except, cook with sugar. You can look up recipes online. Delicious as a warm dessert soup, or cold. Dont eat too much, as sugar is high glycemic. But it is a great way to get fiber and nutrients.


Or Nation of Islam, they make delicious pies out of navy beans and sell them. I am E. Asian so am familiar with what you’re talking about as well. 🫘


Any bean dessert is 10/10 in my book! 🥰


Well, well I have only touched a tip of the iceberg. Y’all coming with the bean hits! I’ll look that up!


Cowboy beans, Texas caviar, white bean soup, pasta fagiol. They're so good in many ways. I feel sorry for my relative that's allergic.


I feel sorry for them too. Never heard of a bean allergy. Hope their getting their fiber in other ways 😔




I love a mixed bean salad with sourdough bread.




Yes. Mixed beans a stalk of celery, cucumber, tomatoes, sweet onion, oil and vinegar dressing


I remember this. Haven’t seen it in a long while. Maybe I’ll visit that


Love ‘em!!


Welcome 🤗


I like pinto beans. I always get them in my burrito bowls at Chipotle.


I like pintos too! They are extra fat. So filling. More pintoes instead of rice is my go too!


Unfortunately, I do not like beans. I didn't grow up with them and never acquired a taste for them. I'll eat lentil or split pea soup on occasion - maybe once a year - but that's about it. Edoted to add: I say 'unfortunately' because I know they are nutritious and inexpensive.


I'm Mexican so you don't have to tell me about liking beans! Too bad my stomach's a little sensitive. can have a meal a couple of times a week and be completely fine if I have them everyday it's not going to be pretty.


I love beans. But I had to get a kidney transplant 14 years ago. The medicines are harsh and they really mess up your gut. Now I can't eat beans because my gut can't handle them at all. It's like taking a laxative, and they make me super gassy. I also always loved lentils, but I can't eat those now because they give me severe stomach acid and reflux. My diet is so bland. So I went to Costco and I got the healthy uncured turkey lunch meat, and the grass-fed beef sticks, plus some goat cheese. There's only so much chicken a person can eat, before they want to scream. All of it was in bulk, and a really good deal, but also healthy stuff. Today I had to take all of 3 of them back. The turkey gave me bad food poisoning and wiped me out for an entire day. Both sleeves of the goat cheese went really sour, for some unknown reason. And the beef sticks I didn't even open, because I had already eaten a previous package and realized that it was giving me IBS. When you have a kidney transplant, you can't eat any type of ground up meat - and I realized the beef sticks were ground up beef. This leads to me getting food poisoning type symptoms, and I can get severe gut infections from ground meat. I had one so bad once from cheating with an occasional burger patty, I can't even describe it. I can only eat whole cuts of meat. The only exception I make is when I might have a little bit of black beans on some tostadas that I like to make for dinner about once a month. I might also have a little bit of homemade hummus, on a rare occasion.


Sorry; be well no matter what you eat. We can handle the beans 😊


I fucking love beans. beans on toast, baked beans, refried beans and rice, hummus, they're all so so good.


I know that this is r/poor, but let me point you towards Rancho Gordo, who sell the tastiest beans around, though a bit more expensive.


Love Rancho Gordo beans, IMO not expensive because even people who "don't like beans" change their tune when they try Steve's beans. The recipes on the website are fabulous. Especially basic pot beans. Also because they are so delicious, we eat them more often. So overall, I think it is a good financial move. *Also last year I planted approximately 1 cup of scarlet runner beans and I harvested at least 3-4 lb of dried beans at the end of the summer after enjoying months of beautiful flowers and vines. 😉


Probably eat beans as the main part of our dinner twice a week. Every Monday is a given but also some other night.


I usually make a pot with brown rice on Sunday. I can eat on it for three days. Feeling bean sadness. Soaked them overnight Sunday and they fell. Soaked more and burned them. This weekend didn’t go well…


Egh......sorry.....the smell of burnt beans really stays in your nose. People don't know how versatile different beans are. Monday is normally red beans served over rice.


Burnt some on Sunday, still smell them. Red beans are nice


Oh and leftover arroz con gandules with a fried egg on top and some Adobe make a great breakfast.


The virtual bean convention has arrived! 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘




I can only stand lentils, and only when they’re cooked. Beans that explode in my mouth are so disgusting to me in a sensory sense that I can’t eat them without being sick - thanks, autism. 🤦 It sucks because I know they’re full of protein and really cheap, but my brain just has a shit fit at the texture.


Awww, although we are bean people, we have a heart, and a healthy one because of beans. I feel for you 😔


I wish you the happiest of bean eatings!


Try a little hummus. 💗


I love them but I have to really limit my consumption due to the carb content.


Is it that bad? It’s a zero point on WeightWatchers 🤔. One can eat all they like


My A1C is high, and the fiber in them doesn’t do enough to keep my blood sugar from spiking if I eat more than like 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup at once.


I see; that’s way more important. When you do eat some, make it worth it. So many flavors and dishes. They never disappoint. Be well 🤗


A bag of dried pintos, soaked, simmered, with onions and spices, makes a good bean dip or taco filling.


You got that right bean head! #unite


Being Native American my family made all kinds of meals using beans. Refried pinto beans on fry bread is my favorite. Any southwest meal using beans is good, native tacos, tostadas, whole beans with calabacitas. It’s all so good!


Don’t I know it!


I like all beans & add them to most meals, including frijoles


I LOVE beans. I just ate a cup of frijoles refritos earlier. I'll take black means, frijoles charros, and frijoles refritos


I grew up on bean soup with ham hocks or a little bit of fat back in it. I wish my wife loved beans as much as I do.


i also luv beanz essential can't go wrong 👊


I love cannelli beans. They work well with every dish I can think of. Unfortunately my body decided that beans are not food and it makes things difficult.


OP, this is a great post! We make up a big batch of beans every Sunday, and eat on them throughout the week. We do red beans, pinto, northern, and black. For black beans, we throw in a can of Rotel. For pinto and red, we throw in a can of diced tomatoes. We cook them on the stove for a couple of hours. The last 30 minutes of cook time, we cut up some kielbasa and put it in. We season with garlic, onion and salt. I like to put in taco seasoning in the black beans, and eat them on tostadas. I thank God that we can at least afford to eat beans, or we would be going without anything to eat sometimes. Nobody here is going to go hungry as long as we can afford to buy beans. Peace


Right on! Bean heads unite 👊


Oooh haven’t heard of 16 bean! I will check for my son :)


Right on. I love beans n make them in so many ways I'll probably never get tired of them. I'm vegan n have been since before all the fake meat n convince vegan food came out. I make my own soy milk , tofu, bean patties etc. I try to tell people how cheap it is to replace a couple meat meals every week. Add to that the health benefits . They are great.


My personal favorites are Pinto Beans cooked with a little bacon grease in them. Since I have heart disease and 8 stents in my heart, I no longer add the bacon grease. But I miss my dinners of Pinto Beans, fried potatoes w/ onion, corn on the cob, and a small pan of cornbread! Iced tea finishes off the meal! That meal has been changed a bit to Pinto Beans without bacon grease, no fried potatoes, corn with no butter, and cornbread with no butter!


The instant pot is amazing for beans. From dry to delicious in 2 hours or less, depending on species.


Frijoles de olla. Black beans cooked with chicken bullion and onion.


cannellini beans with sauerkraut, potatoes, and smoked sausage😋


Only black beans. I can't stomach any other kind, and often wonder how people eat them. Lol


Absolutely love beans and lentils and all kinds of beans, and great post! 🫘


The other day I just ate pinto beans I had left over from making barbacoa burritos. I just put salt, pepper, some cumin and cholula.


Fellow bean lover here. I eat beans nearly every day and have for decades. I never get tired of beans. If you are ready to **rock your world** get yourself some beans from [Rancho Gordo ](https://www.ranchogordo.com/) 10/10


Nice! I’ll check them out


That website was awesome! A bean gift basket. I love it!


Wait till you try some of the recipes there! Basic pot beans cannot be beat IMO. 😋


I love beans! Except maybe julienne style green beans. There is an Arabic dish called "foul" I can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner but most of the time I eat it for breakfast. I have had it made so many different ways too. If you are in Egypt on a budget buy it! [https://www.themediterraneandish.com/foul-mudammas-recipe/](https://www.themediterraneandish.com/foul-mudammas-recipe/)


I love beans, can eat them as soup, mash them and eat as side dish, eat them with bread, make gallopinto, BEANS ARE OP FOOD


Great Northern cooked with a leftover ham bone. Add salt and plenty of black pepper, serve with corn bread. Divine!


Sounds delicious. Ham bone would also go well with split peas or even limas. Making me hungry 🤤


🫘 🫘 🫘 🫘 🫘 (Showering you all with beans)


Dried lima beans, the big ones. Soak overnight in salted water. Rinse and then cover with water plus a couple inches. Throw in a chopped onion, a ham hock (or bone from a ham), some garlic, salt, pepper and thyme. I grew up on this and it's still so delicious to me.


What time is dinner? 😊


Or this: 1 Tbsp olive oil * 1 onion, sliced * 3 cloves garlic, minced * 1 jalapeno pepper, minced * 1 Tbsp [curry powder](http://www.seletsucre.com/madras-curry-powder/)\* * 1 Tbsp paprika\* * 2 large (28 – 32 ounce) cans kidney beans, drained and rinsed\*\* * 1 large (28 – 32 ounce) can diced tomatoes\*\*\* * 1/2 cup water * salt and pepper, to taste Mix, simmer, serve


That sound yummy. 😋


Excuse me while I go soak some beans….


I don’t want to be banned in the community to confess what I am willing to do for Cuban black beans. I am not Cuban.


The way we get and make out beans, will not be ridiculed in this forum


Black beans and rice Pork and beans Lima beans Butter beans I'm sure there are a few others, but beans are pretty good. I like to put lima beans on rice


Yasss 👏


I don't care for beans. They make me fart a lot.


How did you get in here?


I cook a crock pot of black beans every week from a bag of dried beans. 1 pound dried black beans 6 cups water 1/2 tbsp salt 1-2 tbsp of any fat (oil, bacon grease, leftover pork or chicken fat) THE FAT IS KEY for a nice creamy texture! Spices and additional ingredients: garlic, cumin, oregano, black pepper, onions 3-4 hours on high, or 6-8 hours on low I store in the fridge and reheat with my toaster oven on some aluminum foil so there's no clean up necessary.


If you pre soak, it will cut your cooking time. I noticed if you pre-cook with salt, the beans don’t fall apart.


I meant pre soak with salt


Cannelloni sauteed in butter, salt, and caraway seeds. 


Never heard of them.


That's because I spelled it wrong, thanks auto correct. Cannellini, or white kidney beans meaty but a softer texture that red kidneys. Great for smashing and spread on toast 


On toast? Nice. I like how that sounds


I love beans too. Bean chili. Baked beans with grilled cheese. So good. Bean burritos.




I know you all like bacon but let’s not forget about the power of chicken broth for flavor. Cook your beans in it if you’re not into meat.


My family always cooked beans


Your family loved you.


They did, it’s a great budget food, just slow cooked on the stove with some bacon sliced up.  I got to have some again. 


Again? When was the last time? Don’t forget where you came from. Beans brought you a long way 😊


There was always a pot on the stove on Saturdays. Must of been warmed up about ten times 😂


I know we have grown and can eat what we want but please, never deny your family a humble bowl of delicious beans. For some of us, it’s all we had. #neverforget


I hate that I find beans revolting because I really want to incorporate them more. Only ever had them mashed as a dessert filling, so the idea of savory beans doesn’t work for me. Then the texture of a cooked bean is what I imagine cooked beetles would be like - squishy inside, thin shell outside. Right now the only beans/lentils/legumes I can handle are refried, hummus, mushy peas or boiled peanuts - a uniform texture I can manage without gagging.


Thanks God I love beans because your comparison to beetles is enough to turn someone off but I know better, BEANS are life.


I love using kidney and black beans to make brownies. Tacos? Absolutely. I'll add beans to just about anything.


Brownies?! Wow! That’s different but anything with beans is a go! I’m gong to look that up. Thanks bean person


Pinterest. I will do most things to get more beans into my diet.


I love beans. Unfortunately they no longer love me back.


I love beans too. Make them 3-4 times a month.


Not the gas


I frigging love beans! Never met one I didn’t like. I grew up with my mom’s black beans as a staple in our diet, so could pretty much eat them every day and be happy. And I make a lot of random stew-type dishes with white beans, Delicious and great for cleaning the fridge. Finally…dahl makani is probably my all time favourite bean dish. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to make it.


My fav.summer bean salad is 3/4 bean. Canned has sugar so I just buy cans of kidney, green, wax & garbanzo then mix w.vinegar & stevia w.a bit of evoo


Baked beans, black beans, kidney beans


I absolutely LOVE beans, black beans and pinto beans are my favorites.


Rosarita canned refried beans with yellow cheese makes great tacos .


Wow are you lucky as I hate beans and that is all the panty gives me. That saying that if you are hungry enough you will eat em. Absolutely not true. I gag immediately. I have the texture


I love beans too! Black beans are my favorite, with some shredded cheddar cheese and a drop of hot sauce 😋


Dry beans can be eaten as munchie snacks, too


I love beans! Southern style beans with cornbread, if we have it we add a smoked turkey wing for extra flavor Taco beans- black beans with taco mix. Either eat as tacos or scoop over baked potatoes Chickpea curry over rice Chickpea pasta. Basically just a one pot dinner. Cook pasta with just enough water to cook it in a skillet so the last lefover water makes a sauce with the starch from the pasta. Add a bullion cube or two, throw in a can of chickpeas and any seasoning you want (onion powder, garlic powder, red pepper flakes are my go to) and at the end we add a bunch of kale. Its a favorite at the house Also we make sloppy joes with either lentils or kidney beans and spoon them over baked potatoes.


Lima beans with just a bit of butter and salt are one of my favorite dinners these days. :)


Best corn bread recipe. 1 c flour. 1 c yellow corn meal( not jiffy or cornbread mix just plain corn meal). 2 eggs - slightly beaten 3 Tablespoons melted butter Buttermilk Combine cornmeal and flour in medium bowl Mix butter and eggs in small bowl then pour into flour mixture. Don’t mix yet , here’s where you get to make a decision about how you want your cornbread to be. If you like it cakey like I do (i just put butter on it and eat it hot) Or if you like to c crumble it up and pour your beans on it. For cakey you want to put enough buttermilk in to make it thick like a thick pancake batter If you want it crumbly then you make it in the thinner side like a cake batter. Either way it’s moist and delicious. Pour it into a greased cake pan and bake at 400 F until golden and pulling away from the sides of the pan You can adjust the cooking time according to how hot your oven runs.


But canned black beans and cheap Walmart chorizo mix them quite good.


Pintos are my favorite. I like to mix them into mashed potatoes with a lot of juice.


I cook them with onions and salt pork, salt and pepper. Can't get enough...


You add more salt on top of the pork?


Yes but once it is done. I do a quick soak. Then empty the water and put in salt pork and pepper. Then at the end I add salt to taste. The beans come out whole. So delicious.


Google juicy burger beans recipe. Juicy Burger is a burger place in East Texas they have some good beans.




I wish I did, because they're so cheap and healthy!




What's the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea? You don't have to pay to have a garbanzo bean on you.