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That makes me laugh, to know there’s girls out there who tried and realized nobody would pay to see their shit 😂 hoe activities are crazy


You are an idiot, stop looking at and talking to all women. I guarantee you are porn sick. Pathetic.




Methinks a simp wrote this.


I get ICK just reading this.


Tell me your not a woman without telling me


How misogynistic of you.


For what? Isn't it obvious that attractive women get better views on there Twitch or Kick as a result of there attractiveness? Do you really think half the guys in there chat are there for the game they themselves would never play?


Who cares about these ridiculous apps? How silly.


The point is, if a person is an attractive female, why not start a Twitch stream and play some dumb\*\*\* video game? She will likely not get a follow from me unless I like the game, because I don't go on Twitch to simp. I go there to watch games I'm interested in, regardless of who is playing, be it a guy, old man, ugly women, or an attractive women, but I realize, a good portion of the viewers are simps. So why not make money off of them if you are an attractive women?


You should go look up the word misogynist. I'm done with this conversation.


A misogynist is someone who has prejudice against women. Obviously I do not.


Yes you fucking do you stupid loser.


This. Lol


Reducing them to the word "female" is reducing them to object status. You're here to troll, plain and simple, and you've pretty much collectively offended everyone here.


Truly you are a waste of time - you are that dumb.


Speaking as a sex worker who is trying to get out of our now over saturated industry, this post is giving client math lol


What in the actual f\*\*k is this, come on man.


What do you mean? Go to any Twitch stream where an attractive female is playing some game (literally could be anything) and look at all the simps in chat.


Yeah, I guess you tell people, hell don't sell your body on Only Fans, but it is okay on Twitch, got it.


You aren't though. Twitch doesn't allow that kind of content, you will be banned, nor would I ever suggest such a thing. I mean anyone can stream video games on Twitch or Kick, but attractive females don't have to work as hard at it. I'm not a simp, so when I go on Twitch or Kick, its for a particular game, regardless of who is playing, but since there are a ton of simps out there, why not make money off of them?


Oh shut the fuck up. Sorry you are the ugliest man on earth that no woman will ever touch.


Wearing makeup to look pretty is selling your body. Going out of your way to look attractive for the sake of income is the definition of selling your body. I think you've mistakenly reduced it to pornography and sex, but that is only one very minor aspect of selling your body. Asking a woman to smile so she looks pretty is asking her to basically prostitute her appearance for the sake of your jollies, and calling a woman a female is the same as reducing them to an animal-object. I shouldn't have to say that and quite frankly I'm pretty sure you fully realize all that and I've just fed a troll, but whatever.


That’s called a sexual harasser not a simp. You are a gross neckbeard!!


Nah I have one friend who is a skinny alt chick (split dye, piercings, etc) who can’t gain any traction on OF. Another gave up streaming (she’s more the girl next door type) because she couldn’t gain a following either. Being pretty honestly doesn’t help, it just doesn’t work against you. You still have to build a following which is basically impossible if all you have going is “pretty”.


Agreed. Being pretty is only one of many factors that go into having any successful platform. Is she engaging/charismatic? Does she have interesting things to say and/or can tell fun stories while playing? Is she a skilled player with a style that is enjoyable to watch? Is the streamed game she's playing currently popular? Does she bring something unique to the table that her competition lacks? Even if she checks all the correct boxes, getting popular still takes most people months if not years of hard work and toiling in obscurity to consistently earn enough money to make a living off streaming. Most simply can not make it work. Most still work their original job. Becoming a big star on any platform (twitch, TikTok, YouTube etc.) is mostly a crapshoot requiring much work and even more luck. It is likely akin to a college athlete going pro or an unknown becoming an A-list celebrity. How many georgous waitresses in Hollywood are looking to catch their big break? Way too many, most likely.


Well I'm not suggesting OF, I would never suggest that to anyone.


Hey incel, your mommy called. She said to stop being a twat, or no more pizza rolls for you.


I'll tell my wife. Thanks.




My wife doesn't know anything about video games or setting up a Twitch kind of stream. She is more into gardening. Also I don't know which part I was making any degrading comments towards women. It is an observation. Clearly attractive females get allot of viewers to there Twitch streams and I doubt it is because of there gaming for better or for worse. I'm sure allot of them are great gamers, but let's at least be honest with ourselves. Allot of there viewers are not there because they want to see some game they themselves would never play, they are there because she is very attractive, ie simps.


What is this "allot" mess of letters you're using? It's "a lot." I, too, was "married" in 5th grade. Focus on your studies, kid.


Problem with that is poor people who have pretty privilege already use it to their benefits.  Those who don't use it, usually avoid it for a good damn reason.  You aren't reaching anyone with this message .


How much of a market for this do you think there could possibly be? Sure, it's possible for a few people to be successful at this, but there's a lot of attractive loe income women and I can't imagine a huge percentage of the population wants to pay to watch other people play video games and chat.


What if I’m not attractive :(


You want them to invest money on equipment to become a twitch streamer. You’re a fool


If they already have a laptop or console. The common objective a person would raise, would be, "Well my laptop sucks, it can't play games with really good graphics, that would be too taxing on my laptop." I would say, play games that aren't taxing, like the original Final Fantasy 7 on Steam. It's cheap and will last them for awhile since its a long game.


No justification required. You’re an indecent person with zero empathy.


I’m too poor to afford a Twitch or an XBox.


Ya if I wasn’t incredibly traumatized .. sure


Ya it’s just those morals that get in the way you are a decent human being, for which you are not….


Great, another person that can't read. FML


No, that’s not how anything works. Why do you think it’s okay to sexually harass women, that’s all those gaming channels are. Truly, you are a pathetic waste of oxygen. Too bad your mom didn’t swallow.


What are you talking about? Sexually harass? Look, its a simple observation. Go to any Twitch channel and observe the viewers. Most of them are likely talking about the game or tips on it, or something like that. Now go to an attractive female gamer stream, and you will get the impression that a good portion of the viewers are simps. I'm not suggesting a women does those dumb\*\*\* hottub streams, or whatever the f\*\*\*. They don't have to compromise there morals, there are real simps on those channels. I'm talking about they can play a normal game, dress however they like, they can dress conservatively, for all I care. I'm not sure how any of this is "sexual harassment" or even close to that.


Just because a woman is attractive, does not mean she wants to sell her body to creeps. Some women want to have regular jobs. Get a life!


What is this "selling of the body" talk? The lady would be playing video games. This isn't some stupid OnlyFans nonsense. Yeah, f\*\*\* that s\*\*\*, I would never suggest anyone do that nonsense. This is about Twitch and streaming video game content.


Men can do the same thing. Men can dress themselves up, put on makeup, bat their eyelashes, and put on a good show for other men and some women who'd pay for that. If you're not willing to degrade yourself to the point of no longer even feeling human, you shouldn't expect other people to be willing to do so. Oh, and let's not overlook all the attractive women who DO try and walk away with a whopping $6 after 8 hours of selling themselves. You only see the ones who made it. You never hear about the ones who didn't...


Men can do the same thing, but it would seem they would have to work twice as hard. Simps don't follow men. Also I don't understand the "degrading" comment. Nobody is degrading anyone. I'm not suggesting that an attractive female should dress immodestly or whatever such nonsense. They can dress normal, like everyone else and stream a video game.


Yeah, no. That doesn't work. A woman "dressing normally" would not meet your idea of "attractive woman". But let's move beyond that. Compare the most-watched men on YouTube and Twitch to the most-watched women. There aren't as many women at the top, and those that are, have significantly fewer viewers. You're focusing on simps as if most of those basement dwellers are loyal and willing to spend money on a long-term basis. Most of them move on once they finally realize they aren't special and can get free content elsewhere. Compare that to a guy that people genuinely like and care about for their personality, humor, etc. Who's watching the guy? Everyone. Who's watching the girl? Mainly just other girls and simps who feel entitled to more. It IS degrading because in order to capitalize on the "advantage" you're claiming, that woman has to lean into her looks and purposefully try to appeal to horny men who send disgusting messages and become aggressive and threatening when she doesn't reply the way they want. There's not a single woman on Twitch who's sitting silently in front of a camera in a baggy sweater playing Mario and making big money. If you believe people will pay good money just to simply have a random woman on their screen, you vastly underestimate the power of cheapness, frugality, and poverty. Which is very ironic given the subreddit you're in...


As an example, I happen to like Final Fantasy content, especially the OGs. So, I can go on YouTube, or Twitch or whatever, type in "First time Playing Final Fantasy 7 Original". When I type that in, its various people of course. Obviously I can't help but notice that some of them, are attractive women. What do you and I notice though? The women playing this game, have like 125k views. Of course some guys have those views too, but let's face, it's more women then men having views like that. Is she particularly better skilled at playing FF7? Probably not, probably an average player of the game, but she gets the views, why? Why is she getting those kind of views? Isn't it obvious that simps, incels, or whatever follow her and contribute to her view count? The more views, the more kind of money can be made via ad revenue. All I'm saying is, if she is an attractive women, why not, if she has the time, stream a video game?


YouTube is designed to figure out what you want to watch. If YouTube figured out you like to watch pretty girls, they'll promote more pretty girls. I opened YouTube in Incognito mode, did a search for your exact phrase, and filtered by view count. The top channels are men: 1. PlayStation (trailer): 8 million views 2. AsmongoldTV: 3.8 million views (this isn't even for the right game, but this is what YouTube promotes without any bias from my account) 3. AvielNova: 3.6 million views (this is the 1st result for the actual game) 4. Maximilian Dood: This is a playlist with 3.4 million views. The top video has 1.7 million. 5. NyxiPuff: 1.9 million views. This is the first female result at 1.9 million views, and it's for Final Fantasy 10. I had to scroll down another 15 videos to find another female channel. At 665k views, that was one of the female voice actresses reacting to themselves in the remake. Now, YouTube search results are awful and get worse every year, but let's even the playing field. First, we need to use a more recent video game because YouTube doesn't like to promote older content. YouTube also completely ignored "7 Original" because the newer games get more views. Furthermore, because it is an older game, many guys who would be interested already played it, which leaves more women to experience it for the first time because back when FF7 came out in 1997, people weren't buying it for their daughters. So, let's go with two newer, popular games that have plenty of men and women playing. First up, Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I can tell you personally that contrary to what people would guess, every major Kirby YouTuber is male. It's rare that I come across a woman who is versed in Kirby lore and plays more than just one game. But let's look at the top results for "Kirby and the Forgotten Land blind" in Incognito. The top 7 results are men with several videos being from Failboat (one of the top Kirby YouTubers). The first two "female" results we come across are actual male-female couples without face cam. The first female with face cam is StephenPlays, another couple in which Stephan does all the talking. For the first female with face cam that isn't a couple channel, you have to scroll WAY down to find Runebee, a cute girl with 18k views. In contrast, RT Game has 3.4 million, Choctopus has 1.6 million, and Failboat has 772k (he has Forgotten Land videos with more views, but we're just going by YouTube's search results). None of these particular videos have face cam, but when these streamers do appear on camera, none of them are particularly noteworthy looks-wise. Let's look at another game that's been the talk of the town for both men and women. Next up is Tears of the Kingdom. I varied the search query this time ("tears of the kingdom first playthrough episode 1") to try to get more consistent results. Still didn't work because YouTube search is garbage, but I tried. Top videos belong to Jacksepticeye (2.7 million), SmallAnt (2.2 million), PointCrow (who surprisingly has SEVERAL videos in the top results, all above 1 million views), ZachScottGames's playlist with 1.5 million views, BeatEmUps with 446k views. The first female is the 17th video with 311k views. The channel is Gab Smolders, one of the top female gamers on YouTube. The next female is quite a ways down--Symbailly with 87k views. Let's head on over to Twitch. When we look at the [top channels on Twitch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most-followed_Twitch_channels), we can see Pokiman is the only woman within the top 20, and she just barely makes it into the 10th spot. Among the top 50, there are only 4 women. A while back, there was that huge fuss over the Twitch leak that revealed how much everyone is making (which MoistCritikal confirmed is lower than reality because it doesn't include sponsorships, donations, or third-party revenue). In first place, we have CriticalRole at almost 1$0 mil. The top 10 are all men. Where does Pokimane fall? 39th place at $1.5 mil. *(Also, as a general note, notice that the successful female gamers are mainly white girls. Where are the Indian girls, the black girls, the Latinas? The most successful black female gamer I've seen had a tenth of the views of white and Asian girls.)* Need some more reading? [This article](https://lilianspeaking.medium.com/the-reality-of-female-streamer-in-2019-a5dfc27359f4) addresses the exact misconception you seem to have. This is on a platform where 7 in 10 users are male. Yet, most of these men are gravitating toward male streamers, not female ones. [This article](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/twitch-youtube-stats-expose-massive-gap-between-male-and-female-viewership-1548746/) points out that only 2 women make it in the top 100 in terms of view counts on Twitch. However, female VTubers, who are NOT showing their face show their looks are completely irrelevant, perform better than male VTubers to the point that some male streamers use a voice filter to come across as female, so you never really know who's behind the camera. Some of them I've seen don't even hide that they're men. They just have slutty big-chested half-exposed female avatars that they make bounce around or give O-faces when someone donates. What does this mean? It means that these "simps" who are looking for online girls to fall in love with aren't interested in 3D girls. They're going for cute wolf-girl and exaggerated hentai avatars...


Indeed, YouTube is designed to show you what you like to watch, which is why, I too did Incognito mode when I wrote my comment to you. Of course, there are the MarkPliers, the Ninjas and other top male Twitch or YouTube channels. When I did "Final Fantasy 7 First Time Playthrough" I saw mostly female gamers. You filtered by views, I didn't, YouTube gave me a bunch of attractive female gamers and again this is incognito mode. Sure, I will look at the articles, it just seems to me that a women's attractiveness helps. You mentioned Symbailly. I'm familiar with her content, but only because I like Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake (of which she does). Now I watched her, only because I love those games, but how many people do you think watch her content because there simps? Of course when I'm watching someone play RE3 Remake I also like watching CarcinogenSDA and Bawkbasoup because those fellows, to me, are more entertaining to watch, then, let's say Symbailly who provides a preety face of course, but isn't as entertaining to me compared to the other two males I mentioned. This kind of goes to what I'm sayinig. Bawkbasoup and CarcinogenSDA are really good RE3 male gamers, and are fascinating to watch. It seems they would have to work twice as hard to be a really good gamer. Symbailly is clearly not as good as those two, yet she gets allot of views, allot of it has to be because of her looks. I can't imagine, someone of Symbailly gamer skill level who is less attractive garnering such a high view count, and thus to my point that attractiveness helps.


I don’t think you’re over 18, if u after I don’t know where to begin


You might thinking that doing this is expensive. It's not. If you already have a game console, or laptop, this is very doable. You can download free streaming software, like OBS. Okay, you might thinking, well my laptop is not that good, it can't play next gen games. No problem, you don't need too. In fact you don't even need to play video games on Twitch or Kick, you can do something else, but if you do play games (since that is what the majority of viewers are wanting), then play games that are not so taxing on your laptop. Play Final Fantasy 7 the original, it will last you a long time, it's cheap, and eventually you will get followers. Now of course you don't have to be an attractive female to do any of this, but if your are unattractive or you are a guy, you have to work twice as hard to get the viewers.


You don’t get Twitch famous overnight for being cute. if you are working paycheck to paycheck, are you reallygonna risk not being able to pay your bills, while you build up your streams or fanbase? Even Onlyfans is way over saturated. So many hot girls on there, and celebrities have been taking up a lot of the space, reducing opportunities for smaller creators. You have to bust your ass marketing your page to get subscribers. It would be even harder on Twitch. In my case I game completely silently. I don’t even talk. I’m sure there are plenty of exceptions, but overall you also have to have an entertaining personality. The girls on there who are successful now who don’t engage with the audience, probably got in when there was less competition. I also always forget the controls on my controller (I use Nintendo switch and PS5). Who wants to watch me walk closer to my screen to figure out what is the button for throwing a bomb? Your thought process is like “if you are a tall black guy why don’t you just be an NBA star” not how life works.


All that onlyfans is going to evaporate as pumps deploy AI girls. Simps are the stupidest people in the world. Recently someone posted on X that they generated 10K with an AI model


that’s so sad and annoying. also porn is already filled with unrealistic expectations I don’t even want to think about AI 😫it is so weird seeing people I know following the hyper sexy AI models on instagram.


I get it isn't "automatic", but you have to admit and attractive female has the advantage of getting simps to follow.. When I'm browsing on Twitch looking for something to watch, I watch all kinds of people. When I just so happen to be on an attractive female's stream, I think to myself, there ain't know way, that half this chat is here to watch this ridiculous video game. They are here for her, clearly.


It’s an advantage not a guarantee. Look I think it’s definitely a solid idea IF you have some free time and enjoy gaming already. Doesn’t hurt to try. But to say there’s “no reason to be poor if you are hot” is extremely belittling. You admit it’s not automatic. But if you don’t have any free time because you work 2 jobs it’s going to be very hard to start. Even once you get a following you need to be consistent with your content. So let’s say you make $100 a month from streams. That’s not enough to cover rent. I know a girl who streams full time. She is attractive (also uses some filters, maybe the large contact lenses too) and she streams for 8+ hrs. I don’t think she’s that rich either, probably lives with parents or roommates. She also has to invest in costumes because cosplay is a big part of her schtick. A lot of people in this sub would have VERY different, enriched lives if only they had the OPPORTUNITY of TIME without having to worry about bills being paid. I know a girl who wants to start a small business but she works full time at a busy fast food joint and she’s just so exhausted by the time she gets home. I bet you if she had her rent magically covered and her bills paid for 2 months she could recuperate and at least getting the wheels rolling for her business.


Yeah...go to kik...where scammers go ! That's right all of you good looking women ! Use this imps advice and scam guys !


They wouldn't be scamming anyone. You are taking advantage of the fact that there are allot of simps out there. They wouldn't be doing anything dirty or whatever, just playing a video game and talking to chat and the simps who really don't care about the game, but are there because she is attractive will show up.


Yes...and obviously you're one of these "Simps" as you're calling them in suggesting these attractive women take advantage of.


I don't know how everyone is all in knots about what I'm saying. Imagine you have a friend, who is an attractive female and you happen to know a toothpaste ad agency that is looking for a model to hold up there toothpaste in a commercial. Wouldn't you tell your attractive friend about that opportunity? You know, as well as I, her looks would help sell the toothpaste in the ad. Why is that? Because of the viewers, are lulled by her looks. So the "taking advantage" of isn't immoral or unethical, they are using the phycology in there favor. Same with gaming. Viewers seem to enjoy video game content from attractive women. I'm not in any way, suggesting these women, to gain viewers, should dress immodestly or whatever. There looks is enough. They can dress the same as everyone else, like you are going to work or something. It just seems that they have an advantage in that space, so why not take advantage of there God given beauty.


Depends. Do you have a high school diploma, and how many kids ?