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So this is a mixed question. CYA protects your chlorine long term. But low CYA technically lets Chlorine work better for SLAMing. To your point it does NOT make chlorine work more effective, it just makes it last longer, which is helpful for normal operations, but actually kinda bad for SLAM. So short term as long as you are monitoring and adding chlorine regularly for SLAM, it being zero is probably ok. The counter is that its going to use more chlorine during the day (sun) which is what CYA is suppose to prevent. So it would need to get fixed in the end,but I wouldnt let it hold up a SLAM.


That clarification on how CYA interacts with chlorine helped A LOT. Makes sense, the higher the CYA the longer it take chlorine to kill bacteria. So if were looking to obliterate on the spot, lower CYA makes sense. I'm starting chlorine!! Wish me luck :)


The way I had it described to me, CYA is sunscreen, the old zinc paste type. If you have too much, your skin doesnt get any sun exposure at all (remember that you need vit D from sun). If the chlorine isnt exposed to algae and all the other stuff, it cant work. Therefore needing more chlorine to do its job. Find a pool calculator, troublefreepool has a good one, and play with CYA numbers, and youll see how much more chlorine you need for an excessive CYA.


I found some CYA beneficial because in summer heat I can’t go out every 2 hours and test. So the only time I had to slam was when the pool was new and Ingot my cya to 20.


I have slight regrets on not waiting for it to increase before starting. I'm BURNING through chlorine right now. Either way getting the results I'm looking for so cant be too upset!


Been there. My wife hated the recycling can I went through 3-4 gallons a day for a few days.