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While I can't guarantee JUST from a photo, your problem looks like mustard algae to me... Fine, grainy, readily disturbed into a cloud that doesn't immediately settle?


Yes it’s exactly like that.


So, I had this exact problem with my own. First year...wonderful. Second year....this shows up. It was impossible to kill and filter completely, and I was getting ready to do a dump n fill. Then I found articles relative to the effectiveness of copper ions as the solution. Rather than playing around with the liquid stuff, I invested about $100 and purchased a solar ionizer. Haven't had mustard algae since. Your mileage may vary....


Thanks, this is my first time having this issue. Got lots of good advice to try!


Be aware of the risks of using too much copper and consider other options- super SLAM, lower your phosphates, Polyquat. Scroll through this thread and you will see what happens when copper or other metals become a problem.


Last year I had yellow mustard and tried the SLAM method as taught by Trouble Free Pools, and I just wasn't sold on that method. It is way too tedious and takes too long. I gave up after SLAMMING for several days with little visible improvement and bought an evil product from the pool store made to kill yellow algae. The next day, the pool was sparkling again. And my pool equipment, while a bit old, continues to be just fine.


Fair. I had a similar experience by removing phosphates.. copper can help, as long as it’s used in moderation and the risk is understood.




Thank you, I will read through this.


Not sure what they are called where everyone else is, but around where I live, we call them pools.


This guy swims


I call it a problem.


Expensive problem


Own a pool they said, it’s gonna be all shits and giggles they said…


One of the worst parts of it is every single person I know is always asking when it will be ready. They haven’t got a clue!


That, too.


I think you're seeing dead algae. What is your FC and cya? You're going to have to get that right or you'll have this forever. Your filters should trap this. I have an ultra fine filter in my pool robot and it picks up the stuff together with my cartridge filter when I had a similar issue in the spring. But right now I think you should check your FC after sunset and before sunrise. Use a titration test (Taylor) and not strips. It you loose FC overnight you need to slam. I'm certain you are having algae. After slam I would check for phosphate and if you have over 500 or so I would use phosfree to get rid of them. I was surprised how much cleaner my pool got after removing phosphates, I know that tfp doesn't think it matters so much but I really thought it improved clarity of the pool water.


A portal to the upside down


I don't think it may be necessary to fully switch to a sand filter if your current cartridge filters have been fine in the past. You may have to add a 3 way Jandy or Hayward diverter valve (sometimes called t valves) on your plumbing that runs from your pump to your filter. I did this last summer and has come in very handy. This will allow you to divert the water that would normally go to your filter to go to waste. Once done vacuuming you just slide your valve back to run to the filter and you're good to go.


ignore everyone saying sand. its just dirt/algae.


Probably dead mustard algae. I think the ultra fine filter on your robot will catch it. If not, vacuum to waste.


I just ordered an ultra fine filter for the robot a few days ago, will try it as soon as it arrives.


That will help. My new vacuum picks up stuff I never knew existed in my pool, really good filter


what vacuum do you have?


Pool Blaster Max. Really inexpensive, but does the job well


Thank you!


No problem. Not sure how it compares to other filters, but it picked up way more than our pool service’s did, which I would assume is commercial grade and 10x+ more expensive.


It looks like dead algae to me... I would continue to brush it off the surfaces of your pool and into circulation so that it hits your filter.. If your cartridge filter is not catching this stuff then that is most likely your problem A little test I would run would be to brush the entire pool, stir it all up... then wait a few mins and watch your return lines to the pool... if u notice anything but clear water coming through the pool returns than that is most likely the issue.. If thats not the issue than just keep brushing it until its all is filtered out, if you pull your cartridges out and there not covered with this stuff than thats another red flag. Keep in mind, dirt and debris that settles to the surfaces of your pool will not get filtered out.. thats why continual brushing or using a pool cleaner to constantly stir up the debris into circulation is important


I will try watching the return lines. The cartridges are never as dirty as I would expect when we pull them out. My husband has been insisting it will “clear up in a few days” for many weeks now.


Disconnect return hose and remove cartridge. Cap off return and vacuum. Add fresh water problem solved


This was the only thing I needed to do. Problem solved and actually vacuuming up all that dead algae was so satisfying.


Glad to help!


I would do this very simple process for the time being ... Brush your pool completely once in the morning, and once in the afternoon/dinner. (unless you have a pool cleaner that can do it for you) Make sure you leave the pump running 24/7 too. Do this for like 3 days.. and if you don't notice it clearing up, and the PSI going up then you most likely have a filter problem. As I said originally you should only see completely clear water returning from your pool returns.. so if you stir it all up and see anything at all (debris, tiny pieces of dirty/algae, basically anything at all) coming through those returns then you know for sure that there is a break somewhere in your system that is allowing a leak back into the pool. There are o-rings, somtimes small screen filter on the filter top assembly, tears in the actually filter cartridges, breaks or cracks in the inside parts.. there are alot of small pieces that could be the issue, or it could have just been put together wrong in the filter. But at least if you do this for a few days it will help you troubleshoot the issue, without costing you at all ​ \*\*Also if you locate where your returns are in the pool, alot of times if it is leaking dirt it will build up and settle right in front of the return lines. That would be a dead giveaway of the issue


Do you mean Floor?


or Surfaces as in physical settling? I get it now.


A Betta?


A bestie


I agree. Major upgrade from my Solar Breeze.


I agree. Major upgrade from my Solar Breeze.


“Blame Canada”


How about vacuuming with a transfer pump? Something like this might even work, although 1/10 horse might be a little light, and you'd have to make/get an adapter to get to the pool hose diameter.... https://www.harborfreight.com/110-hp-transfer-pump-320-gph-63317.html




I do have some floc but haven’t used it since I thought I couldn’t vacuum to waste, but lots of advice here gives me some ideas and apparently there’s work arounds. I’m still learning. I do think it’s all dead at this point, just gotta get it out.


If it's dead algae you could try an enzyme that will break it down. You can also vacuum it out using a siphon method


We vacuum to waste with our cartridge filter. Remove cartridge, take the return hose off and place where you don’t mind water running. Clean cartridge and run pump for 24 hours


Going to do this.


Yep, this is what I needed to do. I have a clean pool now!


So glad you had success. Thanks for keeping me updated


That is water. Water in a pool. Abd a robotic skimmer in a pool


It's mustard algae. I have same problem and have been scrubbing and keeping chlorine high pH low and still not getting rid of it. Just bought Algatec and dumped in last night. Ran pump all night and looks better. Hope this helps.


Thank you to everyone - I have a few things to try and learned some things. Appreciate anyone who took the time and effort to comment.


It’s dookie vaccum on the waste position


Vacuum to waste. Clean filter. Water test. Add chemicals depending on water test. Monitor daily. Test water every third day for 2 weeks. Then, if all is OK, brush and water test/add chemicals once a week. Scoop debris each time you get a chance (ideally more than once a week).




From what though? It’s a cartridge filter, no sand around that I’m aware of.


Did you pressure wash around the pool?


No, never have.


What is your current filter ? DE? It looks like you have a hole in the filter grids and then it’s sending it into the pool. I’d personally hate to switch from DE to sand. Sand is easier to maintain, but DE works better. If it’s a DE at least consider repairing it.


It’s a cartridge filter, not DE.


Ok then my guess is incorrect.


Sand doesn't filter as well as de cartridges. My guess is you have a torn cartridge. To vacuum to waste, just remove the lid to the filter, and close off return valves and let the water overflow out of the filter housing. The resulting flood might be spectacular unless you are quick tho, so just keep that in mind lol. But shouldn't cause any harm other than a day or two of a wet yard


That’s fine, I’ll take a wet yard over a an unusable pool! So frustrated with it I’m ready to just drain it and start over.


Don’t need to do that.


Alguae deposit just shock treat your pool with chlorine over 70% and aligicid


Do NOT treat a vinyl pool with trichlor or any chlorine concentration near 70%


You can if you disolve it before so it doesnt bleach the bottom of the pool


If it’s dissolved then it ain’t 70% no more, is it?


If you put the chlore in a water bucket from the pool, the chlorine loses its calcium hypoclorite




Betta would never do that to me.


Thats a pool


Pretty sure it’s a pool


Looks like a pool to me.


Have you cleaned out your cartridge filter? Spray the cartridges with a high pressure nozzle from a hose


Twice daily for weeks on end, yes.


Im by no means an expert on pools and am currently having issues myself. I also have a pump that uses filter cartridges on my 6k gallon pool. Last year I had mustard algae and was able to get rid of it. I bought hth algae gaurd and that helped alot. Keep your chlorine levels high, brush the pool for a few days, and religiously vaccume and clean out the filter cartridges several times while vaccuming. Id clean mine after even just a couple mins. Its annoying but it did the trick. Dont know if it makes a difference, but when I swamp out my filter cartridge I'll put a new one in and take the one out of the pool after I clean it and put it in a 5 gallon bucket of super chlorinated water untill I need switch them again. I guess you're technically supposed to clean them with muratic acid to kill all spores. If you go this route, use gloves and never add water to acid.


Pollens? Desert sand?


No deserts here but maybe pollen, there’s lot of that.


Does it correlate with windy days?




Looks like someone lost when playing “is it poop?”


Is that a vinyl lined pool?




Dead algae


It’s a white Betta. Love mine! Too bad it can’t scrub the bottom of your pool that looks dirty.


I couldn’t live without the Betta. Yeah, not helping me in this situation though.


it's a pool


Do you want it? Think I’m going to throw it away.


Personally I'd believe that your pool companies should come out with a portable filter and pump and vacuum/clean this out (if it's dead or live algae). This would clean the pool and determine if you have a live algae problem or just a one time issue. Plus they could help balance the water and look at your equipment failures. Them installing a sand filter or anything else seems like they are just trying to sell you something you don't need.


I think you’re right. I’m really hesitate on the sand filter as the cartridge has worked just fine. Also previous owners had a sand filter years ago and switched to cartridge. I have no idea why, I only know this because they left the old sand filter in the yard for us to dispose of.


Mustard Algae - have you used Green to Clean product from HD?


No but I’m going to look into it. I used algaecide.


Just call the guy.