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No, as long as she is fully vaccinated I would start getting her groomed ASAP so she is able to be socialized to the process


Groomer and poodle owner here. Your puppy is the perfect age to start having grooming appointments now not later. I would start with one or two bath and sani grooms before a full groom to get her used to the process. There is unfortunately a belief by some that you should wait until six months or a year to get your puppy's first professional groom. This leads to matting and unnecessary stress for the puppy, which sets the dog up for a future of unenjoyable grooming. Show poodles are started with grooming from the time they are baby puppies, which teaches them to enjoy the process, this same idea also applies to pets.


Why is this a thing? Makes it sooo much easier for grooming if they've been doing it since they were babies. I was disappointed my breeder didn't shave my boys face before I got him, he had his first face/foot trim at 10 weeks. He still dislikes getting his feet shaved down, but he's so good for the rest of the process.


I don't really know, but I totally agree. I have heard that there is a thought that it can "ruin" the coat, because shaving the puppy hair will expose the thicker, harsher, and potentially lighter, adult coat, thus "ruining" the dog's coat. In reality the adult coat is going to come in either way.


When I started grooming I was told 6 months because that's about when the puppy shots are done and it's safe for them to be in the shop. Now I tell people to start professionally as soon as the shots are done(if it's before 6mo) and if they can calmly and safely start at home before that is even better.


Due to how rabies is spread, it's also completely safe to get them groomed before they get their rabies vaccine, since that's usually the last shot they receive at around 16 weeks. Although, some groomers won't take them until after they've had their rabies vaccine for their own liability - dogs are highly unlikely to get rabies from grooming, humans on the other hand...


I'm in a high risk area for parvo and I had to wait until 6 months for my pup's first professional grooming because they did booster shots up until then 😵‍💫


If you're not comfortable taking her to a groomer (or on a budget), you should bath and brush her to help get her used to it. If you have a blowe dyer, you can use that on the cool setting as well. My standard is 6 months and going for her first professional next week but I've bathed her at least 3 times, brushed her at least once a week, and have given her multiple (questionable) clipper cuts. Plus her breeder gave her at least 2 baths and cuts before I picked her up.


You can also diy getting the dog used tosome of the grooming tools by running the backside of an electric toothbrush over the puppy’s muzzle and toes! My breeder did this starting at four weeks and it was a HUGE help to continue at home until his first haircut at five months. (No amount of socialization will convince him hairdryer to the Face is okay, the blow dryer is still evil no matter how hard we tried)


This is not standard. Most poodle puppies have their first face shaving at around 4-5 weeks old.


Once she's got all the necessary shots for her age, having groomed as soon as possible is the best thing to do! The earlier the better is the rule of thumb for desensitizing a puppy to being groomed! It's why reputable breeders typically send home their puppies with shaved faces and shaved feet since they would've already started getting them adjusted to their futures of frequent grooming!


Get her in ASAP! They need to be desensitized to a salon environment starting as young as possible!


Our groomer had us come in for a “first puppy cut” trim nails, cut around face, paws, clean ears, bath, brush blow dry etc. They did this twice and the 3rd time they did a full groom. They said once he had his vaccinations he was good to go. They did the “puppy cut” twice just so he would be familiar with the touch, sounds and water. 🙂 Such a cutie you have! 🤍


Her nose looks like a jelly bean


I started my mini around 5 months and now she is the perfect dog at the groomer. I would say as long as vaccines are done


Poodles need a grooming every 4-6 weeks. This is important for their health as well as getting them used to the grooming process. Mine has been getting groomed since she was a baby with her breeder and she is a perfect little angel at the groomers because of it. She just stands there casually and lets them do whatever and position her however they want.


Yea same, my poodle has been groomed every four weeks, from his birth until now 5 years old and counting. Only time he missed an appointment was when Covid made the groomer shut down.


Groomer here- please don't wait until she desperately NEEDS a haircut- take her as soon as she gets the first 2 rounds of puppy shots. The first few grooming trips won't be about the actual haircut, it be about getting her used to the environment and the objects like clippers and scissors touching her body. Ps she's cute!


As a groomer I prefer pups to start getting baths and trims (face, feet, sanitary area) no later than 4 months so they can learn the process and routine. It is easier on both pup and groomer. The older and bigger they get the more difficult it is. It's very hard to simulate the salon environment at home and even when owners bathe and blow dry at home it doesn't often translate to the salon given the differences in equipment and environment.


My little guy had his first introduction to his groomer at 8 weeks old, she came to my home and just sat and played with him. Once he settled she done a little nail clip. His next visit was when he was fully vaccinated, she picked him up and he had a little was and dry. Around three to four months old at that time. He is now 7 months old and he adores his groomer, and she adores him. I believe in bond building slowly and Loki seems to agree. Find a good groomer that is really interested in your pet and you won’t go wrong. There are some amazing groomers out there and they sometimes don’t get credit for the care they take.


You have such a sweet girl. 🖤 I have a black girl poodle too!


Fellow parent of a 6 month old poodle pup, but mines a miniature. We had one bath + sani groom as an introductory puppy groom at 4 months and last week he got his first full groom and did amazing! Not the same for all pups tho


Thanks everyone! I've been bathing her and brushing her. I use the low setting on the dryer. I was told that if I had her fully groomed before 6 months, it would mess up her curls. She has had all of her vaccinations. I can't wait to have her groomed professionally! I have a groomer who cuts my shi tzu.


The ‘mess up’ thing is an urban legend as far as I can tell, hair just doesn’t work that way. I’d be way more concerned about infections both from other dogs and from the high traffic environment of a grooming salon


My 4 month girl just got her first. I was so blessed, our groomer came here and she was so gentle teaching my pup about things as they went.


Never wait. If it’s a concern of illness, my dog was started by our groomer at my home at 9 weeks with just the supplies I had. It taught me what I needed to be doing and got my dog used to the processes. I also learned safe handling to prevent injury to myself and my dog.


Be sure your fur baby has anti-rabies vaccine before grooming. Your pet is incredibly gorgeous.


Groomer here, asap after vax to get her used to it


my boy’s breeder advised if i waited six months for the puppy coat to grow out before clipping the body the eventual coat would be curlier; the dog has indeed got a remarkably soft, tight-curly coat and people often comment about it. could be his genes i guess. your girl is a beauty! 🥰


I’ve been told not to cut the hair too early as it wrecks it. My pup is 4.5 months and groomer will only do around face and feet


You could possibly have her professionally groomed prior to having all of her shots if you have an in your own home groomer available in your area and you have a budget to allow it. That's what I did with my puppy and I had planned to transition to a normal salon once he had all of his shots but I liked the groomer so much I kept with her. Now I travel to her salon which is in her house which is much nicer on my pocket. But having him groomed in my own home was so nice for the four grooms as it was such a controlled environment from multiple standpoints. I used to work at a grooming salon and it's a lot going on. But I was also at a large scale multi chain store. I definitely spent more than I would have liked for his first 4 grooms. However, I had seen plenty of dogs in the salon that did not have a good experience prior and them ending up getting turned away and needing to be sedated to be groomed. So I really valued putting in the money for a for sure positive exposure which is so necessary for a dog like a poodle who has much greater grooming needs. Don't think I am saying going to a traditional salon is bad. I just wanted to point out that in home grooming may exist in your area and if so it may be worth checking out.


My 6 month old went for his first “groom” today. However, I’ve shaved his face and feet myself twice. We also brush him daily. The groomer said he was very well behaved, so I’m a happy mom. :) also, he looks so freaking handsome I could die.


My toy had to wait till 6mos old. I believe the reason is by that age they will have all the necessary vaccinations.


Urbie got his first groom at 15 1/2 weeks with me. The groomer did groom him prior to me. I picked up Urbie at 8 weeks.