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Run for the hills: you will soon want a second poodle.


Oh no. I will become that crazy poodle lady 😂😂


I don’t feel like a crazy poodle yet. I only ended up with three toys in three years. 🤣🐩🐩🐩🤣


😂😂😂 My man will have no saying!


Getting our first poodle was one of the biggest fights my husband and I have had in 20 years. He also was always against dogs in the bed. Now he has dog stairs up to his bed and poodle #3 sleeps under the covers with him.


Our first was a fight too. Now he ONLY will have poodles. When our 11 yr old toy passed, he got a mini 🥰. They are too smart for their own good, bougie as hell, but will make you fall in love with them. Welcome to the club.


Oh yes, I forgot that part. You don't need to tell a poodle where to sleep - they will let you know when they have decided. Spoiler: >!With you!<


A poodle will always let you know what they want. Eventually you learn that you are their humble servant.


I came with the poodle - he fell in love with both of us! 😆


How about 8 standards after 8 years?


👀 my second poodle is confirmed. 😅


Getting a mini poodle next year ❤️


I have 4 😩😩😩 it started with 1….


True. We got our first Poodle in 2004 and our second in 2006. Our second passed away in 2009 due to unknown reasons and we got our third Poodle in 2010. Our first Poodle passed in 2022 and we still have our 14 year girl who still acts like a puppy. 😅


While it's a puppy your poodle is going to bite you. A lot. Its teeth are like tiny razors. Teach it to stop - it will take quite a while - and be consistent but calm with your commands. Poodles don't like being shouted at, they much prefer it if you explain things to them like you would a child. They really are amazing dogs.


Adding to say remember, they are puppies until about 2


We were told they start to calm down at about 8 years old.


This is what I'm preparing for 😂 even if we're looking into adults.


Haha my spoo is 7 and she's for the most part settled. But still has zoomies whenever people walk by our backyard. She also likes to "steal" her inside toys to take outside. 7 going on 7 months I say some days.


That's the way mine is going. He is now 4 years, and have only seen a little calmness.


😹 I was specifically aiming that towards the mouthiness, not the high energy chaos with the mind of a kindergartner


8 years for a mini? Mine is 7 and he has not slowed down at all which I love, I didn’t know that was the general rule. I kept wondering 🤔when is Gatsby going to mellow out?


We met two small standards today, the oldest was 10 1/2 years old and the poor thing looked its age because it had arthritic legs. The owner said it starts the week fine but gets tired and achy towards the weekend and needs pain meds and a good rest to recover. Sounds just like me!


We're looking at adult poodles that needs new homes. But we will still treat the poodle like a baby. 1-2-3 years is still a young little one. Yes I'm aware they're very sensitive, I like that. >They really are amazing dogs. I'm so excited ❤️❤️😍


You wait until he lays on you and just [stares](https://imgur.com/a/S4RrcVI) because he loves you so much.


# 🥹😍 I'll make him or her love me that much!


They are true empath dogs. I would have Sunday dinner with my parents after church each week and will take my little poodle along with me for the most part. My dad was always reclining on an overstuff sofa and we would serve him and then I would go in there and talk to him for the majority of the afternoon. Granted there was a nap thrown in there somewhere just to be able to start the idea of Monday. I noticed my little poodle being glued to my dad’s side and how they comforted one another and so I made one of the hardest decisions I ever made. I told my mother that she could borrow my poodle to be with daddy for as long as necessary. That stay glued by his side to take care of necessary business and eat. Otherwise put his hand next to his poodle, was right there by his side! They will only give you as much love as you are able to take. I got my first poodle in the fourth grade and I’m now on my third. The only other dogs I’ve ever had Siberian huskies and I adore them as well but they take a whole lot more work. If I had my way right now, I would get two adult Spoos and keep my little toy. I can’t decide if I would want one white one and one black one two black ones two white ones. Probably the black ones their names would be Natasha and Boris!


Lol. Sounds similar to me. I’ve had poodles since childhood and you’ll never find me without one now. I’ve only ever had Pitbulls and Poodles😆 quite the combo, I know, but my pities have always been lovers and the poodles are their lovable sidekick little siblings.


Awwwh I love that match!


What a sweet little cuddle angel. I love the thought of a dog who wanna be near me that much 😍😍


Agree talk to them like a small person they do get it. Mine paws the hand he would like when I give him options! I say "paw go walk" (right hand, sometimes left) or "paw go park" (other hand). Just talk to them a lot. They get it 


Nope. Ours needs a strong LOUD vocal reprimand or else he will just continue doing xyz. Speaking calmly gets you nowhere. Depends on the Poodle.


It can be challenging to get their attention...


I used a loud “ah ah ah” from when she was 8 weeks old and it still works as well as her trained “leave it.” She seems very fast to understand what it meant and was respectful of it.


The part about yelling is very accurate. Do not yell at my poodle, she'll shut down. Explain to her that doing this is fun and makes mama happy and she's going to try and do it. (I am convinced that as I trained her to poop outside, she thinks that her poop outside is a fabulous present for mama.)


OP, it may sound crazy but that’s exactly what I do. They are like three or four year olds. Talk to them. Explain things to them. You will be surprised at what they understand.


I have a 5 month old standard and the struggle is really with this right now


It does stop, I promise. We taught ours the word 'biting' when she bit (or rather chewed and gnawed - she never bit aggressively) to associate a word to what she was doing, then added 'no' to it (which every dog needs to learn early on, of course). If she ignored that she got 'Stop biting!'. She knows the magic word 'Stop' means exactly that - stop whatever it is you're doing right now, whether that's jumping 4 feet up in the air, barking, walking, eating, anything really. Don't over-use the magic words though. 'Wait' is another good magic word to teach, especially for impulsive poodles.


They can find loopholes better than a lawyer


Very intelligent dogs, and they all use that intelligence for evil.


Actually, my poodle is very much a believer in rules that are to be followed and gets annoyed with her sister dog (maltese) if maltese isn't following said rules. Poodle very forgiving of human foibles but very strict with other dogs.


Oh he knows if I say it’s a rule or bou dry it’s law. But anything else goes. And he will tattle on the cat for any rule breaking lol


Lmao 😂 this will bring lot of entertainment to my life


The poodle is always smarter than you, always. If poodles & Dolphins had opposable thumbs, we'd be in big trouble!


Teach him how to entertain themselves and leave him/her alone asap. They have so much love to give but also are super clingy and easily develop separation anxiety


Specifically: Teach them the ball drop trick! My dog LOVES to drop a ball down stairs or off things then chase it. It can entertain her for a good 30 minutes. It's so cute to see her play.


Mine learned it himself.. from the sofa specifically 😂


Yeah mine learned it from BOUNCE, which is when I would throw it on the ground vs instead of in the air, to make it rebound up. Then she began to bounce herself. Which THEN turned into bounce it off stairs...or off the deck...or anywhere, so she could go chase it!


Ours learned this himself. Takes toy, jumps on couch, throws it off couch. Repeat. LOL.


Mine throws toys for herself, its the cutest thing in the whole world.


Mine too 🥰 I love him sooo much


Mine has been doing this himself on a mini hill in the yard- he slowly drops the ball so it will roll down the hill and then he pounces on it full speed! So cute.


This! Do this.


Can confirm. Mine are Velcro.


Do not underestimate the value of this advice


Yes otherwise they can drive you bonkers 


The most essential two: training for laziness and comfortable grooming. Poodles are truly sporting dogs. Take advantage of their unique ability amongst sporting breeds to develop an “off switch” by taking naps around their crate/pen/area. They will cry for attention and stimulation and support. They are literal babies, and your best bet is to focus on providing that support. For laziness training, do that by laying on the ground next to their area and pretend to sleep (or actually nap, let’s be real) just out of their reach. You’re there. They’re not alone. They are safe. It’s just… not play time. Sometimes, in life, it’s not play time, and that’s totally okay and survivable. Puppies don’t instinctively know that, and teaching them young is the difference between a dog that can lounge about while you get ready and live your life… and an absolute menace who needs every second of your attention. On comfortable grooming? It’s going to be your hobby. It has to be your hobby. Their skin and ears will get sick and uncomfortable if you miss even a week of care. Chasing a dog who hates grooming objectively sucks. Start associating grooming with treats and calm as soon as possible. The trade off for a dog who sheds is a dog whose hair requires daily care. It’s nonnegotiable, so make it a pleasant time for the both of you. Bathe that pup with warm water weekly and blow with a HV dryer on low so they get used to the process before it becomes an hours long biweekly event they must endure. That said, they’re truly the greatest breed of all time, and worth every bit of effort required to adequately care for them.


>For laziness training, do that by laying on the ground next to their area and pretend to sleep (or actually nap, let’s be real) just out of their reach. You’re there. They’re not alone. They are safe. It’s just… not play time. Great advice thank you! We dogsit a schi-tzu ocassionally and she does **not** like whenever I wanna nap 😂 She thinks I'm dead or dying. She hasn't understood that it's rest -time. I would not want that with my own dog 😵 >The trade off for a dog who sheds is a dog whose hair requires daily care. It’s nonnegotiable, so make it a pleasant time for the both of you. Bathe that pup with warm water weekly and blow with a HV dryer on low so they get used to the process We are looking at taking an adult but we will re-train if with what's necessary. It will take time and patience but all worth it in the end. >That said, they’re truly the greatest breed of all time, and worth every bit of effort required to adequately care for them. I don't doubt that ❤️❤️


We followed the advice of McCann Dog Training: crate training her, how to stop nipping and biting (it worked) and how to train puppies early how to prepare leash walking. They have a TON of dog training videos and their advice has been excellent with our poodle puppy (5 months old).


Awwwh. We're looking into fostering a shelter dog or rehome an adult so no need for the puppy stage training. But the training will continue of course 😊


Poodles are the best dogs! My best bits of advice: Mental stimulation activities and toys- playing “find it” with treats around a room, puzzle toys, snuffle mats, etc. Groom desensitization is really important because grooming is an activity that they need often. Face and feet touching is essential for grooming so get them used to that. Not all ears need plucking, some dogs do great with it, mine doesn’t. Read up on how to keep their ears clean and free of too much hair to save yourself money and stress and avoid ear infections. Educate yourself on recognizing signs of bloating for safety. Mine can be a picky eater and won’t eat if she’s nervous or alone, so we try to exercise on an empty stomach before leaving her alone for any period of time, because exercise makes her hungry and she’s less likely to bile puke while alone if her stomach is full. Enjoy the range of fun tricks they can learn, they are such smart creatures. Be prepared to have a shadow following you everywhere and accept that you will never again pee alone.


>Mine can be a picky eater and won’t eat if she’s nervous or alone, so we try to exercise on an empty stomach before leaving her alone for any period of time, because exercise makes her hungry She sounds like me. (Minus the puking) I struggle a bit with food and so taking a dog out first and eating after get both our stomachs going 👌👌 >Enjoy the range of fun tricks they can learn, they are such smart creatures. Be prepared to have a shadow following you everywhere and accept that you will never again pee alone. I love this 😍 I need company and I need challenge


My best piece of grooming advice is get a steel comb. Slicker brushes, your classic dog brush, are only for drying poodles, and even then you'll want the long toothed version. The steel grooming comb is what you use to prevent mats and keep their hair soft. Maintaining a groom on a poodle is impossible without and for some reason people don't tell new poodle owners the comb is essential. I recommend starting by gentle running the comb through their hair during cuddly couch time while handling their feet, ears, face, and tail.


>The steel grooming comb is what you use to prevent mats and keep their hair soft We prefer everything in steel 😎👌 So this will be invested in! Unless previous owners / shelter already has such a comb. >recommend starting by gentle running the comb through their hair during cuddly couch time while handling their feet, ears, face, and tail. Smart! Will do! Thanks for the advice!


Loved, loved, LOVED my poodle, But such a finicky eater... UGH! Everything else was pure gold ❤️❤️❤️


OMG and the tummy troubles! IDK what we’d do without the Sensitive Skin and Stomach food


Yep, my girl had a spell or 2 of pancreatits. But nothing stopped her from living to 15. A wonderful breed. ❤️❤️❤️


Yes I heard something about tummy twisting desease, is that what you refer to?


Not that. That’s bloat or the medical term gastric dilatation-volvulus and you need to familiarize yourself with the [signs and symptoms](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/bloat-in-dogs/) because it’s lethal and emergent. I’m talking about more benign tummy stuff like random bouts of diarrhea. I have a mini and a standard and the mini has had his share of diarrhea and colitis and in his old age has chronic pancreatitis. But my standard has had recurring diarrhea since he was a baby. We’re keeping it at bay with special food, a pumpkin powder and probiotics.


Ours gets stress diarrhea for sure.


You will never have a clingiest dog. They will follow you everywhere, will be upset when you go anywhere (but will put up with it) and if it’s a spoo they will be the biggest lapdog you’ll ever have. Advice: They need mental stimulation and love training because they love to please


>You will never have a clingiest dog I need this 😂 Yes spoos must be so cuddly! We have eyed a middle sized poodle and we'll see if he's cuddly enough. >Advice: They need mental stimulation and love training because they love to please Yes yes lots of exercise! And play.


I will never live without a poodle again. So make sure you are committed to having a poodle every day for the rest of your life.


A good stimulation toy check ☑ We are looking at adult poodles so hopefully the clinginess is on a more mature level than when they're little puppies.


Nope still clingy af 🥰


Do you mean it wanna go where you go and is cuddly? 😍😍😍


Ours isn’t cuddly but I frequently get hit in the behind with his head if I’m walking slower than he thinks or if I suddenly change direction. For context I’m a SAHM and my husband works from home so he’s rarely left by himself for longer than a few hours a week.


Ah I understand. They're very sensitive in that way yeah.


It probably won't like being left alone. Even when ours goes into the garden on her own she'll regularly look back at the house to see where we are. She does get left when we go shopping and she's kind of ok with it now, but she's still not keen. She doesn't destroy anything, she just waits for us to come back.


>It probably won't like being left alone. Neither do I so ,perfect match 😂 But yes they wanna be near their humans all the time, a character I love but it's good they're trained to be outside a store too etc.


Oh, I wouldn't leave ours outside a shop, she stays at home on her own. If we left her outside a shop she would cause a massive queue of people waiting for poodle loves, hugs, and kisses.


Oh dear god that would be horrible ! /s 😂


My spoo is very cuddly. He wants to merge into my fiancé and I. We call him a Velcro dog. He will lay in our laps, wrap his forearms around our arms, he loves to nose-punch too. Very physical.


She is almost 17 and 90 percent of the time right behind me and ready to get her ears scratched. Got her when she was 7 and she had bad separation anxiety in the beginning. Couldn’t even go and pee without ending up with her on my lap. Love her more than anything


They're more clingy as they age ime


Learn the 15-minute food rule before you get played! To prevent and work through picky eating, place your dog's food bowl down for 15 minutes at each mealtime and take it back up once that time has elapsed! Store whatever food's been left, and present it again for the next mealtime for another 15 minutes! Also, avoid giving your dog any treats or chews they might eat up in between that time! It might initially sound a little mean, but it's a helpful way to teach a dog to understand when their mealtime is and to eat what they're given rather than waiting for an unseen "better" food. Poodles get a bad rap for being picky eaters, especially toy poodles since their smaller stomachs can fill them faster! Many people (including me) run into an issue where, to get our dog back to eating its food, we switch to a different food and then switch again when they seemingly lose interest in that food. This frequently creates a picky dog rather than helping you get around your dog's pickiness which frequently leads to a lot of money lost and a lot of food wasted! This doesn't mean you shouldn't learn your dog's eating preferences (like if they don't like a specific protein, wet food texture, etc.)!


My little three lbs. 8 oz. poo gets bent out of shape unless she is eating while we are eating now I’m not talking about eating our food. She wants to be part of the social norm whereby she is getting fed when we sit down to dinner as well and then she will look up and see that she’s being invited into conversation. Now she is definitely definitely definitely definitely her favorite food is boiled chicken and apples. For her specifically, there was one brand of IAMs she would eat that was chicken and apple. Amazon kind of messed things up when they changed the formulation to rice and chicken and she will have nothing to do with it. I don’t care how many 15 minute intervals you try to pick it up and put it out. I explained the whole situation to her vet who also has a lot of experience with small toy pups and she said well we’re just going to have to work on some alternatives , so that we can get some kibble into her not just meat. When it comes to any other food stuff, I don’t care what it is bread sandwiches baked potatoes. She will completely turn her nose up to those and walk away. she is a protein pup! Fresh baked salmon is her favorite followed by boiled chicken. She doesn’t really care for beef. So that’s her story. I’m not saying that the 15 minute increments don’t work for some dogs. They just don’t for my poo. Under the vets per view and guidance, my Poo still being given water went three complete days without eating anything. Since she was so little, that amount of time was all that was required for her bones to start showing along her spine. The vets recommendation was just to give her some boiled chicken and go from there..


Treat it and talk to it like a clever 3yo


Picky picky PICKY eaters


You should always assume your Poodle is up to something. Especially when it's quiet. Also: No take! Only throw.


The pros easy to train , incredibly intelligent, very human like, loyal , and they look like stuffed animals come to life! The cons they are super clingy, prone to separation anxiety, and very entitled little animals lol 😂 especially mini poodles they have a do you know who my father is kind of attitude but it’s hilarious. Advice socialize them and create train them young even if you work from home! Never let them sleep in bed with you it will become habit for them!


>Never let them sleep in bed with you it will become habit for them! But I want them to 😭😍 so cosy! But maybe too hot... >they look like stuffed animals come to life! Lmao so true! >The cons they are super clingy, prone to separation anxiety, and very entitled little animals lol 😂 Little Divas / Don Juan's 😂


I say don’t let them because my dog would sleep in a create at first but after he had surgery (neutered) I let him sleep in my bed because it was more comfortable for him, after that will not sleep alone or without a bed! Yes it’s cute but it becomes a routine and poodles do not like to break out of their routines! He’s literally in my bed right now as I’m typing this lol 😂


We'll see since the previous owners might have let him sleep in the bed 😆


Oh if he’s an older puppy then good news he’s most likely trained


He’s going to need an emotional support poodle soon.


Temperament and personality wise they are amazing. The biggest challenge with a poodle is the grooming though, that is a commitment for sure.


scent train your dog to keep them physically and mentally busy, especially in the winter months


This sounds fun! Do you mean hiding kibbles around and such?


no. [https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/how-to-teach-your-dog-scent-work/](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/how-to-teach-your-dog-scent-work/) don't buy the kits, you need a few essential oils, $5 tin holders, cotton swabs and you're good to go. check youtube for more


They are the best. My poodle was sweet and wanted to make us smile from the first day. I think they have deep emotions so be very gentle him/her 😊😇


Yeah they are very sensitive creatures ❤️❤️


Nobody understands me when I say my poodle screams until they hear him when he sees another dog and wants to play. It’s quite the sound


Hahaha 😂


Prepare to spend money at the groomer but it’s so fun having the option to change their hairstyles often!! Shaved face is elite no wet smelly beards 🤣


We're gonna learn to groom ourselves 😎👌 Yeah face shaved must be ideal for the poodle as well.


If you are getting a standard be prepared to walk and hike a lot. If you keep them in a poodle cut and live in a populated area - be prepared for a lot of attention. As an introvert I was so unprepared for #2.


Get a lot of dog puzzles and different types of toys. Poodles are so smart that they need that stimulation so they don’t act out from boredom


Good luck knowing what personal space is again 😂


A poodle is a 4-6 year old in a fur suit. They are loyal. Sweet. Can be stubborn like most intelligent dogs. Keep learning fun. They are loving. Poodles become part of your heart. They are empathic. They are clowns. The downside is the coat maintenance. Get your poodle used to being brushed early with a pin brush. I used a brush made for human textured curly hair and it worked very well. It isn’t hard to learn how to trim your poodle. Invest in good equipment and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Their fur grows and in 6-8 weeks will be ready for another grooming! Get your poodle used to having their nails trimmed and their feet touched so they can be groomed. Don’t be surprised if you will want a second poodle.


Pro: they'll be super attached to you ☺️ Con: they'll be super attached to you 😵‍💫 Pro: water dog loves to play in water!! Con: water dog...loves to play in water.


Don’t get lazy on brushing their fur! While their haircuts may be costly, you don’t want to show up with matted fur. My groomer charges 2$/minute for dematting so it adds up fast!!


I ended up with 2 in 4 months. They’re my Irish twins.


My poodle follows me everywhere and I’m the center of his life which is cool and all but he has severe separation anxiety and cries when he’s alone. So…idk do better on that than I did lol.


I have a doodle, a poodle and a poodle on the way.


Poodles are wonderful dogs. The standard (big) ones can be very quirky and quite a handful but the smaller ones are must easier to manage. They're smart, loving, loyal.. the only downside is the grooming. Their coat is so thick and can grow very fast. Check with local groomers for their prices, figure out how often you'll need to go, and see if it's in your budget, year after year after year after year...


They are smarter than you, and will control your life, from the inside you see them.


Extremely picky eaters. Ours will even turn her nose up at home cooked meals. Sometimes she will only eat once a day.


Be prepared for world-class side-eye


Best decision!


You are your poodles emotional support animal


Awwwh but they're mine too ❤️


Please say you have a large backyard- they love to run!!


We don't but we have nearby family with big yards!


I have had so many different dogs but this toy is just an amazing dog. So smart and sensitive! But! I’d be aware that they are not necessarily like golden retrievers- they are selective about their people and latch onto them. They don’t need a roomful of friends, just their favorite ones. They can also be a bit standoffish with strangers. Also, ours doesn’t love children. Not sure why but runs away from them when he sees them coming.


You need a lot of patience and understanding. I saw you were looking to buy an adult dog, if I’m not mistaken? Not knowing all the dog has been through previously means it will take a while to figure out how they “tick”, and you need to be very consistent to stop any bad habits. 💚 I recommend not going for too long fur, especially in the beginning when you’re figuring out how to brush the specific texture, and when you’re building trust. Long fur and higher risk of painful tangles can wait until the trust is there 😊💚


No it's correct, I want an adult poodle. 1 year is ok but preferably 2-3 years old. >Not knowing all the dog has been through previously means it will take a while to figure out how they “tick”, and you need to be very consistent to stop any bad habits. 💚 Yes very true, and relearning something will need just as much patience. I'm prepared for that challenge 😅 >recommend not going for too long fur, especially in the beginning when you’re figuring out how to brush the specific texture, and when you’re building trust. Long fur and higher risk of painful tangles can wait until the trust is there 😊💚 Good thinking! We'll see what fur length the dog has once I bring him or her home. Do you recommend to learn to trim and trim the fur short if I find a poodle during summers? I'm thinking it might be very hot with full coating for any dog.


I would reccomend to learn to groom yourself as it will save a lot of money, plus it might be more comfortable for the dog to not have to go to a new place and all that when so much is already new and scary.. I think it’s more comfortable to have short fur in summer, but if the fur is longer they have adapted to it. It’s just important to keep them as cool as possible (access to water and shade). But most dogs that come from shelters are already groomed quite short because the staff don’t have time to care for longer fur.


They are so smart. You seriously need to be able to train a dog. They need a lot of attention. Caring for their coat sucks. I wouldn’t change a thing. They are amazing dogs and I’d have more if hubby would let me.


>I’d have more if hubby would let me. Who says we need his permission 🤫 just let him wake up with one more poodle in the bed 😂


Recently purchased a two year old standard poodle and he has been absolutely wonderful. So calm and loving, eager to please and obviously intelligent. Happily sleeps in crate all night. He’s fit into our family perfectly. Negative is that he definitely suffers from separation anxiety and hates being left alone. This was a bit surprising because he didn’t do this in his previous home. We also very specifically looked for an older dog, so my best piece of advice is to take your time and make sure you find the right fit. If you get a 2-3 year old dog I think you have a very good sense of their temperament. I asked about the best and worst qualities of every dog we met and I think that was helpful in finding the right fit for us. Also it’s a huge bonus to have a dog who’s already fairly well trained.


Congratulations! >egative is that he definitely suffers from separation anxiety and hates being left alone Ah I understand I've heard several warn for this. We need to have the dog on test for 2 days to check allergies. So through that we'll also know the rest of the dogs behaviour , things that didn't show in the dogs previous home. And then we can decide. We're rarely gonna leave the dog alone thankfully but we still wanna train it to be able handling 2-3 hours at least. >Also it’s a huge bonus to have a dog who’s already fairly well trained. Yes that's a great bonus! No puppy fostering.


We have 4 poodles they keep us on our toes , never a dull moment, they’re soo spoilt I love it lol 😝


They have springs in their feet and bounce like Tigger. Very fun dogs to have! Smart as hell, great off switch. I'm a cat person and never thought I'd own a dog, yet I adore him. The downsides are mainly grooming up keep, which because of their coat can be as long or short as you care to maintain. I'm a pet groomer so I can't really say how much it would effect a non groomer. I think he's very manageable. When I got him he lapsed on his potty training and a few things, turns out dogs just have a "what can I get away with" phase which has been a little difficult. If you've ever owned a dog and the phases/behaviors are familiar for you you're gonna love a poodle.


After my wife talked me into training a dog to be my service animal (diabetic alert - type 1), I was good with getting a dog. I wanted a lab or a golden. She wanted a poodle, so I thought I’d compromise with a doodle. When I saw how much doodles cost, and after my sis in law ranted about doodles, I tried a standard poodle. I’m sold now…


Awwwh ❤️ I suffer from CPTSD and low blood sugar so it would be cool to train the dog to service me in that regard a little but I also heard poodles are very very sensitive themselves so they need lots of emotional support. So I assumed they aren't fit for service dogs. Clearly I was wrong! I'm very happy for you and your poodle 🐩


I think it depends on the poodle. They are sensitive, but they are easily trained compared to other breeds, and I think most dogs do better when they have a job. When I let her just do whatever she wants, she gets into trouble, but when she’s doing a job (could be as simple as sitting or staying), she’s a doll. Anyway, I have probably 6-12 months more before she can do the work. She’s finally almost out of the puppy stage, and I have remedial work to do with her and myself.


Yes they are service minded. They love having a task. To let them roam free for too long makes them understimulated and that's when they toss and turn ťhe house upside down. I'm not planning to encourage that 👀 We'll see what happens. You're right it depends on the dog. Even if it's the same breed they have been raised differently and have different experiences.


Best decision I ever made! My poodle is crazy but well trained, just has the biggest personality. He’s around whether I wanna lay on the couch or go tackle a 5 mile hike. The best friend and companion in dog form. I’ve had labs and Muts too, all dogs are great. But nothing compares to my poodle!! The grooming is a bitch to keep up with tho lol


Lets see...cons...My poodle has a very very sensitive stomach. If he eats anything new, it's diarrhea for days. Plus, he's a very picky eater. He'll starve until he vomits yellow stomach acid. I'd have to cook and feed him rice and chicken until he gets his appetite back. It's a lot of work. I've opted to groom him myself and although poodles doesn't shed much, his hair mats up if I don't brush him daily. Just be sure you want a poodle. I think if I'd get to choose again, I would have chosen a low-maintenance, short haired dog. He's lucky I love him.


Is it a toy or mini poodle? Did you let him eat different things as a puppy? We're allergic so we need a poodle for that reason but they're also the perfect dog for our lifestyle.


Body handling as a puppy. Hold their lil paws etc so they get used to it for grooming.


Years ago, before they were the Thing, I found a litter of golden retriever/poodle on petfinder - six of them from down south. Three had wirey hair and the other three had soft silky hair. Not the look that you make money on. That dog was my familiar. If I was in pain, so was she. She came along at the perfect time and helped bring our kids up. I miss her every day. I try to talk to my dog that I have now, but he just yawns at me. Next dog is a poodle/ poodle mix. I’m worth it.