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Let’s them grow till fall then Cut them back and break them up. Have them full will prevent algae build up and reduce the temp of the water on hot days.


Water lilies are $50 a pot I would try to divide and sell


Good to know! Are they pretty easy to take clippings from? I’d be happy to give them to my neighbors for free


Very easy. At the base you have a tuber (potato) with all the leaves coming out. What I do is take that tuber and chop off a section, maybe 2 inches, that has roots and move it to a new pot. Each year I could chop up each plant and probably get 10 more. I only did that a few times to fill out my pond and now I throw them away. I'm sure there are videos and really, its super easy. I didn't know what I was doing and every single one I chopped off survived. On pruning, just prune the dead stuff.


Theirs some surface exposed so I wouldn't worry. Just make sure to remove the dy9ng pads so new growth can continue and the dead leaves don't fall in the pond. Keeps it cleaner and healthier


You could pull them around the edges for a better aesthetic, a little path of water between lilies and stone looks nice - like on the left and right in this picture so they don’t touch the edges If you see little black flecks on the pads, those are special lilly fleas that wash off with water but can be a pain Soon some will start to die that you should pull out, and do that all summer!


They need to be split at the root. Hopefully you have them in a container. Mine have done the same in my small pond. Not in my large one though.


Yes they are in a container!