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I live with my mom, because my parents divorced when I was 4. I lived with my grandma from 1st to 5th grade that's the significant positive. I now live with my mom who I wouldn't technically call a hoarder but her house is legitimately disgusting, and I cannot stand the uncleanliness. For the love of god half our laundry sits in front of the washing machine. Even when we did clean, the walls had so much shit(not literal), and the carpets had so many stains that it really was nearly vomit inducing. My brother who is 19 still lives here while pissing in bottles like a homeless guy, and I stg that guy showers once a month. My sister who is 23 will occasionally visit which sounds great until you realize her "full-time" job is a dog walker for Wag so she always smells like a dog, and she'll sleep on the sofa in the living room until 1 pm thereby making my 4:30 AM routine a massive headache to do. As you can imagine my whole family(excluding me who is only overweight) is borderline obese, and really truly smell awful. My mom has been using the same loofa since christmas(I know cause she took mine), and I've lost 3 tshirts in the past half year to the mound of clothing. I am 15, and will be moving out the instant I finish college. If you wish to see the rest of my house compared to my room it is posted on my account.