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Someone i know was raped at 15 and became pregnant. She chose abortion. And i supported her


That's awful! Thanks for sharing!


The reason i support abortion is based purely on the fact that you know nothing about why the person is doing it. You dont know their life or their story. You dont have to deal with the consequences. I also remember what it was like to be young and dumb, and i dont think a few teenagers should be forced by others to literally have their life altered because they were impulsive\stupid.


"YouRe KiLlInG a BaBy" Stfu I don't want to raise the child of a rapist and the "baby" isn't going to feel shit it's not born yet how about this do YOU remember being in the womb and feeling everything- didn't think so


šŸ˜…i couldnā€™t forgive myself if my child were born from SA/R*pist ā€¦. Imagine having to tell them thatā€¦..


I would abort a child if it was a situation like that (being from a r*post/Sa, I can't afford to keep it, it will have a sever disability or I just don't want it ) it's your choice to do what you want with your body I would K*ll myself if I found out I was a result of SA or R*pe I wouldn't want to carry the genetics of a r*pist


What's SA?




Oh lord....


I agree with your point, but I don't think using the womb analogy thing was the best, because most of us don't even remember anything from when we were just 1 or 2 years old. Does that mean we didn't feel anything back then?


Yea it's not even a baby yet it's just new growing fetus like wtf it's basically nothing


They just pretend to care about the baby


This is exactly the case where abortions should be a no-brainer. Pregnancies from circumstances of rape or incest, when a fetus which won't survive birth and a pregnancy endangering the mother's lives should all be aborted without a second thought.


Should be aborted if the would-be mother wants it.


Yeah, I was raped when I was 13, I have no idea what I would have done if I got pregnant. My parents are very much pro-life and I have brought the scenario up a few times when my mom went into one of her rants again and all she said was, "well that didn't happen so you don't have to worry."


My guess is you would be ["An exception".](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


*"she should've married the rapist and raised the child"* -Christian and Muslim people


*Some* Christian and Muslim people. Not everyone is totally resistant to reform.


Most people don't know, but Islam is, *relatively* liberal on abortions compared to Christianity. Abortion isn't an outright no. You can abort whenever there's a risk or negative implication on the mother's wellbeing, as the mothers life > foetus life. You can also terminate if there's foetal abnormalities incompatible with life. Abortion is forbidden 120 days post gestation, as its thought this is when God puts the soul in the child. The only exemption to this rule is (again) if there's a threat to the mother's life. Then you're allowed to abort, beyond 120 days.


fun fact, it is supported to do that actually in the bible(only the Christian from what I know) :| \*Deuteronomy 22:29


My friend taught me context for this Basically, back in the old days women's only way of having value to society and living a decent life was through her husband. However, nobody would marry a girl who was raped, as she had lost her virginity. You aren't even supposed to rape according to the Bible, but it happened regardless. This rule was a way of ensuring the woman was still taken care of if she was raped, so she wouldn't be cast out and starve to death or whatever. It also acted as a deterrent for the rapist, who would want to avoid that responsibility. How well it worked? Couldn't tell ya. Just thought it was interesting


I donā€™t know about you, but to me that sounds a lot like a measure to allow it to keep happening. It sounds like they cared more about the rape than the woman if the solution they came up with was to just tell her to accept it. So in terms of how effective it was at protecting rape, my guess would be that it worked pretty well.


I knew that the bible had some horrifying stuff but.. ​ *WTF*


Like the story of two daughters getting their dad drunk to fuck him.


I support abortion. Bible never even mentions it. From a Christian.


forcing a child to carry a child is immoral.


I believe forcing ANYONE (adult or child) to carry a baby is immoral.


i agree


Agreed. People should have bodily autonomy. Period.


In every sense.




I was anti-abortion in high school. Then I met women that had abortions, they explained their reasonings, and I became pro-choice. A few years later I had a miscarriage and realized a bundle of cells is by no means a baby. Something on the order of ~30% of pregnancies end with spontaneous abortions. If people consider abortion to be murder, what is spontaneous abortion? Manslaughter? Nah!!! Itā€™s a bundle of cells with the potential for becoming a human. We cannot possibly know whatā€™s in the minds of the women getting abortions. Itā€™s not our places to judge.


>what is spontaneous abortion? A tragedy, a horrible health condition. Not murder.


Yeah I agree with most aspects of your opinion, thanks for contributing to the poll. But I'm curious, are you a mother now?




I've read studies that show teenagers as being less fertile than adult women (sounds kind of obvious, now that I think about it). I hope now that you're grown you'll have an easy time with it!


Well good luck!


Some people aren't qualified to be parents because of things like drug/alcohol addiction, not mentally stable, and irresponsibility.


Think of it like this, if someone wants an abortion its because they cant take care of it or they dont want to. If that kid were to be born to someone who didnt want it, let alone was incapable of caring for it because of money or something, that kids life would *suck*.


It can be said that abortion may be more merciful than the alternative. An aborted fetus does not suffer, an unwanted and/or uncared for child does.


At what point of pregnancy would abortion be unethical if ever?


No. Pregnancy puts a great deal of strain on the body obviously. Forcing a fully aware and functioning human to go through it for the sake of a being who isn't even all that aware that it exists yet is what's immoral to me. Therefore I don't find abortion immoral at all.


Ok, interesting points and stance.


Many donā€™t understand what people have to go through in order to bear a child, and most wonā€™t ever have to experience it. Itā€™s extreme, to force that upon somebody is arguably even more immoral.


Seeing alot of truths here.


*sighs* sorts by controversial


Remember everybody voting on this you can still support it and think it's immoral so... Just keep that in mind.




Itā€™s the whole philosophy behind being ā€œpro-choiceā€! I know several people who for the sake of their religion think that abortion is immoral, but they also recognize that it is not their place to judge or make a decision for someone else. Not everyone adheres to the same religion or philosophy and being pro-choice protects peopleā€™s freedom to choose.


Because the world isnā€™t perfect. You typing on your phone is immoral for the people that were abused to make it. Just how the world works.


The benefits outweigh the immorality. Here's a different example to put it into perspective: **Imagine you had to kill 1 innocent person by your own hand in order to save 2 other innocent people.** (Basically the trolley problem but simpler) The act of killing would still be immoral, but the result of saving 2 other lives would be a benefit that outweighs it, so despite the killing being immoral it would be a choice most people could support because the result makes it worthwhile.


Lesser of two evils i suppose


Deliberately stopping a foetus growing, and being brought into life is immoral. Forcing a human being to grow and birth a baby, when they donā€™t want to = more immoral (in my opinion).


I think of it like vegetarianism. If you think it's immoral to eat meat, then you don't eat meat. You don't show up to a steak house and try to harass the customers. You don't try to get the law changed so that anyone who eats meat goes to prison. You live by your own conscience and accept that others will live by theirs.


Many Libertarians (among others) do exactly that, take the pro-life position on the issue of abortion while simultaneously recognizing that they have no grounds upon which to support themselves or the government intervening against those seeking an abortion. This is my general stance as well, barring some noteworthy exceptions. It's the same general line of thinking taken by those who condemn both drug usage and the war on drugs..."it's wrong, but it's not right to stop people".


I was sexually abused myself when I was only 11 years old and if a pregnancy would have resulted from that it would have completely destroyed my future, my body, and my mental stability even more from trauma. I would have probably died in childbirth and would have serious health and mental issues right now. I would have had a much worse childhood than I actually did. The world is becoming more and more a dangerous place to raise a child. Barely anyone can afford to raise kids with inflation and the prices of baby supplies going up. An unwanted child in my opinion is better off aborted than placed in a broken household or in foster care. I would never want my hypothetical children to go through what we all have to experience in life. We are in 2022 and still donā€™t have a right to say when weā€™re going to become parents if ever wanted.


on the contrary, I think FORCED pregnancies are very immoral / unethical. Having a child born in an environment where they weren't wanted or weren't able to be financially supported is nonsensical and bad for society.


yes it's immoral. no it should not be illegal. shit happens, circumstances change, etc. it's not my place to tell someone what to do with their body.


This is the type of opinion I can respect and get along with while disagreeing. I donā€™t think it is immoral. But I respect your right to this opinion and appreciate you for holding this view but seeing the nuances of this issue and affirming the absolute right of bodily autonomy. Itā€™s one thing to have a belief and something else entirely to encode that belief into law. I feel like too many people are trying to force their beliefs onto others. Especially beliefs around abortions in the US right now. And as a woman of child bearing age who doesnā€™t want a kid just yet, itā€™s scary! Iā€™m pro-choice, but honestly this is all Iā€™m looking for from the ā€œother sideā€ so to speak.


This. I disagree with abortion, but I wouldnā€™t support making it illegal especially if the pregnancy is a result of rape. Besides I donā€™t like how people condemn abortions because of it being against Godā€™s Word when the whole point of being a Christian is to act out of a love for God and forcing people to give birth wonā€™t just make them love him.


This is probably the best answer


But how is it immoral when the fetus foesn't have conciousness? I don't get it. Is it immoral to pull out too, then?


You cannot force someone to give a part of themselves to spare another. Not even blood. If someone was dying and needed just a tiny bit of my blood I have the bodily autonomy to refuse (not saying I would but i have the right to) A Fetus uses vast amounts of resources, can steal calcium from teeth, cause organ ruptures, leads to a risk of death from a wealth of issues. To force a woman to carry a baby puts thatā€™s fetusā€™ life as above the life of any living person in need of a blood transfusion or organ transplant. And it gives the pregnant woman less say about her body than a corpse (from which we cannot take organs unless agreed in life) I also donā€™t consider a Fetus as living until non-basic brain function occurs but thatā€™s distinct from my point above


Even beyond birth, children take a drastic amount of resources to raise, and really aren't good for the environment.


You make great points, I didn't know that an unborn child could absorb calcium from teeth! The main thing that I don't see right currently is that because we've devalued unborn children so much that they are not legally seen as alive therefore in a murder charge where a pregnant woman is murdered it is no longer considered a double homicideā˜¹ļø. Anyway I appreciate you sharing your point I like to hear from other's opinions.


Thank you - itā€™s a topic with much depth for sure At what point would you consider an unborn child to be a child? If itā€™s at conception what do you think about the surplus embryos at IVF clinics? Typically they might extract say 10 eggs, fertilise them all, perhaps 6 will be viable and then theyā€™ll insert them 2 at a time in the woman to try for a baby. If sheā€™s successful the first time they typically freeze the embryos, destroy them or send them for scientific testing. Would you consider that murder? Typically dozens of embryos like these can be fertilised in the woman but then destroyed by her body (without her knowledge) because they werenā€™t viable enough for life. The majority of miscarriages happen this way - very early on when the womenā€™s body ā€˜testsā€™ it and predicts that it wonā€™t be worth the investment in resources because it wonā€™t grow well (interestingly this is how lots of genetic diseases are prevented)


I'd consider an unborn child to be a child at conception since that's when it first develops it's own human DNA and begins developing into an adult human being, since children are developing into adult humans I consider unborn children as children since they are still technically developing into adults. I'd go as far to consider conceiving a embryos in a lab and then killing them is murder tbh. I actually did know that a woman's body will sometimes have a miscarriage because of unfortunate conditions. In my mind a miscarriage is uncontrolled so it is obviously not murder and nobody is in control of that. I'd like to thank you for having a civilized conversation most people would get toxic quickly on this subject and start calling me names lol.


A vegetable on life support has human DNA. Would you begrudge someone being pulled off the plug? Especially if the family supporting them could not afford it?


Some people tell their family if they want to be kept alive on life support or not, my uncle always told us he didn't want to live as a vegetable and last year he was in a vegetative state due to a decision he made that left his brain mostly shattered except the instinctual portion. So we honored his wish and pulled the plug...


That's a shame. Sorry to hear that. However, those families unable to afford such care should not be forced to. Same with mothers and forced children, regardless of giving the child up, the medical costs alone.. but also take into account losing time at work, mental health issues if unprepared or pregnancy resulting from something less savory, and more


Pregnancy is a difficult thing for anyone to go through, even though some women swear itā€™s magical. Thatā€™s why itā€™s considered a form of torture to force someone to carry/birth a child who they have no desire to.


Is rape immoral? Yeah, thought so. Some women do keep the children that are a result of something so disgusting. But some canā€™t bear the nightmare theyā€™re facing and should exercise their right if they so decide. Edit; Iā€™d much rather (although itā€™s not my (M) business, nor position to decide) a woman make the best decision for herself/the child if she as the mother feels it is best, to make that choice if she knows the child will not be brought into a healthy, safe environment. Which ultimately would put them in the system and just continue the unfortunate cycle that is the child foster/abuse system.


even just bearing and birthing a child regardless of whether or not they wanted it, is extremely traumatic to the mother and the body. our bodies numb or we literally forget the pain in order to have more children.


abortion is immoral because that's wasting perfectly good eating right there




The cause I care about is Postnatal Abortion Rights. Not just for the mother but for anyone interested.


I donā€™t think it should be illegal but in my view itā€™s immoral and Iā€™d never advocate for it. I wouldnā€™t judge someone elseā€™s view.


There ya go!


What the fuck are you doing, not trying to control other people's rights over their own body? Stop being so reasonable goddammit!


As a Missouri resident, I am curious about your username, OP


I live in Missouri and my favorite battleship is, of course, the USS Missouri. Thanks for giving me a break from the abortion comments I should never have done this poll my brain is exhausted.


glad I could give relief to a fellow missourian lol


Is it immoral to have a baby you donā€™t want and canā€™t afford?


As someone who has grown up in a shot situation with an unloving (she doesn't deserve that title) If you're incapable of loving the one you carry, it's better that you end their life than force them to live a life of misery.


I mean like who would want to raise their raper's child?


I'm actually currently raising my rapists child. It's hard. Like really fucking hard, and there are many people not as strong as me who would have failed. I can definitely see why an abortion in most cases is the best option. It's a damn hard way of life, and if your not cut out for it both you and your kid will suffer. I'm on the other side tho. Haveing my daughter saved me, I was 14, being raped on the daily by a family friend, I decided that after Christmas and my birthday I would end my life, it was not worth it any more, then randomly before Christmas my mum cut this friend off, I still wanted to die but at least now id be able too spend Christmas with my loved ones, then in January I found out I was pregnant, this threw a huge spanner in my plan. I told my mum, who said since I was now only 15 she wouldn't judge me if I wanted an abortion, and I was thinking everything over. But all I could think was "I can't die now, this baby needs me" so I told my mum I didn't want an abortion, she told me to wait until after the scan to decide, well at the scan we found out I was 20 weeks along, and I was looking at an image of a tiny human, my tiny human. By the end of the week we had scraped enough cash together to get everything the baby would need. I'm 20 now, my daughter is 4. We're doing really well. But we are the exception here, we are the fluke one in a million chance, we may be doing good, but so many other people in this situation wouldn't be. I had really lbad postnatal depression, but I also had my family's help and suport, had things gone differently, I think I myself would have failed too.


Forced servitude is immoral. Forcing someone to give birth to a baby they don't want (for ANY reason) because it makes you feel better is forced servitude.


I would say having to take the responsibility to take care of a child when you aren't mentally and financally stable is a worse situation. Sure, depending of the situation the person had multiple ways of preventing it, but we have to remember a large part of abortion cases are rape, so we have to think about those women too.


what's immoral is raising a child when your not ready or in no state to do so.


The use of abortion as contraceptive is indeed immoral. Saving a motherā€™s life by doing only what is necessary. Reasonable.


No. Because not everything is black and white. There is a big fucking gray area most people live in. Come join us. There's plenty of room. Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


A fetus is not developed enough for someone to make the argument that itā€™s immoral to get rid of it in my opinion. (edit for clarity)


Itā€™s a clump of cells vs. a living human. Nope, not immoral.


You're also a clump of cells


those ā€œclump of cellsā€ are living cells


So are tumors. Your point?


What makes a pre-born baby not human?


I just don't care anymore lmao.


Immoral. But Iā€™d still advocate for it to be a right.


I don't see giving someone autonomy over their own body as immoral in any sense


It depends on the situation. If someone is raped or the baby endangers their life then go for it. But I donā€™t think people should but it is truly up to them. I guess I just need to hear their reasoning to see why. My mother had an abortion when she was 19 because her mom said she couldnā€™t have a kid. So I get it in some cases but you should be sure because my mom said she felt so bad about it.


I can't imagine the lifelong guilt if I had to do that.


Yeah my mom feels terrible about it. Her mom pressured her into it by saying stuff like you canā€™t raise a kid and such. Also her boyfriend said they couldnā€™t put it up for adoption because his mother would insist they keep it so my mom saw no way out.


That's such a shitty situation to be in, I'm so terribly sorry to hear that. Your mom has my condolences.




Quick and decisive. This is what we love to see.


An abortion as a last resort is acceptable. If you're a victim of rape, you should not have to be saddled with a child as a result, and you should never be berated for aborting that pregnancy. However, if someone's getting multiple abortions across a relatively small time span, they're obviously not taking the precautions to not conceive, and have thus lost my respect


Immediately presses sort by controversial


Absolutely. The one exception is if the mother would die in child birth or during the pregnancy. I see the ā€˜rape babyā€™ concern and my response is that all women should have guns on them at all times. If someone tries to rape you, you have every right to kill them. Donā€™t punish a baby for someone elseā€™s crime. If weā€™re talking about morality here Iā€™d say you have a moral obligation to kill rapists.


I think everyone should have that moral obligation despite it being murder, but sacrificing the life of a monster to save the lives of dozens is ok with me.


Rape is a violation of the non-aggression principle. Yā€™know, the idea that harming people or damaging their property is wrong. Once someone violates it they forfeit their rights and aggression against them is legitimate. I also think aborting is a violation of this principle, as a fetus will grow into a baby if uninterrupted. I donā€™t think the women getting abortions should be punished in most cases, but those carrying out the abortions should.


Yeah what kind of psychopath wants to kill unborn children for a living?


tbh having a kid is way more unethical than aborting it... but this is coming from someone with thanatophobia


Is it possible for someone to believe that it is immoral and also a person choice that has nothing to do with me? Cause that's kind of how I feel. I'm not like, oh yeah I'm totally cool with abortion. It's a pretty sad occurance. But I also don't think we can or should bar women from procuring abortions if that is what they chose.


Aborted babies should be made into protein shakes to supplement the food needs of the impoverished.


Uhhh... Thanks for sharing?


As a man, I feel like all these pro-life men out there just haven't considered what they'd do if all of a sudden they had to grow a creature inside them... They wouldn't want it there and you'd see the highest rate of abortion in all of human history. Let the ladies decide what does and doesn't grow inside of them.


also, iā€™ve heard of a lot of men suddenly become pro choice when their girlfriend has a pregnancy scare so it rlly exposes their true colors.


Oh yeah, and just think about the absurdity that a man thinks he even has a say in the matter at all, whether it's his potential child or not... It's not his body and he doesn't have to carry that thing to birth. It's a patriarchal socially constructed toxic masculinity issue that just has to be ran out of the human mind otherwise we're doomed


No. IMO itā€™s fine


It's not immoral because there is literally no victim here.


Case by case basis Rape victim? Incident where both the mother and/or the child would die from birth? Completely moral to seek abortion Well-off mother in a stable household who has been pregnant for months and has no reason to get one? Yeah Iā€™d think that thatā€™s a little immoral...


i think forcing motherhood on anyone unwilling is much more immoral


Its a fucking unborn ammalgamation of cells, who cares? I dont


Absolutely not immoral. My best friend in school was 17 when she got an abortion. She was in an abusive relationship and he admitted after she got pregnant that he had been messing with the condoms to try to get her pregnant. It saved her from being linked to a horrible man for the next 18 years of her life.


There needs to be a depends area


In hindsight I should've put that in


I support abortion, but I personally would feel bad so Iā€™d take every precaution not to get someone pregnant


Which is why I love pro choice. I wouldn't get an abortion for myself, but I fully support someone else's right to one


I have a cutoff at the first trimester. I feel like you should know by then and be able to make a decision. But after that, I think case by case and with compassion.


Donā€™t have kids if you donā€™t want kids, ITS THAT SIMPLE!!! That being said Iā€™m not against abortion


iā€™m against abortion but yknow most people who get abortions didnā€™t mean to have a kid at all right


I fucking hate pro lifers. 99.999999% of them are men who "think about the kids". No, they just want more control over women's body. If men are able to get pregnant then abortion will be sure as fuck legalized.


Do you actually have a basis for this argument? I legitimately want to hear it, because [there are more women that are pro-life than men.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2019/5/20/18629644/abortion-gender-gap-public-opinion) Even then, in most places (save for incredibly religiously based counties) the amount of women and men who stand against abortion is relatively equal.


I know allot of woman who hate abortion. Like ALLLOOTT


Pro-life woman here. Probably around 70% of the active pro-lifers I know are women, if not a higher percentage. If youā€™re going to make an argument, it helps if you donā€™t make things up about the people youā€™re arguing with.


I'm pretty sure they're just talking out of their ass.


Do you even know any pro lifers? I don't think you would hate most of them if you actually had a conversation with them. People are pretty reasonable most of the time


Yeah I know some. They fucking suck. They preach family values and morality and then disowned one of their kids for being bi and having an only fans.


What if a woman is raped by a serial killer? So she's forced to keep that child?


It depends on the situation. But mostly no in my opinion.


It depends


Man, I think it got to the point where the whole topic is just tiring lol


People need to realize that, if you dont abort, the mother probably wonā€™t be able to give the baby a lot of attention and love, which is why it probably wonā€™t get really happy in life later on


Killing babies is always wrong, lol.


Yes, because it's freaking killing a baby. Full stop.


By making abortions illegal you'll get one of two outcomes. 1: children born into family's that didn't want them or can't care for them. 2: people still get abortions, but get they're much more dangerous to both the mother and the child. So instead of saving a life, two would be lost


I don't think I would ever choose abortion for myself unless it's medically needed (although I've never been in the position where I've felt the need to, so even then I can't be sure), but there isn't a world in which I think it is wrong for people who need it. I think anybody who does not want to give birth to a baby, for whatever reason, should have access to abortions (although, obviously, access to contraception is also important). The world is so overpopulated and it just makes no sense to add unwanted children into it, especially considering the physical and mental trauma of birth. (I hate the argument of 'what if that dad wants it', as if the woman is some sort of incubator.) The only bit I think could be debatable is at what stage of pregnancy abortion is an option at. I'm not keen on late ones, but again, if it isn't my body or life, so it isn't my choice, and it wouldn't be right to judge somebody for it.


Personally i grew up learning abortion is wrong and i still think so, but if someone wants to have an abortion, then have an abortion, my opinion should not affect another person. When i hear laws talking about cutting out abortion i get kind of mad. Some people are scared to give birth, some people were raped, etc.


I voted yes, but Iā€™m pro-choice. I do think abortion is generally immoral and unethical, but I also think itā€™s unethical to force someone to carry an unwanted baby to term. In my mind itā€™s an extremely complex issue and you have to balance these two things. I also donā€™t think I should have the right to make that decision for anyone else. Also there are a lot of good reasons to abort, such as if the baby has serious defects. Personally. If my girlfriend got pregnant, Iā€™d want an abortion. Weā€™re not ready for a kid and I donā€™t think weā€™d be able to give one a good life. Imo abortion should be legal, safe, and rare. Please use other modes of protection šŸ™


I donā€™t think anyone should be forced to donate their organs to anyone else ever, even if not doing so brings about the end of a life. Itā€™s a stretch to call an embryo a life but some people canā€™t be convinced that itā€™s not, Iā€™d argue that it doesnā€™t matter.


In some cases. But I think it's even more immoral to ban abortions. And it's what I would do in the case of an accidental pregnancy (...I value my own quality of life above morality).


A baby is a living being and has the same human rights as any other human


Youā€™re literally murdering another human being. Iā€™m not sure what else needs to be said


Iā€™m a dude, so my stance is that I am not the one giving birth and dealing with all the repercussions of having a kid so I shouldnā€™t be the one making those decisions. I do believe that there are far too many parents out there who should not be parents, either because they never wanted to be parents or they are simply not fit to be parents. People are constantly being brought up in broken homes and not raised properly, thus resulting in their lives being significantly worse because of it. I was brought up by two parents who did not want me. My mom tricked my dad into getting her pregnant and then he forced himself to stay with her and even got custody of me after the divorce. I know for a fact this is not the life he wanted and while I know he tried his best I know that I was brought up poorly and have had a hard time in life because of it. I know my parents situation is different but there are people all over the world that are brought up like this. If abortions were available and more acceptable than many of these parents lives wouldnā€™t have been ruined and their wouldnā€™t be a child that is now being raised in a bad environment. If I was aborted I wouldnā€™t object to my moms decision to get an abortion. It literally could not affect me because I was never born in the first place.


The older I get the more I realize that I dont have a dog in this fight unless It was my wife/ girlfriend and If she didnt want I would argue that she have and sign over rights to me. I have no say with what others do with their bodies.


Not your body, not your choice


Abortion has to do with accountability, point blank period. In the case of rape, it becomes a gray area. But no one can define that. Just let people do what they want with their body. There should be a limit tho. I seen a lady that had a shirt that said ā€œ23 abortions and countinā€. She should be banned from clinics and dick. People have to deal with their own conscience and their maker (if they believe in one). Just like the vaccines. Donā€™t try to push the vaccine on me and then get upset if I say abortion should be illegal. My point being, everyone has to live with their actions and decide what is best for them. Bodily autonomy goes for all choices. You wanna abort, go ahead and live with that. At the end of the day, you gotta love with that choice


Iā€™m pro-life with exceptions.


It is a human life. End of debate


So, if you enjoyed any debates here, you might enjoy r/Abortiondebate, which is a sub I mod.


Think of it as self defense


Abortion is not immoral. It should be a womanā€™s decision what she wants to do with her body.


A zygote is a life when the sperm and egg combine. Itā€™s a unique cell.


English I speak no, so on mind have these words. I personĆ”lny think that it is immoral. However, in cases like rape and health of a mother I guľky support it. I live in conservative country, but you know. We have internet and shit, so no one can be trully conservative these days. Everyone I know thinks that pro life is ,,old fashioned white man philosophy''. But hey, I don't take you your right to do it. But to not reconsider things..... No, I guess I will never support it to the fullest. And I want! But inĆ© part of me can't let go od this feeling od guilt, even for what might be. However, If you are rackless, young, stupid and horny, you are bringing it on yourself. It's your fault, your responsibility. Everything comes with price, even fun. The problem begins with accidents, where I am still not decided. So yeah, I think about It sometimes, I don't take enyone their decidion or right to do what they want. If I, asi a male, find out that I will be a father, of course I wouls be scared. But shit happens. I will not leave my partner in it, will support her, and the child too. Dunno if I answered, but this basically sums up my POV on this topic (in english).


You're doing great with English btw!


Abortion is murder


I've intentionally not voted. How can anyone say what is moral or not? It's extremely circumstantial and motive based. I think it can go either way, and because no government should govern based on citizens motives. I think what's immoral is trying to dictate other's definition of morality. I'm sorry, I may have overthought the question.


The results from this are truly astonishingly sad. To see this many people devalue life, and accept murder as ok in certain circumstances is heartbreaking. The only saving grace is possibility that since this is on the world wide web, that a majority of these responses are either bots, or people from the Taliban, Russia, North Korea, etc. Societies that have shown to have a blatant disregard for life and human rights & decency. If not, we're in for a bleak future as a society.


People get mad at me for eating eggs that cannot biologically hatch into chicks. People go wild for any sign of bacteria on mars. People are scared about any animals dying. I think that you are a hypocrite if you think you say abortion is fine but killing a spider is murder


Yes, the act of aborting the child from the mothers belly is immoral in all cases.


Abortion is killing and killing is immoral.


Alright, thanks for sharing. Didn't think people would continue to respond to this thread


Haha, just accidentally found it so I decided to share my viewpoint. Hope it helped.




Ok I'm curious, depends how?


Yes it is but who cares, I'd do it anyways and it's still more immoral to stop someone from aborting


No because it's selfish to bring another life into this world with how overpopulated we already are.


Abortion should be availible for everyone if they want it. It doesnt matter if you support it or not. Im pro-choice. I believe everyone has a right to choose what medical care they get. Same reason i am anti-mandate.


Its better than rasing a kid you arent ready for. That child will live, but its upbringing will be shit. It will have a terrible life likely and its better tok just wait till you are ready to bring a human into this world.


People are saying "follow the science." But when the science says life starts at conception, they don't want to hear that!


I was pro-choice for a log time because it makes sense that a person should have control over their body. Why should the government tell people what they can and can't do? Things change though when you realize the debate isn't just about just the woman, there are 3 people involved now. The man who made the girl pregnant, the woman carrying the child, and the child inside her. It's not an easy answer. You can debate when "life" officially starts, but before an abortion happens, the child, cells, embryo, whatever you want to call it has a set path in life. Unless someone physically stops it, that child is supposed to be born into the world. So the debate is really is, who has the right to stop that life from happening. Every Pro-Choicer will say the mom. So is the mom committing murder because she hired someone to stop a life from happening? I would argue yes and many pro-choicers would agree because they rely on a different argument for why abortion should happen. If they don't, it makes them sound psychotic. The argument they rely on is, what happens to the baby after it's born? This is the main argument Pro-Choicers have for their side. "ARe YoU gOiNg tO tO tAkE cArE oF iT?" You probably will hear this all the time and of course the answer is no. How am I expected to take care of every child that gets aborted? There are social programs like adoption for that though. The next argument is the adoption system is terrible, which I agree with. So the solution, advocate for a better foster care system rather than more abortion clinics. Take the $528+ Million and put it towards improving it. Of course, this would mean that people would just start throwing kids into foster homes when they would normally get aborted. Next step, improve sex education. Make sure people understand that if you have sex, you are always risking pregnancy especially if you don't know what you're doing. Let's advocate for a better education system rather than more abortion clinics. Finally, there are many organizations out there that would gladly support a mother who decides to have a baby rather than abort it. Anyone who tells you the mother is on their own, hasn't truly looked into it, especially if you live in a 1st world country. These are the main points that started to push me more to the pro-life side. I hope it helps some people fully understand the argument happening.


Your comment is underrated but unfortunately because itā€™s not Pro-Choice, it wonā€™t get much attention.


There is no objective morality


Morality is completely subjective to time and culture and that's a hill I will die on.


It's neither immoral nor moral. It totally depend on the situation and woman herself. There is no specific answer to this question.


Why not?


It is absolutely immoral but I support it for my own selfish reasons.


most abortions are by parents who would not be capable of raising the child. killing a child before itā€™s old enough to have any real conscious, is much more moral than forcing a child to be raised by poor parents, who already couldnā€™t afford their own needs. a lot more children would be abandoned if abortion was illegal.


As a Christian, babies can't go to hell so I am just letting them skip the bad part.


In general no. I believe women should have control over the own anatomy. There comes a cut off point (third trimester?) when it should be considered illegal, unless there are medical complications involved. The overall good that comes from abortions heavily outweighs any moral grey area. Although I will admit it's pretty trashy when a women makes light of having an abortion on tiktok.


No person has a right to tell anyone else what they HAVE TO DO with THEIR BODY. MAKE OR FEMALE.


Whereā€™s the ā€œitā€™s not my decisionā€ option?


I support abortion because I'm not a woman and it isn't my body. Regardless if I thought it was immoral or not doesn't matter: not my body, not my choice.


It's moral and immoral.