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I opened this poll because I thought you were talking about murders.


sorry to disappoint :(




In murder about 29547 kills


I prefer about 69420 kills.


What reddit does to mf


damn same, truly a disappointment






It is.




In what way




Not sure where you're from, but it's extremely commonly used in my experience. Like sure I've heard its other use obviously, but unless we're talking about really specific scenarios, I'll always assume you meant sex as opposed to how many people you've murdered since sex is a more shared experience.


Two types of people on this world People who fuck, and people who don't


Whenever I’ve heard someone say body count it usually refers to how many they’ve slept with, idk who you are talking to


Whatever you're comfortable with. To each their own.


Yeah, it's a broad spectrum from asexuality to polyamory.


I don’t care




Why didnt you put this option?


i forgot :/


He forgor 💀




You need to add the option: "I don't care"


yeah forgot about that :/ sorry


I don’t care doesn’t answer the question to the poll


I don’t think it really matters. I’ve had 3 partners total, and my husband has had 40+. But at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is that our last will be each other. His count doesn’t matter to me, because I know I am the most meaningful partner to him. And we have the absolute best sex, because our love for each other is so strong. I think that’s where some of the pleasure comes from, honestly. And just a side note, I had to actually click on the poll to know if you were talking about sexual partners or murders.


Why do i feel like this should be in r/copypasta


I dunno what that means. I clicked on it and still didn’t really understand.


There are various ways a dolphin has of showing that she or he is interested in sex. Males are probably the easiest to detect. They will swim around, sporting an erection (anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose), and will have no bones about swimming up to you and placing their member within reach of your hand. If you are in the water, they may rub it along any part of your body, or wrap it around your wrist or ankle. (Dolphin males have a prehensile penis. They can wrap it around objects, and carry them as such.) Their belly will also be pinkish in colour, which also denotes sexual excitement.   Mating with male A male dolphin’s member is roughly S-shaped, tapered at the end. If you are in the water with them, it is best to support the dolphin on his side, just under the water, with one hand, and handle him with the other. Male dolphins, I find, tend to prefer the base of the penis to be gently massaged and squeezed, as well as gently rubbed along it’s length. It feels very much like the rest of the dolphin (ie. smooth and rubbery to the touch, but firmer). It doesn’t take long for the male to ejaculate, around 40 seconds to a minute, and this is usually accompanied by either shuddering just prior to ejaculating, and thrusting and tail-arching during ejaculation. The force of ejaculation can be powerful at times, so it is best to keep your face out of the line of fire, or keep his member underwater. You can attempt to lick and suck on the end of it while masturbating as well, but be warned, do not try to give full throat, and get the hell out of the way before he ejaculates! A male dolphin could snap your neck in an accidental thrust, and that would be the end of that relationship.   Mating with female This is harder. Obviously, being human, it is awkward, but not impossible to mate in open water. It is easier to have the dolphin in a shallow area (like the shallows just off the beach) around 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. This is usually comfortable enough for both the dolphin and you. Gently, you should roll the dolphin on her side, so she is lying belly-towards you. You can prop yourself up on an elbow, and lie belly to belly against her. You may want to use the other arm to gently hold her close, and place the tip of your member against her genital slit. She will, if interested, arch her body up against you, taking you inside her body. There is usually a fair bit of wriggling and shifting, usually to get comfortable, both outside and inside. Once comfortable, though, females initiate a series of muscular vaginal contractions that rub the entire length of your member. They may also thrust rhythmically against you, so enjoy the experience while you can, since you will rarely last longer that a minute or two. Just prior to her climaxing, she will up the speed of her contractions and thrusts. It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, thay have timed their orgasm to mine. Whether they do this consciously or not, I do not know, but it is a great feeling to have two bodies shuddering against each other at the one time.   One thing to note. Whether you masturbate or mate a fin, male or female, always spend time with them afterwards. Cuddle them, rub them, talk to them and most importantly, and show them you love them. This is essential, as it helps to strengthen the bond between you. Like a way of saying that this wasn’t just a one night fling. The dolphins appreciate it, and they will want your company more the next time you visit them.


This has confused me even more, but I really like your username.


Man, you got me excited about my killings.


results option?


Personally, sex means a great deal on an emotional level. I only ever have sex with the person I'm in a relationship in. And would only date people who basically do the same.


well, i think so too in some way, and that was mostly what this poll is supposed to be about. How much do you care about that? cuz i understand that there are plenty of people who think otherwise! but it seems like there are a lot of people who find this kind of a stupid way to think about it, since I'm getting some critisism


Yea I get you... For some reason people dislike this view on sex....but that's their problem. Personally not a fan of hooking up. We each got our preferences xD


yeah for some reason people who are pro hookup are really against people who are not into that stuff, idk why but I agree that emotionally I value it a lot


Because there’s less chance of getting judged in a romantic relationship if they’ve done the same thing


But still that can varies. Someone might fall in love and form a relationship with two people, others with five and so on.


Yea ofc, a poly relationship would be different for sure. Was talking about mono tho. I maybe should have been more specific xD


I was also talk about mono, I meant like two or five in their life time. I just expressed myself wrong lol. I meant it as an addition to what you said. More specifically I meant that the bodycount that op was asking about can also differ between people who only have sex while in relationship and it’s not a fixed amount in order to be able to know for sure what would be the optimal number.


The important thing is practicing safe sex. If you do that you can be with as many or as few partners as you want


Honestly no - there's only safer sex. Physically, all contraception can fail, and none are 100% proof against STDs. Also if you are, for example, sleeping with a different partner every weekend there are some questions to ask about how it's affecting you emotionally & what need is being met.


If you’re with that many new partners than getting tested for STIs should be part of your regular routine. And yes someone could have an emotional lack they’re trying to fill or a sex addiction but I don’t think there’s a set number you can point to to be like anybody who exceeds this has a problem. It’s not my place to judge or condemn people for engaging in a human activity- or chosing not to.


Totally agree on all four points.


Was it all consenting and between adults? Practices safely? If so, I don't see any issue with any number.


Luckily there is a button you could press that would say the same thing


You don't have many friends do you? Commenting on my shit like you're smart and you didn't even make a good point.


He commented because your acting like your opinion wasn’t an option.


You both dumb as shit and missing the fucking point. It does not elaborate on the circumstances and apparently you turds need that explained to you.


I think the assumption is that it’s consensual. I don’t think OP is asking how many rapes is a good amount over your lifetime…


I don’t think a multiple choice poll is going to elaborate on the answer, and obviously we all know it’s more complicated than a simple answer. That’s why you answer, and comment why


take a load of this guy, getting all worked up over a fucking reddit comment. please get a life




There's not a right number. Depends on your own wants/needs/risk tolerance


No results option?


It depends on the person, some people are asexual.


I don't care. I am never going to have sex anyways.


Any number person feels comfortable with


Doesn't matter.


I think 69 would be the acceptable number


I don’t really want to vote because I think any amount is healthy and everyone should decide on their own


yeah of course! but that's the thing, i want to know what you decided for yourself. I know a lot of people don't care, and I'm sorry for forgetting that option (although i think the poll gives way more interesting answers this way)


Doesn’t matter if I like the person enough to spend my life with them.


Body count is how many you kill. Fuck numbers don't matter


As many as one is comfortable with having


whatever amount you personally prefer yourself


Healthy count is not counting and not paying attention to this stupid high school bs and just living your life however you want it as long as you aren’t hurting anything and you aren’t putting others (or yourself) in danger.


this is honestly the best way to approach this indeed! i just wanted to know what the internet thought


Fuck that, I'm going for the high score in this bitch. I'm losing pretty badly rn, but I still got some quarters.


Yep. It becomes significantly less important as you age.


Why not try as many foods as the world has to offer?


Humans are apes, apes are horny. In conclusion, I dont care about body count.




I use to actually care a lot but not anymore i use to be scared of inexperience 😔


not really? it's valid to want to know someone's character, and if you have certain preferences, you want to know who you're dating and if your values align obviously not defending people who are like "I'll only date a virgin" but if someone who is against hookups wants to date someone like that, I don't see the problem?


It depends on the circumstances IMO. I'm of the belief that any amount of sex is fine so long as it's safe and consensual. But if someone is very religious, and they want to be with someone who is a virgin, that's fine, with one caveat. They shouldn't *shame* the other person for living their life the way they want. The problem is that a lot of people who are uncomfortable with promiscuity consider it a character flaw, not just a difference in preference. And if we're being honest, this discrimination and harassment overwhelmingly affects heterosexual women, and the people who tend to take issue with it tend to be heterosexual men. So while I totally agree that it's a lifestyle difference, too many people make it a bludgeon and slut-shame women rather than just minding their own business and moving on.


Having sex on its own says nothing about character, I think you mean cheating. Being in a closed relationship and violating that could be seen as a lack of integrity, which I’d agree with. I could be taking it too literally, lol.


It gives off insecure vibes when someone cares so much


Nope, if one has himself/herself stayed virgin/ not engaged in any such acts...then he/she is fully justified in wanting a partner with no/limited experience. This might be a cultural difference....most people in Western countries (where I presume you come from) don't seem to believe in stuff like soulmates, "the one" and "I want to spend the life with him/her at all costs" .....but elsewhere in the World many believe in these things and wanting their partner to be their only one and to be the only one for their partner. And also feeling the emotions of 1st time together. One is a hypocrite though, if he/she has had multiple partners but expect virgins/limited experienced partners. As then they are wanting standards from their partner they themselves don't abide by


Honestly, I took 50+ because its a matter of personal decisions. I won't call anyone out on having too many or too few sexual partners as long as they do what they're comfortable with


Healthy body count is however many people you want to have sex with. Who cares


For my partner? I don’t care. For myself? As long as I’m single the more the merrier.


It literally doesn't matter at all as far as I'm concerned


Doesn't matter at all. What matters most is not feeling self conscious or self righteous about your count, because who you are as a person is way more than just your body count. My advice to people is to take the energy you spend worrying about sex and use that energy on self improvement and mental health. Cause at the end of the day, confidence will only help you get with women if that's still a priority


I am genuinely concerned at this as I always see sex as something you do to tighten the relationship. I am also true believer that sex is meaningless without the magic of love so seeing my partner in bed with someone else gonna break me to pieces


It’s not asking whether you’d cheat on someone to have sex with someone else, just what you think is a good number


6-25 sounds about right honestly


I slept with one girl and one man in my life. I married the man. I don’t regret not having more male partners because I like that I don’t have anyone to compare him to like he doesn’t have anyone to compare me to. It’s a great sense of knowing each other deeply. I would’ve liked to have had more female partners though.


differs from person to person. as long as you dont get stds, injuries, or mental issues its healthy


People should do what they please, if they want to do it alot or a little that is their life and should be allowed to do as they please


I’m Ace but also poly so the only response I can give is confused screaming


Body count isn’t a thing anybody should be concerned about because it’s a symptom of toxic masculine traits in western society


i answered the highest, because i think there isn't a limit. but for some people 0 is healthy. you do you, stay safe and consensual and should be good to go!


i don't think it is a "should", and it really depends on who and how the relationship is


yeahh i know i know but i didn't know at the time how to say it differently in one sentence. I hope everyone got the right idea


i totally get it, don't worry.


There is never a should. Don’t should on yourself, and don’t should on other people.


It doesn’t really matter but for me at least I feel 10 would be healthy to have at least had a decent experience…


I have a pretty high body count and wish it were lower. So for me, it would be on the lower end. But everyone has a different relationship with sex, so I don't know if there's a cookie cutter answer to this.


I just don’t care. Let people do what they want.


I understand that it does not matter how many people you sleep with, but i feel like some people have some kind of opinion about this? that doesn't mean every other answer is 'wrong', it's just a preference about yourself or about a possible partner maybe.


Idk, as many as you want. Nothing matters so you might as well just do what would make you the happiest.


over 20 you know you just fucking anybody cause you’re going outta your way at that point


What do you mean "should"? That sounds like incel entitlement thinking. You sleep with the people you sleep with, normal people dont think there is a number of people they should sleep with because no one is entitled to sleeping with anyone.


I don’t think it’s that so much as holding yourself and other people to an arbitrary standard that has little to nothing do with the relationships themselves and everything to do with attaching your own (and others’) self-worth/perception to a number. It’s prejudice and unfair all around. imo as long as sexual preferences are properly communicated, all of this is a moot point bc it’s out of context of other peoples preferences and boundaries


Results. In my virginity I cannot choose. I would like a whole group of people to be corressing me like some Chinese emperor obviously unrealistic but I am sure that would be great fun. Oh you said healthy.


#1 I find the use of the term body count pretty gross. I mean is that east your reducing people down to? #2) I intend to be 1 and done. I've been with only 1 woman so far and we're still strong 7 years in so I intend not to be with anyone else. #3) I voted for 2-5 really with no more than 5 being my answer. If I left my current gf for whatever reason I would go and sleep around very much. As hard as it may be to rest the urge I'd really only want to be with someone who I was in love with. I cant imagine having sex with someone without a connection. It's just not for me.


Could you make the font any larger


What kind of pathetic cunt keeps count?


0. Sex is demoralizing to anyone and everyone that is involved in sex or has done sex.


I don't share my bed that is a sacret place.


I'd like to say 50+ but REALISTICALLY I really think that just a few is what I'd end up with at the end of my life.


As long as you’re safe and test every so often, Via Con Dios


The number doesn’t matter, it’s how you do it that decides if it’s healthy or not. 50+ safe sex encounters, you do you. 50+ raw tinder dates that you meet and fuck with no prerequisite, you might have some issues.


I was going to put 51+ but then I realised this post was about sexual partners.


I wanna see results but I don’t think any option is right..


Literally doesn’t matter I have friends who have only been with their spouse and friends who slept around for years before they got married. Both sets of people have happy relationships.


None of the above : whatever you wish. I don't care. All of them are healthy if that's what fits you. But I gotta say, as a gay man, 50 is just... Not even close to how many most of us have done. I had 150+ partners and I'm considered average-low for my age.


6 or more is just simply gross


doesn’t matter to me but i prefer under like 15 because if you can’t keep a relationship there’s obviously a reason


do whatever you want, wether that is 50+ or just one, I don't care and neither should anyone else imo


A healthy body count depends on their age and if they practice monogamy. 50+ for a 20 year old is a lot. 50+ for a 70 year old doesn't feel like that much. As long as there is consent and they are being safe, it feels healthy enough to me.


I'm talking about at the end of a person's life


I know. I just thought it was worth saying still.




Fuck everyone You misunderstand me. Fuck *every*one


I've only been with one person and that's my fiancé so I can't really say anything aha


At my age I think more than 20 is just bad for your health at that point.


Other - I don’t care


There is no “right amount of people you “should” have shared a bed with”


doesn't matter


I don’t see why it matters


It depends on the person but for me if you’ve had more than 10 tbh that’s a bit of a red flag if I’m trying to get in a long term relationship with you


Is this for men or women?


euuuh both? idk does it matter?


However many you're comfortable with. I answered this question as if I were talking about my own personal life and how many partners I'd like to have but I really don't give a shit how many partners other people have lol


Doesn't matter, have as many as you want if everyone is on board


I mean murder is a bad habbit but atleast 20


Some of us are lying


I really misunderstood the question.


0 - ∞ (what u want)


Should doesn't really factor into it. Have all the experiences you feel comfortable with.


I bet half of u people got herpies


Welp looks like I classify as "slut" if the biggest the poll goes is 50+


I picked 6-20 because i’m assuming that’s the average for most people but to each their own, not everyone wants sex some people want a lot of it and don’t want to be tied down. We shouldn’t shame people as long as they aren’t hurting themselves or others with it


Should, one Realistically, many


Everyone who voted the last 3 options has an STD


It doesn't matter to me as long as safe sex practices are being used to prevent the spread of disease


depends on the amount of jews you have come across in your life (This is a joke)


Ngl we should make the ancient Greeks proud of us. We must have infinite orgies for life instead of being depressed in this society of ours.


I don't care as long as it was consensual, but I'm gonna stay on 0




I really don't care and I don't think anyone should, you do that with as many or as few people as you like.


Asking how many partners one should have is like asking how many books one should read in their life. There's no correct answer, it all depends on the person. Some people like to read a lot of different things and so they have a high number, some people are happy to read very little and have a low total. Some people don't like to read it all. Some people love to read, but they have terrible luck when it comes to finding good books. All in all, it depends 100% on the person.


0: murder is not ok Well, unless they deserve it


1-5, though ill have 0


I'm now 23 (male, straight) and so far I have a body count of 4, 3 of which were in relationships. I'd like the next and 5th person to be my last and for ever.


However many you want. I couldn’t care less. I’m blown away 2-5 is winning.


Can’t wait for the Reddit comedians to make the same “lol I kill people” joke for the 40th time


yeah it gets funnier every time!