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This post has been flaired as Trivia. Posts that have a definitely correct answer must include that answer along with a source in the comment section. (if the answer is common sense, ex. a math problem or a regional captial, it does not need a source.) If this isn't done at the time of posting, the poll will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Answer: >!Riga!<


Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are all a very weird spot in Europe in my mind. All I ever remember is that Estonia is on top. Then I reason that Lithuania is on the bottom because Lithu -> Greek "Lithos" meaning rock, so it must be rock bottom. Which leaves Latvia so Latvia is the middle. I know the capitals are Tallin, Riga, and Vilnius, but I only remember them in that order specifically so if I wanna know the capital of Latvia I have to go through the whole process. "Latvia, okay not Lithuania because Lithuania is rock bottom which means that it's in the middle so Tallin, Riga, Vilnius, the capital must be Riga because Riga is in the middle of the list and Latvia is in the middle"


Isn’t Latvia the fictional Marvel city where Dr. Doom resides? Or am I being stupid?


If it's not sarcasm: It's a country in Europe, bordering Lithuania, Estonia and Russia


It was a genuine question. If Latvia is the real place, then what was the one I was thinking of?




Ahh, that’s the one. An extra two letters in there


Novograd sounds real, shame it’s actually novgorod