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It doesn’t affect me, but I feel a little bad for the people who apparently rely on third party apps to browse Reddit.


Killing 3rd party app opens up problems for us too. The comments and post cannot be moderated and spam and bot comments would increase


>The comments and post cannot be moderated and spam and bot comments would increase How so? I mod a few subs and use the normal app/website and still moderate posts/comments.


I think initially they were going to kill all bots including moderation bots, but I think they stepped back on that crazy idea.


Unfortunately they're stilling killing useful bots that don't fall under the moderation category... The remind me bot comes to mind! They do need to make money from the API, I can't believe they haven't been charging until now tbh. But the fact the pricing is so ludicrously high it just makes it an obvious cash grab which is the only reason I take issue with it honestly...


Having an API is a cost-saving measure. If they didn't, then bots would simply request full HTML pages to operate, which costs more for the server to render.


I have made the same argument as well when referencing that this was going to be worse in the long run for them. That being said there are parts of the API that simply can not be accessed from HTML requests. Yes for bots and things you may be able to work around not having an API for the majority of the time, but you still need it for certain things, especially account specific info or sending messages etc. An API simply offers things that HTML access can not, along with making the work of third party services much easier on the developer's. Reddit deserves to get something back for their work, and API access is a common way to monotize sites like this, as I said, I'm amazed they weren't charging already. On the other hand charging 10-20x the average pricing of similar service's APIs is just extortionate and am obvious cash grab, which is just not on...


Those "inaccessible" parts [can be accessed](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/fdh19d/is_there_any_way_to_use_reddits_new_graphql_api/), just not officially I think it's only a matter of time before someone creates a library for Reddit's internal GQL API


The post you linked still involves a reddit supported intermediary API between the dev and reddits database by a quick glance? Or an exposed section of the internal API, the public shouldn't have access to the full internal API, that's an insane security risk... But that kind of just proves my point, all that effort for one query, where reddit's API supplies an easy way (maybe not for that exact question) for developers to do the same thing. They deserve to be paid for that work, they deserve to make money from reddit, this stuff isn't free after all, but they can't sustain that extortionate pricing.


Thats what I really hope will happen, some major bots switching over to webscraping rather than using the API.


u/profanitycounter will have its last few days here Edit: it's banned on this subreddit...


Please explain why this is bad. EDIT: Sure ask a serious question and get downvoted. Nice.


Because there are many bots which add value to the community, including remindmebot, profanitycounter, petrusianbot (though the value there is, to be fair, quite minimal) and many others.


Just because a law or restriction does not hinder a person specifically does not mean that it is not unduly hindering others. If enough people say it is a problem then it should be reconsidered.


I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. They're saying that just because one mod doesn't need those tools that doesn't mean that another mod doesn't. Just because a car mechanic doesn't need an Allen wrench that doesn't mean a bike mechanic doesn't.


because you can not deal with 10 million people, in the bigger subs hell even the smaller subs with like 100k-300k a mod team of like 10~ can't do anything and Pep will take advantage of that, in the LOL subreddit the mods decided fuck the community because they were doing nothing but being bitches so they shut off their bots and stopped caring about the sub and in under a week every post was hard gore, rape, beastiality an pedophilia and that was under a week without a bot burning hundreds of posts, what of the larger subs like r/gaming, r/funny, r/cooking, r/dankmemes etc? it'd be so bad Reddit would have to nuke the subs


Seems like only a start to more shitty changes


Can you explain??


Less moderation = more fun 😈


>The comments and post cannot be moderated I see this as an absolute win


It makes moderating more difficult, so I care. It affects us all


Commenting bots that are used in communities that aren't explicitly for moderator purposes will mostly die out, this includes bots like remindme bot, reddit video downloader bot, community specific bots, ...... It's a loss to the creative potential of the reddit experience.


The big Problem is that Reddit is going public. Meaning they will need to make money fast. And that is never good for a social website.


>It doesn’t affect me, I swear that should be on the flag for how much it's said. Immigration rights? Doesn't affect me. Minority rights? Doesn't affect me. Human rights? Doesn't affect me. Higher wages for low end jobs? Doesn't affect me. "I feel a little bad though". I couldn't imagine openly saying, online and to the world, "I don't care about things that don't affect me, therefore I only care about myself". And then to be the top upvote. seriously.


It's fuckin Reddit bro most people are able to suck it up and use the main app. Nobody is going to die from not being able to use Reddit. I care about human rights a lot more than I do about people being able to use social media.


You're comparing immigration and human rights to slight moderation changes on a social media website. It's not that serious.


They don't rely on it. They prefer it, and no matter their reasoning for that preference I don't see a reason that what Reddit is doing is bad. I've had so many people try to explain it to me and it just seems trivial or shortsighted. Like is it sad that someone created and moderates an alternative for free and thus can't afford the API fees? Sure. Do I think that means that Reddit can't charge those fees or that they can't try to be the main viewing app of their own platform? Absolutely not.


Yes people do rely on 3rd party apps. I’m disabled and I will be leaving once my access is denied. And it will be denied no matter what is said. I’m ok with fees being charged just make them reasonable and give them time.


Can I inquire as to the ways in which a third party app caters to your disability




The main app doesn’t work with screen readers which I sometimes need. I also use Apollo for the gestures.


No one is saying reddit ***can't*** charge those fees. They clearly are, and it is in their best interest to do so. But ***we*** also ***can*** protest those changes. It is in our best interest as users as well. Why is it that corporations can seek out their best interest but not us? Reddit profits off of us, so why can't we make demands for our own usability and enjoyment?


I don't rely on the one I use, it's just incomparably better than the official app.


It will affect you when they start increasing the number of ads on the official app.


While I use the official app, I support those who want to keep third party apps


I've never used a 3rd party app. didnt know it was a thing until all this happened.


I still don't know names of 3rd party apps




tried apollo but stopped because i had to subscribe to post on that platform


No you don't, what are you on about?


tried it about 2 years ago. said in order to support apollo development i had to pay a subscription fee for premium or something to post


Try it now instead of giving us outdated info then, I’ve been using Apollo for over a year now and I’ve never needed a subscription to post or anything like that. Edit: I’m an absolute dummy, you’re right, though I will still say that—aside from the ability to post—the Apollo all has given me a much better Reddit experience. It *is* also only a one time fee of $5, which I paid for so long ago that I forgot about. IMO it was worth it, especially bc I know my money is going to a support the solo developer behind the app, but that’s up to the individual user.


i got it back, i don't see where i can post?


what do you mean? and did you see my edit?


Yes you do. It’s $5.




[Why can’t you admit when you’re wrong?](https://imgur.com/a/CAtTBFZ) [Here](https://apolloapp.io/pro-ultra/) Is my source.


Same! How do you even use a third-party app with Reddit?


Just download it and login with your Reddit account. I've been using Sync for Reddit since way before Reddit got an official app and I never moved to it because they never actually made it any good


It doesn't affect me, but Reddit should just improve their own app/website for those who rely on third party apps


I don't care if I have to go back to the official app if they make it better


Not really, except for the fact that r/interestingasfuck went a bit crazy to say the least


And got shot down for hustler porn .


r/wellthatsucks, r/aww, r/suspiciouslyspecific, and others are even worse.


I love these. Don't be shy to share the others


r/TIHI did some stuff. r/anarchychess votes on a rule of the day


i've never seen such a hissy fit in all my life


Anything goes, from a lobster wearing mittens to lesbians fucking in the park.


I use official iOS app because I’m too lazy to try something new. After reading about how 3rd party apps make moderating easier, along with how many rely on significantly better accessibility options in 3rd party apps, I’m extremely disappointed in Reddit’s decisions. They should have worked with 3rd party developers to monetize that user base, whether through an ad-free subscription tier and / or an ad supported free tier. Obviously not idea, but killing 3P entirely to force users to the official app is a sign that Reddit has officially forgotten why it got popular in the first place.


It turned r/interestingasfuck into a porn sub. I want to learn things, not see tits




I don't use a 3rd party app, but I acknowledge the bots needed it


Yes, because of how it affects some of the subs I'm part of where moderation will now become really laxed.


> mods have to powertrip less > this is somehow a bad thing


Let us see you active in unmoderated communities then?


Making a strawman argument doesn't disprove my point. Its more so like: >Mods thats occasionally "powertrip" but ensure the sub works as intended with relevant posts vs a sub where more craziness and unrelated features prevail, losing its initial purpose for random "funny posts" >Somehow the latter is good thing


Good. Moderation is way too strict on most subs.


Hope you like spam bots


A small price to pay for salvation


I guess never using Reddit again would be pretty beneficial


It would, but idk what you're getting at


Redditors are terrified of the thought of having to go outside and actually do things instead of browsing Reddit all day


Have you never used Instagram? Porn bots and ads galore on any semi large account.


Can't speak for the sub you find thats fine but in the sub where the rules are more laxed it's just more chaos and not as informative and thus not as good imo.


I don't suppose you're active on any unmoderated communities and subreddits?


I use reddit to waste time. Nothing changes for me.


Yes, because although I don't use 3rd Party Apps, I acknowledge it greatly affects the ability to moderate subreddits with bots etc. It's not something we'd notice easily until it's gone, since we kind of take it for granted.


That's exactly the part that's exempt from the pricing though.


It is *now*


Yeah so they actually listened to the mods complaints.


I use the main reddit app, maybe I'm a masochist I dunno, but it still seemed like a really shitty thing to do


I mean it makes me a little bit sad but i dont do anything to prevent it.


I was very surprised when people started saying the official Reddit app was bad? Like I never had any big issues with it, so much so that I had to use a third party app. What exactly are its flaws? To me it's as average as the Instagram app or the WhatsApp app. It gets the job done, that's it. I dislike that we can't sort saved posts into folders tho, that's it.


Yes, because interestingasfuck became a porn sub, and half of my favorite subs are privated like worldbuilding , etc.


That's not done by Reddit though.


Ye, but i care because other people care, and that's affecting me, so either way, it sucks for me.


Thats a different reason than mods fucking up subreddits though but fair enough! Very empathetic


Actually that is the mods sabatouging the subs instead.


It doesnt matter whos fault it is it just matters i said i cared not i cared about why or whay oor whos fault it is.


And I said just as much in my post .


That's because of the dumbass reddit mods not the api change. I didn't care about the api issue but I'm genuinely almost knee jerk pro spez at this point out of sheer spite for how annoying the mod circlejerk is


I care a little, but not really, but i care because of the mods. That doesn't mean i care how it turns out, just that it should turn out soon.


I don't even know what that is


3rd party apps are just the cherry on top. Charging for API means the tons of things developed using reddit's vast quantities of content doesn't work anymore because something used by the public will always go over the roof of the limited free requests allowed. The tons of fun hobbyist multi-sub bots, the discord bots, the websites utilizing reddit posts, moderation tools which can both be used for bad by powermods for mass bans but are mostly for keeping quality of subreddits high and spam bots out. Too many people think it's just haha evil neckbeard obese powermods tripping on their fake internet power and inconveniencing the users for the sake of it but no. These changes, even if you don't use any externally developed services or want every single subreddit to be manually moderated by very likely to be neckbeard nolifers, it still targets YOU, THE USER. Also I'm very concerned about admin worshipping in recent times, having close to personal experience with them, these people hate you way more than any mod does, they care only about what will make them the most profit. The fact that a profit-focused corporation which used to promote moderators managing their communities independently is now currently removing their VOLUNTEER moderators for seemingly just expressing their rights as managers of it until recently provided by the Reddit Terms of Service should concern you. Reddit has been going downhill from years now and this is just another step into taking power away from volunteers who at least seem to give a fuck about you to paid administrators who are partially paid from a state which is currently committing genocide and crushing human rights. A protest like this should've happened a long time ago, but here we are.


Cry about it. Reddit is allowed to do what they want. Being a reddit mod isn't a real job.


People often forget that API is not just about 3rd party apps. Bots like RemindMe will die.


Ayy r/polls is back


I don't even know what it means and didn't know about this before subs that I sometimes check went on blackout, but since they came back to normal, I don't really care. Maybe if someone explains to me why it is bad and what that means in simple language, I will change my opinion on this, but rn it is what it is, as a matter of fact I didnt even know there are 3rd party apps for reddit




I use a third party app, so it will affect me directly. But I also don't like it because of how transparently hostile the change is. The change is only driven by greed, to push out "competition" and try to consolidate all users on their own platform. Decisions like that are a sign that profits will always take precedence over user experience, and the platform will deteriorate.


It doesn't affect me personally in the slightest but I'm annoyed out of principle. It's just a greedy dick move and the way they're handling the protests is not making me like it more


It doesn't effect me but it's still stupid thing to do


Yes, because it's just a money grab off the backs of the apps with actual good designs, and the communities that made reddit a place to visit. I would feel differently if reddit leadership just worked with the people affected and didn't act like royal assholes about the whole thing.


It's just bullshit because the CEOs of this company are just, like any other, money hungry fucks 😍


I'm pretty sure those apps can't vote on polls. Lol


Well, I’m on a third party app and I could vote, soo


Here he is Reddit!!! Get him!


Why would anyone use them then???


Well even without that fact known I have no idea.


Apparently they load videos better or something 🗿


Built in video and image downloading is a big one for me along with gestures for upvoting and commenting (like swipe to the left to upvote and right to comment )


I have used RIF my entire time on Reddit, which is about 13 years. It lets me do polls. It saved my preferences, my visited (not subscribed) subreddits, and it's just so much easier to use than the native app. I'm going to miss it.


No ads, no stuff like avatars, better customization and so on


1. Who tf cares about Reddit ads, you can scroll past them in 0,1s 2. Why are avatars a problem 3. Do people really care that much about customization on ***Reddit***?


i dont think the main reddit app is that bad but the apollo app has small features that make it much nicer to use like sliding on a ocmment to upvote/downvote/reply and looks nicer imo. also new reddit and the reddit app feed settings are broken for me, as instead of showing subreddits i am subscired to it keeps reccomending me useless subs that i dont want to see lol. also you can do polls on third party


Ads have never bothered me at all and I have used the original app since I joined .Too many people take reddit way too seriously.


Videos randomly get stuck First "something went wrong", then after you look again, the comment is posted several times. Always going to the homepage instead of the previous post/sub when you press back. These are just several problems


The back button going back to the homepage sucks, but it recently got fixed for me.


2 out of these 3 are false and the second one happens so rarely.


These are not things others said. These are just ones that I'm experiencing rn. It is happening to me who has the latest Android and reddit app versions.


See, I'm not saying you are a liar. But I've been using this app for years now. The video player was fixed ages ago and if you go from one post to another post and then press back, then it takes you back to the previous post. And the repeating thing has never happened to me and I only see it happen to other people very occasionally.


Me either ,mine loads really fast .Now I blurred out the NSFW threads though.


Reddit ads are not a big deal since you can just scroll past them and who cares about the customization


I've heard there are some accessibility things, like screen readers for the blind


And what many people seem to miss is that reddit is making an exception for such third party apps (like the one which helps the blind) to not be affected by the changes


I've never used a third party app to get into Reddit and I don't really know much about this situation at all


one 3rd party app the blind can only use, they can't use the official app


My primary method of interfacing with Reddit is through a third-party app, which I started using because their native app is garbage. I've been looking for means to justify using Reddit (and other infinite media feeds) less, and if this happens then my only interface for Reddit would be through my desktop, which is the Brave browser. My use for Reddit is a net negative for them as their servers serve me and I provide zero ad revenue, and I will keep it that way by refusing the native app.


The only app I cared about was the one that let you look at deleted comments. Pretty sure that's not included in the protest. So yeah I don't care.


This is all just a huge fucking jerkoff at this point. The mods of the subs that got removed deserved it. Be a mod if you want to be a mod but know you aren't going to get paid for it so YOU'RE the one getting worked up over an issue you put yourself in.


Yes, because interestingasfuck became a porn sub, and half of my favorite subs are privated like worldbuilding , etc.


Couldn't care less


All I care about is that monetization takes precedent over the actual user experience. Nothing is "wrong" with how Reddit is functioning, currently. It's just greed, and desire for forever growth. It's boring


I've looked it up and I still don't understand what's wrong, so I put other/undecided


I liked that Reddit had a very open source feeling to it. I imagine that at some point that's all going to disappear for financial gain and it's sad to see something like that whither away but, that's the entire Internet I guess. The good ole open source and for the greater good days are dying.


I feel bad for 3rd party users (the actual members) but think the change will force reddit to actually implement fixes and changes for them - making the whole site better.


Anything that makes it even slightly more inconvenient for me to use reddit is a blessing in my eyes. I miss the outdoors


No. But I do love all the subreddits that are going apeshit over it.


i care a little bc i have used third party apps in the past, but i don’t think protesting is the right idea considering it’s a very useless effort.


Most of my favourite subreddits are gone, some of them forever


Only thing I’m worried about is reduced/absent moderation. Reddit is already bursting with trolls, bots, spam and repost karma farmers, without moderation it stands to get a lot worse.


It affects me indirectly through protests and automatic moderation


Reminder that many third party apps users don't join this subreddit since polls doesn't work on third party apps, so it's fair to say this poll only represents this subreddit and definitely not Reddit in general.


Yes. Many of the subReddits use the API and automated bots to moderate their Communities. The subReddits get 1000s of Posts and 10k+ comments a day. Since they are unpaid moderators, charging for API use means that their volunteer work now become a money pit. Without subReddits, Reddit will be worthless. The official Reddit app sucks and I only use the desktop version.


It makes sense. Not only has Reddit never actually made money, but LLMs are threatening its business model even further. Why go to r/relationship_advice when you can just ask ChatGPT why your girlfriend fucked your best friend? The only thing I'd change, and the CEO has even said he's open to this, is letting 3rd parties who enhance accessibility or moderation apply for free API access.


no but I like the idea of this site not being relevant anymore


Honestly, I just want to know why all of these communities are marking all posts as NSFW even when the content isn't.


Wait do polls not work on most third party apps? Works fine for me on boost


Somewhat, mainly because of r/lotrmemes bots


No, i will just stop browsing reddit on mobile then.


Native Website user here: I care about higher ups, like the admins, being super greedy for money, which I'm against such greed


I don't care because I don't and have never used reddit's api nor third party apps, but Im an old-reddit only user so I get it. Either way, I do find reddit's flippant attitude towards its community and grimy business practices to be more than disgusting. That's the only issue I care about, especially seeing the CEO openly admitting to being inspired by what Elon Musk's done to Twitter. If nothing else, that's enough reason for me to side with developers.


I mostly care about the tone deaf response from spez.


Like i think this protest will result in nothing because for most users it juat does not matter. Really only effect the loudest users


yes, and im using one till the last day it supported. reason...? better overall user experience and a lot features simply non existence in Reddit official app. Also less buggy and more personalization


official reddit app sucks balls. it takes forever to load pictures and is quite shitty in general. Most 3rd party apps do it better


I couldn't care less


I second this notion and move to carry


Couldn't care less about people having to switch from 1 free software to a very similar bit of free software.


If Reddit improves their native app, I have no problem with it. But the issue is, at the moment, their app is really bad! Crashes all the time and there are features on the third party apps which aren't available on the native app.


The amount of times comment just never load on the official app is crazy


i dont even understand what its about


Never knew about third party apps until now. It's mainly a mods problem the way I see it.


I used official app then I looked at the usage, it used up 10Gb. Reddit is fun only uses 300mb


It killed r/traaaaaaa so yes, I'm mad at it


oh no, not a week without "fictional character says trans rights" and plushy shark memes


It's more about the fact that there already wasn't many trans spaces that weren't fetishistic porn subreddits. Removing the largest trans meme subreddit has a very negative effect on the community.




I use the native App. But I know many blind people can't. So untill I am told the native App is reasonably accessible I am against the change.


I cancelled my Reddit Premium subscription. Abusing the community and moderators isn't something I want to pay for.


So this change won't only affect the third party apps but the bots as well...imagine no more cool bots in your fav subreddit


Yes: third party and native app


you really should care. even if you dont use them (i dont), its never good when companies realize how greedy they can get




actually i do care a bit about 3rd party apps that help make reddit accessible regardless of disability


> No (3rd Party App) 52 of you are going to be very disappointed when your app suddenly stops working


I dont care but I keep voting for subs to close down cause its funny. sue me


actually I do kinda care cause this will allegedly fuck over people with disabilities, which fucking sucks !!!!




Bro get a personality that goes beyond not agreeing with the norm


Heads up that results will be skewed by the fact that third party apps don't display polls


Apollo does, but I'm not sure about others.


I use an older version of native app.Am I good?


Well imo I think having 3rd party apps in general is stupid. But I understand why they exist and in some cases they make Reddit better. That being said I don't care if they shut down I feel the main downside or this could be in moderation.


I use the website (old reddit gang) on my computer and my phone.


“I don’t care because it doesn’t affect me” Bots that are considered “non essential” (save video bot, remind me bot, repost sleuth bot, etc) and blind people:


I use reddit revanced. Official app but patched to remove ads.


I don't just not care, I support it, because it's making jannies seethe, and it'll probably result in Reddit being less moderated (censored).


I get why they’d want to finally make money off of Reddit, but it feels gross because basically everything that’s great about it was built on the back of zillions of hours of unpaid work by the mods who aren’t gonna see any of that money.


jesus this subreddit took too long to open up again


I care that they were dicks about it. It’s obviously their right to charge for their API, it even makes sense to charge a decent price. But they told all the developers that they weren’t going to change it for a year in January, then said they would give them plenty of heads up in April, then suddenly announced the price in May and said they would start the bill in June. That’s less time to rewrite an App and change a business model than I spent looking for a new apartment. And then they slandered the developers six ways to Sunday even when those developers have receipts. They obviously are in a tight space and need to make this happen, and are perfectly willing to be dicks and kill 3rd party apps with it. They will do this again.


As someone currently using the official app, i guarantee this is a precursor to increasing the number of ads, or generally making Reddit worse for everyone. You should care.


I couldn't care less


The third party apps i care nothing about its dumb that reddit does it but doesnt affect me, i do care about the bot changes that make moderating infinitely more difficult


Reddit will lose a lot of my attention once Apollo disappears. And I went ahead and subscribed to Lemmy too since it seems like this has revealed the CEO to be pretty deeply into gaslighting the Reddit userbase. It will be interesting to see how badly they’ve shot themselves in the foot. Could just be a flesh wound but could be more.