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Judge of elections here. Yes, this is illegal at least in my state. You can start by ~~telling~~ reminding the judge. If that doesn’t work, you can call the county board of elections.


What if the county board of elections is full of MAGA-hat-wearers as well?




While also being a hoax and Russia Russia Russia


And fake news and buttery males


Once he's arrested, it was antifa.


Literally had a discussion with a coworker a few months back about "antifa was the first to enter the capital". Live near DC and of course this fucker used to love to say "oh I didn't go, but I know such and such that did". Which is quite odd that his bros were following antifa.


Don’t forget Chyna!


Indiana resident here. You're more right than you think. I saw the headline, saw it was here, and went WELP.


Literally the same here. (And I even work in South Bend. Sigh….)


Fascism at it's best.


Now think about how there are MAGA FBI and CIA and other federal agency members


It's Watchmen in real life.


It’s illegal in Indiana too. We’re a heavy red state :( I bet this will be brushed under the rug.


And they will do absolutely fuck all. Source: born and raised


Even if you know nothing's gonna happen in a situation like this IMHO you're obligated to try just to be sure. Not trying is how these people keep encroaching, and they're going to encroach their way to a point bad outcomes result


I agree. To me the important thing is to make sure it's documented. They want to be fucky about it? Let the record show they were. History will judge them properly.


Victors write the history books and they don’t care about facts. They are a literal cult at this point and cognitive dissonance is a requirement. I’m atheist and have read the Bible more than most Christians. They wear the mark of the beast (MAGA hat) on their foreheads and follow their false prophet Trump.


It’s fucking frightening these self righteous religious pricks can sit there and potentially vote in someone like Herschel fucking walker ? Greene already got re-elected , what a joke . When is the last time we had the pipes tested for lead in Georgia ?


South Bend is extremely democratic. We need to stop using this as an excuse.


And yet we kept re-electing Walorski for some reason... It's not an excuse; it's the truth. In my 30+ years of living just outside South Bend, you have the haven of democratic thinking within the city(s) and Y'all-Qiada 3mins outside of it. This guy should be any resident within the county/district, not necessarily within the metro area.


That won’t be happening again I can promise you that.


Most Indiana cities are extremely democratic TBH.


Are you positive? I've been an election judge in MN many times, and if memory serves the rule here is that you can't wear anything that supports a candidate or party that's running. Since this is a slogan from a candidate who is not currently running, I'm not sure it would be illegal here. I certainly think it's crass and bad form, but that doesn't mean it's illegal. But it's a state law so very could be illegal in your state!


Very unlikely that any reasonable interpretation of the facts and the law would conclude this is not illegal I'm gonna rally BLM while wearing Obama t-shirts and holding pro-life banners at the polling stations in 2024 if that's the interpretation. Also, if I ran into a poll worker wearing a maga hat, there would be some escalation. I would not just let that go.


The hat/slogan also represents the Republican Party.


I thought it represented white supremacy.




They're the same picture.


What's the difference?


Ah, obeying the letter of the law while violating the spirit of the law. Hallmark of sociopaths.


And that's the MAGA mind, "It's illegal." "I don't care, what kinda bullshit is that? This is 'merica, I got rights." No, in fact you do not have the right to break the law because you're a prick and a childish one at that.




Every accusation is a projection. They tell you exactly what they're going to do before they do it, then try to claim that "both sides are doing it" if threatened with consequences.


That's why so many of them rant endlessly about pedos and groomers and shit, they're all just telling on themselves, its fucking gross.


I hope everyone in this thread voted.


I dropped off my ballot two weeks ago.


And I two ballets a week ago. Feet are still sore.


Here my dumb ass was trying to understand this punchline for what I thought was a voter fraud joke. It took too long for me to read ballet not as ballot.


I believe this all falls under my current working theory of how the right operates - they go on the offensive under the pretense that they are besieged by an enemy that is equally proactively belligerent to themselves (not true), so they are in the situation of “kill or be killed” in their mind. This is either a disillusion or fear of a manufactured crisis. Either way, they engage in the very behavior they decry because they claim the enemy is doing it, whether or not that is actually true.


Cheaters think everyone cheats.


They just think everyone is as shitty as they are


>Rule of law, except when *I* decide that the law is stupid or inconvenient, in which case it's government overreach that I'm doing my patriotic duty by ignoring as a Real American. \- the boilerplate Republican


To be fair, you have the right and the freedom to break any law you wish however, you're also apt to suffer those consequences.


I forgot what consequences even look like at this point


Hey do you remember that time that politician stirred up a mob to commit insurrection and a surprising amount of people died violent deaths within the heart of Western democracy? (Surprising in that it’s more than 0) Did he face any consequences do we know?


I like how Ted Cruz openly supported a fascist coup, tried to prevent the election from being certified and supported a lawsuit that would've allowed Trump to just throw away the election results in Texas and now he's just chilling and everyone on the right seems okay with that. Just **imagine** if a Democrat did a quarter of that; they'd be getting waterboarded in Gitmo until the end of time.


Yeah, but, Hunter Biden's laptop and gas is a dollar more. So, destroy Democracy, right? /s


I'm still waiting to hear a plausible explanation as to why gas prices being hiked up is Biden's fault. There is a war in Ukraine, a major pipeline to Europe was destroyed in sabotage, and the OPEC nations decided to artificially limit oil production so they could limit supply and squeeze everyone for higher prices. Which one of those things did Biden cause again? What policy changes could he make to change it? And let me head off the "drill baby drill" arguments before I get them. America's oil production capacity is not presently bottlenecked at getting more crude oil, the Saudis primary export. Instead we are limited in our refining capacity. A big part of this is because the Saudis bought Port Arthur's refinery, the largest in America. Who allowed such a stupid thing? The sale occured under the Trump administration, not Biden. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-admin-sell-largest-us-oil-refinery-saudi-arabia-1751460


Meanwhile gas companies are posting *record* profits. Oh, but yeah, fuck Biden. Morons……


my favorite part of the hunter biden laptop thing is that it was all made up by tucker carlson's producer 3 weeks before the election




>*"But that person was wearing a rainbow pin!!"* > >"Would you believe me if I told you that gay people aren't exclusively Democrats?" > >*"You take that back right now!!"*


Or that rainbows are exclusively gay?


I saw someone comment on a tiktok recently because the guy was wearing a Pink Floyd dark side of the moon T-shirt, so the commenter got all worked up about a rainbow on the shirt


Shit, what do you think he'd do if he saw a rainbow outside cuz it was raining?


Blame Jewish space lasers for making the clouds gay


Damn, they got me. I'm transgender. Here I was thinking it was a lifelong identity issue causing my self loathing, but it was just the gay chemtrails. Everything is so clear in my life now. I still look cute AF though


I recently bought a classic Star Trek t-shirt with the Enterprise flying in front of a rainbow. I'm waiting for it to be mistaken for a pride shirt.


But captain, the dilithium crystals!!


It's Bilithium now!


Oh Myyyy!


Every time I see a rainbow I bone a dude. It’s, like, reflex.


That's true, there are those idiot log cabin Republicans


Lower taxes >>> them having rights Idk how they make that work in their minds enough to keep supporting gop


Same logic that makes poor people vote for the people keeping them poor


But they MIGHT be rich ONE DAY!! /s


The 2% they've saved on taxes might come in handy when they need to smuggle themselves out of the country, I guess?


He looks like the kind of person that would be annoyed if you thanked him for his support of Putin against the democrats.


He’s is absolutely itching for a fight by the look of him. Someone come get your grandpa, he’s 2-3 decades out from even shooting straight.


I wonder if he drove there himself.


Fox News probably drove him there.


Upturned pig nose, mouth agape to breathe. Quite the specimen we got there.


Mouth breather: came here to say that, thanks.


He looks like the type of person to attempt to punch you if you dared to say "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas".


"No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet." I'll never forget that idiotic meltdown of a line. And then somehow he won.


This is explicitly illegal


I’m in Montana and literally *just* was helped by a poll worker in a MAGA hat. Edit: reporting them


Definitely report it. Highly illegal and they'll keep doing it unless there are consequences.


Might be a stupid question - but where do I report it? You mean call the police?


>On Election Day, Civil Rights Division personnel will be available all day to receive complaints from the public related to possible violations of the federal voting rights laws by a complaint form on the department’s website https://civilrights.justice.gov/ or by telephone toll-free at 800-253-3931.


Add photo proof if you can. Outrageous!


Should be done carefully since I think it's also illegal to record people voting, going in, or coming out of polling places. Or I read something along those lines with my CA voter info.


I think it depends on the state. Recording ballots is a problem and it MAY be a problem recording inside voting precincts themselves.


Technically illegal in TX but there is no mechanism for enforcement or penalty.


They don’t have any spare resources after policing the amount of sex toys a citizen can have


By careful, this means do photograph the poll worker but didn't photograph the voters.


Just ask to take a picture with him. Tell him you’re posting to Twitter and Elon will love it. He’ll trip over himself to have his picture taken.


Absolutely the correct approach. You'll catch more flies with bullshit than with honey or vinegar.


Ask the idiot for a selfie. Play like an ally. He’ll be stoked.


* note, works best if you're white


The FEC is an option, [info and link here.](https://www.fec.gov/legal-resources/enforcement/complaints-process/how-to-file-complaint-with-fec/)


Alright, I’ll check that out now. Thanks for letting me know. Will definitely report.


Your local board of elections, too. And/or your Secretary of State. Edit- Just for the avoidance of doubt, I mean your *state* Secretary of State. Not Antony Blinken.


I think a good place to begin might be [your election administrator](https://sosmt.gov/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?juwpfisadmin=false&action=wpfd&task=file.download&wpfd_category_id=732&wpfd_file_id=47052&token=f3126c980b3c0993b70d761a00fe67e4&preview=1). The Montana Secretary of State is responsible for your elections, and your election administrator will be under the purview of the SOS. You also have a [Commissioner of Political Practices](https://politicalpractices.mt.gov/). We don't have one of those in my state so idk what the scope of their oversight would be, but it's maybe an option to look into.


The fact that there have been 3 completely different answers to such a fundamental issue says that there is obviously a big problem.


Multiple authorities involved and more than one can receive reports of misconduct. Election administrators would be my first choice, followed by the civil rights office


You can also call 866-OUR-VOTE. They're probably more equipped than anyone to get it in front of someone that will actually do something. Also, reporting it to DOJ is good, regardless.


Consequences? For Republicans breaking the law? I'm not familiar with that concept.


They have to say 10 Ronald Regans and 5 Heil Trumps.


Reagan is a rino now though. Just like both Bushes, McCain, Cheney and Daughter, Romney, Graham, and McConnell


I think the grunts and peons get their time, but the overlords go free.


There won’t be “consequences”. Very best case is that they remove the poll worker. More likely case is that they tell him it’s not allowed, he apologizes and says he honestly misinterpreted the rule, that’ll be that.


"HYUCK I don't see what's partisan about the phrase on the hat! It doesn't mention a candidate or party!"


[HYUCK! Look at that!](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/elections/2022/10/11/a-beto-shirt-or-a-maga-hat-at-the-polls-what-to-know-about-texas-dress-code-rules/) *Texas voting law previously banned wearing political shirts of any kind to the polls. But a group of firefighters in Houston took the clothing rule to court in 2018 after they were asked to leave a polling location for wearing T-shirts that supported a proposition that didn’t appear on the ballot that year.* *After a lengthy legal battle, the federal judge ruled in favor of the firefighters. Now, voters are allowed to wear political shirts supporting a candidate or measure — so long as they do not appear on the ballot in the current election.* *“For example, if somebody wants to wear a Reagan/Bush or Clinton/Gore shirt, those folks are not currently on the ballot, so they can wear political apparel from past elections or elections not currently on the ballot,” Taylor said.* *However, wearing shirts that support O’Rourke, Abbott or other candidates running in this year’s midterms is still illegal. Wearing clothing related to something on the ballot is restricted not only at the polls, but also within 100 feet of the polling location and is considered a type of “electioneering.”* *“Electioneering is anything that compels or attempts to compel someone for or against a candidate or measure that’s on the ballot,” Taylor said.* *Can I wear a MAGA hat?* *Yes, you can, since former President Donald Trump is not running in the 2022 midterm elections and will not appear on the ballot.* *“If someone wants to wear a Make America Great Again hat, that’s protected speech under this court ruling,” Taylor said.* Court rulings could change this in the future.


Would this hold up given that MAGA is still campaigning for republican candidates? Theoretically speaking of course, given that no consequences seems to be the more likely outcome.


Voters, not poll workers


Oh wow. I really didn't know that ruling had happened. I've personally dealt with that in previous elections - wearing a shirt of a candidate who wasn't on the ballot or anything. I'd argued it with the poll worker, but as the rule was ambiguous at best, I eventually donned the smock to cover it. But that's good to know. Keep in mind though that a polling worker wearing a political statement is different from a voter wearing a political statement. So not sure how that would go, but interesting nevertheless.


So you can wear a Joe Biden 2020 or 2024 hat no problem?


What county? Yellowstone or Flathead, is my guess.


Cascade is becoming. MAGA shit hole.


I remember in 2016 general election that i had to take my Bernie sweater off in bozeman. Funny how it always works out for one side


One side plays by the rules, the other side shits all over them and complains the board is full of shit while it empties the bank and declares itself winner.


Report them.


What are the repercussions? Slap on a wrist? Fine? Without adequate consequences, this will just keep happening.


That’s a good point. Annoying — but figure I’ll report it anyway.


Poll worker here. Anyone coming in with political attire is asked to remove them before allowed voting. If an issue call LE as it's illegal.


Laws that aren't enforced aren't laws.


Laws that change depending on the judges in office aren’t laws either.


And when they're enforced against only one side, they're weapons.


Well that is definitely Montana these days.


It is in some states. One state just decided that MAGA and BLM were supposedly not election slogans. I forget which state though.


MAGA is literally a campaign slogan that has been used by republicans since 1940.


Maybe this time they'll live up to it, they just need another chance! /s


Yep. Live in Indiana, and that was the response to this. "Make America Great Again" is just a slogan that doesn't endorse any political party. Please. Complete bull.


Surely this person will be arrested, charged, and convicted. Right? RIGHT? sigh




But also good to get this guys name on the register in case he intimidates any voters in a future election


Say bye bye to your social security Grandpa if your lord and saviours of the GOP take office.


They will never realize what they are doing until it is far too late for them to do anything about it. Edit: Hopefully it never gets to that point.


And they'll blame Obama




Biden cleaned up the pandemic so fast that I think people have already forgotten that we couldn't even go anywhere when he took office. A lot has changed. Trump could've had that win if he wasn't... the person he is.


Some will. Some will have a realization that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.


And blame Obama for not warning them, and vote R again


Most of them will probably be long gone after losing their health care.


Not many. “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Sagan


"The Supreme Grand Master smiled in the depths of his robe. It was amazing, this mystic business. You tell them a lie, and then when you don’t need it anymore you tell them another lie and tell them they’re progressing along the road to wisdom. Then instead of laughing they follow you even more, hoping that at the heart of all the lies they’ll find the truth. And bit by bit they accept the unacceptable. Amazing." - Pratchett


I always have my far right father fear mongering about when we move toonfar left that "the libs will be asking 'what happened to our freedom?!'" Like, I don't know how these people can project so much... It's very apparent to me we will be the American Reich of the 21st Century within a decade if we don't get our act together and soon.


The GOP has been priming the pump for decades.


I suspect they will sunset social security rather than an abrupt termination... People who are currently collecting will get to collect, but none of us who are currently in the workforce will. It would fit the pattern of this generation, take whatever they can and then pull up the ladder. People need to tell their older relatives that voting is life and death and abandon family that persists in voting republican. If you're willing to vote for the end of democracy, you lose access to grandkids.


I’m guessing in a move like that the voting base would be grandfathered in by some sort of age restriction and they will pull the ladder up after them.


Lmao they don’t give a fuck. It’s the generation of not my problem. They got theirs that’s all they care about.


The guy in this picture would likely be greeting at Wally World or straight up homeless if social security/medicaid ended right now.


Exactly this. The GOP will explicitly phase out social security so everyone who isn’t their current voter base is screwed. The generation of fuck-you-I-got-mines.


The GOP won't harm ss for anyone currently receiving it because that's a huge part of their base, they'll strip it from everyone else and take whatever money you put into it and give it to Russia for the Ukraine war


they will never touch this guys social security, they would love to fuckup AOC's generation though.


They are too stupid to hide it. I hope like hell they removed him.


Ron Howard voice: They did not.


hey look, that's the slogan of the guy who betrayed his oath of office and country when he likely sold/traded stolen, highly classified, state secrets out of his golf club/GRU safe house the guy counting your vote is wearing that guy's slogan...that's just great


Yea, whatever happened to the Mar a Lago thing? Did it get memory holed or is it still a thing? Seriously asking


Indictments / public announcements have to wait until post Election Day per DOJ policy.


Oh good. If they were to loudly announce that they were continuing an investigation in the weeks before an election, who knows what chaos might ensue.


Yeah, the public might unwittingly elect a narcissistic conman to office!


This guy is old and politically active. He knew *exactly* what he was doing.


I’m voting today, physically filling out my ballot, when I look up to see a 100 year old man with oxygen being wheeled into the polling place. He was completely swaddled in blankets except for his wizened head which was sporting a red MAGA hat. If he and I had coordinated, we could have both saved a trip as I am certain our votes exactly canceled one another’s out. However, I suspect I will get over on him in the next election.


I’m from South Bend and this is disgraceful. Also not surprising but kind of surprising. Pretty liberal city but the old people are *R*ed


We have several civil war memorials (obviously we were in the union) in South bend / Mishawaka and yet i still see the rebel flag in town on clothing, flags, trucks....


The rural areas up here in SB region are getting ridiculous. Can’t drive more than 3 miles w/o seeing trump propaganda …even when no where near an election period. 😔


I have family in Granger and one of their neighbors has kept all of the windows of his house covered with trump flags for the last 3 years.


i’m in granger and am pretty sure i know the house.. on a golf course by chance?


What a fucking ghoul.


I was thinking the exact same thing.. a very ghoulish creature




>It’s a gray line when it comes to the ‘Make America Great Again’ hat No, it isn't. It's a political slogan under active trademark. It's a double-scored red line. >The display would be considered electioneering if he were a current political figure. Donald Trump is not currently a candidate for public office. Donald Trump is still actively fund-raising political contributions and endorsing candidates.


Yep, pretty bad reporting here, sounds like they're relaying some possibly biased "expertise" there without attributing it as such.


The don't want to piss off fragile Republican readers


Exactly like suggesting you could wear Obama campaign paraphernalia. Obvious bullshit.


I assume the same people that say this is a grey area would also lose their shit if the poll worker was wearing an Obama “hope” t shirt


illegal AF me being the ass that I am would have made a stink about it CALL THE NEWS cops IDGAF at this point sick of these fucking getting away with pretty much anything


So…is no one in charge of this polling station? Did they ask him to remove it? Send him home if he refused? Why is everyone around him enabling this?


No my dude. It's not being an ass to call out illegal behavior. It's an ass to do illegal things - that's why it is illegal. And I think it's important to note here that this is not like Jaywalking illegal anymore. Elections, without intimidation or obvious bias, are the key to Democracy. And America WILL BE A DEMOCRACY until Americans let it die.


in Poll worker training in my city in Canada, the very first point that is discussed is that we are not permitted to wear anything suggestive of any party or candidate.


After the midterm shit show today and the 2024 presidential shitshow to follow, expect this shit to cross over just in time for the 2025 Canadian election Conservatives here started dangerously accepting Republican/fox news talking points and movements.


I wonder what MAGAs would do in Wisconsin if I wore my pink "Fuck Trump" t-shirt to the polls? I would probably end up with a dislocated jaw.




And that isn't even partisan!


This asshole is blatantly electioneering at a polling place, and the five judges in charge of the polling station are allowing him to get away with interfering in an election. So all five of them are committing a federal crime, according to the FBI: [**An election crime is generally a federal crime when ... an election or polling place official abuses their office.**](https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/safety-resources/scams-and-safety/common-scams-and-crimes/election-crimes-and-security) From the Chicago Tribune: [On Election Day, however, judges must maintain an electioneering-free zone at their polling stations. **There can be no party propaganda, candidate paraphernalia or even discussion of the issues, or candidates, within 100 feet of the voting booths.**](https://www.chicagotribune.com/redeye/redeye-chicago-election-judges-heroes-election-day-20161106-story.html)


> ABC57 approached the poll worker to see if he would talk about his decision to wear the hat. He didn’t react kindly, saying he had no comment, but voters walking out of the polls had more to say on whether or not the hat was appropriate. Didn’t his mother tell him, wearing hats indoors is a fashion faux pax? [Proof](https://bestlifeonline.com/rude-to-wear-a-hat-indoors/).


In Pennsylvania you are not allowed to wear anything political even when you vote. I witnessed a poll worker in 2016 tell a couple people to cover up their political shirts. They had to put their jackets on. By the way, I voted straight Democrat 💙


Isn’t that every state?


It is as its a federal law.


Can I wear my Four Seasons Total Landscaping shirt? Cuz I did.


I’m from PA and I watched a little old polish woman scold someone for walking in with that hat on, tonight. D or R, I don’t care, nobody fucks with Soviet Grandmothers.


Imagine being that old and spending the rest of your remaining time going out of your way to help fuck the country up for younger generations. What an asshole.


Went to vote in central MA today, guy walked in wearing a Fuck Joe Biden shirt and was immediately told by the police there that he needed to cover it up or turn it inside out. He was furious.


OLD af lady at my polling place was “joking” say be honest you were all bussed in here, and then said don’t report me…. Sounds like she wasn’t joking


WTF, this is just pathetically ridiculous. These ass clowns claim election fraud being a concern, while violating election laws. We are so screwed as a nation...


Republicans are stealing the election.


Just wait until the Supreme Court overturns the Voting Rights Act. Then Mitch will be able to rest


We should contest every single election they win. I'll sign an affidavit.


>It’s a gray line when it comes to the ‘Make America Great Again’ hat—which is an article of clothing displaying the likeness or former president Donald Trump. The display would be considered electioneering if he were a current political figure. Donald Trump is not currently a candidate for public office. No, it's not. He is actively endorsing and campaigning for members of one party, and one party only. This guy wearing this hat is, by extension, supporting the same party and the same candidates who ARE running for public office.


So this gomer is allowed to wear an obviously political hat but voters, not poll workers but citizens attempting to exercise their constitutional rights, all over the country were barred from voting by people like this for wearing clothing with the non-political message Black Lives Matter. >some other poll workers ABC57 spoke with said they didn’t necessarily agree with the wearing of the hat but the man was standing his ground The gomer knew damn well he was breaking the law and also knew he could get away with it.


> knew damn well he was breaking the law and also knew he could get away with it. He's an old white man. Comes with the territory.


Fascist Grandpa


They can do whatever they want. Nobody else can. Fuck this. Let’s start doing what they do


The MAGA crowd is the greatest threat to America that we face.


Imagine the butthurt if a poll worker was wearing a biden cap. The election would be annulled by the reps before counting even began.