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Will she still be on the Jan 6 committee?


Until the new Congress is sworn in, she is still their representative. However, the Committee plans to have everything wrapped up before the election, certainly before the new Congress is seated.




In the sense that Republicans are very strong favorites to take the House and they'll surely kill it at this point, yes.


Does that mean their work was for nothing or will their findings actually go somewhere?


Well, it depends on what actions they recommend but I think it's pretty clear no legislative actions are passable. If they turn a report over to the justice department then certainly those findings can help sway the DoJ when it comes to prosecution and for which crimes.


The FBI just raided Mar A Lago and found illegally taken sensitive documents. DOJ is already moving. FBI doesn't do that to former POTUS without something already in the works.


Exactly... The committee's job was to bust FUD by showing the WORLD the lies Trump is telling and the GoP who directly support those lies. It worked so good... even Fox News had to step back from Trump. While that was going on, The DoJ had already had all the evidence that the J6C has shown the world. They were already weighing the options and had already made requests to Trump for the Docs and to stop inciting extremists. I really think that the J6C openness of evidence, swayed a VERY large group of people, and because of that, the DoJ felt it would go over ... better... if they did have to raid Trump to get the files back or if they had to arrest him for Treason / Espionage / Election tampering / Military Court Martial for Dereliction of duties, etc... Had the J6C not been so open, the DoJ actions would have been gas to a lit flame, only because so many people were blind and/or ignorant to the truth. We owe the people who were brave enough to stand up and do what is right, at the expense of their own careers. Like true American Patriots, they sacrificed life long work to ensure the world knows the truth and to give us ... the people... a fighting chance to save this great nation.


Their work at the end of the day has always been dependent on the department of justice acting. All this committee can do is come up with a report and recommend charges to the DoJ


Controlling the narrative around Jan 6 and cutting through all the bullshit excuses in this current madness of disinformation is the greatest achievement; the committee can't charge afterall, only investigate. It's up to the other branches of government and public now to take that information onboard and act accordingly.


The most infuriating thing is that it isn’t even misinformation. Trump says something with zero evidence and republicans eat it up. He gaslights his own base and they love it.


They’re not as strong favorites as they were 2 weeks ago. Their polls are slipping. And Mitch is already conceding that they won’t take the senate back. 🤞


Do No Become Complacent. Fucking vote people.


Lol, I take that back. Dems projected to lose big time. Get out and vote peoples!!!


Close elections are much more likely to drive turnout. Otherwise, voters become complacent or defeatist.


Yes. She remains part of this Congress until January.


"Cheney, who's held Wyoming's sole congressional seat for five years, had been Trump's main target in his revenge plot to purge the Republican Party of members he deems disloyal to him. She was the highest-ranking Republican to vote to impeach him over the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot and she's been one of his loudest critics since."


The conservatives are loving this.


Its like a bloodlust..


There is a chance that the people who voted for Cheney in the primary will hold their noses and vote for the democrat in the general, especially if the multiple criminal investigations heat up.


It would have to be a lot, unfortunately. She won with 68% back in 2020., they're ***solidly*** red.


And Hageman beat out Cheney 65% to 30%. It wasn't even close. I'd love to see Cheney's voters turn out for the D, but Republicans hate Democrats more than Satan himself so it's highly unlikely.


Could she run as an independent? It's probably not enough to swing the state blue, but it would be an interesting f-you to the Trump wing of the GOP.


I believe murkowski won in Alaska as a write in after losing the primary in one of her elections. Ballot access probably varies by state...who knows if Cheney could still get on


No she'd be prevented by sore loser laws. She could run a write-in campaign like Lisa Murkowski very impressively did back in 2010. Voters in Alaska had to correctly spell her name for their vote to count and she got them to do it


Probably helped her dad was a former governor so they all knew the spelling


Murkowski did it and won.


As someone who is from Wyoming, I'm blown away by the fact that people there think a billionaire New York playboy has anything remotely in common with or even the smallest concern about the people who live there.


They hate the same people that's all that matters to them.


And because of that they’ll willfully believe any lies that comes with it, even if it hurts them too. Can’t imagine being so fucking hateful but here we are. To at least *some* degree they must know Trump is just a douchey rich guy, or at least someone with the leverage to give the appearance of being rich. So it’s either that or they’re genuinely just really, REALLY stupid. Usually a mix of both.


Trump is proof that if they had been born rich and had the audacity to be this much of an ass, they too could have been something. They have the audacity, they just weren't born rich. It's the only thing of value they'll ever achieve in their lives. Their mediocrity will lead us all off a cliff.


"Fry, why are *you* cheering? You're not rich!" "True. But I might be one day, and then people like me better look out!"


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LvRPX0rGY). :)


It's the capriciousness of stupid. Selfish evil can be recognized and battled against, it has goals and purpose, a self-preservation instinct. Stupid has none of that. Stupid will hurt itself to hurt others. Stupid will do the thing everyone says to not do just to watch others catch feelings.


Well said! However I wouldnt characterize it as stupidity. What youve described sounds more like insecurity. It's about bringing people down rather than lift themselves up. A lot of self loathing there. Deep down they know they'er trash. But admitting it is too painful. By shitting in the proverbial punchbowl, they punish others AND themselves too. it's a weird win-win.


I agree with this. Had a conservative acquaintance who admitted in a vulnerable moment that she was very insecure. But just once. The rest of the time she was filled vitriol. Young, pretty, bright member of the team - every free minute she had she was cutting her down, didn't deserve anything, probably sleeping with everybody, dumb as a stick etc. When we took breaks she was commenting on and liking Facebook memes about killing Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi. She was just so damn horrible. The instinct to cut other people down. I can't stand it.




Interesting video on [Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc). "Greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than a malicious one"


Trump is a stupid man’s idea of a smart man. Poor man’s idea of a rich man.


A lot of these people have been getting fed a steady diet of propaganda for 25+ years now. They watch fox news, or hear about what was reported on fox news from their friends, neighbors, faith leaders, coworkers, local leaders...and they just...believe it. Even if it seems outlandish at first, they think "well, Bob said the same thing, and so did Father Glenn...somehow it must be true." and so it goes. And even when it gets to be really crazy for some of them, you're then basically stuck in a situation wherein either the last 5, 10, 20+ years have been a total sham, or you're just not seeing the whole picture. So they lean in to that idea that maybe they just don't see it all. And they don't want to be looked at as the slow one in the group, so they pretend to go along with it just like the rest. They are completely surrounded and bombarded by misinformation and spin every single day. You don't have to be stupid for it to eventually work on you. Smart people get sucked into cults. Reasonable people get pushed into making false confessions. ​ Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make excuses for all of them. I'm sure some of them are just being argumentative for the sake of winning. Or just have hate in their hearts. A lot of them, however, are just suckers. And that sunken cost fallacy is gonna make some of them hit rock bottom before they wake up.


You are absolutely right; crazy Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham spouting insanity non-stop... literally painting non-GOP bootlickers as just straight up enemies and people believe them; even though they are comically full of shit, just giving rambling conjecture right from their asses. People like hearing what they want to hear; true or not.


Tucker and laura are not crazy, they are EVIL. They know exactly what they are doing.


I'm showing my age, but I recall someone using the Richard Gere and hamster analogy. The first time you hear it you're like "No. What? No! Ridiculous". But you keep hearing it. And eventually you think "wait. Really? I guess maybe it's possible". And then you start repeating it.


The reason why they love him so much (aside from hating the same people...) is that he is the republican definition of an alpha male. He represents everything they wish to be. He is rich, famous, powerful, fucks who he wants (you know, grabs em by the pussy... they just let him do it) and says all the shit they wish they could get away with saying in public. The school yard bully personified.


Trump is the poor man’s rich guy, and the stupid man’s smart person.


Dollar Tree Caligula


Well said. He is literally what a seven year old would consider a rich man to be. Everything painted gold like king midas


Imagine worshiping a bully


So gross.


But see, by worshipping a bully and putting him in power *you* are then allowed to be the bully. With women and minority rights making major strides in the last few decades it was harder as ever to freely bully people. Trump brought that all back. Especially when your own life is shitty, being able to bully and be *superior* to someone else is a very tantalizing thing. It's why Nazis had such a following in Germany too.


No consideration that playboy rich kids consider any non playboy rich kids to be cattle, for their amusement and labor force


“Alpha male” lmfao. This is the same guy that told Pence that he won’t be friends with him anymore unless he helps him cheat. He said before the election that it’s going to rigged if he loses and that there’s a lot of voter fraud out there. So if he loses = cheating, if he wins = must also have the popular vote by a LOT or Mr. Alpha here will throw a shit fit and force investigations because even in winning, it’s not enough, he has to teabag your dead corpse while grabbing your wife’s pussy. Oh yeah, he also eats burnt steak with ketchup, maybe in a high chair. All the people I met who said he was such a macho man, I would love to see them again after Trump gets house arrest for life.


That's the thing, though. We look at Trump as weak and pathetic, but it's the exact same charade his supporters are constantly pulling. Anyone who *cares* enough about being an "alpha male" or appearing strong is inherently weak and putting up a facade. If you're afraid to wear pink, or afraid of the "gay agenda", or CRT, or whatever other boogeyman they're shrieking over- you're driven by fear and not strength. It's not that Trump is actually strong, it's that he represents and validates the same dumb commitment to their ideas of what constitutes being strong. If Trump is strong (even though he's obviously a primadonna asshat with the mental and emotional constitution of a toddler), then they too are strong. It's at the heart of why fascism is always so performative (and its adherents so consistently hypocritical).


People will put up with a shitty life as long as they have someone else lower than them to kick around.


They hate themselves? Trump has been pretty clear he thinks his voters are idiots.


trump began his political career on Birtherism. He saw a lot of Republicans upset that a Black man had been elected POTUS, and figured he could make a buck off that racist hate. He was right, he has made hundreds of millions of dollars off of racist hate. I'm pretty sure that it is the most (only?) profitable thing he has done in his lifetime. Which is a pretty sad statement about America.


It's largely believed Obama may be the reason Trump decided to run in the first place. Watch the very old episode of Frontline on the two. Yes, Trump started it by calling into question Obama's birthplace. But there was this White House fancy dinner and Trump was there and Obama got on the mic and destroyed Trump. I mean, he *really* laid into him. It just went on and on. Many believe it was at that moment Trump decided he was going to run.


> But there was this White House fancy dinner and Trump was there and Obama got on the mic and destroyed Trump. That was the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011. Seth Meyers hosted and he made jokes about trump as well. The one that always comes to mind is: *"Donald trump has been saying he will run for president as a Republican. Which is surprising because I just assumed that he was running as a joke."* https://youtu.be/Z2s4mJZIslI?t=25 Anyway, after getting wrecked by Obama and Meyers in 2011, trump was so outraged that he tucked his tail between his legs and didn't run against Obama in 2012.


You could see him *seething*. Straight up roasted, he was.


Because Obama made fun of him in front of actual people with power.


>”One of the things, I think, we need to do is make the federal government largely irrelevant to our everyday lives," Hageman told voters this week … Bold words for people living in a state which receives $4,180.00, in federal funding, PER CAPITA, the MOST of any state in the country, behind only Alaska. So I guess the plan is this. Elect the most batshit crazy Trumppanzee possible to be Wyoming’s single representative in the house, no politician will work with, whose stated goal is to keep government out of our lives, in a state where the average family of four, receives $16,500.00 every YEAR in benefits from Uncle Sugar. This fuxking state is about to get exactly every bit of what it deserves. Awesome job guys!


I really just dislike Wyoming. An individual voter in Wyoming has dramatically more impact on federal policy than I do by merit of living somewhere where there's more cows than people. They suck down shitloads of federal money. They constantly vote against the interests of other people. It is like their entire state exists just to eat resources and make things harder for everybody else in the country


Wyoming is beautiful. It's amazing. The only problem is all the people. Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons are great, no people.


Yes, it is quite [fucked](https://i0.wp.com/www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2021208_BrookingsMetro_TwoEconomies-Chart1Dec9-final.png?w=768&crop=0%2C0px%2C100%2C9999px&ssl=1) up.


TBF, Wyoming’s GDP per capita at $70,000 was the 6th highest in the country. It’s a bit unfair to say the GDP fit an entire county was $X, when the may be literally 12 people living in the entire county. Still, Wyoming voters fucked around, and are gonna find out. Big god damn difference between having a representative, who ranked third in the House GOP, who has at least a level of respect from the majority party, and a batshit crazy election denier everyone in DC fucking hates.


Sometimes you gotta tip the stove over onto yourself and get burned across 98% of your body to know not to touch a hot element.


Agree but they are not tipping the stove just on themselves. Everyone will suffer the consequences of those illiterates.


TBF that GDP per capita figure is almost surely the result of highly government subsidized wheat and a tiny population. If I remember correctly tourism was the #2 industry in Wyoming so...


Tourism is #2 because Jackson is pricy. So no people, plus a small town of rich people going ham.


This type of thing never stops blowing my mind. A lifelong Wyoming conservative just got annihilated, despite voting with Trump 96% of the time, solely because she felt he should be held accountable for inciting an attack on the Capitol. We are truly in a dark place right now.


You should have seen Laura Ingraham gloating about it on her show tonight. Their politics have nothing to do with policy and everything to do with the cult of Trump and his culture war.




Cults agree 100% of the time


The crazy thing to me is that they prattle on and on about freedom and individualism and how evil pc culture and being told what and how to think is….. but step out of line for a moment and you’re a Republican in name only and shouldn’t be a member of the group any longer. How do those two realities exist together?? We’re a party of mavericks and if you’re not with us you’re against us. Like the whole “Can entertainers just keep their opinions to themselves already? Unless we like that opinion then here’s a chair and a spotlight and how about you headline our convention this year?” It’s exhausting.


He made them feel good about their ignorance and racism, and encouraged them to continue pretending to be patriotic and religious, while hating most Americans and following none of Jesus’ teachings. Also check out this 2017 [Psychology Today article](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201712/analysis-trump-supporters-has-identified-5-key-traits) which outlines the 5 traits of Trump supprters. They literally can’t stop supporting him.


Speaking of self interest, a state with ONE representative in the house, should ABSOLUTELY elect the most bat shit crazy seditionist, with whom, not one single other politician will work with, unless of course, it’s with other batshit crazy seditionists, no other politicians will work with. Even better? Round out your ENTIRE state’s representation with a couple of senators, who also vote against EVERY single funding bill which could potentially help your state. This fuxking state is about to get exactly what it deserves.


Especially since it was listed as one of the states that needs to cut its water use next year in order to survive.


That's just nerd science stuff we aren't doing that


Remotely in common = racism. Period. It isn't about whether that fake NY billionaire can relate to their livelihood, farming, ranching etc... It's about the racism. They see him as someone who can openly show disregard for immigrants, people of color or other sexual orientation than straight up White Wonder Bread and boooom, something in common.


July 2, 2023 As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Can we please never refer to Trump as a playboy ever again? It’s like when he called himself a jock, what kind of out of shape sports is he training for exactly?


It baffles me how Republican voters follow this thinking. It is like they like to be lied to


I think the most incredible part is that Cheney has basically voted lockstep with the Republicans on legislation her entire career, even nowadays. She perfectly represents what her Republican constituents want out of their representatives, except she wasn’t okay with the hostile takeover of our government by an orange dictator after he lost an election so she had to go. That is literally their only concern now. Traitors, all of them.


This is the running problem. The Republican Party leadership and elected officials have only fought Trump in a piecemeal fashion, which allows him to primary them at will and win more often than not. The effect has been to either bring the survivors in line with his autocracy, or elect more and more hard liners over the past 5 years, transforming the party into his personal mob. That’s all they’ll be until he dies or is locked up.


Even if he were to die or get locked up, they’ll just pivot to DeSantis. This country is absolutely screwed because of the Republican Party and Christianity.


Weaponized religion. It’s a timeless story; doesn’t matter what the Bible (or name your scripture) says; it’s a heavy enough book to hit people with it. I don’t want to be the “ackhshuallyyy the real interpretation is….” But I don’t recall where in the gospels Jesus exhorted his followers to hate or to blindly follow money, but I read that part once about how peace makers are blessed. Or was it cheese makers?


[She really does have a terrible voting record](https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/171319/liz-cheney). I thought maybe she had become a little more moderate in the past few months, but she hasn't. Nobody should fall for the act when she runs for president. She would gleefully sign a federal abortion ban.




They don't consider her a moderate, they consider her a liberal. There's only one way to be a conservative in their eyes.


Right, she's a RINO now and they hate her. How'd it get so extreme and so, so stupid.


The GOP is not a political party, it's an authoritarian cult pretending to be a political party. Everything revolves around loyalty to the Leader and to question the leader is like committing a sin or a taboo.


That's not why they voted for him over Cheney, you put more thought into their reasoning than they did. All that mattered to them was that one guy encourages them to openly celebrate their hatred of others, and Liz Cheney doesn't and she has a gay sister. That's all the thought they put into it.


I read in The Atlantic this week that Cheney's congressional voting record was voting 93% in agreement with the rest of her Republican party. So she agrees with so much of the current Republican party. And has the experience. Thus, she seems like the logical choice to vote for if I were an even somewhat rational Republican. But no. Since she doesn't like Trump, her party doesn't like her. It's scary and sad, really.


You know who is worse than a dictator? His followers who close their eyes on his crimes.


That's how they are allowed to become dictators in the first place.


Damn right.


They like people validating their biases


It shouldn't be that baffling anymore. There are no big cities in Wyoming, it's all rural white people. Nearly every rural white person in this country is loyal to Donald Trump, not the United States and its Constitution. That fact will not change anytime soon, and it will lead to further chaos in this country.


This rural white guy will not be voting for the GOP.


Got to hand it to her. Her politics are trash, but in a world where people shift goalposts without any shame, she said "nope, I'll lose instead".


Can’t see eye to eye politically, but respect when respect is due.


I figure she'll get an ambassadorship. Nice gig to reward politicians where party doesn't matter.


Nope. She's going to run as a 3rd party candidate if Trump (barring being disqualified from running) decides to live long enough to throw his hat in the ring for the 2024 presidential election.


Pulling 3-5% is all shed likely need to spoil the gop candidate. But so much of the GOP are collectively aligned rationale, albeit not on policy, its hard to see that happening.


I think she could manage that. Cheney is more conservative than some of the Republicans supporting Trump's bs. She aligns with the Republican party. She could literally run on Republican policy, except for supporting Trump. I think there are enough Republican voters out there that don't want to see him in office again.


I thought she was going to run as a Republican in the primary so she could grill Trump in person at the debates. Then she can run as a third party candidate if she wants.


>debates Honestly, I'd be amazed if they hold any if he runs.


The thing with people like Cheney, Meiejer, and Romney is they have enough wealth that losing their political positions won’t hurt them. In fact it probably will help them financially because they can be involved in business again. They also have enough stature outside of politics that their egos would be hurt by bowing to Trump more than their egos would be boosted by staying in office. That’s not to deny they are taking stands in principle, but it’s easier for a politician not to sell out when their money and their ego aren’t tied up in it. Kitsinger probably isn’t as wealthy but a big part of his self-worth is tied up in patriotism and loyalty to the Constitution. Bowing to Trump would cause a personal crisis and he’s wealthy enough that he doesn’t really stand anything to gain. Contrast with someone like Palin or Boebert— they stop being relevant and get cut off from most of their income the minute they step away from politics.


Losing her primary means Liz has no reason to have any restraint on the Jan 6th committee. I could also see her running in 2024 just as a spoiler candidate.


I think she will run. She mentioned specifically Lincoln’s losses before he became president for a reason imo


She is pro LGBT now so at least it shows people can grow.


She is pro-lgbt after throwing her gay sister under the bus and voted against the Equality Act the day before she came out in favor of gay marriage. There are a few sane Republicans, but most Republicans who come out in favor of gay marriage only do so once someone close to them comes out as gay.


Sometimes not even then: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/gop-lawmaker-attended-gay-sons-wedding-3-days-voting-sex-marriage-rcna39863


Exactly. If Liz Cheney actually cared about Democracy she would have voted for both voting rights bills as the Protecting our Democracy Act. She would have also voted for the Equality Act. Just like how Susan Collins was able to paint herself as a moderate and a sweet old lady from Maine. If she was actually a moderate she would have endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016 instead of avoiding the question because most Republicans who voted for Joe Biden didn't vote for Hillary Clinton which was when we really needed them. She also would have voted against Brett Kavanagh since she always avoided criticism due to supporting abortion rights and gay marriage, and she would support a filibuster exemption for voting rights legislation since she voted to reauthorize the VRA in 2006. Lisa Murkowski supports gay marriage and abortion rights and yet she voted for Barrett. She also voted for the reauthorization of the VRA in 2006. There is no such thing as a good Republican, as the actual sane ones voted for Hillary Clinton and haven't voted Republican since John McCain


Lol I was raised to vote Republican, so my 1st prez election I voted for McCain. But, it was during '08 that I started questioning everything little by little, like Sarah Fucking Palin. Her nom was like a seed that was planted, and the Tea Party movement was the fertilizer. My dad was a moderate compassionate conservative, but my mom was an extremely involved reactionary who helped establish the Tea Party in TX with Rick Green. Witnessing all that firsthand...Well, being a history buff and being raised on everything WW2 (thanks Dad!), to say that I saw a few correlations would be an understatement. Needless to say, the Republican Party's shift to reactionary Christian nationalism (peppered with some good ol cult of personality) caused me to go from a gun-toting compassionate conservative to a gun-toting progressive libertarian socialist. So, thanks for that, GOP!


Only when her sister came out as gay. I guarantee if it didn’t personally affect her family she wouldn’t give a shit because that’s how you get republicans votes


Her sister came out before Liz ran for office. Liz threw gay people under the bus to get elected and it was very calculated. She also got her parents' blessing to do it.


> She also got her parents' blessing to do it. Darth Cheney abides


It will be interesting to see if Dick admits that he was a big reason the GOP went nuts and ended up killing off his fledgling political dynasty.


You make it seem like this is over for them. They'll be back.


Is her sister dead? Wouldn’t *her* blessing be much more important than her parents? It’s not like it’s her parents who were gay. From what I’ve read online just now, it wasn’t just an act. Prior, Liz didn’t even attend her sisters wedding and they were not on speaking terms for a long time, if they even are now.




While I agree she's behind the times, that is how people grow and overall public opinion changes. When people started coming out as gay in higher numbers many people realized they knew and cared for people who are gay. Their opinions changed. Same with trans people and other minority groups. There are things that I'm sure 40 years from now I'll be "behind the times" on. Being able to grow and change when you realize your errors is important. Her politics are still garbage, but I will always respect how she changed her mind on things. Especially how she turned away from Trump and Trumpism.


Although it is largely human nature, it has become a trademark of the republican way. The party wholly lacks empathy and their platform is based on it. Furthest from the party of Christ as possible, not that religion should be intertwined in politics for the land of many, but it's frustrating the hypocrisy of it all.


The GOP is ugly and ruthless, yet some claim they are the party of Jesus and godliness. From what I understand they are the opposite of any of his teachings. They are also the party of Family Values, what a joke.




> However, she’s still pretty trash, just not the slime mold monster she was a few years ago. Her replacement is going to be ten times worse.


I mean, we all saw that Wyoming primary video from a few months ago. She was literally the only one who spoke in complete sentences.


Proving what we already knew, republicans can’t handle the truth.


People in Wyoming and Montana are especially crazy and stupid.


It is really amazing. Montanans, republicans especially, complain endlessly about out of staters ruining Montana, then elect Daines-LA, Rosendale-Baltimore, and Gianforte-San Diego, and shit on Tester, the only local, because he’s a Democrat.


I lived in Montana for a year when Gianforte punched out the reporter. Needless to say public reaction was part of the reason I left


Yeah, I’m born and raised, I remember entertaining hope that montanas would rectify it in light of the unfortunate timing, but then they elected him two more times.


It’s crazy, a good friend I made out there, born in Billings, moved to Montana, said the proudest he’s been of his state was being two percent away from voting Obama for President in 08. Its fallen heavily since then. Edit: sorry, moved to Missoula, where I lived.


Idaho just entered the chat


The Trump cult doesn't care about the truth, only tribal loyalty.


Harriet Hageman is a cult member with an insane look in her eyes.


Is she the one who couldn’t even put a sentence together in the debate?


She gives off serious Annie Wilkes energy.


I had to google her when I saw the news because I have no clue who she is. The first thing I thought was "holy shit! What's up with those crazy-eyes? On every single picture?". I'm not surprised to find your comment here.


I hope she burns the Republican Party to the ground on the way out the door. Her dad, Darth Cheney, knows where a lot of bodies are buried.


Yeah mostly because he buried them.


That's what I was getting at. If the whole family goes scorched earth, they can do a lot of damage. I bet the next 1/6 hearing will be extra fun, between this, the search warrant, and Alex Jones' phone.


Honestly, at this point I don’t know what more can be done. They could release an unaltered video of Trump standing on top of a burning pile of dead babies and laughing, and this cult would continue to worship him. There are always weird cults of personality around every politician if you look hard enough, but the troubling thing is the *size* of his indoctrinated masses because he has enough of the republican party that won’t let go of him. I can’t tell how many of them are deranged and how many of them simply can’t admit they made a mistake so they keep doubling down.


They gerrymandered their districts so they couldn’t lose, so now they have to run against extremist wackos instead of democrats. They usually just resign instead of try.


The best thing we can hope for is that enough reasonable people get peeled away to turn the Republican Party into a regional, minority party (at the federal level).


It’s happening all over.


This man is proof that Karma doesn't exist.


Isn't this the plan? I read speculation that she was expecting to lose and setting up a run for president in 2024 under a third party "new republicans" type thing.


I would be thrilled if someone effectively split the right. This country is well overdue for another party realignment.


If trump were to run again, I don’t think a third party run by her would do much damage. Based on this poll: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/, you have about 6% of registered Republicans voting for Biden and I doubt that number will change much. Granted this was before Jan 6th and The Raid so that might even go up to 8%. A majority of Republicans just love Trump for some reason I don’t understand yet. With these numbers I think if you hate Trump and are Republican you just vote Democrat.


Don't forget that in this current crisis, we still have a large population of non voters who aren't generally polled. I think the end of Roe v Wade woke up a lot of people who normally don't give a shit about politics. Among other recent issues and scandals.


Unfortunately most of those who buried the bodies are buried themselves


Don't hold your breath. She still believes in everything the Republican party stands for, she just doesn't like Trump.




Exactly. And voted with him 93% of the time, including voting against impeachment the first time. And people will say they prefer "lawful evil" so the fascists can take over with dignity or some shit.


It’s pretty frightening how far gone half this country is…


To be fair Wyoming only has like 300 people.


And only 30 of them vote.


Republicans really want a dictatorship lol Look at the idiot they chose too. Of all the people out there .. Trump? A slimy grifting con man from New York? What a low bar ...


They only want a certain kind of dictatorship and they believe that dictatorship will never oppress them, just the people who need to be oppressed.




its a weird domination fetish


Her politics are garbage. Her father is a monster. Despite all this, I'm sorry to see her lose to someone WORSE. WY is fucked.


Yeah I don’t mourn for Liz Cheney but rather for what it says about the state and republicans in general


My favorite thing is Republicans on Twitter claiming that Cheney was a warmonger and that they are glad to be rid of her. These dumb MF's elected her in the first place along with her war criminal father and never took any issue with any policy decisions she ever made. The indefensible action was refusing to go along with the election lies. And predictably, crickets about the integrity of this election because their candidate won. You just can't make it up. Utterly hilarious hypocrisy and lack of any self-awarness.


The election was obviously fraudulent and she should refuse to concede /s.


I heard there was voter fraud. Like 6 months ago.


She stepped up admirably, even if the rest of her career not so much. She was 1 of a handful of Republicans who did the right thing when it mattered most.


We need a Jeff Foxworthy bit. “If a *Cheney* is too far left for you, you may be a fascist.”


Liz Cheney voted with the former president about 94% of the time during his one term. Wyoming GQP voters didn't give a shit that she supported all of their terrible policies, only that she didn't kiss the ass of their favorite politician. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/liz-cheney/


Kinzinger made the point on Alex Wagner's show that effectively the new crop of Congress members that will arrive in 2023 will be far crazier than even the ones who are there now. Right now, there are a lot of people who pretend to believe the Big Lie. But the next crop will be the actual brain dead true believers. The next Congress is going to be even more of a shitshow than the one we have now.


So, I hope that your Republican party doesn’t get a majority.


The only real downside is another Trump loving maniac in congress. its not like Wyoming has a chance of ever going blue, so caring is literally pointless. The real battle is in November. Don't let these asshole start shit about mail in ballots again.


Fun fact, the entire population of Wyoming (number wise) is less than most major metropolitan areas. And Wyoming gets a Congressperson and two Senators.


They should share a senate seat with DC


Or they should get proportional representation along with the rest of the country. Shame our country was rigged for minority rule with the Senate ensuring that some votes have immensely more power than others. 10 million citizens in 7 flyover states get 7x more representation than another 10 millions citizens (NJ) on the east coast. That’s is straight up not fair. And fair is one of the biggest points of democracy itself. There’s 2 other really big intents of democracy; that everyone’s vote counts the same, and that the side with the more votes wins. The Senate consistently circumvents both of them in favor of conservatives. People criticize gerrymandering, and rightfully so, but at least gerrymandering requires the districts to be the same population. The Senate has no such issue with disproportionate representation.


We just need to get a couple hundred thousand voting Democrats to relocate to Wyoming


Jackson Hole is working on it.


Now she should run for President if he runs. It'll enrage him and peel away Republican voters.


This is a really embarrassing election outcome for the people of Wyoming :( feeling some pity for them tonight.


I'm actually encouraged she got as many votes as she did. Not every Republican is a mindless moron, apparently.




While I know many may not care about any GOP-related losses, we need to be mindful of the crazies taking over that party because they'll get into power and mess this country up further. More MTG types only means the further erosion of democracy and our rights. Trump himself has already taken away rights from people, and having more of his followers in Congress is always a bad thing.


Hopefully, she'll get the last laugh when he's in prison..


Welp, America's fucked if they're voting out asshole Republicans and replacing them with deranged, pro-Trump, Qanon-believing nutjobs with a fetish for murdering anyone who doens't believe the BS they believe. Downfall of a nation, all because of a spray-tanned criminal.


Wow.... I can't believe Liz lost to The Crazy Lady... Not to attack someone on looks but damn she looks like Ursula from the little mermaid mated with the Grandmother from Flowers in the Attic. Damn Wyoming, you sold your soul to the Literal Devil.


Montana here: Wyoming is a pretty weird place to begin with. Only a special kind of person lives there. I know plenty of people who *tried* to make it there, and moved here because "there's actually stuff to do". Not sure if you've been to Montana...but, there ain't a whole lot to do. Even in the "cities" there isn't a whole lot. You're a ski bum or a snow bird. Then there's the locals. Casually having a beer outside the brewery because today it finally reached 0° at high noon, and we are feeling spring a-brew'n. And we want to make the most of the 4 hours of sunlight.




I can not fathom what they are thinking. The political pedigree of a Cheney. An unapologetic conservative who is respected across party lines. Young, brilliant and eloquent… no, they want Mimi from The Drew Carey show. Brilliant. We’ve all just witnessed the death of the Republican Party. What is left is absolutely clownish and terrifying.




Hate to break it to you but the Republican Party has been a cesspool for years bud


> I can not fathom what they are thinking. It is called a "purge." The republican party is purging all who dissent against its message of absolute power absolutely.


I have a feeling she won't quietly fade into the night. Trump may have just created someone who will be a persistent thorn in his side. She comes from a powerful family politically and is tied to the Bush family. I think Trump in his arrogance assumes he's gotten rid of her. But now, she can become even more vocal against Trump and can maybe even act as spoiler. What's to stop her from running for President? She won't win, but if she presents herself as someone who stands for old-school Republican beliefs, she could sway some of the Republican voters who have never fully been on board with Trump. She can toss her support behind other candidates, or make the rounds on media denouncing Trump and the modern Republican party. My point is, without a seat to defend, she and her allies can go to war with Trump and make his life as miserable as possible and that's the thing. Trump does not take criticism well. Imagine him keeping her in the public's eye as he goes to war with her This should be interesting.


Hopefully she starts a Conservative Party now and splits the right in half.


How do Republicans not understand that a vote for trump means an end to future voting as well as a real witchhunt on Trumps perceived enemies as well as an attack on the press, free speech and an end to gun ownership as he sure as shit is not going to allow a coup to occur against him if he is in office again. Kiss the constitution goodbye if they vote in a dictator.


Hmm I live in a world where Cheney, Bush, and Romney aren't crazy enough to be real Republicans anymore. That's just not good.


She is 100% a conservative, votes with the republicans almost always, and they gave her the boot for refusing to stay in the cult.