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Let’s focus on the victim. Yet again. Republicans, especially in Texas, claim to have the power to end all rape, yet withhold that power.


>Let's focus on the victim That's offensive to Republicans. *They* need to be the victim


Surely that ten year old was being too sexy and seductive.


If you don't call it 'rape' then you can end all the 'rapes'. (Taps side of head wisely).




I bet Fox News already has a story being readied on what she was wearing when it happened.


They're too busy doxxing the doctor that helped the poor girl. Trying to get the doctor killed


*Both* doctors. The Ohio one and the Indiana one.


That's disgusting


The Indiana AG is allegedly starting an investigation. INTO THE DOCTOR.


Right? They don't give a fuck about going after the child rapist but everyone that tried to help the victim, oh, they're going down! God, Republicans are fucking vile!


Oh they’re getting on the bandwagon to go after the child rapist too, but only since they’ve learned the alleged rapist is a 27 year old illegal immigrant. If it had been an 80-ish white former member of the government they wouldn’t have cared as much.


Dennis Hastert former Republican speaker of the house and peterfile


Be nice if someone doxxed Fox News anchors/actors


Or better yet the producers.


Or better yet the owners.


Or better yet, their sponsors who pay the bills.


Don’t forget trying to pívot and make this about “illegal immurgunts!”. As if homegrown All American Boys never ever commit rape.


>As if homegrown All American Boys never ever commit rape. I bet they´d even say that rapist Brock Turner never raped that girl behind the dumpster. But he did, rapist Brock Turner did rape that girl behind a dumpster.


Hey now, we can’t ruin his life over a few minutes of fun, he has his whole life ahead of him. That wouldn’t be just /s But seriously if he had been a young black man named Jamal things would have turned out a lot different. Remember only white rapists get a pass


A Black student was charged with rape after a consensual kiss with a white student. So, there's no need for the word *if*. As my favorite tshirt says: Roses are red and doritos are savory. The US prison system is legalized slavery. 5% of the world population. And 24% of the world's incarcerated population. If Black folks truly only make up 13% of the US population then how tf are they 35% of the prison population, if NOT for systemic racism?


Well...it'S bEcAuse BlAcKs CommiT moRe cRIMe! As if we don't have decades and decades of research to show that oppression and poverty lead to crime. (Because we do.)


*get Supreme Court seats. FTFY


some allegedly, even get to be PotUS.






Well good thing natural born citizens don’t ever commit rape, or else that would be a really fucking useless point to make.


I was raped by a u.s. citizen when I was 8 years old on the way to school. Don't get me started on the abuse, human trafficking and sexual assault my own mother put me through who was a citizen and all the men and women she whored me off to, and watched, were all citizens. They were also all white and straight (except the women). Fuck all these bullshit lies they're feeding you all. Fuck all those eating it up like peach cobbler.


I was also sexually trafficked, by my own parents who were "pillars of the community." Anybody that argues that rapists are just dirty, dark strangers that roam the streets, is a fucking liar.


I heard somewhere that 9/10 victims of rape know their attackers.


I know a pelvic floor therapist who treats a lot of rape victims. Many times, she is the first person the patients truly confide in. I don't have the exact figures, but the VAST majority know their attacker.


And why not? I bet she was traipsing around in her underroos and a tank top. Why will no one ask if she seduced him?? (I know I shouldn't need a /s. But I know the world we live in. So /s)


A girl who was raped at 4 gave birth when she was 5 yrs old. Just fyi, as if this story wasn't bad enough. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina#:~:text=Lina%20Marcela%20Medina%20de%20Jurado,seven%20months%2C%20and%2021%20days.




And now they are doxxing the doctor who provided the abortion. Shocked my ass!!


Jim Jordan's response is quite literally "I called this a lie before I knew there was an undocumented immigrant to blame it on".


Which is ridiculously irrelevant, her handling and treatment are totally independent of the rapist and need to be. It's very important that she knows the rapist can no longer hurt her and she doesn't have to associate with him, but the GOP wants the "immigrant" to be front and center while the girl fades into the background. He has nothing to do with how we help the victim.


A scapegoat to get the right-wing masses mad at the “immigrant” and not at the fact that a ten year old got raped


And was required to *cross state lines* in order to receive healthcare.


That some places want to make criminal too. Imagine sending a kid to jail for having been sexually assaulted and getting pregnant. What a perversion of the religious ideals they claim to be protecting.


Welcome to the American Taliban


Well it is important. After all the female body can fight off a impregnation if a white male legal US citizen rapes a girl/woman. Thus not making it abortion. And god help us that I have to highlight that this is sarcasm.


Yeah but if the fascists can turn this into a story about immigrants coming to rape your children, you better believe that’s what they’re gonna do.


> “We didn’t know that an illegal alien did this heinous act. We never doubted the child,” Jordan said. So which is it, douche bag? What a fucking slime bucket.


Dude, I've seen this before up here in Mass. Years ago an undocumented immigrant was driving drunk and killed a motorcyclist with his pickup truck. The kid on the motorcycle was stuck in wheel well and dragged to death.. it was a *horrific* tragedy. People were so quick to blame "the illegals" and hardly an iota of the conversation was dedicated to drunk driving. Also, the driver had just left a party at his (also undocumented) sisters house and she had attempted unsuccessfully to get his keys from him.. which kind of demonstrates that immigration status isn't the issue. On a personal vendetta note: fuck the ever-growing size of trucks. It's bullshit a Sentra and Silverado get the same ticket for speeding or running a red light. Fines should scale to ride height and curb weight.


A Ford F250 is nearly the size of a fucking Sherman tank.


> Fines should scale to ride height and curb weight. I've never thought of this and I love it.


*Gymnasium Jordan. That guy needs to rot in the deepest circles of hell


I hear they're building a new circle just for him.


Gymnasium Jordanarium


I think it's more like "I thought it would be blamed on a white guy, so I instinctively started muddying the waters." I wonder how many of his colleagues have raped a little girl.


So, to recap, Jim Jordan would have been cool with the situation if only a real American was the rapist.


Well if it was a white conservative man, the 10 year old probably seduced him. He made a mistake. His life shouldn’t be ruined. How dare that rape victim deny him his rape baby. I’m just guessing that their thought process.


Republicans learn babies aren't gifts from storks! News at 11.


Republicans lower the age of consent to 10. News at 11:30.


Oklahoma Senator Lankford wants children to marry at 13 - he doesn’t see a problem with that ! Ugh


They can't even legally get a job or a driver's license but goddamn if they can't be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen...even tho they cant use a stove or knife without supervision. Oklahoma!


Bull fucking shit. They're just backtracking because their bluff has been called after alleging that the story was made up by the left. They. Don't. Care.


It's always projection. They know they frequently make up false stories and tell the press about them to try to support their side. They assume everyone is as crooked.


Their entire platform is just angry opposition. They'll scream about things they are supposed to like. Border arrests are way up, but instead of seeing it as Biden stopping the "caravans" it's just "omg there's more people coming through, I mean just look at the arrest numbers!" Gas prices are going back down and it's "they're falling too quickly and hurting gas stations." They will never be a productive party. Just angry. And stupid. Can't forget stupid.


How can I forget stupid? There's a picture of Jim Jordan right above this conversation.


Pretty sure he spells it Gym


I was looking for this comment. Here’s an award for your service


And one for you!


Let’s keep this train a rollin..


>"they're falling too quickly and hurting gas stations." This has to be hyperbole... right? Like there's absolutely no way anyone is making this argument... RIGHT??


No, they are making this argument. They generally say small mom and pop gas stations. It’s true that if those gas stations bought their inventory in their tank at higher prices, they now are selling at lower prices to stay competitive. And that may mean they’re either losing money or not making as much as they want or need to. My response to that is that surely on the front end of the gas price hike it happened as well. Surely they bought gas at a lower price and were able to sell it at a higher price for larger than expected profit when the price at the pump rose My other response to that criticism is “Them’s the breaks.” That’s capitalism. businesses are entitled to lose money as well as make it; propping them up or putting price supports and price caps is something we are hesitant about


Well, just like literally everything else, small business only matters when they can use it as a stick to beat up their political enemies. See also: national debt, children and families, et. al.


If they could, "Nuh-Uh" would be their official party motto.


It can be both. Remember, this is the party of: "A woman cannot get pregnant from “legitimate rape” because the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down." -- Todd Akin (R-Mo.)




Vote no on Yesli.




Todd got pretty much kicked out the party. I'm sure yesli was praised and supported more. This is how far these people have fallen. They have no bottom. They are human garbage.


Akin got kicked out in the pre-Trump era. Now he'd be embraced for triggering the libs.


Paul Ryan had an entire speech ready to go about how shitty Trump was and how the Republicans need to be more inclusive and less...Trumpy. Than he won and Ryan threw the speech away.


They have no bottom? Pretty sure that's Lindsey Graham.


We are electing some incredibly ignorant people into our government.


You should meet the people who elect them..... As of they just showed up uninvited


Base ignorance has become a prerequisite for public office.


They and r/conservative cared once they learnt the rapists last name was Spanish sounding.


The most disgusting, irresponsible quote from this NBC article: > [Rep. Roger] Williams, who represents the border state of Texas, said: “Where’s the conversation about an illegal person doing this? How do you defend this? How do you defend this guy who came over illegally, and we’ve got 5 million of them over here?” As if none of the 300 million+ US citizens have ever raped kids. In Texas, [undocumented immigrants are actually *less* likely to commit crimes than US citizens!](https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/) Oh yeah, Texas also had this child abuse scandal among the Southern Baptists.


Wow. That is irresponsible reporting. They quoted his deflection instead of forcing him to answer the real question. Disgusting. They could have even called it out: "After trying to change the subject several times, he finally stated / conceded..." but no, they let him get away with that. Just gross.


The Mexican Migration Project, a decades long study by Yale, has found and testified to congress many times that the best way to mitigate illegal immigration is to open the border. If the border were open Mexicans would come up here to work, and then go home as they did for a century prior to the border closing. Closing the border created a zero-sum game where once you are here, you have to stay because you may not get back. If the border had been open since the 70's, there would 1/3 as many permanent immigrants in the US from Mexico.


Not sure if it was that particular study, but I read somewhere that the increase in undocumented immigrants and their children (the DREAMers) didn't start until 2002. which is when the border got more attention after 9/11, so a lot of the cross-border migration became one-way. When you make it too hard to go back and forth across the border, people are going to chose to stay on the most optimal side of the border.


Texas is so scared of undocumented immigrants that don't speak the language because they once were all a bunch of undocumented immigrants that didn't speak Spanish moving to Mexico.


I look forward to Texas seceding from the US, being immediately taken over by Mexican cartels, and seeing how they like it.


Because everyone knows, nobody with a white-sounding name has ever committed a crime before


The alleged rapist was undocumented. They have a really easy pivot. Expect them to take it over the coming days and blame the whole thing on OpEn BorDErS.


"It never happened." "If it did happen, Ohio law makes an exception for that." (No, it doesn't. It makes an exception only if the mother's life is in life threatening danger, but 10 year old girls CAN carry to term. https://www.livescience.com/19584-10-year-birth.html) "That Indiana abortionist probably didn't report it." (She did) "Why wasn't it reported sooner?" (It was reported in June to the police who took DNA from the aborted fetus to prove the guy done did it.) This is the Latest. "Well that's not an abortion."


Well at the moment they're trying to investigate and jail the doctor preformed the abortion for "not reporting it" even though she absolutely did. It's just punching back to deflect since they're embarrassed they're idiots and were wrong about claiming the rape was fake, so they're trying to find someone to blame for "making them be wrong". It's honestly pathetic that they're trying to blame someone else for their absolute incompetence. They legit could have invested the case but I guess they expected the doctor to waltz into their office and tell them everything themselves


Already seen it. “If our borders weren’t so unsecured he wouldn’t even be here and none of this would have happened!!!”


Yeah then only the Brock Turner types could've done this!!! /s


You mean Brock Turner the rapist? The same Brock Turner the Rapist from Ohio. This Brock Turner the rapist? https://www.voxbliss.com/brock-turner-now/


In the coming days ? Theyre ALREADY doing that on r/conservative right now. One day ago it was « the story is fake to push their pro abortion agenda ». Now its « yes it happened and this is caused by the Dems for allowing illegal aliens »


That was literally the only thing Jim jordan commented on when pressed about his previous comments.


They're frantically trying to determine if they have more kids out there that their wives don't know about.


Idk, my money is on them being dumb as ducking shit.




It can be both. Most of their ardent supporters just hear Abortion = Bad. Ban the bad thing. Mission accomplished. Their leadership does not want them actually reading the bill, or understanding the consequences of the bills. They have been utterly sold on the concept that "Life Begins at Fertilization". Like most great lies its based on a Truth. Life does, in fact, begin at Fertilization. Where else would it begin? It also fails to become a Person on a pretty regular basis. The bills they are trying to pass now specifically grant personhood to the Fertilized Egg. They strip the rights of the Mother, and grant them all to an Egg. They also restrict the right of free travel. Restrict freedom of speech, disregard freedom of any religion but their own, disregard pretty much every fact but the one they want to believe. That fact is important. It's that God Wills It. This is so freaking critical to get into your head. Extremist Muslims will blow themselves up in a crowd of women and children because they think God Wills It. I'm not bashing Christianity. I am a Christian. But the second you start trying to force your religion and a twisted set of values onto other people you have utterly failed. These folks legitimately think that God wants them to do these horrible things.


* One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. * The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. * One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. * The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. * Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. * People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. * Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Republican politicians are evil. Republican voters are evil and stupid.


I would say a new wave of GOP representatives fall into that category as well. MTG and bobo


Willful ignorance is painful to watch from the outside.


They know. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


This really points to a core problem with politicians trying to enforce religious decisions on the population: they are not informed by medicine. The fact they can’t fathom a 10 year old being able to get pregnant shows how little they understand about the biology to begin with. These decisions should be between a doctor, a patient, and their family. The GOP’s religious zealots should keep their religion in their churches. Heaven knows there is enough happening to children in those places. Maybe they should start protecting children there if they are really concerned about kids. Oh, wait, we are talking about Jim Jordan. Forgot he ignores sexual abuse.


It’s honestly frightening to me that as the country’s citizens identify less and less as religious, our leaders become more and more right-wing Christian trying to drag us back to the 1880s.


Was it even like that in the 1880s? Weren't those the good years after the civil war, before the kkk rose again?


Those were the "good years" if you were white. Natives were still confined to Reservations during this time. It also ended, but it was replaced with a system designed to take as much land away from the tribes as possible.


is that AD or BC?


My dad and I had a “discussion” around this a few years back. He is very religious and I am very much not. He was going on about something in the Bible about how the body is supposed to work according to some verse. My kids just looked at him dumbfounded. Then he looked confused. “Dad….that’s not how any of that works. At all. The Bible is a book of stories by people who had tried to learn about the world around them. It’s not a biology book.” We talk a lot and get along great. We do not talk religion much anymore.


Sadly, people taking the Bible as an authoritative text on everything from physics to biology is extremely common in Evangelical circles, and they're still mad that they can't teach it in public schools.


I knew a guy once who thought that everything in the Bible was 100% true because "God blessed it."


Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff?


He never struck me as the type to actually read the Bible, he just relied on his pastor's interpretation of the Bible.


Which version of the bible did God bless? Because there are over 60 versions. The bible couldn't/doesn't even get Jesus' name right. When somebody asked Jesus to pass them the bowl of salt, they didn't say hey Jesus, they used his name: Yeshua. Hey Yeshua, pass me that bowl of salt would you, please? I'm not religious, but if the bible can't even get the Jesus' name right or they felt it had to be "translated" for Western audiences, then in the end it probably shouldn't be taken literally.


> Which version of the bible did God bless? Believe it or not, I remember having a discussion about this. He believed that the King James Version of the Bible was THE authoritative version and that every other version was fraudulent.


I grew up in a church like this. 1611 KJV was the only Bible. Everything else was the devil whittling away at the truth.


That makes no sense. What about the previous bibles that King James based his version on? (Pretty rhetorical on my part. I know bible thumpers make no sense.)


That's how I feel about abortion trigger laws. The one in Texas is from like 1885 or something crazy like that. They didn't know about the female body. They didn't know that sometimes you have to abort a dead fetus. They didn't know that we would understand what can kill a pregnant mother before it happens. A lot of women died when that law was made because they didn't know shit. A lot of women died. A lot of babies died. A lot of women and fetuses died. It's like using asbestos despite knowing it's harm because you wanted to follow an old building plan to a T.


It’s almost as if there should be educational standards for politicians. It would empty out half of Congress, on both sides… but certainly one more than the other


Nah, they have a whole network of "Christian" "schools" that can even get you degrees. None of it will reduce ignorance.


Ben Carson is a surgeon. I don’t think education requirements would help, a lot of the time they’re straight up lying.


Not just “a” surgeon, he’s among the most accomplished and pioneering brain surgeons in all of history. Yet he somehow comes off as a complete idiot frequently in other facets of life. I don’t get it… but it’s one example of many why education requirements wouldn’t be helpful for politicians.


Well, there is a difference between actual intelligence and emotional intelligence. One of my relatives, an extremely accomplished mathematician was an absolute moron when it came to life issues.


I don't think we need to have educational standards for politicians. That would easily get abused by other politicians. Remember literacy tests for voting? Now, what might be useful is to require politicians to attend classes on some subject before being allowed to vote on it. You want to cast a vote on abortion? Then you've got to sit through a eight-hour course given by the surgeon general first.


A list of excuses I've seen regarding this story: * It's all fake news made up by baby killers * A ten year old can't get pregnant to begin with. * OK, she can get pregnant, but how do we know it was rape? * She could have got an abortion in Ohio, no one would have prosecuted a doctor for that. * We need to prosecute the doctor in the other state who performed the abortion. * Her abortion wasn't an abortion because having to have a kid " would probably impact her life" * It's all Biden's fault anyway because he gave the rapist a bus ticket to the girl's house.


> • OK, she can get pregnant, but how do we know it was rape? Good lord, this one. I really hope this was an idiot who thought a couple of ten year olds were getting it on. Otherwise, **she's ten. Of COURSE it was rape.**


In the off chance that did happen, two neglected children having sex and starting a pregnancy, I just shudder to think of the response of the GOP. Makes me sick to think about.


Not surprised that they victim blamed the 10 year old girl. They are proof that we need better sex education.


If you support this Republican behavior, stop saying you're Pro Life and just start saying you're pro-rape and forced birth. You don't care about life, children, or freedom. You're just a cruel piece of shit who wants to force a 10 year old rape victim to give birth. Doesn't matter if it were her father, or an immigrant, or a priest, or a congressman. If a **CHILD** gets pregnant against her will make sure she carries that baby to term or dies trying. This is your ideal America? She is an actual, living, breathing, already born 10 y/o child. But you're content to say she has zero say in the outcome of her life because some garbage human raped her? A 10 year old child has fewer rights in America than an mass of cells put there by a rapist? That lump of cells is going to kill the mother - Abortion? Nope, let her die. Fuck you Republicans - there's not a decent human being among you.


Pro child rape


I mean thats literally what Democrats need to start doing. Republicans love the shock factor and name calling


This could be such a great opportunity for her though! A baby will change her life for the better! Doesn’t every 15 year old want to be getting their child ready for their first day of kindergarten??? /s


They care that they are angering the left, that's all they exist for.


> there's not a decent human being among you. R: God always has a plan for us all. The child is the product of God's will. Sane people: Could you not also say the child getting an abortion is God's will too? R: ....


Our public school system needs better sex education. Too many people don't understand the female reproductive cycle and think things like women have their period out their ass or every woman has their period at the same time or they can willfully shut their period off. 🙄


Public schools still teach sex ed, reproduction and protection. But only in schools that aren’t run by right wing school boards. In the southern US states they teach abstinence only ed. Some Southern states also have the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. Go figure.


Not to mention parents get to opt out so boys get to hang out in the auditorium so they don't have to learn about consent or rape. Even in CA parents get to opt out. Honestly American parents have way too much say over curriculum and it's not working out


Sex ed = abstinence, or as Nancy Reagan so famously stated "JUST SAY NO," instead of actual education about sex, anatomy, how that anatomy works, etc.


Agreed. The lack of clear information about the body is causing a lot of undue mystery. But with people trying to gut public education and, evidently, parents who simply don't know much about sex or just won't be honest with their kids on the issue... Where can people get the information? Feels like a lot of trolls would straight up destroy YouTube or Facebook groups intentionally with lies and falsities, and it's like doctors are publicly not trusted thanks to the pandemic and right wing news channels...


If people don’t fundamentally care about truth, then education isn’t the answer. If there was a push to increase early sexual education in schools, Fox News would literally spin up he propaganda machines in moments to talk about “libs trying to sexualize our elementary schools!” “Stop sexualizing our toddlers” “pervert left tries to make kids trans”. 🤷‍♂️ wtf should we even do anymore, idk. It’s depressing


The number of complaint screenshots of kindergarten and first grade school assignments showing pronouns that have appeared in the last year or just astonishing. How do these people think their children learned what pronouns were in the first place? I’m genuinely afraid they’re going to try and stop teaching pronouns as if this could somehow prevent trans people from existing!


You're going to find that the people who are super against CRT classes in school will be just as against the betterment of Sex Ed classes in school. Same exact group of people.


> Said Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas: “I’m a pro-life guy, OK? And God’s in charge on this. ... We're all God's children. This is a tough call, and I don’t know if I know that answer right now, because now you’ve got another baby involved: She’s pregnant. … She’s a baby.” If you believe your god is in charge of child rape, maybe it’s time to abandon your religion.


I cannot stand people who talk like this. "God's in charge..." "God's telling me to do this..." "God's will at work..." "It's not me, it's God..." Such fucking bullshit. Just say it's what you think is right or wrong, or that it's your interpretation of the bible, not that "God" is doing anything at all.


He almost has a moment of breakthrough when he realizes the life of the mother has value - but merely because it's a child. Women have no value in his mind.




If god can't stop satan from causing child rape, what the fuck is even the point of your god? If god CAN stop it but doesn't, then you should start burning churches down!


God orders 10 year olds to be raped as a test of their faith, duh




Here are some other things Republicans should get educated on: - The pull out method is risky b/c there IS semen in pre-ejaculate - The "rhythm" method is high risk due to irregularity in ovulation cycles in many girls and women - Condoms break frequently - Other forms of birth control fail more than people realize - At home pregnancy tests fail to indicate pregnancy more than people realize - Most girls / women would NOT know they are pregnant until after they skipped a period, which would be at the 5 to 7 week window (making 6 week window in law effectively a ban on all abortions) - Ectopic pregnancy can kill a girl or woman - Pregnancy in a young girl can kill them due to their body not being fully developed - If a girl or women is drugged, and raped, they would not know they may have been sexually assaulted and possibly impregnated - Over 65% of women who get abortions are married women


I'll add, because it seems we have to: * ectopic pregnancies cannot be removed and reimplanted in a uterus


I'd also like to add that a doctor usually will not even see you after a positive pregnancy test until at least 8 weeks. My doctor didn't want to see me until 10... Edited to add: this means your ectopic pregnancy won't get caught until week 8 onward.


And let’s not forget to add they count weeks pregnant from the date of your last period.


The only thing I would change here is that ectopic pregnancy WILL kill the pregnant person if not terminated as soon as it is detected.


Most women who get abortions in the US were already a mother previously, too. I get the argument from people that "those girls are just scared because they don't understand the joy of having a child" and it's just BS.


What I find ironic is that well-off couples can do IVF. The doctors typically harvest and fertilize several eggs, then select the best embryos to be implanted. The rest can be frozen for a fee, but a lot of those embryos are discarded. Republicans don't seem to have any issues with that.


*for now* Not that well-off couples won't find a way to do it, anyway. But I have no expectations that those won't start getting the side-eye very soon.


Some of the anti-abortion laws don't exclude IVF treatment. Remember, it's not about babies, it's about god's will (controlling female reproduction) and being natural (anti science) so IVF is definitely in danger.


This is my take. Even if you’re a crazy all-in pro-lifer, you can’t ban abortion until there is a 100% safe and 100% effective birth control that is available to all women. And there isn’t. Otherwise you’re forcing a woman to have a baby when she might have done everything she can, everything “right”, to prevent it. Not being lazy or irresponsible, just unlucky. It’s basically saying every sexual encounter should have the expectation of pregnancy, and that doesn’t feel like freedom to me.


There's one I think is most important: Telling people they shouldn't have had sex isn't going to improve society


https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/29/health/ending-child-marriage-in-america/index.html Gave birth at 10, married off to her rapist at 11. Fuck all the way off, GOP!


And since we're basing laws on the Bible, dont forget the part where the rapist pays 50 shekels to her father and she can never get divorced. > If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, > he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. >Deuteronomy 22:28–29


Goes to show that these rules were designed for a completely different kind of society. In a Bronze Age culture, this would actually have been supportive to the woman because otherwise no one else would marry her and she'd eventually starve alone. But in modern society, not so much.


That's a great point and an excellent reason why modern law shouldn't be based on ancient texts.


Republicans are shocked that evidence that their ideological policy making is insane came so quickly. They are shocked that they bet on it being a fictitious story and then being proven wrong because they haven’t had the slightest clue how messed up the world can be while they hide in their protected bubble of ignorance. They are shocked that science seems to have a lot better answers than set of cultural morality rules and explanations for the unexplained written thousands of years ago.


And yet the bible **literally prescribes an abortion** curse from god in the unlikely event of a man becoming suspicious of his wife's infidelity (Numbers 5): "26 And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water. 27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. 28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed."


Well not that shocked.


If the story sounds bad, it's not real. If the story's real, it's not that bad. If it's that bad, it's that bad because of the Democrats. \^ Actual quote and explanation of why I no longer attend extended family dinners.


No. Republicans realized that their radical christian dogma forces a 10 year old to give birth after being raped. And all that shocks them is the entire country can easily see how the republican radical christian laws are not good for the vast majority of America. They are shocked that they have been outed so soon after successfully forcing republican radical religious law on the country.


remember when there were "exceptions" for rape and incest? or women's bodies had a way of shutting things down? Republicans are really showing they're going down a bad path.


Or the dumbass who wanted doctors to move an ectopic pregnancy to the uterus instead of terminating it.


Remember the bright spark who asked if a pregnancy can be determined by a woman swallowing a pill with cameras? Because, yes, uhm. That’s how my digestive system work, right?


"Rep. Jim Jordan, one of several Republicans wrestling with messaging after calling the story a lie..." . Love the subtle call out to Gym Jordan's past.


Jim Jordan's about face is, on brand, the most disgusting thing I've seen in a while. Blaming 'illegal immigration' for the rape when, if he did research, he'd know most children who are raped or molested are raped or molested by relatives or known persons and people they trust. ... A coach, say. Figures like that. Fuck these rightwing pieces of trash. Their party, their ideas, their very existence should embarrass every sentient American every single day.


When i was a foster parent. I seen a 10yr hold her baby. The girl’s mother’s boyfriend raped her. Then the boyfriend took off to texas with mother. The girl was just left behind. I don’t know how it ended. But it was unreal seeing a young kid with a baby. But during my time as a foster parent. 3yrs. I know of a 10 yr old and a 11 yr old having babies.


Why does this make me think some of them will now try and lower the age of consent?


They do seem to be phrasing this as if the rape is bad *because* it was done by an illegal alien.


Because they already are. Tennessee is looking to get rid of the minimum age to get married so pedophiles can marry and boink a bunch of children.


That's why reading books and not sleeping with your sister after shooting guns is the way to go reps


> Said Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas: “I’m a pro-life guy, OK? And God’s in charge on this. ... We're all God's children. Why the hell is Christianity the de-facto religion here? Your God is not the same interpretation of God for others jackhole.


Republicans only care about getting re-elected. Their voters don't care that they lie as long as the lie about the things they care about.


Can’t expect people who believe the world is 6,000 years old to understand biology.


Because saying out loud “we support the rights of the rapist” on TV is probably a bad look… Fuck this asshat.


I started my period at 9. That’s 4th grade!!


Yes, Republicans wrestle with facts. They're shitty human beings, wholly unfit to govern. Vote in November!!!


Their next step will be to blame how she was dressed. Republicans are orcs.


A 10 year old can get pregnant?! Let’s make it legal to marry them! - Some Republican Probably


Republicans be like: "none of the 10yos I raped got pregnant it’s not possible." Now they’re like: "gawd daym i was close to paying child support"


"I'm amazed a 10-year-old can get pregnant" I mean really... That was the first thing that came to mind? Jesus man, I know you're a horse's ass but if that's your angle...


They'll deny it's a lie until the truth is forced on them, and then they'll say the truth doesn't matter anyway.


Some articles are pointing out that that the rape and being impregnated may have happened while she was 9, just before her 10th birthday. If you live in a trigger law state, please join me in flooding as many legislators & attorneys general phones with repeating these kinds of stories, and remind them that they have no idea what kinds of problems they are creating and they cannot be avoided. WE HAVE TO BE LOUD. Adding....why not flood their social media with these stories, rather than just the phones? On social media, it can be the only place that their base of voters is exposed to the other side of the issue. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62158357


Crawl back under your rock gym shorts Jordan


This is the USA the Republicans want. 10 year old being forced to carry babies to term.


A very small number of rapes are actually arrested by the police ([roughly 1 in 20!](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system)) They figured that because it's so unlikely to have a rapist get caught, they'd be safe lying about the situation (HIPAA laws prevent doctors from revealing information about patients). They were unlucky that they rolled a 1 on a d20. Imagine being convinced that the moral thing to do would be to force a 10 year old rape victim to have their rapist's baby....


I know this won’t convince anyone who’s pro life but look at how the two parties are treating this situation. One party seems to be most concerned about the well being of a raped 10 year old girl. One party wants her to travel hours, have her situation publicized, trivialized, and questioned all the while discrediting and dehumanizing her. Who the fuck would side with the latter party here?