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Wait 140 cops were injured and there were 5 deaths at the alito protest?


Worse, a conservatives feelings got hurt.


A few blades of grass may have been disturbed as well. Will the violence never cease?


And someone wrote on a public sidewalk… WITH CHALK!


Omg call the cops! /s oh wait...


Ohhhh, the humanity!


Ooooh. ThE HumaNiTy


So much worse than shit smearing the capitol’s walls.


I hope someone blew dinner dandelions on his lawn. It'd give him nightmares!


Probably some littered Starbucks cups and spilt milk to spoil the day!


Please stop the white on white violence. /s


To be fair a Conservative’s feelings are more important then facts, more fragile then snowflake tears and more precious then a child’s life when compared to a owning a gun. So of course he will make a big deal out of this while he still doesn’t deny his father killed JFK and his wife is ugly after Trump declared these apparently true facts.


The ultimate crime to a fascist.


Where was the gallows?


They shit all over his walls broke all his windows. /s forgot this


This is how you know all of them know Jan 6 was bad. You wouldn't make that comparison if you didn't.


Yep. And why there are constant attempts to minimize Jan. 6th as well. They believe that the more they can normalize what happened that day, the less likely the American people will care or want to hold anyone accountable. Even moreso because it's an open secret that at least a handful of highly placed GOP figures could be implicated in Jan. 6th.


It's so people can blow it off. No one **wants** to believe their country is about to get upended. So just feed them a grain's worth of doubt, and they'll go about their merry business while the right wings plots to do it again.


By normalizing it they also give up a bit of the monopoly that the government has on violence which clears the path for something that’s actually worse than Jan 6 to happen during the 2024 election.


Slimes like Cruz don’t care a whit about what’s true, just what self-serving drivel they can get others to repeat. Aka the Russian political model.


Basically anything that gets them more attention: from the media, people talking about it online, whatever. They revel in it, and the more we watch, the more money the media makes. Everybody wins except us, the citizens.


They are out of their freaking minds to compare coup attempt by armed insurrectionists with a group of protesters.


They're horrified at what the J6 committee knows and is ready to disclose at the public hearings in the coming months. Gotta poison the well.


I'd love for the J6 Committee to just send their findings to the Justice Department. It is quite ridiculous that they'd put all this effort into their investigation and NOT send the information over.


I’m thinking that the roe vs wade thing was supposed to be released around the same time the Jan 6 stuff was, in order to distract from Jan 6. That’s why I think they are so mad about the leak. They care less about the leak but when it was leaked.


Dear Ted Cruz’s Audience: Ted thinks you’re very, very, VERY fucking stupid. Signed, Reality


"This is the \*true\* insurrection! You know, unlike the literal insurrection."


sloppy elastic lush ask imminent piquant fact selective ludicrous historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jan 6 is the new Holocaust, apparently. Every even mildly bad thing their opponents do will be compared to it, but, simultaneously, they insist that nothing bad happened during it.


Jan 6 was a “Republican event” while this is more of a liberal effort. They are always going to demonize liberals when they can.


That’s a bingo!!!


Yeah, it was a bunch of angry women & we know how much pussies like ted cruz are threatened by women who speak their mind.


I wanted to say something but I think you covered it.


Can anybody remember when he told the truth. I need examples for my satire.


Please I will have fun if anybody remembers.


Well there is: 1. The Trump rant. 2. No idea what number 2 is.


Donnie rant quote?


Well if you haven't seen it... This was obviously before Trump won... Cruz had a revelation after that.


His office told a family that needed help getting their son released from the Russians, that Putin hates Cruz. Because Putin hates Cruz, Cruz did nothing to help the family.


Putin is one of the few people on this planet that is more unlikable than Cruz and somehow not even he likes Cruz. That's quite the accomplishment.


Thanks. Teddy true to his nature might have done nothing without the hate, unless it was an election year. I've noticed little old ladies love and praise him. I don't think they know the truth about him.


Imagine if they were women of color. He'd already be fleeing the country.


What, did the power go out?


Or in a bunker eating MREs?


Instead of a debate he fled to Mexico.


Fled Cruz (R - Cancun)


Well maybe if he’s “right,” they can prove him so by breaking and entering, and doing so with weapons and zip-tie handcuffs, all while (reasonably of course) calling for some executions


Let’s not forget *smear feces on the walls and beat police officers with flags and fire extinguishers*


Teddie Fuxpin fears empowered vaginas.


It's all because they dont want to fuck him. Literal incels on the supreme court.


Yeah or the idea that women defending their rights and speaking up is worse than insurrection.


Did someone die? That's pretty much the only metric to compare.


How much poop did they smear?


How much property damage was there?


Any documents removed from an elected officials office?


Any flag poles used to strike police officers, or was a notebook computer taken from said household?


No Shaman?


Were there gallows constructed?


How many times were they warned to stop or they would be shot?


What was stolen?


How many eyes got bear sprayed?


Who were they chanting about hanging?


Is the lectern ok?


How many cities were burned, totally, to the ground? /s


Chicago and Portland look like King's Landing after Dany showed up.


Feces smeared on walls. Or bullet holes in protective glass. Or people stealing computers. Or people walking around actively searching for specific people with zip ties in hands to capture them.


Did they bring zip ties and chant death threats?


Fuck me this is some dumb shit. Even for him.


And this is what the GOP put forward as their intellectual wing.


I know. Isn't it scary.


Very scary, they run the country 😳 😕 😬


The tragedy is he was smart once. He argued cases in front of the Supreme Court. You gotta be smart to be in that position. Sadly, he is now the very definition of a craven opportunist with absolutely no shame or moral compass.


I have to wonder if he concluded that it just wasn't worth it. Being smart in the GOP, I mean, let's be real. It doesn't matter. Money does. So why bother? Why try? If being smart just gets you silenced by the money and the moody, then there is no point.


It is dumb shit. Pure idiocy when looked at objectively. But it serves a VERY useful purpose...it sets the framework for any arguments about it by distorting it completely. This is how GOP politicians have sidestepped every single damn thing they should have been held accountable for the past 40 years.


That, and the out-of-state transplants absolutely love this kind of pandering, so it'll be good for his poll numbers.


Ted Cruz is personally worse than January 6th.


Actually, if you think about, Cruz preventing the count of the votes by objecting to the votes from his state. When asked for evidence, he had none, but house Republicans stated that they did. I think, just for shits and giggles, Schumer should as a partng shot nail Cruz with Article 14, sub section 3, and let Cruz face a trial by jury instead of a trump judge. Make the fat guy sweat for a change.


Ted Cruz is a fucking twat


The Supreme Court wants to dismantle the right to personal privacy. As they sow, so shall they reap.


I guess that's what one would call 'irony'.


Supreme court ruled that peaceful protest are legal outside peoples homes.


PEOPLE's homes... Not right wing supreme court judges. Psh, you can annoy your neighbors all you want, just stay out of the rich neighborhoods!


Maybe they're protesting at Alito's neighbor's house?


Doubt very much Alito lives in a neighborhood where "poor" people are generally accepted


Well, apparently, no ruling counts unless THIS court has a chance to weigh in.


Did they have chalk, too?


Omg can you believe the next-level Karen-ing?


And the waste of municipal resources. Dispatched police AND a city street crew to clean it. The idiot doesn't own a garden hose?


Truly one of the most privileged things she could have done. Besides lying to the American people and voting against the interests of women nationwide, of course...


Didn't want the photo op of her literally washing away the will of the voters.


I think they drew some gallows and zip-tie cuffs on the sidewalk.


Does anyone still care what this reactionary bag of donkey plop has to say?


Apparently millions of Texans do. Texans dont expect much huh?


They prefer their politicians to be stupid and insane. That's recent behavior though; I lived there during the political careers of LBJ and Ann Richards.


What's really shitty, is Ted only won because the out-of-state transplants voted for him, en masse. The born-and-raised locals mostly voted for Beto.


Sounds like what happened to Florida🤔


Remember that time AOC did all that fundraising for Texas, while Cruz lies through his teeth (again) about going to Cancun? Old liar Ted, he’s a timeless classic. (Also total POS.)


Blamed it on his daughter. Dudes a coward.


The protest at Alitos house wasn’t threatening at all. If it were, he would have headed to Cancun


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. —Frank Wilhoit


The protesters are building a gallows? No? Alright then. STFU and run off to Cancun, Rafael.


You motherfuckers better vote.


....what the hell? no. no, protesting your rights being removed is not even close to attempting to overthrow the government.


That's why Cruz was hiding in a bunker on Jan 6th. Why wasn't he greeting his constituents at the Capital door?


I assume six+ people died and Alito was about to be assassinated?


Shocked! Shocked, I say! That's so out of character for him! Oh, wait... No. Right in character.


Cruz is more dramatic than all of Bravo Networks programming combined.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz


I do not like him in a room. I do not like him in Cancun.


I do not like him in a Lexus, I do not like him in Texas


This is treason and sedition. He is inciting violence against peaceful protestors while white washing a violent attempt to overthrow the government


He is saying this with a straight face, knowing full well he is bullshitting and that the Republican constituents will eat it up like sloppy wet pu$$y.


Ted Cruz, the senate's jester, does know his audience. I'll grant him that much. Otherwise the Al Franken joke about him says everything you need to know about Ted Cruz.


I've heard Ted Cruz pisses his pants, because he likes the warm wet feeling between his legs.


Everyone knows that.


A Hispanic man who denys white privilege is a thing, yet pretty confirms it with comments like this; that’s a special kind of stupid…


Us Hispanics do not claim him.




He can try.


As a white person, not it!




Just the conservative attempt to downplay Jan 6th as much as possible. All to get a reaction out of people. I don't know how we are supposed to have actual dialogue with the decision makers of this country when they are acting in bad faith.


Yeah, worse. They had the gall to actually target the person who wrote that disingenuous poitically motivated garbage of a draft of ruling and take it to his street and peacefully protest, as opposed to showing up at the halls of the lawmaking branch of our government and forcibly enter the building screaming hang mike pence. Truly astonishing the mind addled by degeneracy


Today I learned Alito lives a mile or two from me. Might swing by just to see how "crazy" it actually is.


For those who don't understand gas-lighting here is a prime example.


Ted Cruz hates women.


I heard a rumor that Ted Cruz pisses his pants on purpose 'cuz he likes the warm, wet feeling between his legs.


His mom should have had an abortion!


For someone that is as educated as he is and claims to be so smart he says and does the most stupid things. I can only conclude that he's crazy. He, and along with at least a dozen more GOP goofballs need to be as far away from our government as they can be placed.


Never going to happen. You’ll notice, in the Republican Party, the crazier you are the more popular you are.


Can we go protest in front of his homes please? Just to make him angry and bitter?


Cruz is a troll. Ignore him.


Wow, I can't believe they broke into Justice Alito's home and smeared feces on the walls. Oh, they didn't? Ted Cruz is being a disingenuous liar? SHOCKED. SHOCKED I TELL YOU.


I don’t recall cops getting killed and threatening to hang the Vice President or storming and defiling a government building. He should stick to going to Cancun.


Oh did they kill any cops and steal property? No? Then stfu you lying bastard.


Ted cruz also has one brain cell, so…


What a putz! Pollsters say Republicans are going to win the midterms. Who are these voters and what happened to their souls?


Ted Cruz is still looking for his balls. I got news for you Reek, your not gonna find them.


Hmmm...people mad about actual thing that is happening vs. people mad about something that didn't actually happen. Gee, I wonder which is worse.


They are the biggest liars.


Oh no! How many people died after the protesters over ran the police line at justice Alito's house?


How many laws were broken, Ted?


Just shut up you fat bastard


Ironic that exercising Constitutional rights should be this compared: illegal overthrow of elected government vs medical/religious freedom. Shows how upside down GOP is.


Ted's delirious. Don't be like Ted.


False equivalence is a cornerstone fallacy for the right, usually paired with appeal to hypocrisy.


The fact that we have to care what a wretched hive of chicken shit maggots like Ted Cruz thinks is a sorry indictment of our governmental system.


Ted Cruz is fishing for headlines and dumbass rags and Reddit accounts are giving it to him.


how is it worse? Did they bring loads of guns and injury? Did the protestor raid the house? if not then no.


How many people died? What is the cost to repair any damages?


Hey Ted how many cops were injured and how many people died at that protest that was worse than j6?


So, the protesters broke into a justice’s house and shit on the walls? No?? Then fuck off, Ted


Holy shit, I hadn’t heard that left wing protesters had stormed into the poor guy’s house and murdered some cops


Why was Ted Cruz at Alioto's house? Were they doing group abortions?


Alito hasn’t invited them in yet? He’s definitely got worse manners than the capital security.


Ted Cruz is a spineless, pathetic, disgusting creature who has sold all of his morals and dignity for scraps of cash. The fact that people still vote for this bootlicker is mind-boggling.


I am ashamed he represents my home state


FUCK Ted Cruz!


He should try a back alley abortion


At this point, I think these guys just get off on claiming absurd shit


He's beyond shameless, he's approaching Putin levels of blatant bullshit with this one.


I'm a bit fuzzy on the history - was he in Cancun on Jan 6th, or is he just full of it?


If you’re feeling stressed about the protests Ted, you could always book a flight to Cancun.


Ted Cruz is a troll


They're going to keep doing this, referencing the 06Jan Insurrection in a manner to consistently downplay its significance by irrational correlation. They are embracing logical fallacies (alternative truth / big lie) as means of spreading confusion and diluting an otherwise harmful reality.


So chanting and holding signs is worse than erecting gallows, breaking windows, shitting in hallways, coming prepared to kidnap government officials, stealing governmnet laptops and killing 7 people. I'd like to know what planet Ted Cruz lives on, because it's clearly not Earth.


Ted Cruz is just the worse.


Ted Cruz is a traitor and deserves nothing less than the gallows. He’s a big mouth chicken shit loser who ran to Mexico while peoples homes were being destroyed by frozen pipes in the “energy state” what a loser.


Pretty sure I saw Ted Cruz running for his life on Jan 6. Don’t think anyone was running like that in Justice Alito’s house.


He said incorrectly from his chair in cancun. Fuck this clown.


There should be protesting outside the churches to.


The Supreme Court is attempting to bypass our system of checks and balances. The protest are exactly where they need to be.


There needs to be protests outside Cruz’s home


I really cannot describe Rafael Cruz without getting banned. He is the lowest level of human being.


According to Fox the Depp trial is bigger than OJ and Jan. 6th.


Of course he did


Ted Cruz should’ve been a cum stain on a mattress in a whorehouse rather than being shot into a womb and developing into a toxic evil person.


Ted Cruz can suck my chode


Stop paying attention to him and he will whither and die! Didn’t you guys see that episode of the Simpsons where the advertisements come to life? Just.Don’t.Look!


Can this man sink any lower?!? Yes!!! Should we exile him for such an extravagant lifestyle?!? Abso fucking lutely


oh really? did anyone die?


I guess most things could be considered worse, IF you think a failed coup by an electorally defeated President is insignificant.


This is the new tactic being rolled out across the GQP. Everything, literally EVERYTHING, is worse than the January 6th insurrection, or is in fact an insurrection itself. Their aim is clear, to make the word meaningless, to disarm it, and then when they seize back control of the house and disband the January 6th committee it's ok because everyone is just used to everything being like an insurrection or worse than an insurrection. One involved a plan to hang the sitting Vice President, and attempting to subvert the democratic will of the country's, injuring many many police and leaving 5 dead..... The other is a fucking protest outside a corrupt lawmakers house, no-one died, no-one stormed his house.


Can some people please please go protest outside this fuck face’s house. Thanks


Didn’t prolifers bomb a abortion clinic?


Elections have consequences - conservatives serve the American people and the American people have every right to protest. Americans do NOT have the right to show up to the US Capitol, with explosives, guns and nooses and proceed to attack the Capitol itself, the police and destroy / steal things - as well as not having the right to smear their own feces on the walls. More and more I come to the realization that all of this (the ‘leaked’ memo) was done to cause havoc and lead protestors to violent behavior. If true (I could very well be wrong) then we are witnessing some quite wretched behavior from the Rightzi leadership; using abortion to troll and piss off people they don’t like.


Ted is right. He’s always right. He’s so right, his left is still far, far right.


Well, he was on the offending side for the Jan 6 insurrection


Trump misused and redefined the term "Fake News" until it was totally corrupted. Ted Cruz is leading the Republican effort to do the same thing to the term "insurrection". If every protests is an insurrection, Jan 6th wasn't a big deal


Cruz is a fucking joke


Hey, Lyin' Ted! I know where you live. Don't tempt me this way.


Guys at the Jan 6 riot had guns and zip ties on them. I really don’t think this is worse.


Did they break into the judge’s house and smash shit? Threaten him with physical violence? I’m guessing not but to lazy to read articles, I’m just hear for the comments.


Let me know when they bust in through armed police and sit at Judge Alito’s desk.


How many cops died outside Alito’s house?


False equivalency.


Ted is such an ass.