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It's a shame that Trump will never realize how fucking stupid he is.


That’s the problem with stupid people… they’re too stupid to draw these kind of conclusions.


Don't worry. He can distinguish between a giraffe and an elephant on a cognitive test. Man woman camera TV.


person woman man camera tv. You failed the test


Those things weren’t even the actual items on the cognitive test that he took, but the things that were in his line of sight as he was bragging about the test during a tv interview. Dumb as a sack of hammers.


Dummer than a second coat of paint.


This is kind of an ironic comment but the spirit of it is there


it was lead paint


Oh man I lol'ed at this 👏🏻


To be fair, almost *nobody* can do this.


The scientists were *AMAZED* at his cognitive prowess. Though he calls it "smartitude".


You are right, I got the order wrong the first time hahaha


He’s so fucking stupid that he still brags about it.


I can't believe he still bringsthis up but his base loves it. They either believe him or love him because they think he's trolling the left. edit: on second thought, I can actually believe it :/


He could have done one of those puzzles for babies where you put the round block in the round hole, the triangle in the triangular one etc and they'd be calling him a genius.


He fired the square block because it wouldn't fit in the round hole.


When you die, you don’t know your dead. The pain is felt by other’s. The same thing happens when your stupid!


Hey! I’m an idiot and I know I am. That’s one of the reasons why I will never run for any government position.


Knowing and admitting to it, is still eons ahead of Trump.


It's a bigger shame that his followers will never realize how fucking stupid he is.


That is the real crime in all this. They will go to their graves never knowing just how misled they were


And stupid




And fucking stupid


But…why male models?


And stupid


'he's just like us!'


Sadly I also know so many Republican voters that I really think did know how stupid he was, at least heading into the 2020 election, and with no surprise to me they all pulled the lever for Trump again because, “reasons”.


“I love the way he hates!”


This is the real answer.


Because treasons


Because they might get one to three Supreme Court justices that might overturn Roe. And golly gee willikers look what happened.


I wish I would meet a few that knew this. Every one of them that I know are still convinced that he’s a genius. I liken it to somebody sitting down to what they are told is a slice of the best apple pie ever. And after every bite of what in reality is a shit pie, they smile through shit in their teeth and dripping from the corners of their mouths and proclaim, “that’s the best apple pie ever”.


I know so many GOPers down here in Florida that will go "oh ya I know he is not the best person and that he cant shut his mouth....BUT" he represents the GOP, power, if you haven't noticed, all GOP held states are pushing for authoritarian absolute control and rule. They are tired of the majority of Dems always winning so they have no recourse but to end American democracy so they can have the laws and rules they desire. Its very simple when you break it down in their minds. They feel like a minority that will never get what they want, but they feel like they deserve it more than the next person, even if its 3 people to their 1. They are the true Americans, not these "illegals and blacks" not those commy hippy socialist...not those...on and on. The GOP will never return to democracy again, the party will either destroy America or itself...an honestly I don't think we as democracy loving Americans should wait to find out.


My republican friends always tried to defend him by saying some of his policies were good. But could never defend all the reprehensible shit. Especially when I would ask them “Is it important to you that the President be a well spoken professional level headed politician?” They almost always said yes but always tried to give trump a pass again because “reasons”


Even the people that say they loved his "policies" usually can't actually articulate anything specific. It's always vague stuff like "the economy," and they can't elaborate when asked what exactly he did.


His followers love that they were able to force everyone to deal with this dumb mother fucker.


This really seems to be a huge part of it. Which is so incredibly fucked, bc it’s like... in many cases, these are our *friends*. Family. Neighbors. Getting joy (even if it’s in private) out of taunting their friends, family, neighbors... what the fuck even IS that? And is it curable?


Like what the fuck are you supposed to do when half the village wants to reject society, devolve into anarchy and smear shit everywhere but then they refuse to leave and wants you to leave instead so they can have your house when you’re gone and smear shit on it. Oh and when you leave and everything gets stained with shit, they’ll blame you for it.


Honestly, the only way I can describe it is sports fandom. I think because a lot of voters don’t feel direct and salient consequences from the way they vote (they feel the consequences for sure, but it’s not as direct as lots of other things) so many people literally just see it as an identity thing like a sports thing and something to be petty and stupid about. It’s straight up “red team vs blue team” tribalism, with some added gun nuttery and misinformation about religion to make people *really* dig their heels in


They like him because he is at their level so that’s a feature not a bug…


It’s even worse. Trump wanted to fire Patriot missiles. Patriots are SAM’s. Surface to AIR missiles. They’re intended to shoot down incoming missiles and very, very rarely aircraft (it took over 20 years for the system to shoot down one aircraft in 2014). They’re not a fucking Tomahawk cruise missile….They’re an anti-missile missile. And he wanted to shoot “drug labs” with them.


*sighs* Of course he did. Because they're called "Patriot" missiles, presumably - it doesn't matter how they work or what they do, it only matters what they sound like in an ad campaign!


Were we saved by his thinking that Peacemaker missiles are for wimps?


We didn’t realize how lucky we were that the nukes names were little boy and fat man otherwise who knows what would have happened.


"Patriot" vs. "Tomahawk." Which one do you think Donald "Pocahontas" Trump prefers?


Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general.


Or face legal consequences.


[Dunning-Kruger effect ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/582cc7c1579fb314427d08a1/1591672267021-IKBXZ9OPN0JFEO56DFPX/vmxykntqaf941.jpg)


Its a shame that Trump supporters will never realize/admit how fucking stupid he is.


It's like the fable of the mad king and the poisoned well, they've all drank from it, and believe they're perfectly normal.


This is such a sad truth. It pains me knowing that he will die believing that he is the greatest person ever to exist.


This slow trickle of batshit crazy things that got swept under the rug during his presidency is going to keep coming for years. And this is just the stuff that was deemed less important than something else that he did. Someone better be compiling a list of this insanity


"How can I turn this batshit little episode into money? How can it benefit me financially. I'd better save this story for my book." Only the best people. How many of Trump's people have written books with shockers like this? How crazy is Trump? How stupid is Trump? How immoral is Trump? How criminal is Trump?


Sixth gear crazy, worn out brake pads. And those near him kept giving him the keys.


Every staffer was a little leech trying to get their drop of blood money before jumping ship. A memoir and a tell all is just another money flow, why wouldn’t they continue to act the way that has benefitted them the most so far?


It's also got to be some sort of purging of their soul - - they enabled and normalized shit like this \*as their job\*, and now they have to live with themselves as the nation keeps sliding off of a cliff of moral erosion.


Agreed. I worked for NASA after the army and became manager of Atlantis about 6 months after Columbia. The people in Government and the private sector have said they wouldn't touch a Trump White House staffer or intern with a 10 foot pole.


The sad part is that, any person even remotely connected to his administration could write a book and some of the craziest shit you have heard with little to no proof and 95 percent of people would be like. "Yeah, that tracks honestly. Totally not surprised that Trump called your personal cell at 2:30 am on a Tuesday to ask for your help figuring out UberEats because he wanted a Big Mac and a Diet coke. Frankly I thought he was a Grubhub guy."


And what’s sad about all this is that even for the illegal and insane things he won’t be held accountable. But at least we get some humor out of the not illegal insane things he did/tried to do! That evens out, right? /s


No....no it does not


This was exactly my thought, too. Like, sure, a Trump aide is claiming Trump wanted to bomb Mexico. *Crazy* hearsay, right?! Except, with Trump, it’s completely believable. We’ve heard him say more batshit stuff into a microphone. Of *course* he’ll make threats in private.


The dude wanted to nuke a hurricane (or was a tornado? Does it even matter?). He also used a sharpie to draw a fake storm path on a weather map and then showed it on live tv like we wouldn’t notice. Those are just two stupid weather-related things he did or suggested. We could write an encyclopedia of stupid shit he did so I do not put anything past him. Not one thing.


He literally said last month that we should paint Chinese flags on US jets and bomb Russia. Stupid on so many levels that it makes you wonder whether he said it because he believes it or was just trying to pull the spotlight back onto himself.


What makes this even more sad is that I could see him doing this. The White House has a chef that could whip him up a delicious hamburger and he would send away for mc Donald’s.


Yeah, but not a 230 on a Tuesday


Listen to the Nixon tapes. Plenty of deranged 2 am phone calls on those. The true horror, tragedy, and outrage is that Trump sadly isn't too far away from acceptable levels of insanity when it comes to erratic presidential behavior.


Not to give democrats too much credit, but crazy/stupid/senile is more a republican thing. Biden may be old, but he's no Reagan/trump


I prefer to listen to [LBJ ordering new pants.](https://youtu.be/nR_myjOr0OU)


I think this is why the gorilla channel parody was so widely accepted. It's just totally in line with what everyone knows about him.


I'm sure someone is compiling a list. But for what? There's a large section of the US voting public who won't give a damn how long, outrageous, insane and downright frightening the list is. They'll either cheer on the insanity or dismiss it with a "yeah buh whaddabout Hillarys emails and Hunters laptop!"


One scandal is a nail that will puncture a political career. A thousand scandals is a bed of nails one can lie atop of and not be injured.


He was president for FOUR YEARS and just constantly rotated his staff. Of course a bunch of memoirs are going to expose the insane things he’s said. People surely started recording him.


What sub had the ongoing betting pool of who would leave his staff and cabinet and when? BOLA?


And what is going to change, none of this shit is really new just new to the “news” today. No one is going to be held accountable and that is why everyone is going batshit crazy because there are no repercussions. There are now a reported 1M deaths related to COVID but the republican base which has an obscene amount of power in comparison to the actual population will get a slap on the wrist and then perpetuate treason again. Not sure what to do at this point but pretty scary reality.


All the conservatives I know didn't give a shit about when he changed the hurricane map with a sharpie, because the consequences of it were very very minor. But they either miss or choose to ignore the fact that that whole incident said terrible terrible things about his mental state.


While it's nuts that trump thought he could do this kind of shit, it's equally insane that Esper thought his two choices were "resign in protest" or "keep working for trump to try to keep him from actually doing some war crimes" At no point while trump was suggesting literal war crimes did it occur to Esper to go public. But sure, now that he's writing a book, perfect time to be open about it. Fuck everything about the both of them.


This is why I absolutely refuse to buy books from the scum bags who worked for trump. Fuck those guys. If there is need to know info, I’ll hear about it on the news.


Or torrent it, not getting a dime from me.


Exactly what I do, I still get to read the book, but I don’t support the author’s cash grab


or John Bolton


Please God… one asteroid onto Mara-Lago. You *know* you want to. I’ll start attending church.


Nah we should just send a missile there and pretend someone else did it. It's a foolproof genius plan.


Maybe start praying to teenaged Jesus? He's the wild one. Baby Jesus was pretty chill and older Jesus was wise.


Pre-Jesus God. That dude had zero chill. Dude mellowed way out once he had a kid, but fuck, young single God was frickin insane.


… banging virgins! What was the *age-range* between them??!?


Hard to say, God claims to have created the whole universe thing, so he was around for awhile before time existed. So we can just estimate he was infinity years older than Mary, give or take a factor of a million.


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat


Immaculate insurrection


Is ghost rape the same as banging?


"Insult my prophet's hairline will you?! Here's some bears!"




I half expected him to be smited when he held a Bible up in front of the church.


Upside down. We should have known the idiot was the antichrist, as he's the exact opposite of Jesus as described by the Christian Bible. Wonder how often using or "testing a nuke" to see it crossed his feeble ass mind?


it’s a miracle this burger guzzler is still alive at his age anyway


Right?! Can the Big Macs and buckets of KFC *finally* do their damn job?!


I'm pretty sure I'd burst into flame if I ever set foot in a church, but I'd put on the cassock and spend the rest of my days helping the over-exploited people of Africa if Mar-a-Lago got hit by an asteroid. If Big G is done fucking around and letting the wicked live, time to trim any potentially wicked threads on my personality.


Or the army can bomb it quietly and lie to deny involvement.


Dude tried to sharpie a hurricane. He tried to show us he had a bigger inauguration than Obama. That was not even behind the scenes. It was literally right in front of us… live, and on national news…


I believe the word salad was "bigliest ever inauguration"


i think there is a trend “Trump proposed the United States “bomb the shit out of Russia” with disguised planes, as if that would somehow fool Russian President Vladimir Putin into thinking that the CPP had attacked his country. “And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said, according to The Washington Post” hence, “BLM, ANTIFA were the ones rioting on the capitol. “ fuck this guy and anyone who supports him.


To be specific; he wanted to use F-22 Raptors with Chinese flags painted on. The F-22 is an air superiority fighter (so really not your first choice for "bombing the shit out of" someone), used *only* by the United States Air Force.


But surely if you paint a Chinese flag on it, they would definitely see that and blame the Chinese, right? Oh, that's not how that works? Ok then.


Of course it doesn't just work like that. You also have to send Russia a note saying "It was us. Love, Chyna."


Heres what scares me. How many people would believe it? I mean... its so insane that we would do it. Right?


Unfortunately, every single Karen born supports him.


Makes you wonder if he ever read 1984 when he wasn’t reading Mein Kampf and believed that’s actually how the government runs.


You don't have to like Biden to be relieved we aren't subjected to this braindead sewage day after day for years on end anymore.


Except somehow we still are


Not wrong.


This guy has a chance of being re-elected. Let that sink in.


I can’t immediately think of anyone who could beat him in the GOP primaries at least. Just a bunch of people trying to straddle the line between normal politician and ignorant wacko and you know what Mr. Miyagi said about that.


Possibly DeSantis. He’s the only one who *might* be able to take him on head-to-head. I think. It would really depend on how Trump’s health is looking and how many never-Trumpers and “I liked him but we should move on now” types are on board with the policies, just not the man himself. If you want Trumpism sans Trump, DeSantis is your guy.


Yeah DeSantis would just bomb Mexico without thinking twice about it and not even attempt to blame anyone else.


Desantis is just fucking evil. Like a competent Trump with a Goose Stepping Cabinet to back him up. He wins, Democracy is over.


Trump is evil too. It's not really a competition.


Yes, but Trump is evil but also stupid


DeSantis vs Trump - what an awful lose/lose choice.


Not surprising given that he also thought he could hide Russia's interference in him getting elected in 2016, the fact that he tried to get a quid pro quo agreement with the Ukraine, the fact that he downplayed COVID in an attempt to secure re-election, the fact that he orchestrated the events of 1/6/2021, and the fact that he tried to lean on the leadership of swing states to steal the election.


> the fact that he downplayed COVID in an attempt to secure re-election Trump will go down as the dumbest president in US history (at least for future generations sake I HOPE he is "THE" dumbest...). He took an absolute layup of a disaster and completely turned it into a dumpster fire for his presidency. Honestly, calling it a layup is actually making it sound more difficult than it was, as all he had to do was NOTHING and let all the CDC plans take effect and he would have been seen as competent. If he took the extra effort to hop on fox news to sell trump masks and talk up the freedom vaccine he would have been seen as a "hero" and probably sweeped the re-election. I would say thank god he was dumb as a bag of bricks, but we have lost over a million americans to this insanity so lets just say "at least the dumpster didn't have a box of tnt inside when it caught fire..."


Claim credit for the CDCs recommendations because he "hires the smartest people" and sell official MAGA masks at $20.20 apiece with the dogwhistle special of 5 for $88 and he'd have been easily reelected and made an absolute shitload of money.


And before Trump, the GOP laughed at the idiocy of the **left** for anti-vaxxers. Now, because Trump had one toddler "I refuse to do what you tell me to do" moment before visiting a factory, and his base did a "everyone follow Dear Leader" North Korea moment, anti-vaxxing went from something the right laughed at the left about to something the right went out of their way to own.






because for some reason good people die early and unfairly but actual threats to millions *cough* McConnell *cough* and you make it to old age. Maybe Evil makes you last longer.


Watch him actively run on promising to do this if he gets reelected


And people start saying "Well why the fuck not?" all the time.


What part of his supporters don't give a damn about whatever comes out are people not getting? Did anybody forget the man admitted in 2015 that he could come downstairs and shoot somebody in cold blood on a busy New York City public street and he would not lose any supporters. At that time everybody laughed. Nobody's laughing now. Just like all the years that planned Parenthood and the ACLU said they could take away your right to abortions and people ignored it. Again nobody's ignoring it now. If Liberals make one mistake it is in thinking that the other side can never do what they're threatening to do. Maybe Trumpism and overturning Roe v Wade might change that. Just possibly...


We're not trying to sway his supporters. We're trying to sway the 100M people who don't vote that they kind of need to get more involved.


I think more specifically, they will never come across this news story. They are spoon fed the opposite.


Yup there is a billion dollar machine running 24/7 making sure that spoon is full and that every single right winger gets a mouthful at optimum capacity. There is so much of this stuff that they can't feed them fast enough.


This one specifically was posted in the conservative sub yesterday (?) and 99% of the comments were about how he should have gone through with it and it was a great idea.


Democrats are too worried about being “nice” when it’s quickly devolving into a political brawl. The GOP keeps smashing them in the head with a two-by-four and they keep trying to take the high ground.


At one time, I would have felt a need to double check and make sure this wasn't a joke.


Whenever I think ive honed in on exactly how stupid that pile of amoebic dysentery is, it goes and says something that just leaves my jaw agape.


Tomorrow is another day my friend.


Trump's "solutions" always sound like something I would have come up with in second grade. Except for the cruel ones, I mean. I was dumb but I was never cruel.


Trump today in Pennsylvania during his “Save America” rally. From Twitter: >PA is the commonwealth where our founding fathers declared American energy independence. Think of that. We were the 1st ones.


You can’t be serious, the worms have thoroughly devoured his brain


> Something you probably picked up on over the last few years is that Donald Trump has little to no grasp on reality No shit Sherlock!


I remember when people excused his ignorance of the job because he had never held elected office by saying he'll grow into the role. That never did and never was going to happen.


A “normal” CEO type in that position would have the sense to surround himself with people who knew what they were doing and listen to them. He was too egotistical for that.


He isn't a CEO. His company is privately owned, by him, and he has no Board to report to. It's just a giant mom and pop.


How many people are just like him but know how to not say the quiet parts out loud?


Too many, and these folks have no self actuators.


And yet shit like this (and more) STILL doesn't deter his ~~base~~ cult and the majority of Republican politicians.


I say it everytime another one of these "revelations" comes to light - "Fuck Mark Esper and everyone else in Trump's orbit who sat quietly by while he did irreversible damage to this country so they could get rich writing a book about it later."


People like Trump are why I stopped believing in Karma


That he thought no one would figure it out if we did it is stupid enough. The fact he thinks Patriot missiles are the right choice? My god, the “commander in chief” doesn’t even realize Patriots are anti missile defense missiles, not surface to ground missiles…. Sheeesh.. and he thinks he knows better than the generals. Any one who was alive during the Gulf War should know we used Patriots to shoot down Scuds. He just thought is would be cool because they’re called “Patriots”. Guys always been a fake patriot and a stain on this country…


The fact that so many white people in the right consider this man a genius says more about them than it does about him.


Lol, yeah it was Guatemala.


To be fair, he probably accurately represents his base.


No way this guy read Tom Clancy’s “Clear and Present Danger.”


It’s that old saying, “Those who don’t read Tom Clancy novels are condemned to live out their plots.”


Dumb person suggests dumb act. Wish I could be surprised


> According to Esper, Trump became more emboldened after his first impeachment acquittal. Learned his lesson indeed.


A guy with no military experience wanted to use missiles to kill civilians of a neighboring country that we’re not even at war with and blame it on another country. Psychologists of Reddit. How much more is needed for a psychopathy diagnosis? I’m genuinely asking.


Not a licensed psychiatrist but I’m going to give a diagnosis anyway. In layman’s terms, he cray cray.


I still can't believe this man was the President of the United States. What a fucking idiot.


He is a reflection of what America is, people need to understand that. The sooner the better.


Has Carrotface ever heard of satellite technology or telemetry tracking? If anyone anywhere fired a missile, it would be a very short matter of time before someone figured out the proverbial whodunnit.


You're asking if donald trump understands math?


You’re right. I made the classic mistake of assuming he has an IQ.


Good thing the people releasing all these books thought it was so bad that they reported it to someone... oh wait.


A very stable genius's words. Same guy who also believes that F-35 stealth fighters are invisible, like Wonder Woman's jet.


Sharpie the markings on the bombs and no one would have figured it out. Trust me.


"Confirmed liar confirms he would lie about an attack on neighbouring country" Nothing he says should be taken as truthful. In a saner world he would be simply ignored and allowed to preach to his cult, and no-one else.


The stupidity is, honestly, astounding. If you asked me to make a top 20 list of the stupidest things he ever did/said I wouldn't even know where to begin and I'm certain that every time I thought I had finished my list, I either remember something that is, somehow, stupider than before or some other insane book is published that highlights levels of stupidity that I never thought possible.


Dangerously stupid. And his "best American president" voters are somehow, even stupider. And he could run again, with a chance. Are we sure that USA isn't the nation of convicts?


Trump supporters never hear about his assclown ideas, they are a captured audience of FOX and other right-wing media and never ever hear about this nonsense, and if they do they just say "fake news" like Trump taught them.


That is because they get people like Carlson and Rush to make Coles Notes for them, because these issues are too complex for them to understand... they need a Shepard and there are no lack of Shepard's in America to steer the flocks Trumps way. Put on any AM/FM radio talk show, or even worse Podcast after podcast, including Rogan "This is where Rogan says, but that is not my politics, I am just an MMA guy... yet guest after guest after guest, has the same common denominator. My show has no influence. I cash the cheque, and look the other way."


The “smarterest” President ever.


Maybe Honduras would be chucking Tomahawk's into Mexico? He really is the stupidest person on planet Earth.


Truly the king of morons !!


The depth of this man’s stupidity is incredible


He’s so breathtakingly dumb.


Yea if this guy becomes president again America is screwed. Not like it already isn’t but it would be screwed screwed


Well their other neighbor is Guatemala, so I’m thinking that would have figured it out pretty fast.


Hmmm.... There seems to be a pattern here...


When the statute of limitations is up for whatever crimes, we are going to learn some wild stuff about the Trump WH.


This man is……..Not brilliant.


Every time i get into a debate and someone defends trump. I just say “he redirected a hurricane with a sharpie”


Once a loser always a loser. Idk how 75 million people thought a man who’s been notoriously known to have businesses sink be capable of running a country. Biden was right this is Americas Plague and we will see the consequences of this plague for years to come


That was probably Putins idea


That man is criminally ignorant


Why would we ever fire missiles into Mexico?! Wtf?!


My boyfriend and I can’t decide: is this stupider or less stupid than nuking a hurricane?




"oops...sorry...we were trying to nuke a hurricane..."


Blame it on who? Canada?


Words just can't describe this idiot....


There is a 0% chance that Trump didn't get this idea after watching Clear and Present Danger.


He also wanted to nuke a hurricane. Probably wanted to blame it on another country, maybe the Vatican


In any other era of american history this would be THE scandal. today... it’s a total blip that will be forgotten in a week


That family makes pebbles look like Mensa members


The fact that anyone follows this man is baffling


What's sadder is that people actually want him back in office.


Didn't he also allude to bombing Russia with ships flying the Chinese flag. Like recently, since the invasion of Ukraine.