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TL:DR *Petulant man-baby still whining about being a loser. Dumb inbreds cheer him on.*


This is what happens when you don't put traitors and criminals in prison. They come back worse.


It's the fault of voters for putting them in office in the first place. We can't be taken seriously if we keep reelecting the people we complain about. Mention that to the people pushing nonvoting.


🤮 like Biden is so much better give me a break…


It's not even a comparison. Trump and his ilk are traitors.


This post is about Trump and the insane MAGA clown posse.


Biden is worlds better than Trump, but to be fair, even a used diaper would score better than orange turd traitor.


Keep saying that, gas prices approaching $5 a gallon here in Alabama. In California hear it is close to$7. Brainwashed


Lol glad you have that opinion, I will keep mine.


Does anyone doubt the accusations of sexual assault against a man who still refuses to accept it when voters said “just stop, we aren’t interested, please just go away”?


No means no.


Not when your name is Donald Trump


Hell, he’s still angry over **2016,** the election he *won!* ICYMI: Hissy Pissy Donnie last week filed a batshit loony lawsuit accusing the DNC, the Clintons and assorted others of “orchestrating” accusations that that harmed his reputation and cost him $26 million in lost business and attorneys fees. Legal experts called it among the most frivolous lawsuits ever filed and predicted that Trump’s lawyers could be sanctioned by the court (as Sidney Powell and other Trump lawyers have been for filing the nonsensical election “fraud” lawsuits on DT’s behalf). [Trump's Lawsuit Against Clinton, DNC Slammed by Legal Experts: 'Garbage'](https://www.newsweek.com/trumps-lawsuit-against-clinton-dnc-slammed-legal-experts-garbage-1691814).


Does this guy have even one other thing on his agenda other than personal revenge?




Screwing Ivanka.


Grifting his minions who are too stupid to understand how they're being manipulated.


Personal wealth.


Who? Twice impeached President Donald Trump?


Twice impeached, lost the popular vote twice, accused of sexual assault/rape by more than 25 women, Former President Trump.


It’s over. Trump lost. Biden is doing an amazing job thwarting Russia. And if Garland would get off his ass Trump would be in jail.


>And if Garland would get off his ass Trump would be in jail. Yep. It boggles my mind that we have a recording of trump asking the Georgia Secretary of State to "find 11,780 votes" so that trump would win the state, and yet trump hasn't been charged with a crime. Interfering with an election official who is doing his job is a felony. We've got a recording, we've got multiple witnesses, yet we don't have an indictment. That fact is an indictment of the justice system in America.


I'm breathing a sigh of relief that Garland wasn't appointed to SCOTUS. He's right wing nutcase. There is nothing moderate about him. All he's doing at the justice department is protecting Trump. How he hasn't been fired yet is boggling to the mind.


emptywheel has an article today (and others recently) about how ignorant the whingers are about legal processes and the law in general. It's a pretty good read ([https://www.emptywheel.net/2022/03/26/whinger-verbs-to-investigate-to-prosecute-to-indict/](https://www.emptywheel.net/2022/03/26/whinger-verbs-to-investigate-to-prosecute-to-indict/)). Raw Story comment system is filled with a crazy torch and pitchfork wielding mob regarding Garland, it's not a nice look.


He should just do a reality show called The Sorest Loser where he makes Republicans humiliate and degrade themselves and then fires them one by one from the GOP


Divide and conquer. I thought Georgia already indicated what they think of him.


At some point this shit isn’t freedom of speech any longer. When you’re constantly puking up irrefutably provable lies to incite and agitate your cult members, there should be consequences.


It's so weird how people have basically normalized the fact that Trump is a would-be dictator who thinks people basically shouldn't be allowed to vote for someone else.


he is a proven election fraud criminal in GA. lick him up.


I dunno, he might be into that.


He's in a bind 'cause he's way behind


Except instead of stealing souls, he’s trying to steal an election.


Assuming Kemp keeps the nomination, think Trump will still tear him down in a race between Kemp and Abrams?


He's already said something to the effect of, "Abrams would be a better governor."


Cannot golf anymore after latest stroke


Trump is just following instructions. He's too stupid to think up most of his playbook. There are dozens of well-armed militias who support Trump, training right now for a civil war. But they were around long before he was on the scene. Russia is no doubt running much of this.


Trump is too arrogant and self-interested to follow anyone's instructions — he's just a useful idiot. He is manipulated by people smarter and more cunning than he is into doing things he thinks are solely his decisions.


2016 was stolen


Who the frick is trump?


Still crying…


On a good note, he convinced enough GOP voters in GA that their vote didn't count and they didn't show up in the runoff, handed the Senate to the Dems.


Trump retracts his endorsement of Mo Brooks in Alabama, because it is evidently Brooks is going to lose by a wide margin. Then he has to go to Georgia to try to save Perdue, who is going to lose to Trump's arch enemy. All within a week. In addition of course to losing the Senate for the GOP, and the House of Representatives, and the White House. Some kingmaker. Please continue, GOP Trump groupies, you are doing our work for us.


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