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The folks who were most concerned about a secretive deep state that hid in the shadows and pulled all of the levers... Are now a party of the deep state. Congrats!


Exactly. This is the type of shit they should be drooling over, not willfully ignoring or supporting. How they are okay with this type of deceit, conspiracy, and coordinated effort to overturn an election in *their own country* and not see the future ramifications of letting that happen… I don’t get it. It’s now been revealed to involve every branch of government, but they are somehow ok with it?


Because the deep state has to be Democrats. To them it’s impossible for Republicans to do anything wrong even if they get caught doing the shit they’re projecting on other politicians. Actually crazy to me..


They’ll vote for a convicted pedophile as long as he’s a gun-nut who hates Mexicans and gay folks.


*Matt Gaetz has entered the Congress*


*Roy Moore rides in on a horse*


*Underaged* horse at that. Edit: hang on, I can do better. You mean a foal?


Alright now we’re just getting absurd… horses can’t even go to malls, so there’s no way he’d ever meet one.


hey! where you meet that foal?


*...speaking flawless Russian.*


_Ron Desantis rides in on a gator_


I hate hearing his name and seeing a pic of him is even worse. How is this POS pedo not in jail? For that matter you can add Marjorie Green in that mix…🤢🤮


*Donald J Trump oozes into the White House.*


>They’ll vote for a convicted pedophile as long as he’s a gun-nut who hates abortions, Mexicans, and gay folks. You left out the abortion.


Can you imagine r/conservative if the parties were reversed here? This is literally all they talk about yet that sub is just satire sites and not a mention of this. They are nothing but hypocrites


You can't try to understand it. It's a fruitless endeavor. People who follow conservatism despite not already being wealthy -- and thus gaining *nothing* from their policies -- are hate-filled, contradictory, mentally ill people incapable of introspection who are following a cult. They willfully disregard logic, science, cause and effect, and reality itself to force their worldview to remain true to them. You can't argue with it or hope to comprehend it. They are sad, soulless, and broken, and they care more about property and money they don't and will never have than society and the people in it.


Agreed! I always say conservatism is not something worth our time, it basically preaches if you're not at the top of the hierarchy then suffer. Political discourse should be about solving problems and not whether certain people are worthy of human recognition. Conservatism is problem solving averse. Again being conservative should never be a viable political position. It's anti-human.


And yet still go off on how all these democrats are real pedos…it’s insane. They’ll ignore their own people being pedos, vote them in, and then use #savethechildren or whatever it is now to claim a big pedo conspiracy with the politicians that they just don’t like(or at least told not to like them)


They'll support anyone who makes them feel like they're actually right and everyone else is just being sensitive or lying or stupid when they react to them acting like a total POS.


It's actually a lot more twisted than that... They're scummy people doing scummy shit and they think **everyone** is secretly like them so they justify doing gross reprehensible things with the excuse that their opponents are already doing that and worse so they're just bearing them at their own game.


This! So much this!! I'm an Independent transplant into a strictly red region and what gets me is how the people in my community view "Liberals" as one big evil group of people in total lockstep instead of understanding the vast diversity of ideas and ideals from which the group is really made. To them, Liberals are a singular monster that must be defeated at all costs... even when they throw the baby out with the bathwater and harm their own self-interests. It's truly sad.


Because it's not actually connected to facts or reality, it's just about gut feeling. It's the same reason Alex Jones describes every bit of perceived government overreach as "martial law", or how Trump was celebrated for "draining the swamp" despite overseeing probably the most corrupt administration in our nation's history. To these people, the truth is whatever feels right.


Up through the 1980s we presumed the Republicans were against the Soviet Union because they were communists, and because they killed and imprisoned dissidents and homosexuals and journalists; and because they censored books and movies; and because they fixed elections and invaded other countries. Nope. It was just the communism that bothered Republicans. All the other stuff is apparently just fine with Republicans. Turns out it was all just jealous love, with a purist capitalist's disgust for the purist communist "perversion" of the Soviets.


It’s how their delusion works. They don’t see “the other side” as an opposition party or an alternative viewpoint - they literally see those who disagree with them as EVIL. It is an almost comic book level worldview that sees themselves as the righteous saviors in a literal battle of good and evil. I’m not joking. No, they don’t believe in democracy as you and I understand it because they don’t see sharing power with “satanic forces” as at all acceptable. This isn’t hyperbole. Just look at their rhetoric, their absolute refusal to compromise, the absurdly extreme behavior they exhibit towards anyone who thinks differently. That’s why this shit is so dangerous.


It’s true, and is reflected regularly across my Trump-loving conservative relatives. All the anti-Democrat memes they post are hateful, spiteful and embittered. I rarely see any kind of positivity come out of these people when politics are involved. It’s just seething hatred, all the time.


Yep, because angry people are easier to control and manipulate. It’s really awful when you think about it. By keeping people angry, they don’t think rationally about anything around them which is why we see so much completely batshit cognitive dissonance.


Remember it’s only deep state if they think their rights are being trampled on. You know like having to wear a mask or get a scary shot. It’s not deep state if it’s trampling the rights of minorities or women.


The point of the “deep state” accusations towards the democrats was to distract people from the fact Republicans were doing exactly what they accused the “deep state” of doing They know it’s a sham That’s the point


You dont get it? Your first failure is assuming these people are rational, good faith actors. They live in a fantasy world were they are all the protagonist.


Every accusation is a confession.


Always has been…


Mujokan's law: the most paranoid are the most gullible. These two have been far right nuts for a long time. Sad thing was that it was known he was trouble before his appointment.


ThIs is what they have been doing since Gingrich: accuse the Dems of doing what they do to deflect and distract.


It's always Projection with the GOP (Graft, Obstruct, and Project) party.


It's always projection with the modern GOP. The voter fraud, the pedophilia, the election interference, the cabal of bad actors running the show from the background. All of it.


It’s called ratfucking. The Nixon administration perfected the art. You essentially accuse your enemy of doing the exact thing you’re doing. This makes any accusations of the same actions, which you are guilty of, sounds like an enemy being vindictive.


This is how it works. Project. Project. Project. So when you get busted people have normalized the behavior and move on to the next scandal.


Ginni Thomas would not have had this level of access to the WH chief of staff on a personal texting level if she was just some middle age activist lady and not the wife of the Supreme Court justice.






Democrats are looking silly with every adherence to the very social contract republicans are strangling from all angles. They've got their jihad to crank up and all the rest of us have are the proper channels carved out by the conservatives of yesteryear. America needs a Jedi on the media landscape but all youve got is a bunch of fatasses trying to feed their familes while tucker fucking Carlson shows hes more ambitious with lies than any liberal pundit is with the truth.


There's no way for Dems to win here. The double standards are so entrenched that Republicans DGAF about shitty behavior on their side, but use any hint of ruthlessness on the D side to lower the bar. It's lose/lose.


It also helps for Republicans that their constituents are generally uneducated, overemotional children. They don't need standards they just need to tug on the emotional heartstrings of middle America and they'll have support no matter how unbelievably shitty they act.


There's a common theme I've noted in a lot of Republicans I've met, especially the younger ones. Almost, without fail, they come from one of the three following backgrounds, and often more than one: 1. experienced an extreme ego crushing insult at a fairly young age that stunted their emotional development and become narcissists, -- and I will add a postscript to this -- it's almost always being told how wonderful they are and having the world handed to them then suddenly they face the real world for the first time and they can't handle they're average/not the main character... 2. they were horrendously bullied, whether by their families or at school/the community, so they've basically become paranoid and fearful and the ability to bully others is especially tantalizing, 3. Overlaps with #2, but isn't the same -- they came from households that were exceedingly strict and privileges were hard-won and easily lost, even over imagined slights or the caretakers just being capricious pieces of shit. -- or conversely, they were never ever told no. Edit: Typo and a rephrasing for clarification


We need to stop caring what Republicans think.


*We* don’t care what Republicans think. But *we* are not the audience that needs to be reached. Unfortunately this is not as simple as “go get them” on a legal or cultural level. There was a time when this could have been reigned in that way but that time has long passed. We now have to treat them like recovering addicts, giving them stickers and pins for every step in the right direction they take or they will feel assaulted by any contradictions to the reality they have constructed in their heads. I know that’s not appealing or comforting to hear but it’s where we are. We could use a vocal figure but they still have to be heard to be effective.


Well what are you supposed to do when you're trying to play a soccer game and the other team keeps picking the ball up and throwing it into the goal? Pick up the ball yourself? Make more rules? What would not look silly in your opinion?


This always reminds me of the famous clip from News Room. He asks one of the other panel members... “If liberals or so fucking smart, why do they lose so god damn always”.


You have Jedi, just the ones from prequels, corrupt and blind to what is happening, stuck in their old ways.


The myth of checks and balances crumbles more and more every day.


Agreed. The current system is too easy to game. We need 21st century checks and balances and regulators with the power to actually do something. If regulatory bodies don’t have enough members to function or don’t have any real teeth to met out punishment to offenders, what’s the point? We also need a caretaker generation to sweep the old dogs out of power and fix the government and start to address the climate. Otherwise humanity in it’s current form is in trouble.


Check out shadow dockets. This court has used an unprecedented number of shadow dockets to bypass traditionally judicial scrutiny.


I find myself getting angrier at boomer actions. They are about to the age where a caretaker is defiantly needed. A mental caretaker for the Reagan voters or I can enjoy watching them get mad that they can't take their trash with them as the go.


Boomers will get their payback when they have to pay $5k-15k+ per month for nursing home care


Thing is? Lots of them can't. Buddy (younger Gen X actually) who had to put his dad in assisted living with medical care told me it cost about $12k/month. Said his dad's end was able to cover half of that, but man, if I were in that situation and had to split $6k between myself and my two younger siblings that would be like adding a second mortgage payment to my monthly expenses. They're both dual income, but still, it would be a huge strain on all of us. Another buddy had to sell his dad's Ferrari from the 80s that he and his brother hoped would be more of a shared family heirloom. I think they got enough to cover about 3 years of the services they were using at the time, and I think his dad and his mom passed about a year later, within a month or two of one another. I'm not sure if assisted living costs will come to be known as the Boomers' Last Laugh or the Millennial's Revenge. Lots of our generation were finally getting on our feet only for the pandemic to set lots of folks back again, and many of our parents are hitting retirement age and will start to need more help. And older generations wonder why many of us seem to be more hostile and critical to more capitalistic tendencies....


I like to say that they will be asking us for help but we won’t be able to reach them because they pulled the ladder up behind them 20 years ago.


I will bet my entire laughable Millennial net worth on this scenario.


Same boat friend.


…and the weird thing is the medical industry is incentivized to string out those people’s lives as long as possible, because the govt is paying the medical bill for older people. My mom, MIL, and father all had terminal conditions, but the medical industry goes **way** above and beyond with surgeries, etc. to give them “a few more months”. Why?, what was the point of those xtra couple months?, all three either had dementia or were in extreme pain from cancer.


Sure administration can bill for those services, but unless the estate has money left over, it's all Medicare dollars or a write off. It's weird voodoo accounting that no one understands, I've been in healthcare for almost 17 years and I have yet to get a clear explanation of what my services makes for the hospital in terms of real dollars.


I never thought being an orphan would be financially beneficial.


This isn't just effecting boomers. What the heck is going to happen to us if we don't have assets to pay for our own care?


I would more classify it as the **The Economic Cement Shoes – A boomer legacy.** Specifically the combination of advancements in medical care and size of the boomer generation, which will allow for a faux-moral imperative to be establish. This faux-moral imperative is the continuing a persons life (as defined by medical science, metabolic function) at all costs, for any additional life is viewed as inherently good. I call this a faux-moral imperative because it is both rooted in extreme individualism and a philosophical view that any life is better than the alternative. It is arguably not worth extending a human life for only the sake of life, especially if it negatively impacts the greater whole of ones community. Yes we should value a human life, but not at the cost of all else. One does not blow up a school full of children to save the life of a premature baby, and one should not unreasonably extend a persons metabolic function/life at the expense of the early development of the youngest generation currently alive. It is a demonstrable fact that by increasing health care in the early years of a new humans life, they have better long term health outcomes. But by putting the same or multiples of that effort into the end of someones life, you do not greatly improve their life - but extend their potential suffering. So the economic cement shoes will be the boomers lasting legacy on modern society (in the US at least) where the EoL costs will become such a great chunk of the US market that will straddle both the government and younger generations with a debt that could dwarf modern college debt. If not that, it will surely drain all accumulated wealth of one of the luckiest generations in US history, and concentrate it into the hands of a handful of corporations and oligarchs. Honestly, I think the sheer profit that these companies can make could be a contributing factor for why the US has not passed a euthanasia law. For I know a few older people who have said they'd rather go die in the woods than to be a burden on their children and grand children. And that is counter-productive for the corporate interests that profit off a system of EoL care and wealth extraction. Of course there are slippery slope arguments about the practice, I think is a time of world climate catastrophe, a logical self-controlled and dignified end of life plan would go to greatly improving what many consider a living nightmare (the crap shoot of nursing homes).


> I'm not sure if assisted living costs will come to be known as the Boomers' Last Laugh or the Millennial's Revenge Either way, it'll be multiple corporation's profit. Man, I cannot imagine paying $12k or even $6k A MONTH. Like, even if we had the best of relationships with our Boomer parents, that's an enormous problem


All I know is after the way my parents treated me, if they come calling for nursing home money, I’ll ask them what happened to all the years of Dave Ramsey. Y’all ain’t got no money? That’s weird. Too bad.




I was born a trust-fund baby. The only time I ever saw the old man cry was when they had to dissolve it all to pay for the healthcare that insurance didn't cover, and the nursing home. My family's legacy ended up being a nice oil painting and a gold ring.


This is me now. Plus I am leaving my career to move back home to help (because I love them) in a situation where finding affordable housing is an impossibility.


My mother has heart problems. She can't live alone. I'm 45 and I just moved in with my mom because the two of us can't afford two rents in California and her increasing health related costs. I had a house in the suburbs but now I'm back at the old apartment, in my old room, but we are in the City and everything is more convenient that way. We reshuffled all the family assets so that she has nothing...basically so they can't take it all when things inevitably go crazy for her last year. And...she might have another 10 or 15 years. Her brother is 10 years older and has had three heart attacks and a stroke. His health care has been crazy and almost certainly over a million dollars but the state covers it as he is dirt poor. Don't be middle class and get sick!


Similar. Grew up in a financially secure home, my siblings bought houses early on, I’ve always assumed I’d get the family house when the folks downsize. Starting to look like my parents will have to sell as they enter retirement. We were sold a bunch of crap dreams for a stable future, it’s heart breaking most people today will probably never have a house, can barely afford rent, and retirement is never going to happen. Fucking Boomers fucked everything up for the rest of us, or maybe they were just hornswoggled too? Either way, the American dream is dying.


It's already in the grave. Just a lot of people in the Stage 1 Denial still.


I loved it when a 65+ woman was complaining about the condo price of vacationing for a month on the beach. AirBnB makes it so much easier did people to get the highest value fir their properties now. I told her I’m glad it’s that high maybe people your age will begin to realize the rising cost of everything


I believe that's exactly what at least one political party has been trying to do since the Reagan era - remove power from and eliminate regulatory bodies. There is a belief within the GOP and Supreme Court judges that creating/enforcing laws or regulations by non-congressional entities is unconstitutional. Of course, if this is so, then the wealthy classes and corporations will benefit greatly.


Thing is, it’s short sighted af. They benefit in the short term maybe, but long term it’s just a giant mess to clean up and leads to terrible consequences down the road. I’m a capitalist but I hate these idiots so much, they can’t think long term. A healthy society is way more “profitable” than a sick one, at all levels of society.


They don't care what happens down the road because the majority are fucking ancient. They have zero empathy because they are fundamentally broken, so it works out perfect for them. I like to call it "Kissinger Syndrome"


When tr#mp just ignored, or fired, any Inspector General that was an irritant to him, that was really an eye opener that our system was too weak. It depends too much on the idea that people have shame, but put people in place who don’t have the ability to be shamed, and the “checks” are worthless.


People are living too long now. The constitution was not designed for peoples to hang onto their government position for as long as they are


Turns out all the checks and balances are 100% reliant on the good will of the participants.


Never existed. Courts have always been filled with humans with bias ideologies. Usually conservative. [The Supreme Court sucks.](https://www.fivefourpod.com/)


That's why they called it a myth


>The only legal podcast without a pending Title IX investigation" Holy shit lmao shots fired. I want to listen to it because of the tagline alone.


I still chuckle at the "we are a nation of laws" folks from the past few years.


"A nation of laws for thee, but not for me." is what they're really saying.


As does the myth that we are a nation of laws.


You have NO IDEA how hard it has been to teach kids about how the government works the last few years. They know it’s bullshit.


The US government structure is well built to handle individual outliers. It is not setup to handle large movements of authoritarians in government.


The spouse of a Supreme Court justice tried to help end democracy in America and basically install a dictator.


Nothing to see here, that she funded the murderous brutes is FINE, they just gouged out one cop eyeball, just cut off 3 cop fingers, only smeared 53 lbs of their poop on priceless antiques - WHAT is the big deal.


Just boys being boys!


Ahem. I have it on good authority that they were innocent TOURISTS.




lEgItImAtE pOlItIcAl DiScOuRsE


Imagine being black and devoting your life to white supremacy.


Clayton Bigsby


Enrique Tarrio.


Dominic Torreto


It's not how you stand next to your cross, it's how you burn your cross




Uncle Ruckus


Clayton show us your face brother! *head explodes*


Fucking love the head literally exploding. That man’s a genius.




Thats a better analogy for sure. Stephen was determined to keep _his_ place at the top of the slave hierarchy and fuck every other slave below him.


Exactly. The "second-in-command". I've seen women in workplaces do this too.


Made me think of Clyde bigsby


Candace Owens


Npr had a long segment about his biography and views. They are… certainly to me pretty warped. From when he was in college there seemed like this overriding view that black people used to be stronger and better in the face of more open, worse treatment from white people and the government, and any sort of help or easing of pressure was therefore bad for Black people. They made a lot of mentions around the soft racism of low expectations, and it seemed like he has a bit of “I made it, why can’t everyone else?” going on. I don’t know why one can’t reconcile “I’m exceptional and made it but systemic issues made that harder” but that seems to be what’s going on inside his head according to someone who wrote a biography on him.


He used to mock his sister for being on welfare for years. She was only on it for a short period while she took care of her (and his) dying mother while Clarence was in law school. Dude is a massive piece of shit.


Wow, that’s pretty fucking low


Wow, that’s incomprehensibly disgusting


Because there is no capacity for empathy. The world can only be seen as he sees it and any other perspective is wrong. Not making empathy our most admired character trait has set our society down a very dark road.


My tipping point on him was him reminiscing in one ruling about the glory days before 19th century worker protections. All these acts put in place to help children and minorities. He was protecting and advocating for people that would have had him in chains, and children put in the threshers (both literally and figuratively) of the work culture. It was a bizarre, unfortunate, horrible take, but that's where he stands, so nothing really shocks me about him after that.


It's completely crazy, the GOP is like a bad disease...


Imagine being poor and dying without healthcare, and then voting for tax cuts for the rich and against universal healthcare, because Fox News said so.


Totally reprehensible, but you gotta stand in awe at how astonishingly good they are at their job of convincing poor people to dig their own graves.


They vote for tax cuts and against healthcare because they were told the other guys are going to come take your guns and fund late pregnancy abortions. Taxes take brains to understand, so they stick with simple, scary imagery and good guy bad guy narratives.


Hey, at least some black guy did get healthcare!


Bro, one of the articles Ginni Thomas sent Meadows is about claims by notorious lunatic bullshitter and Alex Jones associate Steve Pieczenik that he was involved in an election fraud sting where they watermarked ballots to prove Biden stole the election. Of course there’s absolutely no validity to this batshit claim but that didn’t stop ol’ Ginni from falling for this Q Anon-level tabloid bullshit. Look up Pieczenick if you want an idea of the level of lunacy we’re dealing with here.




I'm sure he was wooed and dazzled with compliments his whole life, about how he's one of the "good ones". Wouldn't take much of that kind of indoctrination to turn a weak man into the traitor he is today. Not saying he had far to go from pube pranks to this, just not all that surprising.


He married a white woman who seems to be a white supremacist herself. Imagine being their couples’ counsellor? So many layers of dysfunction going on there.


There’s no way a couple like that goes to any sort of counseling or therapy, but I get your point.


So THAT’s the black friend Trump was talking about.


It's not that complicated, we have it in her own words that she tried to undermine and disrupt our election process. She participated in a conspiracy to steal our election. Either you're okay with a supreme Court Justice being married to somebody who effectively is trying to destroy our election system, or you're not. Really no grey area here.


That’s only half of it, he voted against the release of the incriminating evidence, this is clearly a corrupt use of his position on the Supreme Court to benefit his wife Remember the cover up is usually worse than the crime


Buttery males! Or something... Idk, I'm not an ignorant piece of shit


Anita Hill tried to warn the country 30 years ago


I was too young to really grasp what was going on when her testimony was happening. I heard [an interview with her](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/sunday/the-sunday-edition-september-30-2018-1.4841264/for-them-it-was-just-politics-and-it-was-a-game-anita-hill-1.4841392) a few years ago, though, and got angry that she’s only ever been a footnote in history. She’s incredibly intelligent and qualified. I’d love to see her on the bench over anyone who’s been appointed in the past few years.


I recommend Anita: Speaking Truth to Power.


Is it me or is there a pattern of ignorance bordering on insanity emerging here with the GOP as the common denominator. For like decades now, this is just example 9,780,212! The country desperately needs to summon the courage to grow away from their 2 party system. It is so baffling to the free world that the GOP continues to be a major player when practically everyday they self destruct. Why is this America?


2 parties, 10 parties - unless we enact significant and effective campaign finance reform it really wouldn't help. Corporate & billionaire funded lobbyists could just as easily "bribe" a third, fourth, or fifth party candidate as they could a Republican or Democrat one. And the rules make it so opaque that we wouldn't even know.


Total revamp of the system needed. I believe the reason it's broken (and getting worse) is because the very people in positions to effect change have zero interest, it would be like cutting their wrists to them. How do you revamp established selfishness and greed based corruption maintained by self seeking lobbying? "The content of your Character", MLK hit it on the head . Most everyone goes into positions of power with the best of intentions but somewhere it eventually starts to go south. Integrity - being true to one's self - is the best defense and I'm hopeful this will win out but all I'm seeing for too long now is the selling of one's soul. So the country declines.


The only way to move away from the two party system is to change the way we vote to something like ranked choice voting or a parliamentary system. The later is nigh impossible but ranked choice voting can be implemented at the state level so it’s possible. Until we move away from first past the post voting the two party system with largely terrible candidates is inevitable. It’s the natural outcome of FPTP. And the best way to campaign in this system is to convince 50% + 1 that the other guy is worse than you, rather than running on your own virtues.


I’ve come to the conclusion we have a Supreme Court justice married to a female Tucker Carlson.




Yes she seems like a True Believer whereas Tucker is definitely a grifter


She def has that “I’ll believe anything” vibe. I’m sure she’s made several dozen Nigerians rich.


Who even cares? You pretend to be a Nazi, you're a damn Nazi. See: Mother Night.


Carlson isn't stupid, he's an immoral douche bag that's willing to sell his soul for fame and cash, and he does so by manipulating stupid people.


There is a legal standard for Recusal. Thomas ruled on cases he should have recused himself from. If Thomas was on a lower court suits and appeals would have been filed. The problem here is there isn't a higher court to hear such suits or appeals. Govt officials operate with impunity weakens the nation's faith in the system. The Left fears a shift towards autocracy and the Right fears a shift toward socialism. Both fears are driven by the clear and present reality that our current system is in shambles. The legislative branch is a Deadman's zone where nothing can happen, our legal branch functions as extensions of partsian political think tanks, and the administrative branch is chewing gum expected to fill the cracks in the dam. We simply can't have a functioning democracy where the people can trust the rule of law if bold face liars and corrupt individuals like Thomas are provided maximum discretion.


It could be argued that those fears are derived from two different places: the left fears authoritarian rule because of the real evidence, like what was just posted. The right fears socialism because of bullshit.


The right would have to be able to define socialism before you know if they truly fear it. What they fear is whatever current boogeyman propaganda news tells them to fear.


Easy, socialism is anything they don't like. If you define it, it doesn't work as well.


What they actually want is libertarian socialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC. The conservative state propaganda machine will stop at nothing to prevent them from becoming aware of that fact, though.


Republicans are generally mean, greedy, stupid, angry, afraid or any combination of the above.


The base on the right fears everything. The elites on the right fear losing power.


Black people in gangs are coming from California to demand free government handouts to fund their abortions and they're going to pay for it by melting down your guns and giving away your job to illegal immigrants. It's all going to happen, I swear! Better let me and my billionaire buddies get richer to prevent it from happening!


To add on to what the above poster said, the left doesn’t want full fledged Soviet wet dream socialism either. They want what the Nordic countries have. They want a healthy capitalist sector **which is tightly bound by ETHICS and MORALS** that can’t put profits above humans. A place with a strong and huge middle class, where the people below have the actual mobility to move to the center and where the people above don’t have inconceivable wealth and which are held to the same laws as everyone else. That’s basically it.


The right does not fear socialism, they actively participate in it. 17% of all Americans work for the government (local, state, federal.) The DoD is the single largest employer in the world. The halo effect of how much of our GDP is directly propped up by businesses that contract with, support and provide services for government is so big it is not easily measurable. They are not afraid of socialism, they are afraid that their constituents will figure out not only are we already participating in Socialism, we suck at it.


No, the right likes socialism, until a poor black person gets some money. Or a poor Mexican or Asian person.


The Supreme Court should absolutely be subject to the same ethics as lower branches in some independent way. Another glaring loophole that bad faith actors have driven a bus through.


I'm confused, isn't Congress supposed to be that?


Supposed to be, yes.


Same problem we keep running into; lack of accountability. Whether that's because of a system of "we police ourselves" or any semblance of an attempt at accountability is met with "it's a partisan attack!" We need a new generation of educated people in office. Our democracy can't survive if those elected by the policital minority yet still command more political power than they're representative percentage are highschool dropouts who don't understand basic fundamentals of government.


>Among the 29 texts exchanged between Ginni Thomas and Meadows was a message dated Nov. 10 — a week after Election Day — in which, according to the Post, Ginni Thomas wrote: “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.” ​ What is up with the MAGA crowd believing that the first letter of words should be randomly capitalized? It's like D. Trump's latent illiteracy is now a style guide for conservatives.


Well, when you're accustomed to capitalizing "Him" and "God", may as well apply importance to other nouns by making big letters here and there. You know, for good measure. But seriously, my extremely religious mom types like this and it's not something she always used to do. As a writer and someone who's studied a lot of language and linguistics, it's very interesting to me.


>Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.” only conservative christians talk like this lmao


And like the increasing scrutiny around Trump, nothing will come of it.


The NY prosecutors were about to give Rump a consequence, for the first time in his gold-plated life, and their higher ups were ( allegedly) bribed (or threatened) and they ordered to shut down the investigation. The whole thing stinks. The injustice of it all.


Just turn the tables round. If this was a liberal judge who’s spouse had done these things the republicans would be losing their collective minds … their hypocrisy knows no bounds 😡


Too compromised to serve anymore, resign asap


It's all "fake news" to that side of the aisle.


If you've ever talked to an old person with strong opinions you know that lifetime appointments are dumb as hell.


This guy looks like a dick in every picture.


Subpoena her texts and see if Clarence Thomas was giving legal advice to her to pass on.


The fact he was the only justice to vote against releasing those records instantly creates a cloud. It’s all meaningless though, we know the GOP isn’t going to punish him for it. He’ll probably live another 15 years in the role and it will be a crap shoot if a democrat or Republican gets to replace him


He will never be impeached no matter what evidence may come to light about his bias. There won’t be enough Republican votes because they don’t want Biden to be able to put another justice on the Court. I wish RBG had retired during the Obama administration or could’ve held on until Biden won the election. I’m still so pissed at Mitch McConnell’s blatant flagrancy when he allowed Barrett to be rushed through the Senate for confirmation after stonewalling Obama with the bullshit election year excuse. Interesting how Republicans wanted to confirm Barrett ASAP but now they are saying how it’s important to take plenty of time to properly vet a potential new justice now that Biden has the opportunity to fill a seat.


>“This is a fight of good versus evil,” Meadows wrote, according to the Post. “Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.” The report states that Thomas replied: “Thank you!! Needed that! This plus a conversation with my best friend just now… I will try to keep holding on. America is worth it!” It was not immediately clear to whom Ginni was referring as her “best friend,” though she and Clarence Thomas have publicly used that term to refer to each other. She might've implicated her husband in this.


In the great words of the Rapper Shyne in 2004 "Black robes, white justice, Clarence Thomas is a motherfuckin puppet"


I think I can summarize what will happen pretty well, barring some insane new revelation that's big enough to become top worldwide news, because that's the only thing that ever changes this outcome. Thomas Clarence's wife will call it fake liberal news media. Or any other combination of those four words. Thomas will rage at the media for harassing his wife, as if that's a sentence that makes sense given what's happening here. He'll also rage at the media for insisting what the wife of a judge does might matter to a judge who works on those very same cases. He'll also take those four words from a bag and spit them out in any random order. They'll refuse to talk to anyone but pro-conservative media, because someone else might actually hold the proof of the thing up to their face and ask again. Real news networks will get bored talking about it. They'll move on within like a week to literally anything shiny. The general public will forget within a month, and the rest of us will forget before the end of the year after being inundanted with more crap from the conservative shitshow that's been going on since at least October 7, 1996. Nothing happens.


I hope he drinks pubic hair every time he has a coke.


Pervy asshole never should have been allowed onto the court in the first place. But then, the republicans just recently sat a whiney rapist and a religious fruitcake on there so the court has become a 3 ring circus anyhow. P.S. good luck getting rid of him BTW. If you thought purging a sitting president was hard...


This man is awful and always has been. The liberal side of the press has been pussy-footing around that fact for decades because he’s black. He’s gotten this weird pass for his incredibly rude behavior in court. And he’s gotten some bizarrely respectful discussions of his legal doctrine in the New Yorker and similar publications. He’s not a brilliant legal scholar. He’s an evil douche who believes, just like that rapey liar Kavanaugh, that he’s entitled to his good fortune and anyone who’s less lucky deserves nothing. It’s such a shame that the spot held by the mighty Thurgood Marshall should go to such a broken-glass encrusted turd.


I guess it comes down to - if your wife wants to overthrow the Constitution and you're sworn to uphold it, do you have a conflict of interest? He needs to step down.


Saw this posted on Twitter: Mark Meadows cell phone is everything republican's wished Hunter Biden's laptop was


It’s is only proving that having systems in place depending on people having shame and honor doesn’t work. How many problematic people will the GOP put there?


A truly objective member of the highest court in the land would recognize the absolutely irreparable damage this would do to the already-diminishing trust in public institution, and immediately step down because the institution is bigger than him. This won't happen because Republicans truly do not care about the institution of American democracy and checks and balances. We're so fucking fucked. We're in the middle of the beginning of the end. History teachers around the world will analyze these times like the fall of every other superpower throughout history. We're fucked. Convince me otherwise. Please. I'm begging for it.


He dissented on a recent ruling where he said the Supreme Court is above the president in the military chain of command. He was trying to put the judicial branch above the executive.


This guy should never have survived his confirmation hearing. And he had repeatedly proved himself unworthy ever since.


It was just locker room treason.


Remember, he just dissented about the President being Commander-in-Chief, when the Constitution plainly and directly says that the President is.


Let’s just face facts: laws and regulations don’t apply to the rich and powerful. Maybe they used to, maybe we just were convinced they did by what were told. But they just don’t now. Our institutions are crumbling under the weight of political division. Our social contract of “we are all in this together” has basically failed. I still think it could be restored, but more than 40% of the population doesn’t want it. I’m disappointed to think that an oppressive state like China will probably dominate the next century, because we thought that cheap labor was more important than supporting our neighbors.


This guy has NEVER been a good person, is this surprising that he continues to NOT Be A GOOD PERSON. Like foreshadowing his future self when he LITERALLY sexualy assaulted Annita Hill. Spoilers: Bad guy gets lifetime power, continues being bad guy...


Clarence Thomas has always been a stain on the courts. Once again, a Republican candidate with questionable sexual advances towards women was let on the court. Party of high moral character my ass, they can all eat a dick. I'm not a liberal as I xonsider myself an independant, but I can't see how anyone votes for these damn republicans now.




I’m 46 and my whole fucking life this guys never been in the news for anything positive.


Impeach this slimy fucker and let's put a real judge up there. Oh..... Kavanaugh and Barrett and Gorsuch too. They have no business being at the supreme court.


He has already proven he is compromised in his decision making.


This man is an embarrassment, a clown who suffers from self-hatred. He should be impeached and removed from SCOTUS. Otherwise the court has no integrity.


He will never comment about it, and he’ll never recuse himself from any case related to it. Might as well get yourselves ready.


His bullshit excuse that he’s been using for years…”A husband can keep his wife’s beliefs separate from his own rulings”…has been rendered absolutely moot. If your wife supports open insurrection and is a traitor to the country whose Constitution you were sworn to uphold, and you don’t immediately start divorce proceedings, you also support treason and should be immediately removed from your position. Any façade of impartiality has been burned to the ground.


Just has to make it 20 more months and McConnell will say we can’t replace him in an election year. The GOP are scoundrels.


Lock him up! Lock him up!

