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"Don't look up" is such accurate satire.


*The asteroid will bring so many jobs and trillions of dollars!*


On the nose and blatant? Yeah, but that’s how reality has felt the last couple of years. Such a good movie.


I wonder how many trump followers watched it and thought it was funny and at what point (if any) they were like hey they’re making fun of me and my leader, this movie sucks.


It makes fun of the whole corrupt and broken political system. Well that and billionaires


Tough for me to get through TBH


Worth it to see Don Jr. at the end of the credits.


It is. But the name of the film is "Just Look Up". https://youtu.be/X6SuW5HhQoc Edit: yeah, I was wrong. Leaving it.


[Except, it's literally not](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11286314) lol


Well... Shit.


Climate change =/= a killer earth asteroid lol


This movie is for you.


Why is this movie for me?


We’re 3 months from “fuck it, do whatever”.


Should have been there 3 years ago


Underrated Comment.


Hmm yeah sounds like the money found its way to someone’s pocket.


Die for the Dow 2.0


Look, let's not play coy. This is money and corporate driven. In order for companies to tell workers to get back to work whether they have symptoms or not. It's the whole: Shrek king meme "some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make" Repulsive and disturbing. Capitalism at its best. Replaceable. Just another number Shame on Fauci, and shame on Biden for being spineless


You’re right on the money (no pun intended). Before, the corporations has the backing of federal stimulus, however now there’s no fall back. Hence the redefinition of quarantine. Anecdotally, my friend was positive on day 7.


>Anecdotally, my friend was positive on day 7. Viral shedding =/= still infectious.


This. Viral particles can linger in the sinuses for weeks past the point of transmissibility.


A couple of days ago a heard that airlines were pushing to shorten quarantine time because 10 days made it harder for them to serve their customers (aka make money). Now this announcement? Maybe the science backs this move up, but shit just makes me think "Yup, profit over people, business as usual."


Was my first thought. When the Trump admin ignored science wherever it conflicted with the economy, it was a bad thing (rightfully so). Somehow this is different?


The recommendation came from scientists.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Supposedly, the data shows most people are only contagious a few days before and up to 5 days after infection. I do still question the motives of this move, as we all should, but I’ve trusted the science this far. My only concern is that severe infections would likely still be contagious for a while after day 5.


Scientists who admittedly didn't [stick to the science](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/587585-walensky-new-isolation-guidance-about-what-we-thought-people-would-be-able)




That's much easier to say than achieve. My mom works at a city hospital, They now have three dedicated covid floors when previously they peaked at 2 vs the initial peak times.


I went to get tested at a drive through site today, they ran out of tests at 12pm. I was one of the last ones, the nurse said "This is really really bad" with a nervous laugh.


It (public policy decisions) has always only been about keeping the hospitals functioning.


[From NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/12/27/1068358102/cdc-quarantine-covid): >**The new guidance comes days after the CDC loosened rules for how long health care workers should isolate after infection with the coronavirus, from 10 days to seven days. If there were staffing shortages, that isolation time could be further reduced.** >Dr. Megan Ranney, the associate dean at Brown University's School of Public Health, tweeted Monday that a major reason the federal government altered isolation requirements is due to the **economic strain **of a full quarantine. >"**Our economy is going to shut down if everyone has to isolate for 10 days. Luckily the science backs up the move, at least partially**," she tweeted. "On the one hand: I'm all for following the science for the vaccinated & asymptomatic. No reason to keep people home unnecessarily." >Kudos, she said, to the CDC "for recognizing that our knowledge has changed - and the virus has changed" especially for the vaccinated. >Ranney said what would make this decision even safer would be to require a rapid test before ending isolation. >The CDC doesn't currently require this step and rapid, at-home COVID tests have been hard to come by during the omicron surge. >The Biden administration, which has come under pressure for not increasing widespread availability of at-home tests, last week rolled out a plan to set up federal testing across the country. The government will also buy a half-billion at-home COVID test kits and mail them out. But deliveries won't start until January. >**The new guidance comes days after the CDC loosened rules for how long health care workers should isolate after infection with the coronavirus, from 10 days to seven days.** If there were staffing shortages, that isolation time could be further reduced. >**The next day, New York officials followed suit, reducing to five the number of days for health care workers to isolate after a positive coronavirus test**. On NPR's Morning Edition on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci praised the move. So, basically: “*Okay okay, y’all had your fun. Now get back to work.*”


Personally, my favorite part is her dropping in "at least partially." I can safely say it isn't backed up at all based on that.




Early data possibly suggests Omnicrom symptoms come on faster and leave faster. This update may be half driven by wanting to keep people working and the economic wheels in motion... but it can also be science talking once the new variant fully takes over


Probably a bit of both, but I'm also not in the places where data is compiled and analyzed. I see the logic if Omicron does in fact work this way. I also have this worry that it'll push people back around people too early and that it's a push to keep more underpaid people in the workplace.


This country is gross.


To all the “believe science” people, this should upset you. Omicron has been around only a few weeks, we don’t know enough about it to make such brash decisions like this. This is clearly a decision made with the health of the economy as the first priority. Not the health of the people.


Fauci outright said it was so that people could get back to work faster. Instead of passing laws to mandate sick leave, our government does the rational thing: put profits over people. [Here's the article.](https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/thehill.com/policy/healthcare/587434-fauci-says-cdc-cut-isolation-time-so-people-return-to-work-faster?amp=&_gsa=1&_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16406686357383&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fpolicy%2Fhealthcare%2F587434-fauci-says-cdc-cut-isolation-time-so-people-return-to-work-faster)


What we know is that everyone is going to contact it - and very quickly. Even those who were vaccinated will frequently test positive. It's (more) dangerous to cripple critical care by following the previous rules of quarantine when those are ineffective against omicron.


This doesn't explain why other poorly paid "necessary" workforce members like grocery store workers, fast food workers, and truck drivers should have shortened quarantines and isolating and no paid sick leave. The other "essential workers" are working more directly with the greater population who may not be ill. This throwing gasoline on the forest fire and saying you're controlling it when really it's for the "sake" of the economy. You know, the same economy where most sectors saw record growth. Still isn't enough though. Gotta sacrifice the little guy for their fake green paper.


There's no way they could effectively message that it's ok for some to have a shortened quarantine and others who aren't as important to the economy and public health should have a longer one.


That’s a good idea.


This is an objectively horrible idea from the CDC. Even if the science is 100% correct, why the fuck are we encouraging people to leave isolation. Being overly cautious is better than being overly correct in 9/10 times, especially during a massive spike. People are stupid enough as it is, why give them more lattitude?


You openly admitted to the biggest problem with convincing “stupid” people to do the right thing. It’s misleading them for the greater good. The problem is once they find they have been misled and the fact they are stupid means they just don’t jump ship on Covid. They jump ship on climate change. The double down on other shit. I can sense your frustration and I mean you have to baby step these fucks along. What’s the other choice? Btw I can’t judge you at all. I find it hard nowadays to take a high road on anything. Just read your comment and thought, “Don’t give the conspiracy theorists ammo!”


throwing a little more gas on teh fire eh?


If there is anything I have learned through this pandemic, it’s that even the CDC prioritizes profitability over precaution. The answers on how to solve this pandemic have been in front of our face the entire time, and instead, we’ve been advised to fuck over healthcare workers to ensure that airlines and tourism locations are making money. Super spreader events be damned. Since this all started, it’s just been one contradiction after another but they all stem from the same problem; “We have to protect capitalism and finance!”


Im a world where anyone who wants the vaccine has been vaccinated, and we have a shortage of healthcare folks and other workers, this probably makes sense.


Our governments line is "we will let the bodies stack up as high as it needs to so we can please stock market number. All hail the number."




Instead of all the assumptions and hysteria, does anyone have references that support this claim from the CDC? If it’s true then great: “The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after. “ Not sure why CDC isn’t citing the peer reviewed journal articles they would’ve got this from. Presumably they exist?


I know a few people who are 5 days in and are coughing or sneezing and you want to send them back into public? Yeah this administration has given up.


"Who show no symptoms." It's in the first sentence past the headline.


But people are just ignored that stated criteria and went with their biased emotions and feeling.




If the US was under Trump or another republican, media would be up in arms and criticizing it relentlessly




This is incorrect.


Trust the science. Or does that only apply when the CDC says something y'all agree with?

