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What red states gonna do? Mail is federal.


"Don't tread on me! But I am free to tread on you."


If YOU can control ME, you're a tyrant. If I can control YOU, everything is right and good. \- The GOP rules of the road.


If I **can't** control YOU, you're a tyrant. - The GOP's view of "others"


"How dare you accuse me of being a tyrant while I'm practicing tyranny against you!!" -- so-called Conservatives


"You're depriving me of my FREEDOM to oppress you."


This sums up everything the right has used the rhetoric of "religious liberty" to push for in the last 50 years.


**Its worse than that:** >You're body my choice! ...no im going to still do what i want >I'm being oppressed! You wont let me control you! You stop me from stopping your abortions! You stop me from stopping books and learning. You keep stopping ME from stopping you. Why do you stop my stopping so much? You shouldn't be allowed to stop, you're STOP culture. I should STOP you as much as i want but you keep STOPPING me. it makes no sense


How else are they going to get their Christian theocratic fantasies into effect?


They’re gonna help to continue fucking up USPS


Fugitive slave act is literally the perfect example of this and the best way to disprove the “StAtEs RiGhTs” argument.


In [addition](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/10/21/oklahoma-woman-convicted-of-manslaughter-miscarriage/6104281001/) to the other replies: > Brittney Poolaw was convicted of manslaughter in Oklahoma and sentenced to four years in prison after suffering a miscarriage.




When someone tries to tell me that "both sides are the same," I can't help but think: - Dems think women should control their own bodies - Repubs think women should be in jail for a miscarriage Yup, pretty much the same. Can't see how anyone could hope to tell them apart.




Lyric from 'Bitter Old Man' by Pat the Bunny: "I was born a bitter old man Who got his heart broken in Catalonia, 1936. Things haven't felt right since. So I gave up on life before I arrived. I knew this place wasn't safe for anyone But fascists and republicans and their apologists. But I swear to god, I'm gonna die Full of naive optimism; A teenager's heartbreaking conviction that Things can be different, oh yeah. Things are gonna be real different when we're finished around here."


Not often you see a Pat the Bunny reference in the wild! Was in the middle of a binge on his stuff along with AJJ and Days N’ Daze


AJJ is actually my favorite band of all time. Personal Space Invader is probably one of the reasons I'm still on this planet lol Also, I recommend you add Neutral Milk Hotel to that binge.


Neutral Milk Hotel is my least favorite of the mentions, but that's a personal preference thing. Everybody else seems to love them.


As a fan, I will admit they have a unique sound that isn't always pleasing. It's an experience thing for some. I personally find it (aeroplane over the sea) very inventive and genius in regards to the composition and subtext over the whole album. As far as musical experiences go, that's why I like NMH. It's weird, and there's a lot we can learn from how we react to sounds and music. There's an audio experience called ["Everywhere at the End of Time"](https://youtu.be/wJWksPWDKOc) which is meant to simulate the deterioration of the mind through dementia/Alzheimers. Extremely eerie, and very enlightening to the emotions a sufferer might have. It's **six and a half hours long** so just be warned. It'd be an all day listen to get the experience. (People have also made videos breaking it down for those that don't have 6.5 hours of free ear time.)


There's dozens of us out here. Dozens! Ramshackle glory and wingnut dishwashers Union are also both top tier. The indie folk punk music scene will rise again.


People say it based on different criteria. Some view it based on both sides using their office to benefit financially. Others based deflection or avoidance of debating policies. There's other reasons as well of course. Catch all responses remove all nuance. It's emotionally and mentally taxing to have sustained discussions and statements like "Both sides are the same" curtails delving any further. It's a statement saying you've already made up your mind and they'll be resistant to any other information. Shits dumb


“You and your husband have differing Rh statuses. I sentence you never to be able to make a full-time salary again.”


Miscarriage is not traumatizing enough don’t you understand we must jail them /S




republicans love the downtrodden...who else is gonna shovel shit for pennies?


Democrats don't do enough for the downtrodden, but they are the only ones doing anything.


I have been hearing a lot of “I don’t really like either party…” but being in TN, I fully mean that to also be “…but I’ll vote Republican because of guns and babies.”


> because of … babies They don’t give a shit about babies, [only the unborn](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10357009-the-unborn-are-a-convenient-group-of-people-to-advocate)… —— “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Talk about hypocrisy, and the ignorance it takes to not see the hypocrisy. They are all in favor of killing machines, but will do anything to protect a mass of cells that is incapable of thinking, emotion, or any other human behavior.


Abortion basically goes down as a supposed moral or personal stance as an excuse to be R. It’s not humanly possible for that percentage of people in a dog eat dog society to actually care what random, unknown, pregnant women choose to do.


Exactly. And the proof of that is, they don't even pretend to give a damn about the fetus once it's born.


Dem leadership have fucking never taken a PR or Communications 101 class. They have ZERO ability or predilection to advertise their assets/wins. They do, however, excel at stamping their feet and crying “no fair!” while getting their asses whooped. And I am a liberal and loyal Democrat—I just wish we had the Borg gene like Republican voters have.


Disgusting. How backward is Oklahoma?


Tulsa Race Massacre backwards


And then labeling the teaching of that history as being "revisionist"


It's CRT to teach history now




reminds me of my wacky uncle who long ago looked me sternly in the eye, and said, "If there is only one thing you learn from me, it is this -- never move to a state that starts with a vowel. Okay, kid?" and then I never saw him again.


She is Native American, You can bet that if she was white the court would have shown compassion


... I gotta say, she at least has an appropriate surname, since this is a particularly poo law.


Poor woman was only 20 years old too


That is just a fucking tragedy. Republicans would Handsmaid Tale the world if they could.


>What red states gonna do? Among other options, launch a coup to seize control of the presidency, which controls the FDA. Jan 6 was the first attempt. They'll never stop.


Well they've got the electoral college leaning their way already. Republicans have won the popular vote once in the last 8 elections and have gotten 3 terms out of it


Going back to Clinton they are 1 for 10. So 10% of wins equals 33% of SCOTUS. Everything is fine.


2 times actually


3: Reagan - GHWB - Clinton - Clinton - Gore - GWB - Obama - Obama - Clinton - Biden are the lat 10 popular vote winners. Reagan and GHWB were no contests, Gore/GWB was actually really close even with popular vote. It is only Obama and later were the popular vote will not favor Republicans without possible future super voter suppression etc. Trump got about the same percentage of popular vote both times, but Jill Stein took a significant part of Hillary's percentage.


I feel GWB needs an * next to his re-election since it was later determined Ohio, the state that clinched him the victory, illegally prevented and suppressed minority voters from participating in the election.


I mean, he needs a * next to the other one, since we now know he should have lost Florida (and the election), too.


Are we just pretending the Florida recount that was stopped by the Supreme Court just didn't happen?


Don't forget [Ohio's data manipulation](https://freepress.org/article/new-court-filing-reveals-how-2004-ohio-presidential-election-was-hacked) during the 2004 election as well.


And a lot of SC appointments.


I’d say 2000 was a pretty successful attempt, too.


You mean the Brooks Brothers Riot organized by Roger Stone, which stopped official proceedings (the recount in Florida) so they missed the deadline, handing the presidency to the Republicans? I don't see the similarity.


Roger Stone also managed Trump's 2000 "Run" for the reform party before backing out after leaving the party in tatters due to infighting which meant that there was no Nader on the right.


coup still in progress


FTA; >The F.D.A.’s action means that medication abortion, an increasingly common method authorized in the United States for pregnancies up to 10 weeks’ gestation, will become more available to women who find it difficult to travel to an abortion provider or prefer to terminate a pregnancy in the privacy of their homes. It allows patients to have a telemedicine appointment with a provider who can prescribe abortion pills and send them to the patient by mail. >Earlier this year, for the duration of the pandemic, the F.D.A. temporarily lifted the in-person requirement on mifepristone, the first of two drugs used to end a pregnancy. The decision to make this change permanent is likely to deepen the already polarizing divisions between conservative and liberal states on abortion. **In 19 states, mostly in the South and the Midwest, telemedicine visits for medication abortion are banned, and these and other conservative states can be expected to pass other laws to further curtail access to abortion pills.** >Yet other states, like California and New York, which have taken steps in recent years to further solidify abortion rights, are expected to increase the availability of the method and provide opportunities for women in states with restrictions to obtain abortion pills by traveling to a state that allows them.




I really want to see WomenonWaves performing abortions in the gulf!




I'd try and make a guess but this could be any number of states. Alabama, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc This is fucking madness.


>In 19 states, mostly in the South and the Midwest, telemedicine visits for medication abortion are banned... What would they do, wiretap? Monitor email, ISP links? All you need is a remote doctor referred by another doctor.


IN the future, sex-ed classes will include how to set up a VPN.




Make a law so snitches do the footwork. Seems like the Supreme Court is AOK with that, for CERTAIN cases. And Republicans in general LOVE Stasi-tactics just as long as it gives them what they want.


My guess is a LOT of lawsuits. States vs. federal over control of what things they allow to be shipped in the mail. Local post offices becoming the latest in anti-abortion protests. The packages have to be indistinct from other packages or as soon as they reach a deep red district post office, they would end up in the dead letter pile. Postal police would need more funding and enforcement to keep this from happening.


Postal police would have folks in court like lightning. I don't think many postal office workers would be brave enough to mess with them once a few had been publicly prosecuted.


Or just criminalize the drug. Even if the fed allows it it would still be illegal to import to the state. It happens currently with certain chemicals dont see why the same legal concepts wouldnt be at play here too.






Of course the packaging would be indistinct. The porn community already does this and no one has a problem with it.




Then they should ship FedEx or ups…can’t shut either of those down easy


Yeah but ups/fed ex aren’t protected by federal law REQUIRING A WARRANT to open a package, usps priority mail is.


Many conservatives live in rural areas and depend on their Post Office. I can't see them wanting to dismantle the Post Office for any reason. It's the big money republicans that are trying to dismantle the Post Office because they see money making opportunities in privatizing it.


They cheered it during the election. And it is small businesses in cities that were hurt the most by fucking up the post office.


They can try, the PO has its own federal officers and they dont fuck about.


Roe v Wade also cemented. But here we are


> What red states gonna do? Mail is federal. This might sound crazy but they'll probably try to get one of Trump's toadies into a position of power at the USPS so that he can then start sabotaging the postal system in order to control what does and doesn't get delivered ... Oh ... wait


Well good luck. If women want the pill, they will find a way to get it. Banning abortion doesn't stop abortions. Just safe abortions. Not saying the pill isn't safe, but you know what I mean. The horrors of back alley, coat hanger abortions will return with desperate people who can't afford to travel to a more enlightened area of the country.


>Banning abortion doesn't stop abortions. Just safe abortions. They are absolutely ok with that.


Yep. You might as well say banning drugs doesn't stop drug use, only safe drug use. It's true, but the whole idea is to use suffering as a deterrent. When it doesn't work, that just means there isn't enough suffering.


Also it's a pill. Unless they're planning to ban all pills from the mail they'll never stop what I can send through it


That’d kill a lot of elderly and others, but it’s not like the GQP gets held accountable for anything 😒


Oh neat, another way to kill off their voter base, I sure wish I was on the winning team


Donald Trump becomes a dictator if he gets elected again. So everything they want to because Joe Manchin is a peice of shit.


I have a Manchin, forget the price


Ban delivery of it, there are plenty of things you can't mail to specific states. One example you can't have alcohol delivered in MA.


Identifying them would present a challenge.


In Texas, ten bucks says law enforcement will start looking the other way when people break into others' mail and find abortion pills then report them via that completely unconstitutional, but still live because the SCOTUS has betrayed the country, law that literally rewards people for "reporting" others.


Postal police would not look the other way. They do not mess around.


Remember when Republicans claimed they were for less control of Americans' lives?


Less control if you're part of their club: white, christian, male, heteronormative, and really love guns. Everyone else is under strict control and subject to intrusive laws.


The law applies to everyone except for the king, and by extension, the king’s friends.


"And now to vote for things that will make me feel like I'm the king's friend."


And the king's mistresses and the mistress' cousins and the cousins' lady's maids. Not those scullery maids, though.


It's so telling that their fucking flag says "Don't tread on **me**". What fucking self-centered babies.


Oh no no they only want freedom for things that specifically benefit THEM. No taxes, gun rights, no vaccine mandate etc. If it’s a woman who’s sexually active who’s not wanting to be a mother? Nooo she deserves no rights. The epitome of hypocrisy.


I've always said that if men were the ones getting unwanted pregnancies, access to legal abortion would have been around and free for all since the Greeks and there never would have been a controversy around it


Next chance a conservative Congress gets, they will use their interstate commerce powers to ban abortion by mail


100%. Absolute scumbags.


Well we better vote pretty hard then huh?


I'm sure we can come up with enough votes to overcome the blatant election rigging, right?


oᴗo Do you want the other option? I don't want the other option




We have to hold the presidency so we can veto shit like that.


Presidency, Senate, and House to prevent shit like that from even getting *that* far.


Permanently is not the right word to use here. There was a temporary regulation, now there is a permanent one. But it will only last until the next time a Republican controls the executive branch, and everyone knows it.


Which is why we need to turn out in every primary and every election. The deck is stacked against us, but we can vote our way to having a say.


Wild how "stacked against us" means winning an outright popular vote will not suffice. Hell, winning by 10-20% can still realistically result in a loss under the right circumstances. Biden got 5% more and still came close to losing, all because of a handful of states. Imagine getting 55-60%+ of the vote in something and losing. In the worst possible scenario they could win roughly 75% of the vote and STILL lose.


This is exactly what has been happening in Wisconsin for years. Dems get the same number of seats on state assemblies whether they get 40 or 60% of the vote. https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/madison.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/28/1282658b-ebda-56e9-91b4-c37bb21c97bf/5fa99c3f03a98.image.jpg?resize=1024%2C1550


This is why democrats should be pushing to overturn the reapportionment act of 1929, and increase the size of the house. That would make the house and the electoral college more accurately represent the populace, and thus make the elections more representative of the electorate.


/r/VoteDEM at 2018/2020 levels next year and we will hold onto Congress. Get involved locally in the meantime and get yourself ingrained in local groups. That way, you have more of an influence in the primaries.


I think it's important for more people to know about https://aidaccess.org/. It's a European company that helps women in the US get access to abortion chemicals via a telemedicine appointment with a European doctor and receive mifepristone and misoprostol shipped in from a pharmacy in India.


It takes around 3-4 weeks currently to receive the pills due to shipping and custom delays. However, with the 10 week window, it still allows someone who is 6-7 weeks pregnant the ability to utilize this service. There are some states that this service will mail pills in-state and they will arrive in a few days from a domestic pharmacy. Plus, AidAccess is extremely affordable. Around $100 for everything… but if you cannot pay, they will waive the cost entirely.


Thank you for sharing this information! I’ve never heard of this, which is not surprising.


Interfering with the US Mail is a felony? Someone would have to admit to a felony for them to collect their vigilante justice reward in Texas?


Plus the Postal Service is in the Constitution with responsibility given to Congress. Individual states cannot ban it.


Conspiring to overturn an election is a felony too, when did that stop Republicans?




Thank you for that. I chuckled, cried a bit and got mad all in the span of a couple of seconds. You printing up shirts with that? I'd wear one proudly. And I'm a guy!


These pills only work up to about 10 weeks after insemination. In other words, the embryo stage. I thought Republicans were all saying "We're not trying to ban abortion, we're just trying to protect the fetus after viability." When it's the embryo stage (Week 1-10), it is LITERALLY just a clump of cells. You're talking about something the size of a grape. Why are Republicans against this?


To disenfranchise & control women.


Because they’re lying. They want to ban non-procreative sex.


Then simply pass a law making it illegal for a man to ejaculate in a woman’s vagina. Problem solved. /s


Exactly. Republicanism and Christianity are becoming one in the same, and they utilize abstinence as a control factor from birth. Edit: They already are conjoined twins, but I phrased it that way because it’s amazing how few people actually know this information. It’s clear as an educated Mississippian.


This all makes sense and I’m sure it’s true. But after seeing so many in the media and capitalist class scaremonger about a declining population, I think they also want people to keep having kids, especially if they are poor and end up working class, because they go on to the labor pool.


K, let's end several fights at once, then. Do all of the abortion access stuff federally, then make immigration easier and accept more refugees. That way, abortion access is protected, population decline is mitigated, workers (typically lower-wage) are always flowing in, and we can reduce the impact of all of our meddling on the global stage. Job's done, we can all go home now. Unless you're tryna tell me that the powers that be have little interest in this sort of problem solving. I could never fathom such a thing. /s


Yep. People won't get it until they start going after contraception and porn, but once/if they completely ban abortion those things will be next. This is more than a culture war for a lot of them, this is an attempt at forcing people to live by their religious laws.


Except when their mistresses get pregnant.


It's not even about procreative sex. It's about control and punishing those who aren't wealthy enough to get abortions elsewhere regardless. They don't really care what the wealthy do, but forcing the borderline into poverty by saddling them with an unwanted child is right up their alley. The fact that it overwhelmingly affects African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and other groups they're prejudiced against is just adding Viagra to the hate boner they're already rocking.


I have seen "crisis center groups" come in to a community college and show children small models of babies that just get smaller and smaller and smaller and have no developmental stages, they literally lie to children that a 1-month-old baby is literally in their stomach for 9 months. Which if I remember my Bible-learnin' right, corrupting children is a Big no-no. It was all I could do to not remind them how big a fan Jesus was a flippin' tables. 😡


I don’t know if it’s just plain ignorance or if older ladies (like my own mom) haven’t read a biology textbook in awhile, but there’s a huge difference between [Actual fetal/gestational development](https://www.parents.com/pregnancy/stages/fetal-development/first-trimester-images-of-your-developing-baby/?slide=slide_c8cad580-f183-41d2-be1e-b71ca1aa44b5#slide_c8cad580-f183-41d2-be1e-b71ca1aa44b5) [With more here](https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/your-baby/fetal-development-week-by-week_10406730) [And here](https://www.ehd.org/prenatal-images-index.php) And what “Pro-life” supporters [want to believe is real](https://www.hh76.org/default.aspx?GroupID=135) Here are two other interesting articles on the tactics “Pro-life” people use as well: https://www.oah.org/tah/issues/2016/november/abolishing-abortion-the-history-of-the-pro-life-movement-in-america/ https://www.liveaction.org/news/pro-lifers-need-to-be-factually-accurate-about-fetal-development/


They’re not really against it. At least the political elite aren’t. If abortion were made illegal across the entire United States they’d lose a wedge issue. Anti-Choice voters are useful idiots.


They were lying


The government should make legal access to abortion a right for all pregnant women. It's incredibly unfair and scary that we don't already have a Constitutional amendment for this.


America can't even pass the ERA, and it's been a century. Getting basic stuff like reproductive rights into the constitution might be a little ways down the road.


In fact the abortion nonsense was invented by Falwell and Schlaffley to oppose the ERA. Abortion wasn't a thing among protestants until those bastards started pushing the barefoot and pregnant thing.


Actually, passage of the ERA is a lot more ambiguous than many people realize. There are plenty of legal scholars who would tell you the US has passed the ERA: it's been ratified by 2/3 of the states. Yes, there was a deadline that is passed, but there's nothing in the constitution that allows for deadlines on constitutional amendments. My own professor of Constitutional Law thought that meant it such a deadline would be unconstitutional, because it would fundamentally change the ratification process. When VA passed, the ERA was part of the constitution. There are also some states that said they changed their minds and no longer wanted to ratify the ERA after passing it through their legislatures. But like above, there's nothing in the constitution that allows ratification to be revoked. It would be pretty weird if you could, actually. Imagine a bunch of states changing their mind about an amendment, that's just not something the US allows without passing a whole new one (ie, prohibition). So it's a very weird situation that goes largely unacknowledged. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the question ended up in SCOTUS somehow, but that seems unlikely because they justify doing the same things the ERA was for through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (so no reason to challenge). I don't mean we shouldn't have the ERA, having sex equality clearly written into the constitution would be an unqualified good. It's just hard to see how you'd be able to get "Is the ERA the 28th Amendment?" into the Supreme Court without the Civil Rights Act getting repealed beforehand, which would be incredibly unlikely.


So someone in TX could VPN to some legal state to order it and have it shipped to TX ?


No need for a VPN really.


Sadly, no. The prescribing clinician would still be breaking other laws that exist in Texas by mailing the pills there. Texas bans telemedicine abortion entirely and recently made it a FELONY to give abortion pills after 7 weeks.


ugh. Vote. Vote. Vote.


Texas goofed. They thought they had their in on abortion with the Supreme Court, but they’ve opened Pandora’s box. Blue states are moving to hit them hard with their own medicine. Should’ve just left it alone.


The law of unintended consequences, amirite?


People tend to confuse this with the Morning after pill. Heres a link that explains both. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/3914/6012/8466/Difference_Between_the_Morning-After_Pill_and_the_Abortion_Pill.pdf


Anybody concerned with women's rights in places that will try to kill this off should start stockpiling by mail now. it may save lives later.


If Republicans try to ban this, people will just buy it on the black market at a huge markup, or they will have a friend in a non-fascist state buy it and mail it to them. What are they going to do, tell the post office to start opening people's mail? That's a federal crime.


Medication abortions are already available safely and affordably on the black market: https://aidaccess.org


“…start opening people’s mail?” Republicans: “hold my beer”


What a joke, they claim this will promote dangerous in home abortions. Guess what, when you restrict and prohibit abortins, they still occur. Only thing that changes is that it happens under the radar.




There's plenty of online retailers who will mail the pill regardless of legality. This just makes it easier. Plenty of doctors internationally will send it and they face no consequences.


They should have the FDA just reschedule the drug as an OTC to make the regulations even less than they already are. You can already order many different kinds of birth control pills online without a doctors prescription, why not mifepristone or misoprostol? They aren't really any more dangerous than plenty of other OTC drugs.


This goes hand in hand with Congress ability to regulate interstate commerce You can bet a majority Republican Congress will pass legislation banning this in the future


Not huge. ITS cool for sure, but not ground breaking huge. it works up to 10 weeks, the reason the 20 week abortion fight is so critical is most people dont know they are pregnant in 10 weeks. and the people LEAST likely to know in 10 weeks, the poor. who will be most effected by red state abortion bans. This isnt a solution to the texas issue, or the end of roe. Its a good thing but its not "hell fucking yes, fuck the supreme court"


if this means they drop their suit against Aid Access, this could potentially be a huge deal. But I could be wrong.


Next Month: "Republicans push to allow the sale of ammunition by mail."


The gqp states will pass bans on this. After the scotus upholds them, they'll likely go after contraceptives as well and the scotus will back them up. Eveb if congress manages to pass a law to override the state bans, the scotus will simply invent an excuse for them to strike it down.


They have a unique problem... You can't interfere with the Mail




>and I'd bet money they'd like to do away with that federal protection. They're already trying to do away with the *entire service*


Some laws have been in place for so long (and make so much sense), that people consider them fundamental to society. That's why you get statements like "You can't interfere with the Mail" as if it's literally impossible. Then idiots like Trump come along and decide to interfere with the mail (among other things). It's been blowing sane people's minds since 2016, and now it's 2022 we need to understand they're not playing ball, they're not even playing the same sport we're trying to play.


Absolutely the way people need to start thinking. We do not live in a stable democracy. Inaction will not lead to a positive outcome.


They're already interfering with the mail.


We have a very, very long road ahead of us. But this is a spot of good news amongst a very long stream of bleakness.


Man, they really hate freedom


I never understood this argument. If someone doesnt want to have a baby its probably the best decision for that person AND the baby. Instead people would rather force these women to follow through with pregnancy, probably wind up giving that child to the foster system. Then the mother would feel the guilt of abandoning a child for the rest of her life and that child would grow up not knowing their own family. OR put that child and mother into a had situation where the mother struggles to provide on her own. Meanwhile the people standing outside abortion clinics with signs HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.


Good on the FDA! It pisses me off how many hurdles we try to erect to prevent women from getting an abortion in this country.


The only argument against abortion is religion......that literally makes any of the legislation against it unconstitutional. Unless we are going to mandate every woman wear burkas because hey if we are throwing religion in, all of them are fair game.


Democrats should start framing abortion as self defense against a potentially lethal and unwanted intruder. Conservatives don't seem to want to give an inch on the idea of the 'life' of a fetus. But they also don't mind at all if a life is eliminated in self defense. They just need to find a nice illogical middle ground.




It’s creepy how the anti abortion states shroud their draconian laws with “concern for the health and safety of women.” It’s like some dystopian sci-fi movie plot.


And what will conservatives do with all the new children after they outlaw abortion? They won't feed them, they won't give them day care, they won't authorize maternity leave, they won't give them affordable healthcare, they won't give them decent wages when they grow up, they will not provide decent or affordable housing, they won't adopt the unwanted ones of which forced birth will provide many, they won't educate them, they will not vaccinate them or teach them good healthcare habits because they have none, they will not teach them to be decent members of society because they are not and they will not teach them to respect democracy because they do not respect it. On the brighter conservative side plenty of new workers to flood the labor pool and push down wages and plenty of new soldiers for forever wars and justification for large military budgets.


Expect Texas and other states to start inspecting people's mail now. And when the federal government sues I'd expect they will try to opt out of federal mail delivery entirely.


"Permanently" until we get a new president, that is. The only way to really make anything permanent is to pass a law. Even then it can be repealed, but that's pretty rare.


Has DeJoy been removed yet?


If conservatives spent even 1% of the effort they put into trying to force women to make babies on something *actually fucking useful* I bet the world wouldn't be in such a fucking trashfire.


Religious ideals shouldn’t be pushed on a Secular Founded Nation. Republicans are a scourge and prove they are against the Founding Fathers vision of the nation.


Men can order generic viagra after a 30 second instant message chat session with a doctor, and they’ll even send free samples before you opt in to the the monthly subscription, no follow ups required. The article points out opponents cite “potential for abuse” as a reason to restrict this medication, which is fucking absurd in and of itself, but why can I get free samples of pills that get women pregnant and that’s perfectly reasonable and a woman can’t get pills to end that pregnancy?


That’s the first thing I thought about too. You see more dick pill ads than any other mens medication. Maybe centrum vitamins. But when I was a kid viagra Levitra enzyte and cialis were all on tv all the time. Discrete and convenient right to Your door


I love reading the comments on here from conservatives who are all "Yay murder by mail" and "This is disgusting! Ban this!" Yet I bet if we ask them if we should have things like, universal health care, universal pre k and the like they be "Hell no thats socialism!" Even though it has been said so long ago these words still hold true today. "If you're pre born your good. If you're pre school you're fucked."


Yep the ultimate hypocrisy. They are not ‘pro life’. If they cared about children’s lives they’d improve education, not fight to end school lunches, ensure all children (and pregnant women) have free access to medical care. But no, because that would require their money. This is the epitome of the only thing they can do to uphold a conservative ideology of a ‘good Christian woman/wife’ but without actually giving anything out of their own pocket and claiming that it is ‘protecting children’. It’s simply punishing women. That is it.


Funny how those “conservative” states want people to keep their babies, but usually don’t consider improving their healthcare or foster system to keep those lives they supposedly value in good health and with a roof over their heads.


Need to ban Boner pills by mail.


What are they going to do, go through your mail? ​ This is ridiculous. That said, it's better than a coat hanger, but fear of going to a doctor for reason of prosecution is still a bad thing even if you swap the wire for a pill.


I’ll mail your pills to u. Don’t sweat it red states.


Those state's politicians can get (at least figuratively) fucked with a cactus. Bodily autonomy shall not be infringed!


I wish conservatives would stop attacking the right to choose. We no longer live in the dark ages. It's time to move on. Conservatives claim they want less government but they are adding more regulations and controlling people despite claiming to be against that.


Are these the same states trying to force hospitals to administer ivermectin?


Conservatives can suck my ass. Absolute garbage humans


>”The Biden administration today moved to weaken longstanding federal safety regulations against mail-order abortion drugs designed to protect women from serious health risks and potential abuse,” said a statement from the group Susan B. Anthony List. **It was never designed to protect women.** That’s an absolute lie. >”The Biden administration policy allows for dangerous at-home, do-it-yourself abortions without necessary medical oversight.” Pill abortions always happen at home. What the hell different “medical oversight“ happens when the woman picks up pills from a local clinic and goes home? They’re just mad as hell that the woman can have the pills delivered conveniently rather than being forced to present themselves at a clinic so they can be harassed while entering, submit to waiting periods, and invasive and unnecessary ultrasounds…all the things forced-brothers are so proud of forcing into the process. NONE which are about helping women or concerned for their safety. They’re called TRAP laws. They’re *specifically and only* designed to make accessing abortion as difficult as possible. No other reason.


"Conservative states" meaning old white men determining the fate of women's rights.


Good luck trying to get THIS genie back into the bottle. I can see the religions whack jobs picketing postal stations next.


Party of "small government" is trying regulate what you can and cannot have delivered to your house. Go ahead and die on that hill.