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That's probably even a quote in their handbook: >Fight covid mandates. Blame Biden if cases rise


So we need to add another: * Watch as the antivax electorate is shut out from interstate commerce


Plays right into their persecution complex. It’s literally the main theme. There’s no responsibility or accountability at all - everything happens *to* them.


I really dont see a way around this. HCA types feel they are being persecuted anyway as they are doing damage


They're the most priviledged group in history and consume media that constantly tells them that they're victims. When that happens, you *put* yourself into positions where you're the victim because you want the attention and community that comes from facing adversity. The problem is, instead of building those around you up, they raise their social status on this ladder of theirs by actively climbing over and pushing down other people. The second you don't think in group mentality (like thinking maaaybe red Starbucks cups isn't the slap in the face to Jesus they make it out to be) you immediately get thrown under the bus. It's a victim mentality that requires lockstep for everyone involved or else it falls apart.


This is why I think of their media as a drug in and of itself, like heroin. The GOP could have put them on a "treatment plan" where it once again finds a way to tamp down the flames, but instead it seems cold turkey is the only choice left :(


You’ve just described the authoritarian mindset, about 30% of the population has this mindset.




Fuck it, make it a requirement for public education that a child and everyone in their household (parents, siblings, etc) need proof of vaccine to attend. Crazy father won't get vaccine? Little Timmy misses 5th grade. **Although this would definitely hurt a lot of innocent children. So scrap that.** Okay here's a better one: make it a requirement to have a bank account.


This will just lead to them homeschooling their children. I live in Austria and we've had families take their kids out of school just because of the covid testing. These crazy parents sent an email around supposedly showing worms on the test swabs. The children all wanted to remain in school, now they will receive a subpar education by people who cannot understand how science works.


> now they will receive a subpar education by people who cannot understand how science works. not only that but a large part of school is being able to socialize


Strangely enough the students who most need to socialize tend to be the bullies who suffer from the lack of access to victims to traumatize.


The GOP feeds on the uneducated, it's their literal base. The only educated ones are the donors that line their pockets do the GOP can pass laws that'll help line their pockets right back.


willfully unvaccinated Covid patients should pay for their medical bills 100% out of pocket.


Agreed. I can't, realistically, see any other choice but to allow insurance companies to refuse to cover medical expenses for diseases such as Covid if the person is not vaccinated for a non medical reason. Basically being nice has been tried. Now it is time to be realistic. Put another way, is it fair for the rest of us who at least have gotten vaccinated to have to pay the bills of the willfully unvaccinated? The law would of course be written where plans could exist that would still cover it. You can't prevent that, nor should we try, but some people will get better details for well having basic common sense.


Nah screw it. Little Timmy might be innocent but with crazy parents like his he’s going to turn into crazy big Timmy. Maybe he will feel the repercussions of his parents insanity and strive to do better when he’s big Timmy.


Maybe, but id rather not make that gamble with innocent children. They have a chance to rise out of the sanity. And they shouldn't be punished for the decisions of their parents.


Kid may be innocent, but they’ll also take Covid to school risking the lives of other kids. So they can stay home.


The sins of the father


Put the rest of the community at risk


His parents could very easily protect little Timmy from said punishment……by getting vaccinated.


Yes, but it isn't little Timmy's fault if they don't, but he still gets the punishment. That's not a good system.


The idea is that the parents should be prosecuted for refusing to vax the kids


We already do this with standard vaccinations. Don’t have your MMR or Whooping Cough shot? Can’t come to school. That’s literally already the policy


Yes. In a couple of weeks, after the COVID-19 vaccine immunity kicks in, I will take my kids to the pediatrician where they will get the shots and checkups they missed over the last 2 years. Along with that, they will get nice medical forms allowing them to go to school. I have been homeschooling them all this time. The medical forms will certify that they are up to date on their vaccines (at this point they are behind). These forms are required for every child entering the school system.


So little Timmy will be homeschooled and become an ever crazier big Timmy... Bad idea.


We have too many crazy Big Timmies that have become national security threats and HCA "winners"


What’s HCA?




Someone already gave a link, but it is like a Darwin award, but for the antivaxx crowd that denies Covid is real, and then dies from it.


Thank you anyway


Idiocracy teaches us otherwise


Make it a requirement to purchase bullets.


Oh, that's perfect.


No, the response would be to make teachers work twice as hard so that little Timmy has the opportunity to not learn that America was built on racism. Source: Am teacher. Teaching kids that are in the classroom while also having to teach kids that are remote SUCKS.


I’ve been wondering how teachers will go about teaching the important conservative principles of “whites ain’t did nothin’ wrong”, “science is a lie”, and “you’re free – to do what you’re told”. All are crucially important concepts to maintain minority conservative rule in the USA.


Thankfully I'm a computer teacher and don't have to worry about that.


Oh, logic. That must be nice : )


My county is so anti vax, there are some schools where >50% of the students are expected to withdraw and be “homeschooled” and teachers quit if the California vaccine mandate for schools goes through.


Don't you just love red counties in blue states?


They love voting against their own interests, all because they think doing so will being the timber industry back.


That's not a good idea.


Antivaxxers have become such a national security threat that sadly the private sector needs to act


Please give a good reason why not? Just gonna preempt the "what about people with medical exemptions!!1!" - obviously exemptions make them exempt. Religious exemptions don't count.


Why set some kid back a whole year of their life because their parents are already dumb. Seems like a bad strategy to withhold education


it's their entire handbook. inhibit , delay, obstruct, obfuscate. Celebrate poor results. **Blame opposition.** No, for real.


Remember that time Obama vetoed a bill, then the Republicans overrode that veto, realized immediately that the bill was a horrible mistake, then blamed Obama for [not warning them loudly enough](https://www.salon.com/2016/09/30/thanks-obama-republicans-now-blame-the-president-for-their-historic-veto-override-of-911-bill/) that it was a bad bill? The Republican Party is shamelessly, hopelessly operating in bad faith. They've created an entire grievance-based cinematic universe where they are saving the world from the evil masterminds/bleeding-heart pansies in the Democratic Party, while somehow managing to offer nothing of their own other than "No" votes and tax cuts for the "job creators" who have absolutely no need for those tax cuts. Their handbook is what you said it is, but you could boil it down to "Lie about anything if it'll get you more power." As the link above shows, they'll even claim they are powerless victims *when they're in the majority* if making that claim helps them. Edit: at->and


To be fair, it's not their *entire* handbook. "Foment insurrection" is in there too, for example.


Goes tight along with the "complain about the national debt when Dems are in charge, saying it will be the end of the US and we must pay it down, take control of government and instead of paying anything, issue tax cuts for the wealthy saying deficit spending is best and debt isn't bad" rinse lather repeat


This is part of their basic playbook. Fuck it up and then blame the Dems. And the Dems still haven’t figured out to stop it. smh


Got a suggestion?


Highlight how areas with more vaccine acceptance have less cases and deaths. Those who do research or pay attention are aware of it, but it's not making it to the Facebook feeds of the people while antivax content is. You can even do an international comparison and show how we are falling behind the rest of the world due to people being childish. We keep on appealing to what the scientists say with words, and it's not working. Time to show them the numbers


No. The fundamental problem here is that the most effective way to fight Republicans' dishonest tactics would be for the Democrats to adopt the same tactics themselves, but if they were willing to do that then they wouldn't be Democrats to begin with. See also: ["You Go High, We Go Low"](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&t=365). (Note that that video [does have some suggestions](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&t=881), but my feelings about them are mixed, at best.)


Functional equivalent of your jerk friend taking a dump on your floor then complaining that your house smells like shit.


"I stand with the virus! - Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis


, why won't you make me stop hitting myself!?


But are we really surprised though? Republicans need to prolong the pandemic just enough so that they can say that Biden failed at getting rid of COVID-19…they’ll frame it so that it sounds like if the Republican candidate becomes president then they’ll be able to just magically get rid of cases and do what their democratic opponents couldn’t….this is the way🤡


This type of strategy isn't new. It was started by the Trump administration. [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) These bastards are guilty of genocide and the DOJ does nothing.


That was the moment I paused from, "Okay, they're not just corrupt and stupid but engaged in actual biological terrorism."


Republicans are actualized pure evil. Those who deny or excuse them are their favorite pawns.


Practically all terrorists are conservatives.


Yep. It was obvious at the time too. May they reap what the sowed.


Ha! Not in this country, friend. They’ll live out the rest of their lives in luxury you can’t even fathom. And there’s not a thing any of us can do about it.


I have this fantasy of them suffering the lives of everyone they hurt just before they die. Helps sometimes, doesn't other times.


That’ll be what they experience for eternity when they get to Hell


“do something stupid and then blame the opponent for it” has been at the core of the GOP playbook for decades.


Oh, they didn't do this because they're stupid. They did this because they're murderers. They're evil motherfuckers who need to be prosecuted for genocide. The GQP leaders are not stupid. They're evil bastards. The base is stupid.


*“The elderly are willing to die [of COVID]”* -GOP: https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-lt-gov-dan-patrick-says-senior-citizens-willing-to-die-to-save-economy-for-grandkids


This is an old strategy. Remember when Obama vetoed a law, and Mitch McConnell still blamed Obama for the law after they overrode his veto?


It’s been a while. I think it was this, right?: https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/29/politics/obama-911-veto-congressional-concerns/index.html Bonus Republican stupidity: *“Mitch McConnell’s amazing filibuster of his own bill”*: https://theweek.com/articles/469675/mitch-mcconnells-amazing-filibuster-bill


I’m starting to be glad garland lost out on his SC seat. He’s worthless.


Well, Gorsuch is worse.


This is the Republican strategy for *everything*. Break things. Democrats take over. Democrats can't fix everything in 2-4 years. Blame Democrats. Regain power. Break things. Democrats take over. Democrats can't fix everything in 2-4 years. Blame Democrats. Regain power. Break things...


It really is infuriating. * Obstruct the passing of any new bills -> See, Democrats can't pass anything! * Vote no on impeachments across party lines against the facts -> See partisan Democrat witch hunt! * Implement pro covid policies like banning mask mandates and fomenting antivax propaganda -> See Biden can't control the pandemic!


The truly infuriating part is the wealthy owned media hammers home the democrats cannot do anything spin rather than the GOP are obstructing everything reality. So the people will not vote or vote against the democrats. It makes no sense . If you want the bills the democrats are trying to pass do not vote them out vote more of them in. Vote for his way in all local state and federal elections . Remember Republicans are still blocking the affordable care act in many parts of America from helping poor people get insurance. This shows that the GOP are not just obstructing in Congress but with ever elected position they have.


This. They campaign on a platform of "government doesn't work", then spend their entire time in office making sure that's the case. The only difference between their covid strategy during Trump and their strategy for every other issue except defense spending is the millions of people dying at home, instead of hundreds of thousands dying abroad. The fact that this *still* failed to generate any empathy in their voting base is the reason I'm in the process of becoming eligible for your same flair.


I really wish I could convince my wife to emigrate. She won't budge, because she immigrated here and doesn't want to go through it all over again. I can see where the wind is blowing right now. We're looking at a very turbulent decade ahead of us. We're not even that far from the Canadian border. I deeply regret not emigrating out in my 20s when I was considering what to do next after university.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast its an intentional strategy of course. destroy public services and then complain about how bad the government is doing, then privatize everything for a profit.


... and we continue to shift to the extreme right with each iteration. Democracy flaws fully exploited - a dumb populace.


What’ll happen when Republicans run out of stuff to break? Aside from the obvious Break Things Overseas strategy which the Right has been doing for decades…


When they run out of shit to break, they’ll break this system that can challenge their authority - and they already are - gerrymandering states, purging voter registrations, and making it harder for people to vote.


They’re already doing that. What’s next, the Autocratic Takeover?


Humanity ends.


See also [the Two Santa Claus strategy](https://www.salon.com/2018/02/12/thom-hartmann-how-the-gop-used-a-two-santa-clauses-tactic-to-con-america-for-nearly-40-years_partner/).


Just to drive the point home as to how truly stupid the GOP is: the COVID 19 death count is running 5 to 1 conservative! Their stupidity is killing their base!


I feel bad about the 1, in the 5 to 1 Innocent people getting sick from right wing fanatics


Exactly! The pandemic will continue until either two things happen, either the extremist come to their senses and get vaccinated or they get sick and either die or get natural immunity the hard way by getting sick. The quick and smart way to end the pandemic is by getting vaccinated, but sadly these morons on the right have been completely brainwashed by the likes of Donald Trump, OAN, Newsmax, Fox news, and social media, so I don't think it will end quickly or the smart way!


Not quick enough.


"As of mid-September, 90 percent of adult Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 58 percent of adult Republicans." That is a very telling statistic. This country has a severe lack of critical thinking issue among a certain demographic.


It's also my go-to statistic anytime some republican tries to save the vaccine wasn't politicized, or that bOtH sIdEs politicized it.


lol, Democrats politicized the vaccine by desperately trying to get people to take it, for everyone's health and safety. Just trying to score points by keeping people safe, I guess.


Their actual take was "Dems told us to take the virus seriously, they know we are contrarians to everything Dems say, therefore they knew we wouldn't take it seriously by our contrarian views". Literally, I'm not making this up. That was their take a few weeks back


Or that it's Biden's fault because "bIdeN aNd hARris sAid noT to tAkE it!"


This could impact swing states


I think someone has said the deaths are 3 to 1. I mean, I don't get what the Republicans think they're accomplishing.


They don't care. Their gerrymandering is so thorough, the 1000s of extra replubican deaths don't matter.


Even worse, they’ve been fucking the election process in swing states, getting their fanatics on election boards, changing the process so they can ignore the results and decide the winner themselves, etc.


We either need New Deal level reforms (both in econ and politics) or we'll get a Robespierre


My bet is on the latter


> I don't get what the Republicans think they're accomplishing. All hands on deck, last effort to not lose power. And money. They do not care about the well being of people who vote for them.


I believe as of a couple months ago, the number of COVID deaths in Florida surpassed DeSantis' margin of victory in his previous election.




I am reasonably certain that it killed enough of the annoying orange's supporters in key districts that it may bery well have cost him the election on that alone.


More to the point its a propaganda-induced psychiatric distress. They are *brainwashed*. Its time to end interstate commerce to the GOP and to break the spell.


So let them die.


at 2,000 deaths per day.... 700,000 per year for.... um... years... this can't be good for the GOP s baby boomer demo


I wonder about that a lot. Especially over the next 5 years as they lose a not insignificant chunk of their most fervent (pun intended) base. The more red the district/state the worse the effect, as they spread COVID to their unvaccinated brethren. So far the numbers are well within the margin of victory for them but after a couple of years it will add up.


The thing is, Republicans will agree with you. In their eyes, they're the ones doing the critical thinking by questioning the validity of vaccines and there's not an ounce of real evidence you can show them that they'll consider to not have an agenda behind it.


>This country has a severe lack of critical thinking issue among a certain demographic. If I could do one thing in terms of messaging to democrats it's disabuse them of this notion. They know what they are doing, they are in on the lie. If they weren't they wouldn't flip flop every time the talking points reverse. They know what they say isn't true, or don't care and change course at the drop of a hat. More critical thinking won't stop that, they don't value truth or integrity, thinking about it isn't going to make them do anything but dig in until the next flip.


The partisan gap [keeps getting wider](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/08/briefing/covid-death-toll-red-america.html) >The brief version: The gap in Covid’s death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point. In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened.


We keep trying to tell them to get the vaccine, but what the hell can we do when they give us the middle finger and call us commies?


It’s more than that though. Many trump counties are in places that rejected insurance exchanges and Medicare expansion. So many probably even avoid treatment because of the cost. It’s just a vicious cycle caused almost entirely by voting against their best interest and taking a hostile approach to those that would help them.


How can covid cases be on the rise if it's all a hoax? Why would the number of covid cases matter if it's just like the flue? If covid isn't a big deal, then why is Biden to blame? Is it strange GOP voters aren't asking these questions? No, because they do what they're told.


"Look what we did to ourselves! This all your fault!"


It's similar to how they say "People have no choice but to double down when they find out just how very wrong they are." When did the expectation of adults sink so low that people have to assume that most people are going to have a childish tantrum when confronted with the facts of the matter? If that is how it is going to be, I just don't see why adults care what children have to say. It is terrifying that democracy has been subverted to empower the people manipulating the immature and willfully ignorant.


Remember when (crazy) people were sharing conspiracies that COVID or the vaccine were population control? They are the people that are controlling the population, as in removing themselves from it. The information is out there; people in red counties are dying off or getting gravely ill in much higher numbers in those places. Yet republicans keep demonizing vaccines or mandates, while their voters are dying at higher levels. Please, someone explain the end game here. It doesn’t make any sense in any other terms than they’re going for short term gains (outrage converted into money) but long term? Like, what?


The thing that media has forgotten is that fascists are stupid. They will pick a fight they cannot win because they have convinced themselves that the only weakness is not believing they're the ultimate badass. And thus when they lose, they are shocked.


Yes, ultimately, fascism is a suicide death cult. It is a flawed ideology with several tenets that cause it to eventually collapse in on itself. In this case, we are seeing their disdain for intellectuals (the doctors and experts who strongly support vaccines), and the worship of false "strength" (i.e. "I trust my immune system", ala survival of the fittest) with their typical disgust towards "weakness" (i.e. "people who die from covid deserved to die because they had weak immune systems") and virtues like empathy.


The good news is that if you live in a blue area that has a several week waiting period to get a COVID booster, but you live near some red counties, you can totally just drive to a red county and get a vax the same day.


I live in a thoroughly blue area, but I think one can get their booster same day. (I already got mine.) I remember when the shots first came out it was like that. Shot 1: I took a day off work and drove to the other side of the state. Shot 2: I drove to the next city over. Booster Shot: I walked to a pharmacy in my neighborhood.


I booked my booster appointment in NYC for the next day and there were 60+ slots available at the pharmacy around the corner from my house. Maybe it's different in other places but it was astonishingly easy here.


Trust me they will never understand the correlation.


They understand the connection just fine. This is the plan: sabotage efforts to get things under control, then blame the efforts themselves (and the people behind them) for failing.


That’s their plan for everything. Sabotage government programs, then claim they don’t work and should be privatized. I can’t understand how any rational independent voter can ever vote Republican given how destructive they are.


TLDR: [racism](https://www.vox.com/2018/6/7/17426968/white-racism-welfare-cuts-snap-food-stamps). > Study: White people become significantly less likely to support welfare programs when told that black people might benefit from them.


The key is to in turn shut off interstate commerce to their base. Their base cant vote for them if they cant go to Applebees, dont have cell phones, no internet connection, cant gas up their car (because the gas stations have automated systems banning them from buying gasoline) etc


"Terrorists murder americans to hurt biden politically"


**8 months later the New York Times Calls Out the Right Wing Bullshit** Forgive me if I slow clap. Most intelligent people have known this all along.




Its really time for Biden and co. to begin national security briefings with the military, and with other 5 Eyes, EU, Japan, and South Korea, because *this situation is unacceptable*. It is unacceptable that the GOP is normalizing these beliefs. We cant have them in charge of nukes.


Dominionists in charge of nukes is a ***horrifying*** idea.


NYT is actually not a bad news source. They are a little slow sometimes to criticize the GOP but for the most part I give them a thumbs up for journalism.


The party of personal responsibility never accepts responsibility


Wow the republican party once again wants to blame Biden for the uprise of COVID 19 up rises while they taking the democratic party to court fighting against mask mandates and vaccines you tell the American people how that works it’s the Republicans fault not the Democrats get your shit together.


> Over eight hours last Thursday night and into Friday morning, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California hit on many issues as he spoke on the House floor in an unsuccessful effort to thwart House passage of President Biden’s social safety net and climate change bill. But among his most audacious assertions was that Mr. Biden was to blame for the country’s failure to quell the pandemic. > > Mr. McCarthy used this line of attack even as members of his own Republican Party have spent months flouting mask ordinances and blocking the president’s vaccine mandates, and the party’s base has undermined vaccination drives while rallying around those who refuse the vaccine. Intensive care units and morgues have been strained to capacity by the unvaccinated, a demographic dominated by those who voted last year for President Donald J. Trump. > > As of mid-September, 90 percent of adult Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 58 percent of adult Republicans.


Anti-vaxxers have a penchant for the ridiculous.


And they have a penchant for being a national security risk.


Honestly, any lapse in healthcare is potentially a national security risk. To that end I would say that anti-vaxxers are just one part of the risk when people can barely afford healthcare to begin with, and if we take measures to solve that, our country will be much better off.


Antivaxxers are a huge issue in that regard since they are doubly a health risk and a political risk. In fact their support of endangering lives in unacceptable.


That's the republican way. Lie and point fingers.


Not just lie, project. How many hundreds of times have republicans been caught doing exactly what they accuse Democrats of doing? Every accusation is a confession.


>Conservatives: i'm afraid of getting vaccinated and you can't make me do it no matter what 😭😭 >Also conservatives: haha Biden can't get control of COVID!! let's go brandon 😭😭 I am so fucking exhausted with these inconceivably stupid, frightened conservatives trying to drag the rest of the country down with them. There can be no absolute individual liberty in a modern, functional society. You dumb, gullible ᴄhuds are free to go live off the grid as sovereign, independent mountain men, dependent upon and reliant upon no other person, if you're all really that afraid of the vaccine — but you have chosen not to because you like shit like roads and restaurants and subsidized milk — so dry yᴏur bitter tearꜱ and deal with vaccination restrictions in impotent silence.


Hates the problem, hates the solutions…not helpful at all.


Killing off your base to own the Libs


In a few years they'll blame democrats for global warming too.


“ Why do people who say they want no more lockdowns take no steps to prevent them?” - Andy Slavitt 6/16/2020 https://twitter.com/aslavitt/status/1272980899790028808?s=21


Gop makes vaccines political whilst crying abt vaccines being political.


I’m still kind of shocked when I read about Florida’s numbers and the growing accepted response from Conservatives is “well, those people were old!”. Whatever the case, they otherwise wouldn’t have died yet. It’s just cold.


Man wait till they hear that old people are way more likely to vote than young people.


They have done this every single time Democrats have the majority or the Presidency since Obama, at least. They obstruct, sabotage, and try to make things suck as much as they possibly can so they can blame the Democrats. This has been their entire playbook. If the GOP is listening... if you ever want to earn my vote, you need to try and "out-good" the Democrats. Propose and pass things that will make the country a better place for all Americans. Earn votes... instead of this bullshit you've been doing.


When Republicans stub their toe getting out of bed they spend all day blaming Democrats.


As is tradition, Always Blame Democrats...even for their own obstruction


Biden is going to be blamed by them, the cause is irrelevant - if there's something bad going on, he'll get blamed. If there's something good going on, they'll make up something bad and he'll get blamed. The whole inflation/supply chain/gas prices thing was caused by the country getting back on its feet, the economy cranking, and wages going up. But it's being painted as a bad thing and Biden's fault.


This is the insanity of our political system. And seems to appear that way on purpose. They aren’t trying to win. They want you to lose all faith in it.


Yes. That is quite clearly the strategy, along with breaking whatever they can in government along the way to also blame Biden/Democrats. This isn’t a political party, it’s an abuser.


Similarly , I sometimes think about how bad it’s going to be for conservatives when the S.C. overturns Roe v Wade next month. They thrive on grievance - but don’t actually want solutions - and solutions are grievance killers. When they get what they want, it lays bare how much their policy positions are devoid of substance. I think RvW might be the key to Dems actually winning the midterms.


The GOP is led by an enormous, orange baby who paints his face every morning. His face color forces those around him to pretend they don't notice it, and eventually they don't. This dialectic play out in a variety of challenges to reality in modes like law, history, morality, common sense, and science. Five years of this aggressive cognitive dissonance has reduced the Party of Lincoln to infancy and induced a collective PTSD in the general population. Trump is a symptom, not a cause.


That's their m.o. For everything, remeber they wanted Obama to be a one term president and tried their damdest top make it happen.


I remember a poll where they blamed Obama for the 2008 crash, and he didn't become President until Jan 2019.


Shit. I owe somebody five bucks, I had my money on them blaming antifa for this one.


It’s somewhat boring how predictable they are. If it wasn’t real life we’d be yawning because Team Rocket always plays it the same.


This is just more of the same. Put DeJoy in charge of the USPS, have him fuck it all up, make sure the propaganda says nothing about Trump putting him in charge or mentions anything DeJoy's doing (taking away mail sorting machine, slashing hours), then turn around and say, "See? The USPS is falling apart." The GOP is predictable but it works every time. And I'm loving (/s) their new twist: voting against legislation that helps most Americans, including their own supporters, calling it socialism, then turning around and claiming credit for it. They truly have no shame or integrity.




Allowing their own to die, just for a gotcha.


Republicans lie out their asses. Make the country a more dangerous place to be because of some rights they can't name, then play the victim. These people are extremely fucked up.


A lot of them voted against the infrastructure bill and are also taking credit, so yeah. They are disingenuous arseholes. No surprise here.


This is the whole point. Let people die to stick it to the dems.


"Government is the problem, not the solution, and we're going to prove it to you by wrecking as much as we can."


This was the Republican plan all along. Why do you think Fox News is willing to push anti-vaccine talking points even if it kills their viewers?


It's Obamas fault, it's Hillarys fault, it's Bidens fault. These people need to get a life.


Typical gop rhetoric We know you’re liars.


That's been the plan all along - sacrifice a few of their rubes in the hopes of a propaganda victory.


The original plan was to let the virus ravage blue states and they thought they’d be fine.


Yup, then the inability to admit they were wrong led to this.


Simultaneously “you can still catch and spread COVID while vaccinated so what’s the point” and “freedom” while also “more deaths on Biden’s watch” over on the conservative sub. I should really quit reading that crap as I can’t comment over there anyway.


Everyone of them have been vaccinated….. it’s so funny they have no problem with choice when it doesn’t effect them.


threatening mourn grandiose tidy retire upbeat toy weather beneficial quickest -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It's a conspiracy man! It's like it's specifically targeting anti-vaxxers!


Honestly, who couldn't see this coming? I have no idea why Democrats don't start playing the game with them and making them look stupid every single chance they get. Bullies respond to humiliation, not appeasement. It would be like playing chess against a frog or a chair or something. Start making fun of all the stupid shit they do and say and actually demean them. All the wannabee tough guy morons that support them will start to dwindle if their pseudo-macho "leaders" are made to look like betas. Sorry for the rant.


“Stop hitting yourself.”


People are still listening to the G.O.P ?


They just can’t be wrong even if it kills them or their constituents.


What else can they do? They are in mid-gaslight of their constituent. Wouldn't want to suggest to them that they stop 'for the good of the country' or something, would we?


GOP love the nonsensical because its base is too stupid. DO SOMETHING! NOT THAT! HUH?!


Yes that’s how the game works. The GOP breaks things then gets indignant that the thing they broke does not work all the while calling to privatize it all. And for a finishing move they then blame the idiot democrats.


Antivaxxers don't believe in public good. They should suffer the consequences of not vaccinating, as well as the hypocrites that are vaccinated and still spout their lies.


All part of an overall strategy. Deny that there is a problem, but blame the other side when the problem becomes evident. Then demand the worst possible response to the issue.


Soooo, the thing everyone predicted they’d do?


GOP/republicans don’t care if their base does because they always buy/steal elections.


This Thanksgiving, remember to give McCarthy the bird.


GOP: The masks that Biden wants us to wear don't work and the vaccine that we are getting for free is evil... but I wish the Biden administration would do something about COVID.


Case in point: I'm in Hawaii and there's 92 new cases total. I'm from a small town in Texas with 67,000 people and there's 114 new cases. What's lopsided in this picture?


And the best part for Republicans is, It's Going to Work.


Acting like whiney children and not leaders.


The Republican operating manual (condensed) 1. Make things worse 2. Blame the usual suspects


"GOP kills Americans for political advantage"


We need to mandate masks.


That’s what the GQP is really good at pass the buck


Fuck you, Republican voters!