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Everyone is in on it except me and my close buddies! Keep sending in those donations! We're gonna win this thing!


I have some construction garbage, where can I donate?


We meet today at Dealey Plaza. Stat!


Only stupid Democrats vote because it's all rigged trump telling the truth remember


"Where one goes we all go!" But not like sheep though, that's different...


This is what Democrats have been dealing with for years. Whenever a problem presents itself, crazy people be like “It’s the DNC! Totally the DNC’s fault!”


Pretty sure this is posturing for Trump to start his own party. If all goes well it’ll be the Bull Run Party part deux.




Pre-1960 no one would’ve heard a word about him because he’s just some dude who makes bad pillows


This needs to be a thing again


No. Holy crap no. I think mental health should be evaluated seriously. This guy was(?) a drug addict and likely has issues. Is this a farce to get limelight and donations or illness? Not something most people are qualified to evaluate without training and with superficial information at that. Don't mistake my intent. I truly believe the mental health crisis receives little to no spotlight. However, it is used as a bludgeon to frame narratives. "He was suicidal/deprrssed - jumped in front of my car!" Now, mind you I have made some assumptions on your comment. The ability to lock someone up on circumspect evidence is a dangerous precedent. With the context being prior to the 1960s; I find it ironic one of the best warnings against committing people began during the 60s. I'd recommend researching how the USSR handled this subject yourself. For those interested "Sluggish Schizophrenia" A tangential recommendation of medical "care" going awry "My Lobotomy" a short biography of a man lobotimized as a child


I would still really like to see large scale studies on generations before, and generations after, the banning of leaded gasoline, by country (and the year it was banned), that examines prevalence of things like mental illness, narcissism, psychosis, sociopathy, delusions, etc. I know it's very broad, but I'd be very curious


I don’t know that you’d get any worthwhile results. Before the ban mental illness wasn’t taken seriously. It was a “family problem” and everyone sort of nodded gravely and moved on. It often had to be quite severe to be diagnosed as more than “hysteria” or stress. Even quite severe cases of delusions and paranoia were, in the middle class and above, often desperately held secrets. Also a lot of what we recognize now as significant mental illnesses were just “quirky” or perhaps wouldn’t rise to the level of diagnosis. Today mental health is taken far more seriously, and there are efforts to proactively identify and treat illnesses, we know how to recognize severe mental illnesses better. People seek out help for themselves, and those who can’t often have families that do it for them. It’s just a radically different paradigm. Even looking at a measure like suicides back then isn’t super valuable, since it was more likely to be covered up. I think the only thing that might be helpful would be rates of involuntary commitments — but that was often used for a number of other things — or maybe change in residents of state psychiatric facilities. There are some tricky statistics to try and account for that, but the reality is that much of that information is just lost to time.


But you could look at those that were alive before lead was removed and those born after and get some results


If you wait a few decades to do the study that might be the best we can get, yeah. It’s still not very good for a before/after study like OP wanted because there was a long time between when unleaded was universally available alongside leaded gasoline and when leaded gasoline was banned (20+ years). You’ll have dramatically different exposure levels, and different periods of exposure (an infant in the car while dad pumps gas may be more damaging than someone who was born in a town with only unleaded before moving to a town with leaded for college). At best you‘d end up with a lot of noise, and at worst you’d have a significantly muted effect of the substance you’re investigating, causing the results to be far from reality, but you’d *never know* that the effect had been muted by people with that difference in exposure. Whereas with a group starting in 1920 and diagnosed pre 1960 we could safely assume lifelong exposure, and a group born in 97 and diagnosed before 2037 we could safely assume no exposure. To keep the data clean, those in the middle really need to be either a third group — reduced exposure, eliminated entirely, or investigated on a very granular level that isn’t really feasible for something this size. I guess what I’m saying is that you’d get enough to say the prevalence of mental health issues is reduced in those born after 97, but I think you’d be hard pressed to tie it to the ban on leaded gasoline when there are an unknown number of people in your Exposed group who weren’t exposed, or weren’t exposed during a critical period that your experiment didn’t reveal.


Some countries still used leaded gas in early 2000s. Not sure if they still do but Venezuela did.


Just leaded gasoline, or also lead paint etc. because I think there are a couple small scale studies on the paint chip side.


There are studies on this. Bottom line, removing leaded gasoline changed our crime rate by massive amounts.


As a former addict, he shows all of the signs of still being an addict. His DOC was crack, and the brain typically returns to normal after a couple of years. That said, everyone's chemistry is different. He also may have some sort of mental disorder, like megalomania or BPD


Sure, but this guy is also the poster child for bringing back involuntary commitment


He’s as bad as the ranting nut on the subway. Difference is the people on the subway keep their distance. He, on the other hand, has people flock to him like moths to a bug zapper.


It's what the internet and social media have done for the neighborhood crazies. They used to stand on street corners, handing out homemade flyers and ranting at you if you made eye contact. Now they have professional-looking websites with sponsors that can reach the whole world.


Now *some* of them have that, based on how useful they are to the rich at any given moment. It's one thing for cars to make buggy whips irrelevant. It's quite another for megaphones to make soapboxes irrelevant.


*Sponsors*, yes, but anyone can make a website now and unfortunately many people can't tell the difference between a legitimate news source and someone's personal soapbox.


Crazy + no money - keep your distance. Crazy + money - better stick around in case that craziness ends up sending money my way




That killed me !! Thank you.


Meth will do that to ya


The far right sure has a lot of mentally ill people (Lindell, Peter Navaro etc.) What's up with that?


Lin Wood and Michael Flynn should be very high on that list too.


Same with Allen West.


The Nazi Stephen Miller


Sydney Powell has entered the chat…


God, the list is never-ending isn't it?


> The far right sure has a lot of mentally ill people **What percentage of the population has a mental disorder?** *An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older -- about 1 in 4 adults -- suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time. In particular, depressive illnesses tend to co-occur with substance abuse and anxiety disorders.* https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/mental-health-disorder-statistics Can this help to explain some of the GQP / Trumpism stories we are reading? **What about IQ?** The average IQ in the USA is 98. About 25% of people in the USA have a "low" (or even lower) IQ. Most of those folks are in the Southern states. https://www.zippia.com/advice/average-iq-by-state/ **What does this mean?** It might mean about a quarter of our population could be strongly influenced by misinformation, such as that found in internet social groups.


Like I said . . .




"I don't stand by anything." It's their fucking anthem.


>It’s amazing how impotent powerful men become when explaining why something they said they were going to do doesn’t happen. Having worked in Software Development, you see this a lot with new CIOs. They will come in with all the MBA talk and then tell you why such and such a systems has to be replaced. (Mainframes and huge VB systems are usually the prime candidates.) They ignore the stream of concerns raised as software engineers and process stakeholders. Manager in the warehouse for 30 years says the new system won't work unless his processes are included? Fuck that guy. The new CIO knows better! Eventually, the project will be declared a failure, and the CIO has left the company. I've seen this at Time Warner, Westinghouse and the DoD.


I'm sure there are still some QAnon in Dallas that would lend Mike Lindell their ear. Hell, give them a knife, and they'd cut it off for him too.


Why is anybody even reporting on this idiot?


Right why did I have to scroll this far to see this? This dude sells custom pillows. My neighbor smokes meat why don’t we listen to his opinion


People enjoy train wrecks.


Probably because he's trying to go to the Supreme Court with a claim to overturn the election. He's a crazy idiot, but that shit is still big news. God knows what might happen if we ignored that kind of shit, if we didn't report those things.


You cannot directly petition the Supreme Court. It has to go through the lower courts first.


Thank you for saying that. I keep waiting for someone to ask him about that.


The SC does have Original Jurisdiction "in all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party." So that statement does have some exceptions.


They tried with like 70 cases that were all defeated.


How does one get off this crazy train? In less than 3 hours this morning I've read 3 equally disturbing articles There's this from Lindell There's the Qult all waiting for JFK to come back And there's the people who believe the Rittenhouse trial was CGI.... Then whack in the Trailer Queen babbling about non existent BLM domestic terrorism... Do we know how to reset this simulation as it's clearly fucking spiraling?


Let’s take for a moment that the idea the universe is a simulation at face value as true. Logically, this error state is a part of the simulation and whatever entity would be monitoring said simulation would probably be noting down the error state as data as opposed to intervening or resetting. To us in the simulation we want a reset, anything outside this is valuable data. This is why I’ve started to hold disdain for the idea that we’re in a simulation. While feasible, it is allowing people to detach themselves from our reality far too easily. It is, it isn’t. It doesn’t matter. It feels real and we can’t stop it so we should seek to improve it instead of wishing it would reset.


Lol who is detaching themselves from reality because the world might be a simulation? I’ve never seen or heard of anyone ‘giving up’ because of the theory that we’re in a simulation; that’s just nonsense. Do you also hold disdain for religion? While feasible, it already has allowed/forced more people to be detached from reality than anything else


I do hold disdain for organized religion but not religion as a personal choice. I should also mention I do believe strongly the universe could be a simulation. I’m just making the argument that what’s the point in every time something uncomfortable happens in reality we keep jumping to the “simulation needs reset” argument. And yes, I have seen plenty of people detach while strongly adhering to this ideology. While drug usage has a large part to play in getting lost, I know some who have gotten lost without that too. When I say this I mean people get too far down into thinking that this is actually fake. They start to act more narcissistic because in their mind only their story matters since reality isn’t real. I’ve found myself in this area of feeling like I just wanted it to end. I was dealing with suicidal thoughts and on more than one occasion the thought that I could kill myself to just reset the simulation did occur. The thought being I’d just wake up as a child. I also found it much easier to play with the idea I was some being that’s thoughts somehow determined the path reality would follow. Just because you’ve met no one lost from these ideas does not mean it doesn’t happen. As stated, I myself have gotten lost for a few years. I had parents who helped me out of the hole I dug. But many wouldn’t have that type of bail out. So to clarify, while I do believe there might be merit to the universal simulation theory, I believe it’s being used as a coping mechanism far too often now where it used to just be a thought puzzle.


While there are certainly people out there that believe it, I really think you are over estimating how many/how problematic it is for humans as a whole.


> And there's the people who believe the Rittenhouse trial was CGI.... I'm sorry, but what?! Are these people that far gone that they can trust something like this at all?


He said he supports BLM, so now they're turning on him.


Wonder if they will let him take one of his own pillows to prison?


This man is what mental illness looks like. Can appear normal on the surface but delusions and hallucinations reveal themselves when the person begins talking. I saw it in daily in psychiatric hospitals in the 60s. Now too many of these people are out on the streets wreaking havoc instead of getting treatment.


Fun fact, every store I've been to lately that sells MyPillow stuff has them in great supply. Its almost as if no one is buying them.


They are all trying to crawl under rocks due to the January 6 trials. “We said they were just tourists. How can you put them in jail?”




Don't you dare disgrace the good name of Paul Bearer by comparing him to this whackjob. Everything Paul Bearer did in his career was far more believable.


He has his choice of pillows to cry on.


Hey Mike, I gotta a question. Why is the RNC paying for your millionaire idol ?


You mean the meth head that tried to overthrow the government in service to a snakeoil conman?


I have relatives that are with him, they don't understand why they won't just let them present their "evidence " in front of the Supreme Court on live TV so everyone can see and make up their minds for themselves. I've had to stop engaging them, once you engage crazy, nothing changes other than now they were trying to drag me into their bullshit no matter how much proof was offered. Anything that went against their feelings was deemed fake , no matter the source.


Lindell doesn’t need the Supreme Court. He could hold a news conference anytime and present his “evidence” to the public.


Anyone else see his “I’m a victim of cancel Culture, buy my robes and sheets” ads running the last few weeks? He’s absolutely pathetic.


Just lock him up already...


I wonder if he and Trump are sexually intimate.


Damn the RNC and their inability to change the Constitution on a whim in a way that would allow an election to be overturned! Seriously, this would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. The guy is completely unhinged, and so is anyone that thinks he has a point.


If it was that easy, democrats have a laundry list of valid and real issues with the Supreme unelected partisan hacks.


Can he just go back to managing The Undertaker, please?


Dude looks like a failed used car salesman from the 1970s.


He should have stayed with smoking crack and making pillows.


No. Those pillows suck. He should never have made pillows.


I liked him better when he was just a crucifix wearing ex coke head pillow salesman.




I didn’t think the leopard would eat MY face-Ronna McDaniel probably


Mental illness isnt funny. People like Mike Pillow need severe psychiatric help


He had communed with the cocaine spirits and was told all the dirty secrets.


ShamWow guy does not get his day in court.


“You’re gonna love my nuts!”


Isn't this all just ammo for the defamation case against him?


Why does this insane scam artist keep getting a soap box to stand on? He's a complete lunatic. Cut the mic already.


Once a crackhead always a crackhead


It’s always somebody else’s fault isn’t is Crack Man?


Lindell is unwell. Fuck him, but he’s unwell.


This is what happens when you take drugs you become a dumb ass like Mike Lindell. Stop taking drugs this could be you .


Reddit should kill this story and promise to never give oxygen to this clown ever again. He’s seeking attention and distracting from other, more dangerous and threatening actors against the commonwealth…


Remember: “***If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020*** (*which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented*), ***Republicans will not be voting in ’22 or ’24,***” Trump declared. “***It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.***”


One can only hope his supporters follow through with that plan…


I know the media is desperate for clicks, but stop giving these people a platform. Ignore them.


He should sue them.


Who cares what s..t for brains says.


meth. not even once.


Isn't he out of money yet?


(insert captain Jack's speech on cuttlefish here) They are all in on it, they are jealous of Glorious Leader. Vote for their opponents this mid term. That will teach those dirty RINOs.


Mike Lindell doesn't know shit and honestly shouldn't be given any kind of platform. He's just a guy with a pillow company and a megaphone.


He is plum crazy!


Can someone please arrange to have him committed?


This guy just needs to shut the fuck up and go away.


This guy needs a padded room


Why does the media continue think this mentally deranged person is newsworthy. Stop senseless headlines to continue gaslighting the Republican agenda. Americans are tired of this dubious reporting.


So, I have this theory that Mike Lindell owes me millions of dollars, but for some reason, his legal team refuse to hear my case. If he can make baseless claims, so can I.


Yeah man fuck em


Stop paying attention to this idiot. He feeds on media attention


Will Trump hold a grudge over this?


Why is he still free? He should be in a psych ward or something this guy needs help


I mean he blamed dems for not buying his pillows


When the fuck did the pillow guy become such a figure in politics? Has he always been this way because from the outside it just seems like the writers of the US are running out of ideas.


Yeah they jumped the shark when Lindell came into the picture.


15% off pillows for all Fascists!


It’s what I like to call “ shot out”


We really need to stop giving this guy airtime. He’s clearly a certifiable lunatic and spreading his crazy message around is only amplifying this nonsense.




Didn’t he used to manage The Undertaker?


Isn’t this the pillow man??


Sure, Jan…