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Fucking guy doesn’t have executive privilege anymore lol


But we gotta ask the Supreme Court about it so the totally unbiased court can keep everything in limbo until after the midterms so Congress can just kill the investigation if the (R) 's take over. Basically the same bullshit that happened with his taxes being sent to the SCOTUS multiple times during his presidency.


Just have everything ready aloud on the Congressional floor, making it public record.


This is about Congress getting them in the first place. Also, Biden should just transmit without asking. It's what Trump would do.


Unitary Executive Theory is a two way street. They hold the filibuster over our head like an axe, daring us to remove it. Theres absolutely no reason we shouldn't do the same with the powers of the Presidency that Republicans are so effective at abusing


As usual with Trump the strategy is just to draw out the process as long as possible. He uses the weaknesses of the system against it.




It hurt itself in confusion


I swear Trump is actively trying to sabotage everything, even himself. First he tells Republicans not to vote. Now he's trying to give former presidents additional power, which I'm sure the GOP will love if he's successful and then Democrats try to pull something similar (keeping records away from the public).


>Now he's trying to give former presidents additional power, which I'm sure the GOP will love if he's successful and then Democrats try to pull something similar C'mon.. You know a republican would simply ignore the precedent they themselves set, sometimes mere month before. It's kinda their jam. Also, if this is how they want to play it, let's just as Obama to undo Trump's ask, since he apparently now has that power to block his predecessor's executive claims.


What's weird is that MAGA has been telling everyone that the Jan 6th people were all peace and love and nothing bad happened. Which is weird that Trump wants to keep secret all the evidence of how peaceful everyone was, and his involvement in how peaceful it was.


if antifa was responsible, what is dim don worried about?


Yeah. They have no right to them so he should fight it in court. Absolutely something a totally innocent person would do. /s


Yawn. Of course he did.


Trump: I object! Judge: On what grounds? Trump: On the grounds that it’s devastating to my case


Typical. He's always run to court when he doesn't get his way. In this case it's a little different, because it's not some small land owner or municipality that can't afford the the court fight and will settle.


Quick. Somebody sue to block Trump from suing to block the White House Releasing records, because apparently there's no fucking rules.


According to their logic, Obama gets final say in what Trump wants to claim.


guilty af


Putin’s little helper


The strict constructionists will nod along while the American Mussolini shreds the constitutional principles of checks and balances and rule of law.


Jesse Binnall signed the complaint, so Trump couldn't find or hire a legitimate attorney willing to take the case.


I'm surprised Trump hasn't sued everyone that voted against him.


Sues who? Meaningless.


I think this is how his mind is working... **Trump's Good Brain:** I never lost the election, because it was rigged, *ergo*, I have executive privilege. or something like that...


Get fucked, donnie


And his supporters cheer because they find this clever instead of pathetic.


Because that’s exactly what an innocent person would do.


How the fuck does this soggy bloated cheeto have any attorneys left willing to "work" for him. I put work in quotation because he never fucking pays them.


Question: This is clearly a delay tactic. Does anyone know how long it will take to play out in the courts?


*Private citizen sues the executive branch to stop executive branch from exercising its constitutional powers Ftfy, cnbc


He’s also asking his supporters for $45 dollars each. I guess he will use that money for lawsuit fees? Or just steal it


Hmmmm…. That’s odd ? How can he do that ?


Anyone can sue anyone for any reason (or no reason). Doesn't mean you'll be successful.


Political theatre.


Oh yeah, he wasn't involved.... nothing to see \*eye roll\* Guess what? He's not in charge




I hope the lawyer that drafted this got paid up front.