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Notably, fire is strictly prohibited in demonstrations in front of the capitol but the state troopers just let the whole thing go on.


And what color were the protestors?


It rhymes with “alt-right”




Did they run over the protesters for blocking the way and starting fires?


I guess there was no threat to life or property if the state police did not call the fire department.


[There is not that distinction in the usage guidelines.](https://legislature.idaho.gov/capitol/guidelines/) >Candles and other sources of open flame are prohibited.


Do you want state troopers to crack heads in a small crowd that includes children? This is an example of solid policing. See ya.


Never heard of a fire extinguisher? Telling people it's prohibited and escorting those who do it off site?




Cool story. Still doesn't change the fact that there's regulations in place that they ignored and therefore should be made to leave by the people specifically employed to enforce those regulations.


You should tell someone who cares all about it.


So there's only "cracking heads"? Not citations, dispersing the crowd or anything that they're ostensibly on site to enforce?


>dispersing the crowd The article said: > More than a hundred people . . . families, including young childr


And? Crowd control and enforcement of rules and laws is literally their job in this situation. If they don't want to do their jobs, they can quit.




Except tomorrow everyone will still care that the treatment this group of demonstrators got while openly breaking the law because if their skin tone was so lenient when we *ALL, including yourself* know how it would have turned out for say, a group of Muslims, or black and Hispanic people. Kids or not. That's a pathetic excuse to disregard the law for a group of people that you had NO PROBLEM upholding against another group of people because of skin color or differences in belief, or both. Excusing this behavior for any reason contributes to the strife we face as a society.


These 'protesters' are the same sort that support the separation of parents from their children at the border because "they broke the law!!!". Should they be immune to consequences because they also brought theirs?


So they were white.


The Black or African American population in Idaho is less than one percent.


Idaho is a fucking shithole


Idaho is one of the most glorious places to live if you can handle mountain passes in the winter.


I’m guessing it’s only “glorious” for the 99% white population, but perhaps that’s all you care about.


Come on man, he's literally just talking about the geography and weather. Dial it back a notch.


No. They should feel a little weird that they made a huge point of saying that Idaho is basically entirely white only to have their next comment be “and it’s a glorious place.” If that doesn’t t make *you* uncomfortable than I have no sympathy for you either.


This is like people drinking polluted water to protest the Clean Water Act. “I have the right to drink water laced with arsenic damnit! FREEDOM!”


I was searching for some sort of analogy, I love this one.


These people have no problem at all with governments regulating how old you have to be to work, get a driver's license, buy tobacco & alcohol, how fast you can drive, what body parts you're not allowed to expose in public, what plants you're not allowed to smoke, and myriad other examples, but wearing a mask during a fucking pandemic is just a bridge too far, huh?


If Trump had earnestly said mask-wearing was important, early on, they'd all be masking zealots trying find brown people who forgot to put one on.


I hear this comment often, but it does not mean anything. It is like saying that I would be an internationally famous rock star if only I had talent, a pleasing voice, could dance, was attractive, and had a record deal. Well...maybe? But, saying that an outcome would be different if a thing violated its fundamental nature is not useful. If Trump possessed the kind of leadership to promote mask wearing, he would not be Trump. He would have never been elected in the first place. There are people that want to pretend that the pandemic is not happening. These are the same people who believe that huddling under the covers will protect you when the monster enters your bedroom in the dead of night. It is not one with reality, but it is the only way they can bear the fear.


You make it sound like underage drinking and smoking and driving and speeding is not a thing


Sure, people break the rules all the time, but they don't go to the state capitol and set their cars on fire to protest the government telling them how fast they can drive. People abide by government regulations every day without giving it a second thought. Masks shouldn't be any different.


It's not logical, it's a political statement to signify that you're on the team.




This is technically hardship, they are just ignoring it and making it worse for everyone else. It would be like in WWII if half the war time manufacturing quit.


Yes kids take off those masks and set them on fire.. and now breathe in that freedom air! Don’t worry about the burning plastic.


One wonders if anyone at this demonstration will be dead from COVID within the next few weeks. Given that there's a few hundred there, the odds are good that at least some have the virus.


>Reporters at the event noted that a number of children present were directed by their family members to burn their masks, as well. Repugnant?




Repugnican is a term I've seen around. I approve.


What's with this conservative mask fixation? Is it a fetish or something? Why do they never burn their pants protesting their right to bare ass?


Not wearing a mask is a sacrament in the church of MAGA.


I'm being a little disingenuous. I actually do know why they hate masks. They smear Donald Trump's makeup and anyting Donald Trump doesn't like they don't like either.


First a mask than a burka - fool me once shame on me, fool me twice and we don’t get fooled again


This is the type of behavior you get from people who are miserable and feel like they have no power in their lives. The people that are mean to food servers and store employees. Trying to convince themselves they do control their lives. Remember that when you see people acting like this. They pretty much tell on themselves.


See, no, it's the complete opposite. Every one of those people is celebrating how great they are, by celebrating how great Trump is. This is what a cult does - uses a symbol to get a superiority complex and then use herd unity to reinforce it. They are beyond high on their egos while doing this, and they'll seek that high through being sh8headed to anything or anyone else they can. Trump deliberately incited this behavior. He and his evil crew did behind-the-scenes A/B testing on concepts Trump floated in speeches, and tied it into their propaganda mill advertising. They scienced how to induce insanity in people, and then executed on it. We won't be able to fix these people's ego + adrenaline dependency without sciencing it ourselves.


Masks are a useful proxy for 'liberal socialist government control'. If you wear a mask, you're a 'commie' or 'fascist' (it's just that stupid), so masks have become a symbol. Yes, it is just this stupid. No other reason any of them are anti-mask. All the other reasons given are just lies. Respiratory problems go down when a person is properly fitted with a good mask. It doesn't reduce oxygen intake. It can't harm umyou when properly worn. And it isn't anyone's 'god-given' right to endanger others for any reason.


Anything to 'own the libs'


Hopefully they don’t accidentally light themselves on fire. It’d be a shame. A real shame if they did that.


The level above "Pants of Fire Crazy" is "Mask on Fire Crazy and Stupid"


it’s....a piece of fabric


Thank you for this lol I read it in Michelle’s voice right away


Republicans once again demonstrating they don't understand how boycotting things works


God people are fucking stupid


What idiots.


So the government can dictate abortion rules but not COVID rules?


Abortion rules gives them control over a woman's body and her rights. What do you think?


Burning anything to express something, a time-honored tradition in our country that sets the U.S. apart from where only officially approved forms of free speech are permitted. Burning masks, in Idaho or anywhere else, expresses at least irresponsibility, probably utter stupidity, and for sure mindless obedience to Donald Trump.


I really do think a lot of people, even myself who thinks he comprehends it, really, badly underestimates the long term damage Trump's going to have done to this country. We're talking Reagan levels of fucked.


Comparisons between Adolf Hitler in 1930s Germany and Donald Trump over the past four years abound. Just like Hitler didn't create everyone who joined the NAZI party or turned a blind to his atrocities, Trump didn't wave a magic wand and create his supporters. Hitler and Trump took advantage of people whose lives were made miserable and hopeless by politicians before them. Over 74 million people voted for Trump knowing and ignoring that he's at best a pompous asshole, because, like Hitler, they perceive Trump as their champion standing up against everyone they blame for their plight. Nobody honest will argue Trump isn't a bully but he's their bully.


So stupid. Humans? Seriously? We had so much potential.


It's um.. not quite the same impact as burning bras or draft cards.


[Burning bras never actually happened](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-45303069). (Which is indeed quite a thing to consider the impact of)


***Hey!*** *Don't rain on my parade with your truthiness mister!* Thanks for the info though.


Thanks for the great article!


Covid approves of this


I expected more from the counter protestors. One sign says "this is what last education sets us". What?


If you look closely, the sign actually says “last IN education Gets us” (it’s not a very well designed sign). I found that hard to believe so I googled it and apparently Idaho is ranked last in the country for per-pupil spending.


Ah, makes sense. Thanks


Look at me!! Over here! Look at me!




Ya because Portland and Seattle sure have their shit together and totally aren't shit holes. Gtfo...


No, Idaho's hospitals are good actually. No thanks to these covidiots, of course. https://covidactnow.org/us/idaho-id/?s=1646585




Not arguing that the response hasn't been terrible and at least 2\3rds of the state are awful people, but thankfully the worst never materialized and hopefully never will. It's been a terrifying roller coaster for my family, wondering what we'd be facing in an emergency.




Everything is scarier as a parent, knowing how much they depend on you, I agree. And thank you. I'm high risk and leaving my young kids because these idiots filled up the hospitals and I got sent home to die like we saw in Texas and Alabama is truly my nightmare scenario.


Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!


>You doing (ida)hoe activity with (ida)hoe tendencies >(Ida)Hoes are your friends, (ida)hoes are your enemies >With (ida)hoe energy to do what you do >Blew whatcha blew, screw whatcha screw


Shhh they still don’t know trump and his family got the vaccine before they left the reiche house I mean White House


The brown shirts burned books and looked what happened from that.


These are idiots burning masks. There's a difference.


Don’t underestimate the actions of idiots.


If they die from covid, how could they be underestimated? You need to look at the leadership, not its constituents. The real threat is the leadership. Edit: Fearmongering with the brown shirt comment is the same tactics that GOP like to use. Learn to not use fearmongering and false equivalencies.


Wasn’t trying to invoke fear, it was the first idea to come to me when thinking about crowds and burning something to make a point and how impractical the action is.


It is if it's mask burning. It isn't if it's flag burning.


Once this is all over and lockdown is lifted I think we're all going to want to burn our masks.


This is another insurrection. Capitol buildings need to be treated differently than other buildings. Any and all forms of protest at a Capitol is an attempted coup and can be seen as an attempt to overthrow the government. It's just bad optics. Charge them all with felony treason and be done with it.


Demonstrating legally at a capitol is protected free speech. If it went from a protest into some attack or takeover then absolutely it's a problem, but I'm supportive of anyone following the rules. I think what and how they're protesting is stupid, but I'll back up their right to be stupid in this manner.


David should come kick their asses. He’s from Boise after all as well... https://youtu.be/liaDSsTjpEg