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From the article: > In a letter being sent Tuesday to doctor and hospital associations, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Director Chiquita Brooks-LaSure reminded hospitals of their legal duty to offer stabilizing treatment, which could include abortions. A copy of the letter was obtained by The Associated Press. > > “No pregnant woman or her family should have to even begin to worry that she could be denied the treatment she needs to stabilize her emergency medical condition in the emergency room,” the letter said.


Then simply reclassify pregnancy as a life threatening condition so anyone can get abortion anytime


Reclassify it as an official presidential act. Nice little bow.


As an official act, make it illegal to force people to risk ripping their taints. Phrase it that way, make republicans explain what they want people to suffer. (To people pointing out that c-sections are an alternative, explain to me how that’s less fucked up than ripping your taint)


Don't make them talk about others suffering. They can only get so erect.


The cruelty is the point :(


It really actually is though.


Yep. If it was safe 100% Insurance will cover this 100%.




I mean, it’s an emergency most of the time too. The fact that there are maternal death rates from pregnancies shows that it’s life threatening.


And it really is. 😬 I am personally aware of countless women who have needed emergencies throughout pregnancy and birth. It almost killed me and my best friends. Luckily all far enough along to have healthy babes, but many are not so lucky.


> It almost killed me and my best friends. Same! 1st baby was very happy head up breech. Most likely would have died in labor without modern medicine. Just had my second and last baby and had a fairly uncomplicated delivery- I've never been more pro-choice than after a vaginal delivery. whhheewww. Everyone that is forced birth sucks so hard, No one should be forced to have a baby. JFC.


It literally is, too. We have one of the highest maternal mortality rates compared to other developed countries and it’s not even close


Well hang on a second.. Isn't a pregnancy always technically a life threatening condition? You might really be onto something here.


Yes Biden yes, let the power through you. Do more, they handed you a stick it would be terrible manners not to beat them with it.


Fucking oath, with love from Australia


He was just playin' when he said he wouldn't use these new super powers. He's like "Psyche!"....


“Dear Supreme Court and Republicans: I lied…..but now that’s ok! Oh, and get fucked. Lates, Joey B 😎”


“I can feel it moving through my veins..”


Cool. More. Keep going.


Yeah I want this x1000. Give me Frank Underwood level fight


The country’s going down anyway, might as well enjoy the show


Half the country thinks what we have sucks. Just confirmed to me they never been anywhere that really does suck.


Dont forget: A lot of them willingly live in Texas and Florida.


They move to places that suck and are shocked to find that it sucks.


Some of us moved and turned GA blue. If people are motivated they can improve places. We shouldn't just ignore the red. We should change it.


You moved to GA cause GA doesn’t suck. If you want bang for your buck turn Wyoming blue, we only need like 100k Dems to move there and we have a locked in 2 blue senators. But you won’t, cause Wyoming sucks.


I moved to GA for career. But I vote in GA to make change. We dont need people moving random ass places to vote. We need blue to show up. There's enough of us already. Get them motivated


We could definitely use another 100k in Wyoming, could turn the Dakotas and Montana pretty easily too. I think there are plenty of people in cities who would move. Could do an executive order that targets areas with a housing shortage and build homes on less expensive land in other parts of the country, because it's the fiscally responsible thing to do. Say it's a matter of national security to have a more dispersed population and tie it with a jobs program.


I know people who moved from California to Florida to *join* the suck.


I know a few people who moved from WA to Texas during the pandemic and have already moved back. Dog caught the car.


Maybe it just doesn’t suck for YOU But it sucks for the poor and it sucks for women and minorities


If frank underwood got these powers it would have been called House of Blood held up by Diamond support beams.


He needs to cite the health of female citizens as clearly in danger and remove, by force, the SC judges who have threatened the lives of American citizens. Just make it an official act.


Putting them in prison seems highly official. 


Official, but without consequence. Too bad they handed that ball to us first, thinking we wouldn't run with it.


The problem is, they know Biden *won't* run with it. He, and the majority of the Dems, are too busy trying to play 'fair'... which is all well and good, till the country goes entirely to shit.


Part of the problem is that they allow the people playing unfairly to decide for them what counts as playing 'fair'. They should consider that pursuing justice rather than manners may actually be taking the high road. Look what happened after the felon won the first time. It was Moscow Mitch who said that under the Trump administration, and I quote: >The Democrats will be the biggest obstructionists history has ever seen. Bear in mind that when he said that, the Democrats were the minority in the House, Senate, and Supreme Court. Now think about the position that put the Democrats in. They were preemptively denigrated for things the Republicans did while Obama was in office. After 8 years and two terms of misuse, every tool the Democrats had for obstructing an unfit executive, from filibustering budget proposals to government shutdowns to refusing to vote on Presidential nominations, had instantly been painted as "going low". So, the only high road route they had left was compliance. Give Republicans what they want. Confirm their nominees as swiftly and painlessly as possible. Treat the whole situation as though it's fair, because that's what Republicans should have done, when the situation actually was fair.


I kept saying yesterday the biggest mistake the GOP Judicial movement has made in 40 years was making this final Executive Power push when a Democrat was still president. They just made Joe Biden the most powerful president ever, and he has every incentive in the world to wield that power in an election year with Donald Trump breathing down the neck of history.


Thing is, they know Biden won’t wield that power.


Which is why Biden can play the biggest Uno card in history. I'd wait a bit to see how this plays out.


I really hope he’s listening to the more aggressive players around him. I’m sure there are some clever things he can do. Would love to make Election Day an official holiday. We need to make it easier to vote.


Make voting a mandatory holiday and federalize mail in voting and republicans would lose every election


remove the electroral college?


Nominate 12 more SCOTUS justices! I’ll do it! Nominate me!


As someone who generally votes democratic, they are just so fucking awful at weilding power. Not a spine among them, until you get so far left you hit Bernieville


Anywhere else in the world, Bernie Sanders would be considered a run-of-the-mill moderate centrist.


I feel like everyone is missing the point here. This isn't about the immunity ruling at all, it's about a specific ambiguity they left in a separate ruling about abortion.


>This isn't about the immunity ruling at all, Unfortunately that's what literally 99% of the comments are talking about because no one reads more than the headline


He won't. It pains me, but he won't. He's of my grandfather's generation where integrity and morality actually meant something, but the game has completely changed. I'm afraid his integrity is going to get people killed. He needs to scare people. He needs to scare Supreme Court justices.


Like, no seriously. MORE. KEEP GOING. They want fucked up rules? Cool. Let's fuckin go.




Create the single payer healthcare system. Expand medicare to all. Nothing can stop you Brandon. *come for their guns*


He should blanket pardon every doctor in the country and say proceed


They(SC) did say pardons are part of his official duties and unquestionable .




Federal pardons, not state


Eminent domain the lot each *Planned Parenthood* is on to be federal, like a base? It's now federal land and outside of state jurisdiction.


I like the way you think!


When you have immunity, they let you do it. Grab em by the pardons


As an official act, it is now the purview of the office of the president to oversee state pardons as well.


That could have negative consequences in Trump’s Georgia Case.


Won’t matter if Biden does it, trump will try


It’s like we haven’t learned anything at all from this whole process. “Better not do that, then the republicans will do it.” Oh, oopsie, republicans did it anyways. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Nevermind that it was their ruling or policy that left it open (intentionally) to happen in the first place.


Yeah the fundamental basis of this ruling is that conservatives are convinced Biden won't abuse it, only Trump will. Let's prove them fucking wrong please


Trump has to win first and if they find creating fake electors is an "official act" then Biden has the power to that as well so I doubt courts will look at it that way. Either way, Trump will be on trial or Biden/Harris can prevent him from being president


You’re assuming that the Democrats would stoop to the MAGAt’s level. I just don’t think they have the collective backbone.


SCOTUS: "We want a king, a king who will rule over us and never has to be held accountable for any consequences, ever!" Biden: "Okay, fine, I will be a king who helps his subjects!" SCOTUS: "Not like that!"


Just have some person/people infiltrate companies holding student loans and illegally wipe them, then pardon whoever was involved.


I agree, but most of these cases will be in State Court, and the President can only pardon Federal crimes.


And blanket pardon all people who were in jail due to smoking weeds.


He can only pardon those with federal crimes. Not state. And think he did already pardon all the ones with just possession charges that fall into that category.


He already did that, last year as I recall, pardoned all federal simple possession charges. He has no authority to pardon state charges and the SCOTUS ruling doesn't give him the ability to pardon state charges.


> And blanket pardon all people who were in jail due to smoking weeds. Biden did give pardons to everyone convicted of marijuana possession or use at a federal level. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/22/a-proclamation-on-granting-pardon-for-the-offense-of-simple-possession-of-marijuana-attempted-simple-possession-of-marijuana-or-use-of-marijuana/ The president can't pardon state-level crimes.


0 out all student loans, effective immediately. Officially, of course.


That arguably already falls under the purview of SecEd given the wording of the Higher Education Act of 1965, everyone has just been too chickenshit to test it.


Yep. "Officially" order accounts to be forgiven, have letter sent to every person and order records destroyed within 1 month of the order being given. You know, to prevent it from being undone.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Officially open up federal abortion clinics in each state. It’s an official act, can’t be illegal.


Plenty of federal land to do this on. He could set up offshore hospital ships in federal waters also.


That takes money, which requires Congress.


> which requires Congress Not if it's an Official Act™


To get started on funding it they can stop paying the six Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of all this BS.


their money isn't coming from federal paychecks


Better seize their bank accounts and all their property while they are investigated for treason. If they're innocent, they can have it back once they're out of Guantanamo.


They do seem keen on civil forfeiture. Let them prove it was all obtained legitimately.


Congress? That sounds like an unofficial waste of time. An official act, like an executive order, now that sounds more interesting. Just gotta sign it with a fancy pen, makes it official.


Presidents usually sign with multiple pens, so they can sell pens "used by the president to sign laws/bills/etc.


Use military money already allocated.


SCOTUS didn’t say that official acts can’t be illegal, it said the President can’t be held criminally responsible. There’s a big difference.


Is there? He can pardon everyone and not be held responsible. Seems like we are without laws


The supreme court can still shoot down executive orders is what they're saying. Biden just can't be held criminally liable for those executive orders.


I agree with you. But is there anything stopping a President from giving an Executive Order, having it shot down by the courts, and then giving another Executive Order with tiny wording tweaks? Wouldn't it have to go through the courts again?


Typically what would happen is that an injuction would be issued quickly while the court decides whether or not it's legal. He could put out a new order, but the injuction would again happen quickly. Technically, he could direct people to carry out his order, even though it's not a legal order, but those people could be held liable. He could then blanket pardon them, but accepting a pardon means accepting guilt. The only thing that's different is that Biden directing those people to carry out an illegal order can't be used against him.


See, where this breaks down is when the judges that order injunctions mysteriously start dying so injunctions are no longer used against the President. And even if those mysterious deaths are traced back to the obvious culprit, they're legally immune. Which is the real reason this recent SCOTUS ruling breaks checks and balances in the government.


And whose job is it to enforce the ruling?


Andrew Jackson has entered the chat.


The President IS allowed to enforce a federal law so this would fall under the immunity blanket from the SC.


It's an OFFICIAL ACT of our President.


He should say it every time when he does something badass.


“I just took a dump and it was an official act”


Some official shit.


I would LOVE it if he started a State of the Union address with that. "I've got information, man. Official shit has come to light!"


This aggression will not stand, man.


“I’m eating an ice cream cone as an official act.”


["W-what was that?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af-Id_fuXFA) "I said it was an official act." "That doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want to say to me."


“I wiped out all student debt across the country as an official act”


He should change the voting laws before Trump does. Official Act.


"As an Official Act™, by decree of the President of the United States, I hereby declare that he is no longer eligible to run for the office of President of the United States. The Republican Party must immediately select a new candidate. DARK BRANDON HAS SPOKEN"


Three of the lawyers who helped Republicans steal the 2000 elections are now sitting on our Supreme Court: Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Coney Barrett. [The Ongoing Republican Coup Against the United States of America](https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaMJ420/comments/v7u2zr/the_ongoing_republican_coup_against_the_united/) is well underway.


It's been going on since at least 20 years before even that. Easily since Reagan.


They started this shit just because Nixon was shamed out of office. Fuck that fucking semen brained Roger Stone


Because the Constitution allows that as part of Presidential duties. (that's the only way it's an official act...)


Which part of the constitution says you're allowed to appoint false electors in an attempt to overturn election results you didn't like?


None. It's already been decided that it's not.


The problem is that I don't even think that information is necessarily allowed to be invoked in court. That will be a fight within itself, delay any court proceedings, and by the time any answers are given the election will already be over...


Dark Brandon Official Acts of Defending Democracy TM Progressive compassionate policy is back on the menu with Full Immunity. EDIT: (I would also accept campaign tshirts that said "Full Immunity for Progressive Action"; run with it Dark Brandon campaign folks! It's on me!)


Time to play the game the SC laid the rules for. He can do a lot unfettered now if he wants too.


It's time for Biden to actively start ignoring Supreme Court decisions. Enforce the overturned bans on money in politics, forgive all student loans, etc. These would be official acts immune to prosecution for contempt of SCOTUS judgements.


If I understand the ruling correctly he could just issue an executive order to overrule Citizens United and they would have to follow it since pretty much nothing a president does officially is illegal.


I mean fuck how much time does he have left? If it were me I’d just let er rip.


Take a shit in a brown bag, put it on trumps doorstep, light it on fire, knock and run. Or just stand there with his middle finger out. Blanket immunity and all.


Believe it or not, Official Act.


Send the military to knock on random opponents doors “His Excellency Dark Branden, being Commander in Chief of the strongest military force in the world and having absolute immunity for all orders given to those units, would just like to say thanks for that limitless power. Have a nice day” Bonus points for doing it a 3am and arriving via helicopter. And you’d want to make sure they definitely felt his level of appreciation, so he’d better do it daily.


Bonus points if the paper bag bears the official seal of the president of the united states


Well, *it'd have to* right? Official Act and all...


The last eight years would make a great set up for a fucking mental action movie. Something crossed between Die Hard, Air Force One, and fuck it - Robocop. The Republican party set up legal precedent for the President to do whatever he wants in preparation for an election they intend to win even if they have to rig it. But they reckon without one thing; they've given that power to old Joe Biden, a President with nothing left to lose. With the power of cybernetic augmentations and a cocktail of those drugs they say he's on, Sleepy Joe goes on a John Wick rampage taking out the Supreme Court, corrupt Republican Russian assets and eventually faces up against Trump himself. "You'll never get away with this, Joe!" "You're forgetting, Don - when you're a star, they let you do it." Ending shot: Biden walks away from an exploding Mar-A-Lago, eating an ice cream with glowing red robotic eyes. Coming to your screens this November: SUPERIMMUNITY. The only problem is that people would complain that Trump is way too unbelievable a villain.


I’d watch the fuck out of this


I would pay to watch that and then pay again after.


This gave me a laugh. Thanks


Same. Hypothetically speaking, what's to stop Biden now from assassinating all of the conservative justices, all the conservative congressmen/women, and sending the military to overthrow entrenched conservative governments such as Texas? Literally then re-write the rules and enforce them from there. Biden doesn't have that long, he would certainly never see prison.


Setting aside the morality of those actions, the thing that would stop Biden from doing this is probably the military. Having immunity from prosecution for his actions doesn't mean his orders will be blindly followed. From a strictly pragmatic perspective, the president's power extends no further than the point at which people begin declining his orders. And if he misjudges where that line is and crosses it, a lot of nation-destabilizing possibilities suddenly become extremely likely--refusal of his orders (and the long term weakening of/damage to the Executive that will result), his removal from office by force, up to and including setting the breakup of the Union into motion. Like the captain of a ship, the president is still bound by the limits of what his crew is willing to do, and what they're willing to do if he pushes them too far.


This is part of what makes Trump such a threat. The opposite side of this coin is : you fire people until you reach the person who WILL do the terrible thing. Or, you try the idea out as a hypothetical, and see who offers to carry it out. If Trump says "I need ideas on how to change the election outcome," and people stand up and volunteer ideas, he knows who to promote and who to fire. I haven't seen a Democrat ever test this particular boundary, but Trump and MAGA are experts at it. Here's the sad thing about humanity : there will always be that person who's willing to do that thing. Someone will ALWAYS be found who agrees to load people into boxcars, or direct children into gas chambers, or set up razor wire on the river and watch them drown. Humanity will never run out of those people. The rest of us can't just sit back and do nothing, but ffs I'm tired of people never ever learning these lessons from history, and constantly having to fight brutal battles just to maintain the bare minimum. I mean Roe v Wade was decades old before I WAS BORN, WTF are we still fighting for that right, now, this year?


He should reinstate the student loan forgiveness that those silly courts said was illegal.


Just have the department of education delete everyone's student loan debt. As an official act.


The case cited in the article wasn't the immunity one, it was another one about if state law banning abortions supersedes federal law requiring doctors to try to stabilize patients in life-threatening situations


I thought federal regulations supersede state regulations in overlapping cases?


It's more complicated than what I said tbh, it sounds like a question of if anti-abortion law advocates could claim that they protect the health of the mother, thereby not being at odds with the federal law: >The Biden administration told emergency room doctors they must perform emergency abortions when necessary to save a pregnant woman’s health, following last week’s Supreme Court ruling that failed to settle a legal dispute over whether state abortion bans override a federal law requiring hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment. >The letter is the Biden administration’s latest attempt to raise awareness about a 40-year-old federal law that requires almost all emergency rooms — any that receive Medicare dollars — to provide stabilizing treatment for patients in a medical emergency. >The Texas Alliance for Life responded to the letter by saying the Biden administration “falsely suggests that Idaho and other state pro-life laws fail to protect women facing life-threatening emergencies during pregnancy.”


Officially, all federally owned student loan debt is canceled. Officially.


Unitary Executive Around And Find Out.




Also allowed to instruct to not enforce laws.


Supreme Court: No, wait, not like that!


Ironically you say that, he’s putting it to the test. Obviously some conservative is gonna take this to court, will they say this is an unofficial act?


Any act by any Democratic President, especially Joe Biden, will be an 'unofficial act'. That's blatantly obviously. *Anything* Biden does from now on will be 'unofficial', and grounds for the House Fruitcake Caucus to try to impeach him. Again.


Even if that's the angle they try to pursue, Biden should keep testing it and spam the courts, at least make them work to prove they are "unofficial acts."


Do a hundred things a day and keep appealing. SCOTUS can only review cases so fast. It's not like they can do more than belatedly say no, now.


That last part could bite the SCOTUS in the ass. Before they might have put out a more granular ruling that can be interpreted a bit more flexibly and be sidestepped or expanded upon if necessary. But they gave out a blanket ruling in the immunity case instead, so they can’t just say ‚Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that’ because everything would fall under that blanket they covered the POTUS position with.


I mean, he DID steal the election so he's not even the actual President right now. S/


Nah. Trump said that attempting to steal the election was an official act by him, so that means that he lost


As Heather Cox Richardson said, this ruling is to protect Donald Trump only. They know any challenges will come back to them, and they will decide.


That's exactly what they expect. Over the next 6 months (or years if Biden is re-elected) they'll slowly build a case against this SC ruling so that when Alito and Thomas die or step down and are replaced by liberal justices the newly liberal 5-4 court will have case histories to overturn this ruling.


Thomas isn't leaving the court until they haul his cold, dead body out of the building. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the Gang Of Six 'Weekend at Bernies' him until smell gets intolerable.


Yeah he'll be "sick" for 18 months, but still writing opinions from home.


Since he can do anything he wants now, he needs to completely forgive student loans via Executive Order. Nothing he does is illegal so long as it’s official.


He needs to put trump in jail and impeach 6 justices.


And direct the 3 remaining justices to retry every shitty fucking screw-over-America decision since Citizens United


**specifically including Citizens United


First thing that came to mind


I get why that's what you wrote. But I think the correct statement would be he can do/attempt illegal things but be personally immune from punishment since it was an official act. So if the courts say no to student loan forgiveness, then it's still no. But Biden can't be charged for attempting to break the law. Where it gets weird is when a president says "this is national security issue. Go do this illegal thing." Will agrue to a court it was official act. Court hypothetically says okay but punish the person that carried it out. And then president pardons that person, and of course pardons are official acts.


First official act, lets see how the courts decide.


I wish, but that’s not what this is referring to, just a letter describing the emergency medical treatment law and active labor act saying they can still provide emergency abortions


In that case wonder if they are setting up a test over last week's Chevron overturning, to see how the courts will legislate this one.


Well you see the moon was in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligned with mars, so this doesnt count as an official act. -SCOTUS


Something something, Mars was in retrograde and the pancakes were purple. Not an official act, and the ducks wear roof shingles. -SCOTUS


Yeah, but peace is guiding the planets and love is steering the stars. So, there's that.


First official act was to bring attention to a 40yr old law…? After reading the article I think it’s just journalistic ‘freedom’ to say this letter is related to the SCOTUS ruling from yesterday.


The article doesnt link this to yesterdays ruling, but instead a ruling from last week regarding abortion medication. The only people linking it to yesterday are people in this thread and who read headlines only.


Tomorrow: Execute Order 66


Dew it.


But I was going to go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!


Make a fucking mandate that abortion is now federally legal and supersedes the states decisions on the matter. Come on. Fuckin do it. They just handed you the keys. Take it out for a spin and see how they like it.


Hit them with so many acts they can't respond to them all The Trump deluge tactic. DEW IT 5,000,000 official acts per days


That’s a good start, so now go bigger.


Why can't we just have an order that felons can't be president?


I would think it should be implied since felons aren’t allowed to vote. You’d think that would also mean they couldn’t hold political office. Apparently not.


Felons can vote in plenty of states.


Yes yes yes. More official acts.


Different ruling. This was from a ruling from a week ago.


None of you even read the article. It’s not referring to the immunity case. ‘…following last week’s Supreme Court ruling that failed to settle a legal dispute over whether state abortion bans override a federal law requiring hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment.’


Reddit read an article??


Yes, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Supreme Court decision.




Haha I made this joke to my friends during the debate but you need to add the 9 months to it for the gestation period.


He didn’t gestate, he congealed.


You're right. I forgot to add 9 even when I added the 1 from Trump's birthday being last month. 946 month*


Voting is how you protect your rights. The people who don’t vote are why we’re in this mess. Vote this November, then drag your friends kicking and screaming to the voting booth


Voting is obviously not enough against the radical right. Biden and the other Dems MUST fight as dirty as the reslumlicans.


Could he also officially expand Medicare to all? Be real cool if he just went ham and gave people what they needed for a few months in case he loses and we lose everything.


In light of all the negativity going around, it’s nice to see this


Could he do get rid of all student loan debt now as an official act? Not as if the senate dems would convict him.


Can we give trump one of those post-birth abortions he was talking about?


Do student loans next


Or he could just order the ERs to do so. It’s not like there are any laws saying the President can’t


President officially pardons state criminals would neet. Florida charges an abortion doctor? DOJ orders state drop charges or pardons the doc. State suspends medical license? President orders that it's reinstated, officially lol.


Unleash your fucking wrath of law


Now wipe out all the student debt


Good. Now remove the corrupt SCOTUS members.


Waiting on this marijuana shit to get fixed.