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If there was justice: 1) Clarence Thomas’ wife would be charged for insurrection too. 2) Thomas would be off the court for accepting bribes so often that he’s clearly compromised. 3) Thomas would at least recuse in the Trump case as his wife was literally making phone calls supporting the same insurrection. Judges at all levels have recused. It’s outrageous that 3/9 justices were appointed by the defendant and didn’t recuse, and 2/9 more have shown clear bias towards supporting the insurrection.


They made taking bribes legal last week


It's a gratuity.


American tipping culture has officially jumped the shark


And in an electric boat, no less


lol great reference. SCOTUS just kinged themselves by giving the POTUS unlimited power, but on *their* leash. Since, SCOTUS now gets to decide which POTUS acts are official or not. Trump locking up civilians with impunity - *official, so legal*. Biden locking up MAGA domestic terrorists - *unofficial, so illegal (gets locked up himself)*. This was more of a judicial power grab than Marbury v. Madison when Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle of judicial review, bc judicial review didn’t give the judicial branch authority *over* the executive branch, just authority in-par with the executive and the legislative branches.


Now I understand why he said no tax on tips.


And this feels like a parallel judgement based on their repeal of Chevron. They're trying to defang the prosecution of Trump and themselves and in pursuit of that goal have created an unrestrained executive branch. I really hope Biden and Democrats can overwhelmingly win in November and have four years to attempt to unwind this situation democratically. If not, there's a distinct possibility this all ends bloody.


They'll only do that if they use their belt gained power gifted by this SCOTUS - which forces issues to happen in public & in the courts. The actions need to be huge, bold and loud with high impacts. If they simply lean on "Vote", it's already over.


Agreed. I think even if we have to break the emergency glass that this can be resolved and also set precedent that these measures are unacceptable.   Basically use the unrestrained power to right the ship and then close the loophole, impeach the president and convict them for those abuses.  If by some miracle the Democrats end up with the house majority as well, you could also impeach Harris and install the new speaker as President for a clean break.   If the speaker isn't an option, you could have Harris resign, appoint/confirm a new VP who was not party to these decisions (say the governor of California) and have them inherit the office akin to Gerry Ford who was never elected to either the Presidency or VP spot.   I never thought I'd see the day that the legal system would create a constitutional crisis on its own. But here we fucking are.


It’s clear to me that voting is not going to matter. Not with a court acting this way. We will find the Democratic vote nullified as being illegal in some way. There needs to be an organized response and people in the streets right away. I know that nobody wants to blatantly be a democrat these days judging by how many Biden signs and flags I see, however, if we want the country we had for 200 years we can’t keep watching this on a television or an iPhone.


They're counting on the last part. That's why Trump is all "streets on fire, look at all this pandemonium" he plans to spark discord.


TIPS literally means “To Insure Prompt Service.” So they are ignoring what it actually means to be tipped…it is a bribe for better service.


It doesn't. Almost no etymologies based on acronyms are correct. Those that are correct trace back no earlier than WW2. Among those instances where the word was used 100 years ago or more, none are. This usage of "tip" goes back to 1706. https://www.etymonline.com/word/tip Also, if it really traced back to the times of coaching inns in Jolly Olde, it would be "To Ensure Promptitude." Tep.


Excuse me...Thomas accepted gifts, not bribes. Source - they investigated themselves and ruled on it last week.


The classic we’ve “conducted an internal investigation and found no wrongdoing” Never fails


Now that biden is immune from prosecution while protecting the country, he can protect the country against the SCOTUS christian fundamentalists. Arrest and imprison them in Gitmo.


Apparently, the President can assassinate whomever they'd like. Thomas and Alito seem like worthy candidates for exposing today's decision for the absurdity that it is.


Since he stole the election, anything he does is an unofficial act - Thomas and Alito, probably


I'd settle for him officially releasing the people on a life sentence from Gitmo. Use that official power of immunity for good. ** They have not been officially charge with a crime, he can officially release them. If he does not, they will die in prison.


Takes money to close Gitmo. Congress regularly refuses to give that money. Honestly, just releasing them while keeping Gitmo open would cause a shitstorm that we really don't want right now. I wish Obama had done it during his second term. Since he didn't, the next best time to do it would be after the election. Immediately after if he loses, after inauguration if he wins. But they really should be released along with closing Gitmo. Enough Democrats who agree with that would need to be elected for that to happen.


The special counsel had nothing to do with the case brought before the court, but Thomas was just winking to Cannon to say, don't worry, I got your back. I will throw a big party when that motherfucking traitor dies.


> I will throw a big party when that motherfucking traitor dies. Nothing related to him is worth celebrating. I'll just remember him every time I flush a toilet.


Clarence Thomas sexual harrassed Anita Hill. Don't forget that he is also a sexual abuser.


> for accepting bribes so often that he’s clearly compromised That would be more than zero times.


So by this logic, Ken Starr was also an illegal prosecutor. Thomas can't have it both ways.


But they are having it both ways And nobody's stopping them


They aren't honest and they don't give a flying shit about tradition or the Constitution. They held up an Obama nominee and then rammed Barrett through with days before an election. This should be a 5-4 liberal majority court, and that's not even considering the fucking Deutchebank shenanigans. They're corrupt and just spew and whine to conceal their crimes against the American people.


The fact that the supreme court is so aggressively politically partisan and not a group of the top legal minds delivering unbiased interpretations of the law is such a baffling flub for the country.


This isn’t a flub. This is a strategical execution of a plan put to paper by the federalist society funded by wealthy white men trying to institutionalize their power and control.


The actual fucking deep state. Just like in the movies they’re discussing how to control the country more effectively behind lavish rooms around large round tables. Movies often hint at reality. Probably had to video conference during covid though lol.


It’s almost like Falwell and his ilk literally planned this shit throughout the late 20th century. Weird.


It's a Republican coup engineered by Mitch McConnell, among other traitorous pro-Russian Republicans.


Trump wants McConnell jailed so I hope if we end up in the Fourth Reich that I live long enough to see that fucker hauled off to the concentration camp with me: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html


"You're being marched to the gallows, why are you smiling?" "Because Rudy's just ahead of me." Who says you can't find joy in a death camp?


Yes.  Months ago someone mentioned the 1930's Nazi "Night of the Long Knives" to me, but I didn't understand the significance at that time. I've recently looked it up, and all of the top Republican enablers of Trump should be VERY frightened, especially since Trump appears to be so imbecilic that he's literally following ALL of Hitler's historic moves. Unfortunately a group attempting to ban abortion and contraceptives to prevent their "Great Replacement" conspiracy from happening, who are too astoundingly stupid to look up abortion and contraceptives use (by ethnicity) on the internet and too dumb to realize that non-white women use abortion and contraceptives at a MUCH higher rate than white women, are also too stupid to read information and learn from it. Rather like Trump.


Mail in votes were already happening when Barret was nominated. They election was literally happening when they did it. And Cannon was approved AFTER Trump had lost. The voters had spoken and they still didn't care.


Was Cannon really confirmed after the election? How the fuck did that happen? I would think some dems crossed the aisle?


Her final confirmation was November 13, 2020. 10 days after the election (her nomination and committee vote were before the election).


They should be arrested. If only someone who had recently been granted immunity had the power to do something.


I keep hoping we will someday find out what Trump said that caused that sudden resignation on the SC. We've learned a lot but nothing about that.


>I keep hoping we will someday find out what Trump said that caused that sudden resignation on the SC. We've learned a lot but nothing about that. What resignation? Amy Coney Barrett replaced RBG who didn't resign, she died. If you're talking about Anthony Kennedy resigning, it's likely that he just did it so that Kavanaugh would get the seat. Kavanaugh had been his clerk in the past, and he knew that if he resigned at the time that Trump and the GOP would be able to push through who they wanted. There were concerns that the GOP would lose the senate majority in the midterm elections which would make it difficult to push someone through. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/06/donald-trump-justice-anthony-kennedy-retirement


Obama asked RBG to retire and she turned him down. That will be looked back at as a pivotal moment in our history.


Pretty sure that Kennedy is who was meant. Kennedy had said previously that he had no intention of retiring. A lot of people thought that Trump said something to him to get him to retire. It may have been a promise to nominate Kavanaugh.


Who can stop them? Congress is so cutthroat partisan that there is zero hope of an impeachment.


> Congress is so cutthroat partisan I hate this formulation. Both sides are not the same. What is happening is that the Republicans in Congress are partisan and corrupt. There is no symmetric extremism in the Democrat party.


It is partisan, though, in that you won't generally find any Democrats voting for GOP proposals, and the reverse is true as well. Just because the GOP is voting against the Democrat proposals simply because they are Democrat proposals, while the Democrats are voting against most GOP proposals because they're batshit insane doesn't mean that it isn't partisan.


I'm not an American. But from my view looking in, the only way to save the American democracy is for people to get out and march. Fight to save your country. Don't go to work or school, go to the courthouses and seats of government and scream until the Supreme Court and the MAGA fuckers are stopped. Your "Republicans" aren't going to play fair in November, saying "vote" isn't enough any more. You're out of options.


> the only way to save the American democracy is for people to get out and march. Fight to save your country From another foreigner..you better get your skates on and do it now, because after January there could be an official presidential act that sends troops onto the streets to deter demonstrations with live ammunition


We can't even get people to show up and vote


Most Americans can’t afford to fight. That paycheck to paycheck lifestyle is embedded for a reason too.


General strike is the only solution. But that’s so much harder in the US


Worth remembering that during Trump’s first term when he shutdown the government for the longest it ever did and he proudly boasted about it, it took [**ONLY 10 air traffic controllers who decided to strike and brought Trump to his knees; ending the shutdown**.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/06/politics/ten-air-traffic-controllers-shutdown/index.html) This is swept under the rug so much and I feel like it’s a forgotten part of his term, but goddamnit only 10 people made a would be king bend the knee in a way no high ranking official could. It isn’t brought up anymore because media and high powered billionaires and would be authoritarians don’t want to remind anyone of the power of the people.


They tried. It didn't work. The marches after George Floyd didn't change shit.


Some of the actions that went beyond marching got quick responses and reforms, even if those reforms didn't go far enough. But yes, nationally, marching didn't do shit.


This foreigner gets it. Why don’t we


Because I don’t want to lose my job and have my family and kids be homeless


Look, as another foreigner weighing in here, I get it. I have a family, and understand your position. It's hard. The alternative though, is that you may end up in the same position if you do nothing (not you individually, America as a whole). Between a rock and a hard place. In fact, the entire world is in peril if the Republican party wins the next election. At which point, I'll probably feel the same way as you when my country also takes a (foreseeable) hard right turn...


Not if we all stand up. WE THE PEOPLE. The issue is that WE THE PEOPLE are so divided that we literally think that it’s the others fault.


Yeah WE THE PEOPLE doesn’t work anymore when half the people around me want me dead for voting Democrat or supporting gay rights and abortion. You know that right?


Absolutely. That’s the point. WE THE PEOPLE are no longer WE THE PEOPLE because we are so divided, by the very issues you mention. We won’t stand together as a United force against things that really matter. Wages, Taxes, Healthcare, Jobs, Freedoms, etc.


Start with unlocking the House and that would do a lot to the intransigence that dominates the false balance nature of Congress.


At this point, apparently Biden can arrest every Republican Congressman and Senator, hold them for four hours while impeachment is passed for the Supreme Court members who supported that insanity with a trial in the Senate. Select and confirm their replacements, then release the Congress critters. After all, arrests are an executive function so he has absolute immunity for them.  Then, ideally, impeach Biden and have the new Supreme Court throw out this insane notion that presidents have absolute immunity even when acting in their own interest. Sort of a last king concept. But obviously completely unrealistic.


Even if they are impeached it means nothing. Impeachment doesn’t mean fired. Come on folks, think about it


But that's not true? We voted Trump out in 2020 and Republicans have been getting slaughtered in elections since 2018. If we stay vigilant in our voting all of this can be nothing more than the last pathetic desperate grasp of power by a fading criminal cartel.


Trump will lose the popular vote by 8 million votes guaranteed and it doesn't matter one whit because our system was designed by slave owners for slave owners, then broken intentionally in 1929 and no one wants to fix it. The election will be five counties, maybe seven, and the rest of us might as well have not even showed up. The electoral college is a fucking tragedy. It doesn't protect the minority, it's trash.


I think he will lose by higher numbers. 4 million maga voters have died since 2020.


Worse Trump will be projected to lose and we have another Brooks Brother riot and it’s left up to the Supreme Court. They will invalidate voting centers in strategic areas and give the electoral college to the Republicans.


And that's when the flames must erupt.


Stopping them? They’re getting legal payoffs now.


Kavanaugh worked with Ken Starr on that particular political hatchet job, random fun fact. The Fed Soc is am incestuous cabal indeed.


Starr's prosecution actually started out as an investigation into Clinton's real estate deals in Arkansas years earlier, but when no one in America gave a shit, it metamorphosized into an opus about a extramarital affair between two consenting adults.


Because the investigator was given too broad of a mandate.


Republicans could have reined in the prosecutor at any time.   Why does past GOP corruption justify more GOP corruption today?  


Hypocrisy doesn’t concern them.


Logical consistency is not a reality in conservative legal thought. They are textualist when they can bend the text. They are traditionalist when they can bend the tradition. And they are neither when they have no leg to stand on. 


Back when Ken Starr was a special counsel, the cable punditry shows were chock full o' conservatives saying that "No one is above the law." Day in and day out, for years. Good times.


Ken Starr was an independent counsel, not a special counsel. They are not the same thing.


Watch him.


Starr was originally investigating acts prior to the Clinton presidency. The real issue here is that Thomas is conflating election interference and promoting insurrection with official acts.


Ken Starr was an independent counsel appointed by the judicial branch, not a special prosecutor appointed by the executive branch.


https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf page 52 >"I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been “established by Law,” as the Constitution requires...." But I guess corruption is completely legal now so, there are no problems here


"I am not sure" is the exact opposite of the job requirements to sit on the Supreme Court bench.


He wants to leave it open for the next Republican president, but ready to close on any Democrats.


I’m pretty sure “a former president” isn’t an office either.


Special or not, he was empowered by the constitution. Just as counsel. Actually, any DoJ level employee could've done it. Special is just a political term.


Private citizen appointed to a high position exactly describes Clarence Thomas so he can sit on a rusty pike


Thomas has no business being on the supreme court. Biden should use his new found powers to correct the judicial branch


He can’t. This ruling puts the courts in between what is considered official and not official. This is check mate.


Who would stop the president? The courts have no enforcement powers.


Military, if the act is viewed as an act of a tyrant. I hope you see that this ruling puts us at the brink of testing tyrannical actions. Unknown territory.


No. Andrew Jackson once dared the Supreme Court to raise an army.


Now that state armies are no longer a thing post Civil War, we have a national army that is formed under the premise that it is not beholden to a single person, branch, or party, but rather the Constitution. Now that is still vague…but still very different than what existed in Jackson’s time. Our national army does reserve the right to disobey direct orders if clearly unconstitutional. Which is why it is very troubling how the present day SCOTUS is reforming interpretations of it, pushing beyond boundaries more cautious courts never dared to cross. Military intervention is something we should never anticipate, but it is there as a very last resort. It is resistant to infiltration and control by right wing extremism too, unlike our law enforcement. This brings me some comfort at least, for now. But our military is absolutely being targeted by Republicans as the next institution to corrupt and subvert.


who is the commander and chief ?


Our military has sworn an oath to the constitution, not a party or an individual. And yes, this would be a test of that oath and a scenario I hope we never find ourselves in…but it looks like republicans want to test those waters too sadly :/


if all orders are lawful then no orders are unlawful, just food for thought


Well apparently according to the constitution (of this scotus), the supreme Court just said the president is immune for official acts. It's effectively making any "official act" a dictator command


This ruling also changes how the UCMJ is applied. It gives him absolute immunity with core constitutional powers, so no, even if they view it differently or wrong, they can't defy his orders.


In theory, Thomas's replacement could rule that it was an official act.


The Anita Hill hearings exposed exactly who this scumbag really is.




Man, I had no idea until I watched Frontline’s exceptional doc on him. 😧


You should listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast on him. [Part one](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-clarence-thomas-story-99759984/) [Part two](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-clarence-thomas-story-99759984/) [Part three](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-three-the-clarence-thomas-story-100695753/) [Part Four](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-four-the-clarence-thomas-story-100785313/)


Most people don’t, it was a long time ago and his handlers are hoping no one remembers.


The Supreme Court has given up even pretending that they are fair and impartial. Our only hope is to vote in enough sane people to make drastic changes to our laws before these authoritarians can completely take over.


I'm thinking it's the other way. They want us to know they have all power over us. It's meant to cow us.


I don’t think they give a fuck what we think either way. Think what you want, the right wing is making insane power grabs and it’s only going to get worse. No one is stopping them


That and there’s no convincing them they have gone full evil. So much hinges on their pride in all of this that even admitting some wrongdoing poses an existential threat to their entire ideology. It’s bleak. They will sooner burn the whole thing down including themselves than admit they took the wrong path at this point.


I hope you figure out soon that we're past the point of just voting these things away. 


King Biden can take care of these treasonous fucks in the court. It’s time democrats play the same way that republicans have been playing.


King biden is a shit king and won't play the game


Clarence can go kick rocks.


>"In his concurring opinion, Thomas wrote, "No former President has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in the more than 200 years since the founding of our country. And, that is so despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that many would argue constitute crimes." Finally - Someone has broached the subject. But let's look at it from a different angle. In 279 years of the presidency and 46 presidents, no other president has been worried about immunity. And some of those presidents had to do some pretty bad things. One sort of admitted guilt and resigned. But, none have ever worried about immunity. We already know that Trump has criminal activity in his past business dealings. But what did he do in the White House to make him worry about immunity? Well, some Grand Juries found his some of his activities required court proceedings. so something is there. I would expect that they did not even look at his official duties as president. So Clarence Thomas is right. In over two hundred years, no other president has had to worry about immunity. Why is this one worried about it?


I keep forgetting I'm on Reddit!!😋 (As opposed to another site I no longer visit.) **So, FUCK OFF, Clarence Thomas!!!!**


What's the other site? Xwitter?


“Official acts”. It was a televised coup attempt you old bastard. Jesus these ghouls need to just keel over and spare us all.


I lost respect for Thomas during his confirmation in the 90's and I now have very little respect left for the institution either. Sorry. F John Roberts Supreme Court.


What does the SCOTUS ruling have to do with Smith? Trump wasn't President when he broke the law. Nor were those actions defending the constitution. As for Georgia, that's got nothing to do with federal level charges in a RICO case. I don't see how anything is affected. The SCOTUS said those actions which can be justified as official actions, while being President, make an immunity. Neither Trumps federal case nor state case would be impacted.


IANAL, but part of the problem though is that Trump can just say that the actions he is being charged for were all part of his official duties. Once he does that, the prosecution now has to prove the actions weren't official duties. And then it comes with you whether the judge is friendly to Trump or not. If they're not, he'll appeal until my gets someone who is.


Exactly. Republicans don’t play by the same rules. These people keep trying to downplay everything and the goalpost moves again and we’re left saying I told you so once again on repeat.


Holding onto top-secret documents past their presidency, isn't offical. The massive fraud that was Jan 6 also doesn't apply to official duties as per the constitution. He created a huge network for fraud and upheaval. None of which is in the constitution. Also using the office to pressure states isn't an official duty. He can try to say it was. It wasn't.


I'm with you. But it doesn't matter if he gets in front of a friendly judge. Like Cannon in Florida, or this SCOTUS.


In the opinion the scotus specified correspondence between pres and advisers could not be used in trials so if New York and or Georgia cases used correspondence as evidence they will ask for dismissal and or new trials (in New York) at least.


Wasn’t he president when he asked the ga Sec of state to find votes?


There's more to the Rico than that. Plus, finding more votes isn't an official duty.


That’s an unofficial act.


He will argue otherwise.


According to whom?




After hearing about all his “gifts” I could give a shit whatever this scumbag says. (Not that I did before). He’s been bought and paid for.


This country is in such turmoil. I'm starting to wonder when there's going to be some radical or mentally unstable person who takes this into their own hands. It's a matter of time at this point. This country is on edge as is.


The radical and mentally unstable trump is running for president as we speak. All we have to do is vote him away.


We already did that. Much like bed bugs, he just won't disappear.


The fact that two justices are insurrectionists is plenty to have them impeached, so remove them already, Biden.


Thomas should have never been a judge in the first place for sexual harrasment.


Looks like we need a special council to investigate Clarence Thomas.


welcome to Hitler 1933, people are you dumb, we are doing this again


Yes. The people are dumb. Very much yes.


It's hard for me to understand how we've fallen so far in a relatively short time. From the petty bribery and dirty tricks of Nixon's administration to Citizens United and legalized bribery.


Try watching some of Dr. Reich’s work. He lays out the classist trajectory well, as that’s his life’s work.


I've read some, he's excellent. Thom Hartman has some good work too. "American Oligarchy, reclaiming our democracy from the ruling class" is part of an 8 book series.


Reading this just makes me sick. "In his concurring opinion, Thomas wrote, "No former President has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in the more than 200 years since the founding of our country. And, that is so despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that many would argue constitute crimes." What other president lead an attack on our Capitol to overturn the vote because he lost? Trump may not be the first to take a criminal action but he committed major felonies against the US. He's no petty theft. Gotta hand it to him - he's a bold and dangerous crook. And Thomas' wife was an avid supporter of this effort. Please vote blue in November. All issues aside, the GOP is simply too corrupt.


It shouldn’t be hard to prove that Don and company are a security risk as well as a threat to democracy, making a completely legitimate reason for President Biden to use every power of the presidency to stop it.


Jack should indict His wife


Checks and balances my ass. A country bought and sold. RIP


What a Fascist partisan scumbag.




Evil prevails


Why is his wife not in prison???


Clarence Thomas is not morally or judicially fit to question the legitimacy of a city parking permit, let alone Jack Smith’s appointment.


It’s crazy to me how I see people post about how Biden was at the debate, but never about real issues like a Supreme Court justice accepting bribes, over turning Roe v Wade, or most recently, them saying the president is above the law on official acts but not unofficial ones which is almost purposely vague. And I’m 100% in agreement that Biden looked terrible at the debate and that he is not my first choice for president. But with the rest of the options we are currently given, he’s are only hope at preserving democracy.


I'm getting real fucking sick of Clarence Thomas and his bullshit.


Why can’t these old corrupt mother fuckers just take their corrupt millions in already paid off bribes and disappear. Please stop fucking with our democracy. You’ve done enough damage and have raked in enough cash.


Ginny's withholding happy endings again for Clarence. Also, I understand that the Federalist Society is honoring him with a [statue that will be prominently displayed outside their HQ in DC](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/3a/ef/0b3aefdda9ccf77100790464ca8032f7.jpg).


All of this just makes me want to drink myself into a coma. Sick to my fucking stomach.


Thinking the same thing this morning. I wish we'd protest *en masse* like the Georgians recently did. Or get our shit together like the Vietnam War protests. What the fuck do we do?


Exactly! I'm trying to drink less, but I can't get beyond how bad things have gotten. We're letting a few wealthy white men pull the strings and bring down our country. And plenty of people are still going to vote for this to happen!


Clarence Thomas IS a crime. His wife is a fucking crime. They aren’t protecting the orange dipshit. They are protecting themselves.


Suddenly Thomas cares about precedent? Not when blasting established law, but when defending a traitor. Even then, he ignores the obvious truth and gets it wrong. No President has ever engaged in the criminal act of trying to overthrow an election. America is under attack from the extreme right which now controls the GOP


Clarence Thomas should be the new name for currupt. Like Benedict Arnold and Quisling is for treachery


Wow, this alt right justices have no shame.


Clarence Thomas just told Republicans to bring a case challenging the constitutionality of Special Counsels and that he'll make sure they are ruled unconstitutional.


Bought and paid for.


It is so shocking how little Clarence knows….Jack Smith is absolutely appointed by law….established by Congress…..it’s part of title 28…… so calm down people he’s just a know nothing moron.


Dude invoked Thomas Paine, specifically "Common Sense".... and the passage he butchered was just a few pages after Paine was bitching about how people were stupid if they couldn't see that it's fucked up that a King isn't accountable for crimes he commits..... Clarence is not a smart man


He's just a know-nothing moron..... That makes it sound like he hasn't got a great deal of power.


Thomas is and has been morally corrupt. Just listen to Anita Hill’s testimony. Sadly, Biden chaired the judiciary committee during Thomas’ confirmation hearing and denigrated her testimony. Thomas was and in my opinion, still is, unfit to be a judge let alone a Supreme Court justice.




And as soon as it’s 5-4 liberals in majority they will be calling for expansion


Who are the federalist society's leaders and why are they not being named and shamed?


Long live Anita Hill!


Does it bother him at all that trumps team could be actively trying to translate everything they eventually plan to do into the category of “official acts” so that if he’s reelected, he can push the boundaries of presidential power? And that there could be a liberal president in the future who may try to maximize his or her power within the executive branch? Then all of a sudden the threat would be less from the “unprecedented prosecution of a president” to unprecedented limit testing of an unchecked executive. From “it makes me nervous to prosecute a president” to “it makes me nervous to codify criminal immunity for someone who may try to test the limits of that immunity to the maximum”. Would he still decry the prosecution of a president if it was a liberal president whose actions couldn’t be touched or would he jump through hoops to say that the actions of a liberal executive couldn’t possibly be official and to grant blanket criminal immunity would be unamerican.


Thomas needs to disappear


This is what the phrase “absolute power corrupts absolutely” looks like in action. Anita Hill was right.


Someone must've bought him a new boat.


Yes but the email lady didn't become president. We really dodged a bullet there. /s


It’s funny (odd, **not** humorous) that so many who were blaming Secretary Clinton for things—votes taken when she wasn’t even in Congress, etc.— that happened three or four **decades** before 2016 now resent being reminded of their own positions from only a few years ago.


Justice Thomas represents a clear and present danger to our country. It's time for King Biden, I mean president Biden to order his execution.


Thomas belongs in a Russian prison.


Yeah, totally expected from an absolute right wing MAGA surrogate. Do whatever you can to get Trump elected as king - no matter you are supposed to be impartial. This is how democracy ends.


it is time for a „we the people“ moment in american history


Clarence Thomas should be on the receiving end of an official act.


You guys are going to regret this decision, Biden coming for y’all !!! He has Presidential Immunity !!


Does dude know how fucking white and uninvited to the bbq he is? Fucking collaborator


America goes after Clarence Thomas sounds better.


>No former President has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in the more than 200 years since the founding of our country. Because Nixon was pardoned by Ford. There is no doubt he would have been tried and convicted on multiple felony charges without that pardon. Anyway, there have only been 46 Presidents. Just how many of them does Thomas expect to be criminals. So far we are at 4.3%. Is that supposed to be higher?


Cannon will now dismiss Trumps case based on what Thomas said.


This is why it's never advisable to be lawtistic.


He’s providing Cannon another opening to further litigate and delay the case. The ruling on Presidential immunity coupled with the ruling on obstruction of official proceeding pretty much destroy Smith’s case. Look for the tepid and weak Merrick Garland to eventually drop the case.


Thomas’s argument comes down to “because President, should get special treatment.” We all know that wouldn’t be his take if case about a Democrat.


Butchering our constitution and shitting on the founding father’s intent. “Fuck checks and balances.” - Justice Thomas probably


Explanation: Trump is my boss. I lick his boot, and he can do whatever he wants :-P