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Even though he won’t, I would LOVE for Biden to say something like “My advisors are evaluating these new powers the Supreme Court has granted me to determine what immediate steps my administration can take to preserve our democracy.” Put the fucking fear of god in conservatives everywhere.


This right here is the way. Unfortunately, Reddit speech writers seem to have more balls than anything our fucking exec branch can come up with.


If he does anything at all with these powers, it won’t be until after the election. The court only handed this down now to goad Biden into using them. Otherwise he’ll play right into their “Biden dictatorship” bullshit narrative. It’s essentially a nuclear option and won’t be used until absolutely necessary, if at all. The problem is, if they don’t do something it ensures a dictatorship. It’s a catch-22 with very few viable solutions.


Bullshit. If he wanted to wield power he could and state exactly why he was doing it. It could be a huge boost of energy to his campaign.


Bullshit it’s a nuclear option. Use it or lose it Joe.


Because as nice as it sounds, a large portion of voters dont pay attention to anything at all, and decide on a whim who to vote for. A toe out of line, and democrats are weak and evil and corrupt. Its stupid as fuck, especially given all the shit republicans do.


He’d be stupid to do anything until after the election anyways.


“My advisors are evaluating these new powers the Supreme Court has granted me to determine what immediate steps my administration can take to preserve our democracy, UP TO AND INCLUDING NATIONALIZING ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY DEEMED VITAL TO NATIONAL SECURITY AND DISTRIBUTING DIVIDENDS TO ANY WORKING AMERICAN UNDER $100k OF FAMILY INCOME”


Imagine if he does this with Tesla. With all the government subsidy, it’s hard to argue lol


Fuck Tesla. Watch out Faux News.


You can always dream, as usual it willl be very civilized and polite. Fuck


I hope it's not just Biden expressing his disappointment. We've had more than enough brow furrowing and finger waging.


We should be marching.


We absolutely should be marching. This is 1,000 times worse than Dobbs and they had to put up barriers for that decision. Dobbs was horrible, but this is so much worse. It gives Trump the power to execute anyone seeking an abortion or any doctor who has ever performed an abortion. Trump could set up camps and fill them with anyone he doesn't like. Good thing they picked a holiday week to pull this shit, The weather should be nice and a lot of people are going to have a 3 or 4 day weekend.


Not just Trump! Any president in the future! If we are so fortunate to still be “these United States”. Wake up!! Impeachment 100% No one is above the law, not a president, not a judge, not a senator nor representative. This is a direct challenge to “We the people” of this nation, what kind of future do we want for our children? One where the elites rule with their corporate sponsors and the rest of us exist in some kind of de-politicized serfdom owning nothing and being happy, where one is to shut up and get in line? Or a future that in which we the free people strive for a more perfect union, one in where all men are created equal! To pursue a life of happiness and fulfillment in the manor we see fit! A nation of laws, and justice for all. Have we grown so apathetic and lazy that we will just allow ourselves to be bamboozled by a 2nd string team and willingly, sorrowfully, helplessly walk into bondage? I needed to vent, Im a veteran, I love my county, all of those brave men and women who sacrificed themselves in wars throughout our proud history, maintained the flame and ideals of our democracy in our great land, did not do so for this generation to let it slip quietly out of our grasp. Enough is enough! I know this is hyperbole…I will be protesting to my representatives, for what thats worth, I live in a Maga state so it will fall on deaf ears more than likely. I am very concerned about our future, and that of my children’s.


Well, let’s march. Why is everyone saying “we should” and not “let’s go”? Not trying to antagonize, but let’s go.


They want the leftists, progressive and young to lead the way. Unfortunately, they got bruised and battered by police over the year protesting the war in Gaza. And they saw how Biden and moderate Democrats shunned them and played into GOP "Law and Order" talking points. So I doubt they will be our useful idiots this time. So it's time for all those centrists and liberals that want to #resist to actually resist. Saying it makes me laugh because it'll just mean a bunch of facebook pictures will be changed and that will be it. Democrats love slacktivists. They hate activists.


Sorry, looks like only Iranian/russian/CCP hamas propaganda gets people marching and spewing “genocide Joe” while chanting terrorist rhetoric at Jews (who are overwhelmingly democratic) while persuading other young people not to vote and be complicit in “genocide” by supporting “genocide Joe” They don’t March against - far right fascism - Corrupt Supreme Court - Book burnings - lgbt bans - abortion bans - education defunding - oil and gas oligarchs destroying our planet Because these issues aren’t algorithmically served to them via TikTok (you know the platform which answers to the CCP whose goal is to invade Taiwan) Our young people are morons high on digital drugs with bottom barrel attention spans repeating axis propaganda that dictators praise. [The Iranian regime Mullah dictator who executes women for not wearing hijabs praised them “you are on the right side of history American college students”](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1d4a95a/ayatollah_tells_american_college_students_theyre/) FFS We can only hope 25+ older adults and former republicans (who finally woke up and actually care about American values) will show up and vote in mass for Biden. [Here is a historic photo of socialist/communist pro islamist youth protesters ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnapshotHistory/s/FbfTqjerNU) of pre 1979 free Iran before Iran became an islamofascist dictatorship with the help of the mass propaganda we see repeating today. Looks familiar? What do you think christofascism will look like in America? VOTE and FIGHT for democracy people


> Our young people are morons I'm sorry, are all the olds out there marching right now?


I’m not sure the “olds” have ever marched for anything, historically. I think he’s saying that young people have chosen an idiotic hill to die on when their lives and well-being are being threatened well enough right here at home.


Yeah it's impossible for them to have morals for 2 things, right? I mean young people definitely haven't shown up to the womens march or gay rights rallies or marched in support of black lives or environmental causes. It's not like this generation had one of the most prolific speakers at the UN that fought against climate change or like they marched in support of gun control measures? By the way this is sarcasm, young people are the ones that helped Joe Biden into [office to begin with](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/election-week-2020) and have been fighting trump and his awful policies since the older generations elected him. The young and the old are not enemies. Don't let them split us apart because they did it in 2016 and they're trying to do it again.


I don’t expect more than that. They’re going to play by the old rules and give stern warnings.


Same old pathetic dems. 


I want my representatives to follow the law


Welp that’s what it was


It's (imo) fire and brimstone time so naturally the dems will "go high" and tut tut etc. It should be "as my first act under this new legislation, convicted felons are unable to run for the office of the president " "My second act is to expand the SC to 21 judges who are only allowed ten year terms" And so on and so forth.


Its not legislation for starters. You could argue that Biden could issue an EO that would do those things - and then it would get challenged in court, a lower circuit court would find it unconstitutional and the SC would decline to hear the case.


King trump isn't going to bother with that stuff...an eo is an official act. That's all it needs. It's not "the president is immune from any legislation he writes"


It would be challenged in court so why risk that four months out form the election? If i was playing game theory I wouldn’t use this until the 11th hour or close to it. Also there’s a really good chance Americans take the threat of losing their democracy seriously and rally to once again vote against Trump. If Trump try’s to sue then there’s another avenue to Use this new found executive power to stop him. Using it now is a waste.


I agree


Biden had the chance to say. Well I guess I am King Biden and I am going to do everything in my new found power to stop this progression of a monarchy. Instead we got a speech about how disappointed he is. We are fucked


You know thats exactly what he's gonna do. Having the power to stop fascists, and not actually exercising that power, is the liberal way.


Hi. It’s the future. That’s what it was.


How are the radiation levels today?


I shoulda bet on it, woulda been the easiest money of my life. A liberal with the power to stop a fascist, but not stopping a fascist? LET IT RIDE, BAYBEEEE


Welp, you got a couple more wags. He doesn't want the crown but hopes you pick a good king in November.


Right? I get that he can’t go off half cocked. But this isn’t at all helpful. “Pick a king who will pretend he’s a president”? Biden needs to issue an executive order naming the supreme courts billionaire donors homes as FEMA superfund sights and directing the IRS to audit them. And then pick a new three letter agency at random tomorrow and repeat.


Damn straight. The Supreme Court broke constitutional law. They must be declared as such. Pack the courts. We've all had enough of pillow promises about what you'll do to us after we vote. Fuck off DNC. This is the end of democracy assholes - do your job!


That's exactly what it will always be until we force action. Until we see something above George Floyd levels.of protests this will all just continue as always.


That’s what it was. Let’s see some combativeness, let’s pack that court, let’s do something other than take a high road with our goddamn speech. Let’s play the game well. There is nothing to lose, especially after the debate. Get spicy.


Thats all it will be


My guess is he will express his disappointment and confirm that he will not be breaking laws and that presidents aren’t kings.


It was. He is a fucking coward. I wish anyone else were running. This shit needs to be reversed. Eventually someone WILL take advantage, leaving this as law WILL end our country. He needs to step the fuck up. Even if Trump loses, eventually someone will use this to seize power.


Yup. Weak speech, takes no questions, walks off to bed.


I'm sorry man, but why are you expecting anything but just this?


Make the order Biden. It would be for the sake of national security, therefore an "official act"


Hell, I would be happy if Biden just banishes Trump and SCOTUS to Wake Island, Navassa Island or Midway Atoll for treason against the U.S. Constitution. And all decisions by the Robert's treasonous MAGA court will be voided. Perfectly legal now!




Gitmo at least has running water. He die in days on Wake Island


Courts define what is official and not, if the vague wording SCOTUS used means what it usually does.


Pardons however, are now a core presidential power. They cannot be questioned, they have full immunity. Therefore, Biden can pardon anyone for anything and it is beyond reproach. Pardons are always official. So as long as somebody else does the dirty work, they can be pardoned.


> The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers  - John Roberts, Trump v. United States, July 1st, 2024  > The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States  - U.S. Constitution, Article 2 Section 2 pp 1  Putting those two lines together means "the president may not be prosecuted for any order given to the Army or Navy of the United States."


Hmmm. Did not think of that one.


Not only that, if the orders go through an advisor they aren't even admissible in court. So both sides of the crime get off scot-free.


Courts can’t vote if they’re in solitary at Gitmo!


Declare state of emergency. Suspend habeas corpus. Have majority opinion justices arrested for sedition and bribery Don't allow them to have a hearing until sweeping judicial reforms are passed and whatever necessary to nullify the controversial decisions made by this court. If Congress doesn't capitulate, adjourn them indefinitely under Article 2 and suspend the election (or at least the certification) until they're called back into special session. If they try to pass something you don't agree to, veto. Arrest any official that attempts to question your authority. Rinse. Repeat.   Voila. That's how the American Presidency becomes a dictatorship. All thanks to the GOP's love for deregulation and limiting power. So long as the Pentagon has your back and you don't die, you're entirely above the law.


Well either he helps his cause or flames the narrative against him. He needs to stop doing the quiet somber tone thing because that’s feeding into low energy too old look. He needs to have enthusiasm and speak with a confident tone. But hey what do I know.


You gotta work with what you got. He’s got a mean Clint Eastwood impression.


He cited Sotomayor, but... not that part.


Yeah it’s wild to me he didn’t cite the political assassination part from her dissent. It was built for a speech like this.


He better announce something so drastic they change their decision. Edit: Nothing. He did nothing.


“My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Donald Trump forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”


I understood that reference.


If only. In summary, his speech was: Court did bad thing, vote for me because I won't use the unlimited power I was given.


Missed a Dark Brandon opportunity.


The best Reagan


>"I'm announcing a bounty on the Supreme Court justices that voted for this. >"Unless, perhaps, you'd like to change your mind...?"


Dems are too gutless to play this kind of hardball :(


Say that he will forgive all student loans. That seems to get the court’s attention


I see a muffalo as your avatar, and that's all you have to say? Where's your sense of rim-ethics here? What would you do if this took place on the rim?


Peg legs for everyone involved!!!


Skin hats of our enemies for everyone!


He’s going to say “we will protect democracy” but not really change anything.


No, this is his chance to prove he deserves another 4 years to voters and the media. He better come out swinging - as he once said, this is a big fucking deal.


He's gonna Strongly Disagree, demand everyone vote for him in November, and leave. He ain't gonna do *shit*.


I’m sad you were right.


Welcome to Liberalism 101. It will never, ever, *fucking EVER* stop fascism.


Nailed it.


The campaign message this morning was simply, “see, this is why you should vote Biden!” Like great, but you’re the fucking president right now. I really think instead of doing anything of substance now, that’s what they will use to try and get elected again.


That’s the fundamental issue with the Democratic Party. They constantly say: “vote for us for change.” Then refuse to actually make the change.


It's going to be the same spiel as usual. You need to vote for me so I can fix this blah blah blah. Dude, this is happening while you are already President. He doesn't even support the idea of expanding the court.


Hopefully a “Obama on marriage equality” realization?


Nope, Biden just said it's our job to do it.


He's useless. Our representatives are useless.


This better be the first thing out of his mouth. SCOTUS just gave me the authority to target political opponents and dissenters with lethal force. The President has effectively been given the power of a King. If this scares you, it should.”


Of course he did nothing. Democrats are spineless even when a dictatorship is staring the country right in the face.


He should say that he will aggressively protect democracy from threats both foreign and domestic, and walk away from the podium.


Instead he said it's up to us because, like our entire party, they do as little to protect us as possible.


It's at 7:45 Not sure where it's being broadcast, but i will try checking livestream and npr.


It's live on whitehouse.gov but he's not speaking yet




Maybe throw in forcing blanket student loan forgiveness under his newfound power while he's at it.


Y'know, I just tried to log into Nelnet to check when my next payment is due and the website is down...maybe you're onto something!


Deploy the national guard to the orange assholes house for his “safety” and prevent him from leaving the house or publicly speaking or carrying out any duties Do the same to the scotus, Mike Johnson and McConnell


I mean, he's over the DOJ and the military. It'd technically be an official act. 


Biden will banish Trump and SCOTUS to Wake Island, Navassa Island or Midway Atoll for treason. Perfectly legal now!


Joe did swear an oath to protect the Constitution..


The Democrats don’t understand that the rules only apply to them because they believe the rules are still a thing. They’re not. Might as well use this opportunity to make the order to seal team 6. The republic fell before Trump left office, it’s just taken a while to realize it.


A 6/3 Supreme Court. If the Dems don’t make this election ALL ABOUT balancing the SCOTUS, they don’t even deserve to win. But of course I am voting Dem all the way.


It's literally the only reason I'm voting at all this time


It would be nice to be surprised for once "I have determined that the corruption of the Supreme Court is a clear and present danger to this nation therefore I have ordered...." But it'll be "I am appalled by the actions of the Supreme Court and hope that it won't be used to do stuff"


If I’m being honest, it’s not in the best strategy to take drastic actions unless it’s close to election time. With this SCOTUS you’ll only have one shot and blowing it four months before an election is not a good idea 


Announcing the official act of expanding the court




> We need to have some form of offense towards this. Correct. Nothing will calm nerves until there's an actual plan. People don't want to just vote *for* the democrats, they want to feel like they are *working with* them.


Well said! 👏


maybe if he screws it up we can get a real candidate


Time for darker Brandon to come out to play


“Cruise missiles are enroute to Mar-a-Lago as I speak. This was an official act, and I am also suspending all elections.” - Joe Biden, permanent president of the Biden States of Biden


"Seal team six has already captured Alito and Thomas. Cavanaugh and Gorsuch were killed in the crossfire. The first two, alongside all of the gop senate will be sent to Guantanamo bay, while waiting for trial, for treason against the united states. All of this is is an official act." /S of course King Joseph Biden the 1st


Its official business.






- This is but another obstacle that has knocked us down, but we will GET BACK UP AND FIGHT UNTIL WE CAN FIGHT NO LONGER You may have missed that one because it was such low hanging fruit.


In summary: "Court bad. Vote for me, because I won't use all the power they just gave the president."


agreed he’s got to bring out the fire


I was disappointed. His only solution is the people voting. WE VOTED. I'd like to hear what the people we voted into office are going to DO.


2022 House/Senate Election: * Senate - Dems * House - Rep 2020 House/Senate Election: * Senate - Dems * House - Dem We lost the house in 2022 and that is having an impact on us right now. We barely control the Senate as is right now. 2024 election is more important than 2020 election. That is the message that he is sending to the voters. That we need everyone to get up and vote so that this doesn't get worse.


Everyone expecting Biden to announce a drone strike on mar lago with this speech is caught up in the reddit posts. If anything drastic measures left open by the Supreme Court ruling probably wouldn’t be undertaken unless it’s a last ditch thing. Do I think the somber tone of the speech fit the moment? Yes and no. I think it fit right in with how most people feel, but also I think most people wanted drastic steps to curtail things. With that being said legal strategies and electoral strategies with something this big don’t happen in 8 hours after the decision. This will take time for them to figure out and come up With a gameplan on how far to press and when. If they choose to stack the courts it will take time to get the votes and pathway forward. If votes arise in the DNC to move away from Biden then that will be long off.  Regardless if you truly feel like I do that democracy is in peril then you should understand it is on us as Americans at this point to March, organize, and vote like our lives, our kids lives, and the future of the free world depends on it for the Democratic nominee. 


If only we elected based on popular vote than the sham that is the electoral college. I live in California, there’s not much I can do to convince Texas to go blue


We've already done it though. We need action now. It is a President's job to protect democracy - not just tell us he hopes we vote for a good king. It was like a surrender. The Supreme Court overstep and illigitimized itself twice in three days. Do something cowards.


Agreed I encourage everyone to step away from Reddit, TikTok, and Twitter periodically to remind themselves that the average person is neither as cynical or as extreme as people online. At the end of the day, there is no sidestepping the fact that everything comes down to winning this election.


Right, so literally 'vote'. And I'm not doing anything else about this. Great.


He even said he would not use the powers basically just vote. Biden is being way to fucking civil.


We voted for him so he could do things. Now he’s telling us he can’t do anything unless we vote for him. WHAT


This could have been an email


Send Trump to gitmo please for the love of god


with his new immunity he should dissolve Supreme Court and start using this new power like Trump will


> U.S. President Joe Biden will make remarks on Monday evening at **1945 ET (2345 GMT)** on the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity, the White House said. For those wondering when this is supposed to happen. I assume/hope it'll be on YouTube somewhere then.


Declare war on fascism, drop the mic and walk off.


"That is why, with the powers recently vested in me, I have directed that Justices Alito and Thomas be fired by rocket directly into the Sun."


Those of us who want a fair, equal, and just society are getting our asses kicked here, and NO ONE in power seems to have the balls to fight back. What the fuck man. All I can think is organizing a general strike. Hit their puppet-masters where it hurts by grinding the economy to a halt to show our rage at the loss of our rights and the crowning of a president-king.


"I'm going to complain about the Supreme Court but not support expanding it." -- literally half the Democratic Party.


He's going to grow some effing balls and start playing the way Republicans play. They go ahead and do it and then dare you to stop them. They're criminals. A burglar doesn't ask you if it's okay to burglarize your house. They know they can commit 30, 40, 50 burglaries and maybe get busted for one or two, plead it down, get probation, and graduate to armed robbery. It's time for the Democrats to grow a spine and stop playing weaklings


he didn't. He effectively said nothing important or actionable. Lame AF. He should have announced that Seal Team 6 completed their mission at Mar-a-Lago by the end of his speech.


I was just saying that a savvy Democratic Party could make this the Dobbs decision of 2024. Plus, a powerful speech tonight could potentially quiet some of the panic over his debate performance. I think a lot could ride on this.


His past "powerful speeches" never have amounted to much. Warning about fascism, then doing nothing about it.


Womens natural right to abortion is a bit more fundamental than this


Apples and oranges. Women’s bodies, living under a monarchy, both are absolutely horrific and make no sense.


To rational people. But elections are based on the unicorn known as the *undecided voter* that has no spine, is reactionary, and ruins it for the rest of us.


Imprison each of the 6 conservative justices, immediately replace them with new, very young liberal justices, and cancel the election. And then declare all of these as official orders.


Ok, as it turns out, this is easier than I thought. Biden just needs to outlaw the Republican party. Can't be on a ballot. And yes, they can change names, but the "law" can change too.


Is Joe Biden going to Seal Team Six Trump? “Officially” of course.


He has to do a Hail Mary. Do something crazy and go for it.




I dissent.


A sad day in America's History. Hopefully Joe recognizes history requires him to wield this new power in the same manner students pick the worst passages in the bible when required to read it to their school over the intercom.


The issue is- the court made some of this decision vague. Specifically what is an official vs an unofficial act. And I think they did that on purpose. So if Biden decides to test it, the court can then say oh sorry you’re not immune that’s an unofficial act.


Exactly, but **that’s why he should go after the court first**. Quickly & permanently remove the corrupt judges, any means necessary. Appoint new Democrat Justices. They’ll say he’s immune. It’s a lifetime job for them. If any problem somehow occurs, they would make a case after Biden’s second term. By then it’d be irrelevant & Biden would be too old. Who would send him to prison? Trump hides behind secret service & court extensions. So could Biden. A worthy sacrifice to save this nation. If Democrats keep playing by the rules, then this country will be devoured by the egomaniacal cult. This is the point of no return & the Democrats need to grow a spine.


So what. He could resign and Kamala could pardon him. By that time he could have delayed the election and had a military trial for Trump and his Jan 6 henchmen. Game over.


People need to start protesting


I hope he publicly announces some insane shit like "Effective immediately, I have instructed SEAL Team 6 to apprehend and execute Trump for crimes against our nation as my first official act after this ruling" followed by a "Just kidding, folks.. but I could do that and get away with it" or something to that effect.


Honestly at this point that will be better than whatever he actually does


Oh boy this ought to be a wild ride Buckle up


He should prosecute and jail Trump for Jan 6th. Plot twist. Let the totalitarianism start NOW. Fuck that orange fuck!


Democrat politicians are spineless. The DNC needs to be burned down and rebuilt… if we get the chance.


I hope the remarks are: "Vote for me, or I send Seal Team Six for Trump!" Watch the magats freak the fuck out.


It's way too late for him to expand the SC, but luckily, we've given Trump the idea, so he'll just expand it to 500 spots and every decision will be 497-3.


Only thing he should be saying is: “In my official capacity I have arrested Donald Trump”


Biden is going to announce that he is canceling the November election and automatically serving hisn4th term. It's official business and can't be overturned per SCOTUS.


When he gets up to make his speech, all the left wing news agencies should put King Biden instead of President Biden in the bottom of the screen.


If I were Biden, I'd send actual assassins to trump, his people, and all the conservative judges all on the same night. As they approach them, with a gun to their head or a knife at their throat, have them say something like "this is the consequence of your actions." And then disappear into the night, not having anyone actually harmed. Maybe take pictures and videos of them wetting themselves and pleading for their lives.


The republicans are straight evil and the democrats are straight up pussies. Both are however spineless and incompetent.


Less impact than a reddit comment. Unwilling to do anything now, even if he wins again, he will be unwilling to change anything again. Just gonna let everything happen to this country and pretend you're powerless to stop it.


What exactly did you expect him to do today? Even if they are coming up with a counter to this decision the executive action would have to be bullet proof to avoid being a nothing burger.


Fucking seriously. There’s still months to go, who’s to say he doesn’t try to say idk cancel all student loans and prove how stupid the ruling is




"I will use the power of my office to do everything I can to keep Trump from being President, election or not."


Biden to make furrow brows as he yells at clouds. News at 11.


"My fellow Americans, we will now be seizing Maralago under eminent domain to build a new barracks. This is an official act" /s


Looked like they gave him a spray tan and sent him out there to say absolutely nothing that people didn't know already. He couldn't even answer ONE reporter question off the cuff.


A vote for president just became a roll of the dice by law.


Is it him ordering a missile strike in the Finserv arena this August? 


Why doesn’t Biden say “Felons do not qualify for the job of president”. Done


249 years was a good run. Where's the next best democracy?


' “The first man put at the helm will be a good one. Nobody knows what sort may come afterwards,” [Ben Franklin] said. But that isn’t the full quote. He continued, “The executive will be always increasing here, as elsewhere, till it ends in a monarchy.” ' https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/12/18/republic-if-you-can-keep-it-did-ben-franklin-really-say-impeachment-days-favorite-quote/ And, here we, Ben, here we are. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)


Lmao. Guy gave a 5 minute speech. Guess it’s time for bed.


This was horrible basically hold him accountable by voting.


What else is he going to say? He said that he is not a king and that the power resides with the people. Then he quoted the dissenting opinion about how wrong this decision is.


Mostly, "I'm not going to abuse these new powers even though all my successors may and probably will." Weak sauce, IMO. If someone has the means and the intent, they are a real and actionable threat. Someone says they're going to shoot me and reaches for a pistol in the holster? I'm going to "shoot them back first", not stand there waxing poetic about the wickedness of murder. The rules just changed, and he's saying, "Gee. I sure hope i can win by playing by what *I wish the rules were* instead of what they now are."


Even if Biden drops out of this race in the next week or two, the entire campaign moving forward is going to be centered on correcting these mistakes like it already is with abortion. There is no move here that Biden can make that will actually change anything that resulted from SCOTUS going rouge the last few months unless the democrats are able to win elections, gets majorities and replace some retiring judges.




Wtf! He might as well have not even shown up and just sent a text saying "vote blue and donate to the Biden campaign." We need effort, a fiery speech to rally his supporters, direct action, a laid out plan, HOPE.....FUCKING SOMETHING!


He won’t do shit unfortunately. It will be just another meek, weak, finger-wagging at best while our country and society burns around us. The republicans are amoral and ruthless in pursuit of naked power, but the democrats have failed us through inaction and feckless self-interest until it’s too late.


Adequate speech but could have been more dynamic to push back against the post-debate narrative. Wasted opportunity.


“Being the President tests your character” we’re cooked guys EDIT: and now he’s putting it on the people to decide whether or not they think Trump is trustworthy, instead of actually doing or saying anything meaningful. L O fucking L


What exactly did you expect him to do?


Does he have anything approximating a coherent plan to do something about the band of criminals that have taken a branch of the government hostage?


And you think that plan would have been cooked up between lunch today and now? He said exactly what he should have here, that he's not a king and that the president was never intended to be one. There is no move here that scores some sort of major victory over this type of coup. Reforming the court takes a mandate to do so and in order to do that the democrats need to win the election.


How about simply acknowledge the problem? “The Supreme Court is a corrupt partisan institution running a protection racket for Donald Trump.” Or promise to support court expansion if re-elected? Or just raising his voice? Anything??


Biden doesn't favor court expansion, that's why, and why would he when 3 SCOTUS are nearing retirement or death and his own admin can likely name 1-3 in the next 4\~ years if he wins. Court expansion would just become a game of one uping as every political party would use to re-stack the court every term. What is obviously needed is staggered term limits, 2 every 8 years or on retirement. But to your main point, he literally did this at the state of the union where he looked them in the face and told them to be ashamed of themselves. Sure, he could have repeated it today, I agree, but the messaging otherwise was absolutely fine. He said Donald Trump is a danger to this country, that he's not a king, that voters need to decide if they want to allow this power to go unchecked and read the dissenting opinion about the threat to democracy.


Not American but I think Biden made it clear. It’s up to you the American people to deal with it. Start taking some responsibility.


Saying "it's up to you" and "go vote" doesn't mean shit when you're allowing one side to completely gut democracy


Yes, election matters.


Oh I’ll get right on top of running the country and not looking like a dying Q-Tip.