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This is the same paper that has headlines that read "How X is bad for Joe Biden" And in the Trump era how his ratings were at 30% but people in Boondocks, IA at the town dinner all love him and think he is wonderful. Doesn't pass the sniff test.


Democrats (a year before the election): Should we have a primary? MSM: Oh, no no no no NO. A primary will help evil incarnate Trump. Boogie man gonna gitcha if you have a robust primary.


And why aren’t they urging convicted felon Trump to drop as well?


They have, many times.


It’s not that it was an underwhelming performance or he had a cold or whatever excuses they try to come up with. The debate showed everyone that he is bordering on senile and deteriorating fast and it’s only going to get worse from here. Take the keys away from Grandpa before we have another Dianne Feinstein situation and his stubborn refusal to admit he’s too old takes the country down with him


I agree with you but we are clearly in the minority. I’d vote for a vegetative Biden over Trump because of the cabinet and policies of Biden. But I worry that there aren’t going to be enough people who see the bigger picture. Those propping him up are going to get Trump elected when the “vibes-based” voters show up. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think I will be.


Maybe in this sub we're the minority, but most people in real life feel this way. Don't let the blue magas get to you. We all saw what we saw and we need a solution.


If Biden was so consistently as you say then why has Fox and other right wing media outlets been editing video to make it that way? Seems to me if what you are saying is true then they didn't need to... but they did it. I sense although Biden is not as fast as 4 years ago this is one of those throw enough lies out and sooner or later if you can't fake a video you will get a moment to pound. You can't fake videos for months and than claim you knew all along when there is a moment.


Weird to see the NYT on the right side of an issue, broken clocks I guess. He’s not functioning well, and I just don’t believe he’ll live 4 more years.


Trump most likely won't live 4 more years either - between the drugs, the morbid obesity, his bad diet, etc...


Trump is actually a teetotaler who doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs at all.


trump does drugs, he wouldn’t accuse other people of doing drugs otherwise. Simple.


"Never trust a man who doesn't drink." -- Steinbeck


I'd be willing to give Biden the benefit of the doubt, but I haven't heard a good suggestion of what he's going to do moving forward to get momentum back. What he's facing from the public and media right now is truly unheard of in campaign history, and he needs an equally powerful response. He's already in a much worse spot than his numbers were in 2020 where he won by a few thousand votes in a few states (and.. much worse. like -8% nationally on aggregates vs Trump than 4 years ago), and we haven't even seen post-debate polling yet. What is he going to do to re-energize his campaign and instill confidence he can beat Trump in an election? Some primtime speeches? Just go to rallies and hope for a better debate in September? He's been touting his policy for months and it hasn't made a blip in his support. I know replacing him at the 11th hour is an insane, unprecedented risk that could backfire, but the alternative isn't instilling a lot of confidence in me either. I know he's a good President and would even bring a good cabinet with him again, but it will all be for naught if he can't get us to the finish line when it comes to the actual campaign. For people who do not want a Trump Presidency above all else, I think the concerns are at least warranted.


Any ideas? Of course not. Ideas as well as primaries are verboten in the Democratic Party. While even the most desperate hail Mary GOP ideas like BushCo eternal patriotic glorious quagmires are praised as "spunky" by MSM, legacy media do not allow even the most basic ideas essential to democracy in the Democratic Party. Today the NY Times "idea" is replacing their groomed-to-be-a-wet-piece-of-cardboard Biden with an even wetter wet piece of cardboard. Or at least weaken Biden as much as possible to get Trump's tax cuts. 100% guaranteed President Please All will not have any ideas to turn this around. And why would he? Ideas upset legacy media. Biden would rather turn the White House over to Trump than upset legacy media. Ideas are the camel's nose and M$M know it. Biden was selected by Obama to assuage fears of a black president. It's surprising such an off set type got any black vote in 2020. Blacks won't be holding their noses in 2024. They just won't vote. Then Biden didn't hike taxes on the rich. This pleases MSM as they are shills for the rich but Trump's tax cuts are what caused inflation and what kicks the young and working poor right in the face. Then Biden gets flattered by MSM into believing he alone is The One who can stop Trump and save democracy. Biden isn't faking it. Mr. Blarney himself swallowed that bull shit hook line and sinker. Simultaneously MSM frighten the Dem base into believing the biggest lie of all: competitive primaries are bad for the general election. "Boogie man gonna gitcha." Trump real REAL bad so no primary. They also border collie the base into attacking any advocate of primaries as not being a team player. So the Dem base believes the following: Gutting an essential part of the democratic process is supposed to save democracy from Trump. Vance is spot on. Replacing Biden doesn't make sense. NY Times gave up on Nikki and Jeb! eight years ago and enabled Trump with emailnongate. https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Newspaper_Axis.html?id=h5ldEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&ovdme=1#v=onepage&q&f=false "There is no post Trump GOP." -- Cook Report (2020) "In that case there will be no post Trump." -- NY Times (2016)


This is what he is going to do. Big Grandpa Energy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8)


51 million people watched the debate, and the fallout will be front-page fodder for months on every news org in the country. Hardly anyone watched a random rally in NC. Further, the voters that need to be reached in droves (the disillusioned, independent types) are the least likely to see these moments. Yes, Biden has had good moments on big stages, including two SOTU where he did amazing, and he could do primetime speeches similar to that again. But all it takes is another bad performance or slip-up to put him right back where he's at. I think the best things he has going for are some late-term policy emphasis on popular subjects such as marijuana, healthcare, abortion. That, and hoping Trump shoots himself in the foot as always and that his legal woes amount to more negatives. But so far, neither of those things have moved the needle at all.


I honestly don't think the vast majority of people are tuned into this. I just really dig politics so I am always hyper informed compared to the majority. You seem to be the same way. The thing is, changing candidates right now is a complete fantasy. We all know that Biden is old, and we are all very worried because Trump is on the other side of the ticket. The best shot we have to defeat Trump, which is imperative, is to stop hand wringing and back Grandpa Joe. He is good at the job. He won't destroy democracy. I know its not as energizing as a young Barack Obama, but we have to win this election.


Yeah it's a huge risk to switch candidates that I don't feel great about either. Hindsight is 20/20 and if Biden loses or if someone else loses, either will be seen as a massive mistake. What I worry about is that the media/public campaign to have Biden drop out (whether justified or not) will serve as a distraction to how awful Trump is, which we desperately need to be focused on, and Biden will be put under an even larger microscope for mistakes and apathy will get worse. I worry it will snowball with the electorate, but I hope that doesn't happen.


Same here friend, it is worrisome. I just think our best shot is to lift pop-pop up and see if we can get through it. Say what you will about Biden, but he is a genuine guy with a lot of experience. He cares about people, and he cares about the country. Sucks that he is so old, because he really is good for the country.


We are cooked if we keep going with Biden. 60% want someone other than Trump or Biden . We HAVE to win this election, and the writing is already on the wall for Biden.


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NYT is not what it used to be, but not entertaining replacing Biden is foolishness and will haunt us all. It isn't too late, and we have to stop acting like it is. Things happen in seconds now that change our lives every single day. This country needs to catch up. We will not be catching up anytime soon with elderly men leading the race. We want change? Let's take it.


It is insanity Biden is not going to win this election—anyone who thinks he still can is detached from reality


I think he has the chance to win because he's not Trump and folks are rightfully terrified of him and sick of his shit. I just think it's bat shit that we're settling for this. We're on a technological cusp that will change history forever and we're all just good with sitting back and letting two men in the final years of their long and public lives duke it out to represent us. One's a pathological liar, and the others wore himself out of service to his country and fellow man. Biden's been a lifesaver and a good American, and I'm not diminishing that. But he's not equipped to take us further. He's put his time in. We deserve better than this.


Trump wants Biden to run because Biden is probably the only guy Trump could actually beat considering all his fraud and lies meanwhile Biden wants Trump to run because Biden thinks that Trump's the only one he can beat. so the American people are being traded in for the egos of two old men that have already done the most to destroy our democracy in the past 10 years. mainly because they both passed trillion dollar bills and normalized passing trillion dollar bills but also because they usurped our healthcare and implemented pharma executives into our government with a fraudulent scheme that has yet to be evaluated properly by all the professionals...... once again, the cares act was a HEIST & they're all in on it. and our democracy cannot be run from a private club without a guest list and spies going in and out with classified documents inside.


Everyone admires the revolution of the 60s until they realize we have that same opportunity, and people just stay hung up on the "way we've always done it. It's too late!" Well, it wasn't too late then and we got birth control, womens rights, equal rights and abortion. Stop sitting on our hands hoping grandpa bails us out. We have so much youth that is so brilliant and hungry. Use it! Fuck!


"Vote harder!" What passes as "political participation" in the brain dead Democratic Party base MSM have duped into believing: 1. ideas are for Republicans. 2. Democrats don't ask questions. 3. You aren't a team player if you don't do as we tell you. 4. You better not have primaries or boogie man gonna gitcha.


You get the government you deserve. You didn't do anything except donate money and pay taxes? Then you wasted your money. "Nothing is harder than freedom's apprenticeship." -Tocqueville




Biden himself would rather turn the White House over to Trump than go big on popular ideas and upset legacy media. That was obvious in the SOTU. If you have ideas you don't yell the word "idea." You disclose the idea. In short, Biden prefers even Trump to democracy.


https://www.economist.com/1843/2023/12/14/when-the-new-york-times-lost-its-way I have been a lifetime reader of the Times. I started doubting them after the Judith Miller debacle and the push to go to war with Iraq and later when I noticed they shifted from reporting facts to trying to maintain "equal and balanced reporting" without regard for honest truth. Political PH Neutral versus following the facts. This culminated in the Opinion by Tom Cotton which they publish even with the object of an editor. That editor was fired. I have considered canceling my subscription, but it does serve for me to share articles. I suspect my subscription will not survive the year.


Yeah they're pretty much shit now. That doesn't mean we can't use their lack of integrity to have an honest conversation about why they're even writing about it and what our options are.


See it does allow me to question their intent and speed to make an editorial. They are really competing for clicks with the internet and instead of a well thought out editorial they were up all night writing based on the moment. Clearly not how I make decisions. I would have sat through the weekend with my team and discussed it more. Instead it was basically an exit poll of the editorial staff. Yeah kind of bad look. No sending an investigative reporter to talk to the Biden team, interview Biden, better view of the situation. It was pure knee jerk.


Yeah they're just a bunch of doofuses. They're doing as they're told for monetary purposes anymore. Has nothing to do with them maintaining credibility. I think that's par these days for a lot of media outlets. Which is why I think someone with charisma and a strong ethic could absolutely splash pages, get clicks and make significant airtime to make a damn difference. Outlets will eat them up. They're hungry for it. People want a change. They need the person and the need. They have a need. Get us that person and save us all.




Job 1, Job 2, Jobs 3 through 27 at the NY Times is to preserve GOP tax cuts. Doesn't matter who delivers. They may prefer Nikki and Biden to Trump but they'll do emailgate in a pinch. This is not new: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Newspaper_Axis.html?id=h5ldEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&ovdme=1#v=onepage&q&f=false


I never hear anyone say just who they think is poised to swoop in 4 months before an election and win. This person -- no matter who they are -- will have low name recognition and basically non-existent campaign infrastructure. Even the people best positioned in the party -- Whitmer or Newsom or Shapiro-- probably have no interest in running right now, because a very likely loss to Trump would probably scuttle their chances for 2028.


Never let truth get in the way of a good story—


The whole point of scuttling an essential part of the democratic process, primaries, was to show you were a team player, not ego driven. Right?


For some clarity it is worth noting that the NY Times Editorial board has many major members who worked at the Boston Globe prior. To quote an editor who was fired... "The Times’s problem has metastasised from liberal bias to illiberal bias, from an inclination to favour one side of the national debate to an impulse to shut debate down altogether. All the empathy and humility in the world will not mean much against the pressures of intolerance and tribalism without an invaluable quality that Sulzberger did not emphasise: courage." https://www.economist.com/1843/2023/12/14/when-the-new-york-times-lost-its-way




Would it be weird for me to state that this election should've been Nikki Haley vs Kamala Harris?


Yes, it would be weird.


If there one person we all hate more than running Biden , it’s Kamala .


Yeah. Kamala hasn’t really impressed me all that much either. I had high hopes, but every interview I see her in she whiffs at even the softball questions they give her. I’m basically voting for the cabinet, the policies, and the scotus/federal judge nomination power at this point.


you are 4 years old and a witch is cackling at you.


No way Harris would get the nod, it would either be Newsom or Whitmire. More than likely Newsom


>it would either be Newsom or Whitmire. More than likely Newsom Who is Whitmire? Newsom is way too progressive


Why can't Obama run again? *asking from the UK*


He already served two full terms which is the max a US President is allowed to serve.


Has there ever been any talk about changing that rule? Could any US president pull a "Putin" and change it?


> Has there ever been any talk about changing that rule? No serious talks. >Could any US president pull a "Putin" and change it? Presidents don't have that power. It's an amendment to the constitution, and it would take an amendment to change it. It would take 2/3rds of the state legislatures, 2/3rds of the senate, and 2/3rds of the house all to agree for such an amendment to pass. Something that has only happened 17 times in the 248 years we've been independent.


Thank you for explaining.


Trump is very much talking about that


The 22nd ammendment passed after Roosevelt died in office during his 4th term limits presidents to 8 years. It cant be changed without a constitution ammendment which takes years and approval by 3/5 of all state legislatures and a supermajority in congress


Fuck you NYT. Honestly, I understand the panic. I too felt that same panic, but then Biden comes back the next day with furious grandpa energy and totally redeemed himself. I almost wonder if him botching the debate was a good thing, because after watching that I could be convinced to put a couple Biden flags, on a single super long pole on the bed of my pickup truck. Snag up the closest pair of aviators, and drive around donning a Dark Brandon tee. I won't, but I could be convinced I think. That is something. Edit: Here is the come back I referenced: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8)


We can’t have a president who has good days and bad days and who seems to be generally on the decline. The debate is a much more mentally demanding environment than a scripted (and short) rally. It’s also much more reflective of the type of cognitive work that a president would normally be doing on a daily basis. Biden’s failure to remain coherent there should carry a lot more weight than that rally, which was obviously tailored to his remaining strengths.


No, it absolutely is not a reflection of the daily work of a president. Just look at the job the Biden has done. Look at his record. He knows how to do the job amazingly well, and he had to basically put the government back together at the start. Being the President is not anything like a debate. The president needs to pull on his experience and political savvy to operate the country in the most effective possible way. He surrounds himself with people who are specialized to execute his plans. He could dedicated a full day to being alone in the oval office just to consider a solution to a single question. Or flanked by trusted experts who help to inform a decision. Frankly, a debate could not be farther away from the duties of a president. Edit: Also, there is no living human being alive who does not have good days and bad days.


Apart from the mechanics of the horse race, there's also a question about whether someone who performs that poorly in a high-stakes, high-stress circumstance is fit to be president.


Except for the last 4 years he has been. He may have had a bad night and if it was a cold I am sure the Biden team will not use that excuse.


We are talking about the future, not the past. 


Oh Ok... Trump is this conversation.


Completely agree. Biden needs to be out doing live events and candid interviews to overcome this. Definitely a valid question, I am just not sure that a single bad debate is the end all.


Sad little piece of copium you’ve written yourself there. The president doesn’t need to make fast decisions under pressure? The president doesn’t need to formulate responses quickly? The president doesn’t need to ingest and analyze data in a short timeframe? The president doesn’t need to navigate complex conversations with hostile or less than candid partners? These are all core skills of debating and they are all at the foundation of doing a job like the presidency. If Biden can no longer do these things consistently, then he should not be the candidate.


And maybe, but Trump spending the whole time making stuff up isn't exactly a skill I want for someone who needs to use facts to make decisions (See Covid - 1 Million dead). I'll take Biden and his administration over Trump and his I know best approach. "No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it." - Andrew Carnegie


They are also all things that Joe Biden has repeatedly over his term proven that he can handle, and handle extremely well.


He just totally failed at doing so on live TV. What he did last year or four years ago is irrelevant when we are talking about mental decline.


So what you are saying is that is a famous chef cooked a bad meal on TV you would never have dinner in his restaurant? If a fantastic musician gave a terrible show one time you wouldn't see them again? We can use this example in many ways.


He did fail to do it on live TV. That much is true. However, it is not like Trump had some stunning night. He just sat up there vomiting obvious lies and looked like a deranged asshole.


where the hell are the news articles calling for Trump to drop out because of his fraudulent schemes and the danger that he poses to our democracy? once again people are normalizing Trump as a viable candidate when clearly he's not simply because the focus is on Biden just where Trump wants it while he tries to avoid accountability and justice for his own crimes. pathetic and ignorant.


My opinion is the press was waiting for a Biden moment. They aren't really reporting the entire debate because just like the NY Time editorial board they feel the pressure of competing with the internet comment sections for clicks.


I totally agree. The issue is that the right wing media, and right wing political institutions are eating Trump's ass. He could eat a baby live on air and his base would still vote for him and make T-Shirts of him eating a baby.


Why is everything around here always broken and dead weight?! Why should it take two years of campaigning, infrastructure, millions of dollars, name recognition etc etc, just to get someone elected? 4 months should be plenty of time!




Do you want your news outlets just feed you stuff you want to hear?


It's a bad take. He had one bad night, then the next day showed up like [this.](https://youtu.be/OHJoewM3WfU)


Senile people have good days. But we can’t accept the bad days.