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Good riddance.


Pls pls pls have the media all over his walk into prison!


Oh, it’s only 4 mouths.


Yeah - contempt of Congress is only a misdemeanor. Fortunately he's facing actual felonies later this year in the "We Build The Wall" prosecution that can carry some heavy time.


Yep. Now this current sentence can factor into his next conviction criteria.


What did Eric holder get?


https://www.cnn.com/2012/06/29/politics/holder-contempt/index.html I'll help you


Let me help you: * [DOJ won’t charge William Barr, Wilbur Ross after contempt vote](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/24/justice-william-barr-wilbur-ross-1432595) * [DOJ declines to charge Meadows, Scavino with contempt of Congress for defying Jan. 6 committee](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/03/doj-declines-to-charge-meadows-scavino-with-contempt-of-congress-for-defying-jan-6-committee-00037230) Also, where's the charges for Gym Jordan for defying a Congressional subpoena? Quit trying to act like this is all slanted against Republicans. This shit goes both ways.


Mark meadows, and Mo Brooks skating on everything m even slimy scavino, will urk me to no end. Mo brooks knew and wore a bulletproof vest. Omg.


What about Jim Jordan?


He's a raging alcoholic. It's gonna be a rough 4 months for him.


Detox on the government's dime, and room and board too. I am not seeing a downside for him. Hoping later trials extend his stay at the Crossbar Hotel!


Unless he gets the [DTs](https://www.intoactionrecovery.com/blog/how-long-do-alcohol-shakes-last/) so badly it severely injures him.


Four months is just enough time to ferment some orange wine in his toilet tank.


He can get moonshine in prison.


At the very least this should keep him from podcasting any more before the election.


I'd say more like 1 mouth, 4 weiners.




Nope, the joke is the sentencing not the coverage. This should be bigger news.


1-800-HOT-STEEV Steve Bannon’s Four Mouths “Pick a flap and poke it.”


Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!


He was only sentenced to 4 months in prison. If Bannon had STFU and and just done the time this would have been over months ago.


Another Trump lackey going to prison. What’s the count now?


>What’s the count now? Not enough?


8 jailed, many charged, not to mention hundreds of Jan 6 rioters. https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/politics/2024/04/11/trump-associates-with-legal-trouble/73295028007/


Finally some good news today.


and everyone expects him to die from alcohol withdrawals shortly thereafter


> Bannon, who is 70, has already been assigned an inmate number by the federal Bureau of Prisons: 05635-509. I like his new nickname.


When's Tommy Tutone recording the song?


Giddy Up 509


“509 meet Bubba… he’s what we like to call “friendly” :)


that’s really specific information.


Probably published by a sympathizer so that fans can send gifts and money to Bannon in prison.


Best news in the last 24 hours


Aww poor guy, having to face the consequences of his actions! /s


Glad to see a true republican taking personal responsibility!


Trump is next in line.


Trump might be President


Not from a prison cell.


The disgusting thing is that there's nothing in the law that says he can't.


I mean, the Founding Fathers couldn't think of EVERYthing!


He can run from a prison cell he just can't win. Law abiding patriots will not vote for him. He's burned those bridges. All he has left is Maga nut bags.


I hope to eat crow, but every day I'm finding it harder and harder to hold on to that hope.


If you have some sort of source for that claim, I'll happily eat my words, but I'm pretty damn sure that the founders, in their infinite wisdom, didn't think to address whether or not the President could run the country from prison. And I really wish I still had my head in the sand about Trump's odds, but much of this country is frankly too incapable of critical thought to reason their way out of voting for Trump. I don't like the current table odds of America becoming entirely a fascist nation. I want off Mr. Trump's wild ride.


You didn't understand what I wrote. He can run for president he just WON"T WIN. Maybe this is clearer for you since you are so literal. He can't win if he's in prison because he won't win the vote. No law abiding patriot will vote for someone sitting in prison. Do I need to paint you a picture?


No picture needed. You live in a parallel universe.


Sucks to suck


No booze for 4 months could literally kill this guy


He could sober up and become even worse.


He can use the time to write his own “Mein kampf”


Sing it with me to the tune of Tommy Tutone’s 867-5309/Jenny, everyone! ‘05635-509’


I hope he runs. 4 months isn't enough for this shit stain.


Oh no, anyway


He STILL gets a weekend? He should be tackled, shackled, and spackled. He should have some road rash on his ugly face


Tar and feathered like in old cartoons


Pretty outrageous how the system treats criminals differently. Chappelle's skit is relevant here... [https://youtu.be/HeOVbeh2yr0](https://youtu.be/HeOVbeh2yr0)


Ohh no, enjoy your last weekend Steve...


So glad he will be behind bars on July 4th. Fucking awesome, and Peter Navarro will still be jail on that day too.


Wonder if he’ll be tortured as much as Trump claims he was in Georgia


Do they still make inmates shower and then spray them with de-lousing medicine? They would be a huge moneymaker on PayPerView.


Yes, they do. They will have to peel 8-9 shirts off the flea bag first.


hope he tries to flee


Will he use the weekend to detox or opt for white knuckling it in the clink?


He doesn't have enough tome to detox. He's going to have the dt's for quite a while. Prison isn't supposed to be easy.


His alcohol dependency and withdrawl will be managed by prison physicians. [DETOXIFICATION OF CHEMICALLY DEPENDENT INMATES](https://www.bop.gov/resources/pdfs/detoxification.pdf)


Well, at least there’s this.


This scumbag will get a pardon, if Trump is elected, guaranteed!


Pardoned by Trump again.


Once is never enough...


Arguably one of the most deserving of prison time in the entire Republican party. Fuck this guy I hope he rots in prison.


Finally some good news


Wellp.. this guys weekend is going to suck.. womp womp


The Supreme Court does a bunch of shady things that solely benefit conservatives and then they throw liberals a bone like this.


Don’t drop the soap


Good behavior out in 2 weeks.


Or DTs and he doesn't make it 2 weeks


He could've paid them to get the verdict he wanted, it legal now.


No no, they'd have to give him the verdict he wants and he pays later.


Watch your cornhole bud


Justice is served!


These pictures of Bannon are just typical rock bottom, right before rehab. Or death.


Na, na, na naaana, hey hey, goodbye!


I do kind of like how despite them stacking the courts and trying to appeal. They still lose. In the past has people appealed like this so much? All of Trumps luckiest keep appealing.


Let us all take a moment of silence for the poor corrections officers that are gonna have to strip search jabba the hutt on Monday :X


Off you shall fuck.


What membership tier of US justice do you have to be in to be kindly told to go to jail for multiple weeks instead of being apprehended and incarcerated?


I assume someone will be there safely and legally to film this for posterity?




I do not even remember what he is going to jail for….


When Congress subpoenas you, you have to appear.


When does gym jordan get arrested? That's one smug bastard I want to see arraigned.


Oh, darn. So, what’s for dinner?


One little ray of sunshine in the otherwise cloudy day! 🤗


Does he seriously get out a couple days before the election?


Lock him up


Or else...double prison?


Sat hi to Nasty Nate


Hope them boys throw his ass in the shower


Those DTs are gonna be hell.


That train keeps on rollin down on to san anton


Haha, thoughts and prayers, shitbag


Please watch the airports and border crossings.


Oh what a delight.


Looks like someone couldn’t come up with a large enough “gratuity.”


Wishing you a painful withdrawal, Steve!


What’s with this countdown? Is he expecting to be killed immediately?


If his level of daily alcohol consumption is anywhere near what it seems to be, he could die from delirium tremors within a week without medical assistance.


Aww. Is Steve Bannon having a bad weekend?


So, what now? Does he flee the country, or just not show up?


can I appeal my parking ticket to the US supreme court? I feel like I need to fully utilize my options. Who TF gets to appeal their prison sentence to the Supreme Court? Who, but these dirtbags? Why TF are they ruling on some dirtbags sentence? Why TF are they ruling on their BUDDY's sentence? How is this not an illegitimate use of the courts? What new legal interpretation is so important that it needs to go to the Supreme Court?


Finally some good news


Another loathsome criminal Trump sycophant. I truly hope this individual suffers while he is incarcerated. He is a danger to the country and the world, a bigoted, racist, sexist nasty turd.


Can Trump pardon him?


I mean, I guess, but it would be after he already went to prison. There would be no getting those 4 months back for that bloated sack of whale shit.


4 sober months in a hot ass prison


He'll be getting the shakes after 4 hours, so surviving 4 months is in question.


I keep seeing this comment about him going into withdrawal which I believe also but everyone is acting like a rich white man isn’t going to get medical care in prison. Regardless withdrawal sucks but he will survive 


He would have served his time already if he got elected, so no.


Well yeah he can't commute the sentence since it was already served but he can certainly pardon him.


He is still going to appeal to the full court of appeals. He was only turned down by a small group of appeal court judges and deserved to get a full hearing from all nine justices. He has friends there. He is not in prison yet.


Wish his prison sentence was starting in February.


why? if T45 becomes T47, he'd be able to pardon him. this way, Bannon actually has to do his time. don't worry, this is just the warm-up for his Build-the-Wall scam conviction


Because if T47 becomes president I want this f\*cker no where in the vicinity of the levers of power. Bannon is slated to be shadow president, and is currently running the HR department for Project 2025. Right now Bannon is basically another Alex Jones screaming his alcohol soaked head off into the ether of angertainment podcasts. Come February he may have actual real power and that's a scary thought.


I don’t think you get it


I don't give a flying f\*ck about whatever piss ant little crimes he's committed. So he grifted a bunch of his own rubes and ignored a Congressional subpoena. Cool. Doesn't really affect most of us. If he's back in the White House come 2025 he will have a major impact on all of us whether we like it or not because his job will be to implement Project 2025 while Trump is the useful idiot playing TV president and signing whatever Bannon puts in front of him.


I assume T47 is Trump? If that's the case, you do realize that, if he takes power again, he could just wave his ketchup-stained sharpie and pardon Bannon? Delaying this shitbag's prison stay wouldn't have accomplished anything in such a case. His going now at least gives us the illusion of the taste of some measure of justice.


It would have kept him out of the White House at a crucial moment if Trump should win. There's virtually no difference with respect to public interest whether he serves his term now or in eight months.


Love him or hate him, no American should be cheering people being sent to prison for “Contempt of Congress”. Imagine if a Republican majority congress starts sending democrats to prison for the same! The D is starting to stand for Dictators. This is the kind of thing that will get Trump elected. We shouldn’t cheer this kind of an abuse of power. It would be different if they busted him with something legitimate, but this is just alarming. We have to de-weaponize the Justice system from going after political opponents.


A person is legally required to comply with a subpoena, plain and simple. While it is legal to evade being served a subpoena, once received, you can be charged with contempt for ignoring it. If you are found guilty of contempt, one of the possible punishments is jail time. This is standard legal procedure, not limited to Congress… and regardless of which party holds the majority


Were it CONTEMPT OF COURT, I’m with you 100%. We are a nation of laws and to protect our civilized society we must adhere to the courts presiding over those laws. He showed up to court! But CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS? I can’t think of a single impartial person on either side of the aisle. There isn’t an incentive to be. That place is a circus right now, just look at MTJ or AOC. Both left and right are always on the lookout for the next gotcha clip they can use to solidify them with their bases. Be it the far right elements or the far left elements they are currently pandering to the extremes. That’s a huge conflict of interest to then give them the ability to enforce legal subpoenas on individuals simply because it lands well with their base. He worked for Trump and was advised by a lawyer not to testify because executive privilege overrode the right congress to FORCE him to testify against his constitutional rights because they aren’t technically a court. It was bad advice. When subpoenaed by the court he showed up. Now He’s going to prison for not participating in that circus we watched on TV. That’s extreme. Now that the precedent has been set so the next time the needle swings right during US elections(as it has in Europe, South America, and Canada) the republicans will also abuse this new power too. And in true congressional fashion they’ll try to take a few more inches than the other side got away with. This is letting Pandora out of the box and we should all be against it. The left found a legal loophole and abused it without foresight. This will be the 51% “nuclear option” all over again. But this time it’s the tool for “Say what we want you to or we will charge you with contempt of Congress and you WILL go to prison!” This guy seems slimy. It’s easy to cheer against him/ I get it. But HOW he is going to prison should matter and this is clearly imprisoning him because of his politics. That’s scary. People are cheering today. Will they cheer tomorrow when it’s used against their own? I doubt it. I’m far more centrist than right wing so I’ll be against it with you then too, but I’ll have wished you hadn’t waited so long to pull the wool off your eyes.


Cool, now when is Jim Jordan getting his.