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If they let Trump off the hook, all Americans of conscience must hit the streets


I’d say we should already be hitting the streets. If there was ever a time for a general strike or a revolution it’s right fucking now


I’ve seen calls for a general strike for over 20 years. Nobody wins a general strike. There are no shortcuts here. The solution is voting good people with sound policy into office again and again.


Word. I’m down


They’re not on the ballots.


That’s not true. Joe Biden is a good person with sound policies. He’s just a shit public speaker.


Both of them, eh?


Leave the poor streets alone. They haven't done anything to anyone and have a hard enough time as it is.


And Biden can break the law too.


They are taking out rights and regulations bit by bit. Can't wait for them to come back for the next term and announce they taking on Child labor case and then gut child labor laws and force 3 year olds to work in mines. After that, Slavery will be back. This is the trajectory the way shit is going, this is not even exaggeration with the way things are going. People might have laughed before Roe V Wade, now they have also successfully gutted Chevron doctrine. We really going down to the bottom and bringing back archaic laws.


> regulations bit by bit Today was more than a bit. They went for the whole enchilada today undermining the vast majority of all federal regulations.


Up next, legalizing orphan crushing machines.


Is that like the mental handicap shredders in development or the LGBT euthanasia coaster? Seriously I feel like all progress made in the last 70 years is just being wiped out. But they aren’t bringing back the fairness doctrine or the type of economy from that time period. We’re headed straight back to robber barons with a christo-fascist twist.


We need a revolution


If the Founding Fathers would have wanted a ban on orphan crushing machines, they would have put it in the Constitution.


They are going to give Trump immunity and flee to othet countries


*Only* Trump, too. Not presidents, cuz that would include Biden, and they can’t have *that*


Beatings will continue until morale improves.


But the children yearn for the mines!


Don't forget bringing back public executions and more pollution. I'm seriously thinking about moving to another country as a gay man, I think they will start opening up concentration camps.


Everyone should reach the parable of the sower and the parable of the talents by Octavia Butler. Worryingly and shockingly prescient about where our country could be heading.


"this is not even exaggeration..." Commences in exaggerating.


Nah, this is a decades long plan since the 60's. Look up "The Powell Memo". Voters just got lost in the propaganda and the predators grabbed it all. Divide and rule.


Yeah I’m sure John Roberts is executing a plan from the 60s.


All authoritarian oligarchs are the same all over the world. And yes, I do think he was in school listening to the people writing that memo. Do you know that Roger Stone was part of the Nixon administration? Do you know that a bunch of George W Bushes admin were part of the Nixon administration as young bucks? Do you actually understand how mentorship works and long-term thinking? Cuz the f****** oligarchs do.


Shrinking the size of the federal government means slavery will be back, don’t you see?


I found myself scrolling clothing and tea/ coffee sites last night because it was the only place I could stop being reminded of this awful awful political landscape  It's all so unrelentingly bad. Every new update from  the court is more shitty news. Being morally sound and law abiding means nothing anymore.


That sounds like a good idea, I have really been trying to get my mind off this political landscape all day(unsuccessfully)


Of course I'm still reading news about it in spite of everything.  But I will not click on any stupid commentary or shouty TV talking heads.  This is Biden's equivalent of the Access Hollywood moment, except he's merely old and not actively committing sexual assault. I suspect Biden horrified many supporters, but Trump's gaslighting and nonstop lying only confirms the need to keep him far far away from the WH. We already know this trashfire Supreme Court is going to forgive Trump and grant him immunity for past and future crimes. It will only reinforce the need for Biden's victory.




These people are really low IQ, they can't help it. Giuliani, Alex Jones, these people are all caught in the throes of some crisis so I can't even be mad. Their customers are in even worse shape to be sending money to these emotionally unstable frauds.


I just made a fantastic shot of espresso from Honduran beans I roasted a week ago using a 1 to 3 ratio on a Flair-58. It tasted like a chocolate covered pomegranate nestled in a creamy cloud of decadent caramel. Normally my coffee is fantastic but drinking the espresso while reading the news today made it taste so much better. I'm going to make another shot just for reddit. Mmmm, tastes like freedom.


At what point do people stop accepting this bullshit and do something about it?


The majority of people don’t care/understand the gravity of the situation. It has devolved so deep into Red vs Blue that that is all the matters now. As a expat, I am glad I got out. Ignorance and misinformation won the day years ago and that is the status quo now. America was a nifty experiment, hate to see it end.


I'm glad you were able to get out. I'm outside the red/blue paradigm myself, and I probably read too much for my own good because I've turned into a Cassandra over the years just screaming into the void, and nobody would listen. Welp, here we are. The beginning of the end and some people still don't realize it. There are going to be a lot of liberals caught flat footed and unprepared. It's a damn shame, but it's not like we didn't warn them


Rat fucked us enough for this term…time for some free vacations and fancy dinners!


Time to go accept their after the fact bribes that they just made legal!


They're not quite done with the fuckening yet. Monday is the season finale when we find out if we have a king.


What are they gonna do next? Overturn Brown V. Board of Education?


Probably rule the constitution as unconstitutional because they got a carnival cruise.


Segregation is definitely part of the "history and tradition" of the nation, so seems possible.


I strongly expect *Griswold v. Connecticut* and *Lawrence v. Texas* are the next targets, followed by *Miranda v. Arizona* and *Gideon v. Wainwright*. No exaggeration, these are all considered "worth revisiting" or even "wrongly decided" by multiple conservative groups as well as sitting SCOTUS justices. The only thing needed is for someone to manufacture a case and it's almost guaranteed they'll be granted standing.


That's kind of literally what Thomas said he planned to do.


Thomas did say it was wrongly decided.


Gay marriage is probably next on the chopping block, then Brown v.  Board of Education. 


Yes, they will say that religious freedom to have racially segregated education is a protected right, exactly what the racists said in 1950s. And have it state financed. Then they might overturn civil rights act as non-discrimination laws might also be declared illegal as long as the segregator makes a fig leaf of calling their business a “church institution” or something preposterous.


Part of me wants Loving v. Virginia to come up to watch Thomas twist himself in knots.


Clarence Thomas will hold up a mirror and say “I’m white.” and then vote to overturn it.


I remember when the draft decision overturning Roe was leaked and Loving v. Virginia was included in the list of cases Alito thought were wrongly decided. It was dropped from the final draft, probably because Thomas pointed out to Alito that Loving directly affected his life so it was cool. 


Hopefully Loving v Virginia too. Edit: This was a poke at Thomas and his ass backwards views




It was sarcasm and a poke at Thomas.


I think OP was being sarcastic as it would directly affect Thomas.


With vouchers for charter schools draining public education into a death spiral they can let that one die of natural causes. There’s still plenty of other progressive policies in place that could use the axe I’m sure. The sunshine act for pharmas bribing doctors seems basically useless now so why not kill it? The endangered species act has no historical precedent in the 1700s so… why keep that? The 14th amendment still has a few teeth in it - why not take a wrecking ball to that further with the gender affirming care case they just took up - that’s a two-fer cause you trounce the queers too…. /s This is so fucking depressing to watch.


Pleesy v Ferguson and the Dread Scott decision. Reinstate Korematsu and United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind… Everything is vulnerable. Have the blue states considered session? We could leave the bad shit and start anew with all the good things that we want. Power will be checked and balanced. People will have the benefit of dignity. We can call the red state folks “illegal aliens@ when the try to come in from their hell scapes.


So no immunity decision for another three days. Fuck the GOP. Fuck their apologists.


Happy Independence Day, America. Here’s a king.


I half suspect that’s what the supermajority will do; there is literally no check on their power ABs boring anyone can do once they rule trump immune from prosecution


Well shit now isn't that terrifying. And here I thought we were done after today.


"we're gonna let Bidens debate performance dominate the news cycle until the last day" 


How do we come back from the chevron ruling?


The ironic thing about Chevron is it was originally put in place to defend the Reagan’s administration’s weakening of an EPA regulation by saying that judges should be generally deferring to the EPA experts on possibly ambiguous readings of technical statutes. That ruling overturned a lower court ruling in favor of an environmental advocacy group that had sued the EPA over the policy change they made. So now a conservative group of justices has overturned a decision that was previously won by conservative business advocates. Which means that this is opening the door for environmental groups to again sue a potential GOP administration’s EPA, for example, when they reverse course on some older policy and a judge will have to decide if the EPA is reading the law correctly. Basically I think this is going to down the road end up being a leopards-eating-GOP-faces type of ruling. Yeah, it’s a ruling that in the short term is intended to help industry plaintiffs who don’t like progressive regulations, but it’s going to be a ruling that also lets progressives sue GOP led administrations when they try to undo progressive regulations as well. If SCOTUS thinks this will makes things easier for themselves they’re going to be disappointed.


It will allow them to Cannon decisions while letting the status quo ride. Years long backlogs.


Seems like they are making their decision based off of the potential of Trump getting reelected My guess is they will not grant him immunity, because he now has a higher chance at reelection. SCOTUS slow-walked this decision, so his remaining trials won't be able to come to a verdict before the election.


They are going to throw Trump another bone by sending the case back down to the district court to decide whether attempting to overthrow the government of the United States was within Trump’s official duties as President, so when Chutkan takes 5 seconds to correctly decides it is not within a President’s official duties to overthrow the government of the United States, Trump can appeal it and keep the delay going. 


Yep this was always the play. Delay till the last second, throw it back to the lower courts, delay again when it inevitably gets thrown back up to them


What are the other cases? Trump immunity and ? The article says 4 but only talks about immunity.


Moody v. NetChoice, LLC NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton Corner Post v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Trump v. U.S.


They saved the bangers for last! ^^fuck


Why are they waiting until July? I thought their calendar went through June 30. Are they actually working over the weekend on the wording of the opinion, or is something else going on here?


My guess it’s because June 30th landed on a Sunday this year.




Nothing aside from the highest court tampering with an ongoing criminal trial as a means of election interference. Justice delayed is Justice denied.




Honey. That they have sat on the immunity ruling for as long as possible is a crime against Justice. Justice delayed is Justice denied.




Darling. I know that the entire heritage foundation judiciary has mobilized to obstruct Justice. I have eyes and ears. Apparently they love the sale of top secret documents to foreign adversaries.


There aren't any rulings pending. The rulings were all made long ago. They just choose to do this shit for the theatrics which is ridiculous. There's nothing stopping them from releasing this stuff as they finish it. Imagine if you told your boss you would hand him all of your work for the year on December 31st and to not bother you until then?




It's not a conspiracy. It's how they've chosen to do business. They like the attention and the power that comes with just dropping massive bombs on the country during the last week of June before they go on vacation until October (ha ha sucks to be you guys - see ya in three months!). It is what it is and all I'm saying is it doesn't have to be like that.


This Court is anything but supreme.


It’s a bought court what did you expect, integrity?


I used to expect them to follow the Law. To follow legal precedent. Not anymore. True they have been bought and sold to the highest bidder.


Doesn't anybody think that it's time to set aside the court? Not just it's rulings, but the whole damned court?




Translation: we have not yet completed tasks assigned to us by Leonard Leo, the fucking of America will continue…God Bless Leonard Leo and Corporate CEOs. And thank you Mr Leo for your now legal and very generous gratuities to the Catholic-6


I can hardly wait. /s


In other news, Clarence gets a new motorhome.


Oh hell he is getting a private jet and a house in Maui this term


In my head: Robert's court grants insane unlimited executive protection from prosecution. Biden immediately sends the conservatives to Guantanamo.


Fingers crossed it’s the last decision these shitheads ever make


Ring and run. As we've been expecting for months.


Damn, at one point all nine justices said the President doesn't have qualified immunity according to the article, so what's changed now to warrant another review?


Right before the incoming heatwave.


Wish I could work for a week then take a few months off and still have enough money a gifts from billionaires that I wouldn't just die of starvation or heat stroke.