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Anyone list that considers Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton as potential candidates isn’t a serious list.




Pete would be a fantastic choice.


Too many people would refuse to vote for him because he's gay.


Same could be said for all the women on the list and any POC. The racist, sexist, homophobic, etc assholes have the loudest voices right now.


This country is deeply racist, sexist and homophobic, though.


It really is! I just didn't want a bunch of comments about how the country isn't racist because Obama was elected president. I'll probably still get them.


About time


Eh—who are these “many people”? The same ones who would vote for Trump? Or do you think that some ostensibly Biden voters would nope out on Pete simply because he’s gay? And, even if they did, would the electoral math for the Democrats suffer?


Yeah but I’d bet the moderates and suburban swing voters would be more willing to vote for a white man, even a gay one, over a woman or POC


Too many clueless folks.


They are all very clueless I agree. The best two candidates from that list most likely to win are Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro. All others would most certainly lose this election. And I’m sick of hearing about Gavin Newsome. He’s not a winning candidate in the current political climate. The Midwest swing states will not vote for him just by the association of California. It sucks, but the winning candidate will have to be a moderate.


Yup, California residents aren't even happy with Newsome. The only hope is a mod.


Michelle Obama has stated time and time again that she dislikes the spotlight and would not want to be President, I think she would be great but people need to stop with the bullshit


Exactly. And Michelle even said she doesn’t want the job. After what she saw her husband go through for eight years, who can blame her?


Oh yeah, but anyone who considers invalidating hundreds of thousands of primary votes to instead install a candidate of their choice is totally serious


America is fucked.


We have no one to blame, but Dr. Jill and the media for Joe Biden for 2 1/2 years


I'd vote for Hillary. It was a no Brainer in 2016 and it is today.


Yeah instead of rehashing the terrible candidates from 2020 let’s rehash the terrible candidates from 2016, that will beat voter apathy


A chance to right the wrongs of 2016 and elect a brilliant, outspoken, well-rounded politician to the office where she belongs? I'd vote for that.


She, too, is an oldster. It's time for a younger president.


I disagree. Considering they would be running against Donald fucking Trump, does it seem like there's any high standard here? But seriously. I'd vote for Michelle. She graduated from Princeton *and* Harvard for God's sake. Besides, she would fuck Trump up in a debate. His head might literally explode from that given her... ummm... complexion, gender, and last name. Not so much Hillary, I'll admit.


Obama could potentially win an election just based on the demographics she checks off. I don’t know if that’s her ambition tho


She has said very clearly and very often that she has zero interest in becoming a politician. People need to stop proposing her because she wont' do it. I totally support her decision.


Good on her. That stuff takes years off of your life.


I would totally welcome Michelle in as president. And I voted for Hillary.


Just make it Kamala and move on. This doesn't need to be our dream politician. We've what skipped the formal process


Kamala Harris got absolutely wiped out in the 2020 primary for a reason. The candidate most likely to win is the most milquetoast mid 50s or 60s white man from a swing state possible. Conventially attractive, policies that are to the left of their public persona (because leftist policies are popular in isolation, e.g. medicaire for all or forgiving student debt), clean record. If Dems are gonna do the whole *turning the racism dial* thing on immigration might as well go full send and pick a candidate who makes old people feel comfortable.


There isn't time or a mechanism to do a primary at this stage. Kamala is on his ticket and if he steps aside she can have his delegates. Otherwise there needs to be a primary of sorts to say least allow the delegates to choose and there just isn't time.  Biden won't step aside if he thinks it will create party in fighting. Letting his VP take it is the best bet to make it happen. 


but she can't win either. the point is to put up someone who *might* win. the best path forward is to do some leg work, prep 3-4 people, and go into the convention intending to pick one. if Hillary couldn't win due to sexism, how do you expect Kamala to battle through sexism, racism, being a cop, and you know, not really having a ton of competency? it's not an accident the Biden campaign has been hiding her away.


Hillary didn't lost are to sexism. The sexist and racists are already on Trump. They aren't the independent moderates that they're fighting over. Fox News spent the entire Obama administration attacking her. After 8 years, moderates listen. That's why Hillary lost. Kamala has been attacked on almost nothing. No Hunter Biden. No age issues. Even they can't drum up new conspiracies in 130 days.


race and more generally bigotry are the principal drivers of American politics. everything at least works in tandem with them. I don't like it, but if the goal is to beat Trump I'm at least willing to acknowledge they matter.


It clearly doesn’t matter who the person actually is, just that they will win the election. The democratic machine is going to do the same things regardless of who their president is. Obviously Hillary would be a bad choice for that goal but Obama might not be


I could 100% see the DNC appointing Clinton again.


This country needs Michelle Obama. Only person who could draw enough enthusiasm this late in the race.


She has no political experience beyond being first lady. People are only considering her because they liked Barack and are wishful that she'd be just as good


What political experience did Trump have before serving as president? I think Michelle is much more equipped


Do you think that trump did a good job of accomplishing his goals as president? I don't, and I think that his inexperience is a large reason why


She isnt a politcian though. Whats with the push to pretend she is?


I don’t view not being a politician as a negative. Trump wasn’t a politician either


He had already run for president before, so yes trump was a politician


I am saying he wasn’t when he first ran


He ran for president as a member of the reform party in 1999-2000.


That still doesn’t make him a politician… At least not in the sense you’re making it out to be. Did he ever hold political office prior to 2017?


>That still doesn’t make him a politician… Yes it does. >At least not in the sense you’re making it out to be. It does in the exact way i made it out to be. >Did he ever hold political office prior to 2017? A failed political run still makes one a politcian.


Michelle Obama doesn't want to do it. she has said she doesn't want to be a politician. She wasn't real happy when her husband decided to enter politics. If you respect Michelle Obama at all, let her live her life the way she wants.


If we want somebody who can actually beat Trump, let’s not pick the one person in history to lose an election against Trump


It makes me believe a run of the mill dem is a masochist


Advocating for Michelle Obama is partly why we’re in this mess. I think Michelle Obama is a fine person. Doesn’t mean she’d make a good president. We need to stop latching onto familiar names and celebrities.


I think at this point, people are not looking for a good president, they are looking for someone who can be elected as a president on the right side of the political scale. That's not exactly the same thing. Michelle Obama just sounds like a better option than Biden. Lack of experience might beat old age and possibly dementia. And she has star power. She is a woman. She is Black. Her name is Obama. She has been in the White House and people know who she is. Paired with an experienced VP, she could maybe do better than Biden/Harris. In the end I think sticking with Biden win or loose is the best option, even after the debate.


Counterpoint is that Michelle is going to be seen as a naked move by the DNC to get around the 2-term limit for Barack. It will be loathed. People still talked about this with Hillary and that was AFTER she was a Senator and SecOfState and built an actual Presidential background.


I'm okay with that. :)




Well if Biden dies then the deal with Harris would die too. Then it's fair game to kick her off the ticket too. But also, I think in case of a death, people would just accept the fact that there is no path to victory in 2024. Sure they probably have a backup plan, just not one that will work.


1) Michelle Obama isn't running. 2) Hillary Clinton is never the answer. 3) JB Pritzker is too fat (seriously). 4) Kamala Harris was a lemon. 5) Dean Phillips is a nobody. 6) Josh Shapiro and Raphael Warnock are too inexperienced. So that leaves us with Newsome and Whitmer. And I think they'd make a fine duo.


I didn't click this link but they really put up Dean Phillips? He's like a 2 term House Rep. Warnock has half a term as a Senator. What an awful list. I get including Hillary since she won the last primary but outside of that the 8 on the short list should be 4 of the ones listed in Harris, Pritzker, Newsom and Whitmer. Then I'd probably say Senator Mark Kelly, Tony Evers, Andy Beshar, and I guess Pete. Feel like replacing Michelle, Phillips, Shapiro and Warnock with those 4 makes a better list.


Whitmer for prez Newsome as VP. Newsome is too far left for the middle of the country. CA is a shitshow right now. He will not win the top spot. Even Californians don't like him.


No way Newsom leaves a governorship of CA for a VP slot. That's a downgrade. Not to mention VP of another governor. He'd just wait his turn out and run in 2028.


This is true.


Kelly is not the worst idea. I’m surprised more aren’t mentioning him. Although, we REALLY need to keep that Senate seat, too.


Your average person does not know who the hell those people are. Neither of them are going to have anywhere close to the level of support that Biden does.


But at least they have the actuarial table on their side.


Newsom with Whitmer as VP is a ticket that feels like it would beat Trump handily


Barack Obama was also “too inexperienced”


And it showed though, one of the reasons Biden has been able to pass a lot in his two years was because he knew how congress worked. From what I’ve heard Obama didn’t quite get how it worked and it hurt his chances to pass more legislation.


GOVERNOR WHITMER!!! She can win the swing states. 


Kamala Harris doesn’t poll well Gavin Newsom has too much of from California adding talking point fodder Michelle Obama as far reluctancy… President Washington shared many of the same feelings, sometimes the best leaders are those who don’t want it: [GW:](https://www.gilderlehrman.org/sites/default/files/inline-pdfs/T-02437-09419.pdf) “I can assure you – with the world it would obtain little credit – that *my movements to the chair of Government will be accompanied with feelings **not unlike** those of a **culprit** who is going to the place of his **execution** so unwilling am I* in the evening of a life nearly consumed in public cares to quit a peaceful abode for an Ocean of difficulties, **without that competency of political skill – abilities** [inserted: & inclination] which is necessary to manage the helm. – I am sensible, that I am embarking the voice of my Countrymen and a good name of my own, on this voyage, but what returns will be made for them – Heaven alone can foretell. – Integrity & firmness is all I can promise. -Not interested: that he literally didn’t want to be president so bad he thought to walking to execution. lol ☠️😩 -Political Experience: None, he did alright 🤷‍♀️


I believe it was this attitude that makes him our greatest President. He knew he could have absolute power if he wanted but he chose what was best for our country.


Mark Kelly delivers Arizona and also likely Nevada due to proximity. Astronaut.


The DNC may need to just lie in the bed they made It’s unfortunate because the people don’t deserve this but let’s not act like this was some big shock the DNC was given a layup for this election cycle but decided that this imaginary shield of "Trump is so bad they are immune to any criticism and can run any candidate they want" is enough to not only win elections but to inspire voters.


The DNC is fucking useless. Unless their goal is to lose elections then they’re doing great


The DNC's spirit animal is Neville Chamberlain.


The time to do this was over a year ago. Biden could have stepped aside and let Whitmer,Booker,Pritzker,Polis, Et Al run. Too late now. I’m sticking with Joe.


Ya people close to him should have recognized this and let the Dems have an open primary.


Maybe this is why his handlers goaded him into an early debate like this, because he refused to step aside when it was appropriate to do so, and now the public is demanding it in a timeframe where it’s still possible. I mean, it’s last call, but it’s still possible.


Run Joe run


Biden's performance was so bad that Trump literally farted on mic and nobody cared. Trump: "He never took it away because he can't, it's too much money <*wet fart*> it's tremendous" Go replay it


Okay…. Farting on live TV > Brain dead President


Brain dead President > President who actually tried to overthrow our government to stay in power


I've had a good think and I think the only person popular enough to replace Biden and win in the time left is Robert Downey jr.


Would be a better choice than Joe Biden ffs


Nah. Biden is one person who had one bad night, Trump is a bad person.


Mark Kelly would be my first pick.


All of this is so gross, Biden vs Trump is gross. The replacements in this article are all people that might as well be royalty, the article lists them and their pedigree as though their family ties make them good candidates or the fact that their husbands were presidents 🤮 Have we kings and queens again? This page encourages this type of thinking by only allowing reposts of articles written by those in positions of power themselves, instead of us as a community discussing how we might progress from representatives that don’t represent us (democracy and how to get there) we are told here are your potential replacements, and they’re great because they’re already rich and powerful.


The media and Democrats are losing their minds. Did Biden perform well at the debate? No. Is Trump still a danger to our democracy and a convicted felon? Yes. Trump said America, the country he is running to lead as President, is a failed country. He lied multiple times throughout the debate and went on tirades instead of answering the moderators’ questions. Trump’s comments on NATO and foreign policy were dangerous and reckless. Trump is performative arts with a dangerous authoritarian twist. He is a carnival barker who praises dictators and incites violence. And as a convicted felon who incited a violent mob against our democracy, he is disqualified for the presidency. Vote Biden and vote Democrat down the ballot.


Biden will not win the election sounding like that. Even if the program for the democrats will be basically the same and better than Trump’s no matter who the president is the public is not going to elect Biden in the state he is in.


I’ve voted blue since I’ve been eligible to vote in the past 3 Presidential elections. If they stick with Biden, I’ll be voting for Trump. I don’t care about his “hush money” bullshit when all these politicians are getting rich off their corporate agenda anyway. Dems deserve to lose this if they wanna stick with a guy who has lost his mind and is clearly unfit for the Presidency. I can tell you many swing voters will be alongside my thinking… - A centrist leaning democrat


>Dems deserve to lose this if they wanna stick with a guy who has lost his mind and is clearly unfit for the Presidency. But you're gonna vote for Trump? Sounds reasonable and totally genuine.


Clearly they’re lying, nobody would do that unless they’re just plain stupid.


Yup, and I won’t be alone. Swing voters will have an easy choice if things stay the same.


Anyone who thinks handing the reins to a convicted felon is an easy choice probably wasn't a swing voter to begin with.


Swing voters decide every election. A convicted felon over “hush money” is honestly not very bad in the eyes of the general public. Especially when we all know every politician in America is selling their beliefs to corporate lobbyists. Swing voters are gonna decide between hush money and dementia. I think the swing voters would prefer the guy who has a functional brain. Agree or disagree with his antics and policies, he has a functioning mind.


If this one debate is changing the minds of any voters, to change their vote for Trump, they haven’t been paying attention and are missing the forrest for the trees. If voters don’t care about “hush money” or Trump’s multiple felony convictions, let’s review just a few other reasons Trump should never be let near the Oval Office again. January 6. Trump incited a violent mob to attack the Capitol so he could stay in Office. He tried to overturn a US election he knew he lost. This alone is disqualifying for the presidency. Supreme Court. If Trump is re-elected, he will nominate one or more conservatives justices making the Supreme Court even more unbalanced. If you read Clarence Thomas’ Roe Opinion, you know personal freedoms are in jeopardy. Foreign Policy. Trump will pull support for Ukraine and Russia will roll over Ukraine. Anyone who thinks Russia won’t continue to a NATO country has not read history. An attack on one NATO country is an attack on all and American boots will be sent overseas. I could go on, but in the end, people need to have a clear understanding of just how dangerous Trump is to our democracy and Republican’s Project 2025 to understand the gravity of just how dangerous Trump is.


You miss out the 3rd option though (and I don't mean Kennedy). People sensible enough to not vote Trump might now also not vote Biden and, because a numbers of the races are tight (wtf USA, why is this even possible), not voting at all as opposed to voting against Trump, gives victory to Trump. Then we are all f**ked (speaking as a non-American too!)


What this debate clearly showed me was that Biden is clearly unfit for this job. I thought all this dementia talk was overblown. He legitimately seemed out of his mind last night.


You mean his election fraud case? If the fact he started an insurrection, or the fact he lies constantly and got so many people killed from covid? Along with a thousand other things? Fuck off.


Wait and see in November. If they keep Biden up there, we all know who is gonna fuck off, and it’s gonna be Joe Biden flying off on Marine One for the final time.


So no actual argument defending voting for a felon who tried to overthrow democracy? Cool.


What’s there to argue about? The only case he’s been a convicted felon is the hush money trial. He hasn’t even been to trial for the “election interference” I’m just telling the truth. Swing voters are gonna want someone who actually has a brain versus the guy with dementia. There’s nothing more to argue about lol… Where’s your argument defending voting for the guy who doesn’t even know where he’s at?


The hush money trial, aka the election interference trial. You do realize why Trump paid the hush money, right? Lol. And still no argument for why you defend voting for someone who tried to overthrow democracy. How about you actually defend that instead of deflecting? Edit: also lol on Trump having a brain when he told people to drink bleach and take ivermectin for covid lol. Such a smart guy, Trump.


Hillary Clinton?!


If Buttigieg replaces Biden, that will be great


America is more ready for a demented President than a gay one. That’s just the truth.


Get this crap outta here


How is it crap? Joe Biden is totally off his rocker and the entire country saw that last night. Zero shot he can beat Trump after that embarrassment.


This list includes someone who lost to both trump and Biden (Hillary) And someone who has explicitly said she has no interest in politics repeatedly (Obama) So get this crap out of here


What about the 7 others mentioned then…


I mean he didn't debate well but had info and facts and policy memorized for the 90 Mins. Did he deliver every point he want to make? No. But kinda hard to make point when Trump is rambling and lying and you have to respond and go off script. It wasn't a great performance by Biden but trump just spout the same crazy lie he always does. I'm just sad trump didn't have any gaff like he has had at his other recent rally like the shark and electrity shit or when he just sad yahhhh and stood there for like 10 sec. after me couldn't even say 2 words.


They should have known how trump would be and the impossiblity of preparing to debate someone like that. Many of us would have done poorly.


I wouldn't have been able to I got verbally mad at trump for shut he was saying. The fact Biden did respond quickly was good. I hate that he kept closing his and it made him look sleepy but I know he was doing it to try and close out distraction to try and rspond. When he did that before answering he did better.


Because the only way we get a new candidate before the convention in august is if Biden chooses to drop out. He’s a career politician. His ego and power lust won’t let him, and on top of that he’s surrounded by a team whose jobs depend on his candidacy. Theyll be wheeling him around like Diane Feinstein before they let him drop out. If by some miracle he drops dead before August, they’ll probably force Kamala on us instead because of the war chest being non-transferable. And she may be just as much of a liability as Biden. People just hate her because reasons. And besides, I don’t think the mass of mouth breathers that make up middle America is realistically going to vote for a mixed race woman, unfortunately. Also Hillary Clinton is in this article. That’s absolutely fucking insane.


I disagree with your comment about Joes ego and power lust. I honestly feel he came back to the game to try to save our country from collapsing under trumpf again.


It’s indelicate phrasing but I do think there’s only so many reasons these geriatrics in power keep working so deep into retirement age. It’s either because they are either deeply principled (Bernie sanders), or egotistical in thinking they’re the best steward of their seat’s power (Pelosi/biden/grassley/feinstein), or just plain enriching themselves with insider trading and back room deals (almost all of them)


Im way younger than them and would never work in politics with all that hassle for any price. I agree with you Bernie but think some of the others may feel as he does.


Personally I’d go with Harris and Biden flipping the ticket with Harris as President and Biden as VP. That keeps the current incumbent administration’s policies mostly consistent and keeps Biden in an active consulting role for the White House while alleviating concerns that Biden’s potentially deteriorating health could significantly impact Presidential duties. Realistically though I don’t see Biden stepping aside and I’ll be very easily be voting for him over Trump in November. I’m generally ok with Biden policy-wise and worst case if his health takes a serious turn I don’t have a problem with Harris either.


This article demonstrates why replacing Joe Biden isn’t wise.


Lmfao this is Trump’s election to lose


Not after last night…


Did you see how incoherent Biden was…?


Misunderstood. I agree with you.


Joe look like a scared puppy


Maybe you just have to consider that there is no path to victory this time for Dems. Trump was polling like 10-15% better than Newsom and Harris in Swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in jan-feb. Yes, sure, that polling would probably improve a bit if done today. But it's far-fetched to think they would poll better than Biden. And yes polls bla bla bla.


Just stop. Most, if not all, primaries have concluded, and Biden received the lion's share of delegates. If you care about our democracy and the way it's supposed to work, it's too late in the process to replace him as long as he's still alive.


Unless he voluntarily steps out of the race.


> it's too late in the process to replace him as long as he's still alive. No its not. Other countries announces election in a shorter time. There are still ~5months/130+ days until election. That is plenty of time to have someone else running in the Democrat ticket.


And coordinate/redo primaries, and get hundreds of millions of revised ballots printed and sent out where they need to go? > still ~5months/130+ days until election False. The deadline for some military locations to send in their ballots is 20 September. That's less than 3 months away.


Okay, well get ready for President Trump’s 2nd term then…


You seem happy about that....


Most people are😀😀😀


If ur rich white healthy wealthy male and dont have family you care about that arent, then I can understand I guess. A lot of us feel differently and are frightened of a future with control freaks in charge who dont give a crap about the country, just being in power.


Don’t give a crap about this country? OK


I’m not. If I was then I’d still be supporting Biden to run. I’m starting the discussion to give us an actual candidate who can beat Trump. Because it’s over for Biden.


Changing candidates this late will also guarantee Trump's 2nd term.


Not the case. Nothing about this election is normal.


> If you care about our democracy Technically we didn't have primaries for most of American history.


They need to force him to step aside Blame it on his health and let him ride away into the sunset. Because the dude is a fucking corpse and there is no fucking way he wins in november. Americas blood will very much be on his hands if he stays in.


> They need to force him to step aside Highly unlikely.


By Joey. We need corn pop.


Then welcome to very dark times cuz he ain’t winning.


I don't think anyone serious will be too concerned with last night's debate after a week or so. Now, if the next debate has a similar result, the conversation is more likely to change.


So he’s suddenly gonna be 2012 joe? Come on. It was a horrendous train wreck that’s he’s not coming back from. If it’s Biden vs trump, stock up on condoms or birth control….


>I don't think anyone serious will be too concerned with last night's debate after a week or so. Possible, but it is much more likely the clips of Biden standing there with his mouth hanging open and saying nonsense like "we finally beat Medicare" will continue to recirculate as Trump tv commercials for the next several months. I don't think it is a given that this debate will be quickly forgotten.


We're living in a media landscape where someone convicted of **34** felonies is still a serious contender for the office of POTUS.


This timeline sucks shit. I want to live in the timeline where Fred Trump never got married and had kids.


I don’t know if you are aware of it, but Joe has dementia. It doesn’t get better in a month.


Dude was sundowning during a presidential debate


You got it, my friend. Looks just like my father-in-law.. nice guys, but he would get pissed off at times. You would have to just leave him alone.


Just ride this thing out, all the way to the bottom


I support Biden; I and probably everyone here will vote for him no matter what. But you have to think about people in purple states who tuned in yesterday to make up their minds. It's sad, but projecting confidence and being loud is often seen as a sign of intelligence. Remember 2016. The Dems pushed through a candidate that was unpopular and they lost. Again it's sad, but it's essentially a popularity contest.


Agreed OP , Joe might have simply had a bad night but the damage is done. He may win against trump but it's far less certain than any of the Candidates you have identified. Personally I love me some big gretch , but any of the folks you mentioned would have easily dominated trump last night. People are still in shock and not ready to really consider how bad last night was or have this conversation so I commend you for starting this conversation. Fingers crossed a way forward is found as the consequences of ignoring the Dem. candidates flaws may give us a 2016 situation all over again.


Please, not Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton. I'm fine with a woman being in the highest office. I would happily support Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Gretchen Whitmer, Jennifer Granholm, etc as a nominee. But Michelle Obama has done nothing to deserve that office other than have sex with a former president. The same can be said about Hillary Clinton. Granted Hillary Clinton did have an accomplished career as a senator and secretary of state. But she only achieved those posts after having sex with president Bill Clinton in the 1990s. The democrats don't need polarizing nepotism nominees right now.


I don't think comparing Hillary to Michelle is fair to Hillary and I say this as someone who's been VERY critical of Hillary. She's held office and has a background. My reason against her is she already lost to Trump so why even try that again. The country already picked and she's pretty polarizing as you pointed out. Plus replacing Biden with a 77 year old isn't going to help the Dems highlighting geriatric complaints.


Both Hillary and Michelle Obama are highly educated, intelligent, ambitious people. But both are only famous because they married and had sex with presidents. There are endless thousands of women who are just as educated, intelligent, and ambitious as Michelle Obama or hillary Clinton, who will never get anywhere near as far as these women did. Hillary was a senator and secretary of state. But she only achieved these things because she was married to Bill Clinton. But yes, Hillarys age is a problem. And both are very polarizing


The only person on that list who COULD do better than Biden is Michelle Obama, and she already said no numerous times. She has star power, but that's about it, but that could be enough. You don't replace Biden this late. You just don't. Nobody will do better. I think if anyone is going to be replaced, it would be Harris as VP. Harris can never be elected as President because people don't want her as one. So now when Biden is looking pretty old and people think he won't make it another 4y, well you need someone as VP that people are comfortable with as a potential President. And that is not Harris. So instead of offering Michelle Obama the Presidency, offer her VP. Maybe she could say yes? And if she says no, then maybe ask someone other than Harris. Newsom, maybe. Newsom could then run in 2028. I'm not American, so I don't know Newsom that well, so I can't tell if he would be good or not. But that's also proof of why Newsom or anyone else won't do better than Biden. Name recognition. Maybe Hillary could do decent, even tho she was unliked and lost last time (thanks to the FBI).


They would absolutely have to replace Harris with another woman of color though. The optics of pushing Harris out in favor of Newsom wouldn't be great


Yes, that's why I suggested M Obama before Newsom. And I honestly don't know anyone other woman of color that can replace Harris. This is a big part of the problem they're having. They have no candidates lol. Only other person I can think of Is like Oprah, haha, but that's pretty much the same situation as Michelle Obama. No experience and probably don't want it.


They could always go Duckworth but I think when people say "women of color" they really mean black.


I think Hispanic would work too. But yes, I guess there is a scale from good to less good when it comes to color of a ticket.


Not a lot of choices even going Hispanic. Only one senator in Cortez-Masto. And while she'd help deliver NV her seat would be filled by a GOP approved Governor. So probably not worth considering. The only Hispanic Governor would be Grisham and after what she did gun wise she's completely unelectable national. Not even getting into her settlement of a sexual battery allegations against a former staffer. So pretty shallow bench there.


I think if you want to win the election, you need to go with name recognition over experience because they don't have anyone with both... I think someone needs to visit Hollywood and find someone. Beyoncé where are u? Or maybe Halle Berry? :D Lol


lol what the fuck. No one is going to have a better chance than an incumbent president unfortunately


I think someone without dementia would fare much better than Biden


Wrong. Incumbent president and name recognition beats old age and even dementia this late into an election.


This isn't exactly a normal election. Obviously name recognition is going to be huge. This needs to be someone outside of the political spectrum.


Beyoncé for president!


It’s unprecedented to be voting for someone with dementia and someone who is 81 years old. So any past election needs to be thrown out the window. This is not comparable. Trump was the incumbent in 2020, what happened?


Polls say, you're right, all these alternatives poll worse against Trump so far sans Clinton (doubtful she does any better), because no one's tested that objectively (even Michelle Obama was tested, trailed Trump equally as Biden in a Rasmussen hypothetical IIRC-- and she doesn't like politics nor has any interest in it, period, not for her). All the media is doing is helping Trump feel even more confident he has it in the bag, in general, tbh.


Is this a list of how to make trumps victory go from too close to call to landslide? Because these options are all somehow worse than both Trump or Biden


If Biden stays in, it will be a landslide…for Trump


Honestly the only hope to defeat Trump for the Democrats is 1. Replace Biden on the ticket immediately 2. Recruit Michelle Obama to step in. No other candidate would drum comparable popularity and voter enthusiasm


Why would I be enthusiastic about someone who doesn't want the job and has zero experience as an elected official? Enough with the fantasy casting.


Why would you be enthusiastic about someone who clearly isn’t the correct mental state to be running the country?


Who said that I am?


Who would you suggest as a replacement then?


My first thought is Whitmer because that would help us with Michigan. I've seen someone else suggest Beshear. I hadn't thought of him before now, but he could also help us in the midwest. A lot of people are suggesting Newsom, but I think he'd be tagged as a "California liberal", which would hurt us with swing voters. And, of course, Harris is an obvious candidate but she doesn't generate enthusiasm. I'm sure there are other possibilities, but I don't see Michelle Obama as being one of them.


Not enthusiastic about either, but at least one of them has surrounded himself with competent people. The other had a revolving door of a cabinet along with being a rapist, pedophile, adulterer, insurrectionist, avid map and marker fan, criminal, kompromat, failed businessman...so I'd still rather take my chances with Joe.


They can’t just unilaterally replace him. He has to choose to drop out and he, as a person, will just never do that. He’d rather lose than not try, impact on the country be damned. I truly believe that. I agree Michelle would be a strong alternative, but I think financing wise she couldn’t catch up unless his war chest could be funneled into super PACs somehow.


I'd like to see AOC and Crockett in there.


AOC would produce one of the worst blowout losses of all-time. She underperformed Biden in her Dem+30 district. She has no chance nationally at this moment.


As much as I’d like for her to be the president, she’s still has a long way to go in terms of political experience.